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Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time

Well, life has become extremely fast and busy, and people often complain that they are
short on time, yet we waste a lot of time intentionally or unintentionally. Here I would
like to talk about an activity that I do regularly, and it wastes my hours easily. The fact is
that I use social media apps too much. It is a way to keep in touch with my friends and it
also help me to entertain. But sometimes, I feel I waste too much time on this. Firstly, I
have a huge network of friends who I very often chat with. And it wastes me a lot of
time. In addition, I have to admit that most of the time I spend on social media apps is for
entertainment purposes. I usually watch comedy videos and review film to unwind and
reduce stress after some hours of work. It distracts me from completing some important
tasks of the day and affects my overall productivity. I feel very bad because now I am
kind of addicted to using these platforms. So, this is an activity that I do regularly, which
wastes a lot of time of mine.

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