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Chapter 1

Soil & Subgrade

Lectures of 6. - 8. Week

Prof. DR. Eng. Shafik Jendia

Islamic University of Gaza


Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

- Jendia, S.: Highway Engineering – Structural Design, (Published in Arabic),
Gaza, Palestine, 2000.
- ASTM D2922-05 Standard Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in
Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth), doi:10.1520/D2922-05 (Standard
withdrawn 2007).
- Wirtgen Road Construction Manual Internal Training Brochure for Sales
Managers an Service Engineers, Germany, 2002.
- Service Engineers, Germany, 2002.
- Garber, N.J; Hoel, L. A.: Traffic and Highway Engineering, Fourth Edition, University of
Virginia, USA.

Internet sites for compaction and Soil Classification access Feb. 2016
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Pavement Types
Road Surface Without Binder
(Untreated Road Surface)

Asphalt Pavement (Flexible)

Cement Concrete Pavement (Rigid)

Segmental Pavement
(Interlock or Concrete Block Pavement)

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Road Surface
Without Binder
(Untreated Road Surface)

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Flexible (Asphalt) and
Rigid (Cement Concrete) Pavements

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Other Example For Rigid
(Cement Concrete) Pavement

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Segmental Pavement
(Interlock or Concrete Block Pavement)

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Asphalt Pavement

AASHTO ... Prof. Dr. Eng. Shafik Jendia

‫‪Subgrade‬‬ ‫تربة األساس‬
‫‪ -‬تعد تربة األساس هً القاعدة‬
‫التً ٌرتكز علٌها جسم الطرٌق‪،‬‬
‫والذي ٌتكون بدوره من عدة‬
‫طبقات تختلف فً سمكاتها‬
‫‪ -‬تربة األساس لها عالقة كبٌرة‬
‫ومؤثرة على التغٌٌرات التً تحدث‬
‫فً الرصف‪ ،‬كظهور الهبوط‬
‫والتشققات التً قد تؤدي إلى انهٌار‬
‫وفشل الرصف بالكامل فً غالب‬
‫‪Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia‬‬
‫‪Subgrade‬‬ ‫تربة األساس‬

‫ّهي ٌُا تتؼح لٌا أُو٘ة التزبة فٖ إًشاء الطزق‪ّ .‬عل٘هَ فنًهَ دبهن ههي‬
‫دراسة الوسائل الوتعلمة بالتزبة‪ّ ،‬تفِن خظائظِا ّسلْكِا تحت تأح٘ز‬
‫الوههرحزاا الو٘ناً٘ن٘ههة ّ ال ْٗههة متههٔ ًههتوني هههي إًشههاء ؽههزق عال٘ههة‬
‫ال هههْدا طهههالحة لرنههههة مزكهههة الوهههزّر ّالٌمهههل بنفهههاءا ّأههههاى ّبألهههل‬
‫ّلِذا فنًَ ٗتحهتن علٌ٘ها ٌُها أى ًتٌهاّخ الرظهائض التهٖ ٗ هر تْافزُها‬
‫فٖ التزبة ّالطزق الوتبعة ّالشائعة لتظٌ٘فِا كتزبة أسها‪ّ ،،‬للهم ههي‬
‫ّجِههة ً ههز ٌُنسههة الطههزق‪ .‬أههها بالٌسههبة لاطههل ال ْ٘لههْجٖ للتزبههة‪،‬‬
‫ّتنٌِْٗا ّأًْاعِا فٖ بالدًا فنًٌا ًش٘ز ٌُا إلٔ الوزاجع الراطة بذلم‪.‬‬

‫‪Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia‬‬

‫‪Subgrade‬‬ ‫تربة األساس‬
‫ّلبل أى ًشزع فٖ تظٌ٘ف التزبة فنًٌا ًزٓ ػزّرا هعزفة‬
‫عٌاطههزُا الورتلفههة ّالعاللههاا الزٗاػهه٘ة التههٖ تههزبؾ ُههذٍ‬
‫العٌاطز بعؼِا ببعغ ّ تٌاّخ بعغ الفحْطاا الوعول٘هة‬
‫الالسهة لفِن خظائض التزبة كتزبة أسا‪ ،‬للطزق‪ّ ،‬هٌِا‪:‬‬

‫‪Atterberg Limits Tests‬‬

‫‪Sieve Analysis‬‬
‫‪Proctor Test‬‬
‫‪Plate Loading Test‬‬
‫‪CBR Test‬‬

‫‪Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia‬‬

Soil Phases ‫عناصر التربة‬

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Phases ‫عناصر التربة‬
:)( 1
 
mw  m s
 
V a V w V s
:)Moisture content( 2
w  100[%]

:)d( 3
d 
d 
Va  Vw  Vs

:)s ( 4
s 
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Soil Phases ‫عناصر التربة‬
:)Void Ratio( 5

:)Porosity( 6
n   100

)Air Voids - na( 7

na  100

)Water Voids - nw( 8

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Phases ‫عناصر التربة‬

n  100 a

)Water Voids - nw( 8

nw   100

+ :)n ( 9
n  na  n w

:)Degree of saturation( 10
Vw nw
S S
Vv n
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Relationships between Soil Phases

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Example: Relationships between Soil Phases
)S = 1 ( w  s d

n  100
s  d
n 
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Example: Relationships between soil phases
s  w d
nw   d  w s
s  d

S= 1

s  w d
s  d
s  d  s  w  d
 d (  s  w  1)   s
d 
w s 1
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Example: Determining Soil Characteristics Using the
Three-Phase Principle
The wet weight of a specimen of soil is 340 g and the dried weight is 230 g. The
volume of the soil before drying is 210 cc. If the specific gravity of the soil
particles is 2.75, determine the void ratio, porosity, degree of saturation, and dry

Solution: Since the weight of the air can be taken as zero, the weight of the
water is

w here is
equal m

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Example: Determining Soil Characteristics Using the Three-
Phase Principle

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Atterberg Limit Tests (ASTM D4318)

‫حد السٌولة‬


Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Atterberg Limit Tests (ASTM D4318)

Water Percentage ( w % )
‫حد السٌولة‬

Limit Test 30

15 20 25 30 40
Blows No.(N)

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Atterberg Limit Tests (ASTM D4318)

W > P.L. W < P.L.

‫حد اللدونة‬
Plastic Limit Test
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Soil Tests
Atterberg Limit Tests (ASTM D4318)

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

‫)‪Atterberg Limit Tests (ASTM D4318‬‬
‫ّٗعزف الفزق ب٘ي منٕ السْ٘لة ّاللنًّة بو اخ اللنًّة (‪)Plasticity Index‬‬
‫(‪ٗ ُّْ )PI = LL - PL‬عتبز أمن الندئل للنشف عي التزبة الٌاعوة ّالذٕ‬
‫بارتفاع ل٘وتَ ًستنخ علٔ أًٌا ًحتاد إلٔ كو٘ة هي الواء هي أجل التغلر علٔ لْا‬
‫التواسم (‪ )Cohesion‬ب٘ي الحب٘باا كوا ُْ الحاخ فٖ التزبة الوتواسنة (الطٌ٘٘ة)‪ ،‬أها‬
‫اًرفاع ل٘وتَ ف٘نخ علٔ أى خْاص اللنًّة ػع٘فة أّ لن تنْى هٌعنهة كوا ُْ الحاخ‬
‫فٖ التزبة الرشٌة ّالتٖ ٗطلك علِ٘ا تزبة غ٘ز لنًة (‪.)non-plastic‬‬

‫ّالذٕ ٗ نر هعزفتَ ُْ أى التزبة التٖ ٗنْى فِ٘ا ه اخ اللنًّة هزتفعا تتعزع‬

‫لتغ٘٘زاا م و٘ة كب٘زا ألًِا توتض الواء بنو٘ة كب٘زا هوا ٗردٕ إلٔ اًتفاخِا بٌ٘وا تفمن‬
‫كو٘ة كب٘زا أٗؼا هي الواء أحٌاء ال فاف ّبالتالٖ ٗردٕ إلٔ منّث تملض أّ اًنواش‬
‫بِا‪ّ ،‬هي ٌُا تأتٖ رداءا ُذٍ األًْاع هي التزبة هي م٘ج الظفاا الٌِنس٘ة للطزق‪.‬‬
‫هوا تمنم ًستط٘ع المْخ بأى‪:‬‬
‫أّد ‪ :‬كلوا ارتفع من السْ٘لة كلوا سادا التزبة رداءا‪.‬‬
‫حاً٘ا‪ :‬كلوا ارتفع ه اخ اللنًّة كلوا أطبحت التزبة ألل طالم٘ة لاغزاع‬
‫‪Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia‬‬
Soil Tests
Sieves and Sieve Analysis
‫المناخل الهندسٌة وتحلٌل الحجم‬

Gravel - Sand
Clayey Sand

Gravel Clay

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests, Sieve Analysis
Diameter (mm) Name Everyday Objects
> 200 Boulders > a hen’s egg
200 - 63 Cobbles > a hen’s egg
63 - 20 Coarse Gravel > hazelnuts, < hen’s eggs
20 - 6.3 Medium Gravel > Peas, < hazelnuts
6.3 - 2 Fine Gravel > match-head, <peas
Coarse 2 - 0.6 Coarse Sand > semolina, < match-head
0.6 - 0.2 Medium Sand = semolina
Fine Sand < semolina, particles visible
0.2 - 0.06 to the naked eye
Fine 0.06 - 0.02 Coarse Silt
Particles 0.02 - 0.006 Medium Silt particles not visible to the
0.006 - 0.002 Fine Silt naked eye
0.002 - 0 Clay
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
USA Holland England Germany
ASTM E 11 – 70 NEN 2560 BS 410 : 1976 DIN 4187/88
‫شبك‬ ‫ربع‬ ‫شبك‬ ‫ربع‬ ‫شبك‬ ‫ربع‬
W(mm) No./in. mm) W(mm) W(mm) W(mm) W(mm) W(mm) W(mm)
0.045 0.045
0.063 0.063 0.063
0.075 200
0.09 0.09 0.09*
0.125 0.125 0.125
0.15 100
0.18 0.18
0.25 0.25 0.25*
0.3 50
0.355 0.355
0.5 0.5
0.6 30
0.71 0.71 0.71*
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Sieves 1.18 16
1.4 1.4 1.4

According to 2.36 8




International 4.75 4
4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

Specification 5.6
8.0 8.0*
9.5 3/8
11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2*
12.5 1/2
16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0*
19.0 3/4
25.0 1 22.4 22.4 22.4*
31.5 31.5 31.5*
45.0 45.0 45.0
50.0 2
63.0 2 1/2 63.0 63.0
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
90.0 90.0 90.0
125.0 125.0
)mm (

75 200 Boulders

- - 63 200 Cobbles

‫مجاالت تحلٌل الحجم‬ 4.76 75 2 63 Gravel(G) /

‫الحبٌبً للتربة حسب‬ 19 75 20 63 Coarse

‫ألمانٌا‬ - - 6.3 20 Medium

،)DIN 4022( 4.76 19 2.0 6.3 Fine

‫ نظام‬،‫وحسب أمرٌكا‬ 0.074 4.76 0.06 2.0 Sand (S)

‫تقسٌم التربة الموحد‬ 2.0 4.76 0.6 2.0 Coarse

0.42 2.0 0.2 0.6 Medium

Unified Soil ( 0.074 0.42 0.06 0.2 Fine

0.002 0.06 Silt (U)

Classification 200 0.02 0.06 Coarse

.)System )0.074( 0.006 0.02 Medium

0.002 0.006 Fine

200 0.002 Clay (C)

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Soil Tests
Sieve Analysis (DIN----, ASTM -----)

‫تحلٌل الحجم‬


Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Sieve Analysis
Example: Determining Soil Gradation

30 g
60 g
75 g
125 g
150 g
150 g
100 g
150 g
50 g
0.063 60 g
50 g

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Sieve Analysis
Example: Determining Soil Gradation

Case 1 Case 2
Sieve retained passing sieve retained
mm g ret % % mm g ret % passing %
45 0 0.0 100.0 0 50 5.0 0
31.5 30 3.0 97.0 0.063 60 6.0 5.0
22.4 60 6.0 91.0 0.25 50 5.0 11.0
16 75 7.5 83.5 0.71 150 15.0 16.0
11.2 125 12.5 71.0 2 100 10.0 31.0
8 150 15.0 56.0 5 150 15.0 41.0
5 150 15.0 41.0 8 150 15.0 56.0
2 100 10.0 31.0 11.2 125 12.5 71.0
0.71 150 15.0 16.0 16 75 7.5 83.5
0.25 50 5.0 11.0 22.4 60 6.0 91.0
0.063 60 6.0 5.0 31.5 30 3.0 97.0
0 50 5.0 0.0 45 0 0.0 100.0
1000 1000

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Sieve Analysis
Example: Determining Soil Gradation

Gradation of Soil Sample

90 91
80 84
70 71
% of passing

40 41
30 31
10 11
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
sieve size mm

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Proctor Compaction Test

This laboratory test is performed to determine the

relationship between the moisture content and the dry
density of a soil for a specified compactive effort.
The compactive effort is the amount of mechanical
energy that is applied to the soil mass.
Several different methods are used to compact soil in the
field, and some examples include tamping, kneading,
vibration, and static load compaction.
This laboratory will employ the tamping or impact
compaction method using the type of equipment and
methodology developed by R. R. Proctor in 1933,
therefore, the test is also known as the Proctor test.
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Soil Tests
Proctor Compaction Test

Two types of compaction tests are routinely performed:

(1) The Standard Proctor Test, and (2) The Modified
Proctor Test. Each of these tests can be performed in
three different methods as outlined in the following

In the Standard Proctor Test, the soil is compacted by a

5.5 lb hammer falling a distance of one foot into a soil
filled mold. The mold is filled with three equal layers of
soil, and each layer is subjected to 25 drops of the
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Soil Tests
Proctor Compaction Test

The Modified Proctor Test is identical to the Standard

Proctor Test except it employs, a 10 lb hammer falling a
distance of 18 inches, and uses five equal layers of soil
instead of three.
There are two types of compaction molds used for
testing. The smaller type is 4 inches in diameter and has
a volume of about 1/30 ft3 (944 cm3), and the larger type
is 6 inches in diameter and has a volume of about
1/13.333 ft3 (2123 cm3).
If the larger mold is used, each soil layer must receive
56 blows instead of 25 (see following Table).
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Soil Tests
Proctor Compaction Test Methods

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Differences Between AASHTO T99 and T180
(Standard Proctor) (Modified Proctor)
Hammer Weight 5.5 lb 10 lb
Drop Distance 12 inches 18 inches
Energy 12,400 ft-lb/ft³ 56,000 ft-lb/ft³

Number of 3 5

Number of blows per layer x Number of layers x Weight of hammer x Height of drop hammer
Energy =
Volume of mold

Energy = (25 blows x 3 layers x 5.5 lb x 1.0 ft)/ (1/30)ft3 = 12,375 ft-lb/ft3
Energy = (56 blows x 5 layers x10.0 lb x 1.5ft)/(1/13.3)ft3 = 55,986 ft-lb/ft3
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Soil Tests
Standard Proctor Compaction Test (ASTM D698, AASHTO T99)

10 cm

11.5 cm

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Standard Proctor Compaction Test (ASTM D698, AASHTO T99) .


Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Standard Proctor Compaction Test (ASTM D698, AASHTO T99)

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

‫‪Soil Tests‬‬
‫‪Standard Proctor Compaction Test‬‬

‫‪maximum dry density‬‬

‫ٗسهههههتفاد ههههههي ت زبهههههة‬
‫بركتر للدمك ها ٗلٖ‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬تمنٗز النخافة ال افة‬
‫للتزبة التٖ ٗوني التْطهل‬
‫إلِ٘ا فٖ الحمل‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬هعزفة ًسبة‬
‫ّ كو٘ههة الوههاء الالسهههة‬
‫للتْطههههل ألمسههههي درجههههة‬
‫دهم للتزبة فٖ الحمل‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬التعزف أّ النشف‬
‫عي الوْاد‪.‬‬
‫‪Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia‬‬
Soil Tests
Example: Standard Proctor Compaction Test

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Example: Standard Proctor Compaction Test

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Example: Standard Proctor Compaction Test

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Examples for Proctor Compaction Test (Gravel Sand, Silt, Clay)
Dry density d ( g/cm )


2.2 For coarse soil (gravel , sand or soil mix

=2 Line of Saturation
pr = 2.12 g/cm3 .65 thereof: wpr ~ 2.57+9.23 (1- a)
m3 (S = 1) a: percentage of aggregate mass > 2mm
wpr = 6.2%
1.9 pr = 1.85 g/cm3 =2
Silt wpr = 14.6%

pr = 1.5 g/cm
1.5 .71
Clay g/c
wpr = 26% m3

5 10 15 20 25 30
Water-content w(%)

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Sandy Silt: Standard and Modified Proctors


0.0167x density (lb/ft3) = density (g/cm3)

Max Dry Unit Weight (lb/ft³)

Standard Proctor
Modified Proctor
Zero Air Void Curve


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Moisture Content (%)

For the same type of soil, the modified Proctor yields a higher
maximum dry density and lower optimum moisture content.
Higher maximum dry density resulted when more compaction effort was applied.
Optimum moisture content was lower when more compaction effort was applied,
reflecting the reduced volume of void space between soil particles.
Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia
Gravel: Standard and Modified Proctors



Max Dry Unit Weight (lb/ft³)



Soils such as 130

Standard Proctor
Modified Proctor
Zero Air Void Curve

gravel and fine 125


sand have lower 115

differences in 110
3 4 5 6
Moisture Content (%)
7 8 9

optimum moisture Fine Sand: Standard and Modified Proctors

content and 135

maximum dry 130

Max Dry Unit Weight (lb/ft³)

densities. 125

Standard Proctor
120 Modified Proctor
Zero Air Void Curve



8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Moisture Content (%)

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Example for California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Example for California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
Relationship between (CBR) and Layer Material Values acc. to Porter

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

Soil Tests
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test

Prof. Dr. Eng Shafik Jendia

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