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7/31/2019 Mail - Adam Ellis - Outlook

Kicking ass when you're 80

Revival Strength <>
Wed 7/31/2019 10 04 AM
To: <>

Have you ever thought about what you want your life to look like in your old
age? I have a vision for what I want to be able to do when I'm 80:

Wake up without an alarm clock

Move with vigor first thing in the
morning (train, exercise, whatever
you want to call it)
Walk 18 holes of golf on our local
course that has tons of hills
Get out on the soccer field with my
grandkids and show them a thing or
two from the old days
Go for a swim or hike or long walk
with my wife in the afternoon or
Have sex with my wife - no Viagra needed!

Kicking ass when you/re 80 and winning the long game means we have to
understand and accept the rules first:

We are all getting older second by second

We all have a certain amount of vitality and functionality at any point in life
Over time it becomes harder to hold onto our vitality and functionality due
to physiological changes that are a product of the aging process, as well
as life demands and real world stress.
Those who play the game the best will live more HIGH QUALITY years of
life in which they feel vital and remain strong and capable of doing all they
wish to do.

How do we get there? I'm not about to tell you about some secret new training
program. Not this week at least ;). Instead, I'm going to drop another secret on

Perfect the Art of the Transition… 1/5
7/31/2019 Mail - Adam Ellis - Outlook

Uncontrolled stress is something that I've spoken and written about in the
past as being the #1 thing that will age you negatively over time. There have
been great books that have been written about it. One that I love and
recommend is Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, by Robert M. Sapolsky. The basic
physiology is that our bodies are well adapted to respond to acute stress (i.e.
being chased by a lion), but we are poorly adapted to the slow steady drip of
stress that modern life presents us. We are in an age where we rarely
encounter "Fight or Flight" situations. Instead, and as the book labels it, we are
in the age of "Sit and Stew." We sit around and stew on the constant stress of
the world we are in.

The Art of Transitions is a set of skills that we can hone and implement to
dramatically decrease the overall accumulation of age accelerating stress we
encounter. The premise is simple. If you are constantly going from 0 to 60 mph
in your days, or conversely from 60 to 0 mph, you are experiencing abrupt
transitions. This is tremendously stressful on the body in and of itself. Plus, it
has a lasting impact on your ability to settle into new parts of your day. It's like
you are riding a roller coaster for the 16-18 hours you are awake every day. A
roller coaster that is known for fast starts, quick stops, abrupt turns, and
unexpected inversions. YIKES! I want to throw up just saying that.

Let's learn how to switch gears better in your day to day life. Learn how to
wind up and wind down when you transition from one task or mode to another.
Where does this show up? 

Waking Up - Morning Routines

Getting the kids ready for school
Driving to work or dropping the kids
Arriving at work or meeting with your
Starting your workout
Ending your workout
Sitting down to eat a meal
Preparing for bed
Falling asleep
And many more.....

Have you ever had a coach help you track your daily activities over the course
of 3-5 days (week and weekend) to help you better understand your rhythms,
your transitions, and how each of them is impacting your overall stress level?
Our coaching staff does this along with a detailed nourishment profile on all our
clients. We call it the Day Tracker and it provides really important insight into
how you flow and transition in your day.

When we say we provide lifestyle coaching to our clients, we are talking

specifically about helping our clients manage these transitions better. As
you can see, some of those transitions occur in and around training, and this
gets addressed through exercise and training prescription. But many of them
happen outside the walls of the gym and need to be addressed separately from
training.… 2/5
7/31/2019 Mail - Adam Ellis - Outlook

Artful Transitions to Try

Here are a few quick ideas and concepts to take into your week.

Morning Ritual 
Ever feel like the day gets going so fast that you can't ever seem to catch up?
Try these:

Establish a routine that you can repeat on a daily basis that makes you
feel more ease when entering your day
Consider waking up 15mins earlier than usual to do some guided
meditation, breathing, or yoga flow work
Pause the screens - for the first 30mins after waking up keep the phones
and devices turned off. Just be present with your day. Think about how
you are feeling, check in with your body, and be mindful of your actions.

Intentional Warm Ups

Trying to rush into training too quickly and not feeling your best? Maybe getting
some nagging injuries as a result or just not performing optimally? Try the

10mins Aerobic Start - 1min bike/1min run/1min crawl/1min row/1min

jump rope x 2 rounds
3 Rounds of FBB Flow - for more ideas check out FBB Warmup:
Vol. One
15 B-Stance Banded Glute Bridge/leg (stagger your stance)
30sec DB Side Plank
10m Lateral band walk/side
8 Half Kneeling Landmine Press/arm

Intentional Cool Downs

If you can't wind down after an evening workout and fall asleep or transition into
your work day after your morning workout without crashing:

5mins Walk outside - Try breathing just through your NOSE

5mins Static Back - get your body lined up, sink into gravity, and let your
abdomen relax and thoughts calm down

Intentional Meal Time

Are you shoveling food in your face as fast as you can? Do you get to the end
of meals and wonder what just happened? Slow your roll with these tips:

Set an intention - look at your food before you eat. Smell it. Say a brief
sentence of gratitude for the food your are about to eat. "Thank you for
this nourishment and the opportunity to feed my body what it needs to
continue to grow strong."
Slow down - chew your food more times per bite. Put the fork down after
each mouthful. Turn off your screen and phone while eating.… 3/5
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Bedtime Rituals
Getting a great night's sleep is key for longevity and performance. Tune up your
bedtime and settle into sleep more easily with these tips:

Blue Blockers - get some blue blocker glasses to cut the blue spectrum
light that hits your brain in the 30-60mins before bed. This can help the
brain wind down better.
Belly Breath/Nose Breath/Box Breath - set 5mins aside to lay down and
practice nasal breathing while filling your belly on every breath. The box
method is one in which you breathe in for a count of 3sec, hold for a 3sec
count, breathe out for a 3sec count, and then hold the breath out for 3sec.
Try to do this for 1-2mins.
Soak in an Epsom Salt Bath - great way to calm down and get a mineral
soak in. Leave enough time (60-90 min.) before sleep for your body to
return to a normal temperature.

Give some of these a try this week. Let us know what you think. If you want
support in getting a handle on your training, nutrition, and Life Transitions
(lifestyle), connect with one of our coaches today. We love to help our clients
tune their rhythms and see them kicking ass year after year!

Rethink Your Rhythms

Lifestyle, training, and nutrition all affect your

body composition and general quality of life - and
you can work with one coach to support them all
and make sure the pieces work together. Talk to
us today to be matched with your own individual
coach, who will tailor your program to your goals -
while always keeping it challenging, safe, and

We'll start with an in-depth consultation,

assessment to understand your body, and regular
check-ins to make sure your program is always
aligned with your needs. All levels welcome!

Talk to a Coach

Copyright © 2019 Revival Strength, All rights reserved.… 4/5
7/31/2019 Mail - Adam Ellis - Outlook
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