Earthquake Response of Linear MDOF Systems

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CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Adil Zekaria (Dr.-Ing.)

Addis Ababa University

Presentation outline

 Earthquake analysis of linear systems

 Basic Structural dynamics for MDOF systems
 Modal Analysis
 Modal response history analysis (RHA)
 Modal response spectrum analysis (RSA)
 Numerical examples
1. RSA and ESA for 3 story two shear frames
2. RHA and RSA for 5 story two shear frames

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 1

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems

Type of structure Method of Analysis

Regular (simple) structures
Equivalent static analysis

Response spectrum analysis

Response history analysis

Irreguar (complex) structures Nonlinear time history analysis

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Earthquake Analysis of Linear Systems (contd.)

 Equivalent static analysis (ESA) or (ELF)
 acceptable results for regular structures
 Dynamic analysis
 Response spectrum analysis (RSA) or (MRS)
 satisfactory for majority of the cases
 Response history analysis (RHA or THA)
 can be used to model linear & nonlinear behavior
depending on the nature of the site, size and sensitivity of
the structures
 Nonlinear THA (may include soil-structure interaction)
 only for special structures
Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 2

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Basic structural dynamics - MDOF

For a MDOF system
𝑚 𝑚 ... 𝑚 𝑢̈ 𝑐 𝑐 ... 𝑐 𝑢̇ 𝑘 𝑘 ... 𝑘 𝑢 𝑝
𝑚 𝑚 ... 𝑚 𝑢̈ 𝑐 𝑐 ... 𝑐 𝑢̇ 𝑘 𝑘 ... 𝑘 𝑢 𝑝
... ... ⋱ ... + ... ... ⋱ ... + ... = ...
... ... ... ... ⋱ ...
𝑚 𝑚 ... 𝑚 𝑢̈ 𝑐 𝑐 ... 𝑐 𝑢̇ 𝑘 𝑘 ... 𝑘 𝑢 𝑝

Writing the matrices compactly

[m]{ü (t)} + [c]{u̇ (t)} + [k]{u(t)} = {p(t)}

Let {u(t)} = [F]{q(t)}
{𝑢 (𝑡)} = {∅ }𝑞 (𝑡)
{𝑢 (𝑡)} = {∅ }(𝐴 cos 𝜔 𝑡 + 𝐵 sin 𝜔 𝑡)
Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Basic structural dynamics-MDOF (contd.)

 solving the differential equation

𝑘 −𝜔 𝑚   ∅ = 0

Matrix eigenvalue problem

 the non-trivial solution is obtained from:

det 𝑘 − 𝜔 𝑚 = 0

characteristic equation (polynomial of nth degree)

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 3

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Basic structural dynamics-MDOF (contd.)

 solving the real roots for the characteristic equation

 natural frequencies of vibration (eigenvlalues)
wn (n=1, 2, ..., N) e.g. w1 , w2 , w3 , …

natural periods: Tn = 2p/wn e.g. T1, T2, T3, ...

 natural mode shapes of vibration (eigenvectors)

Fn (n=1, 2, ..., N)
∅ ∅ ∅
∅ = ∅ , ∅ = ∅ , ∅ = ∅ ,
∅ ∅ ∅

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Modal Analysis
Modal transformation

[𝑚]{𝑢̈ (𝑡)} + [𝑐]{𝑢̇ (𝑡)} + [𝑘]{𝑢(𝑡)} = {𝑝(𝑡)}

Let {u(t)} = [ϕ]{q(t)}

[𝑚][Φ]{𝑞̈ (𝑡)} + [𝑐][Φ]{𝑞̇ (𝑡)} + [𝑘][Φ]{𝑞(𝑡)} = {𝑝(𝑡)}

Pre-multiplying all by [F]T

[Φ] [𝑚][Φ]{𝑞̈ (𝑡)} + [Φ] [𝑐][Φ]{𝑞̇ (𝑡)} + [Φ] [𝑘][Φ]{𝑞(𝑡)} = [Φ] {𝑝(𝑡)}

Let {p(t)} = -[m]{i}üg

[𝑀]{𝑞̈ (𝑡)} + [𝐶]{𝑞̇ (𝑡)} + [𝐾]{𝑞(𝑡)} = −[Φ] [𝑚]{𝑖}𝑢̈

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 4

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Modal Analysis (Cont’d)

Modal transformation

M q̈ C q̇ K q m
M q̈ + C q̇ + K q = − φ m ü (t)
M q̈ C q̇ K q m

For each Mode

M q̈ + C q̇ + K q = − 𝐿 ü (t) n = 1,2, . . , 𝑁

Where Lhn ={ϕn}T[m]{i}

Dividing by Mn yields q̈ n + 2ξ n ω n q̇ n + 𝜔 n q n = −Γ ü (t)

where Γ =
is the modal participation factor

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Modal Analysis (Contd.)

Interpretation of modal superposition

Modal expansion of displacement 𝑢(𝑡) = ∅ 𝑞 (𝑡)

u (t) q (t) ∅ ∅ ∅
u (t) = ∅ q (t) = ∅ q (t) + ∅ q (t) + ∅ q (t)
u (t) q (t) ∅ ∅ ∅

eigenmode 1 eigenmode 2 eigenmode 3

= q1(t ) + q2 (t ) + q3(t )

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 5

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Modal Analysis (contd.)

Modal Expansion of Inertia Force

 Modal expansion of {𝑝 (𝑡)} = −[𝑚]{𝑖}𝑢̈ (𝑡)

[𝑚]{𝑖} = {𝑆 } = Γ [𝑚]{∅ }

where 𝐿 {∅ } [𝑚]{𝑖} ∑𝑚 ∅
Γ = = =
𝑀 {∅ } [𝑚]{∅ } ∑ 𝑚 ∅

nth mode components

{𝑝 , (𝑡)} = −{𝑆 }𝑢̈ (𝑡)

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Modal Analysis (contd.)

Modal Expansion of Inertia Force

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Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 6

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Modal Response History Analysis (RHA)

 Modal Response quantity: rn(t) = rnstAn(t)
where rnst is modal static response due to Sn

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Effective modal mass and modal height

Base shear effective Base moment effective
modal mass, Mn* modal height, hn*
𝐿 ∑𝑚 ∅ 𝐿 ∑ℎ 𝑚 ∅
𝑀∗ = Γ 𝐿 = = ℎ∗ = =
𝑀 ∑𝑚 ∅ 𝐿 ∑𝑚 ∅

Note: SMn* = Smj and Shn*Mn* = Smj hj

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 7

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Modal Response History Analysis (RHA)

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Modal Response
history analysis

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 8

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Modal Response history analysis (contd.)

 Total response
 Combine the response of all modes
 u(t) = Sun(t) and r(t) = Srn(t)
r(t), u(t)

mode 1

r(t), u(t)
r(t), u(t)

mode 2 t

Total response
r(t), u(t)

mode n

Note that peak values can occur at different times
Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Modal Analysis
Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA)

 Instead of calculating the response r(t) as a

function of time in RHA, only peak values are
calculated in RSA.

 Modal peak values rno = rnstAno

where Ano = maxt|A(Tn, zn)| is the peak ordinate of the

design spectrum corresponding to natural period Tn &
damping ratio zn.

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 9

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Modal Response spectrum analysis (contd.)

 Modal combination rules (ABSSUM, SRSS & CQC)

 Absolute sum (ABSSUM) 𝑟 ≤ 𝑟

Upper bound result

 Square-root-of-sum-of-squares (SRSS) 𝑟 ≅ 𝑟

Good results for most structures with well separated natural frequencies

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Modal Response spectrum analysis (contd.)

 complete quadratic combination (CQC)

/ /

𝑟 ≅ 𝜌 𝑟 𝑟 ≅ 𝑟 + 𝜌 𝑟 𝑟

where correlation coefficient rin is

8𝜁 1 + 𝛽 𝛽 𝜔
𝜌 = 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛽 =
1−𝛽 + 4𝜁 𝛽 1+𝛽 𝜔

Good results even for structures with closely spaced natural frequencies
Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 10

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Correlation Coefficient Equations, ρin


Der Kiureghian

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Numerical example 1

Equivalent Linear Force analysis

Dynamic response spectrum analysis

as per ES EN1998-1:2015

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 11

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Examples of equivalent static analysis of 2 Frames

Frame 2
Frame 1
Irregular elevation
Regular elevation
Flexible columns
m=2000 kg m=200 kg

k=7.3 MN/m k=73.0 kN/m

3m 3m
m=2000 kg m=2000 kg

3m k=7.3 MN/m 3m k=73.0 kN/m

m=2000 kg m=2000 kg

4m k=7.3 MN/m 4m k=73.0 kN/m

Üg(t) Üg(t)

The structures are subjected to a g(t) = 0.3g bedrock acceleration, ground type A
Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

ES EN 1998-1:2015 (Design Spectrum)

• where the behavior factor q varies between 1.5 to 6

Addis Ababa University, AAiT. SCEE 24

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 12

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Design spectrum coefficients: ES EN 1998:2015

• High and moderate seismicity region Ms > 5.5
Design spectrum Type 1

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

ES EN 1998-1:2015

• Elastic response spectra for 5% damping for Type 1

Addis Ababa University, AAiT. SCEE 26

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 13

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Equivalent static analysis as per ES EN 1998:2015

 Design spectrum coefficients
 Fundamental period: T1 = Ct H3/4
T1= 0.075*(10)3/4 = 0.422 sec
 ag = 0.3*9.81 = 2.943 m/s2
 q=1 assume the behavior factor to be 1 (elastic RS)
 For ground type A, S = 1.0, Tc = 0.4
𝟐.𝟓 𝑻𝑪
= 𝒂𝒈 𝑺
 TC≤T≤TD 𝑺𝒅 𝑻 𝒒 𝑻
≥ 𝜷𝒂𝒈

. .
 𝑆 = 2.943 ∗ 1.0 ∗ = 6.974 m/s2
. .

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Equivalent static analysis as per ES EN 1998:2015

 Total Base shear Fb = Sd(T1).m.l

 Fb = 41.84 kN for frame 1 since m = 6000 kg,
 Fb = 29.29 kN for frame 2 since m = 4200 kg,

 Distribution of lateral force 𝐹 = 𝐹 𝑧 𝑚

∑𝑧 𝑚
19.92kN 2.44kN

13.95kN 17.09kN

7.97kN 9.76kN

Frame 1 Frame 2
Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 14

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Examples of dynamic analysis:

Frame 2
Frame 1 Irregular elevation
Regular elevation Flexible frame

m=2000 kg m=200 kg

k=7.3 MN/m k=73.0 kN/m

3m 3m
m=2000 kg m=2000 kg

3m k=7.3 MN/m 3m k=73.0 kN/m

m=2000 kg m=2000 kg

4m k=7.3 MN/m 4m k=73.0 kN/m

Üg(t) Üg(t)

The structures are subjected to a g(t) = 0.3g bedrock acceleration, ground type A
Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Solution of the eigenvalue problem for frame 1

1 0 0 2 −1 0 where m = 2000kg
[𝑚] = 𝑚 0 1 0 [𝑘] = 𝑘 −1 2 −1
0 0 1 0 −1 1 k = 7.3MN/m

2𝑘 − 𝜔 𝑚 −𝑘 0
det [𝑘] − 𝜔 [𝑚] = det −𝑘 2𝑘 − 𝜔 𝑚 −𝑘 =0
0 −𝑘 𝑘−𝜔 𝑚

The characteristic equation after simplification

𝜔 = 0.445 𝑘⁄𝑚
𝑘 − 6𝑚𝑘 𝜔 + 5𝑚 𝑘𝜔 − 𝑚 𝜔 = 0 𝜔 = 1.247 𝑘⁄𝑚
𝜔 = 1.802 𝑘⁄𝑚

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 15

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Natural frequency/period and mode shapes:

Frame 1
mode 1 mode 2 mode 3
F1 F2 F3
1.000 1.000 1.000

0.802 -0.555 -2.247

0.445 -1.247 1.802

w1=26.88rad/s w2=75.34rad/s w3=108.86rad/s

T1=0.234sec T2=0.083sec T3=0.058sec

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Modal periods and acceleration

Frame 1

 From ES EN 1998-1:2015 design spectrum

 Mode 1: T1=0.234 sec

 𝐴 = 2.943 ∗ 1.0 ∗ = 7.3575 𝑚/𝑠

 Mode 2: T2=0.083 sec

. .
 𝐴 = 2.943 ∗ 1.0 + − = 4.9475 𝑚/𝑠
. .

 Mode 3: T3=0.058 sec

. .
 𝐴 = 2.943 ∗ 1.0 + − = 4.048 𝑚/𝑠
. .

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 16

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Modal mass distribution vectors:

Frame 1
{Sn} = Gn [m] {Fn}
mode 1 mode 2 mode 3
S1 S2 S3
1m 1.220m -0.280m 0.060m

1m 0.979m 0.155m -0.134m

1m 0.543m 0.349m 0.108m

G1=1.22 G2=-0.28 G3=0.06

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Equivalent modal forces: Frame 1

Regular Elevation
{Fn} = {Sn}An
mode 1 mode 2 mode 3
F1 F2 F3
17.95kN -2.77kN 0.49kN

14.41kN 1.53kN -1.08kN

7.99kN 3.45kN 0.87kN

A1=7.3575 A2=4.9475 A3=4.048

modal base shear= 40.35kN 2.21kN 0.28kN

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 17

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Equivalent static lateral forces from all modes:

Frame 1

18.17kN 19.92kN

14.53kN 13.95kN

8.74kN 7.97kN

Fb = 41.44 kN Fb = 41.84 kN
Mb = 318.37 kNm Mb = 328.73 kNm
Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

spectrum analysis result using SAP
2(9.14) = 18.28
static forces
32.38-18.28 =14.10kN

2(16.19) = 32.38

40.32-32.38 = 7.94kN

2(20.16) = 40.32

Shear force diagram from SAP 2000 response spectrum analysis for
frame 1 Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 18

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Solution of the eigenvalue problem for frame 2

10 0 0 2 −1 0 where m = 200kg
[𝑚] = 𝑚 0 10 0 [𝑘] = 𝑘 −1 2 −1
0 0 1 0 −1 1 k = 73kN/m

2𝑘 − 𝜔 10𝑚 −𝑘 0
det [𝑘] − 𝜔 [𝑚] = det −𝑘 2𝑘 − 𝜔 10𝑚 −𝑘 =0
0 −𝑘 𝑘−𝜔 𝑚

The characteristic equation after simplification

𝜔 = 0.1884 𝑘⁄𝑚
𝑘 − 33𝑚𝑘 𝜔 + 140𝑚 𝑘𝜔 − 100𝑚 𝜔 = 0 𝜔 = 0.5034 𝑘⁄𝑚
𝜔 = 1.0541 𝑘⁄𝑚

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Natural frequency and mode shapes

Irregular elevation
mode 1 mode 2 mode 3

F1 F2 F3
1.000 1.000 1.000

0.964 0.747 -0.111

0.586 -1.398 0.012

w1=3.60rad/s w2=9.62rad/s w3=20.14rad/s

T1=1.75sec T2=0.65sec T3=0.31sec

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 19

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Modal periods and acceleration

Frame 2

 From ES EN 1998-1:2015 design spectrum

 Mode 1: T1=1.745 sec

. .
 𝐴 = 2.943 ∗ 1.0 ∗ ∗ = 1.687 𝑚/𝑠
. .

 Mode 2: T2=0.6533 sec

. .
 𝐴 = 2.943 ∗ 1.0 ∗ ∗ = 4.5048 𝑚/𝑠
. .

 Mode 3: T3=0.312 sec

 𝐴 = 2.943 ∗ 1.0 ∗ = 7.3575 𝑚/𝑠

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Modal mass distribution vectors:

Irregular elevation
{Sn} = Gn [m] {Fn}
mode 1 mode 2 mode 3
S1 S2 S3
1m 1.20m -0.21m 0.01m

10m 11.59m -1.58m -0.01m

10m 7.04m 2.95m 0.001m

G1=1.20 G2=-0.21 G3=0.01

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 20

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Equivalent modal forces: Frame 2

Irregular elevation
{Fn} = {Sn}An
mode 1 mode 2 mode 3
F1 F2 F3
0.40kN -0.19kN 0.014kN

3.91kN -1.42kN -0.016kN

2.38kN 2.66kN 0.001kN

A1=1.687 A2=4.5048 A3=7.3575

modal base shear= 6.6kN 1.05kN 0.001kN

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Equivalent static lateral forces from all modes:

Irregular elevation


0.44 kN 2.44 kN

4.16 kN 17.09 kN

3.57 kN 9.76 kN

Fb = 8.17 kN Fb = 29.29 kN

Mb = 47.80 kNm Mb = 183.07 kNm

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 21

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

Numerical example 2

Response History Analysis

Response spectrum analysis

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

RHA for 5 story shear frame

mj = m = 45 Mg

kj = k = 54.82 kN/cm

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Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 22

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

RHA for 5 story shear frame

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

RHA for 5 story shear frame

{Sn} = Gn [m] {Fn}

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Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 23

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

RHA for 5 story shear frame

Effective modal masses and effective modal heights

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

RHA for 5 story shear frame

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 24

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

RHA for 5 story shear frame

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

RHA for 5 story shear frame

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 25

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

RSA for 5 story shear frame

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

RSA for 5 story shear frame

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 26

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

5 Story frame RSA & RHA

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

RHA vs RSA: one ground motion

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Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 27

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

RHA vs RSA: 20 ground motions

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

RHA for 4 story frame with appendage

mj = m = 45 Mg

kj = k = 54.82 kN/cm

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CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

RHA for 4 story frame with appendage

Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

RHA for 4 story frame with appendage

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Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 29

CEng 6506 Earthquake Engineering Lecture Notes

4 Story frame with an appendage RSA


Addis Ababa University (Adil Z.)

Refer Chopra’s Dynamics of Structures

book, Chapter 13 for the details

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Dr. Adil Zekaria (AAiT) 30

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