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Use Case [SP1] – Service Provider: Multi-customer Support

1.1 Use Case Outline

One of the key capabilities provided by Service Provider is being able to manage multiple
Customers in a single instance. When Service Provider is installed it extends functionality of the
existing solution and allows data to be tagged or referenced by customer. The reference to
customer which is added to each record is then interpreted by the security framework which
controls access to data and allows for segregate of information by customer. Demonstrate
Service Provider multi-customer support and how security can be configured to limit user access
to records for each customer or group of customers.

1.2 Customer Value

This capability allows the Service Provide using Maximo to quickly add and manage new
customers to the existing solution without having to incur additional infrastructure cost of
implementing and maintaining a separate environment for each customer they support. It also
provides the service provider with a method to identify and segment the services being provided
and enables the management of unique customer agreements and billing scenarios for each

For additional detail on the overall customer value proposition for the Service Provider add-on,
see the included set of quick overview slides. Also see the ‘Billing for Managed Assets’ use case
for additional detail on how multi-customer support is used in the billing process.

1.3 Use Case Content

Service Provider Role
UID/login name = ivanit
PW = ivantit
First name = Ivan
Last name = IT
Start Center = All Users, Service Provider

Customer Role
UID/login name = lrussell
PW = lrussell
First name = Larry
Last name = Russell
Start Center = All Users, Customer

1.4 Use Case Steps

1. Log in as ivanit
2. Explain this is a typical start center for a Service Provider managing a customer
3. Explain the major applications which are enabled with Service Provider add-on are
under Service Provider Go To menu or Service Provider Short-cut portlet.

a. Customers(SP) – is used to define and manage the list of customer being
serviced by the service provider.
b. Customer Agreements(SP) – is used to define and manage pricing and
billing schedules that the customer and service provider have agreed to.
c. Customer Billing(SP) – is used by the service provider to create a bill for
services provided to the customer.
d. Bill Review(SP) – is used by the customer to review/dispute/approve the
bill created and submitted by the service provider.
e. Sales Order(SP) – is used by the service provide to record fees that should
be billed to the customer.

4. Open the Customers application. You can see there are 2 customer records. (UIG,

5. Walk-through basics of customer app highlighting the following

a. Place to manage and record the details about the customers which as a service
provider your currently servicing
b. Billing and Service Addresses
c. Customer Contacts
d. Logs
e. Price Schedules
f. associated customers
6. Once these customer entries are defined and active, they can be referenced throughout
the product. And with the addition of the Service Provider product this attribute is
added to most of the business objects in the system. For example when a service
provider gets a service request from a customer, they identify these service requests
by customer.
a. Look at Service Requests(SP) show customer field

b. Look at Assets(SP), filter on all assets associated to customers by selected all
customers in the filter (You can see there are 45 total asset records
w/customer). Note that because ivanit is a Service Provider, he will see all
assets for his customers and all assets which don't yet have a customer

7. What’s important about this customer tag on each record is not only its use as a quick
identifier but it’s also used by the product security framework to control privileges or
permission of customer data.

8. Continue into the next steps of the use case by reviewing the People(SP) record for
ivanit, the logged in user.

9. Open People (SP) application, search I%IT

10. Open the record and review the Customer Access tab. You can see that IVANIT has
access 2 customers, UIG and WGB.

11. In contrast look at People(SP) record for the UIG customer contact, Larry Russell.
You can see on his record he has limited access to only UIG data.

12. So when we’re logged in as ivanit I pointed out there were 2 customers total in the
system and we looked at assets there were 45 total assets for different customers. If I
now log out and back in as lrussell, the customer for UIG.
13. Log in as lrussell
a. First you’ll see that since Larry is a customer he has a very limited set of actions
available in his start center.

b. Review the Assets result set and jump to the assets app and search all
records. You can see Larry only has access to the 30 records for UIG and
has no indication that the other customer asset records even exist in the

14. The Asset(SP) apps is just one simple example, keep in mind that as part of the
Service Provider add-on many of the business objects available are extended to
include this additional customer relationship. I believe all together there are about
40 business objects extended, so all the ticketing and work order applications,
assets and location apps, a few of the platform apps like classifications, domains,
escalations and of course all the Service Provider apps such as customer
agreements and billing, all have the customer attribute so the data can easily be

15. Again the value prop with this functionality is the ability of the service provider to
manage multiple customers in a single instance and reducing total cost of
ownership by only having to manage and maintain 1 system for all there

1.5 Extended Customer Support Scenarios

The VM also includes demo data for additional billing scenarios mentioned below.
 Ivan IT is the IT service provider for United Insurance Group and World Gold
o Heather Phillips is the customer contact for World Gold Bank.
 Sally Service is the product asset Service Provider for customers Gilmont, Preston
and Gamble, Deep Earth Mining.
o Wes Brady is customer contact for Gilmont
o Norm Peterson is the customer contact for P&G
o Sam Adams is the contact for Deep Earth Mining.
 Frank Facilities is the facilities Service Provider for customer Dewey, Cheetam
and Howe, Eastern Financial Services.
o Suzi Cheetam is the customer contact for Dewey, Cheetam and Howe.
o Ted Fisk is the customer contact for Eastern Financial Services.

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