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NHS Candidate Form


Write a brief paragraph about why you want to apply to NHS—

NHS has become an important part of my journey through high school, and I have learned so much during these

past two years in NJHS, for I feel in a good position to re-apply for a place in the NJHS/NHS team. During these

years of hard-work in high school I have become a more mature person, leading me to leave a better impact on

the work I do. In these two years left of high school for me, I will be able to help the NHS team to move forward

and motivate the rest of the team to develop new ideas for upcoming projects. Also, from my experience in

NJHS, I will be able to work more efficiently and harder since I know the organization’s goals and work ethic. If I

am accepted back into the NHS, with the help of the other members, we can create better campaign’s and even

do more than what we have done in the past couple of years.

Leadership Positions—List all elected or appointed leadership positions or other positions of responsibility held in
school, community, or work activities. Only those positions in which you were responsible for directing or
motivating others should be included (e.g., elected officer for the student body, class, or club; committee
chairperson; team captain; newspaper editor; work area manager; or other community leader). Please include the
name of the adult responsible for supervising your leadership in each position.
Grade Leadership Position Activity/Organization Supervising Adult

10 NJHS President, text editor NHS, Yearbook class Mr. Beggs/Ms. Ng, Ms.
and designer for the 22-23 Ismail,



Service Activities — List service activities in which you have participated. These can be individual or group service
projects done either in or out of school. Generally, service activities are those that are done for or on behalf of
others (not including immediate family members) for which no compensation (monetary or otherwise) has been
given. Please ask an adult supervisor who can verify your participation in each activity to sign on the appropriate
line, and also list the estimated number of hours you invested while performing this service.
Grade Activity Number of Hours Supervising Adult
9 Performed community (total hours down below) Ms. Heemsen, Ms. rachid,
service hours during some Ms. Ojeda
afternoons at school.

10 Performed community 73 hours of community Ms. Heemsen, Ms. rachid,

service hours during the service (in total). Ms. Ojeda
afternoon at school,
helping teachers out. Also
helped out before school
began to set up the

Have attended community

service events on
weekends, as well as
performing Social Labor
activities in my religion
class outside of school.



Other Student Activities—List all other school-based activities (not noted above) in which you have participated in
school. Include clubs, teams, musical groups, etc., and any significant accomplishments in each.
Grade Activity Accomplishments

10 Was part of the VANAS

High School Softball team.



Work Experience, Recognition, and Awards— While not a criterion for membership, list any jobs, honors, or
recognition that you have received that support your candidacy. Work experience may be paid or volunteer.
Grade Job/Recognition/Award Group/Activity Number of Supervising Adult
9 Excellence honor roll in Received end of the Ms. Heemsen
semesters and quarters year awards in
for that year. Spanish, English,
technology, Science,
and Mathematics.

10 Excellence honor roll in all Ms. Heemsen

quarters up to this date,
as well as semester 1
Outstanding honor roll.



By signing below, my parents and I recognize that the information supplied above is accurate. We also
acknowledge that completing and submitting this form does not guarantee selection to the Honor Society, and we
agree to abide by the decision of the NHS Faculty Council whatever that decision may be.

____________________ 04/27/2023

Student Signature Date

_____________________ 04/27/2023

Parent Signature Date

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