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1-do you, or would you like to, live with three generations of your family ?

- no I wouldn't because it's a boring and hard life,

the advantage is just to be together, The disadvantages is to spend a lot of Money
but I decided to live alone because it's exciting

2- would you like to be a scientist ?

yes i would because i am interested so i hope i will

3-which science subject do you find most difficult to understand ?

I don't think the big bang thing makes sense.

which science subject do you think will be most useful to you in the future ?
life on mars because it's exciting maybe we'll see different objects.

4-I went on vocation to bolu last year and stayed for 2 days. İt was weather minus -1 The
weather was too cold. So I wore warm clothes. We had a chat in the tent.

5-about a surprising or interesting thing that happened to you on holiday ?

Where and when it happened?
How old you were ?
What you were doing when it happened ?

- It happened when I went to Izmir last year. I was 18, I went into the wrong room and slept
there, so I was so embarrassed.

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