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% > WHAT IS THE SECRET oe ACTION FIGURE? ee: CA ay a tg in if OM TCU ae aa ie PO PT ne moony GOP on a ees See ce ee Rael en TC ee ics anita g DEPARTMENTS [3] REBEL RUMBLINGS a My porents think it’s iust a phase... [4] PREQUEL UPDATE Rick MiCallum and Lucasfilm shift into high gear. [8] STAR NEWS Late breaking news from Lucasfilm, pls, fieSear Wars insider. (12) THE NEW WONDER COLUMN Our man in Lond Anthony Dani (22) THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE [63] STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH Bob Cooper interviews 67] SCOUTING THE : 7 etaR e secrots af pr removal revealed. ‘SAR Wane InsoEA #3 PRET, PAE: Dr Maden: oer: Jn Gracey Snyder earns meron: Hows Cech Dei Beth Elis cory Eorrom: Maren Horan rat ecnarer: Mack Lewin! Bare Waterton Cisne SE=UCEE Airwors ad Aceon secon cemenacne Judy Calenn ron eimarorr nncrarion cc: 4-890-TRUE FAN A New Hope: Maine a Macic at DEciPHER Wars Customi Game with Jack $ [17] Wicker UNLEASHED Scott Chernoff interviews Warwick Davis, the man behind Wicket, Willow, and Leprechaun, [48] BUILDING A Berter Jeb! Jon Bradley Snyder finds out what's so ool about Jedi Knight: Dork Forces I, from LucasArts’ Justin Chin. [54] Tae Man Wao Finmep $1ar Wars: AN INTERVIEW WITH Gil TaYior Jamie Painter speaks with the world renowned cinematographer about shooting his most famous work. [56] Kenner is COOKING WITH Star Wars Stephen J. Sensweet reveals the 5 [60] at Kenner aition figure, and much more! the Cover: A 1-16 skyhopper rots back home) from Decipher Luke w: Hew Hope to bullseye wor jansion sot, Anveoranc: David Later (212) 946-1900 ‘cuugasts Scot Camel, Qe Crepe, ANP ‘Goris, Stephen J Sanewect omTRRUTORS FOA Ts SUE: Bot Ceeper Anhomy (Darts, Alun Kaueen, And Lake Maye, Gari Lucas, Fick McCallum, Anne Meri, Scrhie Mihon. ‘Stazy Meter Elon Pastoracs, Howaré Finan, ass, Lacy Ray Wise, eave 831. Star Wis Isor Magazine SSM 1085- ens puciene iat or $12.80, $15,000, ‘$24. 96Fon par ya by The Fanti e720 Revere 5,48, Darwer,CO Bmz19 USA ‘Sbecnd- cs est pi at ura, CO, ance 3 (tons! msiingeices. POSTMASTER: Send aairess chargaste Star Mas Mrs P.O, Box 117000, Aur, (CO RGOAe, Testconyrht C1896 Lucas Lic. A gta Resared, Protos ©1908 Lucan Let AE igre esses, Pris USA. Repent orrees uctonlapat orinmhcle ts sity trbder Gre year sebscripion ie: $12. a, $15.0can, $24 Bsom, Sng ees ota uo avait or $395 ra ates are subject in change witcut nstoa. cello faithful readerst Let me state one thing in no uncertain terms: Star Wars fans, your time is naw. On January 31st 1997 Star Wars will make a triumphant re- tum to the big sereen, and in 1999 new Star Wars lms are on the way. Slar Wars fans are already in on the secret— but an unsuspecting general public has no idea just how cool these two mo- mentous events will be! Tm excited ahout what's happening with Star Wars Lhere are more talented and creative people working in the Star [Wars universe today than ever before and mare Interesting stories being told, Plus there is more nifty stull to buy (if that’s how youchaose to express your Star Wars-sess). ‘ure, the cynical among you may say "so what?” For fans-who think that way, a history lesson is in order. You see, 1 remember the dark years, That five year period nt the midhto-late 80's when Star Wars seemed quite hit was only sleeping. Back then you couldn't go into any bookstore in America and buy a fresh new Star Whrs novel, You couldn't go to any soft ‘wate vendor and buy a half dozen different state-of-att Star Wars sofiware titles, You couldn't go te any comic shop and get dozens of Star Wis comies from top-notch creators Now you can. And that new surge af additions to the Star Hers universe is tis issue's cover story. When we talk about the expanded Star Wors universe we are talke ing about everything created outside the films. The fact is that the Siar Wars universe is so imaginative and boundless that even the nine original propose films could not have contained it all. This issue, first-time fr sider weiter Jack Serip, who also happens to bean Eng lish instructor at the University of Saskatchewan, ex flores the expanded Star Wars universe, with a look at the ereation of Decipher’s Star Wars: A New Hope expan- sion set. Steve Sansweet, ever the scoop-meister, talks with the Kenner Star Wars man himself, Tim Hall, and _gives the scoop on the Fan Clubis exelusive action figure {(), coming in Spring ‘97, And your humble eshitor talks with Justin Chin at LucasArts about the wpeoming new and networkable computer game Dark Forces Il: Jedi Knight Furthermore, we have Jamie Painter, Senior Staff Writer of Backstage Ist and frequent Insider contribu tor, interviewing Star Wars cinematographer Gil Taylor. the man who also lensed one of my favorite movies, Dr. Strangelove, Scott Chernoff interviews Warwick Davis, the first time we've chatted with the man behind Wicket and Willow in ei s. Scott alsa brings us his new wher Star Wars Uni vorite Twilek, M these days. Our usual suspects Anthony Daniels, Steve Sansweet, and Bob Cooper round aut another packed issue with their always thought provoking columns. df you know what TRWCIEIOTIFTMIC stands for than you are truly an Insider insider.) Please take special notice of Bob Cooper's profile af Croatian Star Wars artist Edvin Biukovie, and fis it'slike to be acomic artist in a country at wat. Ifyou haven't seen Biukavie's art in the X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Fhe Phantom Affair | suggest {you make forthe comieshop post-haste. It's one of my fa vorite Star Wars comics, In closing | would like to say that yes it's true, my es teemed position as editor of a Star Wars publication makes me privy tovolumes of information on future Star Wars ceeations that couldn't possibly reveal for fear of the loss of my livelihood. Suffice it to say that the future looks sweet for Star Wars Fans. I know there are those of {You that would stat carping out in line today fr tickets to the Star Wars Trilegy Special Edition if not for pesky things like jobs and scliool. Betieve me, I feel your pain. I nn appropriately titled “The verse". with a look at wh hael “Bi a” Carter, is doi Fortus Jot wh: not for my attempts tosatisy your every Star fNars need swith this magazine you now hold in. your hands I'd be ber there too, in line, wishing we eauld just skip N December, and January. The days of long lines will retum soon enough, she double suns of Tatooine will onee again set om thes ver screen, But the sun will never set on the Star next issue, [shall remain yours, in Sta universe. Unt Wars. Jon Bradley Snyder Editor sTHe wl oe Ingipen Letters feum Our Str Wes Fans “Star Wars 101" (SWE #23] brought hack memories ofa elass [tack it eo lege for the express purpose of being able to write a paper an my favorite sara. Back then I dreamed of one day teaching a.course om the Star Wars moxies, batapparently many-ather pro- + have heat me to the punch. But I have a serious bone to pick with the notion that Star Wiarsis purely or even monzly a guy thing. t feel 1am quilfied toadaress this misconception because 1) Tinsfemnale and 2) 'scbern.a Star Wars fan for almost 0 years. 1 don’t know where Rita Pugulas found her subjects, but would've been just 35 annoyed as the men in the ¢lassroom: were when she stopped the movie after 1W minutes. What's more, low fr ce tain that I'm not the only “chick” who's hardeore into Star Ivars | communicate with 2 number of fare vs leters and © mail and I can tell you that ts aboust 50- Silmaleto female ratio. roughly the same asthe general population For too longa time. it has been as sumed that oaly sien are interested in scifi and that “nce girls” aren't sup- posed to be into that stuff. Wake up! While steve tht guys are i the ma jority in fan clubs overseas, and that guys sll make op a lange portion of the collecting aspect of fandom, girls are catching up. What's more, female fans, have for a long time been heavily valved in producing fanzines. Online, hee's a Laes Night” every week for Sear Wars fans on AOL. Despite what anyone says, women love Star Wars fo the fabulous ebacse- tes exrtingaction, powerful drama, and inspirational story. Se ladies, say it foud, “Tim a Star Wars fan and F'n proud” Maryofor Meraa, VA ie should thank Professor Pugalas {Jor iestiatng what has proved tobe am interesting cussion Star Wars cand sender, fant Because the sore in er class id’ identi wth Star Wars doesn't mam that there aren't be af ther women aut there thet da Ay o Foc ivrigit female Star Wars fas stad spand becmanted! Something happened to me a few months ago that helped broaden my perspective ofthe many Star WWarsfans all over the world, Ihave been in the lub for a while now. and I kaow that there are as many diferent Star Wars fans on there as there are aliens inthe Mos Eisley Cantina. But never before did I realize what an impoet Scar Wars ‘an have on an indivioal, am a waiter at Denny’sin Jackson, Calfornis, and a [proud part of my uniform just happens to-be the Star Wars character tie lore dered from the Jawa Trader. | was take ing an order when the couple's young daughter (about ten years old ex- pressed oversbelmingjoyatthesight of iy beloved tie. She tapped her another on the shoulder and did something [ didn't expect: she started signing with hice hands The young girl's matler e3- plained that Chelsea ther daughter) was deaf, and that she laved anptiving that had to do with Siar Wars, fier speak ing with her parents for a short time, 1 learned that despite her ‘ay ahi Benny's uniter, Chelsea had liked Star Wars since she was very young. Her parents informed me that she had her very own closed captioned Star Wars trilogy. | asked them if Chelsea knew about the Star Wars Fan Club. When the reply was negative I proceeded to tell them all sbout the Star Wars dnsider. Chelsea's parents were immediately interested, and I told them I had information on how to become a Fan Club member. Wher I got aut a piece of paper te write dawn the address of the Fan Club, Chelsea's mother began feeding me her aches, [wasconfused at frst, but then {Wt me: ey rust ave thought was some kind of Star WarsFan Clb repre- sentative whos happened to have a part- ime jobat Denny's. tas flattered by their assumption, as well as awakened by the fatt that no restriction such a age or handicap} could hide the wonder ofthe Star Warstniverse fram someone sok it upon rayself ‘the Fan Club with the address her mother had. giver me. {'m going to domy best to keep i touch ae oe, -— talicise Wars preyelt ond he ex! Indians Jaren featare fet Rick, tell us what's happening aw on the Special Editions? We have a December 2th date now Set that we expect to have all oar he Special Editions ILM hat st opening for A Ne ‘veohs ale that, Ep after that Have you completed the masice ‘number thei will be added to Rotaro of the Jodi Not yet We're gs You have bees praducing the Special Editions, « couple of Young Indy movies and the new prequels all atthe same time How do you do you do all af thet without going erazy? Aiyou Fave dang t's ot really an issu, The truths har have such nerd My wonderfa i people helping mI has tered Wchavea great art dps ancl ana fonts he people in London of people wha ve been atfiveor sixyears When jou sybody andl they're all nterependent tom each othe, you doe lt pope with Rick Metall vay to work besse these fs no real ler ancy we impo, all prety lee Bot ‘hiss fin not ear shout the prequel casting especially the role af the Young Queen, fe it true thatyou will nat finalize casting until noxt year? Welve sen close 3,000 people now, and that’s just the young Anak ‘Queen roles, We've cat therm dom At B list, andthe A ist i psting Were j-nver bad a th the fl business bef ‘Many of he shots int fel apace bt eeace of Star Mars, such ‘pect ne deal with peat that ha — wale jist started ding thee fee work sul wee tracking them and seeing woes Hea read rmootimental task! We haven't foun the peru tht realy mp ot t Grorgeye That's wip were going to wail until he last moment before chose Is the first ‘completed? ‘There 2 drat that sir ‘thi whats goleto make this ‘0 wonderful is that even though tsa jo scale acne and wil ave mee pe cial effets than another tof the 8c ties allofthat aside, what makes t great that it esembles the fis im nth its reilly shout ‘What is the current product ‘schedule? ‘We begin pilacipal pou 07. Weill make ox ng econ inate stinmer aphy in ales understand you have:now ‘chosen a studio in Landon to hao the prequels at. We're are going to be shooting at Learescen Stats, which i use north of STAR WRAS INSIOER Infonet ght ad Magic's asin ery tredestin the saves oan tats snes that i tar ra Tne forthe Top Speci ioe Band meric id Rolls ean called Mier Mabsyian consortia, Wefast le past wah, era ‘What did you like sbout thie ‘studio? Thothing that wakes it usique andes sroadinary is that it bas the largest hack ot in the world, 111 acres. 1 hss over ‘500,000 squats feet of stage space. Al ‘hats great is tat ween all oft. We det ewe tw eney shout analy com i chine ws or In font of ws I's edabout ts it true that mest of the pe ‘who are working on tho new prequels are likely to have grown ‘up with Star Wars because they. ‘are so young? Yes, mast af our people are pretty young. I world say the average age fs host 12. Fara big film like this, that's hile Chewkaces techs lak at aed rogue alee Han Sole ing 2 heart torgh Sl (Warvisgn Fart wat fied 28 yes age anata recent italcrerian by et anon, ‘Stee Wali, Toe scene was originally filmed wth st scar standiog infor uy he cade replaced bya pupa ora tapings, sates ever port ‘sl the aig i tty ang. Even atthe begin ale with energy ning thelr eae What do you spend most of your time doing there days? My ly start ery ely ad late. Everybody om the win 915 bor aly. Ba that chi ie gets ita hen ut song, You basically hae to gi fe hen. Hopefully, your fs cond its ree balls and whet males tall wort mae time om the We have so many specific projects in prodection deparizeni: we STAR WAAS the three Special Editions, biel [ave horrendous postspracction sche ses, Vase the st depart ‘You travel a great dea! don't you? Yes, do. 'vedone abet 30,00 miles Ae the lst to cehs 1 wet to Ausra then to New York and hack, then tLe son anc ca to Portal and hack and here 6 INSIDER Some ateintbe Sear Mors Spec Edin were changed ty ‘inal dean alin the spsceof shout two wees: Bat I Tove to trael. [lave being on the road cuban wee doing a scout Ege a Tot of work dane on the plan Tion't ‘Anything new haqpeniag ‘with the Indiana Jones movie? eint, We have a gre i vodetermine ime sens chees Rick, thanks for updating us on projects. Waenyplesure! the new AL Solid-G: far Destro The Trivia Questions (Yu Must Anewer Al SicComeet/! Goad Luck) st glace winners wlleiereaTIE Send Your Posteard to: Star Destroyer Cantest POBOK 111000 Aurora, €0 80042 {In Star Wars, who does Darth Vader choke with the Farce in the conference room? Name the 6 characters and 1 vehicle included in the Micro ‘Machines® Boba Fert/Cloud City™ Transforming Action Set. ‘What are the names of Tatooine’s twin suns? ‘Which Star Wars vehicles are included in Micro Machines® Star Wars Vehicle Collection XI? Whatis the name ofthe ship that Luke's rend, Biggs Darklighter, is commissioned on as first mate? Whatis Galoob’sintemet web page address? tar News News by Jon Bradley Snyder flash! Lucas Will Direct, And Special Edition Dates Moved Up! ‘As the Star Wars insider was going to press some late-breaking news was released from Lucasfilm. Lt casfilm confirmed that George Lucas will in fact be directing the first movie of the Star Hars prequels. It will be Lucas’ first feature film directing since t first Star Wars film in 1977. The movie, alrea pre-production, will hegin filming in fall of L947 in New Micro Machines Galools Toys i shifting into high gear as the 20th Anniver Star Firs Trilogy Special Esuow ap ar Var proucts from the North Great Britain’s Leavesden Studios, The Star Wars Special Edi now set: Return of the Jed?-Friday, March 7, 1997 Mark your calendar and stay tuned for special eventsto novels. New Adventure Gea will fe stat trans form from both Lake's binoculars and Darth Wader's lightsaber. Mini Action Sets will he new pocket-size versions of Galoab’spopal es, Two new vehicle sets will include W aitle Darmaged Fleet Fighte cations will include Tuskea ing Squa 5. Four mew figure co ‘Cache: tle Naropa Fleet Fighers Mini Action Ses, Ray ear, at Truce At Batara pic Colleton, This marks the 2th time the series hasbeen nominated far since it premiered in 192. Young Endy as beer suvatded 11 Emmy including on for Special Vinal lst ix 1083, Thesgrecal effects crew consis of Susan Davis, Visual Effects Supervisor Kristine Hann, Visual Fifets Producer Joseph Bratesani, Harry Artist Danielle Ciccarelli, Hacry Artist Bill Mather, Digital Matte Artist Eric Chauvin, Digital Matte Arist New Tour Dates for Stephen Sansweet ‘Steve Sansucet continues t bring his spe al Lucasfile presentation, eateringa saeak Raiders, Cla fTicers. and Rebel Fleet Troops: The next Transforming Helmet sets will feature Gamorrean Guard/Death Star, and Imperial for’ ot it Training Bae. Wihotwasn'tenongh therewillso Wey 24.28 beth Het collections. San Francisco: Strlg:20th Anni st of these new toys in stores in timeforthe gy 9g-Dec1 Meadowlands. 8}-Crestion \ nlaneds Si Galoob Solid Gold AiMennium Falcon Awarded New Book Signings and Ap Wars Fuser teamed up with Galoob Toys to amas for Kevin J. Anderson and award trivia contest Luis Ortega of Miami, Florida, Rebecca Moesta his very own sold po A Look far Sar ars authors Anderson and which Luis correctly submitted wereastfollows; Mogstaat the fllawing vats: rnperial AEST (cout wake) Jabba's Desert Naw 4 Sail Barge, Bwingighler, 3} Tasche Station, 4) Princess Leia, Pleasanton CA: Borders Book uke Skywalker, fr Now 23-24 ‘The rank of Star ‘One, 6) Caigo Skil When Luis Wiss San Francia: Starlog 20th Anniv Wars, behind Gone Ih eieve it, Hel ke 1 With The Wind, on the rsLauie. The prize wbichinstwles §aggial Edition Trailer Sneak All-Time Money-Mak- nouriedonablek parte Pmayiawed with 124 ing List of Movies, Ifyou were lucky enough ta indipen- Whervadjusted forin= eo Bry in he ist few weeks ofits release st specially selerted theaters in so sceass the eaustey this past July yous tken a change to see the trailer forthe Trilogy Special & The two snot schesuled to run util Now ber, but Lucasfilm and Foxdecided 1 test itout on HOM audi Il three ruovies at soundsa lithe weind, bat couldn't tof Marketing at Galo new footage fromm Star Wars, eurbas been well received might be an un- To siy the pre deestatement, body giving away something tis coal ors cverhling smu un ny retin to ary ‘onesie, When Thar the screarmsaan chews are se the anes. ‘of the audience, [ano that there isa special eannectlon with Siar Wars that runs deep, “says Howard Roflan, head of Lis sasfilm Licensing Young Indy Receives an Emmy Nomination ones: And the Attack ofthe Hahsnen™ of Outstanding Special Visual Efe Tom Sherak of Fax, who is distributing D4 as well as the: Special Edition, eredits Star Wars for helping make films like 1D possible. re, Lucasfilm owns the copyright, but Star Wars be longs to the public. They oven it; we're just the guardians,” says Shera ‘Come February the public will finally getto seit on the big, screen again. Look for the trailerin theaters everywheresioit. Star Wars Customizable Collectible Card Game World Championships Announced Decipher has announced that the first Star Wars CCG World Championship will be held in Vail, Colorado on De cember Th and Sth ofthis yar. The tournament will eansist of 8 regional finalists from the US and around the world. In order to qualify forthe tournament finalists must win 2 re= gional championship, the first prize of which will be an ex» pense paidtriptothe world championship in Vai. ‘To help promote the tournament and to teach anyone who wants to learn the Star IWars CCG, Deeipher’s Rebel Leaders will continue to tour specialty shops around the county this fall. Red Leader Jonathan (uesenbery) Gold Leader (Kendrick Summers) will be offering free Star Wars CCG lessansto anyone who would like to learn-from a real expert. In addition each Rebel Leader will be giving out an exclusive ffee card to everyone who comes to participate. These cards are available nawhere else. Call yaur local spi= cialty shop to confirm Rebel Leadec times. Jeftedmand WA, Puss’ Boots ‘Seattle WA, Wander World ‘Redmond WA, Rookies to Legends 3:0ak Harbor WA, Wizards ofthe Isle 4: Federal Way Wa, Games and Gizmos 8-16: Chatlatte NC, ROC 96.5 14: Camarillo CA, Final Frontier 15: LACA, Graphitti 15:LACA, Graphiti I 16: Westminster CA, Gamekeeper 16: Universal ity CA, Things From Another World 17-Nocth Hollywood CA, Another Universe 18: OrgarvaleCA, Collector's Cortee 19: Sacrament CA, Comic Town 20: Santa Rosa CA, Garnekeeper 21: Pleasanton CA, Kiki's Comics 23: San Bruno CA, Lefties Sports 24 ConcordCA, Comics and Cands 1:St. Catherine ON, Phoenix Rising 2: Fast York ON, Planet X 3: Hamilton ON, Bayshore Hobbies 4: Toronto ON, Silver Saail 8-10: Virginia Beach VA.SCICON 18 13: Miami FL, Sunshine Roleplayers 14-Ft, Lauderdale FL, Big Entertainment 14: Ft. Lauderdale FL, Comics and Collectibles 15-17: Ft Lavderdale FL, Heroes ofthe Game 19 Jensen Beach FL, Cyber Dragon La je GA, Galactic Quest 24: Valdosta GA, Adventure Zone Lucasfilm Teams with Avid for Prequels At the 1896 National Association af Broadcasters Confer- ence Avid Technology lnc. announced it has been chosen by Lucasfilm as one ofthe primary partnersin the development ofthe pest-praduction praces for the Star Wars prequels Avid and Lucasfilm have worked closely to develop entertain: iment techaology since 1993, with work on Te Youtg fadiana Jones Chraices being a raj testing ground. Already this liance has resulted in the AvidDroid Controller, the newest manual user interface for film derived fom a Lucas design. Avid technology will be a key component in the digital pro- duction studéo being developed by Lucasfilm. Sci Fi Universe Readers Choice Awards Once again creations from the world of Lucasfilm have been nominated for the Sci Fi Universe Peoples Choice Awards, LucasArts The Digand Rebel Asal IL were no nated for Best Achievement in Multi-media, and Industrial Light & Magic’s work on both Deagoneas! andl furan, was nominated for Best Achievement in Visual Effects for atGenre ‘Motion Picture. The SFU Readers Choice Awards, quickly be- coming one of the most prestigious awardsin science fiction in only its second year, was awarded in Los Angeles on Oxto- ber 18h, Shadows Cards Lucas at the Telluride Film Festival Brothers Gr Geoge Locasmade a rae appearance atthe sec yep the Telli Film Estval in Golorada tis past Laboe Day w The stud “vas made up of specaly selected fm stu tsfrom os the country who come to hear prominent flamakers about thet i dviceam how to prevent specal effets from overwhelm: de. Lucas spokeabout his experienes i Inga st ‘Sneak a Peek at the Special Edition on CO-ROM Laas wil release the Least Arc Colleton this Fall. Super Sampler plete levels) will all be 24x Gold Shuttle Tydirium. Limited edition reproduction of the shuttlectaf from Retum of the Jedi Plated in 24% gold, Housed in a Tx 5'wx Bh plexigass display case, with a 24k gold Galactic Empire emblem, 812886 $75 FAO ScHwarz PAO Collectibles - To order, to receive our new catalogue, or to find the FAO location nearest you, Gall 1-800-441-7441 CODE: CA96T LONDON, ENGLAND Um, hei [Wsanawfilly ong times Ue schoo but, do you Kitow, stil eav abou ite night about really. Apart fom the once yearly cram prod tion, seboolas they say, wasmnee mybug. Iwas’ clever Sono change One day I waceraei re Ed Lwase't wood at oe. [wat a eed {So no han spart was played everyday. So [was méserable-lesss0 ot Moeslays when we play bei Toaslyewersized rifles Wemnindlessly marcel panel down, Sometimes weplayed wargasnes, IE manly stl wgthrough the undergroeth osm own, ning gt separated Fa hye, hank you. and ludicrously il sting, uniforrasand rice: soers We Bad el, bal th platoon which was searching foe the ether halfthat we had eeliberaey told t go an hide -sothat we could sek ther, suppose Like | said all mandy stil. Anyway, | spotted mavemet yond the bushes and aside can fr pears behind Obi-Wan Kenohi inthe ca the fllm 100 times Jer seeing her, I the ian © asim archives, researched who d gat access to het akesup test shars, he actress was, black: debe Using Adobe Photoshop, we colorized them and recompased ther i original shot. We ha same, and West 5 [See sidebar] ped us with ber lore, T ictal character i the As compu Boulden are responsibl touching the images extra the film and archive tines, retouching of improving color quality and pening detail a atten te 3p elaity to an Image, Thoagh wy at works visu ME ally on a : sarily he effective buge i space available on a Star Wars card. None heless, Buras Boulder al expert one hand, CATT ea hae Pret Pere tee ‘nob cy et Se oo pee sess eer = ah Mew Hope carts a othe expanding Sta Mee ames has been expanding the Star Wars universe since 1987, rrbey rieased thei first Ster Wars Roleplaying game. West End has added, among other things Imperial Draadnaughts, and Rodl- -ans (Greedo's species) to lexicon of Star Wars. Bl Smith has worked at West End Games since 1991, and is widely regarded as one of the ‘foremost experis on the Star Wars universe. Bill works closely with ‘ther licensees to ereate links and continuity between various prod- utts so that the Star Wars unlverse weaves into a coherent whole, We -asked Bill to give us hs top ten Star Wars creations {rom outside the ims: Bill Smith's Top 10 Fvorite “Expanded Star Wars Universe Creations’ Fhcsng my lena ecg! Sr Wars resto non Tay Coruscantimperial Center, This glimpse of the Imperial home- ‘world-trought to you hy Ralph MeQuatie and Kevin J, Anderson-is Just breathtaking. | can't wat to sao it on the big screen! (The lls: trated Star Wars Universe.) 9. DarkStryder Technology. A completely allen technology in the hands af arague Imparial Mot with visions of a new Empirel DarkSiry- -dor was. lot of fun to help create, (West End Games) 48, TIE Defend. For those of you who thin the TIE interceptor Isn't mean enough! (LucasArts) : 7. TIE Scout. Leave ito the Empire to create a ship that ean handle ‘planetary exploration and domination in one tidy package. (Decipher) ‘6. Jedi Holocron. Tom Veltch's gizma is a great extension ofthe toch= nologies of holograms, mass data storage and artificial intelligence, ‘The end result is something almost ‘magical.’ i alsa provided a greet lustification todo the Tales of the Jed comics, which I think are wor ‘deri (Dark Horse) 4. imperial Troop Transpor. Kenne’s first ‘original oy (not shown in ‘the mavies) Isa grest design with neat sound effects. liked the mini- rigs too! (Kenner) 4. Shadows of the Empire Card Se- ries. | haven't seen the entire card | set, but know they'll make the list cause I love the work of the iléebrancts! (Topps.) 4.Th Brie’ Storyline, The story of Shira Brie is my favorite ‘Ster Wars comic story (Marvel Star Wars issues 85-63.) The Tarkin | storycissues 51 & 52-is also quite 2. Gallandro, Brian Daley's roguish ‘quaman is a great foe for the young and brash Han Solo, (Del Rey) 1, Grand Admirsl Thrawn, Tim Sean) Zahn’s villain proves that cunning il jemeray mero and inteligence are the mast dan- gerous weapons In the galaxy. alt (Bantam) STAAIWAAS INSIDER es ge tt lt srt pane page se Fs akg certs il ppm sa ry Stars Warsillestc ations created just for Decipher’s new expansion vet ‘oween the seal image and its remembered vere the fees that make up thst scene, his mouth ie stor. As be age nd de an awhward-looking. ofthe original, unaltered with bis ‘ eels and sed it tore nec the open mouth forthe ear,” he explained. tos real, ts perfect, 5 In adaion ta characters, anal Burns crestes the Final image by combining the often subject to extensive retooching is cciginal and theretooshed version agaSiétratio. ships. The fleets available to che Rebels and the With sam nyeean be a chal- Prope in the Star Wars €CG oi met g creative process, om par with peaducing of ships which cd noc appear inamy ofthe fi nal painting of sculptuce, Burs recalled or did they spring f lucas hse. The with the dark side character, nthe stene we used for the eard, sapped into * said Burs. As a rest. fall of End Garnes [ce sidebar) for its Siar Wars role such a challe Chief Bast, Bast is talkin re developed by West 2 = 7A Das Nb ca playing game, Cards such as the “TIE and the ard” depict 4 pat of West joa af the Star Wer universe, not as part of Lucas’ fens, Ev pined Belden, "The THE Seaut ia ship that omy exist in the computer, baw had tamake it look like it belonged in the film." Toward that end, images of TIE fighter fro the film were ster a re ate the Scout, a5 well asthe Vanguard When the kmage f plete, itis then combined i hin he eed fame, As ‘een these simpte Inclking cslored frames bold Fseinatiny secrets. Ax Ma ed, The Art Dx ally try corputer- gene tentures did fs standards of in sige and about a fearoes were thet phatagraplhed abd the photographs digitized im the sane ena er as the frames len, Once camposed, the cards are sul raitted to Lecasilea for approval, Alter changes are made, the Js are assembled into press sheets sing Quark Xpress, Te ingcompany i arethen sent to as well as gaiegl been stron. At Decipher, tne, the done wmpany prepares forthe upcoming re eof the Hoth expansian based on The Enpire Warsuniverse andwe ted only pick card, to see thelr wirasdry. OF course, th ace between magicians and Destphers sia thacshey lovee tell ba is doe Se 30 en Se _— eit . A =e Ty ie 3 s' ss 1 a PCE Ly c} al a ic Sey et Peri continuous movement from actual footage. PO BUCS CC a Tid Lond PAULUS ROT Er Eo) Bn BO ues a CO SF ttt iM Sf rs 7 . iy 2 Sure, Michael Carte played Jabba the Hutt’ dimaeitted majarsloma Tb Fortuna in Summ af the fea, bat olf the set the aecomplished British actor/writer is anything but dumb. Speaking tothe aviderby phonetiom London—inhere he Was rehearsing for his rle as the Priest in the Royal nal Theatre's Greece and New ‘Yorkbound productions of Orde Rex and Ocdipus ef Calenas—=Carter recalled, "liked Bib, Henjoyed playing him. He was stupid in an endcaring ‘way-—quiteinnoeen, yet quiteseay: ought rage, if he'd been brought up inanetier place, hemght have turned out to be a rather sveet bloke.” Indeed, despite Bibs unforgetably obtrusive, uh. appendages, Carter was able to convey 3 touching vulnerabil- fiy through his make-up and contact Jenses, transforming what coud have been a stack character into a sudly haunting Figure. “nce 1 gor it all on and looked in the itror,” Carter sid “it had an immediate elect. Those red, slowing eyes. It had a fesinine look, 1 this. [ would wait until the ‘up was on and thea kind rneditate i for a moement. The make- updictates your performance,” ‘eatin the same tech the 1983 Michael Mon film Hie Ker, in which he stacred as a mysterious “rmanster/warlord—a rae he seared based omhis workin jedi. But fans are more apt to recognize hira for his turn, cars prostheties, asa victim who {gets mauled ina subway'station in the 198i classic Aw smeriion Wereealfin tendon. li ichael Carter: ORTUNACTE) SON hy Scott Cher Since playing Fortuna, Carter has frequently appeared onstage and tele wisiom in che ULK. In fat, he recently starred on the British mesial series (Gaited alongside bis ald fend Der mot Ceowley—a’s General Madine Carter also starr in a Landon play swith Anthony Daniels i 1980, two sears fore fling J} In adltion, Carter rage the 1880, Anthony Hopkins filin Oae Man's War and ie writer also has in devel ‘opment a documentary series, a com: dy deasa seies for the BBC, and a possible science-fiction sereenplay ‘The Ai.yearold fatherofiewo met the swamnan he's marrying in Decernbex doting his 1988-90 Broodway run ‘Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice ‘wih Dustin Hoffa. Stil nothing jumps. the resumé quite like Renurm of he J. doing a televislon series when f audi toned,” Carter revealed. “The movie seas underthe name Blue Maret, and ‘ichsed Marquand interviewed me for about 30 mimites. He said, Tes a children's fil, you work five weeks, ane it should Be a Hor of fun. t really ‘ant you todo the film. Do you want the job?” When I said yes. he said. “Look, you ean't tell anyone, but is the nest Star Wars movie Iwas kind safthrilled.” But she till wasalmost goneafier five sweaty weeks une ihe Bie pivce. “The frst fime we put it 9, i took about eight-andavrhalf hours,” he remembered. "| Make-up artist] Nick Dadian got it down 1 5 ramus. ‘Once f had that headpiece on, it as con all day, One day U had a terrible ee Al itch. ARer about six hues [was ready to give ry children away. Nick splitit open down the middle and 1 scratched, an from then on he mage the headpiece able to open wp in the imide.” Carter was foreed t0 spend rmany breaks reclining in a dentist's chair, where be could rest is heavy bead. Jabba’s other palace denizens dda’ have those problems, Carter said, because “the other guys wore rmasks—they came easly.” But that dida’t stop Carter from banding with the numerous creatures strutting around the palace set,“ was tremen- dlous fun doling Star Wars,” he sad. You'd show up en the set, and evenyé cone would be esessed in 9 crazy cos tune and everyone was hasing fn ll the creatures noull comely my dress- ing soon. You'd walkin, and there’ be four a fve creatures having coffe.” Now, Carlee finds himself waiting tike many fans to see howe many more seeatures wil fl Jabba's court when the Return ofthe fei Special Edit bits theatres next year. Hat it’s doubi- ful the updated. version will top Care fee's memaries af the fest,“ sill get fo eters," sai “'m supe a's still coming in 13 years after the fact. But then, they're hind of lassies of thele dime andthe characters are such ‘wonderfal creations.” Credit atleast lite ofthat ta Michael Carter. DELUXE BOBA FETT HELMET ha most popular characters in the Star Wars logy, Boba Fat’ battered and wom belt is ‘reproduced fete direct trom the original inthe Lucasfimn archives a5 sean in The Empire Sinies ck The Oetuxe Colector's Heimet is cast high quality fiberplass, and is exteordinamly detailed to Shaw the tremendous tate damage Fett hes endured. Mancsiorian helmets are haré to came by, bot ow you can wear ths flm-qualty coleetible on hunts af your own 6M. 9995.00 ‘Guta 6 1 ont wo nou UH FES Yoog, Tuoset Conc oes ag wT oTOLOUS BOUNTY uve, Book Fry Mawueat ACH un won Jade Te Hurl Teast vont cuabucTNS aR BAUGH TO FLL LF MTHS AKG LNTED ETON CUPS. THE EX ATR SD PROS TE MOST L-E, HTURAL EL (MousteD Ow & WOOD SHAD WITH BRASS PLAQUE, EACH GOES MT GREAT of AUTACNTTY SED HEARST no Lucas Tye coecons rest Fis co, ST sua. Orne no ADHIRAL ACKBAR HAQUETTE. ‘Aba ACKER COWES To LIE TS LATED ADM BUST ‘OF THE GataT Rees ALLUNCE mUTARY ABMISOR, AUTHENTIC I VERY DEAL, THE BUSTS IDUALITREFRCQUCED AND HUE aun, SiaW0§ 17 TL. UCL Paic: $99.95 JABBA THE HUTT MAQUETTE, “Tie HiGH QUALITY LATEX CONSTROCTON OF TH STARTLINGEY — ‘UE-UE Java THE HUTT RECREATES TH SLRG-LIKE LOOK AND a ELF Ts INTERGALACTIC GM (OH RT BON TO HES u ‘DROOLING ROUTH, A MANTLE PIECE TOU WOM BE ARE TO TAKE "Tou EF fF el CATES WE ULE, LIGHTSABER PROP REPLICA uG Proce: $239.00 “Toi isc is abt FROM COMPUTER CONTROLED LE A ae as oF usseD WREST. BOBA FETT MAQUETTE TUM Tae tae RPS A. LEC- ‘Tio WOKE PAST, EXCH WESTER 1S ALINE AND MUMBERED EDTIGN TAT COWES VOTH. A ROSEUM GOALITY DISPLAY CASE HT PLAGUE AB CETIPAATE OF AuTAaRTIOT ua Paice $349.95 AUTHERTiC WN EVERY DEHTO THE ACTUAL cosTUM:—FROM ‘THE BLAST SCARS AMD WOW SCALPS TO Hs CAPE, Inpivicuaity SEPROBUCED AND HAND PAINTED TS 4ST ecu) 11 OREM, MOLDS 1 FRE CO vars, Bust stanos 15* tat. C2 Price: $199.00 DARTH VADER TALKING BANK. ‘Wr hs KE an Fe THe YoU cA NOW ONTO Yo AREY TT Gc EE ‘Suanoing areeonmaray 10° tau, ius Dales Waser {Mk SEAS ns OF onc Stan Was Daag "Js EARL Jones vc, acon, Dur ‘ape moves ANG aT, SL, AND Wea AL nga ue wary acre, fs ou oy Da LoRD. son TURE eh So ae hs YOUNG ano ox AW LOE HS -pnoovct Date YOUR Co BNO TAS BANK. AND Ee ania wae AGU coms TH 0, aa vee UF TS, 3B 6, GH SPAN CLUS EXCLUSIVES! SLAVE IPOSTER ‘Tsuneo SAND DOES MT AGUNE FOR THE FST THRE Su as cv Ge w COUECTIL Ps. Ths onwce neo sexcst oc 1 LOM US oF Te TRE LAC NUTT HOE, ‘SOUT AND YOU CAN SEE BORA Fert, PuaNTED Accum Suet MER sunt cao F on cuir sc, a8". UPaa Proce: $15.00 MILLENNIUM FALCON POSTER Tas corso, ca rsa 741 38” FUTUIKG THE ART OF ACCED Lunt ‘amiss Tuo Say Fears Toe MMULEMMIU Fucon scar TH GUNG 0 Te Dea San We TE gE HSE MPU, Ts au POSTE AVA VE TLD Ta ‘Orc SH lnsen ax con a ‘UNITED, PRED o4 HIGH-QUALITY Stok, he Foca SH cae tea po GEORGE LUCAS CREATIVE THPULSE POSTER This Dia Sivonen CES no AMALABE RY SVELY FEOM THE FAM CLUB AS ‘revue noe Geer Los Tt Cu as Pia “Tus postax measeats 24° LUKE SKYWALKER BESPIN JACKET, HAN SOLO VEST ‘Gur winter cua Sa ING TES COSUME FUSE SLR ‘DYEET Walt 70 Ta WeaSiONS ChagemAL(Y oFFeRtD “AV i irc ates 0s oa, Arcane et rat i Orv Su Wes an Ca, es Be EONS 51 Hus Sao Vise Moun Lee TSM ie 1s tk A WI Fo ARS OFT = ae Rui 3 = Luce Sia Beso JucrsT— Uiew Meum Kat a lait « a Pd tia ag 4 bi Tad Me Po acaetry Perera aE) Pr rah} By ay coi) eet) Se Le ol Le Sse ue Sd a ey COM Cy ‘OF FUN, BATTERIES CLUDED, rtd bya) Bete ey CA Cay er ea as PPL Tr RCo ce) ete) UAPPIY Bora Fert re) Dd eal te eee A a Lead No a LUE PEWTER STAR WARS SHIPS AMD CHARACTERS: (BELO}) om GAT aR WX, ROLE ISHS TOA AVORIE SHS AMD CHARACTERS FROM THE SAR WARS SAG Sires. PRICES WARE zs ung ~ Yoou WS Enon Heo 1 AY aa Price 512.50 LNs RODEN HY U7 Peawcess tein (2 16") WMS Tn Serine (217) LM9 Haw Sova (247 tau} Pr, aoe $17.50 EXCLUSIVE SHADOWS CERAMIC MUG AND PEWTER KEYCHAIN SET ‘This EXCLUSIVE SET WAS Te, Sram WAS LOGO I RED OM FINELY CRAFTED PEWTER, OH (ore SHARON AND REYCHAIN LAWTED: CUMNTITIES AVAILABLE. nus 8 ric 52600 PEWTER OUTRIDER m2 unas poargisag MS PEWTER C-SPO. = WT ee ee - Dom Vir #9 tas Us nT MS: Oo we ne LOADED WRAPS, ND A Ki TOGETHER CARRY CAS Ty anes ny 1 Dear Stam Rare NE (Cusrearo ay Proce $39.95 \BUS2 STAR WARS ROLEPLAYING GAME HARDCOVER 2ND EDITION HIGH BRIDGE AUDIO Tews ovr! Revue oF Jor aa a 5 EN NH ToC ET HE iL CHAPTER OF THE Stat WARS RADOD DARIAN ‘VIDBALLY OR IM A SPECIAL SET FEATURING THE were maar, Te Sue Was tuo rans wx oun ES WT RAL HEED Noa as, RETUR Oa Ws ETN TBR Dut a ATR TH YOK Arno Dans, Eo Ate, 180 J Liscon, Li aabo bea dnecron Jom ‘Manse vs, "You a Tn Sc Tat (MOVIE: WAIT TL, TOU RAR 1." Rerurw oF on fen eo Dra, 1AC23 Ds $34.95 (Acts Gasser $2585 LAC26 Gonrumt Tenocy on $135.00 UAC27 THe Gonmete Tenosy ow Casserne 9105.85 (ACB Tae Coutcroe’s Lr Eon 9195.00 West Exo Ganes wees manne cacar Sur Was RoLPLarvs sar, nT Te Zi Eprom of mem ropuian Star Wans ROLiPLATiNG GaMé RULEPOOK IN RARDCOVER IS ‘THEI MOST AMBITIOUS OFFERING TEL, COMMPLETEY REVISED AND UPDATED, TH TIME IT NOW os 78 ras AND FUL COLOR KLUSTHATIONS THROUGHOUT Ts veRTHNG TOU ‘eg 10 GET STARTED ROREPLARING IN Te Sut Wks UnavERSE, GitkaT BOTH FO THE XPRIENCED GAMGR ANDTHE ABSOLUTE EGE, LBS! $30.00 (oks2 Swuzows oF rie Eure Husscoves SoupcHoo $20.00 UBKS3 ‘Kaneon Riet Danesteroer Surpunaxt $15.00 Sour Hus LiviAcron Aovenunis $20.00 Cussic Aovenruets 3 $18.00 SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE ENHANCED SOUNDTRACK CD ‘sHapoi Jeu Mi cHigt AND THE ROTA THE: cere Scomnst Navionss OncwsTaA ‘AUDIO BOOK tain vou over SO MNES oF GRAND USK SPIED BY Anraont ‘Siuoows oF raz Ener, Aso HILL RDS Ta BEST-SELING WOVE, sarees reaactive CD-A FEaTaRING omGinal Sta Ws Mu, a nexus NINTENDO 6 ‘THE SPeORICALT cowPasta “Xiz0R’s ‘SCREEN SHOTS AMD MUCH MOIR, ‘Tw 5 oun etc, Tas tr tach Pus S1799 ng Stan Wats munriepu, awe ‘bos a ne HAPTER 0 Tae Sia WARS SEAGA THAT WO FAMUWILL WANT TD MISSE wad Price: $16.99. MED sro wars: THE NEW REBELLION AUDIO BOOK ian me rest Sk Ws nove ‘UDO BOOK FORMAT, READ 8 ANTHOWE a ‘Oyen 180 tuts oa To C= way 1g LIMITED EDITION SERICELS FROM “THE STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL™ BOBA FETT THE BOUNTY HUNTER Tis St usc aLPCRUCTIN OF A rv ci ac THe Ta Soa Wars Hounay Svea", EACH SERIE COMES COMPLETE WT COLOR LMHOGRUPA HLOLGROUNE, nT oF aT, Lucas sa, AND Dale MATTE A SAKE AOTECIVE PLASTIC Mari ens mass 157 1. ano oF 5, LCELI $89.95 STORMTROOPER BATTLE CRUISER ANOTHER GREAT MOEN FROMTHE ELAN ANAT SHOUENCE Feta THE Stak Wars HOUDAY SPROUL” 15 cAP- TURED IN Teas AUT SERICEL, MATTED SURIEL MEASURE 1S" 17". Loren eormow oF 5,000. Lee, $89.95, REBEL YEHICLE POSTER ‘The VIsics 0 THE REAL ALUANCE POSTER HAS SPECIRCATIONS OF STARSHPS ou neurfuey wt ruu-cowoe, 74" ev 36", FAN cus EXCLUSIVE! Boba TETT 15TH RY MYLAR Pete ‘To cauemeett ro 15th a ‘of Tre Eapure ins BACK TE STR itn a se uD BLQUAVEY FR TS ss Ts BTL T7"A1" coko YU ‘Qwntn 4 aooriont couoas) POSTER FEATURING EVERT- sobr's Have SOUT vane, Boaa Perr. (Quuares ae any UNTER. 1P38__Pric: $95.00 DARTH YADER BY DAVE DORMAN Tus new row Da Dovewuan's Re OBI-WAN KEXOBI PRINT Ts peru roe Danan Tas Rr, ae Yn Ket GML POSED OMT PLANET OF TATOO, GROEN TWN SUNS, THE FIRST MANE SERIES Poet pas, TS STE 19 fv HOF TS00, AND. ‘SAD AN MEE BY TH ATT. PRINTED OH GBR ANAL APCR WT UGT-AST US, COMES TH MATING AD FING ECON MOAN Sue To COE CHLECONS a Sar ex", Wyd-3Ne1-008-1 CuvIHzLSYH YO VSIA Price $45.00) STAR WARS TRILOGY CHROMART LAPT Seuct BATE LAP2.— Buick axo Goun Dartu Waser LAPS scart ran Ham apa Dantn Wazen LAPS Iuperu AT-AT drtact on Homi UAPé R2-D2 ano C-3PO. LAPT Bevring Fight Seen LAPS Bourre Hunters Lara ‘Stan Dasreoven Artacns Soe 11" x 14" UPl4 ia urls Pract, tage: $12.00 INTERNATIONAL VIDED BOX COVER of 10,000. 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THESE MEW ‘CHROMIUM PINTS FROM ZAMART SHON Drei StRUZAn's ART FROM THE NEL, JD THE GNU P= ce Pune Kit OT “AT OF" BOOK, A SMALLER RUN THAH SIAL ON THESE PS, TH OT 4,500 wane, UPI Srapows covet LAPT Pence Xo apr Price, tace $13.00 LAPI7 NEW POSTERS! ‘Sow ofr Star Wasim your: HOUSE vn THESE TREE co, HEW osreesl 24°" x36", Au L Ma ro Kuow Aveut Lie 1 Learn Fea Suan Wes U6 $8.00 ‘keto Stat Ws, Luve Baris Vane a7. $8.00 Stan Wars, Raver rag 38.00 INDIANA JONES TEDORA AVARABLE AGA, THiS HIGH QUALMY FELT CON- “STRUCTION HAT 1S AN-ALITHENTIC REPRODUCTION (OF THE HEAD GEAR MADE FAUOUS 24 Hapeisoy FoRp, 5: S88: Larot Fan Club Magazine back issues GH Arwen Dunes, Sur Wes Wucow INSIDE arf ua ‘Warvacr Dans, Row Horr NFORIMTON = Stun Conner JOIN THE STAR WARS FAN CLUB TODAY! ‘Vals In Fou ox 12.95 ri, ou cau up ort wd a a Li De Mensur, “Eumet 10 ros, Fr Ilo oes 0 Str Wrist Wars ‘Mune Maou Fu Gat rca ue er, Eck OBER SEE ATI PL Sane ea Coke, LN ENEWS Mb AS MA LT {can cours! 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Yoo THE STAR WARS TRILOGY, ‘ABK20 Pree $10.00 = Ap Ya vo Eon sont Ms ha Bow At Csi yy, mn a PANTER AND READY 30 ASSL | L686 hes wk TE cig 25 EON CONTROL OF THEALALEY | 130 Se Was Mog Bir Ser (Gina) Tye nite, Xeno ra, «ib ean Lint ara Goce Be Fe > mica nai ose 4 Aner sub a y ‘UAKS Linares ESRD STE furenesero | ey (uot oval nM NeW Pica ch $19.95 Vu PifioudFar's Sin ff? UK 5 C rs tas Ke ‘STAR WARS VINYL MODEL FIGURE KITS Honin-rour coluecnon snes Hew Mt Nod FROM SCREAM ERC AGAEY Daisy, ou. aca MEL VO, READY 10 uSsEmece Ao PNT, ALL lob ARE, ase. ae a tale Ps vi ae Pai Gh $4 fia Orme Stat / Desmore, fou en a : ‘Pus $45.25. ub COLLECTOR STATUETTES -Coun-Cast Resim SUATUETTES. FROM APPLAUSE ARE EACH HAND ‘PINTED COLLECTS. OF TOUR ‘HOVORITE VILLUNS FROM Stem Wars. EXCH STATUETES RLM ‘rep enn of 5,000 ano -CONKS GIT ROTED OTH HGHED AMD MUNBEREDCERTIFIOTE OF ‘LAPP22 ‘Suapows oF ae EMPaRe _— LaPP23, Bouxrr ‘Huwrins LApP24 Anpta THE Hun Pr, tar $60.00 JABEA AND HIS THRONE ROOM ACTION SCENE MODEL KIT Ace vacuneroue 2a TH URED STYRENE Ws, CAPTURES THE THON ROHL OF et os, Ba et, sno Sv Swoorus ano wt Max Rego au, Miasunas 16,75" x 11". SHUTTLE TYDIRIUM MODEL KIT AKT L25N Price: $12.95, ENCOUNTER WITH YODA ACTION SCENE jODEL KIT Ts Scent RECRLATES Yoo Taal Lond SHeyWKER INTHE WAITS OF A JER, WHILE ISIE ws Cave om Dacosan, INsECTON-MOLBED, CAVE ‘YIMYL FIGURE KITS! AF LTS FT REVEAL ETAAED TRC Hat Senta’ Moons ca oom, wvciyees YTooa anp Lune AGURES, HOGHLY DETAILED, READY 10° UKs: $14.95 ASSEMBLE AMD PANT UNE OF ‘Mt MODEL KITS. AL KITS ARE 1 SRA EXER TOR LE Boaa Fert. CUTAWAY MILLENNIUM FALCON para (Nor shove, barren POSE FoR THE FIRST TURE IN A MOOEL THIS THAN LARGER Kit) MOUS SP OLY REVEL, TH REROYAE TO FARES TAT sR eat ee Sao oF Tet ATOR “Tusa ReneR TH COMPUTES, LOUNGE AME Coa wero Bt C64] Puce $79.95 Unk Pre $28.85 Lon Src 64) Price: $79.95: EMPEROR. VINYL MODEL THE Most EVIL CHARACTER IM “THEGALAXY WOW KAS HI OWH. -VINPL PGURE MT FROM Winar ane Tou warrinG FoR? LMK10 Price: $20.00 WW4-3NNL-008-1L CHVINILSYH 4D SIA & i LBKS9 Tae MaRS DARK EMPIRE TRADE PAPERBACKS J x ae BORE [ . ; ac Tar Muusrarn San Was ten a hreast vs bee wT a roams oF Sout Wiss ward OVER 25 ni co PINTS IT RALPH Sj DROIDS: THE KALARBA LASSIC STAR WARS TRADE PAPERBACNS Hla wo ages on ES LIMITED EDITION Cass Sut ans oy Post nu HO Hs SHGHED HARDCOVER UiseusscSu Masiee Som uw Sur Ws mace ano cass Sur Waseca From Hane THE UST COMET ROW Dua Hoa a Aco thse eine Pa a: S195 war Paci $35.00 75 ot teons aoe re ATO at ee Si SAS crs Fas cQne HT V8 ae ae See UBKE2 Ta Si Was TRB Pee a BRE Dake ons Fre SiH TPB aa De oe SHS ‘SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE ‘MOVEL Ger stout su fi ancovee tC, (No moRe AUTOGRAPHED COPIES ABE. 1038. 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