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Activating a Pop Up from a Boolean Variable

1. Select the HMI that you wish to display the Pop Up window and create the Pop Up in the screen
management window

2. Add the variable you wish to use to activate the screen. This can be in either a global DB or a tag
table. When the script is written for the activation, a HMI tag will be created.

3. Select the scripts menu and double click Add new VB function, a new script will pop up. In the
picture it is labelled VBFunction_1. You can rename the script to reflect the function but the
new name cannot have spaces in it. Under score must be used if you want to space out the

4. Double click on the script and this will open the script window. Write the script in the picture
below using whatever tag was created.

5. Clicking the symbol will open the project tree and will allow you to select the tag. There is
no need to type Simply selecting the
correct tag will automatically write the tag script.
Activating a Pop Up from a Boolean Variable
6. To write the next part of the script:

Go to the right hand side of the screen and look at the function list. To activate the pop up fill
the information in as pictured. Coordinates of the screen can be adjusted for wherever you
want the screen to appear.

Once all the fields are selected, ensure you have a flashing cursor in the script area where you
want the text and then press apply. TIA will write that part of the script for you.

7. Write the second part as shown above ensuring that the display mode is set to off for the
second one.
8. Go to the HMI tag table. Find the tag you created and right click on the HMI tag. Select
Properties and the following will appear.

Select Settings
Activating a Pop Up from a Boolean Variable

Set Acquisition mode and cycle as shown.

Then Select Events. In the drop down menu scroll to the bottom and select the VB Function that
you created earlier

Exit menu.

Compile and download to HMI and PLC then test.

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