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Shake-Table Test of a Full-Scale 4-Story Precast

Concrete Building. II: Analytical Studies

Sofia Gavridou 1; John W. Wallace, F.ASCE 2; Takuya Nagae 3; Taizo Matsumori 4;
Kenich Tahara, Dr.Eng. 5; and Kunio Fukuyama 6

Abstract: In 2010, a full-scale, 4-story precast concrete building was tested on the E-Defense shake table. The lateral-force-resisting
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system of the building included unbonded posttensioned (UPT) concrete walls in one direction and bonded posttensioned frames in the
orthogonal direction. The companion paper presents an overview of the experimental program and key test results for response in the wall
direction; this paper describes the development and experimental verification of a nonlinear model in the wall direction of the test building
using commercially available software. The good correlations between analytical and experimental results confirm the ability of the
model to capture global and local responses, including story lateral displacements, story shear forces and moments, and gap opening
due to rocking at the wall base. Test and model results provide valuable insight into dynamic responses and design aspects of a
full-scale, three-dimensional UPT building, including the influence of component interactions and the role of the floor diaphragm.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001756. © 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Posttensioning; Precast concrete walls; Shake-table tests; E-Defense; Analytical modeling; Analysis and computation.

Introduction are associated with modeling the connections between the precast
elements, where inelastic deformations are concentrated through
Since the mid-1990s, a significant body of research has been the opening and closing of a gap. Prior analytical studies related
devoted to development and experimental validation of precast con- to UPT concrete systems include simplified methods to characterize
crete structural systems that use unbonded posttensioning steel. their global monotonic response (Pampanin et al. 2001; Aaleti and
Following the successful pseudodynamic testing of the 0.60-scale, Sritharan 2009), lumped plasticity and multispring models (Palermo
5-story Precast Seismic Structural Systems (PRESSS) building et al. 2005), fiber element models (Kurama et al. 1999; Perez et al.
(Priestley et al. 1999), numerous component tests, primarily under 2007), and more detailed continuum finite-element models (Henry
quasi-static loading conditions, have demonstrated the ability of et al. 2012). Given the limited experimental data on dynamic
unbonded posttensioned (UPT) concrete systems to achieve large responses of UPT systems, the aforementioned models have been
inelastic deformations with minimal structural damage and minor primarily validated against quasi-static cyclic tests of individual com-
residual deformations. In order to ultimately move UPT systems ponents. Ma et al. (2006) caution that a model predicting correct
into practice it is necessary that such experimental results be ac- static response of an UPT wall does not necessarily predict correct
companied with analysis tools suited for design office application. dynamic response. Furthermore, with few exceptions (e.g., Henry
The study presented herein focuses on developing and experi- 2011), UPT walls have been generally analyzed in isolation, neglect-
mentally validating analytical tools for UPT precast concrete systems ing interaction effects between the wall and the surrounding structure.
using commercially available software. Given their jointed nature, The recent E-Defense shake-table tests of a full-scale, 4-story
the main challenges in modeling UPT precast concrete systems precast concrete building provided unique data on dynamic re-
sponses of UPT systems, including data to address system interac-
tions. The objectives of this paper are to present an analytical model
Lecturer and Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Civil and Environmen- of the test building that can capture experimentally measured global
tal Engineering, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593 (corre- and local responses in the direction that utilized UPT systems and
sponding author). E-mail:
2 to assess the importance of component interactions. Prior to ana-
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of
California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593. lyzing the complete test building under the imposed dynamic
Associate Professor, Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Nagoya loading, the behavior of individual components of the model
Univ., Chikusa, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8601, Japan. (UPT walls, UPT beams) under static loading is validated by com-
4 parisons with prior static cyclic tests of a cantilevered UPT wall and
Senior Researcher, National Research Institute for Earth Science
and Disaster Prevention, 1501-21 Nishikameya, Mitsuda, Shijimi-cho an UPT beam–column subassemblage. In addition to verifying the
Miki, Hyogo 673-0515, Japan. proposed computational models, the analyses presented here allow
Fujita Corporation, 4-25-2, Sendagaya Shibuya, Tokyo 151-8570, examinations of system interactions such as framing action result-
Japan. ing from coupling of the UPT walls to the corner columns through
Visiting Researcher, National Research Institute for Earth Science and the UPT beams, and interactions of the UPT beams with the slab.
Disaster Prevention, 1501-21 Nishikameya, Mitsuda, Shijimi-cho Miki,
Hyogo 673-0515, Japan.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 27, 2015; approved
on November 18, 2016; published online on February 28, 2017. Discus- E-Defense Precast Concrete Test Building
sion period open until July 28, 2017; separate discussions must be sub-
mitted for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of In 2010, a full-scale, 4-story, precast concrete building was tested
Structural Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445. under multidirectional shaking on the E-Defense shake table

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two perimeter 2-bay moment frames constructed with precast beam
and column elements jointed together with bonded posttensioning
steel. The floor system consisted of precast pretensioned double
tees spanning parallel to the walls and topped with a cast-in-place
concrete slab. The building was subjected to six acceleration
records corresponding to increasing intensities of the Japan
Meteorological Agency (JMA)–Kobe (10, 25, 50, and 100%) and
Japan Railway (JR)-Takatori (40 and 60%). A companion paper
(Gavridou et al. 2017) presents more details on the test program
and key test results in the wall direction.

Model Development
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Because experimental investigations on dynamic behavior and in-

teractions of UPT systems are limited to-date, the 2010 E-Defense
tests provided unique data against which analytical models for UPT
systems can be benchmarked. This section describes the develop-
ment of an analytical model of the test building with an emphasis
on UPT wall modeling. More detailed information is available
in Gavridou (2015). Although the building was subjected to simul-
taneous multidirectional shaking (x, y, z), this paper focuses
solely on the response in the direction that utilized UPT systems
(y-direction). To this end, an analytical model that includes the
Fig. 1. Posttensioned building on shake table frames along Axes A, B, and C (Fig. 2) was developed and sub-
jected to the y-direction accelerations observed on the shake table
during the test. Some discrepancies between analytical and exper-
imental results are expected, especially with respect to column
(Fig. 1). The building was constructed from individual precast con- behaviors, as a result of neglecting bidirectional effects. All analy-
crete members jointed together with posttensioning steel. In one ses were conducted using Perform-3D (CSI 2011).
direction of response, two exterior UPT walls acted as the main
lateral-force-resisting system. Each wall consisted of four precast
UPT Wall Modeling
concrete panels that were vertically stacked and posttensioned (PT)
to the foundation with high-strength unbonded posttensioning The UPT walls were modeled using a combination of inelastic
steel. Precast UPT beams on either side of each wall coupled shear wall elements and truss elements. Shear wall elements in
the wall to corner columns at each floor level. An interior 1-bay Perform-3D are 4-node macroelements organized in two layers
frame also contributed to lateral resistance in the same direction. acting in parallel: an axial-bending layer and a shear layer. The
In the orthogonal direction, lateral resistance was provided by axial-bending properties parallel to the element axis are captured

Fig. 2. (a) Three-dimensional view of analytical model in Perform-3D; (b) two-dimensional view of Frames A and C; (c) two-dimensional view of
Frame B

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by fiber sections consisting of concrete and steel fibers described by on observed damage at the base of the south wall, where concrete
uniaxial stress-strain relationships. The axial strain and curvature spalling extended vertically for a distance approximately equal to
are assumed to be constant along the element height, and corre- tw . The selected value for H cr also coincides with the gauge length
spond to the moment at midheight of the element. The shear layer of the vertical sensors provided at the wall ends, thus facilitating
is defined by a shear material, described by a stress-strain relation- comparisons of analytical and experimental responses such as
ship, and is based on the assumption of constant shear stress in average concrete strains. While gap-opening displacements, calcu-
the element. While shear wall elements in Perform-3D have been lated by integrating the concrete tensile strains over H cr, are not
shown to predict reasonably well the behavior of conventional that sensitive to the assumed value for Hcr, calculated concrete
planar RC walls (PEER 2010), issues specific to the rocking behav- compressive strains are dependent on H cr . Assuming rotation θ
ior of UPT walls need to be addressed. at the base of the wall occurs about the neutral axis, the concrete
Gap opening at the base of the wall can be modeled using shear compressive strain at the wall toe can be approximated as θc=Hcr ,
wall elements with concrete-only fibers (no-tensile strength) over a where c is the neutral axis depth. A short height for H cr can lead to
short distance from the base. In this way, gap opening under lateral large concentrated deformations and early degradation in the mo-
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load is simulated as elongation of the wall concrete fibers that go ment-rotation behavior of the critical section, whereas a longer
into tension (positive strain under zero stress). Alternatively, gap height can underestimate peak strains. Such dependence of calcu-
opening can be modeled by connecting short nonlinear elastic lated strains on element size is inherent in any fiber model and ap-
gap-hook bars between the wall elements and a fixed base. The plies to both UPT and conventional RC concrete elements. Granted
gap-hook bars have large compression stiffness to simulate the ri- that H cr herein was test-specific (based on observed damage and
gidity of the foundation but no tensile strength or stiffness. In this available instrumentation), a short discussion on general consider-
way, gap opening is simulated as uplift at the top nodes of the gap ations for selection of Hcr is provided subsequently.
bars. Both approaches are able to capture the reduction in lateral In a conventional RC wall, a height equal to the expected plastic
stiffness associated with gap opening. By treating wall uplift sep- hinge length is commonly used for the first wall fiber element (CSI
arately from the concrete behavior, the latter approach better ap- 2011). Available plastic hinge length expressions that are based on
proximates the actual behavior at the wall–foundation joint but field and laboratory experience with monolithic RC walls are gen-
also requires a greater number of elements along the wall length erally not applicable to UPT connections where nonlinear deforma-
to adequately capture the position of the neutral axis. While for tions are primarily concentrated at a critical interface, as opposed to
conventional RC walls a single element for the entire wall length distributed over a plastic hinge length. On that basis, H cr for a UPT
is generally adequate, in UPT walls, where the critical section may wall is expected to be smaller than the plastic hinge length of an
not remain plane due to the separation gap, use of more elements equivalent RC wall and can be approximated as the wall height
per wall length is generally needed. The plane sections remain above the base where nonlinear behavior of the concrete in com-
plane assumption is still enforced within each shear wall element pression is expected to extend. A review of experimental results of
in Perform-3D. In the present study, gap opening was modeled UPT walls (Priestley et al. 1999; Restrepo and Rahman 2007;
using shear wall elements with concrete-only fibers (no-tensile Henry et al. 2012; Smith et al. 2012; Perez et al. 2013) revealed
strength) over a critical height, Hcr ¼ tw ¼ 250 mm from the base, that vertical extent of concrete spalling was confined to a short
where tw is the wall thickness (Fig. 3). Selection of Hcr was based distance from the base, usually between 0.5 and 2.5tw , with the

Rigid Beam and

link slab node

H cr PT Rigid link
node Beam

Lcr Beam Rigid

H cr links

PT bar
H cr

H cr Gap
PT bar opening

Fig. 3. Two-dimensional view of Frames A and C of building using PT precast concrete members

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larger values generally observed in specimens with larger c=lw The tops of the ED truss elements were connected to the wall nodes
values. Based on these observations, it is recommended that above the base at a distance equal to the unbonded length of the ED
H cr ≤ ð1.5tw ; cÞ be used for estimating strain demands on UPT bars. The bottom nodes were pinned below the wall base at a dis-
walls. Perez et al. (ACI 2007) use a similar expression, H cr ¼ tance that accounts for an additional debonded length due to strain
minð2.0tw ; 2.0cÞ, where tw and c are measured from the centerline penetration according to ACI ITG-5.2 (ACI 2009). The PT truss
of the confining reinforcement. ACI ITG-5.2 (ACI 2009) considers elements were pinned at the base, accounting for the additional un-
an effective plastic hinge length Lp ¼ 0.06hw for ultimate strain bonded length inside the foundation, and connected through rigid
calculations (εc;max ¼ θc=Lp ), where hw is the wall height. This links to the adjacent wall nodes at the top of the wall. The prestress-
recommendation predicts significantly lower concrete strains for ing force was simulated as an element load (initial strain) in the
the E-Defense UPT walls (c ≈ 0.085lw ) than measured peak strains PT bars.
during the test (Gavridou 2015).
The wall fiber sections over the height Hcr consist of concrete-
only fibers with no tensile strength. The mild bonded reinforcement UPT Beam Modeling
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within the precast wall panel was not included in the base fiber Using a similar approach as that used for the UPT walls, the UPT
sections because it did not cross the wall–foundation interface. beams were modeled using a combination of inelastic beam fiber
Above the height H cr , any reinforcement that was bonded and sections and horizontal inelastic truss elements. Gap opening at
adequately developed was included in the wall fiber sections. critical interfaces was modeled using beam fiber segments with
The effect of transverse reinforcement was accounted for by using concrete-only fibers (no-tensile strength) over a critical length,
concrete fibers with different stress-strain relationships to model Lcr , at each beam end. Outside the length Lcr , any beam reinforce-
the well-confined ends of the base panel compared with the uncon- ment that was bonded and adequately developed was included in
fined concrete within the middle portion (web) of the panel the beam fiber section. Similar to Hcr , Lcr represents the beam
Fig. 4(a). The unconfined concrete stress-strain relationship was length over which nonlinear behavior of the concrete in compres-
based on material characterization tests performed on concrete sion is expected to extend. A value of Lcr ¼ 0.4 h, where h ¼
cylinders prior to the shake-table test, while the confined concrete 300 mm is the beam height, was used in the analytical model
relationship was defined based on the Razvi and Saatcioglu (1999) for all UPT beams. Observed damage to the UPT beams in the test
model. Unloading and reloading behavior of the concrete model is ranged from grout crushing and localized damage at the interface
illustrated on the confined concrete curve of Fig. 4(a) through an with the walls and columns to some concrete crushing at the bottom
assumed strain history consisting of loading to a compressive strain face extending horizontally a short distance (typically smaller than
ε1 , unloading to zero strain, and reloading to ε2 . Key aspects in- 0.5 h) from the wall or column interface. In the absence of exper-
clude that unloading occurs parallel to the initial elastic stiffness, imental evidence, it is recommended that Lcr ≤ c, where c is the
concrete tensile strength is zero, and reloading occurs to the same beam neutral axis (Stanton and Nakaki 2002). As discussed in
strain ε1 from which unloading initiated. Strain ε0 and reloading “Analytical Results and Discussion,” the presence of the slab sig-
stiffness are controlled through energy factors that define cyclic nificantly affected the behavior of UPT beams, e.g., the beam neu-
degradation of materials in Perform-3D (Gavridou 2015). Shear tral axis depth for negative moment ranged between 0.3 and 0.4 h,
behavior was modeled using an elastic uncracked shear modulus based on both experimental and analytical results.
(Gc ≈ 0.4Ec , where Ec is the modulus of elasticity of concrete) To ensure moment-resisting connections between the UPT
because the majority of lateral displacements in UPT walls is attrib- beams and the wall, the beam elements at each floor level were
uted to rocking at the critical interface and contribution of shear connected to the wall by horizontal beam elements, with large
deformations is expected to be small. bending stiffness, embedded in the wall, and extending the full
The unbonded PT steel and unbonded length of the energy- length of the wall. Rigid end zones were used for the portions
dissipating (ED) bars were implemented as vertical inelastic truss of the beams inside the beam–column joint. The unbonded PT steel
elements, placed outside of the fiber section because strain compat- of the UPT beams was modeled using horizontal inelastic truss
ibility is not enforced between concrete and steel over the unbonded elements with initial strain to simulate the prestress. Vertical rigid
lengths. Nonlinear force-deformation relationships that approxi- links at the locations of the PT steel anchorages at the external faces
mate the actual stress-strain relations from material ccharacteriza- of columns connected the end nodes of the PT truss elements to the
tion tests were assigned to the truss elements [Figs. 4(b and c)]. adjacent beam element nodes. As described subsequently, the slab

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4. Material stress-strain relationships for UPT wall model: (a) concrete; (b) energy-dissipating bars; (c) PT steel

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was explicitly modeled with elastic shell elements. In order to ac-
curately capture the interactions between the different components
(beam, slab, PT bars), eccentricities between the various compo-
nents were accounted for, i.e., while beam and slab elements had
common nodes, defined at midheight of the cast-in-place slab, the
beam fibers were offset to account for the eccentric connection
between the beam and slab (Fig. 3).

Slab Modeling
In analysis of buildings, concrete floor diaphragms are typically
considered to be infinitely rigid in plane. This assumption was
not appropriate for the model described herein because a rigid dia- Fig. 5. Moment-curvature plots for bonded PT columns
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phragm would not allow the horizontal PT truss elements to pre-

compress the UPT beams under the initial prestress, and it would
completely restrain gap opening (axial growth of the inelastic beam
fiber segments), causing large compressive axial forces to develop satisfactory results. For larger demands, the overestimation of col-
in the beams due to compatibility. With the intent of capturing the umn moment strength is associated with delayed yielding of the PT
effect of the in-plane action of the floor system in partially steel due to not including the initial strain in the PT steel fibers.
restraining beam axial growth, the slab was explicitly modeled us- Some of the observed differences in predicted moments from
ing elastic shell elements with an effective membrane thickness the two curves are also associated with variation of axial load
equal to 25% of the gross section thickness. An effective thickness on the column in the Perform-3D results (as opposed to constant
was used because the restraint provided by the slab is likely to re- gravity load used for the exact moment-curvature curve). While the
duce once cracking and yielding of the slab occur. Out-of-plane approach was satisfactory for the present study, modeling of con-
behavior of the slab was found to have only minor impact on crete elements with bonded prestressed reinforcement using fiber
the response and was neglected. Despite limitations associated with sections should generally be avoided unless the difference in strain
the assumption of elastic response based on a constant effective between the PT steel and surrounding concrete can be explicitly
membrane thickness, this approach was able to capture key aspects accounted for at the fiber section level, an option not available
of the interaction between the UPT beams and the slab, as presented in Perform-3D.
in “Analytical Results and Discussion,” which also examines sen-
sitivity of analytical responses to the assumed membrane thickness
of the slab. Mass, Damping, and Loading
The seismic masses reported in Gavridou et al. (2017) were distrib-
Column Modeling uted to the slab nodes at each floor level. Gravity loads were ap-
plied as point loads on the wall and column nodes and prestress
The columns were modeled with inelastic fiber sections, with the forces as initial strains on the PT truss elements. The P-delta effects
area of bonded PT steel included in the fiber section. The uniaxial were included. Rayleigh damping was used with damping ratios
stress-strain relationships assigned to the concrete and steel mate- of 2.5% at 0.2T 1 and 1.5T 1 , where T 1 ¼ 0.27 s is the elastic fun-
rials were based on trilinear approximations of measured stress- damental period in the wall direction of response. Studies using
strain relationships from material characterization tests. Given that modal damping indicated that computed responses were insensitive
fiber sections in Perform-3D assume strain compatibility between to the damping model used. After application of gravity and pre-
the steel fibers and the surrounding concrete, the initial prestress
stress forces, the Kobe records (25, 50, 100%) were applied sequen-
and the associated strain difference between the PT steel and con-
tially. Response under the subsequent Takatori records is not
crete could not be explicitly accounted for. For this reason, vertical
examined here.
elastic bar elements with initial strain were used in parallel with the
column elements. These parallel (dummy) bars were assigned a
small axial stiffness, and an initial strain such that a tensile force Validation of Model Components
equal to the actual initial prestress force developed in them. As a
result, an equal compressive force developed in the columns, Due to the jointed nature of the precast concrete test building,
simulating the effect of the initial prestress in precompressing achieved through the use of unbonded PT steel, deformations
the concrete section and delaying concrete cracking. However, cau- primarily concentrated in the connections between the precast
tion should be exercised because the approach overestimates the elements and damage along the member length was limited. As
ultimate moment capacity of the section (equivalent to applying a result, modeling of the connections (e.g., wall to foundation,
an external axial load). This is shown in Fig. 5 by means of mo- beam to column) is critical in simulating the response of the test
ment-curvature plots of the column section. The section analysis– structure. Prior to analyzing the complete building, analytical com-
exact curve was derived using a simple sectional analysis program, ponent studies were conducted to validate modeling approaches for
developed for the purposes of this study, which accounts for the UPT connections. More specifically, analytical models of a canti-
initial strain in the PT steel, the gravity load acting on the column, levered UPT wall tested at Lehigh University by Perez et al. (2013)
and the actual stress-strain relationships of concrete and steel. and an UPT beam–column subassemblage tested at NIST by Stone
This exact moment-curvature relationship is compared with column et al. (1995) were developed in Perform-3D using the modeling
results from Perform-3D under the 100% Kobe record, where approaches described previously. Modeling details can be found
the initial strain has been applied to parallel dummy bars as de- in Gavridou (2015). Both tests were conducted under quasi-static
scribed previously. It can be seen that for the range of demands reversed cyclic lateral loading. Fig. 6 compares analytical and ex-
on the column during the 100% Kobe record, the approach provides perimental force-deformation relations for the two specimens.

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800 300
Test (Perez Test (Stone
600 et al. 2013) 200 et al. 1995)
Model Model

Lateral load (kN)

Lateral load (kN) 200

0 0

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-800 -300
-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Lateral drift Lateral drift
(a) (b)

Fig. 6. Experimental validation of model components: (a) Lehigh UPT wall; (b) NIST UPT beam

The 5/12-scale wall tested by Perez et al. (2013) consisted of and 3.4%. Comparisons presented in Fig. 6(b) show that the ana-
four precast panels, posttensioned to the foundation with unbonded lytical model provides good predictions of initial stiffness and peak
PT bars. Behavior under lateral load was governed by a gap open- strength. Unloading and reloading stiffness are also closely
ing and closing at the wall–foundation interface. Concrete cover matched, resulting in hysteretic loops of approximately equal area
spalling at wall ends initiated at 0.65% drift and PT yielding oc- to the experimental ones. Unlike the E-Defense test, where the top
curred at 1.45%. Despite prestress losses, the wall maintained parts of the precast beams and the slab were cast monolithically and
its self-centering behavior throughout the test and sustained lateral mechanically connected through beam stirrups, no slab was in-
drifts up to 6.0% without failure. Fig. 6(a) shows that the model cluded in the NIST subassemblage. As discussed in “Analytical
captures the self-centering behavior and base shear capacity of Results and Discussion,” interaction of the beams with the slab sig-
the wall, as well as the modest energy dissipation and gradual deg- nificantly affected the response of the E-Defense test building.
radation in initial stiffness with increasing amplitude cycles. Unlike
the E-Defense walls, no ED bars were provided at the base of this
wall; the modest energy dissipation can be attributed to nonlinear Analytical Results and Discussion
behavior of the concrete in compression and yielding of the
PT steel. This section provides comparisons of analytical and experimental
The 1=3-scale beam–column subassemblage tested by Stone global responses under the three Kobe records. More detailed re-
et al. (1995) represented an interior connection cut from a prototype sults, including local responses and component interactions, are
frame at locations of assumed inflection points at beam midspan presented for the 100% Kobe record, where the majority of inelastic
and column midheight. Horizontal PT steel and mild ED bars (de- responses occurred.
bonded for a short length) were used to connect the precast beams
on either side of the continuous column. Behavior of the test unit
Global Hysteretic Responses
under lateral load was governed by gap opening and closing at the
beam–column interfaces. Concrete spalling at beam ends began at Figs. 7–9 compare base moment versus roof drift relations deter-
0.75% drift. Failure occurred from ED bar fractures at drifts of 2.9 mined from the analysis with those extracted from the experimental

Fig. 7. Comparisons of analytical and experimental results for 25% Kobe record

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Fig. 8. Comparisons of analytical and experimental results for 50% Kobe record

data in the wall direction of response of the test building. Also the slab was neglected in the analytical model; including the
shown are the analytical and experimental response histories of out-of-plane bending stiffness of the slab with EI eff ¼ 25%EI g
base moment, base shear, and roof drift ratio. Experimental roof resulted in less than 5.0% difference in calculated peak drift and
drift ratios correspond to the geometric center of the building plan. moment (dotted lines on Fig. 9 response histories). Finally, with
As discussed in Gavridou et al. (2017), significant torsional re- respect to the 100% Kobe hysteretic response, even though peak
sponse was observed during the experiment and was mainly attrib- displacements are well predicted, the model tends to recover the
uted to different behaviors at base joints of the two UPT walls due initial stiffness at small drifts and thus exhibits a more pronounced
to lack of fiber reinforcement in the wall–foundation interface grout flag-shaped response compared with the test results. A possible ex-
and concrete mix of the south wall. As a result, the south wall in the planation is related to bidirectional effects not captured in the
experiment sustained earlier degradation and larger displacement model, which only considers excitation and response in the wall
demands than the north wall. This behavior is not reflected in direction of the building.
the analytical model, where the grout was not explicitly modeled
and identical behaviors were assumed for the south and north walls.
Comparisons between results from this symmetric model and ex- Response Envelopes
perimentally measured drifts at the center of the plan are condi- Fig. 10 compares analytical and experimental envelopes of various
tioned on the assumptions that torsion did not affect the center global response quantities of the building during the 100% Kobe
of mass displacement, and the center of mass was close to the geo- record. Although the model was shown to accurately predict peak
metric center of the building plan. Comparisons presented in Fig. 7 roof drift ratios (Fig. 9), results presented in Fig. 10(a) reveal some
show that the analytical model adequately captures the initial stiff- discrepancies in vertical distribution of drift. Most notably, the
ness and essentially linear elastic response of the building under the model underestimates first-story peak drift ratio by 24%. Experi-
25% Kobe record. Under the 50% Kobe record (Fig. 8), peak dis- mental results reported by Gavridou et al. (2017) showed that
placements are well predicted in both directions of loading but ana- the main contributor to measured peak roof displacement during
lytical responses damp out slower than the experimental responses the 100% Kobe record was base uplift and resulting wall rotation.
and earlier softening is observed in the analytical hysteretic re- More specifically, contribution of wall base rotation to peak wall
sponse. The earlier softening, also apparent at the beginning of roof drift was 92% for the south wall and 88% for the north wall.
the 100% Kobe analytical response (Fig. 9), can be attributed to The large contribution of wall base rotation resulted in almost uni-
the assumed effective in-plane stiffness of the slab. This is further form vertical distribution of drift as evidenced by the experimental
discussed with respect to framing action subsequently. As men- envelope of Fig. 10(a). In the analytical model, contribution of
tioned in the “Slab Modeling” section, out-of-plane behavior of wall base rotation amounted to roughly 70%, with the remaining

Fig. 9. Comparisons of analytical and experimental results for 100% Kobe record

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(a) (b) (c)
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Fig. 10. Comparisons of analytical and experimental envelopes for 100% Kobe record

(a) (b)
Fig. 11. Comparisons of analytical and experimental wall responses for 100% Kobe record: (a) gap opening at base; (b) PT steel stresses

deformation largely provided by gap opening at the second level mild steel reinforcement (with ρv ¼ 0.65%) at these sections. This
(horizontal joint between first- and second-story wall panels). This resulted in small changes (less than 5.0% reduction) in predicted
is reflected in the analytical envelope of Fig. 10(a) by the increase peak roof drift ratios, but more significant changes in vertical
from first- to second-level drift ratio. distribution of drift, mainly associated with reduction of uplift at
The vertical mild steel reinforcement (ρv ¼ 0.77% for first story the second-story joint, as shown by the dashed line in Fig. 10(a).
and ρv ¼ 0.65% for upper stories) of individual wall panels in the Despite discrepancies between analytical and experimental vertical
test building did not extend across the horizontal joints between distribution of drift, moment and shear envelopes along the height
panels, so that moment resistance at upper joints was solely pro- of the building were well predicted [Figs. 10(b and c)] because PT
vided by the unbonded PT steel crossing the joints. This behavior forces, which provide the majority of the wall moment capacity, are
was implemented in the analytical model by introducing a series of not sensitive to vertical distribution of drift because the PT steel
wall elements with concrete-only fibers (no-tensile strength) over a was unbonded along the entire height of the wall.
height H cr at the base of each panel, similar to modeling of gap
opening at the base section (Fig. 3). This allowed gap opening
to occur at upper joints, provided moment demands overcame Local Responses
the initial precompression. Although further studies (Gavridou Due to torsional response of the test building, which is not captured
2015) confirmed that moment demands at the second-story UPT in the model, direct comparisons between analytical and experi-
wall joint exceeded the decompression moment when the wall mental wall response histories are not meaningful. In addition to
probable moment developed at the wall base, experimental results affecting the magnitude of responses at opposite ends of the build-
for the 100% Kobe record showed no significant uplift at upper ing, torsion also caused peak responses to occur at different instan-
joints. Explanations for the mismatch between the model and ces (e.g., peak wall rotations at the bases of the south and north wall
the test results include the possibility that UPT beams and slab did not occur simultaneously). Although measured local wall and
that frame into the wall provide local restraint of wall gap opening beam response histories are not directly comparable to analytical
and that that the grout-to-concrete interface at the horizontal joints response histories, it was possible to use experimental data to
provided some tensile resistance. In order to examine the effect validate the local behavior of components in the model, such as
of introducing some tensile capacity at the base sections of upper the base uplift versus wall rotation relation for the walls and the
panels, the model was modified to include uniformly distributed axial growth versus beam rotation relation for the beams. Such

© ASCE 04017035-8 J. Struct. Eng.

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300 5
Test Test

Beam neutral axis depth (mm)

250 4
Model Model

Beam elongation (mm)

200 3
150 c 2

100 1

50 0

0 -1
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-0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
Beam rotation Beam rotation
(a) (b)

Fig. 12. Comparisons of analytical and experimental beam responses for 100% Kobe record: (a) beam neutral axis depth; (b) elongation at beam

comparisons are shown in Figs. 11 and 12 for the 100% Kobe Decomposition of Base Moment Resistance
record. Despite differences in magnitude, these plots show that
In this section, the various contributions to the total base moment
the overall behavior of the UPT walls and beams is adequately cap- resistance of the test building in the wall direction of response are
tured in the analytical model. Experimental uplift values plotted in quantified. As discussed in the companion paper, framing action
Fig. 11(a) were based on measurements from the vertical sensors resulting from coupling of the walls to the corner columns through
provided at the ends of each wall at their bases. Experimental PT the UPT beams and floor system was suspected to have contributed
forces in Fig. 11(b) are shown only for the south wall because north significantly to the lateral-load resistance. Using the analytical
wall PT forces were not measured. Beam rotations, beam growth, results for the 100% Kobe record, Fig. 13(a) plots the distribution
and neutral axis depth values plotted in Fig. 12 refer to the east end of base moment between the exterior 2-bay frame consisting of the
of the third-floor UPT beam of Frame C. These values were calcu- UPT wall, UPT beams, and corner columns (Frame A), and the
lated using measurements from horizontal displacement transduc- interior 1-bay frame (Frame B). Due to symmetry in the analytical
ers that were attached to the top and bottom faces of the UPT beam model, response of Frame C is identical to Frame A. The contri-
at its ends. Plotted axial growth values refer to beam midheight, and butions from the three frames add up to the total base moment re-
together with beam rotation values allow calculation of gap opening sistance of the building previously plotted in Fig. 9. As evidenced
at any location along the 300-mm height of the beam. For instance, by Fig. 13(a), the interior frame exhibits a nonlinear elastic re-
at −3.0% beam rotation (tension at bottom), the gap opening at the sponse, attributed to the beam–column connections, which relied
bottom of the beam at the beam-to-column interface was approx- solely on unbonded PT steel for moment resistance. The interior
imately 3 mm þ 0.03ð150 mmÞ ¼ 7.5 mm. The small axial growth frame accounts for 10% of the total base moment resistance at
values and unsymmetrical behavior (smaller gap opening for ten- the instant of peak strength, with the remaining 90% provided
sion at top) indicate that beam boundary conditions and the pres- by the two exterior frames, which also accounted for the majority
ence of the slab likely restrained gap opening from occurring at of hysteretic energy dissipation in the building through yielding of
beam ends. This is further discussed subsequently with respect the mild ED bars at the bases of the walls. As shown in Fig. 13(a),
to framing action and slab effects. Frame A exhibits a flag-shaped hysteretic response, characteristic

(a) (b)

Fig. 13. Decomposition of 100% Kobe analytical overturning moment: (a) between Frames A, B, and C; (b) between Frame A contributions
(wall moment Mwall , column moments ΣM col , and framing action ΣV b × L)

© ASCE 04017035-9 J. Struct. Eng.

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of UPT systems with additional energy dissipation. Further decom- E-Defense UPT beams were connected to the wall and columns at
position of Frame A resistance into its components [Fig. 13(b)], their ends and, in addition, the presence of the slab partially re-
namely, the wall moment, column moments, and moment from strained gap opening from occurring at beam ends. This restraint
the force couple produced by the axial loads at the column bases, is believed to have induced axial compressive forces that increased
shows a significant contribution of the force couple. The moment beam moment capacities, increasing the contribution of framing
resistance from the force couple, referred to as framing action action to the overall resistance of the test building. In the analytical
herein, is directly related to the end moments and corresponding model, the restraint is provided by the in-plane action of the slab
shear forces of the UPT beams because the magnitude of the (seis- elements as follows: gap openings at the ends of the UPT beams,
mic) axial load at the base of each column equals the sum over implemented in the model as extension of the beam concrete fibers
all floors of the shear forces of the UPT beams framing into the at the critical interfaces, cause the overall length of the beams at the
columns. Combining results from Figs. 13(a and b), the building’s vertical location of the slab elements (middepth of cast-in-place
total moment resistance at the instant of peak strength during the slab) to increase, and thus tensile forces to develop in the slab.
100% Kobe record can be decomposed into the following Depending on their magnitude, these forces can have a significant
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contributions: 22.5% from the moment capacity at the base of each impact on beam moment capacities as illustrated in Fig. 14 for neg-
UPT wall, 17.5% from framing action at each exterior frame, 5.0% ative bending at the beam–column joint. In the case of unrestrained
from the column moments at each exterior frame, and finally 10% extension, the concrete compressive force at the bottom of the beam
contribution from the interior 1-bay frame. While experimental needs only balance the tensile force in the PT steel. With the re-
data to validate these relative contributions are not available and straint from the slab, represented as an effective tensile force acting
torsion and bidirectional effects were neglected in the model, these at middepth of the slab, the concrete compressive force, neutral axis
analytically derived individual contributions add up to global re- depth, and moment strength of the beam are increased. To better
sponses that relate favorably to the experimentally measured ones
appreciate these impacts, static pushover analyses using different
(e.g., Fig. 9). Moreover, using solely data recorded by instrumen-
effective membrane thickness values for the slab elements were
tation attached to the walls (e.g., wall uplift, wall base rotations, PT
run and compared against the 100% Kobe experimental response
forces) it was possible to estimate the experimental wall moment
[Fig. 15(a)]. The model with tslab ¼ 25 mm coincides with the ana-
capacities and these were also found to be in good agreement with
lytical model for which results have been presented in the previous
wall capacities derived from the analytical model (Gavridou 2015).
sections so that the corresponding response of Fig. 15(a) represents
an envelope of the dynamic response shown in Fig. 9. At small
Framing Action and Slab Effects drifts (<0.2%), slab effects had no impact on global responses
As emphasized in the previous section, framing action in the con- as beam rotations and beam axial growth were not sufficiently large
text considered herein is solely dependent on beam moments and to activate the restraint by the slab. For drift ratios between 0.2 and
corresponding shears; therefore, an accurate calculation of beam 1.2%, increasing the effective slab thickness increased beam mo-
moment capacities is critical. In effect, if the beam capacities are ment capacities by up to 2.5 times and overall moment resistance of
known, an estimate of the maximum contribution of framing action the building by up to 35% (at 1.0% drift ratio). At larger drifts,
involves a simple mechanism in which the UPT beams develop increases in effective slab thickness did not result in further increase
these known moment capacities at their ends. of moment resistance, showing that the analytical model captures
The experimental validation using the NIST beam–column test an upper bound of the increase in beam moment capacities from
presented previously showed that the capacity of an UPT beam can axial restraint provided by the slab. While this appears counterin-
be adequately predicted using a model consisting of inelastic beam tuitive, considering that there is no limit on the effective tensile
fiber sections and horizontal inelastic truss elements. Modeling force that can develop in the elastic slab elements, it is explained
of the E-Defense UPT beams poses additional challenges, largely as follows: at large drifts, the induced axial forces cause crushing of
related to boundary conditions and interaction with the floor the concrete in compression at the bottom of the beams, which in-
system. While in the NIST beam–column subassemblage the beam creases the neutral axis depth and limits beam moment capacities.
ends were free to move horizontally and no slab was present, the This behavior is captured in the model through the axial-flexural

Fig. 14. Effect of axial restraint from slab on UPT beam moment capacity

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(a) (b)
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Fig. 15. Effect of slab stiffness on (a) analytical global response; (b) analytical wall base shear

interaction at the inelastic beam fiber sections, but the magnitude line with current recommendations for effective stiffness of con-
of induced axial forces depends on the effective slab stiffness. crete diaphragms e.g., PEER/ATC-72-1 (PEER 2010). While the
Although direct measurements of the axial forces that developed assumption of elastic behavior with a constant membrane thickness
in the beams during the experiment are not available to validate the constitutes an approximation of the actual deformability of the floor
slab model, the experimentally derived depth of the compression system, results in Figs. 12 and 16 show that, with an appropriate
zone and beam elongation provide an indication of the magnitude selection of the effective in-plane stiffness of the slab, the approach
of induced axial forces and restraint provided by the slab, and these was able to capture the overall level of restraint provided by the slab
values can be directly compared to analytical results. Such compar- during the test. However, as shown in Fig. 15(a) for monotonic
isons under the 100% Kobe record were already shown in Fig. 12 loading and Figs. 8 and 9 for dynamic loading, use of an effective
for the model that uses an effective slab thickness of 25 mm. Fig. 16 stiffness also resulted in earlier softening than was observed in the
presents the same comparisons for the analytical model that uses test. While this limitation could be overcome with a more refined,
gross membrane thickness (100-mm slab) and the case of unre- inelastic model for the slab, this option was not explored because it
strained extension (no slab). For negative beam rotations (tension would require further assumptions (e.g., degree of composite action
at bottom), the neutral axis was approximately at the center of the of cast-in-place slab with pretensioned double tees) and calibrations
100-mm cast-in-place slab and was reasonably well predicted by beyond the scope of this study.
all models. As expected, slab effects were more pronounced for Although discussion so far has concentrated on the impact of
positive beam rotations (tension at top). Use of gross membrane slab effects on beam behavior and the impact of framing action
thickness caused artificially large axial forces to develop in the slab, on overall moment resistance, it is also important to note design
producing a large compression zone at the bottom of the beam, implications of such effects. With slab effects almost doubling
which exceeded experimentally derived values and resulted in beam flexural strength, their importance for capacity-designed
underestimation of beam elongation. In contrast, neglecting members and actions (beam shear design, column flexural and
altogether the restraint provided by the slab underestimated the shear design, joint design) is obvious. Fig. 15(b) examines, by
beam neutral axis depth and overestimated beam axial growth. means of pushover analyses in models with different degrees of
Use of an effective slab thickness of 25 mm resulted in better agree- framing action, the effect on wall base shear. Also included for
ment with the experimental results (Fig. 12). This value is also in reference is the case of the cantilever UPT wall; this differs from

300 5
Test Test
Beam neutral axis depth (mm)

250 Model-100mm slab 4 Model-100mm slab

Beam elongation (mm)

Model-no slab Model-no slab

200 3

150 2
100 1

50 0

0 -1
-0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
Beam rotation Beam rotation
(a) (b)

Fig. 16. Effect of slab stiffness on (a) beam neutral axis depth; (b) elongation at beam midheight for 100% Kobe record

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the no-slab model, which accounts for framing action of walls with 35% was provided by force couples forming at the column bases of
beams and columns, but neglects slab effects. As expected, wall the exterior frames, referred to as framing action herein. Contribu-
base shear increased with increasing degree of framing action. tion of framing action in the building was accentuated by interac-
At 1.5% roof drift ratio, the wall base shear predicted by a model tions of UPT beams with the floor system. By restraining beam
using an effective slab thickness of 25 mm is approximately 30% axial growth, the slab induced axial compressive forces in the
higher than the base shear of the cantilever wall at the same drift. beams that increased beam flexural capacities and framing action.
For the test building, this increase in wall shear was not critical These effects were captured in the analytical model by interactions
given that the wall was slender and overdesigned in shear; however, between the axial-flexural behavior of beam fiber sections and the
in other cases the increase may be important. These results show in-plane action of slab elements. The in-plane stiffness of the elastic
that, although typically ignored in design and analysis of buildings, slab elements in the analytical model was shown to have a signifi-
beam axial growth and slab effects can have a significant impact on cant impact on both global behavior and local beam responses, such
responses. Such effects are not limited to UPT concrete beams; as beam elongation and neutral axis depth. Despite limitations of
similar effects occur in conventional RC beams. While in UPT using elastic slab elements, it was found that an effective slab mem-
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beams the growth is associated with gap opening at beam ends, brane thickness equal to 25% of gross thickness produced analyti-
in conventional RC beams axial growth is related to concrete crack- cal results in satisfactory agreement with experimental results. In
ing and steel yielding, which cause the neutral axis to shift toward addition to experimental verification of the proposed computational
the compression side and the beam centerline length to increase. model, the analytical studies presented provided some insight into
Beam elongation effects have been identified in postearthquake re- design implications of system interactions such as increases in
connaissance observations in RC frame buildings (e.g., Kam et al. beam flexural strength due to axial restraint provided by the slab
2011) and prior analytical and experimental research on RC frame and increases in wall shear forces due to framing action.
structures (Fenwick et al. 2005; Kim et al. 2004) has shown that This paper described the development and experimental verifi-
restraint of such elongation, through the presence of a slab or the cation of analytical models for UPT concrete structural systems.
beam boundary conditions, can have a significant impact on beam The analysis tools, together with experimental evidence of seismic
flexural strength. Similar increases, associated with the restraint performance of UPT systems documented in the companion paper,
provided by a composite slab, have also been observed in steel mo- are aimed at further advancing knowledge on these systems and
ment frames (FEMA 2000; Cordova and Deierlein 2005; Elkady promoting their wider use. Moreover, the studies presented herein
and Lignos 2014). provided insight into system interaction issues that are typically not
addressed in component-level analytical and experimental studies,
but are likely to occur in both UPT and conventional RC buildings.
Summary and Conclusions

Building on the information presented in the companion paper Acknowledgments

(Gavridou et al. 2017), a nonlinear model in the wall direction
of the 4-story precast concrete building that was tested on the The authors acknowledge the generous support of the Ministry
E-Defense shake table was developed. Experimental results were of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
used to assess the ability of the analytical model to capture the dy- as well as the National Research Institute for Earth Science and
namic responses and interactions of UPT structural systems. The Disaster Prevention of Japan in carrying out the test presented
analytical model used a combination of inelastic fiber sections in this paper. Participation of the American coauthors in the project
(for walls, beams, and columns), inelastic truss elements (for un- was supported in part by Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center as
bonded PT and ED steel), and elastic slab elements. Separate com- well as the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation of the
ponent-level studies validated the ability of the proposed models to National Science Foundation under Award CMMI-1000268,
capture the force-deformation characteristics of individual UPT whereas funding for Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation
components (UPT wall, UPT beam). at the University of California, Los Angeles instrumentation was pro-
System-level analytical studies of the E-Defense test building vided under Award CMMI-1110860. Dr. Felipe Perez is acknowl-
were found to provide good simulations of observed global re- edged for providing data from his tests on isolated UPT walls at
Lehigh University. Opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommen-
sponses, with satisfactory correlations between predicted and mea-
dations in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily
sured roof displacements, overturning moments and story shears.
represent those of the sponsors or other individuals mentioned here.
Peak values of global roof drift, overturning moment, and base
shear from the model were all within 5.0% of measured peak values
during the test. While roof drift ratios were well predicted, some
discrepancies were observed in the vertical distribution of drift
along the height of the building. These were largely associated with Aaleti, S., and Sritharan, S. (2009). “A simplified analysis method for char-
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