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XXIst century magnetotherapy

M. Markov

To cite this article: M. Markov (2015) XXIst century magnetotherapy, Electromagnetic Biology
and Medicine, 34:3, 190-196, DOI: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1077338

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Published online: 07 Oct 2015.

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ISSN: 1536-8378 (print), 1536-8386 (electronic)

Electromagn Biol Med, 2015; 34(3): 190–196

! 2015 Taylor & Francis. DOI: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1077338


XXIst century magnetotherapy

M. Markov

Research International, Williamsville, USA

Abstract Keywords
This paper discusses the state of the art therapeutic application of magnetic and electromag- Clinical application, electromagnetic fields,
netic fields (EMF) in treatment of various medical problems – from pain relief to musculoskel- magnetotherapy
etal trauma, to vascular and endocrine disorders. The paper describes problems related to
physical parameters of used fields, biophysical dosimetry, clinical protocols, and safety of the History
Downloaded by [University of Waterloo] at 11:39 14 October 2015

device operators. Clinical benefits and mechanisms of action are also discussed.
Received 24 July 2015
Accepted 24 July 2015
Published online 7 October 2015

Introduction There is a large body of basic science and clinical

evidence that time-varying magnetic fields can modulate
There are numerous reports and evidences that in different
molecular, cellular and tissue functions in a physiologically
parts of the world people knew that some natural materials
and clinically significant manner (Markov, 2002; Rosch and
possess magnetic properties that might be used for the healing
Markov, 2004).
of specific health problems. It is difficult to identify the exact
During the 1970’s, the team headed by C.A.L. Bassett
time when physicians from ancient Greece, China, Japan and
introduced a new approach for the treatment of delayed
Europe discovered these possibilities. Historically, one may
fractures, employing a very specific biphasic low-frequency
turn to the ‘‘Yellow book of Chinese emperor’’ where some
signal (Bassett et al., 1974, 1977). This signal was approved
knowledge about magnetic materials could be found.
by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for application
One of the earliest scientific accounts is found in the book
in the USA only for non union/delayed fractures and this label
De Magnete, written in 1600 by William Gilbert, the personal
is still in action. A decade later, the FDA allowed the use of
physician of the English Queen (Gilbert, 1600). This brilliant
pulsed radiofrequency electromagnetic field (PRF) with
natural philosopher used ‘‘load stones’’ to treat a variety of
27.12 MHz frequency for treatment of pain and edema in
health problems of ordinary British citizens and even the
superficial soft tissues.
Queen of England.
It is now commonly accepted that selected weak EMFs are
Contemporary magnetotherapy began in Japan immedi-
capable of initiating various healing processes from delayed
ately after World War II by introducing both magnetic and
fractures, to pain relief, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s
electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in clinical practice. In Japan
disease (Rosch and Markov, 2004). This proven benefit could
magnetotherapeutic devices are registered under the Drug
be obtained by using both static and time-varying magnetic
Regulation Act of 1961 as #81 and quickly became popular in
fields. (Bassett, 1989, 1994; Detlavs, 1987; Markov, 1987,
Japan mainly through the efforts of Kyochi Nakagawa. The
1994, 2004c, 2015; Shupak, 2003; Todorov, 1982).
use of magnetic material for medical purposes has long
During nearly seven decades of development of contem-
history in Europe, but the real use of magnetotherapeutic
porary magnetotherapy more than a million patients have
devices followed the Japanese experience first in Romania
been treated worldwide for pain, many musculoskeletal
and the former Soviet Union. Later on, during the period
injuries, postsurgical and traumatic wounds. Magnetic/
of 1960–1985, nearly all European countries designed
electromagnetic stimulation was proven to enhance such
and manufactured their own magnetotherapeutic systems
fundamental properties as nerve repair and regeneration, as
which utilize various magnetic systems and magnetic/
well as immune and endocrine functions.
electromagnetic waveshapes.
It should be noted, that thus far, the medical community’s
Therapeutic magnetic fields
approach to magnetotherapy is as to adjuvant therapy, espe-
cially for treatment of a variety of musculoskeletal injuries. Let start with the question: What magnetotherapy should be?
As a part of bioelectromagnetic technology, magnetotherapy
Address correspondence to M. Markov, Research International, requires interdisciplinary efforts. Magnetotherapy could
Williamsville, NY 14221, USA. E-mail: not be developed without integrated efforts of physicists,
DOI: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1077338 XXIst century magnetotherapy 191

engineers, biologists and medical practitioners. An important engineering of low frequency signals was published by Liboff
role is reserved for medical practitioners, including physical (2004).
and occupational therapists who routinely use physical I have introduced the vision that two types of dosimetry
modalities in their practice and to scientists who need to should be used in the evaluation of the device properties and
create methodology and dosimetry for magnetotherapy. the protocol development: physical and biophysical dosim-
There are three general types of magnetotherapeutic etry. The physical dosimetry should characterize engineering
devices: (a) solenoid, (b) two coils and (c) flat mattress. In and physical parameters of the device, while biophysical
the solenoid approach the limb or even part of the torso might dosimetry must take care about the biophysical interactions of
be inserted into EMF generating system. The two coil the applied signal with the target tissue. Unfortunately, even
approach is based of placing two coils on both sides of the today state-of the-art provides medical staff with little
limb. This provides conditions for creation of homogenous information about both types of dosimetry. There are several
EMF secured by both coils. The flat mattress is mostly used in reasons for this. The manufacturers and distributors of
home settings and for wellness purposes. Each of these magnetotherapeutic devices, as a rule, do not provide
systems has advantages and disadvantages related to con- sufficient information about the device characteristics. In
venience of use, standardization of parameters, and control of most cases, it is not done on purpose, but because of lack of
conditions of use. knowledge as to what information is necessary for clinicians
Magnetotherapy includes at least seven groups of EMFs, to make proper selection of the device and protocol for
developed and utilized in different countries of the world treatment. Here is the list of parameters needed for charac-
during the last 50 years (Markov, 2015): terization of device and study/clinical trial:
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 Static/permanent magnetic fields created by various  Type of the field

permanent magnets as well as by passing direct current  Frequency
(DC) through a coil.  Pulse shape
 Low-frequency sine wave EMFs mostly utilize 60 Hz (in  Intensity or induction
the USA and Canada) and 50 Hz (in Europe and Asia)  Gradient (dB/dt)
frequency in distribution lines.  Vector (dB/dx)
 PEMF are usually low-frequency fields with various  Component (electric or magnetic)
specific shapes and amplitudes.  Depth of penetration
 PRF utilizes the selected frequencies in the radio-  Localization
frequency range: 13.56, 27.12, and 40.68 MHz.  Time of exposure (duration of session)
 Transcranial magnetic/electric stimulation is a method of The bioelectromagnetics community has developed several
treatment of selected areas of the brain with short but methods of biophysical dosimetry, including myosin phos-
intensive magnetic pulses. phorylation assay (Markov, 2004a,b) which are able to predict
 Millimeter waves have a very high-frequency range of which EMF signals could be bioeffective and monitors this
30–100 GHz. In the last 10 years this modality has been efficiency. Therefore, theoretical models and biophysical
used for treatment of a number of diseases, dosimetry could be instrumental in selection of the appropri-
 Ultrashort pulses were developed and investigated in the ate signals and in engineering and clinical application of new
recent decade. EMF therapeutic devices. Once again, the same signal may
The fundamental question in magnetotherapy is related to have different efficiency depending on the particular target
the biophysical interactions that allow EMF signals to be and medical problem to be treated.
recognized by cells. The biophysical mechanisms of these It seems reasonable that the first and widely used
interactions and the possibility of the signals to modulate cell waveshape is the sine wave with frequency of 60 Hz in
and tissue functioning remain to be elucidated. The scientific North America and 50 Hz in the rest of the world. From the
and medical communities still lack the understanding why the symmetrical sinewaves engineers moved to an asymmetrical
same magnetic fields applied to different tissues can cause waveform by means of rectification. These types of signals
different effects. basically flip-flop the negative part of the sinewave into
The medical part of the equation requires proper diagnos- positive, thereby creating a pulsating sinewave.
tics and identification of the exact target as well as the In addition to sinewave type signals, a set of devices which
‘‘dose’’ of EMF that the target needs to receive. Then, utilize unipolar or bipolar rectangular signals is available at
physicists and engineers should offer the appropriate protocol the market. Probably for those signals the most important is to
and exposure system which will ensure that the target tissue know that due to the electrical characteristics (mostly the
received the required magnetic flux density. The question of impedance) of the unit, these signals could never be
‘‘dosage’’ in magnetotherapy is much more complex than rectangular. It should be a short delay both in raising the
the dosage in case of prescribing pharmaceutics. Because of signal up and in its decay to zero. The rise-time of such signal
the large variety of electromagnetic signals available at the could be of extreme importance because the large value of
moment, the correct design of the protocol and selection of dB/dt could induce significant electric current into the target
proper signal is really a question of art. tissue.
The EMF signals in clinical use have variety of designs, The first clinical signal approved by FDA for treatment of
which in most cases is selected without any motivation for the nonunion or delayed fractures (Bassett et al., 1974, 1977)
choice of the particular waveform, field amplitude or other exploited the pulse burst approach. Having repetition rate of
physical parameters. An excellent review of the physics and 15 burst per second, this asymmetrical signal (with a long
192 M. Markov Electromagn Biol Med, 2015; 34(3): 190–196

positive and very short negative component) has more than 30 refused to allow reimbursement even for modalities cleared
years of very successful clinical use for healing nonunion by FDA. It took several years of court fighting until CMS
bones. It was supposed that the cell would ignore the short reversed its position. This was a result of the pressure from
opposite polarity pulse and respond only to the envelope of general public and physical therapy communities. In fact, the
the burst which had duration of 5 ms, enough to induce CMS has now recognized that EMF is a plausible therapeutic
sufficient amplitude in the kHz frequency range. modality which produces sufficient clinical outcome to
A series of modalities utilizes signals that consist of single permit, and reimburse for, use in the off-label application of
narrow pulses separated by long ‘‘signal-off’’ intervals. This healing chronic wounds, such as pressure sores and diabetic
approach allows modification not only of the amplitude of the leg and foot ulcers (Pilla, 2007).
signal, but duty cycle (time on/time off) as well.
The pulsed radiofrequency signal, originally proposed by
Clinical benefit
Ginsburg (1934) and later allowed by FDA for treatment of
pain and edema in superficial soft tissues (Diapulse) utilizes A plethora of scientific and clinical studies have been
the 27.12 MHz in pulsed mode. Thus, having short 65 ms burst reporting that EMF help in wound healing, bone unification,
and 1600 ms pause between pulse bursts, the signal does not in reducing pain, edema and inflammation, in increasing
generate heat during 30 min use. blood circulation; in stimulation of immune and endocrine
systems. Since cells involved in tissue repair are electrically
charged, some endogenous EMF signals may facilitate
Cost and benefit of EMF therapy
cellular migration to the injured area, thereby restoring
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The estimation of the benefit of EMF therapy should be normal electrostatic and metabolic conditions. An important
started with discussion pharmaceutics vs. electroceutics. Let concept was proposed, that at any injury site of the
us to first define the terms. Pharmaceutics is a common term musculoskeletal system an injury current occur (Canaday
for all pharmaceuticals prescribed in solid or liquid forms. and Lee, 1991). Because the main goal of any therapy is to
Electroceutics was introduced 15 years ago to demonstrate the restore normal function to the organism, electric, magnetic or
possibility of electric current or EMFs to be applied for electromagnetic modalities appear suitable to compensate the
therapeutical purposes. What is the difference? injury currents. Of course, the optimal parameters to achieve
On one hand, pharmaceuticals are chemical substance, this goal would depend on the type and extent of the injury
while the electroceutics are physical modalities which we that cause the specific injury current to originate.
discuss in this paper. On the other hand, pharmaceutics are Numerous cellular studies have addressed effects of EMF
invasive substances with inaccurate dosage, while electro- on signal transduction pathways. It is well accepted now that
ceutics are non-invasive and easy to control the parameters of the cellular membrane is a primary target for magnetic field
the dosage. The way a physician estimates the dosage is based action (Adey, 2004). Evidence is collected that selected
on body weight and because of that for delivering the dose magnetic fields are capable of affecting the signal transaction
necessary to treat a problem in a given organ, the patient’ pathways via alteration of ion binding and transport. The
body receives hundred or thousand time larger dose. calcium ion is recognized as a key player in such alterations.
Therefore, the benefit for one organ could be a hazard for In a series of studies of calcium-calmodulin dependent
another. Just the opposite is the situation with electroceutics: myosin phosphorylation was demonstrated that specific
they are non-invasive with the possibility to focus the factor static magnetic fields and PEMF as well as 27.12 MHz PRF
on the target organ/tissue without affecting other parts of could modulate Ca2+ binding to CAM to a twofold enhance-
the body. ment in Ca2+ binding kinetics in a cell-free enzyme prepar-
The use of electroceutics would be of great benefit: less ation. (Markov et al., 1992, 1993, 1994; Markov and Pilla,
suffering, reduced expenses, decreased duration of treatment 1993, 1994; Markov 2004a,b,d; Pilla, 2015)
and should be considered in parallel with individual and Which signals and at which conditions could be most
social welfare. Thus, the clinical effects of EMF on muscu- effective? It should be pointed out that many EMF signals
loskeletal system repair are physiologically significant and used in research and as therapeutic modalities have been
often determine the method of choice when the conventional chosen in some arbitrary manner. Very few studies assessed
standard of care has failed to produce adequate clinical the biological and clinical effectiveness of different signals
results. by comparing the physical/biophysical dosimetry and
EMF modalities are usually applied directly on the targeted biological/clinical outcomes. With the exponential develop-
area of the body. Compared to regular pharmaceuticals, EMF ment of Internet it is easy to find tens, if not hundred of
offers an alternative with fewer, if any, side effects. One devices, which promised to cure each and any medical
should not forget that in order to deliver the medication dose problem. A careful look at the Internet sites would show that
needed to treat the target tissue/organ, patients routinely no engineering, biophysical and clinical evidence is given to
receive medication dose hundred times larger than the dose substantiate the claims.
needed by the target. Practically there is no single publication in which the word
However, regulatory and reimbursement issues have pre- ‘‘contradiction’’ is missing. What is the reason for statement
vented more widespread use of EMF modalities, especially in that EMF interactions with living tissues are contradictional?
the USA. The FDA policy towards magnetotherapy is The reason should be searched in statements that one specific
unnecessarily restrictive. In concert with this policy, the magnetic/electromagnetic signal could be used for treatment
Center for Medicare Services (CMS) for a period of time of every type of clinical problem. ‘‘Today there is abundance
DOI: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1077338 XXIst century magnetotherapy 193

of in vitro and in vivo data obtained in the laboratory research vascular responses, cellular activity, and release of chemical
as well as clinical evidence that time-varying magnetic fields mediators within the injured tissues. The list should also
of various configurations can generate beneficial effects for include regeneration of parenchymal cells, migration and
various conditions, such as chronic and acute pain, chronic proliferation of both parenchymal and connective tissue cells,
wounds and recalcitrant bone fractures. This has been synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins, remodeling of
achieved with low intensity, non-thermal, non-invasive time- connective tissue, collagenization, and acquisition of tissue
varying EMFs, having various configurations within a broad strength. One area of specific interest is the effect of EMF and
frequency range’’ (Pilla, 2007). What is wrong with this MF on cell proliferation. Most cells normally differentiate to a
statement? Only one word is missing ‘‘some’’. By not saying specific morphology and function. In pathological conditions,
that some or selected PEMF could initiate plausible thera- cell proliferation is usually suppressed (in conditions of
peutic effects, we simply say that all magnetic fields could chronic wounds) or enhanced (in the case of neoplastic
achieve the goals. growth). Magnetic field stimulation of the skin fibroblast
This brings the problem of ‘‘dosage’’. To say that a patient resulting in significant increase in collagen secretion and
is ‘‘magnetically stimulated’’ has the same meaning as to protein concentration has been reported, and these results
say ‘‘the patient receives a drug’’ without specifying what suggest a favorable alteration in the proliferative and migra-
exactly is the drug. We will come to this issue a little bit later tory capacity of epithelial and connective tissue cells involved
in this paper. in tissue regeneration and repair (Bourguignon and
Bourguignon, 1989; Rodeman et al., 1989).
The clinical outcome of magnetotherapy therapy includes
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Mechanisms of action
analysis of hemodynamics, microcirculation, transcapillary
Analyzing the successful treatment of diseases and healing of phenomena, morphological, and cytochemical characteristics
injuries could elucidate the cellular and tissue components that of blood components, including lymphocytes, erythrocytes,
may be plausible targets for MF action. Since an important leukocytes, and thrombocytes. Low-intensity EMF stimulates
clinical principle of health management is to provide a natural the microcirculation, and initiates compensatory/adaptational
physiological environment for optimum healing, the proper changes in elderly patients with arteriosclerosis. The thera-
choice of the MF parameters may significantly enhance the peutic efficiency was dependent on the status of the patient
healing process. It is possible, then, that exogenous MF could (age, general health, gender) as well as on the disease stage.
recreate normal physiological conditions, and return the tissue There is also a distinct relationship between specific diseases
or body to a disease/injury free status. and the MF parameters which initiate optimal response
Basic scientific studies suggest that nearly all participants (Todorov, 1982).
in the healing process (such as fibrinogen, leukocytes, fibrin, Assuming that the exogenous signal can be detected at the
platelets, cytokines, growth factors, fibroblasts, collagen, cell or tissue level, the biophysical mechanism(s) of inter-
elastin, keratinocytes, osteoblasts, free radicals) exhibit action of weak magnetic fields with biological tissues as well
alterations in their performance when exposed to the action as the biological transductive mechanism(s) remain to be
of MF (Bourguignon and Bourguignon, 1989; Detlavs, 1987; elucidated. At present, the following areas appear to be of
Katz et al., 2005; Leszczynski et al., 2003; Markov, 1995, scientific and medical interest:
2004a,b, 2015; Polk, 1994; Rosch and Markov, 2004; Shupak,  Search for possible targets for magnetic fields
2003; Markov, 2015; Pawluk, 2015). Magnetic fields affect  examining biophysical mechanisms of MF action on
vasoconstriction and vasodilation, phagocytosis, cell prolif- living systems
eration, formation of cellular network, epithelization, and scar  evaluation of ‘‘window’’ or resonance effects
formation (Bassett, 1989, 1994; Markov and Pilla, 1994;  adaptation of living system to applied MF
Markov and Colbert, 2000; Rosch and Markov, 2004).  long-lasting effects.
It is well accepted that biochemical and physiological It is not surprising that not only clinicians, but also patients
processes are based on the flow of electrical charges (ions, are interested in the search of the mechanisms of action. Both
electrons) or charge redistribution. Therefore, when an injury experimental and theoretical data have been collected world-
disturbs tissue integrity, an ionic current occurs. Further, ionic wide in search of potential mechanisms of interactions.
currents between normal and injured tissue play an important The biophysical dogma prevailing until the late 1980’s and
role in the repair processes. Due to its ability to penetrate lingering to this day is that, unless the amplitude and
deep into the body, exogenous magnetic fields can effectively frequencies of an applied electric field were sufficient to
influence normal and injury currents, thus contributing to the trigger membrane alterations, to produce tissue heating or to
healing process. move an ion along a field gradient, there could be no effect.
Since the energy applied is below the thermal threshold This was a serious obstacle in the search for biological
level, it is more likely that applied therapeutic magnetic fields mechanisms and therapeutic applications of weak EMF
trigger some important biophysical/biochemical cascades, and signals.
affects signal/transduction pathways. The underlying problem for any model of biophysical
Healing occurs via a series of integrated stages, each of mechanism of weak EMF bioeffects relates to the signal
which is essential to the repair processes. Therefore it is detection at the molecular/cellular/tissue target in the pres-
important to evaluate the contribution of basic cellular ence of thermal noise, i.e. signal to thermal noise ratio (SNR).
activities occurring at a stage in tissue repair. This extremely As of today, a number of mechanisms have been proposed,
complex phenomenon involves a number of processes such as such as window hypothesis, ion cyclotron resonance (ICR),
194 M. Markov Electromagn Biol Med, 2015; 34(3): 190–196

ion parametric resonance (IPR), free radical concept, heat unknown to one another, published, almost simultaneously
shock proteins, etc. One of the first proposed models uses a that during evolution Mother Nature created preferable levels
linear physicochemical approach (Pilla, 1972, 1974), in which of recognition of the signals from exogenous magnetic fields.
an electrochemical model of the cell membrane was employed The ‘‘biological windows’’ could be identified by amplitude,
in order to assess the EMF parameters for which bioeffects frequency and their combinations. The research in this
might be expected. It was assumed that non-thermal EMF direction requires assessment of the response in a range of
may directly affect ion binding and/or transport and possibly amplitudes and frequencies. It has been shown that at least
alter the cascade of biological processes related to tissue three amplitude windows exist: at 50–100 mT (5–10 Gauss),
growth and repair. 15–20 mT (150–200 Gauss) and 45–50 mT (450–500 Gauss)
ICR proposed during the mid-1980’s by Liboff (1985), (Markov, 1990). Using cell-free myosin phosphorylation to
Liboff et al. (1987), described specific combinations of DC study a variety of signals, was shown that the biological
and AC magnetic fields which can increase the mobility of response depends strongly on the parameters of applied
specific ions near receptor sites and/or through ion channels. signal, confirming the validity of the last two ‘‘windows’’
To resolve the thermal noise problems in the ICR model, (Markov, 2004a,b).
Lednev (1991) formulated an IPR model which was further
developed during the 1990’s (Blanchard and Blackman, 1994;
Advantages of MF stimulation compared with
Blackman et al., 1995). In this quantum approach, an ion in
current stimulation
the binding site of a macromolecule (e.g. Calmodulin) is
considered to be a charged harmonic oscillator. Electric current stimulation has a long history of application
Downloaded by [University of Waterloo] at 11:39 14 October 2015

The most important contribution of Lednev is the experi- as a therapeutic modality in Western medicine. However,
ment he designed to estimate the validity of his ICR model: there are significant differences between electric current and
myosin phosphorylation in a cell-free mode (Shouvalova MF modalities. Electric current stimulation requires skin
et al., 1991). The calmodulin molecule provides ideal model contact electrodes placed either on both sides of the wound/
for investigating ion binding without and with the presence of injury or with one electrode on top of the wound, and the
exogenous magnetic field. The experiment proposed by other over normal adjacent tissue. Electrode size, spacing, and
Lednev, and further elaborated by my group (Markov, polarity are the most critical factors for delivering an adequate
2004a,b), allows the Pilla to propose a model that overcomes stimulating current. Closely spaced small electrodes generally
the problem of thermal noise. (Pilla, 2007). make the effective area of stimulation rather superficial due to
Clinical experience, as well as numerous animal and the lower impedance of the current path through proximal
in vitro studies, suggest that the initial conditions of the EMF- tissue. The conduction of electrical current through biological
sensitive target pathway determine whether a physiologically tissues occurs as a result of movement of charges along
meaningful bioeffect could be achieved. For example, when specific pathways. This charge transfer might result in
broken bone received treatment with EMF, the surrounding electrothermal, electrochemical, or electrophysical effects
soft tissues receive the same dose as the fracture site, but depending on the type of the electrical current, and can
physiologically important response occurs only in the injured occur at membrane, cellular, or tissue level immediately after
bone tissue, while changes in the soft tissue have not been applying the voltage. The direct responses usually result in
observed. many indirect cellular reactions, which may subsequently
This is crucially important behavior, indicating that alter biochemical and physiological pathways.
magnetic fields are more effective when the tissue is out of MF represents a significantly more effective approach to
equilibrium. Therefore, the experiments with healthy volun- the healing process – it is easier to apply, less expensive and
teers are not always indicative of the potential response of comfortable therapy. MF modalities do not exhibit the
patients who are victims of injury or disease. The healthy complications of contact electrodes because the contact is
organism has much larger compensational ability than the not necessary to achieve the desired dose at tissue level. Thus,
diseased organism, which in turn would reduce the manifest- MF can be applied in the presence of a cast or wound
ation of the response. dressing. The risk of infection is significantly reduced, and
Support for this notion comes from a study of Jurkat cells dressings may remain as long as the therapy requires. With
in which the state of the cell was found to be important in this modality is possible to know the value of the magnetic
regard to the response of tissues to magnet fields: normal field in any section of the tissue. The magnetic flux density
T-lymphocytes neglect the applied PEMF, while being remains unchanged while tissue dielectrics change as a
stimulated by other factors. Furthermore, the response of function of healing, resulting in consistent dosimetry through-
lymphocytes to magnetic fields clearly shows a dependence out the healing process.
on the stimulation with other factors. In other words, it might The choice of a therapeutic device should be based on its
be approximated with pendulum effect – the larger is the biological and clinical effectiveness. The field amplitude,
deviation from equilibrium, the stronger is the response spatial distribution, and duration of exposure must be
(Markov et al., 2006; Nindl et al., 2002). For example, Nindl adequate to meet the requirement of therapy. MF treatment
has demonstrated, in an in vitro study, that the initial requires placement of the patient and applicator in close
conditions of lymphocytes are important in terms of the proximity, therefore a permanent magnet may be fixed to the
biological effects of those cells to magnetic fields. site of pathology during therapy. Modalities which utilize
It has been nearly four decades, since the concept of electric current or EMFs may require the patient to be
‘‘biological windows’’ was introduced. In fact, three groups, available at specified time periods at treatment facilities.
DOI: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1077338 XXIst century magnetotherapy 195

The use of the equipment and the treatment protocol requires  Public concern about the safety of magnetic and EMFs is
simple and easy manipulation with stimulation devices by sensationalized in news media.
clinicians and, in some countries, by patients. Medical students studied anatomy, physiology, and disease
through chemistry and biochemistry with little attention to
Safety physics and biophysics. In general, their analysis of biological
responses and clinical outcomes rarely would include physics
Three general problems need to be discussed in
and biophysics. Despite knowledge of biochemistry and
pharmacology, to move forward with magnetotherapy, phys-
(1) Electrical safety
icians would benefit from a stronger knowledge of the
(2) Patient safety
principles of thermodynamics and electrodynamics, biomech-
(3) Operator safety
anics, electricity and magnetism.
Electrical safety is a duty of the design engineer and
Many medical practitioners learned about the EMF
manufacturer. In all countries that allow manufacturing and
interactions via news media when the media report the
sale of magnetotherapeutic devices strong rules in electrical
hazard of EMFs. Therefore, they immediately reject any idea
engineering exist and in addition – there are controlling
to apply magnetotherapy in their practice.
institutions which are authorized to prevent potential damage
because of malfunctioning of the device. However, we would
suggest the medical institution, especially large hospitals
where electrical safety department exists, to examine func- The correct evaluation of the efficacy of magnetic stimulation
for the acceleration of healing requires measurements and
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tioning of device prior to first use.

The patient safety is very well designed and controlled at computations of a variety of parameters, such as amplitude,
each clinical trial. The monitoring is achieved in several field gradients, duration of exposure, and others.
different ways: by the design and execution of protocol, Not only should the precise characteristics of the applied
by monitoring the activity of technicians and nurses over MF be taken into account, but also the exact diagnosis and all
the accuracy of treatment of patients, by ethical committees, relevant clinical data. Further research into magnetic stimu-
by national controlling institutions. Even in the case of lation needs to identify which magnetic fields are detectable
occurrence of some unfortunate problems during the treat- by cells or subcellular structures, and what are the cellular and
ment session, medical practitioner is available to help the tissue responses to the applied signals. These evaluations are
patient. important since there are a growing number of magnetic and
The third problem is generally neglected. While the patient electromagnetic technologies and devices being used in
is exposed to action of therapeutic factor for 30–60 min during clinical practice. Cooperation between experts from physical
10–15 sessions, the operators of the magnetotherapeutic sciences, engineering, biological sciences, and clinical medi-
device are on duty 6–8 h a day, 5–6 days per week. During cine would significantly improve EMF-based therapy.
these working time operators are exposed to various by
nature, frequency and intensity signals. If in case of ionizing Declaration of interest
radiation, therapists are carrying dosimeters, in non-ionizing The author declares that there is no conflict of interest with
environment dosimeters are not available. this paper. The author alone is responsible for the content and
We would like to emphasize that potential hazard for writing of the article.
operators health exists and needs to be evaluated. In a recent
paper, based on multi-year, multi-centers study of the health References
and morbidity status of operators was shown to face various
Adey, W.R. (2004). Potential therapeutic application of nonthermal
health problems (Vesselinova, 2015). electromagnetic fields: Ensemble organization of cells in tissue as a
We strongly believe that in the physical therapy wards factor in biological field sensing. In: Rosch, P.J., Markov, M.S.
actions should be taken to minimize the exposure to specific Bioelectromagnetic Medicine. New York: Marcel Dekker. pp. 1–12.
EMFs as well as the total exposure to EMF. Bassett, C.A.L., Pawluk, R.J., Pilla, A.A. (1974). Acceleration of fracture
repair by electromagnetic fields. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 238:242–262.
Bassett, C.A.L., Pilla, A.A., Pawluk, R. (1977). A non-surgical salvage
Limited medical acceptance of the use of magnetic of surgically-resistant pseudoarthroses and non-unions by pulsing
fields electromagnetic fields. Clin. Orthop. 124:117–131.
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