Plan of The Physics Lab Report - Ravin Chaudhary - 9I

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Designing a method for measuring the efficiency in % of an electric kettle

Ravin Chaudhary

The purpose of this experiment is to measure the efficiency of an electric kettle, while
finding out how the volume of water affects the time taken for water to reach its
boiling point. An electric kettle will be used to warm 5 different volumes of water,
which will be 500 ml, 750 ml, 1000 ml, 1250 ml, and 1500 ml.

By measuring the time taken to heat the water to boiling point, the joules emitted by the
kettle can be measured and the joules consumed by the water can be measured as well,
which helps us calculate the efficiency of the kettle. Based on the data received from the
test results, the efficiency of the electric kettle will be calculated for each volume of


According to the physics book on page 37 and lesson notes provided by the teacher, to
measure the energy given by the electric kettle, we can use the formula,

Energy Given (E) = Specific Heat Capacity * Mass of Water (m) * Change in
Temperature (ΔT or Tf - Ti)

Where energy is measured in joules (J), specific heat capacity is measured in

joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kg°C), mass of water is measured in
kilograms (kg), and change in temperature is measured in degrees Celsius (℃). The
specific heat capacity of water is always approximately 4200 J/kg°C (4148 J/kg°C), the
mass of water will change during the experiment, and the temperature change will stay
80°C (100°C - 20°C). By finding the energy the kettle emitted, the kettle’s efficiency can be

Using the energy, we can calculate the power of the device (although it is mentioned in
the power rating of the device) as well, using the formula,

To measure efficiency of the kettle, we can use the formula,

Power (P) = energy (E) / time (t)

Where power is measured in watts (W), energy is measured in joules (J), and
time is measured in seconds (s). This is the relation between work (energy), power,
and time.

Efficiency of Electric Kettle = (Useful Energy Output / Total Energy Input) * 100

Where efficiency of electric kettle is measured in percentage (%), useful energy

output, and total energy input are both measured in joules (J). The values of this formula
are found during the calculations for the correlation between time taken and volume of
water. The useful energy output is found using the ‘energy needed’ formula mentioned
above, and the total energy input is found by multiplying the power rating of the kettle
(W) by the time taken to heat the kettle to 100℃. The quotient multiplied by 100 shows
the percentage of efficiency of the kettle.



1. Volume of water

The volume of water will be varying during the multiple repeats of the experiment. To
measure the water, a measuring cup and the kettle’s measurement scale will be used
each time the experiment is repeated. 5 measurements of water will be taken, which are
500 ml, 750 ml, 1000 ml, 1250 ml, and 1500 ml. Each measurement will be measured 3
times to get as accurate readings as possible for the dependent variable.


1. Time

The dependent variable of this experiment will be the time. By time, it means the time
taken to reach the final temperature which is established before doing the experiment.
So for example, if the final temperature will be 100°C, then the time will be measured

based on how long it takes for the water to reach the final temperature of 100°C. The
time will be measured by a stopwatch. When the kettle automatically stops, which
means it’s reached boiling point, the stopwatch should stop as well. As mentioned above,
the experiment will be taken 3 times for each volume of water, so the time taken will be
measured as accurately as possible.


1. Temperature

The change of temperature will remain constant throughout the experiment, or at least
as constant as possible. The temperature change is established before the experiment,
which is 80°C. This is because the water will start at room temperature (around 20°C)
and will heat to 100°C, which is the boiling point of water. When the water is poured into
the beaker, the temperature of the water will be measured by a thermometer. The
moment the water starts to boil, the kettle will be unplugged, and the temperature of the
water will be measured using a thermometer. If the temperature change wasn’t the same
each time, then the time taken to heat the water would differ from other readings.

2. Heating device

Controlling this variable is fairly simple as only one kettle will be used throughout the
whole experiment. If another heating device is used, it’s power rating may be different
from another heating device which is used. This would lead to inaccurate results.

3. Kettle’s temperature

After completing one experiment, the kettle will still have some heat energy stored in it.
To keep the temperature of the kettle constant, after each experiment, the kettle will
remain untouched for around 30 mins until it cools down to room temperature. This will
allow more fair and accurate data to be collected. If the kettle’s temperature isn't the
same each time, then it will be easier or harder for the kettle to heat the water to 100°C.

4. Water

This variable is easy to control as only water will be heated. If another material is used

which isn’t water, then the experiment will go wrong. The other material will have
another specific heat capacity which leads to different results.

5. Voltage strength

Using the same power outlet throughout the experiment will ensure that the same
voltage strength will be used by the kettle. This will allow the kettle to heat the water at
the same rate for each time the experiment is done. If the voltage strength changes, it
will be easier or harder for the kettle to heat the water to 100°C.

6. Power rating

Although it is unlikely, some electric appliances have power ratings which vary, for
example 250W - 500W. If the power rating of the kettle is varying, then each time the
experiment is done, the same power rating (setting) will be used. If not, then the time
taken results will be very different as sometimes it will be faster to heat the water and
sometimes it will be slower to heat the water.

7. Heat loss

The heat loss in a kettle can not be severely minimized, as some of the heat is lost to the
kettle itself absorbing heat and the surrounding air also receiving heat. However,
heat loss can be calculated after knowing how much heat the kettle emitted and how
much heat the water absorbed from it. The water does not consume all the heat
emitted, so the heat which the water doesn’t absorb is wasted heat, or heat loss.


I believe that the time taken to reach boiling point for water (dependent variable) will
increase depending on the volume of water used in the experiment (independent
variable). As the amount of water increases, it will require more energy to boil the
water, and therefore we have to supply more electric energy for a longer period of
time. We can relate this back to the formula mentioned above,

Energy needed = Specific Heat Capacity * Mass of Water * Change in Temperature

As seen in the formula, if the mass of water was to increase, then the energy
needed to heat the substance would increase. Since the power rating (joules / second) of
the kettle is always constant, more time will be required for the water to heat to
boiling point as the total energy needed to increase temperature has increased by
the mass of water. Therefore, volume of water is proportional to time taken to increase
the temperature of the water to boiling point (100°C).

The efficiency of an electric kettle is the percentage of useful energy out of total input
electrical energy through the electric element, shown by the formula,

Efficiency of Electric Kettle = (Useful Energy Output / Total Energy Input) * 100

As mentioned in the introduction, the useful energy output uses the ‘energy
needed’ formula and the total energy input is multiplying the power rating (in watts) of
the kettle by the time it took for the kettle to heat the water to boiling point (in seconds).


Without the experimental data, it is hard to speculate whether the efficiency of the kettle
will remain the same on changing the amount of water. An addition to the experiment is
if the efficiency of the kettle is affected by the volume of water, how the efficiency is
affected by time using scientific reasoning?

My hypothesis uses a theoretical prediction as I mention how scientific formulas

correlate with my hypothesis. If my prediction was to be practical, I would use
practical knowledge and information I receive in everyday life to prove my hypothesis.


1. Fill in 500 ml water into the electric kettle using the kettle’s measurement scale
or a measuring cup
2. Measure the temperature of the water at the start of the experiment using a
3. Connect the kettle to a power supply and start heating the water

4. At the same time, start the stopwatch
5. After the kettle is switched off automatically (this happens when the water
reaches its boiling point), stop the stopwatch and note down the time taken
6. Measure the final temperature of the water using a thermometer
7. Note down the amount of water, initial temperature, final temperature,
change in temperature and time taken in a data table
8. Wait for the kettle to cool down to room temperature before starting the next test
9. Repeat steps 1 - 8 for 3 times for the same volume of water as in step 1
10. Repeat steps 1 - 9 using different volumes of water (750 ml, 1000 ml, 1250 ml,
and 1500 ml)


1. Electric kettle
2. Water
3. Power outlet
4. Stopwatch
5. Measuring cup
6. Thermometer


1. Do not touch the kettle when heating

2. Keep yourself away from the steam exerted from the kettle
3. Throw the warm water carefully into the sink when repeating the test
4. Use electric equipment carefully
5. Keep water away from the electric socket and equipment



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