Quest 7 Text

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Within a mountain fifteen miles south stands the ancient

dwarven fortress of Axeholm, which has been sealed for years.
If a dragon attack is imminent, the people of Phandalin
might need to evacuate and take refuge in Axeholm. To that
end, someone needs to open the fortress and make it safe for
habitation. Once you accomplish these tasks, return to
Townmaster’s Hall to collect a reward of 250 gp.

Within a mountain fifteen miles south stands the ancient
dwarven fortress of Axeholm, which has been sealed for years.
If a dragon attack is imminent, the people of Phandalin
might need to evacuate and take refuge in Axeholm. To that
end, someone needs to open the fortress and make it safe for
habitation. Once you accomplish these tasks, return to
Townmaster’s Hall to collect a reward of 250 gp.

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