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 MCQ Question  

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 Which of the following is not a type of *

Constructor in C++?

a) Default constructor

b) Parameterized constructor

c) Copy constructor

d) Friend constructor

Predict the output ? *

1) 5 10

2) 5

3) 10

4) Error

What will be the output? *


1. 4

2. 1

3. -1

4. 0

What will be the output? *

1. Default constructor Parametirized


2.Parametirized constructor Default


3. Default constructor

4. Error

Which concept allows you to reuse the

written code in C++?

a) Inheritance

b) Polymorphism

c) Abstraction

d) Encapsulation

What is abstract class in C++? *

a) Any Class in C++ is an abstract


b) Class from which any class is


c) Class speciIcally used as a base

class with atleast one virtual functions

d) Class speciIcally used as a base

class with atleast one pure virtual

What will be the output? *

1. 500

2. 505

3. 504

4. 501

What will be the output? *

1. 1

2. 0

3. Error

4. 6

What will be the output? *

1.Hello World

2.Hello worlD

3.Complie time error


Which of the following approach is used *

by C++?

a) Left-right

b) Right-left

c) Bottom-up

d) Top-down

Operator which is having the Highest *

precedence  is?

1. =

2. ^

3. ()

4. ? :

What will be the output of the following *

C++ program?

a) Outer Catch

b)Inner Catch Outer Catch

c) Error

d) Inner Catch

If the value entered from the keyboard is *

'a' then what will be the output?

1. Your age is: a

2. Complie Time Error

3. Your age is: 65

4.Your age is: 97

By default, all the files in C++ are opened *

in _________ mode.

a) Binary

b) VTC

c) Text


 Which of the following type is provided *

by C++ but not C ?

1. double

2. ^oat

3. int

4. bool

 What is the difference between delete *

and delete[] in C++?

a) delete is syntactically correct but

delete[] is wrong and hence will give an
error if used in any case

b) delete is used to delete normal

objects whereas delete[] is used to
pointer objects

c) delete is a keyword whereas delete[]

is an identiIer

d) delete is used to delete single object

whereas delete[] is used to
multiple(array/pointer of) objects

What will be the output? *

1. Error

2. 0 2 4 5

3. 0 2 4

4. 1 3 5

What will be the output? *

1. 500

2. 505

3. 504

4. 501

 What is Inheritance in C++ ? *

1. Deriving new classes from existing


2. Overloading of classes

3. Classes with same names

4. Wrapping of data into a single class

What will be the output ? *

1. 1

2. 0

3. True

4. False

What is meant by a polymorphism in *


a) class having only single form

b) class having four forms

c) class having many forms

d) class having two forms

What will be the output ? *

1. Value of y is :True

2. Value of y is : False

3. Value of y is : 1

4. Value of y is : 0

Which one is False  about variable *

declaration in C++.

1. variable can have alphabets, digits

and underscore.

2. White space is allowed within

variable name.

3. A variable name can start with

alphabet and underscore only. It can't
start with digit.

4. No white space is allowed within

variable name.

Which is more effective while calling the *

C++ functions?

a) call by object

b) call by pointer

c) call by value

d) call by reference

What is the correct output? *

Happy Learning




Which of the following is not a Keyword *

in C++?

1. continue

2. virtual

3. wchar_t

4. typename

What will be the output of the following *

C++ program?

a) 5

b) 6

c) compile time error

d) runtime error

What will be the output? *

1.Hello World

2.Hello worlD

3.Complie time error


What happens if the following C++ *

statement is compiled and executed?      
                                                           int *ptr
= NULL;delete ptr;

a) The program is not semantically


b) The program is compiled and

executed successfully

c) The program gives a compile-time


d) The program compiled successfully

but throws an error during run-time

The C++ code which causes abnormal *

termination/behaviour of a program
should be written under _________ block.

a) catch

b) throw

c) try

d) Inally

What will be the output? *

1. 4

2. 1

3. -1

4. 0

 Which of the following is a correct *

identifier in C++?

a) VAR_1234

b) $var_name


d) 7var_name

What will be the output? *

1. Error

2. 0 2 4 5

3. 0 2 4

4. 1 3 5

What is the correct output? *

Happy Learning




Predict the output? *





 What is virtual inheritance in C++? *

a) C++ technique to enhance multiple


b) C++ technique to ensure that a

private member of the base class can
be accessed somehow

c) C++ technique to avoid multiple

inheritances of classes

d) C++ technique to avoid multiple

copies of the base class into
children/derived class

What will be the output? *

Base 1 Base 2 Derived


Base 2 Derived


What is Inheritance in C++?

a) Deriving new classes from existing


b) Overloading of classes

c) Classes with same names

d) Wrapping of data into a single class

Which of the following is not a Keyword *

in C++?

1. continue

2. virtual

3. wchar_t

4. typename

Which one is False  about variable *

declaration in C++.

1. variable can have alphabets, digits

and underscore.

2. White space is allowed within

variable name.

3. A variable name can start with

alphabet and underscore only. It can't
start with digit.

4. No white space is allowed within

variable name.

Operator which is having the Highest *

precedence  is?

1. =

2. ^

3. ()

4. ? :

If the value entered from the keyboard is *

'a' then what will be the output?

1. Your age is: a

2. Complie Time Error

3. Your age is: 65

4.Your age is: 97

What will be the output ? *

1. 1 object destroyed 2 object


2. 2 object destroyed 1 object


3. 2 object destroyed 2 object


4. 1 object destroyed 1 object


Predict the output? *

1. 5

2. 4

3. 6

4. 3

What will be the output ? *

1. via fb

2. via duo

3. Error due to same method name

4. via fb via duo

What will be the output? *

Base 1 Base 2 Derived


Base 2 Derived


What happens if the following program *

is executed in C and C++?                          
              int new = 5; printf("%d", new);

a) Error in C and successful execution

in C++

b) Error in both C and C++

c) Error in C++ and successful

execution in C

d) A successful run in both C and C++

What will be the output of the following

C++ code snippet?

a) 21

b) 27

c) 26

d) 25

What will be the output ? *

1. Width of box : 10

2. Width of box : 10.0

3. Width of box : 20

4. Width of box : 20.0

 What happens if the following program *

is executed in C and C++?

a) Outputs Hello twice in both C and


b) Error in C and successful execution

in C++

c) Error in C++ and successful

execution in C

d) Error in both C and C++

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