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Received: 23 September 2021 Accepted: 25 January 2022

DOI: 10.1002/aaai.12033


Knowledge graphs: Introduction, history, and perspectives

Vinay K. Chaudhri1 Chaitanya Baru2 Naren Chittar3 Xin Luna Dong4
Michael Genesereth1 James Hendler5 Aditya Kalyanpur6 Douglas B. Lenat7
Juan Sequeda8 Denny Vrandečić9 Kuansan Wang10

1 Stanford University, Stanford, California,

USA Abstract
2 San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC Knowledge graphs (KGs) have emerged as a compelling abstraction for organiz-
San Diego ing the world’s structured knowledge and for integrating information extracted
3 JPMorgan Chase & Co. from multiple data sources. They are also beginning to play a central role in rep-
4 Meta AR/VR Assistant
resenting information extracted by AI systems, and for improving the predictions
5 Renssalear Polytechnic Institute
of AI systems by giving them knowledge expressed in KGs as input. The goals of
6 Elemental Cognition
7 Cycorp
this article are to (a) introduce KGs and discuss important areas of application
that have gained recent prominence; (b) situate KGs in the context of the prior
9 Wikimedia work in AI; and (c) present a few contrasting perspectives that help in better
10 Microsoft understanding KGs in relation to related technologies.

Vinay K. Chaudhri, JPMorgan Chase &
Co. 310 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA
94301, USA.

Vinay K. Chaudhri is currently an

executive director with JPMorgan Chase
& Co.

Funding information
National Science Foundation

INTRODUCTION in one of the projects (Baru el al. 2022). All coauthors

were speakers in a graduate seminar on KGs at Stanford
The term knowledge graph (KG) has gained several differ- University, coorganized by the first author, which featured
ent meanings across a range of usage scenarios. This paper presentations by over 50 speakersi . This article strives to
focuses on the use of KGs in the context of two important provide a synthesis of those diverse perspectives—rather
current trends: the desire and need to harness the large and than being an exhaustive survey of the topic area.
diverse data that are now available and the advent of new
machine learning capabilities for extracting meaning from
unstructured text and images. It provides the authors’ per- KNOWLEDGE GRAPH DEFINITION
spective on this area and tracks recent efforts in the NSF
Convergence Accelerator Track A on Open Knowledge A KG is a directed labeled graph in which domain-specific
Network (OKN), where the first author was a participant meanings are associated with nodes and edges. A node

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. AI Magazine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

AI Magazine. 2022;43:17–29. 17

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could represent any real-world entity, for example, people, be used to represent the probability with which that rela-
companies, and computers. An edge label captures the rela- tionship is known to be true. Finally, query languages, such
tionship of interest between the two nodes. For example, as SPARQL (Pérez et al. 2006) for RDF and Graph Query
a friendship relationship between two people; a customer Languageii for property graph models, provide the ability
relationship between a company and person; or a network to query the information in respectively RDF and property
connection between two computers. graph KGs.
There are multiple approaches for associating meanings
with the nodes and edges. At the simplest level, the mean-
ings could be stated as documentation strings expressed in APPLICATIONS OF KNOWLEDGE
a human understandable language such as English. At a GRAPHS
computational level, the meanings can be expressed in a
formal specification language such as first-order logic. An Two key applications that have led to a surge in popular-
active area of current research is to automatically compute ity of KGs are: (1) integration and organization of infor-
the meanings captured in a vector consisting of a sequence mation about known “entities,” either as an openly acces-
of numbers. We will contrast these approaches for captur- sible resource on the webiii , or as a proprietary resource
ing meaning in a later section on symbolic versus vector rep- within an enterprise/organization; and (2) representation
resentations. of input and output information for AI/ML algorithms.
Information can be added to a KG via a combination These application use cases are explored further in the fol-
of human-driven, semiautomated, and/or fully automated lowing sections.
methods. Regardless of the method, it is expected that the
recorded information can be easily understood and veri-
fied by humans. We will contrast different approaches to Organizing open information
creating a KG in a later section on human curation versus
machine curation. Wikidata is a collaboratively edited open KG that pro-
Search and query operations on KGs can be reduced vides data for Wikipedia and for other uses on the web
to graph navigation. For example, in a friendship KG, (Vrandečić and Krötzsch 2014). As illustrated in the fol-
to obtain the friends of the friends of a person A, one lowing example, the Wikidata KG can help enhance and
can first navigate the graph from A to all nodes B con- improve the quality of information in Wikipedia. Con-
nected to it by a relation labeled as friend. One can sider the Wikipedia page for the town, Winterthuriv , which
then recursively navigate to all nodes C connected by the includes a list of all of Winterthur’s twin towns: two are in
friend relation to each B. Directed labeled graph repre- Switzerland, one in the Czech Republic, and one in Aus-
sentation and graph algorithms are effective for several tria. Wikipedia also has an entry for the city, Ontario, in
classes of problems. They are, however, insufficient to Californiav , which lists Winterthur as its sister city. The
capture all inferences of interest. We will discuss this in “sister city” and “twin city” relationships are meant to be
more detail in a later section on big semantics versus little identical as well as reciprocal. Thus, if a city A is a sis-
semantics. ter (twin) of another city B, then B must be a sister (twin)
Practical systems adapt the directed labeled graph rep- of A. In Wikipedia, “Sister cities” and “Twin towns” are
resentation to suit specific application requirements. For simply section headings without any relationship/linkage
example, a KG model prominently used over the World specified between the two. Therefore, it is difficult to detect
Wide Web, called the Resource Description Framework this discrepancy automatically. In contrast, the Wikidata
(RDF) (Cygniak, Wood, and Lanthaler 2014), uses Inter- representation of Winterthurvi includes a relationship
national Resource Identifiers (IRIs) to uniquely identify called twinned administrative body, which includes the
“things” (entities). Property graph models (Robinson, Web- city of Ontario, CA. As this relationship is defined to be
ber, and Eifrem 2015) associate properties and values with a symmetrical relationship in the KG, a SPARQL query
each node and each edge. Edge properties can be used for engine can infer that the Wikidata page for the city of
a variety of purposes: to represent facts that are in dis- Ontario, CAvii is to be linked to the Wikidata page of
pute (for example, a country in which Kashmir resides); Winterthur.
highly time-dependent information (for example, the pres- Wikidata solves the problem of identifying inverse rela-
ident of USA); or genuine diversities (for example, user tionships through the relation definitions created by cura-
behaviors). With the recent emphasis on responsible AI, tors and by using inference made possible through a KG
annotating the edges with information on how they were inference engine. More advanced forms of such inference
obtained plays a key role in explaining inferences based on are illustrated in the Environmental Intelligence OKN
the KG. For example, an edge property of confidence could (Janowicz et al. 2022) and the flood impact evaluation OKN
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Graph Underlying Wikidata

Twinned administrave body

Winterthur Ontario
same as
part of country

Zurich Metropolitan Area

United States
part of
part of

North America

FIGURE 1 A fragment of the Wikidata knowledge graph

(Johnson et al. 2022) reported in this issue. To the degree tations to their web pages (Guha, Brickley, and Macbeth
that the Wikidata KG is fully integrated into Wikipedia, the 2016).
discrepancy of missing links in the example provided here There are many new and exciting aspects of the Wiki-
would not be present. Figure 1 depicts the two-way rela- data KG. First, it is a public graph of unprecedented scale,
tionship between Winterthur and Ontario and shows some and one of the largest KGs openly available today. Second,
of the other objects to which Winterthur and Ontario are even though it is manually curated, the cost of curation is
connected. shared by a community of contributors. Third, while some
Wikidata includes information from several indepen- of the data in Wikidata may be automatically extracted
dent providers including, for example, the Library of from sources (Wu, Hoffmann, and Weld 2008), all infor-
Congressviii . By using unique internal identifiers for dis- mation is required to be easily understandable and ver-
tinct entities, for example, Winterthur, from a variety of ifiable as per the Wikidata editorial policies. Lastly, and
sources, such as, the Library of Congress and others, the importantly, there is a commitment to providing seman-
information about an entity can be easily linked together. tic definitions of relation names through the vocabulary in
Wikidata makes it easy to integrate the different data
sources by publishing a mapping of the Wikidata rela- A recent example of another openly accessible KG is
tions to the ontology. Such tools were recently from the Data Commonsix effort whose goal is to make
leveraged to add information about COVID 19 to Wikidata publicly available data readily accessible and usable. Data
(Waagmeester et al. 2021). Mappings from relation names Commons performs the necessary cleaning and joining of
in Wikidata to relation names in other sources enable data from a variety of publicly available government and
formulation and processing of queries spanning multiple other authoritative data sources and provides access to
datasets across such sites using relations that are common the resulting KG. It currently incorporates data on demo-
to that set of sites (Peng et al. 2018). An example of such a graphics (US Census, Eurostat), economics (World Bank,
request is: Display on a map the birth cities of people who Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analy-
died in Winterthur. Without a common relation vocabu- sis), health (World Health Organization, Center for Dis-
lary, for example, birth city, it would be necessary to cre- ease Control), climate (Intergovernmental Panel on Cli-
ate appropriate translations between relations used in one mate Change, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
site to the relations used in other sites. Search engines are istration), and sustainability.
routinely using the results of such queries to enhance their
results (Noy et al. 2019).
As of 2021, Wikidata contained over 90 million distinct Organizing enterprise information
objects with over one billion relationships among those
objects. Wikidata makes connections across over 4872 dif- Data integration is essential to the functioning of mod-
ferent catalogs in 414 different languages published by ern enterprises where corporate data typically reside across
independent data providers. As per a recent estimate, 31% many distinct databases and unstructured sources. Fur-
of all websites and over 12 million data providers are cur- thermore, the broad shift to online operations for almost
rently using the vocabulary of to publish anno- all enterprises has resulted in the accumulation of very
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requirements. Next, the KG schema needs to be mapped to

News the schemas of the underlying sources so that the respec-
Event tive data can be loaded into the KG engine. The meaning
of the data stored in enterprise databases is hidden in logic
name embedded in queries, data models, application code, writ-
industry_sector is_related_to name
ten documentation, or simply in the minds of subject mat-
ter experts requiring both human and machine effort in the
Supplier mapping process (Sequeda and Lassila 2021).
amount Let us consider new and exciting aspects of the use of
KGs for data integration. First, the integrated information
FIGURE 2 An example schema for a 360-degree view may come from text and other unstructured sources (for
example, news, social media, and others) as well as struc-
tured data sources (for example, relational databases). As
large amounts of valuable user behavior data across dis- many information extraction systems already output infor-
tributed locations. In addition, a proliferation of data avail- mation in triples, using a generic schema of triples sub-
able from third-party data vendors is providing enterprises stantially reduces the cost of starting such data integration
highly valuable information which needs to be integrated projects. Second, it can be easier to adapt a triple-based
with internal data for more effective business operations. schema in response to changes than the comparable effort
Consider the following example: a financial news report required to adapt a traditional relational database. This is
has been released stating that “Acma Retail Inc’’ has filed because a relational system is typically modeled to support
for bankruptcy due to the pandemic because of which the application (McComb 2018), and thus, schema changes
many of its suppliers will face financial stress (Ding et al. often require database reorganization. On the other hand,
2021). If company C, that is a supplier to Acma, is undergo- in a KG system, the schema is modeled to represent the
ing financial stress, one might expect that a similar stress enterprise (McComb 2019), and its representation in triples
is also experienced, in turn, by suppliers to C. Such supply remains fixed. Lastly, modern KG engines are highly opti-
chain relationships are currently being curated as part of a mized for answering questions that require traversing the
commercially available dataset called Factsetx . graph relationships in the data. For the example schema of
A “360-degree view” of a customer of a company Figure 2, a typical graph engine would be able to employ
includes the data about that customer from within the built-in operations for identifying (1) the central suppli-
company and the data about the customer from sources ers in a supply chain network, (2) closely related groups of
outside the company. A company could create a “360- customers or suppliers, and (3) spheres of influence of dif-
degree view” of its customers by combining third-party ferent suppliers. All these computations leverage domain-
data, for example, Factset and information from the open independent graph algorithms such as centrality detection
financial news with the company’s own internal databases. and community detection.
This often requires solving the entity disambiguation prob- Due to the relative ease of creating and visualizing the
lem to uniquely identify entities under question—which schema and the availability of built-in analytics operations,
is also a problem being addressed in the OKN-related KGs are becoming a popular solution for turning data into
projects described in (Cafarella et al. 2022) and (Pah et al. intelligence in the enterprises. For example, the precision
2022) in this special issue. The resulting KG could be used medicine OKN reported later in this special volume makes
to track the Acma supply chain and help identify stressed an extensive use of the graph-based visualization and infer-
suppliers whose risk may be worth monitoring. ence for solving problems in biomedicine (Baranzini et al.
The data integration process for creating the 360-degree 2022).
view of a customer might begin with knowledge engineers
working with business analysts to sketch out a schema
of the key entities, events, and the relationships that they Representing information for AI
are interested in tracking (see Figure 2). An essential part algorithms
of this process is for the users to agree on the meanings
of the terms. For example, when does an “organization” KGs are an essential technology for natural language pro-
become a “customer”—at the time of placing an order, cessing (NLP), computer vision (CV), and commonsense
or at the time when the product is delivered? In prac- reasoning. As a result of recent advances in deep learning
tice, the visual nature of the graph-oriented KG schemas for NLP and CV, algorithms in these domains are moving
facilitates whiteboarding of the schemas by the busi- beyond basic recognition tasks to extracting relationships
ness users and subject matter experts in specifying their among objects, thereby requiring a representation scheme
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Albert Einstein was a German-born theorecal physicist who shown to the right with objects such as a woman, a cow,
developed the theory of relavity. and a mask, and relationships such as holding, feeding, and
others. In modern CV research, such a KG is referred to as
born in Germany a scene graph (Chen et al. 2019), which has become a cen-
tral tool for achieving compositional behavior in CV algo-
occupaon kind of
Theorecal rithms. That is, once a CV algorithm has been trained to
Einstein Physicist Physicist recognize certain objects, then by leveraging scene graphs,
it can be trained to recognize any combination of those
objects with fewer examples. Scene graphs also provide
developed Theory of
Physics the foundation for tasks such as visual question answering
branch of (Zhu et al. 2016).
We next take the example of a specific kind of com-
F I G U R E 3 A knowledge graph created using entity and monsense reasoning known as cause-and-effect reasoning.
relation extraction
Given an event such as X repels Y’s attack, humans can
make many commonsense inferences about why did the
in which the extracted relations could be stored for further repel happen? How does X feel about the attack? What
processing and reasoning. In commonsense reasoning, might be the likely effect of such a repel? A general strat-
the success of hybrid methods employed in IBM’s Watson egy to program such reasoning is to first curate a KG man-
(Ferrucci et al. 2010) has prompted many to pursue a ually and then use it in conjunction with a machine learn-
combination of symbolic and statistical approaches for ing algorithm to predict the effects for events that do not
common sense reasoning that requires the use of KGs. exist in the KG. For example, given a new event such as
Figure 3 depicts an example of the use of KGs to repre- X leaving without Y, the system makes inference such as
sent knowledge extracted by NLP. It shows a sentence from X wanting to be alone, X wanting to go home, Y might miss
which one can extract the entities: Albert Einstein, Ger- his friend, etc. Two examples of such systems are ATOMIC
many, Theoretical Physicist, and Theory of Relativity; and that contains over 300,000 event nodes and over 800,000
the relations born in, occupation, and developed. Once this cause-effect triples (Sap et al. 2019), and GLUCOSE that
snippet of knowledge is incorporated into a larger KG, we contains over 670,000 cause-effect triples (Mostafazadeh,
can use logical inference to derive additional links (shown et al. 2020).
by dotted edges), such as a Theoretical Physicist is a kind of In these uses of KGs in AI, automated creation of the
Physicist who practices Physics, and that Theory of Relativ- KG is a central component of the approach. For the com-
ity is a branch of Physics. The court records OKN project monsense reasoning KGs, even though there is a signifi-
described in this special issue makes an extensive use of cant upfront manual effort to create the training set, once
similar entity extraction techniques (Pah et al. 2022). trained, the learning algorithm would deal with many new
In CV, an image is represented as a set of objects with cases at no additional cost. Second, there is a clear recog-
a set of properties, where each object corresponds to a nition that KG representations are a central ingredient to
bounding box, identified by an object detector, and the achieving the compositional behavior in AI systems. This
objects are interconnected by a set of named relationships is clearly illustrated in the context of a scene graph, but
that are predicted by a model trained for identifying visual also in capturing the output of NLP and in the rationale for
relationships. In Figure 4, a CV algorithm produces the KG creating cause-effect KGs.

wearing mask


FIGURE 4 A knowledge graph created using computer vision techniques

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PRIOR RESEARCH RELATED TO edge of an intelligent agent, including the rules of causal-
KNOWLEDGE GRAPHS ity, implications of relationships between entities, com-
monsense rules, expert rules, and others. This trajectory
Graph-based representations of data are employed of development in AI can be loosely characterized as start-
widely throughout computer science (Borgida and ing from the need for explicit representations (McCarthy
Mylopoulos 2009). AI agents maintain representations of 1989; Newell 1982) to expert systems (Feigenbaum 1984) to
real/simulated worlds and utilize these representations large common sense knowledge bases (Lenat 1995). These
for reasoning in the domain. Indeed, choosing represen- systems had complex axioms with sophisticated inference
tations that allow agents to store information and derive mechanisms, but the overall scale, measured in terms of
new conclusions is a problem that is central to AI. the number of axioms, has been relatively small. The goal
The earliest research in AI used frame representations, was to use the rules to model human reasoning.
known as semantic networks, which were directed labeled The mid-1990s saw an explosion of information on the
graphs (Woods 1975). This directed labeled graph repre- web, and better methods to access and search this infor-
sentation has been adapted depending on the needs of mation were needed. There was a tremendous success in
a given application. A directed labeled graph where the using information retrieval methods such as the Page Rank
nodes are, say, people, and the edges capture the par- algorithm (Page et al. 1999), and yet it was felt that more
ent relationship is sometimes referred to as a relational was possible if there was a way for us to convey the seman-
structure. A directed labeled graph where the nodes are tics to our search algorithms (Berners-Lee, Hendler, and
classes of objects (for example, Book, Textbook, and oth- Lassila 2001). That vision is coming to fruition with the
ers), and the edges capture the subclass relationship, is improvement in search results with the help of resources
known as a taxonomy. In some data models, given a such as Wikidata and Data Commons which use repre-
triple (A, B, C), we refer to A, B, C as the subject, the sentations heavily influenced by an earlier language called
predicate, and the object of the triple, respectively. For the Meta Content Format (Guha 1996). In contrast to the
example, given the triple (“Biden,” “President,” “USA”), early AI systems, today’s KGs emphasize capturing many
“Biden” is the subject, “President” is the predicate, and ground facts that are used in applications such as search
“USA” is the object of the triple. A directed labeled graph and analytics with much less emphasis on complex infer-
containing data and taxonomy is often referred to as an ence. A broader account of the historical developments
ontology. of KGs outside AI is available elsewhere (Gutiérrez and
While some researchers used first-order logic (FOL) to Sequeda 2021).
computationally understand semantic networks (Hayes Table 1 describes KG models currently being used by
1981), others advocated that FOL was required to rep- the OKN projects described in this special issue. These
resent the knowledge needed for AI agents (McCarthy include RDF and property graph data models, as well as
1989). Because of the computational difficulty of reason- key-value representation in JSON, and mapping of data
ing with FOL, different subsets of FOL, such as descrip- into a relational database through suitable translations.
tion logics (Brachman and Levesque 1984) and logic pro- Each project addresses semantics either through the devel-
grams (Kowalski 2014), were investigated. There was an opment of new ontologies or through leveraging existing
analogous development in databases where the initial ontologies.
data systems were based on a network data model (Tay-
lor and Frank 1976), but a desire to achieve indepen-
dence between the data model and the query process- CONTRASTING PERSPECTIVES
ing eventually led to the development of relational data
model (Codd 1982), which shares its mathematical core With the increasing adoption and use of KGs in differ-
with logic programming. A need to handle semistruc- ent scenarios and use cases, three contrasting perspec-
tured data (Buneman 1997) inspired the investigation of tives have emerged: symbolic representation versus vec-
“schema-free” systems or triple stores that capture an tor representation, human curation versus machine cura-
important class of problems addressed by modern KG tion, and “little semantics” versus “big semantics.” There
systems. are spirited debates in the community about the effective-
Implemented KR systems accompanied the founda- ness and efficacy—sometimes even the validity of each
tional research. For example, the representation system approach, with the adherents of one perspective claim-
CycL (Lenat and Guha 1991) combined ideas from FOL and ing superiority of their approach over the other. Given
semantic networks in the context of the practical require- the breadth of potential applications, it is not neces-
ments of coding knowledge on a spectrum of topics (Lenat sary for us to settle these debates, but it is important
1995). These early systems were used to capture the knowl- to try many different approaches in parallel and explore
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TA B L E 1 OKN projects covered in this special issue

OKN project Representation used Technical problems addressed
Environmental Intelligence (Janowicz et al. 2022) RDF Spatial knowledge, n-degree property path queries,
modular ontology development
Flood Impact Evaluation (Johnson et al. 2022) RDF Ontology-based inference, multiple related graphs
Precision Medicine (Baranzini et al. 2022) Property graphs Graph-inference, network visualization, biomedicine
Infrastructure for OKNs (Cafarella et al. 2022) JSON Author disambiguation, data refinement, data life cycle
Court Records (Pah et al. 2022) Object relational mapping Entity disambiguation, ontology of litigation events
to a SQL database
OKN, Open Knowledge Network; RDF, Resource Description Framework.

means of combining various approaches to advantage. and images into a KG, as we saw in Figures 3 and 4.
Our objective in presenting the differing perspectives here Complementing the vector and symbolic representations
is to enable a better understanding of each and articu- enables the programs to achieve compositional behav-
late the problems where a solution of a certain kind is ior and facilitates inference and reasoning. The use of
appropriate. graph embeddings with a neural network—also known
as machine learning with graphs—is being used for han-
dling unseen actions in the cause-effect KGs we considered
Symbolic representation versus vector earlier.
representation Neuro-symbolic reasoning is a fast-emerging area of
research that leverages the benefits of automatic calcula-
Machine learning algorithms used for NLP and CV rely on tion of embeddings while recognizing the need for a dis-
a vector representation of text and images. The recent suc- crete KG to produce a human-understandable represen-
cess of deep learning on multiple tasks has prompted many tation. We illustrate neuro-symbolic reasoning on a story
to reject the need for any symbolic representation. We will understanding task (Dunietz et al. 2020). Consider the fol-
examine these alternative views more closely. lowing story: Fernando went to a plant shop. He liked the
A commonly used vector representation in NLP is word minty smell of the leaves. He bought a plant and placed
embeddingxi . For example, given a corpus of text, one can it next to a window. Given this story we want to answer
count how often a word appears next to every other word, the question: Why did Fernando buy the plant? A possible
resulting in a vector of numbers. Sophisticated algorithms human-understandable chain of reasoning to answer this
are available for reducing the dimensions of the vectors to question involves the following steps: (a) If A (plant) has
calculate a more compact vector, known as a word embed- part B (leaf), and B has property P (minty) then A has prop-
ding (Mikolov et al. 2013). Word embeddings capture the erty P; (b) If A (person) likes property P (minty leaves) of
semantic meaning of the word in a way that can be com- B (plant), then A likes B; and (c) If A likes B, A may buy B.
putationally leveraged in tasks, such as word similarity cal- In this chain of reasoning, steps (a) and (b) are examples
culation, entity extraction, and relation extraction. Anal- of the rules that may exist in a traditional symbolic knowl-
ogously, the CV algorithms operate on vector represen- edge base, whereas (c) is a probabilistic rule of the sort that
tation of images. Graph embedding is a generalization of we may find in a cause-effect KG that we considered in
word embedding, but for graph-structured input (Hamilton the earlier section. Such rules may already exist as part of
2020). the curated portion of the KG or could be inferred ahead
Algorithms using vector representations have excelled of time using a graph neural network or could be inferred
at many tasks, for example, web search and image recog- dynamically in response to a query. A neuro-symbolic
nition. Using web search of today, we can answer ques- reasoner can manage and execute this reasoning process
tions such as: Who was the prime minister of the UK in (Kalyanpur et al. 2020).
October of 1956? But the search fails if the question is
modified to an unusual combination of inference steps,
for example, Who was the prime minister of the UK Human curation versus machine curation
when Theresa May was born? Humans have little diffi-
culty in understanding such questions (Lenat 2019a; Lenat Industrial KGs, such as the Google KG, Amazon Product
2019b). The limitations of vector representations can be Graph (APG), and Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) are
addressed by encoding the information extracted from text of unprecedented scale (Noy et al. 2019). There has often
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been debate on the degree to which one could create such cleaning techniques (Wang et al. 2020) so that manual tun-
KGs exclusively through automated methods (also referred ing for each knowledge extraction model could be signifi-
to as machine curation) versus creation through human cantly reduced. Scaling further required reducing the total
effort. This tradeoff is illustrated via two examples based on number of models required for the variety of knowledge to
the MAG and APG, which leveraged significant automa- be extracted, which was achieved through transfer learn-
tion; and two examples based on the Wikidata KG and the ing techniques such that a model can extract knowledge
Cyc knowledge base (Lenat 1995), which were primarily for multiple attributes and for multiple domains (Kara-
created through human curation. manolakis, Ma, and Dong 2020). The final level of scaling
The MAG team used machine curation to solve the prob- aimed to increase knowledge extraction yield through mul-
lem of uniquely identifying authors and their publications timodal information, for example, extraction from text as
(Wang 2020). A human curation strategy advocates well as images (Lin et al. 2021; Yan et al. 2021). Human-
setting up standards such as Document Object Identifier created and highly precise models were the foundation of
(DOI) for uniquely identifying publications, and Open this process. Different levels of scaling required leveraging
Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) for uniquely techniques such as named entity recognition, closed infor-
identifying authors. This approach relies on the authors mation extraction, knowledge cleaning, and knowledge-
and publishing organizations contributing manual effort based question answering.
to annotating documents with DOIs and ORCIDs. How- The Wikidata KG was launched to address the problem
ever, human curation of even such simple tasks has been that data in Wikipedia is buried across 30 million articles
problematic for several reasons. First, such identifiers have in 287 different languages from which automatic extrac-
had low human readability discouraging their use. Second, tion is inherently difficult. The same information often
frequent typographical errors have created an adoption appears in articles in many languages and in many articles
barrier. Third, not having DOIs for the publications has not within a single language. Population numbers for Rome,
hampered their accessibility as there are multiple ways to for example, can be found in English and Italian articles
find publications on the web. Finally, there is some abuse about Rome but also in the English article, “Cities in Italy.”
of the uniform identifiers. For example, some individuals The data is inconsistent—the population numbers in these
acquire multiple identifiers to partition their publications different Wikipedia documents are all different. Having
into separate profiles defeating the design goal of ORCID been founded on the principle of plurality, it is not easy,
being a unique identifier. The MAG team consequently or even possible, to arrive at a global consensus on the
leveraged machine curation by identifying a publication “true” data, since many facts are disputed or simply uncer-
by its contents and disambiguating authors based on their tain. Unlike, MAG and APG, Wikidata allows conflicting
field(s) of research, affiliation(s), coauthor(s), and other data to coexist and provides mechanisms to organize this
factors that are more natural to humans. plurality in values. Checking, verifying, and allowing such
The APG is multilingual and aims to collect product a plurality of data is something the Wikipedia commu-
knowledge for millions of categories of products and thou- nity has been doing for years. Wikidata’s human cura-
sands of attributes of each of those products. While one tion effort involves a community of over 400,000 editors,
might reasonably assume that vendors interested in sell- with over 20,000 active editors. In this process, Wikidata
ing their products via Amazon might volunteer structured has leveraged standard published identifiers, including the
information that could be directly input into the APG, International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI), China Aca-
that is not the case in practice, and the structured data demic Library and Information System (CALIS), Interna-
are sparse and noisy. However, creating the APG entirely tional Air Transport Association (IATA), MusicBrainz for
through human curation would have required hundreds of albums and performers, and North Atlantic Basin’s Hurri-
person years of effort. Machine curation techniques were cane Database (HURDAT). Wikidata itself publishes a list
leveraged at different levels of scaling. To get the project off of standard identifiers for items that appear in its corpus,
the ground, highly accurate automated knowledge extrac- which are now increasingly being used in commercial KGs.
tion models were created to generate trustworthy data on Finally, consider Cyc, the largest available knowledge
a small scope of products, where each model extracted base that captures complex human common sense. The
knowledge for a single attribute from a single product Cyc knowledge base was largely created through human
domain (Zheng et al. 2018). Even though neural networks curation because the project aims to capture “hidden”
were explored to automate the process, tremendous man- knowledge that is not explicitly written down in text and,
ual work was involved to create training data, conduct thus, cannot be automatically extracted. Early versions
human evaluation, and to identify postprocessing rules to of Cyc employed representations like present-day KGs.
remove extraction noise. The next level of scaling aimed Since 1989, Cyc has used a representation language called
to reduce modeling cost through AutoML and automatic CycL which is based in higher-order logic and nested
23719621, 2022, 1, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [19/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License


FIGURE 5 Example sentences and their representation in knowledge graph and first order logic

modals (Lenat and Guha 1991). CycL was needed to rep- tations of graph and semantic web databases do include
resent and reason about answers to queries like: When this capability. For this example, the KG representation is
Juliet drank her potion, what did she expect that Romeo akin to using assembly language as opposed to a higher-
would believe once he heard that she was dead, and level programming language. Use of triples and reification
why (Lenat 2019a)? Automatically extracting knowledge makes downstream tasks such as natural language gen-
into such highly expressive languages is out of the reach eration more difficult as they must now assemble infor-
of present NLP techniques even if the knowledge to be mation spread across multiple triples. As a more involved
entered had been explicitly written down. Cyc is building example, consider the statements Every Swede has a King,
increasingly automatic tools that help lower the bar for and Every Swede has a mother, which are syntactically
creation and modification of its KB. The project’s Knowl- similar in English, and many KGs would represent them
edge Axiomatization Institute (KNAXI) is also interested identically, but these statements have very different com-
in education and professional training in “ontological engi- putational meanings (see Figure 5B). It is possible to
neering” at all education levels to facilitate creation of extend the directed graphs in a variety of ways to cor-
CycL knowledge bases. rectly capture the semantics of the example considered
in Figure 5B (Chaudhri et al. 2004; Sowa 2008), but such
extensions lose the simplicity offered by the triple repre-
Little semantics versus big semantics sentation. Not surprisingly, similar efforts are underway
for machine learning of nonbinary relationships as well
The big semantics perspective may be viewed as one that (Fatemi et al. 2019).
advocates for capturing more meaning about concepts. Despite the above stated limitations of the directed
Whereas, the little semantics perspective, is focused on labeled graph representation for KGs, it has been found
capturing/recording the basic facts and not so much the useful for solving many practical problems that are well
concept meanings. A KG defined as a directed labeled served by little semantics. Wikidata, Data Commons, MAG,
graph is a representative technique of the little semantics and APG all employ a directed labeled graph representa-
approach. The representation kanguage CycL is a repre- tion at their core and their existence and commercial use-
sentative technique of the big semantics approach. fulness is a strong evidence that a little semantics goes a
Using only directed labeled graph representation for long way (Hendler 2007). Furthermore, even for the sim-
KGs has its inherent limitations. A simple example of such ple directed labeled graph representation, there are numer-
a limitation is in representing the statement: Los Ange- ous unsolved problems. For example, how might we cre-
les is between San Diego and San Jose along US 101. This ate open KGs?—which is precisely the question being
statement could be captured in a directed labeled graph addressed by multiple OKN projects in this special issue.
using a technique known as reification but requires multi- What common naming conventions will allow users to
ple triples (see Figure 5A). The statement can be captured interact with multiple existing KGs and create their own
directly if we allow four-place predicates which are not combined products, which in turn can be used by others
supported in directed graphs—although many implemen- and combined still further, ad infinitum? How do we
23719621, 2022, 1, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [19/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

TA B L E 2 Difference between research on semantic networks and knowledge graphs

Semantic networks Knowledge graphs
Scale Thousands of objects Billions of objects
Complex logical inference Scalable graph algorithms
Neuro symbolic reasoning
Development methods Top-down design Bottom-up design
Complex rules and ontologies Triples and embeddings
Modes of construction Knowledge engineering Knowledge engineering, crowdsourcing, machine learning

support codesignation of objects in different KGs, that is, modern KG construction methods should also learn the
which objects reference the same real object? Robust solu- lessons from classical knowledge representation, as there
tions to these types of issues will be critical in advancing is much to benefit from the substantial body of prior
our ability to create open KGs. research without reinventing available methods and tools.
We conclude by noting that making progress does not
require us to settle all the debates, for example, on symbolic
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION representation versus vector representation, manual cura-
tion versus machine curation, and little semantics versus
KGs have emerged as indispensable information structures big semantics. Indeed, as reflected by the ethos of the NSF
that enable access, integration, and use of the vast amounts Convergence Accelerator program, we should drive future
of data that are currently being generated. A KG also serves research by exploring and prototyping various approaches
the purpose of capturing knowledge learned and used by in the context of real-world use cases. Setting a use-inspired
modern machine learning methods. The most notable uses context enables us to justify the need and helps specify the
of directed labeled graphs in AI and databases (data mod- requirements for the specific innovations for KGs to have
eling) have taken the form of data graphs, taxonomies, the maximum societal and scientific impact.
and ontologies. While this representation schema may fall
short of the full capability of reasoning and inferencing AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
that is required by general-purpose repositories of knowl- This work has been partially supported by National Sci-
edge for AI programs, it still provides a scalable and pow- ence Foundation’s Convergence Accelerator program. We
erful representation that serves many needs. sincerely thank Dr. RV Guha for his contributions and
Even though a directed labeled graph is a common insightful comments on the paper.
thread linking present day KGs with the early semantic
networks in AI, there are some important differences in the CONFLICT OF INTEREST
research methodology and technical problems addressed. No conflict of interest has been declared by the author(s).
Early semantic networks were created by top-down design
methods and manual knowledge engineering processes. ENDNOTES
They never reached the size and scale of today’s KGs. In i
contrast, modern KGs tend to be large in scale; employ ii
bottom-up development techniques; and employ manual iii
as well as automated strategies for their construction. The graph-things-not/
differences are summarized in Table 2.
The emphasis in the early AI semantic networks was,_California
on complex logical inferencing, in contrast to the focus
on supporting analytics operations in modern KGs. Fur- viii
thermore, vast proliferation of available data, difficulty ix
in arriving at a top-down schema design for data inte- x
gration, and the data-driven nature of machine learning xi
have all led to a bottom-up methodology for creating
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applications of that work in Enterprise Management, the scientific advisory boards of both Microsoft and
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James Hendler is the Director of the Institute for Juan Sequeda is the Principal Scientist at
Data Exploration and Applications and the Tetherless He joined through the acquisition of Capsenta, a
World Professor of Computer, Web and Cognitive company he founded as a spin-off from his PhD
Sciences at Renssalear Polytechnic Institute (RPI). He research in Computer Science from The University of
also is acting director of the RPI-IBM Artificial Intel- Texas at Austin. His goal is to reliably create knowledge
ligence Research Collaboration and serves as a Chair from inscrutable data.
of the Board of the UK’s charitable Web Science Trust.
Hendler has authored over 400 books, technical papers Denny Vrandečić works on Abstract Wikipedia at
and articles in the areas of Semantic Web, artificial Wikimedia Foundation. Formerly, he was an Ontolo-
intelligence, agent-based computing and high- gist at Google, a Trustees of the Board of Wikimedia
performance processing. Foundation, Wikidata founder, co-developer of Seman-
tic MediaWiki, and an author of several RPG modules
Aditya Kalyanpur is the director of machine learning for “Das Schwarze Auge”.
and natural language processing at Elemental Cogni-
tion. Previously, he was one of the key developers of the Kuansan Wang is a partner architect at Microsoft
IBM Watson Question Answering system that won the Search. Formerly, he was the managing director of
Jeopardy! challenge in 2011, and a recipient of the AAAI Microsoft Research (MSR) Outreach, responsible for
Feigenbaum Prize for this work. Microsoft Academic Services (MAS).

Douglas B. Lenat is one of the world’s leading com-

puter scientists, founder of the Cyc project and Cycorp.
Dr. Lenat has been a Professor of Computer Science How to cite this article: Chaudhri, V. K., C. Baru,
at Carnegie-Mellon University and Stanford Univer- N. Chittar, X. L. Dong, M. Genesereth, J. Hendler,
sity, was awarded the biennial IJCAI Computers and A. Kalyanpur, D. Lenat, J. Sequeda, D. Vrandečić,
Thought Award, which is the highest honor in artifi- and K. Wang 2022. “Knowledge graphs:
cial intelligenceHe was the first Fellow of the Asso- Introduction, history, and perspectives.” AI
ciation for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Magazine 43: 17–29.
(AAAI); is a Fellow of the American Academy for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the Cognitive Sci-
ence Society, and the only person to have served on

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