Articulator and FB Review of Lit

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Journal of Oral Health REVIEW ARTICLE

Community Dentistry

Articulator and Facebow: Review of

Literature and History of Articulators
Batra P1

Articulators and facebows are the integral part of any branch of prosthodontics. We all have seen, the constant
innovation, expansion and evolution of these two important instruments through the years. The core aim of this article
is to bring in light, the way these instruments were used around more than five decades back till recent times as well as
theories and principles related to their uses are also changing as the passes. This review has shown conclusions of many
researchers on so many concepts like superiority of arcon articulator over non-arcon articulators, survey of their use in
dental school/ colleges, various techniques of recording jaw movements like transographic, stereographic, axiographic,
digital & more and importance of terminal hinge axis. Efforts were made and still going on to record the accurate jaw
movements in order to make a prosthesis which functions harmoniously and also preserve the remaining tissues, which
is a big aim of prosthodontics.

Keywords: Arcon articulator, Non arcon articulator, Transography, Stereography, Terminal hinge axis

Reader INTRODUCTION constructed on the arcon over the condylar
Department of Prosthodontics ARTICULATOR: REVIEW OF type of instruments.
Inderprastha Dental College
Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, U.P (INDIA)
rticulators are instruments that at Thomas E. J. Shanahan (1959) (5) stud-

A tempt to reproduce the range of

movement of the jaws. Maxillary
and mandibular casts are attached to the
ied the mandibular and articulator move-
ments with the purpose to compare the
opening and closing movements of the
articulators so that functional and mandible with the opening and closing
parafunctional contact relation between the movements of hinge axis articulator. He
teeth can be studied. It is often said “pa- concluded that the normal opening and
tient’s mouth is the best articulator”. The closing movements of the mandible do
primary function of articulator is to act as a not conicide with the opening and closing
patient (1). movements of a hinge-axis articulator.

Articulator is defined as, a mechanical de- Pruden WH(1960) (6) described the role
vice that represents the temporomandibu- of study casts in diagnosis and treatment
lar joints and jaw members to which max- planning and mentioned that “it is man-
illary and mandibular casts may be attached datory that diagnostic casts be placed in an
to simulate jaw movement (2) (GPT-7). articulator in approximately the same rela-
Jerome M. Schwitzer(1956) (3)developed tionship to the temporomandibular joints
the transograph and transographic as exists in patient”.
Contact Author Heinz O. Beck (1960) (7) gave the fol-
Heinz O Beck (1959) (4) conducted study lowing guidelines for selection of an ar-
Dr. Puneet Batra on the clinical evaluation of the arcon con- ticulator for complete denture construction:
cepts of articulation and concluded that no A centric relation record, selected eccentric
definite superiority could be noted in the records of the protruded, right and left
J Oral Health Comm Dent 2013;7(1)57-63 clinical evaluation of complete dentures lateral maxillo-mandibular positions for

JOHCD  January 2013;7(1) 57


adjusting instruments which are used as a Bell LJ, Matich JA (1977) (15) conducted FACEBOW: REVIEW OF LITERATURE
tripod, hinge axis record, axis-orbital refer- a study on the acceptability of lateral records Stansberry (1928) (21) was dubious about
ence planeand condylar guides should be by the whip-mix articulators and recom- the value of facebow and and adjustable
attached to the upper member of mended the interocclusal records for set- articulators. He thought that since an open-
articulators. ting the posterior control of the ing movement about the hinge axis took
articulators. the teeth out of contact the use of these
Thomas E. J. Shanahan (1962) (8) con- instruments was ineffective except for the
ducted a geometric study on the opening Donald L. Mitchell (1978) (16) published arrangement of the teeth in centric occlu-
and closing cyclic mandibular movements in his article “Articulators through the sion.
and concluded “The mandible rotates years” stated that articulators introduced
about an axis which translate” and con- since 1940 till today’ fully adjustable articu- Mclean (1937) (22) stated that the hinge
cluded that mandible does not normally lator should be preserved. All of them are portion of the joint is the great equalizer
open and close on an axis and that the for disharmonies between the
either in the historical collection of the na-
mandibular axis is a myth. gnathodynamic factors of occlusion. When
tional naval dental center or in actual use at
that institution. occlusion is synthesized on articulator with-
A.A. Grant (1963) (9) demonstrated the out accurate hinge axis orientation, there
method by which the elevation of incisal may be minor cuspal conflicts, which must
Kenneth H. Swanson (1979) (17)described
guide pin associated with attachment of be removed by selective spot grinding.
casts to the articulator can be prevented. a method of recording mandibular move-
ments in a stereographic recoding and reg-
istering these movements by molding the Kurth LE, Feinstein IK (1951) (23) with
Lawrence A. Weinberg (1963) (10) de- aid of articulator and working model, dem-
scribed the concept of fully adjustable controls in an articulator.
onstrated that more than one point may
articulators. serve as a hinge axis and concluded that an
Dale E. Smith (1985) (18) conducted a
survey to determine the type of articulators infinite number of points exist which may
Lawrence A. Weinberg (1963) (11) pub- serve as hinge points.
lished an article “Arcon principle in the con- used in teaching fixed and removable pros-
dylar mechanism of adjustable thodontics in the 59 United states dental
Craddock and symmons (1952) (24),con-
articulators” and concluded that both the schools and concluded that of the 81
sidered that the accurate determination of
arcon and condylar instruments produce articulators used in fixed and removable
the hinge axis was only of academic inter-
the same motion because condylar guid- prosthodontics 65 (76. 5%) were of the
est since it would never be found to be
ance is the result of the interaction of a arcon design and most common
more than a few millimeters distance form
condylar ball on an inclined plane. The only articulators used for removable prostho-
the assumed center in the condyle itself.
change is in the numbers used to record dontics were whipmix(16) and in fixed pros-
the inclination. thodontics were the denar mark 11 (11).
Sloane(1952) (25) stated “the mandibular
Lawrence A. Weinberg (1963) (12) sug- axis is not a theoretical assumption, but a
Tamaki K et al (1997) (19) studied the ac- definite demonstrable biomechanical fact.
gested that a more adjustable instrument curacy of reproduction of excursive tooth
than Hanau model H articulator would It is an axis upon which the mandible ro-
contacts in an articulator with computer- tates in an opening and closing function
seem to be indicated for fixed restorative ized axiography and concluded that no
prosthesis in order to reduce the degree of when comfortably, not forcibly retruded.
method used to programme an articulator
occlusal correction necessary to harmonize to reproduce eccentric jaw movements is
biologic movement with the occlusion pro- Bandrup-morgsen (1953) (26), discussed
without error. the theory and history of face bows. He
duced on the articulator.
quoted the work of Beyron who had dem-
Korda B, Gartner C et al (2002) (20) gave onstrated that the axis of movement of
Robert L. Lee (1969) (13) demonstrated
the concept and development of virtual the mandible did not always pass through
the programming of articulator by engrav-
ing jaw movements in solid plastic. articulator in dentistry. Virtual reality ena- the centers of the condyles. They concluded
bles new perspectives in visualizing com- that complicated forms of registration were
Lundeen HC, Wirth CG (1973) (14) con- plex relationships in diagnosis of occlu- rarely necessary for practical work.
ducted a study to test the reliability and sion and function. The new virtual articu-
reproducibility of a method of three di- lator provides interesting modules for pre- Lazarri (1955) (27) gave application of
mensional tracing of mandibular move- senting and analyzing the dynamic contacts Hanau model”c” facebow.
ments in plastic blocks. They also gave av- of the occlusal surfaces of the maxilla and
erage anatomic value of 1.0 mm for im- mandible and the relation to condylar Sicher(1956) (28) stated “the hinge posi-
mediate side shift. movement. tion or terminal hinge position is that posi-

58 JOHCJOHCD  January 2013;7(1)


Figure 1. Gariot hinge joint Figure 2. Barn-door hinge

articulator articulator

tion of the mandible from which or in Teteruck and Lundeen (1966) (34), evalu-
which pure hinge movement of a variable ated the accuracy of the earpiece face bow Figure 3. Hageman Balancer
wide range is possible” and concluded that only 33% of the con-
ventional axis locations were within 6 mm chosen, a minimum error of 5mm from
Robert.G.Schallhorn (1957) (29), study- of true hinge axis as compared to 56.4% the axis can be expected.
ing the arbitrary center and kinematic center located by ear face-bow. They also recom-
of the mandibular condyle for face bow mended the use of earpiece bow for its HISTORY OF ARTICULATORS
mountings. He concluded that using the accuracy, speed of handling, and simplicity Gariot hinge joint articulators
arbitrary axis for face bow mountings on a of orienting the maxillary cast. (Figure 1)
semiadjustable articulator is justified. He J.B Gariot reportedly designed the first
said that, in over 95% of the subjects the Trapazazano, Lazzari (1967) (35) con- hinge articulators in 1805.Gariot‘s articula-
kinematic center lies within a radius of 5 cluded that, since multiple condylar hinge tor consisted of two metal frames to which
mm from the arbitrary center. axis points were located, the high degree the cast could be attached.It is non-
of infallibility attributed to hinge axis adjustible articulator. A simple hinge to
Brekke (1959) (30) in reference to a single points may be seriously questioned. join them and a set screw in the posterior
intercondylar transverse axis stated “unfor-
of instrument to hold the frames in a fixed
tunately this optimum condition does not Thorp, Smith, and Nicholis (1978) (36), vertical position (40).
prevail in mandibular apparatus, which is
evaluated the use of face bow in complete
symmetric in shape and size, and has its
denture occlusion. Their study revealed very Barn-door hinge articulator
condyloid process joined at the symphy-
small differences between a hinge axis face (Figure 2)
sis, with no connection directly at the
bow Hanau 132-sm face bow, and whip It is non-adjustable articulator with an an-
condyles. The assumption of a single in-
mix ear-bow. terior vertical stop. It will accept a centric
tercondylar transverse axis is, therefore open
to serious question”. relation record(40).
Neol D.Wilkie (1979) (37) analyzed and
Christiansen RL (1959) (31) studied the discussed five commonly used anterior Hageman balancer (Figure 3)
rationale of facebow in maxillary cast points of reference for a face bow transfer. It is a non-adjustable articulator which
mounting and concluded that it is advan- He said that not utilizing a third point of opens and closes on a hinge(40).
tageous to simulate on the articulator the reference may result in an unnatural appear-
anatomic relationship of the residual ridges ance in the final prosthesis and even dam- Bonwill articulator in 1858 (Figure
to the condyles for more harmoniously age to the supporting tissue. He suggests 4)
occluding complete dentures. the use of the axis–oribitale plane because It is non-adjustable and imitates the move-
of the ease of making and locating orbitale ment of mandible in eccentric position(40).
Weinberg (1961) (32) evaluated the and therefore the concept is easy to teach
facebow mounting and stated that a devia- and understand. Grittman articulator in 1899
tions from the hinge axis of 5mm will (Figure 5)
result in an anteroposterior displacement Stade E et al (1982) (38) evaluated esthetic It is non adjustable articulator. The
error of 0.2 mm at the second molar. consideration in the use of facebow. condyles are on the lower member of the
articulator and the path are inclined 15º.The
Lucia VO (1964) (33) described the tech- Palik J.F et al (1985) (39) concluded in his casts are mounted on this instrument ac-
nique for recording centric relation with help study on the accuracy of earpiece facebow cording to bonwill‘s triangle, which is a
of anterior programming device. that regardless of any arbitrary position four inch equilateral triangle from condyle

JOHCD  January 2013;7(1) 59


Figure 6. Acme articulator

is non adjustable. It has an adjustable set

Figure 4. Bonwill articulator Figure 5. Grittman articulator
screw in the posterior region holds the
upper and lower members in a fixed verti-
to condyle and to the lower central incisor Monson articulator (Figure 9) cal position(43).
contact point(41). Designed by Monson in 1918 and is typi-
cal of this class. Monson‘s instrument is The Stephan articulator model p
Acme articulators (1906) (Figure based on spheric theory of occlusion, in (Figure 12)
6) which each cusp and incisal edge conforms The additional features of the Stephan ar-
It is a semi adjustable articulator. It is avail- to a segment of the surface of a sphere ticulator model p are an incisal pin and a
able in three models to accommodate three eight inches in diameter with its center at vertical height adjustment.
ranges of intercondylar distance(40). the glabella (41) (Figure 10).It is a non ad-
justable articulator. The upper member of The Johnson-Oglesby and Moyer
Gysi simplex adaptable articulator the instrument moves anteroposteriorly articulators
in 1908 (Figure 7) and mediolaterally, according to Monson‘s The Johnson - Oglesby articulator (Figure
It is a semi-adjustable articulator and ad- spheric theory. 13) and the Moyer articulator (Figure 14)
vanced instrument at that time, uses The Stephan articulator (modified)
extraoral tracing(42). (Figure 11)
The Stephan articulator as modified in
Gysi simplex articulator in 1914 1940 is a simple hinge joint articulator that
(Figure 8) has a fixed condylar path of 30 degrees and
Designed by Alfred Gysi of zurich in 1914.
It is non-adjustable and mean value ar-
ticulator. The condyles are on the lower
member, the condylar paths are inclined at
30º and the incisal guidance is fixed at 60 º.

Figure 8. Gysi simplex articulator

Figure 7. Gysi simplex adaptable


Figure 9. Maxillomandibular
instrument by Monson Figure 10. Monson articulator Figure 11. Stephan articulator

60 JOHCJOHCD  January 2013;7(1)


Figure 12. Stephan articulator Figure 13. Johnson - Oglesby

model p articulator Figure 14. Moyer articulator

were developed around 1950. The interocclusal records. This articulator is Duplifunctional articulator in
Johnson-Oglesby instrument has limited based on theory that,within cuspal dis- 1965 (Figure 19)
use and the restorations produced with it tances, a straight path from centric to ec- Given by Irish in 1965. It recods man-
may require major adjustments centric positions is an acceptable substitute dibular movements. It is served as a three
intraorally(43). for the actual curved path. Designed pri- dimensional articulator upon which den-
marily for complete denture construction. tures can be constructed and occlusion can
The Moyer instrument is a mean value ar- Provided with a lathe attachment for “mill- be balanced(47).
ticulator and is non adjustable ing in” the occlusion of the complete den-
tures(46). Ney articulator in 1960 (Figure 20)
Bergstrom articulator (1950) Designed by de Pietro.It is a fully adjust-
(Figure 15) Kile dentograph in 1955 (Figure able, arcon instrument with adjustable in-
It is a semi-adjustable arcon instrument 18) tercondylar distance. Maxillary mounting
similar to Hanau H except condyles on It is an non-adjustable articulator, custom plate has built in split cast device and in-
lower and condylar guides on upper frame built for each patient. Vertical dimension cisal guide table can be of metal or plastic.
with curved condylar guides (44). of occlusion is established by “Patterson It can record gothic arch tracing or
method” (47). pentogram(47).
Transograph in 1952 (Figure 16)
Nonadjustable split axis instrument de-
signed to allow each condyle axis to func-
tion independently of each other. It does’nt
accept the condylar axis as an imaginary line
through the condyles(45).

Stansberry tripod (Figure 17)

It is an non-adjustable articulator,accepts
facebow transfer, and eccentric relations. It
has one mechanical guide located Figure 16. Transograph
posteriorly and two guides located
anteriorly. These guides set by means of
Figure 15. Bergstrom articulator

Figure 19. Duplifunctional

Figure 17. Stansberry tripod Figure 18. Kile dentograph articulator

JOHCD  January 2013;7(1) 61


Figure 22. Eccentric record

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more debates. and kinematic centre of rotation for
12. Weinberg LA. An evaluation of basic
facebow mounting. J Prosthet Dent
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31. Christiansen RL. Rationale of the of the use of a facebow in complete 1992:p56.
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