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Laleska: Hello girls, good afternoon. What do they do?

Ruth: Hello friend, I am making a plan to be able to finish my activities for the weekend. It is
important to be organized.

Tessy: Hi, I'm finishing up some work. It is important to be responsible.

Laleska: Good guys, it's very important to be when you're a psychology student. You also need
interpersonal skills.

Ruth: You're right. When I graduated I would like to work in an early stimulation center.

Tessy: Great friend, I would like to have my own clinic.

Laleska: Excellent girls. What specialty would you like to practice?

Ruth: For my part, I would like the educational one.

Tessy: I love the clinic.

Laleska: What is the reason why you are more inclined to those specialties?

Ruth: Because I would like to deal with children and, as I said before, specialize in early

Tessy: Because being able to do therapy with families and coordinated interventions with other

Laleska: I think it's very good girls, I'm very glad that you already have your goal clear.

Ruth: Yes friend, and you? What specialty do you prefer?

Laleska: I lean more towards the organizational one.

Tessy: tell us why

Laleska: Because I would like to improve the behavior of the individual who belongs to an
organization and promote well-being within companies to promote their development

Ruth: Very good friend.

Tessy: Excellent friend.

Laleska: Yes girls. It's good that we all like psychology, that she continues to do so and that we
graduate together. See you later.

Ruth: Bye.

Tessy: Bye.

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