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It is undoubtedly true that it is pleasant to receive something from others,

no matter if it consists of a luxury present or a homemade item. We

generally own more than we need, at least in developed countries. So, in
most cases, you appreciate what the present means: gratitude, affection…
When given expensive items such as a new mobile phone or new clothes
you perceive that the giver thinks you are important enough to spend so
much money on . However, depending on who it comes from, the price
paid may mean a real economical effort, or just a way of avoiding thinking
too much about what you would really appreciate. Moreover, this sort of
gift reflects how materialistic and consumer our society is.
On the other hand, what really matters is the intention: a simple drawing
made by your six-years old grandson means more to you than the most
expensive present given by that not-so-nice rich cousin. This could be due
to the fact that the child expresses his love for you with all his heart.
Although it doesn´t cost a penny, this present could be your most valuable
item, your first choice if you had to leave your home urgently because of a
Consequently, from my perspective, it would be preferable a home-made
present, which is to be considered as a unique piece of art. I do not see
any real point in spending money on non-necessary items.

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