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This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681


A Trusted Edge Computing System Based on

Intelligent Risk Detection for Smart IoT
Xiaoheng Deng, Senior member, IEEE, Bin Chen, Xuechen Chen, Xinjun Pei, Shaohua Wan, Senior
Member, IEEE, and Sotirios K. Goudos, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT) mainly consists of a

large number of Internet-connected devices. The proliferation Vehicle

of untrusted third-party IoT applications has led to an increase IoT Police

Edge Server

in IoT-based malware attacks. In addition, it is infeasible for Embedded

Urban UAV

the IoT devices to support the sophisticated detection systems IoT

Applications Communication
due to the restricted resources. Edge computing is considered Managed
Taxi IoT First Edge Server
to be promising. It provides solutions to the data security AID IoT Center Host
IoT Sensor
IoT Bank Taxi
and privacy leakage brought by untrusted third-party IoT IoT Home
Dynamic Market
IoT Tourism
applications. In this article, an intelligent trusted and secure edge Taxi
IoT Vehicle

computing(ITEC) system is proposed for IoT malware detection. Smart Internet-

connected devices
IoT Factory

In this system, a signature-based preidentification mechanism

is built for matching and identifying the malicious behaviors
of untrusted third-party IoT applications. A delay strategy is Fig. 1. Scenario of deploying untrusted third-party IoT applications on Smart
then embedded into the risk detection engine in order to “buy IoT devices.
time” for threat analysis, and rate-limit the impact of suspicious
third-party IoT applications in the system. We conduct extensive
experiments to verify the effectiveness of the ITEC system and vector is the use of IoT malware, which is deployed to IoT
show that we can achieve accuracies of up to 98.52%.
devices disguised as IoT applications. The cybercriminals are
Index Terms—Edge computing, Internet of Things(IoT), prei- more likely to be funded, better resourced, and professionally
dentification database, preidentification mechanism, risk detec- trained by illegal organizations or hostile forces [3]. They
tion engine.
design IoT malware to destroy the availability and integrity
of the IoT systems, which may lead to cancelling the smart
I. I NTRODUCTION urban infrastructure. The IoT applications are divided into two
types: 1)essential system software independently developed
I N FUTURE smart cities, the Internet of Things (IoT)
[1], [2] deployment includes a wide pervasive network
of Internet-connected vehicles, traffic information collec-
by operators, and 2)untrusted third-party IoT applications
developed by external developers. However, it is difficult to
tion, and sensors/(smart) video monitoring that automatically ensure that the untrusted third-party IoT applications deployed
sense, store, transfer, and process collected data (see Fig. 1). on IoT devices are trustworthy.
The third-party IoT applications are deployed on IoT devices, The IoT applications are the key to the security of edge
providing them with new intelligence. However, adversaries networks. It is necessary to quickly analyze the untrusted
consider the IoT devices as valuable targets. A common attack third-party IoT applications, since the adversaries can plan
to attack any area in the edge network such as physical
Manuscript received 4 October 2022; revised 15 January 2023; accepted
7 February 2023. This work was supported in part by the National Natural
damage, unauthorized access [4], irrevocable authorization
Science Foundation of China under Grant 62172441, Grant 62172449, and [5], privacy information leakage [6] and device hijack [7].
Grant 61772553,in part by the Local Science and Technology Developing Traditional cloud-based centralized malware detection sys-
Fundation Guided by Central Goverment under Free Exploration Grant
2021Szvup166, and in part by the Opening Project of State Key Laboratory
tems can detect malware threats by continuously monitoring
of Nickel and Cobalt Resources Comprehensive Utilization under Grant IoT networks. Some studies have discussed the possible threat
GZSYS-KY-2022-018 and Grant GZSYS-KY-2022-024. Paper no. TII-22- of IoT malware to the IoT cloud-edge gateway and further
4133. (Corresponding author: Xuechen Chen and Xinjun Pei.)
Xiaoheng Deng, Bin Chen, Xuechen Chen, and Xinjun Pei are with
clarified its importance. However, in many cases, these cloud-
the School of Computer Science and Engineering and the Shenzhen based malware detection systems do not have enough time to
Research Institute, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, China prevent malware threats from occurring on user devices due to
network transmission delays. In this context, such a solution
Shaohua Wan is with the School of Information and Safety Engineering, is hardly satisfactory against sophisticated and well-designed
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China (e-mail: IoT malwares.
Sotirios K. Goudos is with the ELEDIA@AUTH, School of Physics Many existing solutions require to deploy the IoT malware
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece (E-mail: detection system on the IoT devices. In this case, anti- malware providers strongly prefer lightweight methods to
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at perform real-time scanning on IoT devices. However, these
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681 solutions are limited in terms of resources, processing power,

Authorized licensed use limited Personal
to: Aristotle use is permitted,
University but republication/redistribution
of Thessaloniki. Downloaded on May 20,2023requires IEEE UTC
at 17:08:05 permission.
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© 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681


memory, and physical space [8]. Therefore, one promising a detection accuracy of 95.90%. Another common approach
solution is to extend the malware detection system to the in the malware detection consists in using dynamic analysis
edge paradigm. Edge computing processes IoT perception (e.g., Sandbox) to detect the IoT malware in a virtual isolation
data in real time near the data source side. It reduces the environment. For instance, Pajouh et al. [12] proposed a
response delay and improves the data transmission efficiency. two-layer dimensionality reduction and a two-layer classifi-
The development of edge computing has greatly improved the cation module in order to detect suspicious IoT applications.
intelligent management level of IoT systems [9]. Therefore, However, most of these Sandbox-based detection systems
applying edge computing to the security defense model in require high-performance hardware resources, due to the fact
order to ensure the IoT applications’ reliability becomes a that they apply an execution path and requested privilege
crucial solution. to detect IoT malware. Some malware hide (not run) their
In this article, we propose an IoT malware detection system malicious behaviors in the virtual environment. Therefore, the
[named intelligent trusted and secure edge computing (ITEC) dynamic-based detection methods [13] may not be suitable for
system] to detect malware in the edge network. Specifically, execution on user devices. In this article, we combine static
the ITEC system extends the malware detection system to the and dynamic analysis to implement IoT malware detection on
edge computing paradigm. In this system, all untrusted third- edge computing platform.
party IoT applications are subjected to the preidentification Currently, IoT networks faces serious security threats.
mechanism for fast classification. If the maximum likelihood Existing studies have discussed the cloud-based malware
value of untrusted third-party IoT applications falls into the detection system. Tian et al. [14] proposed a cloud-based
critical probability interval, it is subjected to further analysis dynamic malware detection solution. They first collected the
by the risk detection engine with a malicious threat-level information of runtime utilization and memory objects from
algorithm. Then, we use a risk detection engine to analyze the virtual machine and then used the multiple-convolutional-
the suspicious third-party IoT applications that cannot be neural-network(multi-CNN) model for malware detection.
identified under the preidentification mechanism. Moreover, Brown et al. [15] analyzed the system calls from the kernel in
a specifical designed delay strategy is used to rate-limit the cloud infrastructure as a service. They extracted n-gram call
impact of suspicious third-party IoT applications. The main sequence features, which then fed into a tree-based machine
contributions of this article are summarized as follows: learning model. Vahedi and Afhamisisi [16] proposed the
1) An ITEC system is designed and developed to detect concept of behavioral entropy to analyze malware files and
and identify IoT malware in the edge network. More then sent the behavioral features to the cloud for similarity
precisely, the ITEC system is compatible with Android test against known malware families. However, these cloud-
and Windows series of IoT malware detection schemes. computing-based detection systems have a long network
2) A novel method is proposed to identify the pseudo risk transmission delay. It is easy to lead to the risk of information
signature from IoT malware. Moreover, we propose a leakage.
delay-strategy-based risk detection engine to assess the Moreover, there are some on-device malware detection
threat level. studies, which require to deploy the IoT malware detection
3) The experimental results demonstrate that the ITEC system on the IoT devices. For example, taking into account
system has a reliable detection and evaluation ability. It the limited computing power and memory of mobile devices,
can timely and accurately detect the abnormal situation Feng et al. [17] used a customized deep neural network to per-
of untrusted third-party IoT applications. form malware detection on mobile devices. Moreover, based
The rest of this article is organized as follows. The related on broad learning, Yuan et al. [18] proposed a lightweight on-
work is reviewed in Section II. Section IV presents the ITEC device Android malware detector, which adopted a one-shot
detection system model and definitions. Section V shows computation to achieve full or incremental training directly on
the mathematical theory and algorithm. Section VI details mobile devices. However, in many cases, it is still difficult to
the analysis of the experimental results. Finally, Section VII deploy malware detection systems on IoT devices due to its
concludes this article. limited computing resources. Table I lists some representative
malware detection methods.
II. R ELATED W ORK In addition to the above studies, some studies have com-
The IoT network faces network threats, such as denial bined blockchain with the IoT to enable secure authentication
of service, response injection, and command injection at- and collaborative sharing between different IoT platforms.
tacks. Many existing studies have adopted static analysis The combination of blockchain and the IoT has certain
methods. For example, Li et al. [10] created a novel deep- prospects. Huang et al. [22] proposed a credit-based proof-of-
learning-based intrusion detection model to detect various net- work mechanism for IoT devices to protect the confidentiality
work threats against industrial cyber-physical systems (CPSs). of sensitive data. They did not consider the security of deploy-
However, this model does not consider the harm to industrial ing untrusted third-party applications on IoT end devices. Cui
CPSs caused by the deployment of untrusted third-party IoT et al. [23] proposed a decentralized asynchronous Federated
applications. Santos et al. [11] considered the frequency of learning (FL) framework based on blockchain authorization,
specific Opcodes of benign and malicious Windows software which is used for anomaly detection in the IoT network.
as the input of the learning model. Their method reaches However, the framework has high communication and com-

Authorized licensed use limited to: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Downloaded on May 20,2023 at 17:08:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681



Literature Category Detection Feature Method Performance Applications

Tian et al. [14] DA CMD RU+MO Multi-CNN Moderate Malware detection
Brown et al. [15] DA CMD N-gram call sequence Tree model Low Malware detection
Vahedi et al. [16] DA CMD Behavioral entropy Similarity test Moderate Malware detection
Feng et al. [17] SA ODMD Static features Deep learning Moderate Malware detection
Yuan et al. [18] SA ODMD Static features Broad learning Moderate Malware detection
Diallo et al. [19] SA EMD Traffic features Adaptive clustering High Intrusion detection
Liu et al. [20] SA EMD Webpage features MLO Moderate Webpage detection
Tan et al. [21] SA EMD ECI EMP Low Malware detection
Our work SA+DA EMD Critical probability interval ITEC High Malware detection
Abbreviation & Terms: SA - Static analysis, DA - Dynamic analysis, CMD - Cloud-based malware detection, ODMD - On-device malware detection, EMD
- Edge-based malware detection, RU - Runtime utilization, MO - Memory objects, MLO - Multidevice load optimization, ECI - End-edge coordinated
inference, EMP - Early-exit and model partitioning.

puting overhead. Guo et al. [24] proposed a distributed trusted

authentication system based on blockchain and edge com-
puting, but the asymmetric encryption mechanism can only
prevent the connection between nodes and terminals from
being attacked. However, blockchains are power-intensive and
low-throughput, which are not suitable for power-constrained
IoT devices. This also limits the use of blockchain in the IoT
Inspired by edge computing, some studies have considered
moving heavy computing tasks to the edge to deal with
security issues and alleviate the shortage of computing re- Fig. 2. Framework of the ITEC detection system.
sources. Diallo and Patras [19] proposed a network intrusion
detection framework based on adaptive clustering, which
IoT applications can create rules to guide sensors to interact
constructs a lightweight neural model composed of multiple
with edge servers. For example, it can collect and analyze
kernel networks to solve the problem of sensitive to subtle
data generated by sensors in real time. In this case, IoT
changes in traffic features. To solve the limitation of network
infrastructures are face more targeted attacks. We list some
transmission delay and computing resources in mobile social
of the malware threats facing IoT networks.
networks, Liu et al. [20] proposed a lightweight edge-based
mobile malicious webpage detection framework, which can be 1) Adversaries use malware to rapidly generate and evolve
deployed on edge nodes and servers. However, little effort has attacks, such as distributed denial attacks and ran-
been made to extend malware detection systems to the edge somware targeting IoT devices.
paradigm. The most relevant work to us is BYOD [21]. This 2) A malware attack may request more permissions than
work establishes an end-edge coordinated inference-based required and execute an implicit code path to trigger an
malware detection framework, which integrates the early-exit implicit trigger-action chain.
and model partitioning methods to support rapid localized 3) In IoT networks, malware can act as a “proxy” between
inference for smartphones. edge servers and end devices, rendering the cloud blind.
This article proposes an edge-based malware detection sys- In this case, an adversary can mask the messages or get
tem (ITEC), which extends the malware detection system to the end devices out of sync with the edge servers.
the edge computing paradigm. In the ITEC system, the prei- 4) A malware attack can tamper with the cloud’s authenti-
dentification mechanism based on risk signatures improves cation information for IoT devices to steal sensitive user
the timeliness of IoT malware detection. In addition, the information leaks, illegally access devices or implement
risk detection engine can dynamically execute the suspicious data injection attacks, among other things.
third-party IoT applications, exposing the threat level of IoT
malware and avoiding the risks of adversarial attacks. A. Security Analysis
It is crucial to provide a proactive and rapid IoT malware
III. THREAT MODEL detection method in order to protect the whole edge network
In the IoT network, IoT devices are managed and con- and prohibit IoT malware running over the IoT devices. This
trolled by an operating system, such as Android system. paper extends the malware detection system to the edge
Typically, the Android system provides users with coarse- computing service platform. The edge computing service
grained permissions. As a result, adversaries can leverage platform is responsible for a part of cloud function computing
third-party IoT applications deployed on IoT devices to services, which provides an open application programming
access critical external physical system controllers, such as interface (API) for resource access authorization, data collec-
industrial management systems. In addition, these third-party tion, and analysis. In addition, it can provide a framework

Authorized licensed use limited to: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Downloaded on May 20,2023 at 17:08:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681


for deep learning and streaming computing service, and save

the cost of malware detection system development, operation
and maintenance and network bandwidth. Compared with
cloud, the edge provides low latency, flexible, and convenient
security services for IoT services. Finally, this platform uses
a preidentification mechanism and risk detection engine in
order to detect the IoT malware. Specifically, the IoT malware
is divided into Lower, M edium, and High risk levels.


Fig. 3. Detection process of the ITEC detection system.
In this section, we present the ITEC system to protect the
whole edge network and prohibit untrusted third-party IoT
applications running over the network. The overall flow of the According to the range of the critical probability interval
proposed algorithm is presented in Fig. 2. In Section IV-A, [Lower, Upper], it is judged whether there is malicious be-
the three-layer structure is introduced. The detection process havior. When the maximum likelihood predicted value (P V )
is then described in Section IV-B. is less than the Lower value, the untrusted third-party IoT
applications are trusted. If the P V is higher than the Upper
A. System Model value, the untrusted third-party IoT applications are IoT
malware. Moreover, if P V ∈[Lower, Upper], the untrusted
As show in Fig. 2, the proposed system mainly consists of third-party IoT applications are defined as suspicious third-
the edge computing hardware environment, edge computing party IoT applications, which should be detected in the risk
service platform and ITEC system. detection engine.
1) Edge Computing Hardware Environment: The first 2) Risk Detection Engine: The edge computing server
layer provides basic hardware resources for edge computing is responsible for the start of suspicious third-party IoT
service platforms, such as task calculation and scheduling, applications tasks and the generation of risk detection reports.
network data transmission, data storage, and other functions. It also manages multiple risk detection engines. As the client
2) Edge Computing Service Platform: The edge com- of IoT malware risk detection, the risk detection engine
puting service platform extends the computing capacity to provides a virtual environment for suspicious third-party IoT
the edge nodes near the end devices. Based on the first applications to run. The malicious threat value of IoT malware
layer, a local edge computing service is created to connect is calculated, and finally, the detection and analysis data to
the IoT devices, forward, store, and analyze the data of the edge computing server are reported.
the IoT devices. The corresponding function library, routing The implementation of risk detection tasks for suspicious
subsystem, and open subsystem are configured. third-party IoT applications is implemented using the de-
3) ITEC Detection System: The ITEC system uses a prei- tection manager class. This class is inherited from thread
dentification mechanism and risk detection engine in order to and calls start delaystrategy() function, which starts the
detect the risks of untrusted third-party IoT applications. The delay strategy in the risk detection engine. The delay strategy
preidentification mechanism is based on the risk signature of can prolong the sleep time, and slow down the speed of
IoT malware and signature of benign IoT applications. suspicious third-party IoT applications invading sensitive files
Finally, this signature is stored in the preidentification and infecting other applications. The sleep time is added to
database. A risk detection engine is used to continue the risk system calls in order to reduce the possibility of suspicious
detection for suspicious third-party IoT applications, which third-party IoT applications accessing nonshared memory,
are in the critical probability interval in the preidentification which uses the system calls, such as N tCreateP rocess
mechanism. In addition, the IoT malware is divided into and N tCreateT hread in order to slow down the cre-
Lower, M edium, and High risk levels. ation of processes. The system calls the network handle
N tListenP ort(service listener thread) to reduce the network
B. Intelligent Trusted and Secure Edge Computing connection speed.
1) Preidentification Mechanism: The untrusted third-party
IoT applications submit samples through the submit() V. M ATHEMATICAL T HEORY AND A LGORITHM
method of the ITEC system. In the preidentification mech- In Section V-A and V-B, the mathematical method of
anism, a risk detection task scheduler is created and the preidentification mechanism is introduced to optimize the
start() method is called to start the system monitor driver. It preidentification database and the calculation method in order
is implemented through the monitor hook() function, con- to determine the critical probability interval. In Section V-C
tinuously crosses the preIdentification database, and matches and V-D, the calculation method of risk detection engine is in-
with the extract signature of the untrusted third-party IoT troduced to determine the malicious threat level of suspicious
applications in order to determine whether the application third-party IoT applications and the malicious threat-level
is safe or not. The process of risk detection for untrusted algorithm in order to determine the threat level of suspicious
third-party IoT applications is shown in Fig. 3. third-party IoT applications.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Downloaded on May 20,2023 at 17:08:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681


A. Preidentification Database between the signature and the critical probability interval of
untrusted third-party IoT applications. The calculation method
In the signatures collected using antimalware detection refers to
technology, some pseudo risk signature will exist in risk  
∆xi ∆xi
signature collections. However, in the preidentification mech- ∆X = P xi − < X < xi + (6)
2 2
anism stage, the pseudo risk signature may misjudge the ∆x
Z xi + 2 i
benign IoT applications as the signature of IoT malware. ∆Xi = f (x, θ)dx ≈ f (xi , θ) ∗ ∆xi . (7)
The Pearson correlation coefficient is first used to calculate ∆x
xi − 2 i
the feature similarity between the pseudo risk signature (it
belongs to benign signature) and risk signature. It is necessary The calculationQmethod of the critical probability interval
to separate the pseudo risk signature from the risk signature. is given by: L(θ) i=1 ∆xi , which provides convenience for
The calculation method is given by the system administrator to operate the threshold of critical
Inf U (i,j)←k 1 probability interval.After obtaining the calculation method of
S(i,j)←k = + (1)
2 × Relate i←k × Relate j←k 2 the critical probability interval, it is required to continue the
where Inf U (i,j)←k represents the influence of pseudo risk risk detection for suspicious third-party IoT applications in
signature k in risk signature set U (i) and benign signature the U ncertaintyStage. When P V falls into the minimum
set U (j), the Relate i←k represents the degree of association critical probability interval, the ITEC system believes that the
between the pseudo risk signature k and the risk signature untrusted third-party IoT applications may be IoT malware or
set U (i), the Relate j←k represents the degree of association benign IoT applications. Therefore, the ITEC system will start
between the pseudo risk signature k and the benign signature the risk detection engine according to the minimum critical
set U (j), U (i) represents the risk signature set of IoT malware
i, U (j) represents the signature set of benign IoT applications probability interval.
j, k is a pseudo risk signature in the common subset between In order to maintain the consistency of risk detection for
IoT malware i and benign IoT application j. According to the suspicious third-party IoT applications, the critical probability
definition, the S(i,j)←k value range of the similarity between interval is set to at least 10% (experimental results), as the
IoT malware i and benign IoT application j is in the range [0, Switch to start the risk detection engine. In Section V-C
1]. S(i,j)←k denotes the similarity between the IoT malware
and V-D, the theory and method of risk detection engine are
ui and all candidate benign IoT application uj ∈ C (ui ), Si
selects the critical value of neighbor applications for the IoT introduced.
malware ui . C (ui ) represents other IoT malwares that share
the same risk signature as IoT malwares i. When S(i,j)←k , the C. Malicious Threats Calculation Method
similarity between the benign IoT application uj and the IoT
malware ui is less than the critical value( S(i,j)←k < Si ), this Assuming that in N files of suspicious third-party IoT ap-
indicates that uj is not an IoT malware, nor does it belong plications, after n−th times of dynamic detection, n−k files
to the set C (ui ) of IoT malwares. The calculation method is are detected to be malicious. The probability of n(N ) = n−k
given by: satisfies a binomial distribution. The probability of detecting
P malicious threat is expressed as q, q ∈ [0, 1]. The probability
uk ∈ C (ui ) S(i,j) − k distribution of suspicious third-party IoT applications files
Si = (2) with malicious threats is expressed as
|C (ui )|
U (j) = uk | S(i,j)←k < Si , uk ∈
/ C (ui ) . (3) N
P (n(N ) = n − k | q) = q n−k (1 − q)N −n−k . (8)
After optimizing the preidentification database, the P V
based on the critical probability interval is introduced in Let Vi denote that the i-th file has a malicious threat. It
Section V-B to detect untrusted third-party IoT applications. is required to use the bayesian reasoning method to estimate
the probability that the i + 1 file also has a malicious
threat P (Vi+1 = 1 | n(N ) = n − k). We define Vi+1 = 1
B. Critical Probability Interval to indicate that the file has a malicious threat, and Vi+1 = 0
to indicate that the file is benign and secure. According to
The P V between the signature observed by the untrusted Bayes theorem, the probability distribution of the i+th file is
third-party IoT applications in the system monitor driver and expressed as
the signature in the preidentification database should be calcu-
lated. Let X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn be the independent and identically DisP (Vi+1 =1,n−k)
distributed signatures, and x1 , x2 , . . . , xn be the observed P (Vi+1 = 1 | n(N ) = n − k) = . (9)
DisP (n−k)
signature values. When the observations x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are
determined, we have θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θn . We use f (xi , θ) to where P (Vi+1 = 1 | n(N ) = n − k) is the probability dis-
represent the distribution column P {X = xi } = f (xi , θ) of tribution of the malicious threat of the (i + 1)th file, and
signature X P (n(N ) = n − k) is the probability distribution of n − k
n files with malicious threats for n times of independent de-
tection. According to the definition of boundary probability
L (θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θn ) = f (xi , θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θn ) (4)
i=1 distribution, the distribution function equation is given by
L(θ̂) = MaxL(θ). (5)
Z 1
DisP (Vi+1 =1,n−k) = P (n(N ) = n − k | q)f (q)q · dq. (10)
The P V of L(θ) is obtained by deriving Equation (5) or 0

considering boundary points. Finally, the value of θ̂ (P V of where P (n(N ) = n − k | q)f (q) represents the probability
parameter θ) is obtained. The pre-identification mechanism density function of malicious threats of n − k files in n
introduces a configurable critical probability interval [Lower, independent detection, P (n(N ) = n − k | q)f (q)q represents
Upper]. It is required to determine the location relationship the probability density function of i + 1 files with malicious

Authorized licensed use limited to: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Downloaded on May 20,2023 at 17:08:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681


Algorithm 1 : Malicious Threat Classification Algorithm. average of the three categories. It is deduced that, when the
Input: AV , AC, RP , U I, WC , WI , WA , E, RL, RC, malicious threat score is between 7 and 10, which is classified
ImpactConfM odif ied , ImpactIntegM odif ied and
ImpactAvailM odif ied . as High risk level IoT malware, it can completely invade
Output: Threat Level(T L) = { Low, Medium, High } based on BS, T S and control the operating system, including the operation and
and ES. management of the system, and obtain the Root authority.
1: for each i package in N do
2: ESC = (8.22)∗ AV ∗ AC ∗ P R∗ U I; When the malicious threat score is between 4 and 6.9, it is
3: ISCBase = 1 − [(1 − WC )∗ (1 − WI )∗ (1 − WA )]; classified as M edium risk level IoT malware. It refers to the
4: if ISCBase <= 0 or ISCBase > 1 then common operation beyond the scope of authority, including
5: BS=0;
6: end if but not limited to avoiding the modification of peripheral
7: if ScopeModifed == Unchanged then data, performing illegal operations, as well as the logic design
8: ISC = 6.42 ∗ ISCBase ; defects and process defects of the application itself. The
9: BS = Roundup (Min((ESC + ISC), 10), 1);
10: else malicious threat score of Lower risk level IoT malware is
11: ISC = 7.52∗ [ISCBase − 0.029] − 3.25 ∗ [ISCBase − 0.02]15 ; between 0 and 3.9. It usually has the risk of interfering with
12: min = Min(1.08 ∗ (ESC + ISC), 10); the normal operation of IoT devices.
13: BS = Roundup (min, 1);
14: T S = Roundup (BS∗ E∗ RL∗ RC); The pseudocode of the malicious threat-level method is
15: end if presented in Algorithm 1. We first obtain the exploitabil-
16: end for ity subscore (ESC) and the basic impact subfactor score
17: ESCModified = 8.22 ∗ AVModified ∗ ACModified ∗ P RModified ∗ U IModified ;
18: Impact CR = 1 -ImpactConf Modiffed ∗ CR; ISCBase . (see Algorithm 1, lines 1-3). In Algorithm 1 (Line
19: Impact IR = 1 -ImpactInteg Modified ∗ IR; 7-15), we use Scope as the mark of the infection range of IoT
20: Impact AR = 1 -ImpactAvail Modiffed ∗ AR; malware to calculate the base score (BS) and the temporal
21: Min− 2 = 1 -(Impact CR )∗ (ImpactIR )∗ (ImpactAR );
22: ISCM odif ied = Min (Min− 2, 0.915); score (T S) (see Algorithm 1, lines 7-15). Specifically, Scope
23: if ScopeModified == U nchanged then indicates whether the scope of influence of IoT malware will
24: ISCBaseModified = 7.52 × (ISCModified − 0.029) − 3.25 × be extended to other components or the ability to obtain
(ISCModified − 0.02)15 ;
25: if ISCBaseModified <= 0 then
permissions. In Algorithm 1 (Line 17-22), we use modified
26: ES = 0; impact subfactor score ISCM odif ied to evaluate the influence
27: else of IoT malware. Finally, based on ISCM odif ied , we can
28: ES = Roundup(Roundup− 1∗ ESC ∗ RL∗ RC);
29: end if
obtain the environmentalscore (ES) to determine whether
30: else the impact of the threat spans different security areas (see
31: ISCBaseModified = 6.42 × ISCModified ; Algorithm 1, lines 23-37). Note that Algorithm 1 has a time
32: if ISCBaseModified <= 0 then
33: ES = 0;
complexity of O(n).
34: else
36: end if
37: end if A computer with an eight-core CPU and 16-GB RAM
38: return BS, T S and ES. is used as the public edge computing hosting host, which
provides basic hardware resources for software deployments,
such as task computing, network communication, primary se-
threats in n times independent detections. By synthesizing lection, identification and inventory storage. The edge server
Equations (9) and (10), the calculation method of malicious system is also deployed on the hosting host system platform
threat of suspicious third-party IoT applications is obtained
as with the corresponding function libraries and modules, such
as the routing subsystem and the open subsystem. In our ex-
P (Vi+1 = 1 | n(N ) = n − k) = . (11) periment, 1200 real-world Windows and Android applications
N +2
are collected from the Virusshare [26] in order to build an IoT
It can be deduced from Equation (11) that the total number malware dataset. A benign dataset with 980 popular benign
of files N of suspicious third-party IoT applications and the applications collected from the official Windows Store and
number of packages n−k with malicious behavior in n times IoT application stores, such as Pi Store [27], is then created.
of detection should be known. The threat impact value of IoT All the benign IoT applications are scanned by antivirus
malware is calculated in the process of dynamic detection, engines to ensure their normal attributes. In this article, some
and a malicious threat level algorithm is proposed to evaluate important experimental parameters of ITEC system are as
the threat level of IoT malware. The related introduction is follows: The optimal critical probability interval is set as
shown in Section V-D. [40%, 60%], transmission power is 12 W, power dissipation
is set to 0.1 nm, the transmission bandwidth is 50 MHz, and
D. Malicious Threat-Level Algorithm the specific parameters are described in Table II.
The CVSS [25] vulnerability scoring rules are improved,
and a malicious threat classification algorithm is proposed. A. Preidentification Database
The malicious threat score is divided into three categories: After optimizing the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, a
basic score, lif ecycle score and environment score. Fi- preidentification database is developed (see Table III). The
nally, the malicious threat score is obtained by a weighted risk signatures extracted by the preidentification mechanism

Authorized licensed use limited to: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Downloaded on May 20,2023 at 17:08:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681


TABLE II U ncertaintyStage. When the critical probability interval is

PARAMETER S ETTING 20%, the classification accuracy reaches 93.53%. Although
the set Lower and U pper values are different, the classifi-
Parameter[Symbols] Value[Units]
cation accuracy slightly fluctuates. This means that they are
Maximum Likelihood Predicted Value, P V 0.98
Critical probability interval, Lower 40%
mainly stable, which verifies the stability of the preidentifi-
Critical probability interval, U pper 60% cation mechanism.
Transmission power, T 12Watt
Power dissipation, P d 0.1nmWatt
Intel(R) Core(TM) C. Evaluation of the Risk Detection Engine Detection Per-
Processor i5-6300HQ
RAM 16GB Existing studies have provided some malware detection
Bandwidth, W 50MHz
Amounts of sample, Q 3,180 methods, such as Opcode [28], frequency of Opcodes [11],
[29], and low-complexity signature [30]. We compare the
proposed ITEC system with these state-of-the-art detection
P REIDENTIFICATION DATABASE . systems. Table IV summarizes the comparison results. As we
can see, most baseline models achieve high detection accu-
ID Signature Explanation racy, but they are not comparable to our proposed ITEC sys-
1 raises exception One or more processes crashed.
2 allocates rwx Allocates read-write-execute memory.
tem. This may be because in our proposed ITEC system, the
3 pe features The executable has PE anomalies. signature-based preidentification mechanism can distinguish
4 creates exe Creates executable files on the filesystem. benign signatures from malicious signatures, which greatly
5 creates service Creates a service.
6 suspicious proces Creates a suspicious process.
improves the detection accuracy. Haddadpajouh et al. [31]
... ... ... propose a deep learning-based IoT malware detection method.
Executed a process and injected code into it, Moreover, Alshahrani et al. [32] proposes a malware detection
34 injection runpe
probably while unpacking.
Connects to an IP address that is no longer
system that integrates blockchain and deep learning models.
35 dead host Compared with the two baselines [31], [32], our ITEC system
responding to requests.
achieves the best detection accuracy. Specifically, our ITEC
detection system has great advantages in terms of detection
have operational behaviors such as endangering the security efficiency. In most cases,the running time for processing one
performance of the IoT system, modifying the system files, sample is less than 85 ms, which is almost negligible.
and accessing third-party malicious websites through the
background without user permission. The system APIs can be
used to modify the sensitive data, system resources and IoT D. Ablation Experiment
device status. Afterwards, malicious operations are performed We investigate the evaluate the impact of the critical
in the background for the remote malicious code injection and probability interval. In this experiment, we selected the crit-
abnormal network access. The benign signature of IoT appli- ical probability intervals [10%, 90%], [20%, 80%], [30%,
cations usually includes common legal file configuration and 70%] and [40%, 60%] to investigate the influence on the
operation behaviors, such as file reading, registry information, preidentification mechanism, risk detection engine (RD) and
file directory creation, system path establishment, and other risk detection engine with delay strategy (RD+DM). Then,
normal access operations. we give the precision, accuracy, F1, and recall of our method
under different critical probability intervals. As we expected,
B. Evaluate Preidentifiaction Mechanism Performance RD+DM performs consistently well, outperforming the other
two baseline models. Moreover, as can be seen from Fig. 5,
The experimental results show that, when the critical
with the change of critical probability interval, the detection
interval increases, the detection accuracy of the preiden-
performance of RD+DM raises steadily.
tification mechanism decreases. It can be seen from Fig.
Moreover, we use false positive rate (FPR) to evaluate the
4 that, when the critical probability interval increases,
detection performance of ITEC system, which can reflect the
more suspected third-party IoT applications will be in the
possibility of misjudgment of our system. From Fig. 6, we can
see that when the critical probability interval is [10%, 90%],
the FPR of our ITEC system achieves 11%. With the decrease
of the critical probability interval, the FPR of ITEC system
also decreases. When the critical probability interval is [40%,
60%], the FPR of our ITEC system reaches the minimum.
This shows that the ITEC system can correctly identify most
samples and has the fewest misjudgments. However, when
the interval is [40%, 60%], the FPR increases. This suggests
that more samples were misjudged by the ITEC system. In
Fig. 4. Classification performance of the preidentification mechanism under this case, the ITEC system needs to use the risk detection
different critical probability intervals. engine to detect third-party IoT applications.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Downloaded on May 20,2023 at 17:08:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681



Detection Methods Samples size [Lower, Upper] Accuracy F1 Recall Avg.time (per sample)
Santos et al. [11] 17,000 N/A 95.91% 81.75% 77.70% 149.31ms
Hashemi et al. [28] 11,100 N/A 96.87% 86.05% 81.55% N/A
E.M et al. [29] 22,000 N/A 98.17% 99.3% 98.73% 1.36s
Abbas et al. [30] 70 N/A 87.91% 87.37% 86.93% 2.65s
Hamed et al. [31] 552 N/A 97.43% N/A 99.27% 36ms
Hani Alshahrani et al. [32] 3,100 N/A 92.31% 94.12% N/A% 17s
3,180 [10%, 90%] 94.58% 94.50% 94.55% 50ms
3,180 [30%, 70%] 97.06% 97.03% 96.21% 46ms
Risk Detection Engine
3,180 [40%, 60%] 98.06% 98.04% 97.27% 42ms
3,180 [40%, 50%] 98.01% 98.00% 97.42% 37ms
3,180 [10%, 90%] 95.98% 95.96% 95.46% 85ms
3,180 [30%, 70%] 97.48% 97.46% 96.59% 81ms
Delay Strategy
3,180 [40%, 60%] 98.52% 98.50% 97.73% 64ms
3,180 [40%, 50%] 98.09% 98.08% 97.58% 61ms

1 0 0 %
9 8 % 9 8 %
9 8 %
9 8 %
9 6 % 9 6 %
9 6 %
9 6 %
9 4 %
9 4 % 9 4 % 9 4 %

9 2 %
9 2 %
9 2 % 9 2 %

9 0 % 9 0 %

9 0 % 9 0 %
8 8 % 8 8 %

8 6 % 8 8 % 8 8 %
8 6 % [ 1 0 % ,9 0 % ] [ 2 0 % ,8 0 % ] [3 0 % , 7 0 % ] [4 0 % , 6 0 % ] [4 0 % , 5 0 % ]
P re -d e te c tio n R D R D + D M P re -d e te c tio n R D R D + D M [ 1 0 % ,9 0 % ] [ 2 0 % ,8 0 % ] [3 0 % , 7 0 % ] [4 0 % , 6 0 % ] [4 0 % , 5 0 % ]
[ 1 0 % ,9 0 % ] [ 2 0 % ,8 0 % ] [3 0 % , 7 0 % ] [4 0 % , 6 0 % ] [4 0 % , 5 0 % ] [ 1 0 % ,9 0 % ] [ 2 0 % ,8 0 % ] [3 0 % , 7 0 % ] [4 0 % , 6 0 % ] [4 0 % , 5 0 % ] P re d e te c tio n R D R D + D M P re d e te c tio n R D R D + D M

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 5. Ablation Studies for various critical probability intervals. (a)Precision. (b)Accuracy. (c)Recall. (d)F1.

1 2 %
1 4 0
L o w e r
THigh risk . For the M edium and High risk, the malicious be-
1 0 %
1 2 0
M id d le
H ig h haviors can trigger more security risks, such as malicious code
8 %
1 0 0 injection, network backdoor transmission, data establishment
6 %
8 0
and communication. These detection methods are not able to
4 %
6 0
detect the IoT malware at M edium and High risk, while
2 %
4 0
the detection time is also not guaranteed. It can be seen from
0 %
Fig. 7 that the detection time of the high-risk based method is




R D ]

[ 1 0 % ,9 0 % ] [ 2 0 % ,8 0 % ] [3 0 % , 7 0 % ] [4 0 % , 6 0 % ] [4 0 % , 5 0 % ]
R D % ]

R D % ]

E +

E +



R D ]

E +


E +

longer than that of the low-risk based method. This shows that










P re -d e te c tio n R D R D + D M






the efficiency of the risk detection engine is better than that

Fig. 6. Comparative classifica- Fig. 7. Comparison of detection
tion performance in various criti- time of different detection meth-
of the preidentification mechanism. If the critical probability
cal probability intervals. ods for IoT malware of different interval is small, the efficiency is high. After introducing the
risk levels. delay strategy, the detection efficiency is reduced, and the
classification accuracy is improved by limiting the speed of
Central Cloud
the IoT malware accessing sensitive files. If the critical prob-
Remote Interaction

Network Controller
ability interval is shortened, the classification efficiency can
be further improved, which indicates that the risk detection
Broadcast Across
Edge Nodes
engine has a real-time detection.
Risk Detection Risk Detection
Engine Across Operator Engine
Edge Code(V2X) Edge Node(V2X)

F. Engineering Applications
Communication Link

Chat Online
RSU In-vehicle Omnidirection RAN In-vehicle
Self-driving constitutes an important part of intelligent
Infotainment Navigation Cameras Infotainment

transportation system. As shown in Fig. 8, with the accelera-

rescue Control
Medical rescue Navigation Millimeter
In-car Entertainment tion of onboard basic software updating, third-party intelligent
transportation operators provide users with diversified ser-
Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of malware detection based on the ITEC system vices through in-vehicle infotainment systems (e.g., car nav-
in the Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System.
igation systems and instant-messaging programs), enhancing
user experience. In general, self-driving requires high safety
performance. Malware could cause serious consequences,
E. Detection Time of IoT Malware With Different Risk Levels
such as illegal access to the vehicle, sensitive information
The experimental results are shown in Fig. 7. In general, leakage, and data injection attack. In the worst case, the
the threat levels sort as follows: TLower risk < TMedium risk < malware could take control of a vehicle, leading to a crash.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Downloaded on May 20,2023 at 17:08:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
© 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681


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© 2023 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TII.2023.3245681


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include edge computing Internet of Things, online in the fields of edge intelligence. His main research interests include deep
social network analysis, data mining, and pattern learning for Internet of Things.
Dr. Deng is a Senior Member of the China Computer Federation(CCF),
a Member of the CCF Pervasive Computing Council, and a Member of the
Association for Computing Machinery. From 2009 to 2010, he was a Chair Sotirios K. Goudos (Senior Member, IEEE) re-
of the CCF YOCSEF CHANGSHA. ceived the B.Sc. degree in physics, the M.Sc. of
Postgraduate Studies in electronics, and the Ph.D.
degree in physics from the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1991, 1994,
Bin Chen was born in Shaoyang, Hunan, China in and, 2001, respectively, the M.Sc. degree in infor-
1992. He received the B.S. degree in information mation systems from the University of Macedonia,
security from Hunan Police Academy, Changsha, Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2005, and the diploma
China, in 2016, and the M.S. degree in computer degree in electrical and computer engineering from
science from the School of Computer Science and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2011.
Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, Prof. Goudos is an Associate Editor for IEEE
His major research interests include edge com- IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF THE COMMUNICATION SOCIETY, Interna-
puting and Internet of Things security. tional Journal of Antennas and Propagation, EURASIP Journal on Wireless
Communications and Networking, and Electronics. He is the founding Editor-
in-Chief for Telecom, an open-access journal(MDPI publishing). He is an
IEEE Greece Section Secretary.

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