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Life stories

Personal hist!
1 Speaking
In gronps. discuss wHat you
know abeut the people

2 Reading and speaking

Work in pain. Student A, read about Princess Diana. Student B. read about Prlnoe WfElam.
Student A, ask quectiens about Prince William to complete hit profile.
Sttjdent B ask quest ons about Pr ncess Oiana to comjzlete her profile


Bingham, Englan¢t n
\ 961 When she was 8 years
old. hrr parents divorc¢ri
So, when she married roya
separated " temporarily”
trom her husband. 7h-en in
Augur! t 996 the im 'ssible
happened She got divorced

in )981, a\ The age nt 20,

she nanted i+er r»arr age to
be for life. gy 1984 she was
rhe mott+cr of two sons, and
buried at Alkorg, ker famlly
happy, so when she 3ied home. and thousands of
car cr ask in Raris in August people volt hw grave evety
1997. just we year after her
Les*cn i

'\t"dtian› v'«s a gcc«J student. md

ah +•n he ;t I .T , )ie y’ent 1 i› Atnn
College, o here lie rcceixc€ lits
high m hc›ril ediicaritin. I ie is rim
attetiduig Sit. .Wdren s L riiversitj
in Scntlan d.

And what is the lucurc Kiog of

England like? he is boLh a good
mi‹l+*nr anct an rxrt'l)‹ fjr ath\et+.
lie usml iu lv captain of die
dimming team at Eton, and now
he plain poln. like his father .Rd,
like most young people lits age, he

Name.s, Bzid he has many friPnrfs.

£fe he as nnrmal a life as possible
for a funire king!

3 Pronunciation: sounds- past tense endings

a Listen zo the pronunciation of these past tense verbs arid write them in the appcopziace calumn.

is Listen and check.

c Practice saying the vertis.

4 speaking and writing

a In paics, talk about your personal history. while your partner is talking, take notes. Ask questions for
dariflcation or mole Information. Use William's profile for ideas.

b Use your notes to write a short biography of your partner.

c Exchange papers. Read your biography and cerrect any incorrect in1ormation.
Unforgepable memories
Listening and speaking
rhis is a true story. Pe ter car o troy wtien it napptne0
ln pain. lc›ot at ttie photo9rapn. Wt›ai do you think his

Mow listen and answer the que Stions

2 Grammar builder: evie • of past progressive vs. past simple

thatch the senteoies wiih the timehnei

Complete this article w‹th correct forms of the verbs in parentheses

3 Writing and speaking

Wnte a paragraph about an interesting experience in your life. Use the questions in the box to help yo-u

Now tell your group or class your slory.

4 Word builder: so I too I eitherf neither
a Look at the examples.

iâ Mary 4nd Mean are ac a party. Complete their conversation using sO.
! aon’t ¥dt$¥ae.

E# do l.

S Speaking

I was t›c<n ‹n a small town. I wasnl bocn in a sr«ai1’t¡zwñ.

I’m an only child: ’ " I’m rot ao only di Id.
l liked sooro a‹ xhoo‹. I didn't like spor!s ai s¢nool.
I use the Internet a lot.
I don‘t •a the Internet at all

b Now find someone With three or mor• thing› to 5ime as u. Write the
other s•udens’s name beside each thing under /yame.
• Now and then
1 Speaking and reading
a Look at the photogr aph of ts •o n›en. \NFat do you th‹nk ‹hey do?
b Re‹*d the article and match the topict wi-h ‹he paragrauhs.

From Hippies to Millionaires

Ben and Jerry made ice ‹ream zhe'r
"Thcv mpvA To gurTinQTen.
B en 3nd Jerry didn’t
like schoo!. They
"- :z- /Vermont and openaa Ben and Perry
Homemade Ice Cream Pgrfor.
interested in math. science this was not an ordinary ice
Or EngTish, and they cream parlor. The iCe ‹ream
dn”t use to study . flavors had crazy names
vei-y much:-,Tñey Mike Chunky Monkey
and Totatly .Nuts. The
to mus go
eat ng good rrtusic. !. the ice
”.crèàrn was

°- . • ‘ .*8 .
dn’‹ want \o go to. Burt fi-gtOn. :Yhe ce c
‹ollege. They wanted to; be¢ame'’rnoïe and more
work. bu\ most of. all pópular,' and. today tbere are
‹hey wan\ed \o have. f/un thousands óf.Ben and Jerry’s ou\Iets
Their firsl idea was. to. start a all oüer the worló. ,The guys who used to
bogel business, bus the e'qciipment b the' school's’-bà'd.b'óys" are nòvv millionaires. 8u1
cost SA0,000! Then they decided td-‹ake the:,icè crèarn still has'trazy names, and it'+ still
an ire treat making course, which cosi'Ss.00 ea<fi, a èe Sòrús thrngs don”t change I
more reasonable price They bought some ‹hé'âp
equipment. and they used to spend'hours mak

c In pa'r« d•sc es s these questic ns.

2 Grammar builder- >seo’ rs
Look at these example s

What doc+ used fa e xpre ss ?

b Find two mo•e esamples of used ro in he .a rticle about Ben and Jerry
How do you e• ptest uTe€f to \n youI I.1nguage?

3 Listening and speaking

Look a1 the plc tures and listen to :he conversation Wr•te p.›s r and presen r u nder •he app^opriase picT‹/re

b L seen agoin and Check (•' ) the th ng5 Andy u*ed to do

in pai re cbetk your answc'rs

Writing and speaking

Write three or four sen\enCes aboul differences in your I Ie today and in the past. Don

b mix up the papers. Tal‹e a paper ai'd read the sentenc es. The group
e the
Lifeline to scholarships and jobs
1 Reading. writing and speaking

Lesson 4 •

* .! ś ecor\amy air fąre e relevant college degree

sołer ese afzz¥’z x
9 course fea • at least two years'
e latęst ava‹Iaffig oJogy experience in the area of
G BCC6fnMC'd6tion5 in a
e maintenance and Solar energy
student r.e3idenge
• age 2S to 45
research and developments
o three bas c meals +. ‹
• non-U.S. citizenship
in progress No other expenses included.
• goo<I level of Fnglish

command of Engłiah
Wwfd you a<cept tf*e randłd•te? Why •r wt y.not?.
Work and

Modern careers
1 Speaking and reading
Look at the pictures.
What do you think the article
e a ut?
In group+. disk use tAese questions

2 Listening
Listen to the conversct‹on

Listen again C omplele the no1‹•s about Andrea's plant Did you qHess t In famiIy’$ future c or re t tIy?

3 writing and speaking

Vvrile a paragraph about yoor ' am Iy. Use he ideas in the box ‹a help you

What kind of educa‹

d the men
did your grandgaren\s
dO the same wort as
and parents have*

Are you married.

Do you want your
ch•idren to live in tbe
o you p an to q
same city as you and work
in the same job as you *

In groups. use the ›nrormaHon ‹n yo‹ir paragr ape to ralk aboul your family.
1 Reading and speaking

a is a sit›r - in yr
2 Du i-uu know as;' «i try:tłic|it'i?
3 Grammar builder: review of mighr/ cvi// poing to
too* at tI+ese sentences frem che conversation in lesson 1

Mae yo •g •o or present p og‹ess\ve for

Go 'ng to often indicetes intention. the

wrlle answers for ches-e guestions.
present progressive often |ndIca\es a

4 Pronunciation: contractions
t”tt IprababtE) live ar home afYer /
We normally use contractions (e.g. f"m) when we speak
Listen to the sentences. Check (7) the sentence you hear.

In pcirs. practice saying the sentences

In gr•ups, taIM about ways to improve
the quality of your life
Relaxation and play
1 Speaking
o Look at the e 'ot ogr4p£\¥ . Dt•c ide which lhree
acti vitaes a re the beer fo‹ rei.fxing .

b {m grOup&. diSCu$& yow‹ Opinions.

u eiheexoesionsinth† ho^ to hetpyou. .

:I thinh :.: I agree. And I think

garden ing

2 Grammar builder: re• ie'. of C3mpafat\ 'es and superIa:ives

o i oo e: t ñ e •. a rri p let. 7ln e n ':om piete the to bl e w il h torrec: f o rms of t he iidt+r t ivev in lne 6o z.

stressful- iñterest/ñg. .me .diity' .hot mtax$ng\ 'thcap . . :Yunny'”

-er than the est more . than the mosi

b C omple te the conversation with the ‹ or red t form of the adjectives in parentheses

Den nis

Carl is making plans for the weel‹end. listen to the conversation. Wha1 are
they going to do ?

b Listen again and mark the sentences I (true) or F (false).

4 Speaking
In pairs, agree on the following things

b Work with another pair. dry to guess their opinions. You can have three guesses for each category.
Give three points for a correct fiirst guess, Evo points for a correct second guess and one point for a
correct third guess
to psychology
1 Reading and speaking
Read the dix\ionary de finitions of stress
Then, in pa' s. discuss which def init 'on i s related to

How do you express each of these ideas of stress in your native language ?

2 Word builder: cognates

arook ai ‹hese words front the article on page 21. How many do you recogn ze*

phenomenon urgent defendcrucial constantadrenaline glucosedigestio+i

pupilsdilate vision profound oxygenvulnerablecirculatory

Why do §pM recognize them 7

Under "Your opinion,“ put a check ( z ) (true) or an ( c ) /fatseT for each s1atement.

Your opinion The article

Now read The art i‹Ie +nd pv\ I z I o I c I for ea‹I1 statement uzlder ”The article ”
Compare your opinion and i he anicle.

c tn groups, discuss these questions about stress in animals and

human beings.

z a Write a short paragraph about the presence of stress in your life.

Use the guestions in the box io help you.

b Exchange paragraphs with a panner. Read your partner’s paragraph and write recommendation for lowering
tiis‹’her stress. Use the photographs on pages 20 and 21 to help you.

< Exchange papers again. In pairs. read and dircuss the recommendations.

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