Model Improvement Ideas

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Create a version of lgbm code without

Any large customer with occasional very low
fcst period accuracy Mode id

Model these separately, starting with naive

Non-retail customers with accuracies <= 75% Customer
models for a baseline
Customer lever
Same channel, size, or cluster to find similar
Period accuracies, mean, and stdev A few customers
Model level (what data to use for training of a
specific model)
Weekly wmapes by class/size Many customers
Review retail customers’ results Analysis

% of period volume for products we forecasted Class/size

that had zero sales Create a standard script that sumarizes a
customers forecast results Product level
Product category
% of period sales where we forecasted zero
(or didn’t forecast) that did have sales
Lowest level
Add a summary that shows how well we
forecast push, holiday and falloff weeks
Forecasting level Bdc

Class size
model improvement ideas

At multiple # of features to keep valies Select from model

Use pos data for customers that have it
Feature selection
Ranking features

Evaluate model features using shap

Find a way to better leverage yag data

Use different models for different customers/

(Lower priority) model selection use boruta and/or shap to see if they are
Add pca and lda features

Random forest Swap out lgbm with

Other ideas Add + and *interaction terms

Extra trees Algos

Transform to make normal, box-cox, power
transforms, etc
Yea this is dumb, but it’s easy to test and if it
improves our weekly wmapes then it will prove Try blending forecast with 4, 8, and 12wk
Transform to uniform
our current models are sub-optimal (i.e. we moving average
Create naive models for a proper baseline at
levels described above

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