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I don't think so, because money is easy to carry, and we can carry / store
any amount of money we want. cash payment is also easier, we only have
to give money to the seller. and if we bring cash we will not be confused if
the store that we approach does not yet provide a payment method by
credit card.
2. I prefer digital payments, because it is easier to carry and more secure. we
can also save larger amounts of money safely. we can also make large
payments more easily. because now it is completely digital and everything
is done by machine.
3. I think so. because I am used to cash payments and i will really miss
money change when that day comes.
4. Im agree with that because digital payments use cards that are easy to
bring and have a password so that the possibility of theft is smaller than
carrying cash. the downside are we can't buy street vendors food because
usually street vendors have not use digital payments and we can only use
it in stores that already use digital payments.
5. because now we live in a digital age and people will definitely keep up with
the times. and the government will definitely hold socialization about how
to use and adventage of using digital payments, so people who don't
understand technology will understand how to use it.

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