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This worn 1917 Canadian dime came

Author Clive James Clynick tests the Racer 2 at a sports seating area. from a heavily hunted site long since
given up on. The Racer 2’s fast
response speed allowed the author to
pick it out of the dense iron junk.

machine’s extreme depth and 14

kHz gold sensitivity on the
beach to go in behind other
The Makro hunters and find some nice jew-
elry— even long past the sea-
son’s end.
In the course of writing the
Detector Racer 2
Racer review, I traded notes
By Clive James Clynick with several seasoned hunters,
When I was asked to review Some of the best treasure one of whom manufactured
the Makro Racer last year, I hunting advice I’ve ever gotten machines and had tried just
wasn’t at all ready for the per- was to begin by knowing where about every major detector
formance of this detector. For a some treasure is— then work at released in the last 30 years. He
machine that runs on four AA recovering it. I knew lots of was also very impressed with
cells it has a surprising amount iron-infested places that have the Racer. As I began to moni-
of power and depth. As soon as yielded old silver in the past but tor the forums, gather informa-
I heard its clean, sharp audio were just not worth that “one tion, and see the results people
and began to air test the more try” anymore. With the were getting with this machine,
machine, it became clear that Racer I was able to go into those my review soon became a book:
this detector had a lot of poten- locations and bring up quite a Mastering the Makro Racer
tial. As I began to use the Racer few more great silver finds. (2015).
in-ground, I saw that it also had Basically, I started finding silver One common theme
great gold sensitivity and per- coins again— at the same emerged in customer feedback
formed extremely well in iron. places! I also used this about the Makro Detector com-
38 OCTOBER 2016
pany. They had a great reputa-
tion for responding to customer
concerns and making the needed
changes to their products right
Now, in my opinion, this is a
great way to think, in that the
field experience of product
users is a great resource for
research and development.
Makro has chosen to make good
use of this information— the
“wish lists” of dozens of sea-
soned hunters— to refine the
Racer into a new version... the
Racer 2.
While it’s generally agreed
that the Racer itself is a great
and innovative detector, there
are some major improvements
on the Racer 2. I’ve seen all
kinds of “reboxed” machines in
my day— add a sticker, come
up with a sharp-sounding bit of
“techno-jargon,” and market the
machine as all-new. This
machine is the opposite: the
original Racer’s strongest, most
effective features have been
made even better in the Racer 2.
The result is a highly practical
new detector that has added dis-
crimination features to especial-
ly help the novice, and some
nice high performance touches
for the seasoned treasure hunt-
ing enthusiast.

About The Platform

Both Racers feature a great
interface that lets you cross-
check signals in several modes I also like detectors that called the iSAT or Self
very quickly. The display itself
have more sensitivity than you Adjusting Threshold control.
gives you all the machine’s
can use. With the Racer 2, This allows a smoother thresh-
information at a glance, includ-
ing modes, settings, target ID, though, there are new All-Metal old when searching tough beach
and ground conditions. The features aimed at giving the ground, such as black sand or
Racer’s 14 kHz operating fre- machine more stability in areas where there are changing
quency is extremely sensitive to sand— allowing you to run it moisture levels. The threshold
gold or lead. Testing this “hot” in this great beach search of this mode also adjusts to
machine at the bench, I found mode— and use more of the allow you to make the most of
that it was the low conductor available sensitivity. The speed this sensitivity, to hear small and
targets that responded best— at which the machine retunes deep targets. You also see a dig-
even better than silver. can also be adjusted. This is ital target ID number displayed
fast processing and Tone ID
modes bring up deep silver
that’s mixed in with iron really
well. All of a sudden, my worst
sites were now my best, and I
was traveling only blocks to
hunt. Now, with the Racer 2, a
new “Iron Audio” feature lets
you modulate the noise of iron.
This can give more distinction
to good responses, or at higher
settings allow you to better hear
what’s in close to the iron.
Since many relic hunters were
experimenting with ways to
either mute or hear more iron
(and thus more targets), this new
Racer 2 feature is definitely a
big help for those who special-
ize in finding relics and deep
coins at old sites.
Makro Detector has also
added a special “Deep” mode to
the Racer 2. This mode has a
slowed response and is aimed at
going deeper in open ground. I
The Racer 2’s screen not only provides a lot of valuable target ID information, was very excited to try this
but also allows fast mode changes and adjustments. search mode at the beach and
as you search in All-Metal In my experience, this is where see how deep it actually was.
mode. most gold is to be found— with- In my book, one thing that I
As well, I’ve seen several in 10' of the shoreline. tried to teach hunters to do was
demos showing just how stable What really got everyone to learn some solid detecting
the Racer 2 is with salt waves talking when the original Racer basics so they could handle the
running over the coil—a great extreme high-gain power of the
came out was its performance in
Racer. These skills include
edge or “wet sanding” machine. iron. The machine’s lightning-
checking targets in Pinpoint or
All-Metal mode to see if they
are wide (iron) or narrow (non-
ferrous), and to use the cross-
sweep to check signal consisten-
cy, size, and shape— basically,
to look for “sets” of target char-
acteristics. With the Racer 2,
new discriminate features have
been added to help you zero in
on the type of targets you are

Let’s Look At These:

1. The New Notch Filter
Notch Filter lets you block
out any of the unit’s 99 conduc-
A variety of finds from hunts with the Racer 2 at iron-infested sites. tive scale increments. This can
40 OCTOBER 2016
be used to knock out undesirable the 70’s it was more likely to be
responses altogether (for tabs copper. However, in wet ground
this is from about “29” to “45”), or where there was electrical
or just to mute them by rejecting interference, it was very hard to
Become A Dealer!
each one’s central numbers. tell what was what. With
You then listen for those signals adjustable Tone Break, these
that have “extension” in the lower responses can be identi-
sound. These ring or “anomaly” fied by ear.
programs are a great way to I’ve always favored this
knock out aluminum junk but type of tone ID machine for the
not block out too much in the orderly, conclusive responses
5-Year Warranty

gold range. In my initial tests, I they give in old or trash-strewn

! ! !

was able to get rid of about 90% sites. The Racer 2 also has
of the small oval tabs (they’re clean, sharp audio to begin with.
% # $ %
everywhere on my beach) just When you add Notch Filtering
"! "
by rejecting two digits: 31 and and adjustable Tone Breaks, it
32. This helped me to focus on makes for a much more accurate
the good signals. The next ver- park and inland site machine.
sion of this program will target These are both very quick and
Find or Become A Dealer

zinc cents and some ring-pulls simple to use. What you have is
Call Toll Free Today!

as well. I’ve always been cau- a detector with pro-level, high-


tious of using notch programs, gain power but enough discrim-


but with the Racer 2’s speed the inate features so that a novice

problem of missing targets you can manage it without digging

Local: 508.460.6244

want to find is eliminated. an overwhelming amount of

Fax: 508.460.0247

2. The New Tone Break trash. I also noticed that a prob-

Change Feature lem on the original Racer that
USA: 800.446.0244
Even with preset Tone ID made a lot of targets funnel into
CAN: 888.627.5295
breaks the Racer was a the 82 ID number has been
formidable machine in iron. solved on the Racer 2. As well, the kind of responses you are
When you heard a high tone, because each of the discrimina- after, you can save it. If you
you knew to take a look at the tion modes keeps its settings, want to restore the factory set-
ID display to see if the signal you can cross-check targets with tings and start fresh, there’s also
was a coin or possibly silver. different Notch, Tone Break, a reset feature.
Mid tones could be gold. Now, and Sensitivity settings with a
with the adjustable Tone Break single button press. For the sea- Racer 2 At The Beach
feature you have a way to con- soned hunter, this new target ID Since I already have a Racer,
trol exactly where these tones menu gives you a larger set of I knew that the Racer 2 would
change on the conductive scale. tools to work with, translating be a superb beach machine. I
With Three Tone mode, for into greater precision and better immediately noticed that the
example, you can have a mid- time usage in the field. It also two normal search modes, Two
tone that’s above most foils and lends itself to a lot more custom Tone and Three Tone, had a
a high tone that comes in up worksite or target-specific faster, crisper sound to them
where many silver coins come applications. For me, just hav- than with the old Racer. In-
in— around 81 or 82, or slightly ing a high-sensitivity machine ground, the machine seemed
higher— while for the most part that can bracket the gold jewelry livelier as well. As mentioned,
knocking out modern pennies. range at prime shoreline spots is in my hunting area the parks and
While some trial and practice is a huge deal. Overall, the two the beaches are littered with
needed to do this effectively, the new discriminate features have small oval tabs, so I took a
potential is very exciting. With added more accuracy to the minute to use the Notch Filter to
the original Racer, I relied on Racer 2— a huge plus. Another knock these out by rejecting
watching the display to see addition on the Racer 2 is that numbers 31 and 32. I then test-
where the bottom of a coin tar- once you have a set-up for a par- ed several and they now sound-
get came in. If it was down in ticular site that targets exactly ed clipped— not at all diggable
signals anymore. The 14 kHz
operating frequency was also
great: the machine hit low con-
ductors really well and at good
depths. I especially wanted to
try the new All Metal features
(iSAT, which lets you adjust the
machine’s retuning speed) and
Deep Mode.
I began with the Deep
Mode. The first thing I noticed
was that the audio sounded
completely different— more
relaxed and smooth. The manu-
al told me to slow my sweep
speed when using Deep Mode,
and by doing this I began to hear
targets at sections of beach that
had been heavily worked all last
season and now into early
spring. Although it took some
getting used to slowing down
my sweep so as to hear targets,
the machine was going deeper.
Quite a few green coppers
and several deep quarters came
up while I was using this mode.
Deep Mode was also handy as a
The RC13 DD 5'' coil combines well with the Racer 2’s tone ID features to bring “checker” for signals that
up silver signals in iron-infested sites. wouldn’t ID in the other dis-
criminate modes.
Next I wanted to try the
Racer 2’s All Metal mode. The
iSAT control was preset to 8,
and at this setting the machine
was very stable. I was able to
run the Gain setting at the preset
70 and even higher— to 80.
I also did a few more exper-
iments with All Metal mode,
running the iSAT down lower,
and could hear that the Racer 2
was now really “opened up” and
going really deep on responses.
Lowering the threshold allowed
me to balance any fluctuation
this caused and get more distinct
sounds from the signals I was
hearing. Even in tough
gray/black sand I could tell that
the potential was there to run
even higher Gain levels, and
The RC40 15.5'' x 13'' coil for the Racer 2 has impressive depth and great cov- still have stable operation and
erage. good, distinct sounds on deep
42 OCTOBER 2016
find or configure a detector that
has extreme depth in tough sand
and some target ID as well. To
be able to approach pulse induc-
tion depths while knocking out
tabs and caps is a very effective
way to hunt.
targets. This was one hot-run- responding to a gold ring at 43 The combination of the
ning beach machine with great cm. (almost two feet) and want- Racer 2 and the RC40 coil
beach gold-hunting potential! I ed to see what it would do in- accomplishes this well. It has
also got a digital indication on ground. Although air and in- huge beach and inland site
the display of each target’s gen- ground tests are two different potential.
eral conductive range. things, I was not disappointed at
Bottlecaps jumped wildly all. Racer 2 At An Old Park
around the scale, making them As with all large coils, I had Having had some practice
obvious even in All Metal mode. to slow down and allow it to with the Racer 1, I decided to
With the more solid targets, a process a larger chunk of sand. test the Racer 2 at the toughest
single press brought me into I also had to listen hard to what site I knew. This park had been
Two Tone mode for a more the machine was telling me— a “truck grove” in the ’20s and
detailed and stable ID. A second also a result of the larger area of ’30s, a spot where locals would
press into Three Tone mode let ground being looked at. Once I bring their vehicles into the
me check to see if a signal was a got this technique down, the shade to work on them. The
solid middle tone— possibly great depth of this coil became amount of iron here makes
gold. apparent. I dug the faintest, detecting very difficult, as there
I plan to experiment with most marginal signals to see just are falses everywhere.
customizing this middle tone, what this coil would do, and in However, the treasure is there,
using Tone Break or Notch Two Tone mode it hit small, too. I found my only Victorian
Filter (if there are any problem pear-shaped tabs around one half dollar there, as well as an
tabs present). You can also alter foot deep in packed wet sand! 1870 dime last year. So, I was
the two or three actual tones These were clean, loud middle- excited to see how the Racer 2’s
themselves to suit your hearing tone signals. Larger, low con- new sharper audio, discriminate,
characteristics or preferences, or ductors like a folded foil catsup and iron silencing features
how you think gold or silver packet came in even deeper— would perform at this site. In
sounds off best. I also liked how around 18''. The RC40 was also Three Tone mode right away I
the pinpoint mode had VCO very good on small targets— was impressed by how clean
audio that gave me a quick bit something many big coils strug- and solid the Racer 2 sounded as
more information on the depth gle with. I dug several tiny it processed the ground— tran-
and size of each response. objects that I could not locate in sitioning cleanly between the
the sand pile... quite surprising. various nonferrous ranges and
RC40 At The Beach Overall, the weight and bal- the sound of iron. I experiment-
I also had the opportunity to ance were great, too— owing to ed with various levels of Iron
test the RC40— a large coil for the light weight of the detector Audio to decide whether I want-
the Racer 2. This 15.5'' x 13'' itself. ed it loud to better hear what
coil made a deep machine even Because there’s so much was mixed in, or quieter to give
deeper. I’d seen YouTube air competition at the sites I hunt, more definition to the nonfer-
tests that showed this coil I’ve looked for a long time to rous objects that were present. I
iron response level, and in All
Metal mode the retuning (iSAT).
As touched on above, I’ve
ALL - PRO “The Racer 2 is

heard it said that the key in

 BUILT FOR  also light to use
detecting is knowing where some
Treasure Hunters Gardeners

and travels really

treasure is— and then working at
Campers Trappers Nurserymen
All Sportsmen

recovering it. I’m a big fan of

CHECK THESE well, even in a
this “focused” type of hunting,
carry-on. Add a
and with this machine there was
16 Ga. Polished Stainless Steel

always something else effective

The Handle Will Not Break Out! plastic sand scoop,
to try at difficult sites.
 TOOL SIZE - 2” Wide, 12” Long
trowel, and find
The Racer 2 is also light to



use and travels really well, even
pouch, and you are
settled on a setting of 2, based on in a carry-on. Add a plastic sand
ready to hunt.”
the instruction of an online post I had a questionable deep target, I scoop, trowel, and find pouch,
had read. This brought the iron was often able to bring up an ID and you are ready to hunt.
sounds down to a series of short by switching to Deep mode. At The Racer 2 comes with a
“tics.” this location I didn’t use any two-year warranty, and Makro
In Three Tone mode I made notch except to knock out the Detector has a great reputation
sure to examine the middle tones highest number (99) to reduce for fast service returns both in
by using a cross sweep. The any iron “wrap around”— more Europe (where they are based)
Racer’s clean audio told me that of an experiment than anything, and North America. My pre-
many of them were not round, but as this didn’t present a problem. I order arrived here in Canada in
newer “can slaw” and misshapen did raise the upper Tone Break to five days from the shipping date.
ring pulls. The jumping cursor at try to narrow the high tone in on You could say that the Racer
the top of the screen also gave me silver coins, and this allowed me 2 loves tough sites! This machine
a quick way to spot these incon- to focus on them better. One allowed me to go back to some of
sistent signals. This grove has thing I had learned from my my worst iron-infested groves
yielded several rings, even a gold experience with the Racer 1 was and bring up the deepest, oldest
coin was not impossible here to check my targets in another finds there. These were places
since it was a site of busy auto mode with lowered Gain. I set up that no longer even merited a
repair commerce. The higher Two Tone to do this with a setting “quick try”— long since given up
coin tones also sounded very of 49 and was able not to dig sev- on. For the beach, park, or relic
clean and sharp. I went to the eral targets that sounded broken hunter, this detector offers a wide
new Audio Tone adjustment fea- in the second mode. One that
range of very effective features—
ture to bring these coin sounds up fooled me was an old gas cap—
ones that are only found on much
to a slightly higher pitch so that not that big, and it probably
higher priced machines. These
they would stand out more. would have been more obvious if
I had tested its pinpoint mode features are also very simple for
These now sounded even more
distinct, and among the first ones width. One of the last signals of the novice to use but allow pro-
I dug— one that came in around the day gave no ID but read at level results. For more informa-
79 on the display— was a thin 11''. I dug down to find a small tion or to order, contact Makro
1917 dime at about 7-8''. The 99- round (1/2'') brass watch part at Detector’s North America
year-old coin’s date was barely that depth— quite impressive. Distributor, Detector Electronics
legible, but it was a great find There was no question that this Corp. Phone (800) 446-0244
nonetheless. machine was capable of finding toll-free U.S.; (888) 627-5295
Overall, the response tone of coins at these depths with ease. toll-free Canada; (508) 460-
the Racer 2 gave a lot of informa- In both tests I really liked the 6244 U.S. & International.
tion. The manual also suggested Racer 2’s performance and new Online: http://www.metalde-
that I slow my sweep to better ID features. The new discriminate
targets. This worked very well, features in particular gave me a Be sure to tell them that you
narrowing the range of numbers lot more flexibility and choice in read about the Makro Racer 2 in
that showed on-screen. how to work with this detector. I Western & Eastern Treasures
As described above, when I also liked being able to adjust the magazine. 
44 OCTOBER 2016

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