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Dear student.

In this exercise you have to evaluate yourself according to the development you had in the Writing
practice activity. Read each question carefully and choose one answer.

1. Did you read the guide step by step carefully?

a. Yes, I did it. I read this many times.

2. Did you participate in the collaborative forum?

c. I participated the last days.

3. Could you answer the reading comprehension exercise?

b. Is difficult to me to answers some questions.

4. Were you motivated to learn new vocabulary?

b. Sometimes.

5. Is easy for you to distinguish the mean idea in a text?

b. It is not so easy, I have to study parts of a text.

6. Did you attend Student talking time?

b. I only attended one workshop.

7. Do you consider you had to study more in the English course?

c. I had to be more active in the course.

8. Were you working with your partners group?

c. I need to work as a team.d. Although I can read easily, I cannot comprehend a text easily.

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