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Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology

ISSN: 1537-4416 (Print) 1537-4424 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/hcap20

Neural Processing of Threat Cues in Young

Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity

Chaia Flegenheimer, Claudia Lugo-Candelas, Elizabeth Harvey & Jennifer M.


To cite this article: Chaia Flegenheimer, Claudia Lugo-Candelas, Elizabeth Harvey & Jennifer
M. McDermott (2017): Neural Processing of Threat Cues in Young Children With Attention-Deficit/
Hyperactivity Symptoms, Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15374416.2017.1286593

Published online: 03 Mar 2017.

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Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 0(0), 1–9, 2017
Copyright © 2017 Society of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology
ISSN: 1537-4416 print/1537-4424 online
DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2017.1286593

Neural Processing of Threat Cues in Young Children

With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Symptoms
Chaia Flegenheimer
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Claudia Lugo-Candelas
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst and
Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center/New York State
Psychiatric Institute

Elizabeth Harvey and Jennifer M. McDermott

Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst

A growing literature indicates that attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

involves difficulty processing threat-related emotion faces. This deficit is especially
important to understand in young children, as threat emotion processing is related to
the development of social skills and related behavioral regulation. Therefore, the current
study aimed to better understand the neural basis of this processing in young children
with ADHD symptoms. Forty-seven children between 4 and 7 years of age were included
in the analysis, 28 typical developing and 19 with clinically significant levels of ADHD
hyperactive/impulsive symptoms. Participants completed a passive affective face-viewing
task. Event-related potentials were assessed for each emotion, and parental report of child
behavior and emotion regulation abilities was assessed. Children with ADHD symptoms
showed altered N170 modulation in response to specific emotion faces, such that the
N170 was less negative in response to fearful compared to neutral faces, whereas
typically developing children showed the opposite pattern. Groups did not differ in
reactivity to anger or non-threat-related emotion faces. The N170 difference in fearful
compared to neutral faces correlated with reported behavior, such that less fear reactivity
predicted fewer prosocial behaviors. Abnormalities in the underlying neural systems for
fear processing in young children with ADHD symptoms may play an important role in
social and behavioral deficits within this population.

Growing evidence suggests that attention deficit/hyperac- behaviors (Marsh, Kozak, & Ambady, 2007), whereas
tivity disorder (ADHD) involves significant social cogni- deficits may contribute to social difficulties often asso-
tion deficits, including compromised understanding of ciated with ADHD (Hoza, 2007; Wehmeier, Schacht, &
facial expressions of emotion (Aspan et al., 2014; Barkley, 2010). Thus, understanding deficits in affective
Graziano & Garcia, 2016; Uekermann et al., 2010). face processing in ADHD may allow for a more nuanced
Efficient threat-related processing (i.e., fearful and understanding of maladaptive social behaviors in this
angry faces) relates to the development of prosocial population (Boo & Prins, 2007).
Emotion processing in general, and threat-related pro-
cessing specifically, has been widely studied in typically
developing children using a temporally sensitive measure
Correspondence should be addressed to Jennifer M. McDermott,
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of of neural activity called event-related potentials (ERPs).
Massachusetts, Amherst, Tobin 415/135 Hicks Way, Amherst, MA 01003. An early ERP component of emotion processing is the
E-mail: mcdermott@psych.umass.edu

N170, a negative going deflection between 125 and to 7-year-old children, which corresponds with one of
300 ms poststimulus presentation that is thought to be the landmark longitudinal studies of ADHD symptoma-
face specific (Bentin, Allison, Puce, Perez, & McCarthy, tology in young children (Chronis et al., 2003).
1996). Evident in early childhood through adulthood, the In this study we (a) examine N170 amplitude to threat-
N170 is an excellent measure of face processing across related faces in young children with and without ADHD
development (Batty & Taylor, 2006). This component is symptoms and (b) assess the relation between threat proces-
particularly sensitive to threat-related emotions, with sing and social-emotional and behavioral functioning.
enhanced N170 reactivity to fearful (Blau, Maurer, Understanding threat processing in young children with
Tottenham, & McCandliss, 2007) and angry (Bediou, ADHD symptoms may elucidate how social cognition def-
Eimer, d’Amato, Hauk, & Calder, 2009) faces compared icits contribute to emotional competence difficulties in chil-
to neutral faces. In addition, N170 reactivity is linked dren with ADHD symptoms. Moreover, identifying early
with social behaviors in adults; larger N170s to emo- neural markers of social-emotional and behavioral difficul-
tional faces are associated with higher empathy trait ties in children with ADHD may contribute to the develop-
scores (Choi et al., 2014). These patterns underscore ment of low-cost physiological measures that may have
the connections between neural processing of emotion utility in clinical child assessments (De Los Reyes &
faces and the development of prosocial skills. Aldao, 2015).
To date, few studies have examined the N170 and Recognizing that ADHD is considered an extreme
threat-related emotion processing among individuals end of a behavioral spectrum (Larsson, Anckarsater,
with ADHD, and results have been contradictory. Work Rastam, Chang, & Lichtenstein, 2012), we recruited
in adults with ADHD indicates less N170 modulation children with and without elevated ADHD symptoms
between threat-related and non-threat-related emotional using a clinical diagnostic interview. This approach
faces compared to typically developing (TD) peers allowed for exploration of ADHD symptom-related dif-
(Ibáñez et al., 2011). Moreover, this deficit in N170 ferences through both classical groupings (those with
modulation correlates with deficits in theory of mind ADHD symptoms vs. TD) and a dimensional view in
and working memory. However, a recent study found line with Research Domain Criteria principles, namely,
that the direction of the N170 modulation pattern to the overall number of hyperactive/impulsive symptoms
threat versus nonthreat emotion faces differed such that (Shaw et al., 2011). Children with ADHD symptoms
adults with ADHD displayed an enhanced N170 to were hypothesized to exhibit attenuated processing of
angry versus happy expressions, whereas TD adults threat-related faces compared to TD peers. It was also
exhibited the opposite pattern of reactivity (Raz & postulated that ERP reactivity to emotional faces, parti-
Dan, 2015). Similarly, adolescents with ADHD exhibit cularly threat-related emotional faces, would correlate
an enhanced N170 to angry and fearful faces compared with parental reports of children’s social-emotional
to TD peers (Williams et al., 2008). In contrast, a study difficulties.
of older children (8–13 years) found that those with
ADHD did not show differences in N170 modulation
to emotional faces (including fear, anger, disgust, joy,
and neutrality) compared to TD peers (Tye et al., 2014).
The differences in the tasks used—active labeling of
emotional faces versus passive viewing—could contri-
bute to the differing N170 results as emotion labeling Children between 4 and 7 years old (M = 77.83 months,
can increase N170 amplitudes (Herbert, Sfärlea, & SD = 9.44) were recruited at the University of
Blumenthal, 2013). Massachusetts Amherst via advertisements placed in pedia-
No studies to date have explored neural processing of trician offices, community centers, and local preschools. Of
emotional faces in young children with ADHD symp- the 68 children initially recruited, nine were excluded due to
toms. It is imperative to understand the effects of ADHD equipment failure, three did not follow instructions, six
symptomatology in young children because of the sig- showed excessive noise in their EEG data, and two were
nificance of this developmental period for social and at least 3 standard deviations away from the mean on key
emotional growth (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2000). variables. The final sample included 28 TD children (18
Previous research has shown that ADHD symptomatol- male) and 19 children with ADHD symptoms (14 male).
ogy often begins during the preschool years (Applegate Excluded participants did not significantly differ from those
et al. 1997) and remains stable over time (Riddle et al., included on parental education (p = .29), parental age
2013). Moreover, the preschool years may be an impor- (p = .42), gender distribution (p = .66), child age
tant period for the development of comorbid psycho- (p = .29), hyperactive symptoms (p = .35), inattentive
pathology in children with ADHD (Harvey, Breaux, & symptoms (p = .27), or oppositional defiant disorder
Lugo-Candelas, 2016). The present study focuses on 4- (ODD) symptoms (p = .93).

Children were included in the ADHD symptoms accuracy, indicating similar levels of skill and attention
group if they demonstrated six or more hyperactivity/ to the game (p = .14).
impulsivity symptoms on the Diagnostic Interview
Schedule for Children (Shaffer, Fisher, Lucas, Dulcan,
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
& Schwab-Stone, 2000), at least three of which occurred
at both home and at school/daycare. Participants with EEG was recorded using Ag-AgCl electrodes in a 64-chan-
three or fewer hyperactive/impulsive symptoms were nel Lycra Electro-Cap setup in accordance with the
recruited for the TD group. This symptom cutoff is in International 10–20 System. Eye movements were regressed
line with ADHD combined presentation and predomi- from the data. Mastoid electrodes served as reference and
nantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation. impedances were kept less than 50kΩ. Data were filtered
Hyperactivity/impulsivity symptoms were chosen as (0.01–100 Hz), amplified and digitized (1000 Hz), and then
inclusion criteria because ADHD predominantly inatten- filtered again during processing with a 30 Hz low-pass filter.
tive presentation has a later average age of onset EEG was baseline corrected, and trials containing artifacts
(Applegate et al., 1997). Of the 19 children recruited (epochs exceeding an EEG voltage threshold of ±150μV)
for the ADHD symptoms group, 13 showed symptoms were removed and excluded from analysis.
consistent with predominantly hyperactive/impulsive ERPs were constructed separately for each emotion.
presentation and six showed symptoms in line with Participants were excluded if they had fewer than 12 clean
ADHD combined presentation. Thirteen children in the epochs for each emotion. Peak amplitude was scored for the
ADHD symptoms group and five of the TD children P1 (the ERP component immediately prior to the N170)
displayed four or more ODD symptoms. Children were between 0 and 200 ms after stimulus onset. The peak
not eligible for this study if they had comorbidities that amplitude for the N170 was scored between 125 and
would interfere with their ability to do the task (e.g., 300 ms after stimulus onset. A baseline of 200 ms before
autism). stimulus onset was used for both measures. A peak-to-peak
The ADHD symptoms and TD groups did not differ in measure of the N170, calculated as the difference between
child age (p = .58), gender distribution (p = .50), parental the N170 and the P1, was used to account for any potential
age (p = .07), or parental education level (p = .53). The differences driven by the preceding component. Consistent
sample was 81% European American and 19% multiethnic. with previous research (Tye et al., 2014; Williams et al.,
One child was prescribed Guanfacine, and one was taking 5 2008), the N170 was analyzed at temporal (TP8 and TP7)
HTP. These drugs have duration of actions shorter than and occipital (O2 and O1) sites.
12 hr (Biederman, Lopez, Boellner, & Chandler, 2001;
Taylor & Russo, 2009), and parents reported that medication
Parent Measures
regimens were discontinued at least 48 hr prior to
participation. Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second
Passive Face-Viewing Task Parents completed the Behavior Assessment System for
Children, Second Edition, rating scale of child psycho-
Participants completed an implicit face-viewing task,
pathology, which has demonstrated validity as a measure
with a nonface object (fish) interspersed throughout the
of children’s behavior. The preschool version was used for
task (Batty & Taylor, 2006). Participants were instructed
4- and 5-year-olds (Cronbach’s αs = .80–.85) and the child
to watch the faces and press a button whenever they saw
version was used for 6- and 7-year-olds anxiety (Cronbach’s
the fish. If they correctly pressed the button, a yellow
αs = .82–.87; Reynolds & Kamphaus, 2010). Analyses used
star was displayed for 500 ms. This paradigm promoted
T scores from the following subscales: Anxiety, Depression,
implicit face viewing while ensuring that children main-
Adaptability, and Social Skills.
tained attention to the screen. Images of emotional faces
were taken from the NimStim face stimulus set
Emotion Regulation Checklist
(Tottenham et al., 2009) and included equal numbers of
open- and closed-mouth images for fearful, sad, angry, The Emotion Regulation Checklist (ERC) is a parental
neutral, and happy faces and open-mouth images for report measure of child emotion regulation skills comprising
surprised faces. Participants were shown 181 faces 24 items that are each assessed on a 4-point Likert scale and
(approximately 30 for each emotion; 1,000 ms each) yields two subscales: Lability (15 items; α = .900) and
and 25 cartoon fish (1,250 ms each) in a pseudorandom Emotion Regulation (eight items; α = .626). The ERC has
order, with the fish appearing every two to 12 trials. The demonstrated validity for both preschool-age (Shields et al.,
task lasted approximately 10 min, with a break halfway 2001) and older (6–12 years; Shields & Cicchetti, 1997)
through. Groups did not significantly differ in task children.

Data Analysis Dan (2015), difference scores were created for each indivi-
dual emotion (fear, angry, sad, surprise, happy) compared to
Repeated measures analyses of covariance (ANCOVAs)
neutral. Follow-up analyses showed that the Group ×
were run to determine whether children with and without
Emotion interaction in the right hemisphere was driven by
ADHD symptoms differed in neural reactivity to emotional
the fear-neutral difference score, t(45) = –2.82, p = .007,
faces, controlling for ODD status (1 = four or more ODD
d = 0.86. Exploratory analysis revealed that this fear-neutral
symptoms; 0 = three or fewer ODD symptoms) and for the
group difference was larger at site TP8, t(45) = –2.70,
number of epochs accumulated for each emotion. Type of
p = .010, d = 0.76, than at site O2, t(45) = –1.63,
emotional face (happy, surprise, sad, fear, angry, and neu-
p = .110, d = 0.49. In children with ADHD symptoms,
tral) was the within-subjects factor, group (ADHD symp-
the N170 was attenuated to fear compared to neutral faces
toms vs. TD) served as the between-subjects factor, and
at site TP8, whereas TD children showed the opposite
N170 (P1 to N170 peak-to-peak amplitude) served as the
pattern (see Figure 1). No other difference scores were
dependent variable. Greenhouse-Geisser correction was
significant (see Table 2).
applied where appropriate. Follow-up paired-samples t
Next, multiple regressions were performed to determine
tests and independent samples t tests were used to interpret
if ODD symptoms uniquely predicted N170 changes at sites
interaction effects, with an alpha of .01 to limit Type 1 error.
TP8 and O2 (Table 3). The models were trimmed by remov-
Multiple regressions with hyperactivity, inattention, and
ing the predictor variables with higher p values, which
ODD symptoms were run to determine whether symptomol-
included both inattentive symptoms and ODD symptoms.
ogy uniquely predicted N170 differences. Due to multicol-
Hyperactive symptoms positively predicted changes in
linearity among the hyperactivity, inattention, and ODD
N170 fear-neutral scores at site TP8. No interactions
symptoms (see correlations in Table 1), model trimming
emerged between hyperactivity, inattention, and ODD
was used to find the symptom type that best predicted
changes in N170 amplitude. Hierarchical regressions were
then run to explore whether N170 differences predicted
social and emotional problems, controlling for ADHD and Relations Between ERP Measures and Social-
ODD symptoms. Hyperactivity, inattention, and ODD Emotional/Behavioral Functioning
symptoms were entered in Step 1, with N170 differences
Hierarchical regressions were conducted to determine
entered in Step 2; emotion regulation, lability, depression,
whether the N170 fear difference score predicted children’s
anxiety, adaptability, and social skills each served as out-
social-emotional and behavioral functioning beyond ADHD
come variables.
and ODD symptomatology (see Table 4). When ADHD
For the ANCOVA and follow-up t tests, the sample was
symptoms and ODD status were accounted for, the N170
sufficient to detect large-sized effects (f = 0.26 for the
difference score for fear at site TP8 was inversely related to
ANCOVA and d = 1.05 for t tests) with .80 power. The
both social skills and emotion regulation.
sample was sufficient to detect medium-large sized effects
(r = .39) with .80 power for correlations.
This study uniquely shows neural deficits in reactivity to
fearful faces in young children with ADHD symptoms.
Descriptive Statistics
Moreover, it reveals a direct link between altered fear pro-
Correlations were calculated between the symptom types cessing and social-emotional/behavioral difficulties in
(hyperactive, inattentive, and ODD), N170 emotion-neutral young children. Combined, these findings are critical for
difference scores at site TP8 and O2 (described next), and informing the development of early interventions that can
the scores from the ERC and Behavior Assessment System be applied before complicating factors (i.e., accumulating
for Children, Second Edition social problems and the development of comorbid psychia-
(Table 1). High correlations were found between hyper- tric disorders) interfere (Halperin, Bedard, & Curchack-
active, inattentive, and ODD symptoms. Lichtin, 2012).
In line with previous studies of older children and adoles-
cents with ADHD (Tye et al., 2014; Williams et al., 2008),
N170: Reactivity to Emotional Faces in Children With
young children with ADHD symptoms demonstrated an atte-
and Without ADHD Symptoms
nuated N170 to fearful compared to neutral faces, whereas
A significant Group × Emotion interaction emerged for right TD peers showed the opposite pattern of reactivity. Given
hemisphere sites TP8 and O2, F(5, 185) = 2.66, p = .02, that fear processing is important for socially driven beha-
η2p = .067. No effects were found for left hemisphere sites vioral regulation skills (e.g., social referencing; Camras &
TP7 and O1. Based on methods used previously by Raz and Sachs, 1991) and is correlated with the development of
Means, Standard Deviations, and Intercorrelations of Symptom Counts, N170 Difference Scores, and Emotion Regulation Checklist and Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second
Edition, Scores

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

1. Hyp Symptoms
2. Inatten Symptoms .80**
3. ODD Symptoms .66** .58**
4. TP8 Fear Difference .36* .27† .27†
5. O2 Fear Difference .29* .17 .08 .25†
6. TP8 Angry Difference .19 .15 .05 .78** −.01
7. O2 Angry Difference .26† .11 −.12 −.01 .59** .07
8. TP8 Sad Difference .08 −.02 .07 .74** −.06 .77** −.14
9. O2 Sad Difference .19 .09 .05 .31* .61** .21 .45** .36*
10. TP8 Surprise .24 .09 .23 .73** .09 .61** −.15 .71** .12
11. O2 Surprise .32* .19 .17 .14 .48** −.04 .35* −.07 .26† .31*
12. TP8 Happy Difference .25† .13 .31* .58** .06 .54** −.18 .59** .22 .72** .17
13. O2 Happy Difference .23 −.03 .13 .29† .26† .25† .31* .19 .31* .34* .56** .37*
14. Lability .77** .66** .69** .36* .01 .19 −.03 .18 .06 .20 .06 .24 .02
15. Emot. Regulation −.34* −.26† −.24 −.44** −.03 −.24 −.02 −.35* −.25† −.29† −.07 −.31* −.09 −.58**
16. Anxiety −.06 −.07 .04 −.00 −.28† −.05 −.24 −.11 −.42** .08 −.11 −.01 −.16 .14 .01
17. Dep. .19 .22 .25 .07 −.09 .19 .06 .12 −.03 .14 .08 −.04 −.02 .43** −.15 .45**
18. Adapt. −.51** −.52** −.44** −.39* .01 −.25 −.02 −.21 −.10 −.16 .08 −.12 .14 −.75** .60** −.26 −.26†
19. Social Skills −.33* −.41** −.21 −.42** −.01 −.30† −.12 −.33* −.22 −.14 .06 −.15 .10 −.54** .75** .23 .01 .66**
M 3.36 2.70 2.89 .30 .12 .83 .30 −.11 .17 .89 .72 .80 .61 1.87 3.44 47.00 48.76 47.19 48.55
SD 3.50 2.95 2.22 5.20 5.05 4.65 4.17 5.40 4.12 5.37 4.54 5.43 3.66 .52 .35 7.15 6.62 10.24 9.07

Note: Hyp = Hyperactive; Inatten = Inattentive; ODD = oppositional defiant disorder; TP = temporal; O = occipital; Emot = Emotion; Dep = Depression; Adapt = Adaptability.

p < .10. *p < .05. **p < .01.

FIGURE 1 N170 event-related potentials (ERPs) for typically developing children (A; left) and children with ADHD symptoms (B; right) at site TP8. N170
ERPs are in response to faces with the following emotions: fear (dashed), angry (dotted), and neutral (solid).

Average N170 Peak-to-Peak Scores in Response to Emotional Compared to Neutral Faces

ADHD Symptoms Typically Developing Differences

Site Difference Score M (μV) SD M (μV) SD t p d

TP8 Fear 2.63 6.11 −1.28 3.84 −2.70 .01* .77

Anger 2.04 6.43 0.02 2.74 −1.29 .21 .41
Sad 0.90 7.29 −0.80 3.61 −1.06 .29 .30
Happy 2.67 6.95 −0.46 3.74 −1.80 .08† .56
Surprise 2.46 6.41 −0.18 4.35 −1.68 .10† .48
O2 Fear 1.55 4.57 −0.85 5.20 −1.63 .11 .49
Anger 1.14 4.37 −0.26 4.00 −1.13 .26 .33
Sad 1.35 4.20 −0.63 3.94 −1.65 .11 .49
Happy 1.00 4.29 0.34 3.23 −0.60 .55 .17
Surprise 2.05 3.99 −0.17 4.74 −1.68 .10† .51

Note: ADHD = attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; TP = temporal; O = occipital.

p < .10. *p ≤ .01.

Linear Regression Models of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and ODD Symptomology Predicting N170 Fear Difference Scores

Full Model Trimmed Model

Site Predictor Variables B (SE) β p R 2

B (SE) β p R2

TP8 .131 .128*

Hyperactive symptoms .526 (.386) .354 .180 .531 (.206) .358 .014
Inattentive symptoms −.086 (.424) −.049 .840 — — —
ODD symptoms .151 (.448) .064 .738 — — —
O2 .115 .085*
Hyperactive symptoms .771 (.378) .535 .048* .419 (.205) .291 .047
Inattentive symptoms −.264 (.416) −.154 .530 — — —
ODD symptoms −.415 (.439) −.182 .350 — — —

Note: ODD = oppositional defiant disorder; TP = temporal; O = occipital.

*p < .05.

prosocial behaviors (Marsh et al., 2007), altered affective face The N170 is postulated to originate, at least in part, from
processing in children with ADHD symptoms may be tied to the fusiform gyrus, an area of the brain that specializes in
heightened social and emotional difficulties (Graziano & facial recognition (Deffke et al., 2007). In turn, the fusiform
Garcia, 2016). gyrus is thought to connect to the amygdala, a key neural

Hierarchical Linear Regression Models of N170 Fear Difference Scores Predicting Parent Rating Scales (Emotion Regulation Checklist and
Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition) Accounting for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Hyperactive and Inattentive
Symptoms and ODD Symptoms

Model 1 Model 2

Parent Rating Scale Predictor Variables B (SE) β p B (SE) β p

Hyperactive symptoms .077 (.025) .521 .003** .088 (.025) −.593 .001**
Inattentive symptoms .010 (.027) .054 .726 .005 (.026) −.027 .856
ODD symptoms .073 (.028) .311 .014** .062 (.028) −.264 .030*
Fear difference score:
Site O2 −.022 (.010) −.214 .026*
Site TP8 .012 (.009) −.121 .206
R2 –.650** –.696**
ΔR2 –.046†
Emotion Regulation
Hyperactive symptoms −.035 (.026) −.354 .185 −.029 (.026) −1.102 .277
Inattentive symptoms .005 (.029) −.044 .856 .006 (.027) –.201 .842
ODD symptoms −.005 (.030) −.030 .878 .003 (.029) –.110 .913
Fear difference score:
Site O2 .010 (.010) –.939 .353
Site TP8 −.026 (.010) −2.644 .012*
R2 −.115 –.248*
ΔR2 –.133*
Hyperactive symptoms −.201 (.627) −.321 .750 .016 (.653) –.008 .981
Inattentive symptoms −.173 (.688) −.251 .803 −.207 (.684) –.087 .764
ODD symptoms .473 (.716) −.661 .512 .269 (.718) –.081 .710
Fear difference score:
Site O2 −.396 (.233) –.287 .098
Site TP8 .085 (.236) –.062 .721
R2 .016 .089
ΔR2 .073
Hyperactive symptoms −.139 (.563) .563 .806 −.058 (.606) −.030 .924
Inattentive symptoms .325 (.619) .619 .603 .313 (.635) .142 .625
ODD symptoms .640 (.643) .643 .326 .562 (.666) .184 .405
Fear difference score:
Site O2 −.150 (.216) −.118 .492
Site TP8 .035 (.219) −.027 .875
R2 −.072 −.084
ΔR2 −.012
Hyperactive symptoms −.605 (.755) −.203 .428 −.456 (.767) −.153 .556
Inattentive symptoms −.857 (.830) −.252 .308 −.970 (.803) −.285 .235
ODD symptoms −.731 (.863) −.154 .402 −.504 (.843) −.107 .553
Fear difference score:
Site O2 .334 (.274) −.169 .231
Site TP8 −.567 (.277) −.289 .048*
R2 –.303* —.388*
ΔR2 –.085+
Social Skills
Hyperactive symptoms −.027 (.728) −.010 .971 .276 (.719) −.105 .703
Inattentive symptoms −1.375 (.799) −.456 .094 −1.538 (.753) −.511 .049*
ODD symptoms .350 (.831) −.083 .676 .538 (.790) −.128 .501
Fear difference score:
Site O2 .229 (.257) −.131 .378
Site TP8 −.688 (.260) −.396 .012*
R2 –.175† —.313*
ΔR2 —.138*

Note: ODD = oppositional defiant disorder; O = occipital; TP = temporal.

p < .10. *p ≤ .05. **p ≤ .01.

structure in both fear processing and social cognition, and temporal precedence could not be established (Maxwell &
together they serve as part of an emotion-processing net- Cole, 2007); future longitudinal studies should explore the
work (Leppanen & Nelson, 2009). Indeed, Vuilleumier and possibility of fear processing mediating the relation between
colleagues (2004) found that patients with amygdala lesions ADHD symptoms and social and emotional difficulties.
demonstrated less neural activity in their fusiform cortex Finally, the sample was relatively homogenous in race and
when presented with fearful faces compared to other lesion socioeconomic status due to the demographics of the popu-
patients and healthy peers. Previous studies have also shown lation in which the study took place.
abnormalities within the amygdalae of ADHD patients Overall, the findings support the growing notion that
(Frodl et al., 2010; Posner et al., 2011). Although the ADHD involves distinct deficits in processing certain
N170 does not directly assess amygdala activity, attenuated types of threat-related emotional faces. Specifically, fear-
processing of fearful faces in young children with ADHD processing deficits emerged as a possible element in the
symptoms may relate to deficits in the amygdala–fusiform development of social difficulties among individuals with
connection, which may contribute to the social and beha- ADHD symptoms. Future interventions focusing on fear-
vioral difficulties reported. processing abilities in children with ADHD symptoms may
Overall, these findings indicate that altered processing help to enhance prosocial behaviors in this population and
of facial emotions is a key element in the social develop- reduce the risk for related comorbidities, including anxiety
ment of young children with ADHD symptoms and high- and depression.
light the importance this area of focus for future studies
exploring both ADHD assessment and interventions (De
Los Reyes & Aldao, 2015). Although interventions are REFERENCES
being developed to help with emotion face-processing
deficits in young children with autism (Golan et al., Applegate, B., Lahey, B. B., Hart, E. L., Biederman, J., Hynd, G. W.,
2010), this approach has yet to be applied to children Barkley, R. A., … Newcorn, J. H. (1997). Validity of the age-of-onset
criterion for ADHD: A report from the DSM-IV field trials. Journal of
with ADHD symptoms. Given growing evidence of a
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