Good Attitudes To Practice For The UAP Movement and Life in General

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Good Attitudes to Practice for the UAP Movement/Life in General Part 1 by Lucus Louize

(Part 2 is coming out in a few days)

I personally know the Alliance are involved with the UAP movement and it is private for
how I know the Alliance brothers are involved in the UAP movement which needless to
say I will never reveal.

However anyone can see the Alliance work behind the scenes as brother Bob says “The
only inklings we have of what's going on are those that we find "between the lines" in
the news of the day. The AWARE person can see the forces of Light and Darkness at war
on this planet. It's not a conflict that will be soon resolved. It may take decades to fully
expunge the Omegans, but the Alliance has made that commitment and it will not back
down.” (Please ‘An Overview of The Omegan Situation 2/25/1986 from the TerraKor
Files site)

Good attitudes to practice within the UAP Movement and Life in General:

A: Gratitude: An uncover Confederation operative who I believe is an undercover

Confederation master here on Earth recommended to myself and others to be grateful.

B: Humbleness: The Alliance (and Confederation) in general have the attitude of

humbleness. A space brother and good friend has been a good example of humbleness
which I am always impressed by.

C: Meekness: My undercover Confederation friend has led by example through the

attitude of meekness. (Mathew 11:29)

D: Patience: Brother Bob has stated “One thing we need to dispense with is the
"microwave mentality" that expects instant results. Hollywood has conditioned us to
expect miracles in a short time. The real world isn't so obliging. What takes two
hours on the big screen might require 30 or 40 or 50 years in the real world. The
Alliance is in it for the long haul. We can't expect a new world by tomorrow noon” .
(Please see: Overview of the Omegan Situation: Section 3: Internet Bulletin Board
Messages 2/2/2005 from the TerraKor Files site) We are at the start of things. For
example congressional hearings have only just begun and there is much to look forward

E: Politics is Secondary: Whether someone is conservative or liberal it does not matter

since the subject of UAP concerns all of Earth humanity regardless of politics.
(Personally I am a libertarian socialist market anarchist like Benjamin Tucker. Tucker’s
libertarian socialist market anarchist government is very similar to the Universal
Economics system of the Alliance. Elder Master KALEN-LI RETAN stated “We live, for the
most part, a quiet, peaceful life, with almost an anarchist government.” Please see A
Trip To The Moon Part 1 3-4 Dec 1966 Part 3 from the TerraKor files site and also please
see the article Universal Economics by brother Arkay in his excellent Arkay Files Index of
ArKay communications, Series Three from the excellent Terrakor Files site.) However
with that said, at this time the Alliance program is to support all others who are credible
in the UAP movement regardless of their political belief. 

F: The Mark 11:25-26 Method for Targeted Individuals:

“And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so
that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” Mark 11:25-26.

People who are gangstalked or harassed by the undercover Omegans can defeat the
Omegan harassment system by making it counter productive to the Omegans and to the
targeted individual’s benefit. This can be done by whenever a person is harassed by
gangstalking or electronic harassment use Mark 11:25-26 which is to forgive then pray
for what you want. When you forgive you neutralize the Omegan attempts at
manipulating your emotions and also gain spiritually because your karma is cleaned
since you used the Omegans to have clean karma by forgiving them, and then pray for
the Confederation and Alliance to be successful. Don’t think or visualize the
prayer/forgiveness simply use your intent. If the harassment is subtle and are unsure if
it is harassment or not forgive the Omegans for putting you in a situation where you
have to second guess then as usual pray for the Confederation and Alliance to be

Science has shown prayer really has an effect:

W.S. Harris et al. ‘A randomized, controlled trial of the effects of remote, intercessory
prayer on outcomes in patients admitted to the coronary care unit.’ Arch Intern Med.

How to potentially be in contact with Real Undercover confederation Operatives:

Undercover Omegan’s indirectly admitted on three different occasions the Mark 11:25-
26 Method works against their harassment system. When everything your enemy does
is to your benefit you win even if you don’t kill them. By turning everything the
Omegans do against them and to your benefit it forces Omegans to create Value that is
transformed into unintentional Service to your benefit and leads to what I call the
Tendency of the Rate of the Omegans to Fail (TROF) because the more they harass the
worse it gets for them and the more you and the Confederation and Alliance benefit. 

The Space Friends of Adamski ect [Federation] Do NOT come from Venus. It was
memory manipulation by the evil Omegans. See Bob Renaud's Spurious Contacts Files
on the TerraKor website. The Federation is a different group from the Alliance.

1. As recommended by the Confederation and Alliance, follow the 4 Christian gospels

and believe Jesus is God.

2. Have true intentions of teaching the laws of God and pray for federation assistance in
life and their registering discs will read your thoughts and they may help behind the
scenes or by sending an undercover agent. They are physical people that radiate
universal love energy. They never 'channel'. They never share secret intel with us. They
will use a soul transfer machine so you can incarnate into their worlds with your
memory and personal intact. Be careful of undercover Omegan operatives pretending to
be Confederation or Alliance operatives. 

For more information about the real Confederation and Alliance and the war on Earth
with the Omegans in more depth please see the excellent website the TerraKor Files by
brother Bob: (Permission to share the link to the site by brother Bob given in 4-2018 on
the closed TerraKor Files message board)
For my article on the Alliance/Confederation Mathew 23:23 system please see: ‘The
Mathew 23:23 System in More Detail’

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