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Observational Techniques
► Observation The systematic activities of
Observation witnessing and recording the behavioral patterns
of objects, people, and events without directly
Techniques communicating with them.
► The main characteristic of all observational
techniques is that researchers must rely heavily
on their powers of observing rather than actually
communicating with people to collect primary
Dr. Anoop Kumar Gupta data.
MAIT ► The researcher depends on watching and
recording what people or objects do in many
1 different research situations. 2

Observational Techniques Observational Techniques

A lot of different information about the behavior of
۞Spatial Relationships and Locations (e.g., the
people and objects can be observed:
number of vehicles that move through a traffic
۞ Physical Actions (e.g., consumers’ shopping
light sequence or movements of people at a
patterns or automobile driving habits),
theme park),
۞ Expressive Behaviors (e.g., the tone of voice and
۞Physical Objects (e.g., which brand name items
facial expressions of respondents during a personal
interview), are purchased at supermarkets or which
make/model SUVs are driven), and so on.
۞ Verbal Behavior (e.g., telemarketing phone
۞ Temporal Behavior Patterns (e.g., the amount of
time spent online shopping or at a particular
website), 3 4

Conditions for using Observational

Observational Techniques Techniques
► Employment of observational techniques requires two Condition Brief Description
۞a behavior or event that is observable
Current behavior patterns must be part of the data
۞a system of recording it
► Recording the behavioral patterns of objects, people, or
Type of data Necessary data must be observable.
marketing phenomena can be achieved by using trained
human observers or such devices as videotapes, movie
Data patterns must meet repetitiveness,
cameras, audiotapes
Time frame frequency, and predictability factors in a Pre-
► Observation techniques cannot be used to capture specified time frame.
cognitive elements such as attitudes, preferences,
beliefs, or emotional elements of people such as Behavior must be observable in some type of
feelings or motivations. public or laboratory setting.
5 6

Observation in Marketing Research Observation in Marketing Research

► In marketing research, observation is a ► These tracking systems can observe and provide
systematic process of recording behavioral data such as whether or not a specific consumer
patterns of people, objects, and occurrences as purchased more products on discount or at regular
they happen. price
► No questioning or communicating with people is ► Or how much time a consumer spent viewing a
needed. particular web page before either exiting or
clicking through to the next page i.e. time spent by
► Researchers who use observation method data
the viewer on the webpage.
collection either witness and record information
while watching events take place or take advantage
of some tracking system such as checkout
scanners or Internet activity records. 7 8

What Can Be Observed What Can Be Observed

► The observation method may be used to describe a

wide variety of behavior, but cognitive phenomena
such as attitudes, motivations, and preferences
cannot be observed.
► As a result, observation research cannot
provide an explanation of why a behavior
occurred or what actions were intended.
► Another limitation is that the observation period
generally is short. Observing behavior patterns that
occur over a period of several days or weeks
generally is too costly or even impossible. 9 10

The Nature of Observation Studies The Nature of Observation Studies

► Marketing researchers can observe people, objects, ► Human or mechanical observation is generally
events, or other phenomena using either human unobtrusive, meaning no communication with a
observers or machines designed for specific respondent takes place.
observation tasks. ► For example, rather than asking customers how much
time they spend shopping in the store, a supermarket
► Human observation best suits a situation or
manager might observe and record the intervals
behavior that is not easily predictable in advance of between when shoppers enter and leave the store.
the research.
► The unobtrusive or nonreactive nature of the
► Mechanical observation, as performed by observation method often generates data without a
supermarket scanners or traffic counters, can very subject’s knowledge.
accurately record situations or types of behavior ► A situation in which an observer’s presence is known to
that are routine, repetitive, or programmatic. 11 the subject involves visible observation 12

The Nature of Observation Studies Observation of Human Behavior

► A situation in which a subject is unaware that observation ► Whereas surveys emphasize verbal responses, observation
is taking place is hidden observation. studies emphasize and allow for the systematic recording of
► Hidden, unobtrusive observation minimizes respondent
nonverbal behavior.
error. Asking subjects to participate in the research is not ► Toy manufacturers such as Mattel uses the observation
required when they are unaware that they are being technique because children often cannot express their
reactions to products. By observing children at play with a
proposed toy, doll, or game, marketing researchers may be
► The major advantage of observation studies over surveys, able to identify the elements of a potentially successful product.
which obtain self-reported data from respondents, is that ► Behavioral scientists have recognized that nonverbal behavior
the data are free from distortions, inaccuracies, or other can be a communication process by which meanings are
response biases due to memory error, social desirability exchanged among individuals. Head nods, smiles, raised
bias, and so on. The data are recorded when the actual eyebrows, and other facial expressions or body movements
behavior takes place. have been recognized as communication symbols.
13 14

Observation Methods Disguised

Quantitative observation Versus Undisguised Observation

► Quantitative observation techniques are extensively  In disguised observation, the respondents

used in descriptive research. are unaware that they are being observed.
► The observer does not question or communicate with Disguise may be accomplished by using one-
the people being observed unless he or she takes the way mirrors, hidden cameras, or inconspicuous
role of a mystery shopper. mechanical devices. Observers may be
► Information may be recorded as the events occur or disguised as shoppers or sales clerks.
from records of past events. Observational
techniques may be structured or unstructured,  In undisguised observation, the respondents
disguised or undisguised. Furthermore, observation are aware that they are under observation.
may be conducted in a natural or a contrived

Disguised versus undisguised Disguised versus undisguised

observation observation

► In disguised observation, the respondents are ► One of the most widespread techniques of observation is
through the use of mystery shoppers.
unaware that they are being observed.
► The mystery shopper takes the role of the ordinary ‘man or
► Disguise enables respondents to behave naturally woman in the street’, behaves just as a normal customer
because people tend to behave differently when would, asks the same sorts of questions a customer would
they know they are being observed. and leaves. Mystery shopping differs from conventional
survey research in that it aims to collect facts rather than
► Disguise may be accomplished by using two-way
mirrors, hidden cameras or inconspicuous
► In undisguised observation, respondents are aware that
electronic devices. they are under observation. Respondents may be aware of
► Observers may be disguised as shoppers, sales the situation either by being told that an observer is in their
assistants or other appropriate roles. presence or by its being obvious that someone is recording
17 their behavior. 18

Relative advantages of observation Relative disadvantages of observation

techniques techniques
► The greatest advantage of observational techniques is ► The biggest disadvantage of observation is that the
that they permit measurement of actual behavior rather reasons for the observed behavior may be difficult to
than reports of intended or preferred behavior. determine because little is known about the underlying
► There is no reporting bias, and potential bias caused by motives, beliefs, attitudes and preferences.
the interviewer and the interviewing process is eliminated ► For example, people observed buying a brand of cereal
or reduced. may or may not like it themselves; they may be
► Certain types of data can be collected only by purchasing that brand for someone else in the household.
observation. These include behavior patterns which the ► Observational data can be time consuming and expensive
respondent is unaware of or unable to communicate. For to collect.
example, information on babies’ and toddlers toy
► It is also difficult to observe certain forms of behavior such
preferences is best obtained by observing babies at play,
as personal activities that occur in the privacy of the
because they are unable to express themselves
consumer’s home.
adequately. 19 20

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