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3er Conditional

How is the third conditional used in English? We can ask ourselves why most of
these phrases have a negative tone or appearance. And is that when we use the
third conditional, it is to express repentance or to complain about something that
both condition it and the result is now impossible. For example: If I Had Not Gone
That Weekend To Italy, I Would Never Met My Boyfriend. If it had not gone that
weekend to Italy, I would never have met my boyfriend. Repentance (Regret): If I
Had Not Druve Drunk, I Would Have Not Had The Car Accident. If I had not driven
drunk, I would not have had the car accident. Lost Opportunities (Lost Opportunity):
If I Had Gone To The United States That Summer, My English Would Be Better. If I
had gone to the United States that summer, my English would be better. A very
common mistake when we use the third conditional is to confuse the first part of the
phrase (IF), with the second (Would). We can never place Would behind IF. This
error is usually committed, since in Spanish it is possible to use "HAVE +
PARTICIPLE" in the two parts of the phrase. For example: if I had known that we
were going to the airport at the same time, I would have told you to go together

To make a phrase to the third conditional, you have to use the Formula: IF + Past
Simple + Subject + Woulder + Infinitive. It is used to talk about the past. But not
something that happened, but of something that could have happened, its
consequences in the hypothetical future and if that last fact had been otherwise. That
is, we use the conditional Third to refer to something spent that it is already
impossible to change: If I Knew, I Would Have Worn Something More Elegant. If I get
to know, I would have put something more elegant. In this case, Maria did not know
that there was a party, that's why she did not dare in a special way. If you can go at
the beginning or end of the sentences. In this case, the comma would disappear. I
Would Have Worn Something More Elegant If I Knew. I would have put something
more elegant if I get to know.

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