NH Trip Report 8.24.11

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New Hampshire Trip Report

Wednesday, August 24 GDS Associates, Manchester, NH Met with: Laura Richardson, Office of Energy and Planning Scott Albert, GDS Associates Meaghan Tanguay, GDS Associates Jaymee Woogerd, GDS Associates Cosimina Panetti (on the phone) Paul Bostrom (on the phone) Purpose: to discuss a) CPA Phase II, b) status of GDS NH Building Code Compliance Project since February and c) timeline and responsibilities moving forward for both projects Discussion: BCAP CPA Phase II in 10 states Need to be done by Nov 30 Offer higher-level picture of how to get to 90% compliance and more immediate info on how to set up some near-term projects

GDS Overview of NH EC Challenge PPT covered goals, history of program, state adoption status, results of 2009 code officials survey, trainings so far NH Legislature likely to let code (2009 IECC) sunset [to 2006 IECC] in Dec, but confusion on when the sunset date would be o Leg starts up again in Oct, ends in Dec o 2009 IECC was adopted Spring 2010, so technically might not sunset until Spring 2012 GDS revamped their website in June o Targets different groups o National, regional and local resources highlighted o New checklist for realtors (NEEP collaboration) o Working with Consumers Union on resources GDS updating old Energy Code Field Guide with material from 2009 IECC o Purchased rights to it from CSG o OEP will print, distribute copies (1,000s as many as they can afford) Trainings o Working on getting CEUs for real estate professionals Possible realtor convention in Sept

Trying to get on-site training difficulty in getting builders on board, but theyre working on it o Another training in the North Country coming (first one had poor attendance) o Home Show in Portsmouth Nov 3 Resources that will inform the GDS Roadmap o GDS work so far (trainings, Market Characterization Report, Baseline study, resources, etc.) o Gap Analysis o Vermont Energy Investment Corporation report Hired by NH PUC to look at all EE and sustainability policies in the state Touted GDS and BCAP work on codes April 30, 2012 deadline for GDS work GDS running out of money spent a lot on trainings, consumer outreach

Areas of Possible Collaboration Big question: How to keep codes work going after April 30, 2012? Energy Codes Coalition o Could build off current Stakeholder Panel many of the same people/groups o Need to formalize it, outline plan for success o Sept 7 next stakeholder meeting could broach topic, then reach out to possible champions (Wayne Richardson, Medford Kopczynski, Jon Osgood) about who might want to lead it, structure, etc o Three more meetings total before April 30, 2012 Funding energy code program/coalition will be a challenge moving forward o RGGI on thin ice o Some traditional sources of funding not available to NH (state funding, system benefits charge, much utility support) o Are there other options? Maybe Coalition can be virtual until such time as funding becomes available What will the Roadmap look like? o Piece together lots of existing resources (see PPT slide) o GDS has roadmap from work with Utah, but its more of a report o Scott suggests an actual roadmap like the NH Gazetteer Images, diagrams, visual 6-7 chapters Unsure of organization possibilities include by stakeholder group, target audience, compliance steps, etc. o BCAP could provide: Recommendations Mini work scopes Work going forward o Meeting/call on or around Sept 7th to discuss Coalition with Panel

Begin brainstorming for roadmap planned meeting/call week of Sept 12

Summary Notes: Not a lot of brainstorming for an in-person meeting o Found out what was going on o Discussed some ideas for moving forward generally o Made plans to make plans, essentially, though now I think we have a more clear path forward that begins with reviewing all NH material GDS is continuing to make progress on its project goals and has taken opportunities to collaborate with lots of different organizations (us, NEEP, Consumers Union) Seemed like GDS already had a clear idea of how theyd like us to help them moving forward (assist in roadmap planning/writing) o Need to figure out how such a collaboration would meet both our deliverables o GDS admitted they were worried about running out of funding for the project want some free labor on our part Coalition is a real possibility for the state, particularly because it is highly unlikely the energy office will have much or any funding to work on codes after April 2012 o Could work building off the Stakeholder Panel o Will take advantage of Sept 7 meeting to raise the issue with the Panel Funding moving forward is the big obstacle, with no solution so far o If the state, utilities, RGGI dont fund codes, all future efforts will be reliant on outside funding from DOE, BCAP, NEEP, foundations, etc. not sustainable o Difficulty with utilities is showing energy savings

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