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by :
Mark P. Nisperos
April Jane A. Avila
Chloe R. Escultor
Jervy O. Estoque

English Teacher :
Gemma R. Leyros
t in
Table of Contents
TITILE PAGE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Abstract------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Background of the Study --------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Statement of the Problem ------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Significance of the Study---------------------------------------------------------------- 4
Assumptions of the Study--------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Scope and Limitations of the study--------------------------------------------------- 5
Definition of Terms----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6



The study determined the factors that affect the reading comprehension of Grade 7
students of Dakung Patag National High School for the school year 2022–2023. A mixed-
methods research approach was used to understand and determined the factors that affect the
reading comprehension of students. The participants of the study were the selected Grade 7
students of Dakung Patag National High School.

In order to determine the reading comprehension level of students in the pre-test and
post-test, pre-test and post-test was used. Likewise, to gather relevant information on the
factors that may affect the reading comprehension of students, an interview schedule was
conducted last January __, 2023. Moreover, the data gathered were analyzed using frequency
count and mean scores. The study showed that there are __ non-readers, ___ students under
frustration level, ___ under instructional level and __ under independent level in the pre-test.

To improve the reading comprehension of students, teachers may apply strategies

and may utilize appropriate reading materials that may help learners boost their confidence in
participating in class. Additionally, researchers can expand on the current study's scope and
carry out a study on the reading variables that have not been examined or has not looked into.


The secret to knowledge is being able to read well. The ability to fully and
accurately interpret a printed or electronic page is a requirement for reading in modern
society. Failure to read paves the way for all kinds of catastrophes in the society. Therefore, it
is important that students should be encouraged to inculcate the spirit of reading right from
the secondary level to the advanced level to empower them to have considerable reading
skills. Reading promotes brain growth and is thought to exercise the eye muscles. Reading
requires higher degrees of focus and improves a person’s logical and analytical skills. It is a
luxury that improves the knowledge continuously learned. Reading regularly also aids readers
in learning new terms, discovery of new words and expressions that one may encounter in
daily speech. The habit can become a healthy addiction and adds to the information available
on various topics.


 Background of the Study

Reading is a fundamental learning strategy that is covered in school curriculum. It is

the process of understanding symbols taken from printed material, applying symbolic
interpretation, and engaging with the author's intention, passion, or experience. It is one of
the most significant skills one can learn. Reading can provide information on issues or
problems that have an impact on one's life. Thus, reading is one of the great and satisfying
pleasures of human beings. The person who reads well is an individual who thinks well.

The researchers emphasizes the importance of this study for the reasons that for the
past five months since the school year 2022 – 2023 had started, they found out and actually
observed and encountered reading problems most specially in Grade 7 students, and has felt
the need or strong reading program, the Grade 7 students needed.

It is important that the school must prioritize communication rather than the delivery
of knowledge. This study intends to show that reading programs in secondary schools should
be prioritized, and should assist kids especially the slow learners in approaching their elders
once they encounter reading difficulties.

Lastly, the word recognition alone does not guarantee success in reading. Reading
doesn't happen unless the reader understands what is written on the page. Understanding what
is read in writing requires deriving meaning from it. In fact, reading that doesn't include
comprehension shouldn't even be referred to be reading. Understanding should be considered
a general skill for everyone.

 Statement of the Problem

From the past until now, there have been distinctive reasons for poor reading
comprehension among the Grade 7 students of Dakung Patag National High School. The
researchers' initial findings showed that students are not very interested in reading, and the
majority of them are illiterate. As a result, they are faced with reading challenges amid
examination periods. There are many who seemingly can read but cannot comprehend basic
words and sometimes, students are getting hard times in memorizing one or more paragraph.
To motivate learners specially the Grade 7 students to read, it is necessary that reading
materials be suited to their abilities and needs. According to research studies, most of the
Grade 7 students have a low level of reading comprehension, and so far, very little have been
done to make pupils understand what they read.

 Significance of the Study

The purpose of this research study is to examine the effects of reading habit on the
academic performance of Grade 7 students of Dakung Patag National High School.

1.1 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are:
a) This study might improve the understanding of how to address and lessen the effects of the
challenges that kids in the seventh grade are facing.

b) To find out the importance of reading towards students

c) To discover the effects of reading habits on students’ performance

d) To determine factors hindering students to engage reading.
Research Questions
a. What is the importance of reading?
b. What is the effect of reading on academic performance?
c. What are the factors hindering reading among students?

 Assumptions of the Study

Teachers should encourage students to frequently use the school library and study
any academic literatures that would improve their reading habits. Students should be
encouraged to routinely check out books from the library as this can help them develop good
reading skills. There should be a policy in the school to award students who can read and
express themselves better. And also, the school should fill its library with astounding and
captivating books that would attract students to come to the library regularly.

 Scope and Limitations of the study

This study is limited only to the selected Grade 7 students of Dakung Patag
National High School, to find out the profile of the respondents in terms of their level of
interest in reading and reading comprehension skills. Additionally, the researchers
attempted to determine the degree or extent to which the chosen Grade 7 students
demonstrate reading comprehension skills, responding to questions with the given
problems, and carefully following instructions, as well as with regard to vocabulary
abilities, grasping the main idea and predicted outcomes.

Definition of Terms

The following were defined to guide and help the readers understand
the study.

Academic - relating to education and scholarship

Analytical Skills - refer to the ability to collect and analyze information and
solve problems based on that information.

Communication - the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information

Comprehension - the action or capability of understanding something.

Knowledge - facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through

experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

Reading - the process of taking in the sense or meaning of letters, symbols, etc.,
especially by sight or touch

Research - the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in
order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Skills - the ability to do something well

Study - the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic

subject, especially by means of books.
Understanding - the ability to understand something

Vocabulary - the body of words used in a particular language.


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