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School of Graduate studies

Graduation Project Thesis Progress Report and Evaluation


October 2016

Addis Ababa

I. Introduction

As far as the graduate studies program is concerned, students are required, among other things, to
complete a theoretical / practical research/ project in their focus area to exercise over all
knowledge and skill capability application. This can be an individual or as team endeavor. Every
prospective graduate is required to come up with a formal written report and/or hard/software of
the project/thesis as applicable. Besides, each candidate presents his/her work describing the
details of related theoretical aspects, practical aspects, methodology and outcome of the project
supported by value chain analysis. Graduation project/thesis is an important part, which requires
the synthesis of knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work, some creativity,
innovation, adapting, transferring of technology, reengineering, and original thinking. The
outcomes of the project will:

a. improves ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and technology

b. develops ability to identify, formulate, and solve technology problems;
c. develop ability to design , conduct experiments, and to analyze and interpret data
d. enhance ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, health, safety, manufacturability,
and sustainability
e. develop capacity to use the techniques, skills, and modern tools necessary for
technological practice
f. improve ability to produce real objects directly useful to the society and play a great roll
for the growth of small scale enterprises.

The post graduate project will introduce the importance of teamwork to students. It exposes
graduate students to multi-disciplinary work and real world technology where social, economic,
environmental, political, ethical, safety, sustainability constraints among others should also be
taken into consideration. Students will have the opportunity to work on and improve their
communication skills (written and oral) develop a real project to be used in the world of the
work. It also provides an opportunity of developing creativity and critical thinking, and makes
the students develop self-confidence.

II. Selection and Approval of post graduate project

Graduate students and the respective advisor as well as co-advisors (if any) should consider the
following issues and procedures in research /project developing progress, from that of problem
selection to approval of it. The following device could serve as stimulation for the students to
move systematically towards the goal by keeping themselves akin to the norm, criteria and the
regulation of the institute.

a. Project topics of each candidate shall be recommended by

students/advisor/CRD/Industries /Science and Technology minister technology transfer
office, research center and approved by the respective department council with in the first
two weeks of the semester,
b. Topics of the project should be current and based on latest technology.
c. If the project recommended by the student is approved by the department council, he/she
is expected to work with an advisor within the department or in case the advisor is not
found within the department, the department shall assign an advisor in consulting with
school of graduate studies and concerned student. Barring
d. If the project is not recommended by students, the advisor in consultation with the
department and students shall select the topic and incase advisor is not in a position to
select project topic ,the department with consultation of school of graduate studies will
select the topic and get it approved by the department council. The selected topic should
be critically with in the field of specialization of the student;
e. If a project topic belongs to one department, the projects preferably should be done by
not more than three candidates t;
f. If the selected project involves different departments, the number of candidates could be
reached up to 5 and two advisors of the corresponding specializations may be assigned.
g. The Post graduate candidates should prepare and defend their project proposal
immediately after the approval of their topics.

The topic selection of the project should be completed at the end of the 3 rdweek of the first
semester. At the time of topic approval; the presence of the advisor is advisable with the
approval committee.

III. Progress Report

The progress report would follow the following schedule as described here under

a. The candidate shall present progress report of the project at the end of 4thweek, 7th and
14th week of the first semester. The second phase of the project progress report shall be
presented at the end of the 4rd, 9th and 13th week of the second semester.
b. The respective advisor and departmental committee assigned by the department shall
review and evaluate the progress report.
c. The assigned evaluation committee for progress report has a right to reject the proposal
and a student or group of students should prepare the proposal based on the given
comment up to the next progress report and provide to the department for further
evaluation. Failure to do so may cause rejection of the research /project.

Progress report information and evaluation points are listed below

Title of Project:

II. Students information:

Name of students and ID.No:

1. ________________________ ID.No.______________________

III. Review and acceptance-Required original signatures:

The PG project/thesis report has been reviewed and accepted by the Committee Chairman and

Advisory committee after the candidate defends his project title.

Name of Committee Member ----------------------------------- Signature -------- Date-------

Name of Committee Member -------------------------------------- Signature---------- Date -----

Name of Committee Member ---------------------------------------- Signature--------- Date -----

Name of Committee chair person ---------------------------------- Signature --------- Date----

MEETING DATE: ---------------- MEETING NO.: ----------------------------

PROJECT TITLE: ---------------------------------------------------------------

NAME OF ADVISOR: -----------------------------------------------

NAME AND STUDENT ID: -----------------------------------------------

Field by students

1. Work done

The student/group should write the details of the work done that that had been done so far


2. Student group should write here the work to be


3.The student/group should indicate problem /problems encountered on the process of

project/thesis work

4. Here advisor should write comments to the work

Advisor‘s Signature ------------------------------------- Student’s Signature ------------------

After the above form is being filled /completed, the department should collect the forms and
proceed to the evaluation with the committee in the presence of the advisor.

Evaluation is carried out using the following tables

Table 1 Progress report-I


1 Problem 15%

2 Methodology 25%
3 Accomplished work as 30%
per the schedule
4 Accuracy of process 25%
Total 100%

Table 2 Progress report II



1 Corrected as per the 15%
previous comment

2 Achieved Result 25%

3 Accomplished work as 30%
per the schedule
4 Accuracy of work 25%
Total 100%

Table 3 Final progress report III


1 Corrected as per the 15%
previous comment
2 Achieved Result 25%
3 Accomplished work as 30%
per the schedule
4 Accuracy of work 25%
Total 100%

Note: The final grade for the first phase project/research is the average sum of the three progress
report results given by the committee.

The department committee based on the total results achieved at each progress report shall have
a mandate to accept or to reject the work of the student and give the final grade to the student or
group following the institute grading rule. In this regard:

1. At the first progress report if the student /group attained 40%, he/she/ it will continue working
on the project for further progress.

2. At the second progress report if the student/group achieved 50% of his/her/its work, he/she/ it
will continue working further;

3. At the 3rd progress report if the student/group achieved above 50%, he/she/ it will continue on
working further, however if the result is below the mentioned percent in all cases, the committee
will give1st, 2nd and 3rd stapes warnings to the student/group orally. The committee shall give the
final grade up on the final presentation of the proposal on the date scheduled by the department.
The schedule should be at least one week before the final examination period of the first
semester. Such conditions are practical for the first phase of the project/thesis work only at the
first semester. In case of second phase project/research in the second semester ,the student
/group shall continue his/her/its work in case he/she/ it achieved above 50% in the 1st progress
report, whereas at the second report time the achievement must be 75% and above. If below 75%
the committee shall give final warning. In case he/she/ it cannot achieve 95 % and above at the 3 d
progress report time, the committee has a mandate to delay the student/group for one semester.
Dalliance may be done up in consultation with the department head, with school of graduate
studies and with deputy general director for academy.

In general, the committee has a mandate to reject the project in case of detecting plagiarism
above 25%.

Research /project writing guide format standard for graduate students of TVETI is available in
the concerned department.

After the proposal is approved the next activity of the student/group is to carry out the main
research/project work and submit to the department for evaluation and examination.

IV. Submission and Examination of Project Report

a. After completing the research/project thesis, the graduate student or group and the
advisor and the respective advisor should submit the report to the department for further
work based on the regulation of the institute by signing on it.
b. Final year project report shall be submitted to the department at the beginning of
14thweek of the second semester as stated in the regulation (three weeks ahead of the
presentation time);

c. Examination or project evaluation is carried out by examination board comprises of one
external examiner invited form Ethiopian universities invited by the department , internal
examiner within the department and a chair person assigned by the department.
d. The chair person shall announce the project title, venue and time of defense ahead of time
and the process of presentation and defense shall, unless otherwise required by justifiable
circumstances, be open and public;
e. The secretary for the board is assigned by the department and has no voting right;
f. The examiners judge the candidate based on the regulation of the institute, which will be
provided to the examiners with the project document ahead of the defense time;

Seven hard copies of the PG thesis/ project shall be submitted to the department after the
respective advisor verifies and signs on the copies. The 7 copies are dispatched to department,
internal and external examiners, library, school of graduate studies and research development

In case when it is required to extend the time of project/research, working process other than the
limited time, the school of graduate studies will make a decision on the concerned issue based on
the regulation of the institute.

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