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University of Skikda

Department of foreign languages

Level: 3rd year
Subject: linguistics
Mr. Bouafia
Syllabus of Sociolinguistics

1/ Introduction to sociolinguistics
Definitions, Scope, and Basic concepts˸ Speech community, linguistic
repertoire, linguistic variable, variety
2/ Ferguson and Fishman: Sociolinguistics and the Sociology of Language
 Pidgins, creoles
 Diglossia
 Bilingualism
 code switching
 mixed languages and borrowing
3/ William Labov: The Study of Language Variation and Change
 Types of Language Variation
Internal Variation
External Variation
 Language varieties, Dialect
Standard languages
Language Vs. Dialect
Regional Dialect vs Social Dialect
4/ Bernstein: Elaborated and Restricted Codes and Social Class
5/ Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis
 The Strong Version - Linguistic Determinism
 The Weak Version - Linguistic Relativity
6/ Language Styles and Registers
 The function of language styles
 Register
 Types of Registers
8/ Factors determining language use
 The setting
 The topic
 Social dimension and culture
 Gender

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