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Science - 8th
Q (1): Weedicides are chemicals that are sprayed on crop fields to remove weeds. A farmer wanted to test the effect of two different
weedicides on wheat production. He sprayed each weedicide on two different fields. No weedicide was sprayed on field 3.

Why did the farmer not spray any weedicide on Field 3? (SUBJECTIVE)

Q (2): Farmers follow a sequence of agricultural practices to grow crops. A part of the sequence is shownbelow.

Choose an appropriate agricultural practice from the chart above to fill in the box. (SUBJECTIVE)

Q (3): Rohit is suffering from stomach ache and is passing watery stool. What should Rohit do to prevent thespread of infection to other
family members?


( a ) He should eat properly ( b ) He should wear a mask all ( c ) He should maintain distance ( d ) He should wash his hands
cooked food. the time. from other family members. with soap after using the

Q (4):

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Why is example (i) regarded as a displacement reaction? Explain your answer. (SUBJECTIVE)

Q (5): A scientist injected nitrogen dioxide gas in water.He dropped a blue litmus paper in the water after the reaction was over.The
litmus paper turned red.What can be concluded from the experiment? (MCQ)
( a ) A salt is produced by the ( b ) An acid is produced by the ( c ) Nitrogen gas is produced by ( d ) Hydrogen gas is produced by
reaction. reaction. the reaction the reaction.

Q (6): State the effect of the force in each case. A load suspended from a spring while its other end is on a hook fixed to a wall.

Q (7): It is difficult to cut cloth using a pair of scissors with blunt blades. Explain. (SUBJECTIVE)

Q (8): Ram performed an activity. He connected a potato cutted into two halves to a circuit. And when the current flows the potato will
change to bluish green colour from the ________ terminal. (MCQ)
( a ) Positive ( b ) Negative ( c ) Both A and B ( d ) None of these

Q (9): How is electroplating a very useful process? (MCQ)

( a ) It is widely used in industry ( b ) It is not used in jwelleries ( c ) Both A and B ( d ) None of these
for coating metal objects with a
thin layer of a different metal to
improve its properties.

Q (10): How a layer of one metal can be deposited on top of another? (MCQ)
( a ) By electroplating ( b ) By Rusting ( c ) By painting ( d ) None of these

Q (11): Can you define the phenomenon regular reflection (MCQ)

( a ) It refers to the reflection in ( b ) It refers to the reflection in ( c ) Both A and B ( d ) None of the above
which parallel beam of incident which parallel beam of incident
light is reflected in different light is reflected as a parallel
directions. beam in one direction

Q (12):

Explain why image of the child (shown above) cannot be obtained on the screen. (MCQ)

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( a ) The images formed by the ( b ) The images formed by the ( c ) Both A and B ( d ) None of the above
plane mirror are virtual and plane mirror are real and
therefore cannot be obtained on therefore cannot be obtained on
the screen the screen

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