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10-what is your dream birthday meal?

Eating in the middle of the sea with my friends, I think it's exciting.

11- would you prefer to work long hours in a job you enjoy or short hours in a job you have ?
I would like to work for a short time at the job I have.
because i will have free time so i have fun.

12-Is there an extreme sport you would like to try? Why?

Yes There is I would like to do bungee jumping because I like action but I’m scared.

13- What can tourists do and see in the are where you live ?

They can eat kebab. They can visit museums and visit ancient places in Istanbul.

14- How is the weather changing? Should we try to stop it from changing? How?

is changing due to global warming. I don't think we should interfere because it's a natural problem.

15- What adjectives can you use to describe yourself? Why?

I have calm and fun person I never panic so I'm a relaxed person.

16- when you meet new peoaple are you outgoing or shy? why?

I'm usually outgoing I'm not shy so I talk to everyone I think it's a good thing.

17- What sort of a personality should a good teacher have ?

he should fun the children because students are bored. And shouldn't be angry.

18- Which person in your family do you admire because of their personality? Why ?

I admire my brother he is very funny and hardworking we always have fun together and he makes me

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