Ingle 2 S07

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English II
(AC-S07) Week 7 - Task: Assignment - Where is
the hospital?

a)Hello Angel
b)Hello José
B)What are you doing?
a) I am visiting the Independence District
b) That is good, so am I
a)Are there any home appliance stores?
b)Yes, yes there is
b)But it is next to a church.
a)Ohh great
a)Is there a movie theater around here?
b)Yes, do you want to watch a movie?
a)Yes, I want to see Avatar 2.
b)Oww, it is a great movie
a) I am going to buy some candy first.
a)Is there a candy store?
b)Yes, there is, it is on Carlos Izaguirre Avenue.
a)Great, thank you very much
b)See you later
“Parque industrial, Villa El Salvador”
The shopping center is across the street from the park.
The bank is on the right side of the hospital.
The bcp bank is next to the interbank bank.
The scotiabank bank is next to the mall.
The mall is next to several furniture stores.
The interbank bank is next to a large hardware store.
There is a parking lot in front of the mall.
Opposite the scotiabank is a hardware store.
Next to the tambo there are many hardware stores.
Next to the clinic there are some restaurants
In front of the big hardware store there is a shrine.
The restaurant is next to many furniture stores

Where is the bank?

How many banks are nearby?
How many hospitals are nearby?
Is there a market nearby?
How many hardware stores are nearby?
Where is the closest bank to the mall?
Where is the shrine?
Where is the large hardware store?
A) Hi jose
J) Hello angel
A) Do you have some time, I am now in the industrial park of villa el salvador and I wanted to ask you a few things, if
there is a bank nearby?
J) Yes, of course. What bank are you looking for?
A) I'm looking for the "caja piura" bank.
J) There is no such bank nearby, sorry
A) Is there a hardware store nearby?
J) Yes there is, I recommend the big hardware store in front of the sanctuary in the park.
A) Ok thanks, there is also a store that sells food.
J) Yes there are, in the mall there is fast food, there are also some restaurants next to the mall.
A) Thank you, lastly, is there any market nearby?
J) No there is not, sorry
A) Anyway, thanks jose I have to go and buy some tools.
J) Bye ángel.

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