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The J5WB Blue Sea Family Trust

Declaration of Trust

I. Trust Name

This trust shall be known as The Financial Planning Living Trust. It is a REVOCABLE trust created on
January 1, 2019.

[This simply identifies the name of the trust and the date it was established. This name and date combination
assist with identification and will need to always be accurate as you add assets into the trust. It also clearly
defines this trust as revocable by you.]

II. Trust Property

A) Property Placed in Trust

[YOUR NAME], called the grantor or trustee, declares that he has set aside and holds in The J5WB Blue Sea
Family Living Trust all of his interest in that property described in the attached Schedule A. The trust
property shall be used for the benefit of the trust beneficiaries and shall be administered and distributed by
the trustee in accordance with this Declaration of Trust.

[This identifies you as the grantor and trustee. This gives you the power to manage the trust.]

(B) Additional or After-Acquired Property

The grantor may add property to the trust at any time.

[This allows you to place any future assets into the trust.

III. Reserved Powers of Grantor

(A) Amendment or Revocation

The grantor reserves the power to amend or revoke this trust at any time during his lifetime, without notifying
any beneficiary.

[This allows you to change or completely terminate the trust at any time.]

(B) Rights to Trust Property

Until the death of the grantor, all rights to all income, profits, and control of the trust property shall be retained
by the grantor.

[This ensures you have the right to do anything you like with the trust until you die.]

(C) Homestead Rights

If the Grantor's principal residence is held in this trust, Grantor has the right to possess and occupy it for life,
rent-free and without charge, except for taxes, insurance, maintenance, and related costs and expenses.
This right is intended to give Grantor a beneficial interest in the property and to ensure that Grantor does
not lose eligibility for a state homestead tax exemption for which Grantor otherwise qualifies.

[If you decide to title a home in the living trust, this ensures you have the right to live in the home.]
(D) Grantor's Death

After the death of the grantor, this trust becomes irrevocable. It may not be altered or amended in any
respect, and may not be terminated except through distributions permitted by this Declaration of Trust.

[Living trusts are locked in when the grantor dies. This ensures your desires upon death are met.]

IV. Trustees

(A) Original Trustee

The trustee of The Financial Planning Living Trust shall be [YOUR NAME] of YOUR CITY], [YOUR

[This identifies you as the trustee of the trust. These details are private because this trust is never filed publicly.
During the next trust option, you will learn how to assign another trustee.]

(B) Successor Trustee

Upon the death of the trustee, or his incapacity, the successor trustee shall be [NAME] of [CITY], [COUNTY],
[STATE], Date of Birth [DOB], SSN [SSN. If he is deceased or unable to serve or continue serving as
successor trustee, the successor trustee shall be [NAME] of [CITY], [COUNTY], [STATE], Date of Birth

[This identifies the person you wish to administer the trust upon your death. The second name is the backup if
your first choice is also deceased. These should be people who you are confident will honor the rules of the trust.]

(C) Trustee's Responsibility

The trustee in office shall serve as trustee of all trusts created under this Declaration of Trust.

[This declares the power issued to you as trustee of your own living trust.]

(D) Terminology

In this Declaration of Trust, the term "trustee" includes any successor trustee or successor trustees.

[This defines terminology for the trust to apply to your successor trustee in the case of your death.]

(E) Bond Waived

No bond shall be required of any trustee.

[Legal speak to state that a bond or insurance is not required.]

(F) Compensation

No trustee shall receive any compensation for serving as trustee.

[This declares that trustees are not paid for services.]

(G) Liability of Trustee

With respect to the exercise or non-exercise of discretionary powers granted by this Declaration of Trust,
the trustee shall not be liable for actions taken in good faith.
[This protects the trustee.]

V. Beneficiaries

Upon the death of the grantor, the property of The J5WB Blue Sea Family Trust shall be distributed to the
beneficiaries named in this section.

[This is where you declare the people who should receive your assets when you die.]

(A) Primary Beneficiary

[NAME] shall be given all [YOUR NAME]’s interest in the property listed on Schedule A. If [NAME] does not
survive the grantor by thirty (30) days, that property shall be given to the alternative beneficiaries.

[This allows you to give all your assets within the trust to a single person, such as a spouse.]

(B) Alternative Beneficiary

The following property shall be given to the identified alternative beneficiaries ONLY if [NAME] does not
survive the grantor by thirty (30 days).

[This allows you to specify the people that should receive your assets when you die if the primary beneficiary has
also deceased. The following is one example.]

The grantor's children, [NAME], [NAME], [NAME], and [NAME], shall be given all financial accounts and
assets listed in Schedule A in the following shares:

25% to [NAME]
25% to [NAME]
25% to [NAME]
25% to [NAME]

If any alternative beneficiaries do not survive the grantor by thirty (30) days, those shares shall go to the
remaining alternative beneficiaries, in equal shares.

[This specifies that the remaining people alive receive equal shares of the trust if an alternative beneficiary has

(C) Residuary Beneficiary

The residuary beneficiary of the trust shall be [NAME]. If [NAME] does not survive the grantor by thirty (30)
days, any and all property shall be given to the alternative beneficiaries in the shares specified in Section V
Paragraph (B).

[This is a "catch-all" that specifies any leftover assets go to a single person.]

VI. Distribution of Trust Property Upon Death of Grantor

Upon the death of the grantor, the trustee shall distribute the trust property outright to the beneficiaries
named in Section V, Paragraphs (A), (B) and (C).

[This instructs the trustee to distribute the assets as you outlined.]

VII. Trustee's Powers and Duties

(A) Powers Under State Law

To carry out the provisions of The J5WB Blue Sea Family Trust, the trustee shall have all authority and
powers allowed or conferred on a trustee under [STATE] law, subject to the trustee's fiduciary duty to the
grantor and the beneficiaries.

This identifies the state laws that should be used when identifying the powers of the trust. This is usually your
state of residence or domicile.]

(B) Specified Powers

The trustee's powers include, but are not limited to:

1. The power to sell trust property, and to borrow money and to encumber that property, specifically including
trust real estate, by mortgage, deed of trust, or other method.
2. The power to manage trust real estate as if the trustee were the absolute owner of it, including the power
to lease (even if the lease term may extend beyond the period of any trust) or grant options to lease the
property, to make repairs or alterations, and to insure against loss.
3. The power to sell or grant options for the sale or exchange of any trust property, including stocks, bonds,
debentures, and any other form of security or security account, at public or private sale for cash or on credit.
4. The power to invest trust property in property of any kind, including but not limited to bonds, debentures,
notes, mortgages, stocks, stock options, stock futures, and buying on margin.
5. The power to receive additional property from any source and add to any trust created by this Declaration
of Trust.
6. The power to employ and pay reasonable fees to accountants, lawyers, or investment experts for
information or advice relating to the trust.
7. The power to deposit and hold trust funds in both interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing accounts.
8. The power to deposit funds in bank or other accounts uninsured by FDIC coverage.
9. The power to enter electronic fund transfer or safe deposit arrangements with financial institutions.
10. The power to continue any business of the grantor.
11. The power to institute or defend legal actions concerning the trust or grantor's affairs.
12. The power to diversify investments, including authority to decide that some or all of the trust property
need not produce income.

[This section specifies the powers granted to the trustee and allows the trustee to execute any requirements.]

(C) Payment by Trustee of the Grantor's Debts and Taxes

The grantor's debts and death taxes shall be paid by the trustee however he deems appropriate.

[This allows the trustee to pay off your debt and taxes from the trust if desired.]

VIII. General Administrative Provisions

(A) Controlling Law

The validity of The J5WB Blue Sea Family Trust shall be governed by the laws of [STATE], under the united
states of America (see page 95 of 2016 GPO Style Manual).

(B) Severability
If any provision of this Declaration of Trust is ruled unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless
remain in effect.

(C) Amendments

The term "Declaration of Trust" includes any provisions added by amendments.

(D) Accountings

No accountings or reports shall be required of the trustee

[These are a few final formalities that finish the trust's legal requirements.]

Certification by Grantor

I certify that I have read this Declaration of Trust for The J5WB Blue Sea Family Trust, created
________________, and that it correctly states the terms and conditions under which the trust property is to be held,
managed, and disposed of by the trustee, and I approve the Declaration of Trust.

Dated: ___________________
Grantor and Trustee - YOUR NAME]

[This is your signature attesting the creation of this trust. This document should be notarized. I prefer to keep
this page separate from the rest of the trust in case an entity requires a page with your signature on file.]

Schedule A

All the grantor's interest in the following property:


[This would include any assets or properties that you obtain in the name of the trust. You can also include
physical items, such as collectibles, but cannot include cash.]

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