Chapleo2008 Article ExternalPerceptionsOfSuccessfu

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Original Article

External perceptions of successful

university brands
Received (in revised form): 26th September 2008

Chris Chapleo
is a senior lecturer in marketing at Portsmouth University. His research interests are in brands in
the service sector in general, but particularly in higher education, and develop from his background
as a former university marketing manager. He has chaired university marketing committees and
currently works on consultancy and agency marketing projects in the education sector. He has also
previously worked in marketing in the publishing and advertising sectors.

ABSTRACT Branding in universities has become an increasingly topical issue, with

some institutions committing substantial financial resources to branding activities. The
particular characteristics of the sector present challenges for those seeking to build
brands, and it therefore seems to be timely and appropriate to investigate the common
approaches of those institutions perceived as having successful brands. This study is
exploratory in nature, seeking to investigate how successfully UK universities brand
themselves, whether they are distinct and whether the sector overall communicates
effectively. This is approached through examining the perspective of opinion-formers
external to universities but closely involved with the sector – a key stakeholder group
in UK higher education (HE). Overall, the research’s exploratory nature aims to further
the debate on effective branding in UK HE. The findings and conclusions identify some
issues surrounding university branding activity; most UK universities were considered
to be distinct from one another, but few were seen to have real fully formed brands.
Although a number of institutions that were seen as having more ‘successful’ brands
were identified, it was argued that although many UK universities communicate their
brand well enough to key stakeholders, they fail to consistently do this across all
audiences. It was also suggested that UK universities may concentrate on areas of
perceived immediate strategic importance (in terms of branding) to an extent where
others are neglected.
International Journal of Educational Advancement (2009) 8, 126–135.

Keywords: university branding; university brands; branding universities; education

branding; HE branding

Correspondence: Chris Chapleo INTRODUCTION

Portsmouth University Business School, Richmond Building,
Portland Street, Portsmouth PO1 3DE, UK
It seems to be the case that higher and
E-mail: further education institutions are

© 2008 Palgrave Macmillan 1744–6503 International Journal of Educational Advancement Vol. 8, 3/4, 126–135
External perceptions of successful university brands

behaving increasingly as corporations, • to explore how ‘successfully

with increasing competition among branded’ universities are perceived to
universities, both internationally and be distinct;
nationally (Veloutsou et al, 2004; • to further practice on the issues
Hemsley-Brown and Oplatka, 2006). surrounding university branding.
It follows therefore that they may need
to adopt a marketing orientation,
including mastering brand management TERMS OF REFERENCE
as a central competence (Louro and A key term in need of clarification for
Cunha, 2001). The challenge for the purpose of this paper is ‘success’
higher education (HE) institutions, as applied to ‘university brands.’
however, is that application of The various definitions, in particular
branding theory and practice to those of Doyle (1989) and De
specialist areas of marketing, such as Chernatony et al (1998), were
education, is not necessarily fully considered, and respondents, when
developed. (Hankinson, 2004) asked to identify ‘successful’ brands,
Previous research has examined were requested to consider those
which UK institutions were perceived that were clear and consistent (in
to have ‘successful’ brands, and the demonstrating a competitive advantage)
factors associated with those and congruous with needs of various
institutions (Chapleo, 2005). This customer groups.
study builds upon that, exploring the The distinction between brand and
effectiveness of branding activity and reputation may also require some
individual brands in the UK HE sector, clarification. Some authors seem to
but from the particular perspective of infer a distinction between the two
external opinion formers. terms, although this was by no means
This research was therefore universally the case. Frost and Cooke
exploratory in nature, interviewing (1999) argue that brand and
individuals who, while having roles reputation are ‘actually aspects of the
that related strongly to UK universities, same thing’ and that people may find
were external to the actual institutions it useful to make a distinction, but
themselves. The sample comprised 12 that ‘such distinctions are impractical.’
in-depth interviews with senior For this reason, in this paper the term
management within funding bodies, brand is generally used, but where
regional development agencies (RDAs), interviewees argued that the reputation
‘blue chip’ companies and professional of an institution differed greatly from
bodies. that of the brand, this was explored.
The objectives were as follows:
Defining brands
• to explore whether UK universities There still seems to be no one accepted
have true brands and are distinct definition of a brand, despite
from one another; considerable discussion (Hankinson,
• to examine factors contributing to 2001). However, it is evident that
‘successful’ UK HE brands; brand is more than just a logo, symbol
• to explore whether the sector overall or design. Hart and Murphy (1998)
communicates effectively; summarize this neatly, proposing that

© 2008 Palgrave Macmillan 1744–6503 International Journal of Educational Advancement Vol. 8, 3/4, 126–135 127

‘the brand is a synthesis of all the added values which match their needs
elements, physical, aesthetic, rational most closely.’
and emotional.’ However, a common definition
Although arguably simplifying of a successful brand was necessary,
matters somewhat, the branding and definitions, including those of
literature can be broadly divided in Doyle (1989) and De Chernatony et al
terms of ‘rational’ aspects or the wider (1998), were considered and
view of ‘rational plus emotional’ incorporated so that, for the purpose
perspectives. There are attempts to of the methodology, a successful brand
define ‘university brands’; however, was taken to be one that is ‘clear and
Bulotaite (2003) suggests that ‘when consistent (in demonstrating a
someone mentions the name of a competitive advantage) and clearly fits
university it will immediately evoke with the needs of various customer
‘associations, emotions, images and groups.’
faces,’ and that the role of university
branding is to ‘build, manage and The concept of branding
develop these impressions.’ in higher education
Practitioners have increasingly
Successful brands embraced branding in HE, although
Marketing success is well defined as a actually implementing techniques of
concept, but no definitive source exists marketing (including branding) may
that focuses on brand success (De still be subject to some resistance
Chernatony et al, 1998). Some writers (Temple, 2006). Some writers argue
do go as far as actually suggesting a that branding as a concept applies as
definition for a successful brand, well to HE institutions as to other
stating that it is ‘a name, symbol, organizations. Opoku et al (2006)
design, or some combination, which consider that their brands are no
identifies the ‘product’ of a particular different from any other brand, and
organization as having a sustainable the classic functions that brands
competitive advantage’(Doyle 1989, perform apply.
p. 5). De Chernatony et al (1998, Others, however, argue that brands
p. 778) suggest that one of the defining for HE institutions are inherently more
characteristics between successful and complex, and that conventional brand
failed brands is that successful brands management techniques are inadequate
show a greater degree of ‘fit’ between in this market (Jevons, 2006).
the values firms develop for their Stamp (2004) offers a number of
brands and the rational and emotional factors that have driven the UK HE
needs of their consumers. branding agenda, including tuition
This concept of values that meet fees, competitive differentiation, league
consumers’ perceived needs is echoed tables, organizations attaining
by De Chernatony and McDonald university status and the mismatch
(2000, p. 20), who propose that a between brand perceptions and
successful brand is ‘an identifiable delivery. It seems that necessity is
product, service, person or place, forcing UK universities to adopt the
augmented in such a way that the concepts and practices of branding,
buyer or user perceives relevant unique but there is doubt as to whether

128 © 2008 Palgrave Macmillan 1744–6503 International Journal of Educational Advancement Vol. 8, 3/4, 126–135
External perceptions of successful university brands

branding is still fully embraced and involved in successfully branding UK

understood – Temple (2006) argues universities. Interviews and smaller
that ‘much of what is described as samples were therefore considered
branding in higher education would be appropriate (Christy and Wood, 1999).
better labeled as reputation The sample size was appropriate
management or even public relations.’ for an exploratory qualitative study,
and as such offers results that are
What does lead to successful representative but not necessarily
university brands? conclusive (De Chernatony et al, 1998).
Bulotaite (2003) believes that Semi-structured interviews were
university brands actually have the considered to be suitable, as ‘complex
potential to create stronger feelings and ambiguous issues can be
than most brands, and that the key to penetrated’ (Gummesson, 2005, p.
doing this successfully is to create a 309). An interview guide was used to
‘unique communicative identity.’ He steer the discussion, but respondents
advocates achieving this through were also allowed to expand upon
capitalizing upon heritage. Jevons ideas and concepts as they wished.
(2006), however, argues that The particular questions explored in
universities may talk of differentiation the context of the interviews linked
through their brands, but that they fail back to the objectives of exploring
to ‘practice what they preach.’ brand perceptions of the overall UK
It has been suggested that HE university sector, and commonalities
brands need to be focussed on market- between successful university brands.
related strengths, rather than generalist Interviews were conducted among
approaches, for them to be successful opinion-formers who, while having
(Schubert, 2007). In summary, it seems roles that related strongly to UK
that what existing work has been universities, were external to the actual
undertaken in the area of applying institutions themselves. They were
branding theory to HE institutions has considered an appropriate group, as
largely been borrowed from non- they represented experts with a
education sectors (Maringe, 2005; breadth of experience who can draw
Hemsley-Brown and Oplatka, 2006), on their specialist knowledge to define
and little research has been undertaken the fundamental characteristics of
to establish what underpins a relevant matters (Tremblay, 1982; De
successful university brand. In short, Chernatony and Segal-Horn, 2003).
‘what does lead to successful higher The interviewees comprised
education institution (HEI) brands?’
requires further exploration. This work • 12 External Opinion-Formers
is therefore considered timely and – senior management within fund-
appropriate in furthering ing bodies, RDAs, ‘blue chip’
understanding in this field. companies and professional bodies,
interviewed between February and
The principal focus of this research
was to ‘seek a deeper understanding of The interviews were recorded and
factors’ (Chisnall, 2001, p. 195) transcribed, and content analysis was

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conducted (Goodman, 1999). The example RDA, had a regional focus,

average duration of interviews was it was apparent that they principally
29 min. perceived differentiation within
The analysis was informed by Miles the region. An example of this was
and Huberman (1994), who advocate ‘North East England, with five
coding that identifies any institutions with differing roles.’ It
commonalities in responses, and the seemed that there was no one
particular qualitative approach of important differentiating factor,
Schilling (2006) in ‘reducing the however, some institutions had
material while preserving the essential certainly progressed further along the
contents.’ Once an initial content path of differentiation than others.
analysis was completed, the results One RDA interviewee suggested
were checked by an independent that ‘brand communication among
researcher as to whether they provided universities may be poor overall.’ His
a representative summary, and then view was that ‘universities were
findings were drawn out by viewing good at communicating brands to
the summary in the context of the specific core audiences, such as
interview questions. Flick’s (2006) students or perhaps Research Councils
approach informed this part of the United Kingdom (RCUK),’ but that
process, and uses the benefits of ‘brand communication is not good
qualitative research by allowing a in the wider sense.’ This, it was
degree of subjective judgment on the suggested, linked to the broadness
part of the researcher, and therefore of the role of universities and the
data of a ‘richer’ nature are hopefully difficulty in communicating a succinct
presented (Daymon and Holloway, brand.
It is important to recognize that the Do universities have ‘real’ brands?
anonymity demanded by some Inevitably this question occasionally
participants made attributing direct prompted discussion on definition of
quotes challenging. Nevertheless, a brand – in this case the definition
number of pertinent quotes were synthesized from Doyle (1989) and
assigned by generic job role in an De Chernatony et al (1998), as
attempt to partly address this issue. detailed in the literature review,
was referred to. It is accepted that
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION many varied definitions exist, but this
offered a clear and robust working
How effectively do UK universities example.
differentiate from one another? All respondents did feel that
The consensus here was that, in universities do to some extent possess
general, institutions in the UK HE brands, but views varied on how fully
sector were differentiated from one formed these were, and some
another. Some respondents alluded to respondents suggested that they may
differentiation within three sub-sectors not be brands ‘in the real commercial
(which they termed ‘Russell group,’ sense of the word.’ It was even
‘Redbrick’ and ‘post-1992’). As a suggested by two respondents from
number of the respondents, for Research Councils that in some cases

130 © 2008 Palgrave Macmillan 1744–6503 International Journal of Educational Advancement Vol. 8, 3/4, 126–135
External perceptions of successful university brands

the brand may ‘go little deeper than patchy at the micro level, but it is also
a logo.’ problematic at the macro level.
Even those who interpreted
university brands in a wider sense Views on strength of UK university
sometimes had reservations about their brands in regional/national/
reach. This was exemplified by the international contexts
view from two RDA interviewees that International branding was seen as a
some universities ‘may think that their crucial area of future importance, but
brands are more strongly recognized it was argued by several respondents
than is the reality.’ that international branding therefore
poses a great challenge for UK
How effectively do you think UK universities. The view was that ‘there
universities communicate with you? are comparatively few real
– What are the issues from your international brands among UK
perspective? universities,’ but that a number of
This was an interesting question, as institutions had successfully branded at
each respondent clearly brings their a national level. Most institutions,
own agenda. The point was made by however, particularly newer
RDA interviewees that universities are universities, were thought to possess
perhaps effective at communicating to ‘true brands’ at a regional level only.
specific audiences such as students, but Those thought to have true
that the ‘diversity of their role in international brands included perhaps
society means that they struggle to obvious institutions such as Oxford,
define this role precisely,’ and that, Cambridge, London Business School
therefore, communications in a wider and London School of Economics.
sense are often ‘patchy.’ This was Other less obvious examples were also
carried through to the branding issue, discussed in some cases – individual
with an RDA interviewee arguing that respondents gave examples such as
brand communication may be clear for Nottingham (suggested to have ‘a
some audiences, but that it may be strong international agenda because
indistinct overall. It was suggested of strong leadership’) and some
that, with limited resources, newer institutions such as
communication priorities are often Hertfordshire (who ‘push their
driven by perceived immediate strategic international agenda’).
priorities (such as government targets), Some interesting points were made,
but that this can be detrimental to with one RDA respondent talking of a
communication with other ‘ longer- perceived difference between ‘brand’
term’ audiences. and ‘impact.’ The example of Durham
Another interesting point was made was used to illustrate this, as ‘to some
by an RDA interviewee: that ‘the extent it has an international brand
nature of universities is that they are but most of its impact is actually in its
very individual and they hold that very North East UK region.’
dear.’ The problem with this, it was Space and scope did not allow a
suggested, is that ‘no one responds for close investigation on this area, but
the sector effectively.’ The argument is this important area is undoubtedly
therefore that communication may be worthy of attention in its own right.

© 2008 Palgrave Macmillan 1744–6503 International Journal of Educational Advancement Vol. 8, 3/4, 126–135 131

Location as a factor in successful opinion, has a successful brand, as

university brands well as to summarize why they
Location is clearly an important part believed this to be the case. A certain
in many ‘successful’ brands, but not regional bias depending on location of
across all institutions to an equal interviewees was evident, but some
extent. Certainly, the views of interesting examples were given.
respondents of cities that have Institutions that were suggested
undergone some renaissance of image included
(for example Manchester) are
considered desirable from a lifestyle Nottingham – international focus,
perspective (for example Brighton), or location and size
indeed are global centers (for example Dundee – regionally significant,
London) were that location had a very innovative and transformational
important part to play regarding the Hertfordshire – has successfully raised
success of the brand. Equally, the profile, newer campus and business
examples of UK universities such as focus
Keele or Loughborough were Goldsmith’s – distinct within the arts
suggested, where there was little clear structure
city brand and therefore location University of West of England –
offered very limited brand advantage, successful employment, strong
and could actually be a ‘problem in advertising straplines and
brand differentiation.’ positioning statements surrounding
One respondent talked of the unique this.
power of a university brand to
transform the city/town brand they are As well as these institutions, Warwick
located in, citing Warwick as such an and Manchester were (in common
example. Clearly, the suggestion is that with Chapleo, 2005) mentioned as
there can be a great deal of synergy successful brands. Warwick in
between a successful university brand particular seems to be the most
and the town/city brand. One research regularly cited ‘successful’ brand.
council interviewee emphasized that in
his view location was often becoming What do you consider leads to a
more important than subject area, with successful university brand?
a distinct move towards selling a This question sought the views of
‘lifestyle choice,’ for example South opinion-formers on the key question of
Coast locations or cities such as what underpins a successful university
Manchester. The academic quality, it brand. Several factors in particular
was thought, may almost be ‘a given,’ were discussed: a number of
and therefore not actively promoted as institutions talked of ‘strong strategic
a differentiator. agendas’ or a ‘clear vision’ being
crucial to a ‘successful’ brand. It was
Identification of ‘successful’ UK also considered that a chief executive
university brands, and justification could not only play a significant role
of choice in a successful brand, but that
Interviewees were asked to identify significant risk is posed by leadership
and discuss a university that, in their that does not support the branding

132 © 2008 Palgrave Macmillan 1744–6503 International Journal of Educational Advancement Vol. 8, 3/4, 126–135
External perceptions of successful university brands

concept. It was suggested that ‘the sample as being a prerequisite for a

brand is vulnerable to personal whim ‘successful’ brand is the need for a
of the chief executive to a greater clear vision and a purposeful longer-
extent than many commercial brands.’ term strategy that supports that vision.
Internal ‘buy-in’ among staff was, It seemed that the institutions that
perhaps unsurprisingly, thought a were most strongly identified as having
challenge for universities, but also ‘successful’ brands were those that
important to a consistent brand. In the were considered to have a clear vision
view of several respondents, this is and purpose in place for some time.
closely akin to organizational culture, This was also reflected in a deliberate
which forms the essence of brand. positioning strategy – those institutions
The example of a newer university was that were considered aware of
discussed by one RDA interviewee, positioning and sought to manage this
suggesting that the challenge was to were seemingly more likely to have
capture ‘the ethos of teaching and successful brands.
research of the university and convey The greatest challenge for the future,
that consistently through all the however, appeared to be the building
processes of the institution such as of true ‘international brands.’ This
administration and external relations.’ obviously affects some institutions
more than others depending on their
CONCLUSIONS market focuses, but was considered to
It was evident that most UK be an area where many institutions
universities were seen by external have considerable work to do.
opinion formers as distinct from one
another, but few were considered to Implications for practice
have real fully formed ‘commercial- It is apparent that there are challenges
style’ brands. (The point was made facing UK universities in terms of
that commercial-style brands may not brand management, but there are a
be wholly applicable for the sector number of positive steps that university
anyway.) Although a number of leaders and marketers may take
institutions that were seen as having towards building successful brands.
more ‘successful’ brands were Two factors in particular seem to
identified, it was suggested that many be associated with successful university
UK universities communicate their brands – clear vision and the support
brand well enough to key audiences of leadership, and, although there
such as students, but fail to is clearly no ‘quick fix’ for these,
consistently do this across all an understanding of their importance
audiences. It may be argued that the can inform brand management
broad role of universities makes this planning.
difficult, and it was also suggested that It was also considered that UK
UK universities may ‘undersell’ universities can fail to consistently
themselves in key areas that they do communicate across all audiences, and
not immediately see as of strategic that strategic priorities (often driven by
importance. government agendas) through necessity
Perhaps the factor that came lead to a shorter-term view of brand
through most strongly among the communication – perhaps a wider

© 2008 Palgrave Macmillan 1744–6503 International Journal of Educational Advancement Vol. 8, 3/4, 126–135 133

audit of stakeholders and a longer- Doyle, P. (1989) Building successful brands:

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(1) International branding. This was 111–120.

identified as a particular issue, and Gummesson, E. (2005) Qualitative research in

marketing: Road-map for a wilderness of
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universities internationally are an Journal of Marketing 39(3/4): 309–327.
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of suggesting specific models for Hankinson, G. (2004) Relational network brands:
managing a brand in the particular Towards a conceptual model of place brands.
Journal of Vacation Marketing 10(2): 109–121.
context of HE. As has already
Hart, S. and Murphy, J. (1998) Brands: The
been argued, branding in New Wealth Creators. Palgrave Macmillan:
universities is not particularly well Basingstoke, UK.
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education marketing. International Journal of
Public Sector Management 19(4): 316–338.
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