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Warlock: The Drunkard

You find yourself at the tavern you Pact Boon

frequent, and an older man sits next to
you and asks if your down for a drinking Pact of the Cask
competition. You quickly accept, ready to Your patron gives you a small cask that acts similarly to
show this man that age hasn't been so the Alchemy Jug but with the following liquids. It takes a
kind to him. Thats all you remember from bonus action to drink from it, and the effect must be used
that night, but you still see him when you within a minute or the effect wears off.
drink, always wanting to drink with you Red Wraith Brew - When you drink this you gain
again and again. advantage on your next attack roll.
Ale-dritch Master Purple Wyrm Ale - When you drink this ale you gain a
At 1st level, you gain the following benefits. breath attack (Cone - 15 ft.) for a number of turns equal to
half your PB. When you take the attack action you can
On hit with a attack cantrip, you can use your bonus exhale poisonous gas, all creatures within the cone must
action to force the creature to make a Constitution saving succeed a Constitution saving throw (DC = Spell DC) or
throw or be poisoned until the end of it's next turn. You take 2d6 poison damage.
can use this ability a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus per a short rest Crescent Moonshine - When you drink this moonshine
If you become poisoned you gain advantage on Charisma you gain dark vision for 60 feet, if you already have dark
and Dexterity saving throws. vision it raises by 30 feet.
Happy Hour The cask can be drank from a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, and all expended uses are
Starting at 6th level, you become immune to poison damage. restored when you finish a long rest.
Your cantrips ignore immunity to poisoned status. If you lose the cask, you can preform a 1-hour ceremony to
Sway of the Drunkard receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony
can be performed during a short or long rest, and it
Starting at 10th level, your movement matches the hypnotic destroys the previous cask. The cask turns to ash when
swaying of the drunkard you met. When you poison an enemy you die.
with a cantrip, they take an additional amount of poison
damage equal to your warlock level. Also while they are Invocations
poisoned they have disadvantage on Constitution saving
throws. Eldritch Cocktail
Intoxicated Coerse Prerequisite: Pact of the Cask
When drinking from the cask, you can give the benefit of
At 14th level, your being is that of a drunkard. You gain the the drink to a creature within 30 feet as well.
ability to slowly coercing individuals into doing thing for you
by slowly intoxicating them. If you are around someone for Shadow People
more than a minute you can attempt to coerse them. They
must make a Constitution saving throw, on a failed save they You can cast unseen servant at will, without expending a spell
become poisoned if they weren't already and you can give slot.
them a command as if you casted suggestion on them,
however you don't have to keep concentration on them.
Created By
Critical Blunders - Grey Paradiso
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