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Complete the sentences below with a suitable adjective plus a preposition.

Choose from
the following. Some of the prepositions will be used more than once.

absent fond jealous satisfied absorbed friendly keen serious cruel

good proud short eligible grateful responsible similar famous ill
rich terrified

about from of to at in on with for

1. Both my dogs are very__________________ice cream.

2. I’ve been ___________________a cold for over a week.

3. For the last time who is _________________this mess?

4. You’re not ________________leaving this country and going to live in China, are you?

5. I’ve always been ____________________ water since I nearly drowned as a child.

6. Mark’s been __________school for over a month. He’ll have a lot of catching up to do when he
comes back.

7. I’m afraid only single people under the age of thirty are ___________________membership of
this club.

8. Julie’s my oldest friend. We’ve been _________one another since we were at Primary school.

9. Our daughter has just won a scholarship to Cambridge. We are very ________________her.

10. Australia is __________________natural resources.

11. Could I phone you later, Alan? I’m a bit _________ time right now.

12. He was so ______________________what he was doing that he didn’t notice me come into
the room.

13. Switzerland is ________its beautiful scenery.

14. My cousin is very ______________music and can play four or five instruments.

15. I like ballet but I’m not very _________opera.

16. There’s no pleasing our teacher. He’s never ______ our work!

17. She is ________in character ________her sister.

18. We are __________________________ you for all you’ve done for us.

19. Michael was_________ his brother’s success.

20. Small children are often _______________ animals without realizing it.

1. Both my dogs are very fond of/keen on ice cream.

2. I’ve been ill with a cold for over a week.

3. For the last time who is responsible for this mess?

4. You’re not serious about leaving this country and going to live in China, are you?

5. I’ve always been terrified of water since I nearly drowned as a child.

6. Mark’s been absent from school for over a month. He’ll have a lot of catching up to do when
he comes back.

7. I’m afraid only single people under the age of thirty are eligible for membership of this club.

8. Julie’s my oldest friend. We’ve been friendly with one another since we were at Primary

9. Our daughter has just won a scholarship to Cambridge. We are very proud of her.

10. Australia is rich in natural resources.

11. Could I phone you later, Alan? I’m a bit short of time right now.

12. He was so absorbed in what he was doing that he didn’t notice me come into the room.

13. Switzerland is famous for its beautiful scenery.

14. My cousin is very good at music and can play four or five instruments.

15. I like ballet but I’m not very fond of / keen on opera.

16. There’s no pleasing our teacher. He’s never satisfied with our work!

17. She is similar in character to her sister.

18. We are grateful to you for all you’ve done for us.

19. Michael was jealous of his brother’s success.

20. Small children are often cruel to animals without realizing it.

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