Rules For Online Classes

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Rules for online classes

General Online Etiquettes

 Respect the integrity of all online systems and networks

 Respect the personal information and privacy of others
 Be active and engaged participants in the learning program
 Obey directions from teaching and administrative staff
 Complete all assignments and work in a timely and thorough manner
 Be respectful of your classmates and teachers. Allow others to speak, invite others to share,
and respect other’s ideas.
 Avoid side conversations and multitasking.
 Save your meals and snacks for between your classes; eating during class is generally
frowned upon and being in an online classroom is no different.

Microphone Awareness
• Microphones are almost always on. Remember that your classmates and teacher can hear
noises in your environment such as dogs barking, family member conversations, TV
sounds, whispering, chewing, Sneezing, and tapping your pen or pencil, etc. so please
keep distractions to a minimum or mute your microphone.

The class will begin and end on time so please make sure that you log in to class 5
minutes before the actual time. Students who are more than 10 minutes late will be
marked absent. No breaks!

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