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Who are the Top 20\Star Wars 13 Fb el es ae ee pp iy SUNT) Is Jackson” ce Dee ius) ene wh ES ‘ S c ge ees / y y cs Capture the excitement of Star Wars with real flying models Coe EM edie) Boe Otero (ecto es tae Search MUTE ELF Ame) g neon Pei ru ving’ EB Estes and Cox Star Wars models! PCS hobby, Doe eae Re nee pate TH RoteRr ues Rune Pec) Cet U2}; SUA Paaies BG ba is) oso IIY, hand-painted in painstaking detail, Both the Boba Fett and Greedo busts are over 9 Inches high and weigh approximately 5 T ‘wo terrific new cold-cast parcelain busts from sculptor Greg Arenowitz and Legends in Three Dimensions. Each bust it pounds. Comes with a full-color box with original wrap-around art by Drew Struzan, All Legends in Three Dimensions prod. cts come with a signed certificate of authenticity: You won't find a mare classic depiction of these two Star Wars bounty hunters, These limited editions wor't last forever! SUCCES EMPEROR PALPATINE $149 ssh Licis: ORDER TODAY! by visnsMastercard/Discover! Call 1-800-TRUE FAN (878-3326). Operators are standing by #:46AM to 10:15PM MST. le22 Boba Fett Porcelain Bust 199.00 (623 Greedo Porcelain Bust 159.00 te15 Emperor Palpotine Porcelain Bust $149.00 #414,00 shipping + hondling Us (eoch}, 414.00 Cenodien, 418.00 foreign You can fox orders to 1-303-574-9442, or mail check or money order (Us funds) to: Star Wars Insider PO Bex 111000, Aurora CO 80042, USA ively for the Star Hi Boba Fett in repose, as jarrel of | ing 24°x3 framing, this colorful paster is printed en high quality stock and, Jike all our hipped rolled not folded. Cr a -8 00-8768 - ea} ‘Operators are standing by err posren "Bt jing & Handing US / 35.75 Gonadlan ( STS Foreten* — ‘You can fax orders to 1-303-574-8449, or mall check or money order (US funds) te Star Wars Insider - PO Box 111000, Aurora CO 80042, USA otc Hoar! esti chars Ete the a a Pisses Eco errs Peter uli von cena Lice Cnt RETEST Resin OM ELIE ta bat ne ote) Eeetiti ince eee isa r ae iz Derr rea ene rocer hee cere cae ence cer eed Ge eres eg acy eet eye ae See eee eet eee en ee ech acee ss Cnt tele Nore eg east eee ee ee Dba cre sein r euieece oh Se eens eRe mun eye emer cer SOLOS aC etre nee cer er eC WM eere ton | PECC onc ss sine aca cay ar C re ce boa aceb eye) Sonu ese Cc Coes ome You can fox orders to 1-303-574-9442, rca CCA SCO Ra ee COreMr re CRG an Ecce) lnsider . .. a} Wars Characters t ‘reveals the results 0 me ion Features CEE Samuel L. Jackson: Cie oniers as Ps} tet) 58 eee ed i Lees : / — seapieahamneaterstigl Sa / 3 | 1 ieee racy Crate ened aT plusnew phat ee cis eran feed iiNet) Sere Tee ans Rene ecg eee ra) “én, [am your father! D'oh! ‘This incredible cover was cre- ‘ated exclusively for te faster thanks to.our flendls at The Simpsons and Fox. editor’s Me and Mr. Burns ‘thankies task of courting the year, bat Te been enjoying the work of Matt Grooning almost as angas | have Star Were Growing up in Spetane, Washingtan, in he eel Bs, lef read Greening’ Life in Flt caries each month in the Seattle mesic magazine The Rocket ln 1954 Thought his est jurwbo-e ite un Hat bask, Loved Met—nhich | alsin fone tne greatest hurnce apni I (Bar raiize wnt actually took up the: albums ever. tate, when | was in allege at [Eveapiten State in Opin, Washington [ala ddontallyls0Groening!salra rater. Iwoult risks Ife stop ta match Je Simpson, Hist on the Tracy Ullman Show and then ca thelr ew Fo ees, “Taciy my feeds har that usualy refer to The Spsons by name instead, | lt “The Only Reson | Own & Telewsien” 0 if yottre wondoing why we dd a Simpsees!ar War cover story for this v8, the answer Is simple cause brated Mach lke Speingfeld’s Me. Burns, ny coprisious saltintrested whim complataly contra this magazine. Our edits formals is Ise thing calles “What Please Jon Tasty ext sue Wt have 2 caver story about my feveeie topic, "The Star Wars luence an ey Eighties Heavy ara Hat, has, hha, haha Bun seriou, ene of my avon parts of bring Star Vans fn is seeing baw the fms sneak into other parts of popula cuture Star Wor rlarences in The Simpreme have conse tently cen same of the most Alarows ones fut there, ako think Matt Groening, like George tueas, 2 vslonary who genuinely lowes hismesiumare supports the wok of fe fovr arsts. It seem like every year atthe San Diego Corni-> It was everything | had wanted a film about space to be—you know, guys with lightsabers, reaily fast-moving planes, the costumes— everything was just right. you ech a8 the apatare that 5 abou the rea ili rea he wosking With mare cl He rs hee, totallpiwahved great fst exproscions, eet Tine ead, totally ec ‘Yeah he's aot there, He's here ut es noe there—vods' thera, nor Fant prety spect the way it hagpens es great because: lof sudtdon they say oetan and Frankel ln there and Yoda kind of se up and dows thus sufand then wteevGcoene ys cot Frank, ‘hes bis hand cut ard inc of slurp ove But the quys thot ae operting his ears ard yee sll have thee things is 15 08 sil moving and his eyes are gaing, ara ho’, bind of shared ue he P's ihe ang over cr nat feling well ar samshing. Ws ie, “Man, somneborty hel Yadal™ As son as Geaige sap ction ‘hings Just stort to happen. You flow Ingo the ‘sone and by te ge all the realty you ean ‘gh &, consiaeriag whats Chere—t acusly ‘et actoe that | wouldnt know # they valid me my house tecay, becuse these guys were ‘covered In mahe-up. There was-ane guy tht | affectionately referred 23 “Calimar eeause thar what he Li of tooked lee, And cere ‘vas ancther guy thet looked Ihe a glent Inass ape. and eve was a quy witha duck on his bhead-—Iclor’ know wt that was, You ty 42 lore that—that’s the nerm, Yeu just a ato and de your thing re actualy had mote ofa tomsbuxiget fel haa big budge. Thove were rene of the huge star vapoings. Thee were ne nage ta cers arounel. guess because we were in Briain, ard there's avery eerent atmosphere around ftsh set. Tete not he elaborate crafts ice stuff going on. There's nota ot af PAS running around with thelr heads cutoff ust ind oF calm thats there, the Srtoh vay of stiff upper Kia ne pak It was totally bc-ack there ‘Theblggest thing farme wasgettingower the awe of being there, andi mating sure that ‘was Going something that wns honast—not tina ta pretend to Be ina Stor Ware movie, ae yng to ota ane just play naturally, and mabe it happen. George was satisfied, sa 1 ‘uess aid OK Wes th kid of sruation ative you knoe you'te keped up in a cerisin kind of way because youre eoing something thats Inter sting and exiting to you. You owt wan ceauplayit becouse you thing that t shoul be ano.acentain way, anid 10 goin ny precanceivednationafwhat inasgaing 0 aad how | vos going to do But | dart Ineo fl achleved that Irs 2 stiange sort of feeling fr me, because Fm abways prety sure futas tm ding, there was another guy that fooked like a giant thasa apso, and there was a guy with a duck on his head—I don’t know what that was. 82 sear wars msioen ‘haat lt tho day shaved wp, I'S gk Ue they were ging bo stnel me Ue pages early Justin aco | changed my mind ara im ganna publish them. act, ‘Usually, you ase months, oF at eset scone weeks Befare you have a doit Sa this vas urs. Iedefinitely added ae intensity anda focus, Hoy, hedlérr¢hirerne because Icoukat doit. guess. Head eneagh ft in (he fact that | could get iy comme ny and bs ready t0 ga. ope: [Laugsd Nope, None whats sue, 1 didnt have sine to 9a taraugh it that much, idea with what wasdainganestorteg te tin ile bit shout neuro gotta he in that place that he was in, wy fre was: there hy Brewas that lose Yea 2 wy they ha it’s the kind of situation where you know you're keyed up in a certain kind of way because you're doing. - voces eo wn v something that’s interesting and exciting to you. 9 many cemnerrateonsand nothin and. other people Ard icarne up with somerelevantfacts ‘that would eater te stares that |e kno, the things that came akerand the kind of peo- ple that hey ae (ofcourse ot nacesarly. George is a whole ier et ine a eeiy in that he's iat he had the concept, he's erecting Ht, he's going to work with theedtor—Georoe ia fabulous exe {oe Ho ak a hot ather kine of righ nts the process than Ihave [was jst hr of there (on Eves Baye evertoeing and losming the Jb learing howe read» Budget sheet and gure out the things that needed to det male the nest day ote er beep the crew spp So muchigaes on inbeing a proscer Dnyeah fen defintely doing again Pe ‘goes couple projects that are fn development, ready to goby the endo the ye No, ny thay really fies Vale ally eal he al the scion fs had gest time doing Cie Hawd | had @ fabulous tne dng tang fie Goon, tm realy proud ef Fresh and 187, and when | hink of Pap Fiaion and doctle Brown, thase ae gteat times ‘Quentin is such «fur Almmakey, is sts root places tbe, Its hard forme to say becouse Iwas only on Grow st tarfeurd5ytand | enjyectn {ferent kind of way ecause Ws avesorne lust to st thewe and look aud and 50 wha youre around and ws going an end tne that youre a part ofthis werpspecial thing, Pus youre alsa wandsving, “wonder what thee OF this ses guing t look Hke when they Fish purtng thereto te knages tnt" ut & Quentin set It Ike going 4 high school and being with al your best filer all sy long, and thre arena teachers around to tellyou whet te doand what nats do.Soyres ced up laughing and doing the stuff hat you > eentinued on gage 80 STAR WARS INSIDER 33 ane : See eee ee een eres Peas eens at ne Seat eee en aE ane tee tee eta dene toil) POR it eC Rd WITH BOBA FETT'S IMAGE. THIS SET INCLUDES A Ctr ee hee GT aT TS Ere iao ii ie eee Ere ee eee oe one tonic eee ee ee ee eee Tea Toei tiers AND RETAILS FOR $120. (QUANTITIES: ee oe Lee an) TO ORDER NOW BY elses 7 lie 7 ar ye Ei) iY * 1-800-TRUE-FAN . Se ree ere eee ee en ieee to the. ane STAR We ee The Insider is your anly official source far all the latest Star Wars prequel information. We bring you all the exclusive news, photos, interviews and updates fram the sot of Episode | For a very limited time, we are offering the great- est savings this side of Mos Eisley. For the low: price of $35.00, you can subseribe to the fnsider for 2 full years. That's an incredible savings of 35% off the $54.00 cover price. Even Senator Palpatine can’t resist this bargain! Act now and you'll get our free membership kit* {includes welcome letter from George Lucas, membership card, poster, postcards and a sticker), Hurry because this deal won't last forever!t "Rew meber ond ened ramen Tailed eae gra ‘res Annu 350 Two ia SUBSCRIPTION / RENEWALL NAME picie5200 ase aden oy ate pro ONEW SUBSCRIPTION | QRENEWAL » _ ‘member number if known portlcode bsnz Method of Payment Ovex | Omustexard | Ocheckormany order “credit cand number em date signature ‘Two Year Subscription fate: 35.00 (Canada $41.00 | Farsi $65.00. ll pices In US funds, Canadian and Farslgn Remittances MUST be in US funds oni! Allo 46 woes for fev sue delivery, OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 1, 1990, Pe) da STAR WARS SUBSCRIPTION / RENEWAL! Pa | do want to subscribe te the Star Wars insider, but EDD YESS cniy cor one vean at the special rate of ustig.95. NAME ipisse ps ‘eel aches iy Stated prov zip pasta code ONEW SUBSCRIPTION | CRENEWAL » mir urbe ncn ae Method of Payment Ousa | 0. and | Deheekor monerarder ‘edit card number ‘ap dae signatne (One Year Subnscrptlon fster$ 1993 / Canada $22.85 /Feenlgn $24.63. all pres In US funds. Canadian and Foreign Remittances MUST be in US Funds omlyl Alla sccksfor Fist ioue delivery, OFFER EXPIMES AUGUST 1, 1990, PEASE RBGAESS TOU EAYTLOPE YO: ‘Two Year Subscription/Renewal cfo Star Wars Insider P.O. Box 111000 Aurora, CO 80042 PLUASL ADDRES! YOUR ENVELOPE 10: ‘One Year Subscription/Renewal c/o Star Wars Insider P.O. Box 111000 Aurora, CO 80042 eS att lh aa Frere nits Riva eies prequels and all the news from Lucasfilm, subscribe to the Star Wars Insider today. 1-800-878-3326 FAX 24 HOURS 1-303-574-9442 Resto Saeed a} Lee yeas Lo ana IEE ses ORDER NOW! ETC Eee eed GTO Cnet a eeu tan an ee en if Bercteers te nrenmeneetec mnt ar teat Beer onurmen ener attr oer epee abate a eee oe Cane et eae tere fee rst otal neue cee eet Gitte ete ree ren eticlas ete etre tet Sr eee ee aie meri Tne te etic De Cee) Cn ett nee ee cry eee ONE een er eer) fer creer ee eee ets Teor o> & sTan a i ac eae Cy ich em rs Fe ne Beiter reer eee DELUXE COLLECTIBLES Boba Fett Solid Plate Framed Lithograph Limited Edition of 500 Cormpater and abr artist in Tylor Oarmkes hh created Bi a ithagraphfom is lass larson cori Dastaton, The Echographts Boba Fett MiniatureHelmet printed accree stock sing © unig piting The nvarmous bounty hunter's Mandalaranarmoved hubnet that enhances the afrrush effec. acl one her a macrabinac.éarsiouploce, maton ang ound caneors, signed by Dsrmukes, nd comes tatth acetate of anda brasdband antenna. This 430 sealerepieshardiecast _autheriiy. is framed in lack ricarmoulieg Obi-Wan Kenobi Cooke Jar ‘Pata! pars aamentic helmet markings, a detailed inten, and she foie size 29 4 38 9. Daly 500 will “Thisisenithoat doubt ar of he greatest ahd Ictomavablo fom Imperal bate Pesect far ciplay on bemade. Canadian and Foreiga arders subject Tikenesees oF BVMan Kerb over sculpted, deskor bookshel Over tall LMS $5885. todrop shipping fees LPP4. $269.85, I's nt just cookie jn, busta Star Ws co lectibe af the Nighest xe, You woo"t bellve the incre rculting deta. Each cera jr stards approximately 16"high Andis harv- painted fear top toatl. (Comat numisare with a erafeste cf uthentiiy. Manufactured by Str Jers, oenpany wool reac ee thee hh ual calles, nce theyre gn thes ee issue to commaed 8 premiuen an the Secondly market. Len $275.00 - Dewback Patrol roe well tenownel usar Dive Darian comes Dow back Pate limited edition Inhagragh. Measuring an oversized 32° x 18 pha" mating ai Framing konder, Deeb Panal printed inglocouseala on aichival art pape, Levee to only 1,500 signed and rambored prints. Deluxe Collectibles, we 500 Exclusive & Hot Items Posters Pewter ys if Card Setcand Games : ree ie Relea Wearables Models Wearables Books Cantina 20th Anniversary Toast Poster Stor Wors Toys & more Insider ett Tounen Sand daesit agai with is wasn paint- Inajafthe Star Mars antina denizeneralzng ther asses in hanar lndiana Jones and more of Star ars 20th Anniversary. Printed on high quality poster : ‘Sock this poster mensures 1x 36! aod iavdable exch Action Figures thaugh Tho FanClub. LPS7 $14.25 2 Jawa Trader wuseen 38 EXCLUSIVE & DELUXE ITEMS Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition Posters Gold Card Set Edition of 1,997. “This beaut commemaratian ofthe Special Eton cores wh all hee mone posers produce as 24h gle photo erring reared Wor 3 wrkge poe gin process. Cards are encased nan acyl hokder Sh cometh Hckvacuumtermed jewel case git bones Cth set inSidulp rie uucas $2500 A Australian Pizza Hut Cup and Figurine Set Epic Force Figures Fever a pd cpprorlNemoa: Petree rid FAX 24 HOURS: 1-303-574-9442 Tomart's Guide To Worldwide ‘Star Wars Collectibles: 2nd Edition ‘Tomertand Steve Sarawcetteumup ta giveyou the Stars Wars ollector's bible. Oot of print for arnost ‘wo years the lima price gud is back wth snoceters. mote pages nd mate coe phatas! ‘Cling tsa“ ust for Sta Ws ellectoxs isan staung the ebaicusGct yaurs now and see bat "yout collections worth HardeaverEsition row aie! This edition comes with A@eoler pages ‘with over 200 imagesaf unproducod Kenney Star Wrsitems never seen before, Every toy youre Ihoaed ruciors about ishere. Youwon’t Find this in stores Linlted annuus, available fist come, firstoerved, LEKIOL Suttcanee eK TI Haesover s2.95. sins. ~< R2-D2 Collectible Phone This ceca of M207 Bghtsap, stu Rs ead and takes authentic 42:03 sound offers when the hone rnge! Each ponele ECE approved wit pulke“ione Ieaties stchableringer, and racial function. Stancing enor @ the R202 pane makes3 fun caleciake git or ary Stor Par Fan LPHONEL $9595, ¥ Lucasfilm Promotional Postcard Sat THisset of full color posta was sues ata promatonalitem by Lucstln, aut now am ited eenount is beingmade svllable eclaivety "hath te Jam Tae Fae cod depicts trent an develaped foe Star Wars wearable products, including a grsst Anime-iye Star Wor ogo scene. The pedestal ad one you wating anywhere tlie, LPNS $295 Fach new Epic Force Rgure is appecximately 6 ral ‘vd comes ith a backgeoundand abase that has {all 360 degree ottion. These incesiby de ‘gues are meticulously painted aed lente faras poses fram the Sir Wats logy. Cols theen all LI04 pie Force Boba Fett i995 LANEID? EpicForce Darth Vader $19.85 LIDS Epic Force €-3PO S195, LAID] Epic Force Luke Skywalker $19.95 nt mais avai ona tet ite base by ‘Ausra Peza Huts in 1995, Ke choy are far sao inn U5, fo the fs ime, Thefour characters nce ere Darth a acer, Oveacen C-3PO, ame R20 ly ory aoe aon tis of thie A speci em exist anal eoul sll aut at any tame FHS comer sve, bcurz | $27.95 nugen 38 Jawa Trader 3 OPERATORS ARE STANDING BY el een) le ALE BEDDING & TOWELS Renee Cr errs Star Wars Bedding: |LMF32. Dark side Twin Sheot Sot $20.00 LHF33 Dork Side Full sheet Set 540.95 UNF2S Dark Side Fin Comforter 540.95 if37 bark sds Fullcmforter $59.95, UHFS4 Doth Side Twin GomforteriSe ‘with bette & shams $98.98 HFSS Dork Side FullGoonto test ‘with belie & shams < $1495 >» LiFat imperial Forces Twin Blanket $89.85, Liee2 imperial ForcasFurolankat 349.95 ‘Starwars Drapery: Put the finishing touches en your Sor Wars room with thersbeeutl drapes ram Ves paint Stewens Fits wins up Lo SOc ods nt nde LHF26 Vehicle Diagram Rod Pocket Brape reo 4495 LHF27 Vehicle Disgram Red Pocket Drop Bates" $3495 LHF2a Vehicle Diagram Re Volonce Beis" $1995 LNF29 Character Study lod Potket Drape Skat S4495 LMF20. characte Stud ld Porket Drape Batxar" $3495, LHF31 Character study od Valance BexIs' $1995) Not Shown, LHFA4 Character Study Twin Comforter Set $9035, LAFAS Character Study Fell Confort Sot States, LNFAa Vehicle Diagram Comforter Twin Sat ‘$93.05 LAF«7 — Vehiele Dlagram Comforter Full Set Siang LAFAa Character Study Shame Standard $1085 iF49 Vehicle Diagram Shamn-Stadare i085 Lites ark sido shame Standard 51985, HFS) Character Study Twin Bedskirt g2a35 Wwwrs2—horocter Study Full Beoskin S335 LMES2 Vehloe Blagram Twin Dedeket $2935 UKFSS VehickeDiagram Full dhe $435 LESS Dark Side Twin Bedskirt $2300 LHESé Dark Side Full Bedskirt S495, 4 Jawa Trader wusnern 36 BEDDING & TOWELS ve eee Pec CULL e tra VehiceDagram Comforts? © Comforters Twin LHP “g) Camalete your bed set with these hisuriaus $0°S0 polycetion blend cornfarters. 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Signed by Ralph McQuarrie & David Prowse oeh Itagenh sinned ancnumbared fan ecuar. Battle of Hoth fie and avid Prowse andeniy2.sanweavaiabe,titn Signed Art Print frmpheeach come withacreafssking 7omen im fare Limited Edition of Nati Hmfraros 8 ake is haneame prowctecrnes 1,500 ali aed (IZ bevel cut mate andblickenetal Baye Borman hascreated Wedge Antilles Signed yma andreicy i fargmitha push utton tack ight Sc sigealigieea Signed ArtPrintLimited Are Print Limited fare ome, KTES8 529908 onmeprenol te date Edition of 1,500 Edition of 1,500 ‘of Moth filed with wibrant | sonctenr cnr stcyoy Cave Dean nga yu Weds ‘els erentvaing fan favoniveDie Dorman shows tho grog Rabel nea, ern ew Princess Leia in her Boushh bounty 16° 22" ar pt, created wih, hunter out, soon in Renn efehe —orchivaluger ard baht ft Inks. Jechard Shodowsafibesmpve. —Eetyprint sara by Donan Princess Lotais prac on unity hime, LPP $45.00 chivallpaper wrth ight fst ns fet easites 16° 20 A a2 signed and nutes ty Berman, himeell UPd $43.00, ‘overined 2°x 14" ith 2 2 framing border, tis possilyone cf Borman’s reece Sear Wis piece imedlon quality archival paper with igh its All wesgred anda | ered by Derma his en Sa500 tt 6 Jawa Trader wunsecn 38 PEWTER & MORE —=—mueteded- gS E12 . eA GPO a ees ery { Imperial Emblem Ceramic Mug = Declare your allegiance tothe Ime rial forces on cofice = Ine nith his igh eal crorierng that neces ted Edition Darth Vader Watch: In@eial symbol frontispiece made from fine pewter, Fou ope che wot renee watchmakers commemo- —LMUGI2. $14.95 ‘ates te Sear Was saga wt this oil Darth Vader watch, Comes packagedin round cose vith imgeral lego pe'pin Baba Fett Eniblem Ceramie Mug and char cetscate of stent. 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This pin wl be Erste we 1,000 pees sg, Ped as ark ‘Our fist Princess Lows? aso LBHI9 Large Reb Alliance Looa $8.80 Lis is apron L9N35 taba ete Round! nsiania Pin $7.00, imately 1" acts [Unt Roba Fetes Insignia Pin 7.08 Siacen LPN33 Jabs TattooPin 36.00 finely ratte pewter, wes $7.00 Boba Fett >! 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