Friendship Defining The Heart of Gold

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Throughout my twenties, I’ve learned

so much about genuine love, and in
that, realizing the importance of
cultivating relationships and
surrounding yourself with people who
get you on a soul level.  Over the last
month or so, I’ve read a post or two
from a couple of my favorite blogs on
friendship and how to maintain those
relationships in your 30s. Since
reading those, I really started
 thinking about the subject of
friendship in general and how much
my definition of it has changed over
the course of the last ten years.
 Obviously we all have people in our
lives who come and go – seasonal
friends, if you will.  But, the older I
get, the more thankful I am for those
few, genuine women in my life who I
never have to question.  They just Daphine, Heart of Gold!
show up in every way – and it’s easy.
As I’m rounding out my twenties, I’ve
not only learned a lot, but I’ve been continually reminded that this is the age + stage of life
where a lot of those life-long friendships are cultivated.  With this stage comes so many
highs and lows  – marriage and separations, careers taking off and others changing,
some with infertility struggles and others with growing families, house closings and big
moves, family issues and even loss.  It’s now more than ever that we really need our
    Today am here to introduce The Heart of Gold to the World. We live in a world where
information + life updates are at our fingertips, but she doesn't let the façade of social
media be an excuse to not reach out to her Friends. I’ve learned from her that a simple
phone call or impromptu lunch date is so much more effective. When I first met The Heart
of Gold, I feared her and funny enough, she was free with me, always made jokes to keep
a smile on my face and it really annoyed me. However, I quickly learned the most
important lesson, that it was her way of showing love. She’s so invested and genuinely
cares about what’s happening throughout my day. The bottom line – making the effort to
connect shows how much you care. With Daphine, We’ve been together, and we’ve been

apart. There have been miles between us and even hours in some cases, but we’ve
always stayed friends. No matter what obstacles have been thrown in our path or how
many other people have tried to tear our friendship in two, we’ve stood the test of time.
Most people aren’t lucky enough to have such a strong friendship in their lifetimes, but I
know how lucky I am to call her my best friend. “Just as true friendship is not measured
by how far we’ve been together but rather how well it has been between us. So also, real
bonding is not measured by the time we’ve spent together in each other’s company but
rather by the solace and solitude that comes with being with her.  No one has ever
touched my life positively they way she has always done. She sees all your flaws and still
finds you amazing. She tries so hard to encourage you to be a better person. she's made
life so enjoyable for her friends by letting them find strength even in their weaknesses.

I thank her for sharing in my happiest moments; for listening to my saddest stories and
telling me when I’m being stupid without fear that ill get upset. For being the only person
who will tell me the truth no matter how hard it may be to say. she lets me know her things
first. And even though I’m not always present to celebrate with her the good times, I hope
she knows that I’m always happy and proud of her. And for the bad times, may she know
that I always care and I’m here for her; praying for her the same way she's always there
for me. I appreciate her for inspiring me. She's strong, independent, caring, selfless and
she inspires me and a lot others to become better people. Just so you know, she's one of
the few people I truly look up to. She has shared her faith with me. She's been through a
lot and she's still there standing strong. She showed me how great God is and how He
always listen to each one of us. she's one of the best teachers. She taught me how to
choose battles wisely. She showed me how to deal with life and made me realize how
important each day is. 

And if you ever wonder how she's The Heart of Gold, well that all comes from the first
time I got to see her, 

She had a sculpted figure

which was twine-thin. Her waist was tapered and she had
a burnished complexion.
A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping
eyelashes. Her delicate ears
framed a button nose. A set of dazzling, angel-white
teeth gleamed as she blew
gently on her carmine-red fingernails. It was a pleasure
to see her flowing,
moon shadow-black hair. Her enticing, constellation-blue eyes
gazed at me over
her puffy, heart shaped lips. She had a bouncy personality and a
sugary voice,
which I adored. Not content to be just another drone, she wore vibrant

 With her, She will always be the friend I can go to with anything—at any time. She will
always make me laugh the hardest. No matter how long it’s been since we’ve spoken on
the phone or how many days have passed since we’ve texted or how many months it’s
been since I’ve gotten a real-life in-person hug—our friendship will always be strong,
loyal, and most important—real. True friendship is what gives us reason to stay strong in
life. Having a loving family and all is okay but you also need true friendship to be
completely happy. Some people don't even have families but they have friends who're like
their family only. Thus, we see having true friends mean a lot to everyone.

In Conclusion, Friendship is the most significant just as valuable endowments of life.
Friendship is one of the most esteemed relationships. Individuals who have old buddies
appreciate the most in their life. Genuine friendship depends on faithfulness and support.
An old buddy is a person who will remain with you when challenges are out of control. A
friend is somebody unique on whom you can depend on to praise every second.
Friendship resembles an actual asset, and it can lead us to progress. Everything relies
upon our decision on how we pick our friends. Selecting a real friend in your life can be a
task. If you choose a bad companion, they can mislead you, but real friends will always
guide you the right way. The nature of friendship is necessary for our satisfaction. The
advantages of true friendship stay long-life. Likewise, having a reliable friend circle
additionally improves our fearlessness. True friendship can’t be worked inside
constrained limits like position or statement of faith. It gives us an inclination that
somebody needs us, and we are not the only ones. This is genuine that a person can’t
live alone.

Generally, we make a companion with people who are of a similar age as our own. The
same age gathering can allow you to share anything. Friendship is a connection that can
make or break us in each phase of life. However, friendship is a precious advantage. It is
likewise not all that simple to look after friendships. It requests your time just as
endeavors. Last but not least, it is an elusive and genuine friendship; however, once you
prevail in this relationship, you will make some brilliant memories. In return for that, a
companion will need your significant time and trust. 

Yours Truly,

The blog was original and filled with emotion, straight from the
heart. whereas this can be risky, I applaud you for keeping it
professional throughout upto the end
The conclusion as well was Spot on and got out the true
meaning of the topic you were assigned to
Great work,Raymond

Heart of Gold


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