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Darcy Coates | 496 pages | 07 Jul 2020 | Sourcebooks, Inc | 9781728220208 | English | Naperville, United States
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Something desperately hungry. More details to come as the horror of Bla. No one escapes the stillness. Clare and Dorran may have survived the
city, but their relief is only temporary. Dorran is sick, and rapidly worsening. Clare fears the only way to save him might lie in the mysterious
Evandale research station, supposedly one of the few remaining human refuges. But the station is three days' journey, and Clare isn't certain that
their small group can endure that long.
Because they not only need to survive the hollows The new world has left scars, and not all of them are physical. As Clare fights to protect the
most precious people in her life, she begins to realise a horrible truth: not everyone can be sved, and sometimes true monsters wear a human smile.
The minibus scraped half the cars it passed. She drove aggressively but efficiently. The chattering screams from the hollow ones pursuing them
were already fading.
Her fine, wavy blonde hair had grown out a little since Clare had last seen her, and it grazed over her shoulders. Her face looked harder. Fresh
scars marked her delicate features. Clare leaned forward to try to see her sister more clearly. They rose onto another curb and clipped a lightpost,
and Clare dropped back into her seat to avoid being rattled any more than she already was. The scars were fresh. Another mottled patch stood
just above her temple. Three small marks showed where something had sliced into her jaw. They were recent but already sealed over. Clare knew
the thanites would be responsible for that. The thanites were airborne nanoparticle-sized machines designed to heal the human body but gone
terribly, horrifically wrong. Like Clare, Beth would have been spared a full dose. And now the tiny machines were inhabiting her body, healing her
injuries. It was one of the reasons Clare had survived so long. Poison, blood loss, and infection were all being repaired by the same creations that
had grown out of control and mutated most of humanity.
Beth wrenched the wheel to navigate a tight angle. The bus teetered on the wheels of one side, and for a moment, Clare was afraid they were
about to tip. Then the bus lurched back down, sending shockwaves through them as it reconnected with the road. This reckless, energetic Beth
was a sharp contrast to the woman Clare knew. Her wardrobe had changed too. All black swaddled her, from the scarf around her neck to her
Covering skin was a defence against the hollows, but it still left Clare disconcerted. Clare supposed it was hard to stay static in the new world. She
wondered how much she had changed in the past weeks. When Clare was close to them, she could see the businesses and vehicles they passed.
She caught sight of movement inside many of the cars. Hollows, trapped, pressed their hands against the closed windows and hissed in frustration.
Each nightmarish face was only visible for a split second, but the images haunted Clare. Deformed mouths. Missing teeth. Bulging eyes. Sparse
hair. She tried to imagine what their lives would have been like before the stillness. People on their way to their jobs, parents dropping their
children off at day care, an elderly couple driving to an early-morning breakfast date.
Those were the monsters that now surrounded them. Hurt but still alive. Clare tightened her hand around his. Against all odds, they had found
Beth. Or, rather, Beth had found them. And now they were leaving the city. The high-rise buildings were being replaced by homes and wider roads
as they entered the outer suburbs. The tyres screeched as Beth pulled off the road. Then the expression softened, her jaw unclenching and her
eyebrows rising, and she reached towards Clare. Clare crossed to her in two quick steps. Clare turned to look at Dorran. He stood a few steps
behind them, one hand braced on the back of a chair for support, watching cautiously. He was trying not to look intimidating, Clare knew, but that
was hard to avoid when his head grazed the ceiling.
Dorran, this is Beth. Beth, Dorran. He dipped his head in a respectful nod, his eyes not quite meeting hers and his voice subdued. Clare wished she
would be more subtle about it. Clare stared at the windshield. Light reflected off the water flowing over the surface. I want to talk in private. Clare
sent Dorran an apologetic glance as she was dragged out of the bus. The rain, vicious in its intensity at Helexis Tower, had reduced to a drizzle in
the outer suburbs. Clare blinked at the space, surprised. They were well lit as gigantic bulbs washed the area with cold white light. Even if the
centre had a generator—and she guessed it must have for emergencies—it would need to be refuelled. The area seemed deserted except for their
vehicle. Her sneakers sank into a puddle two inches deep, and she shivered. Beth stopped a dozen paces away from the bus, facing the deserted
shopping mall, arms crossed.
Clare hunched her shoulders. Beth dragged her hands over her hair, plastering it back, and then turned towards Clare. Multiple times. Whispers in
the Mist - Darcy Coates - Let us know your thoughts on a product or view reviews from our members, independent experts and other websites.
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Whispers in the Mist: A Black Winter Novel: 3 (Black Winter, by Coates, Darcy | eBay
Missing teeth. Bulging eyes. Sparse hair. She tried to imagine what their lives would have been like before the stillness. People on their way to their
jobs, parents dropping their children off at day care, an elderly couple driving to an early-morning breakfast date. Those were the monsters that
now surrounded them. Hurt but still alive. Clare tightened her hand around his. Against all odds, they had found Beth. Or, rather, Beth had found
them. And now they were leaving the city. The high-rise buildings were being replaced by homes and wider roads as they entered the outer
suburbs. The tyres screeched as Beth pulled off the road. Then the expression softened, her jaw unclenching and her eyebrows rising, and she
reached towards Clare. Clare crossed to her in two quick steps. Clare turned to look at Dorran. He stood a few steps behind them, one hand
braced on the back of a chair for support, watching cautiously. He was trying not to look intimidating, Clare knew, but that was hard to avoid
when his head grazed the ceiling.
Dorran, this is Beth. Beth, Dorran. He dipped his head in a respectful nod, his eyes not quite meeting hers and his voice subdued. Clare wished she
would be more subtle about it. Clare stared at the windshield. Light reflected off the water flowing over the surface. I want to talk in private. Clare
sent Dorran an apologetic glance as she was dragged out of the bus. The rain, vicious in its intensity at Helexis Tower, had reduced to a drizzle in
the outer suburbs. Clare blinked at the space, surprised. They were well lit as gigantic bulbs washed the area with cold white light. Even if the
centre had a generator—and she guessed it must have for emergencies—it would need to be refuelled. The area seemed deserted except for their
vehicle. Her sneakers sank into a puddle two inches deep, and she shivered. Beth stopped a dozen paces away from the bus, facing the deserted
shopping mall, arms crossed. Clare hunched her shoulders.
Beth dragged her hands over her hair, plastering it back, and then turned towards Clare. Multiple times. Beth paced across the asphalt, arms
folded, expression tense. When she turned back to Clare, there was fresh suspicion in her eyes. But the way Beth was talking about Dorran—like
he was an unwanted liability—made Clare swallow the story. Instead, she opted for a half-truth. Her jaw worked as she stared towards the bus,
chewing something over.
Then she took a deep breath. I know some groups that would take him in. After knowing him for what? A couple of weeks? It took Clare a
second to catch the implication. Was I supposed to just leave you there to suffocate? The single most dangerous place in this part of the country.
Clare was used to her share of lectures from Beth. Beth cared about her. Therefore, Beth worried about her. Therefore, Beth lectured her. But this
felt different. This Beth, the Beth who had been hardened and sharpened by the still world, was full of fire and wrath. Clare took a half step back.
Became trapped. Ran out of options. None of them sounded good. She swallowed. No protection. Not even a mask. Her hair stuck to her face.
But for all the external cold she felt, it was nothing compared to the lump of ice forming deep in her stomach. But Beth was furious. Beth took her
silence for the answer it was. Angry tears were building, and she was grateful that the rain would stop Beth from seeing them.
People who gamble on the odds eventually lose. And what did you do? She exhaled, head drooping and shoulders bowing. For a moment, they
stood together, letting the rain beat on their backs and drip off their chins. Then Beth lifted her head, her expression soft again. She squeezed Clare
tightly, swaying with her like she used to when Clare was a child. Thunder crackled in the distance. Clare turned to look behind them, towards the
minibus. Its windows were blacked out, but she could imagine Dorran sitting inside, anxious and uncertain, alone in the dark as he waited for them
to return. Her heart ached for him. Beth chewed on her lip for a second then sighed. For now. But if he wants to split up, we let him go, okay? It
was probably the best concession she would get. And she already knew Dorran would stay. Beth squinted up at the sky as lightning arced above
them. Come on. The hollows are growing impatient.
Chapter 2. Clare frowned, trying to understand what her sister had said. The light keeps the hollow ones at bay. Clare squinted at their
surroundings and took them in properly for the first time. The parking lot stretched around them in all directions, empty except for a handful of
overturned shopping trolleys. The lights above them flooded the area for a hundred feet in each direction. But if she stared at the shadows on the
edges of the asphalt, where the light was thinner, she thought she saw bulb-like eyes glowing in the bushes. The shopping centre stood not far
behind them. It was a single story, designed in a long boomerang shape. She guessed it would house at least eighty stores.
Through the planks and sheet metal, she thought she saw spots of light. With the windows covered, barely any light reached inside the vehicle, and
Clare had to blink as her eyes adjusted. The minibus had probably been used for tours at one point. Six rows of seats, made of mottled blue-and-
grey fabric, ran either side of the aisle. Metal baskets suspended above them were full of luggage. Dorran still stood in the aisle, one hand braced
on a chair for support, shivering as his clothes dripped onto the floor.
His expression was unreadable, which Clare had learned was a defence mechanism when he felt uneasy. Beth, do you have towels, by any
chance? Lights flickered to life above them, and the door slid closed, muffling the rain. I was so worried about Dorin, it made the whole story more
desperate. I honestly have no criticism for this book, I loved it. Sep 08, Heather Furnas rated it it was amazing Shelves: left-reviews. First off when
I started this series I thought it was going to be a haunted ghost book but turns out completely different This book is edgy, thrilling, heart warming,
and quick paced that it's so hard to put this book down!
It was JUST what we needed. The worst part of reading the Black Winter series is waiting for the next one! I love the uniqueness of Whispers in
the Mist, definitely not what I expected. It held the perfect mix of excitement, thrills and just a drop of drama. I can't wait to continue the journey
with Dorran and Clare in book 4! View all 3 comments. Jun 02, Grace rated it really liked it Shelves: audio. This was good! Very interested to see
what happens in the final book.
Apr 03, Amber Hathaway rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites. Whispers in the Mist by Darcy Coates is a chilling post-apocalyptic tale. It is
Book 3 in the Black Winter series. I loved Book 3. I think what I like about this series is that it has all the horror I could want, but with moments
of levity, love, and hope. This one is probably the most emotionally difficult of the first three books, for reasons I can't get into without revealing
spoilers, but Coates handles it wonderfully. And the story is horrifying. Like, don't let the fact that there are some Whispers in the Mist by Darcy
Coates is a chilling post-apocalyptic tale. Like, don't let the fact that there are some happy moments deceive you. It is a horror story, and lots of
terrifying and disturbing events occur. But the happy moments are part of what makes it so terrifying, seeing how much Clare and Dorran to lose.
The things I didn't like I disliked because they were hard, not because they were bad or detracted from the story. I wasn't jazzed about the
interpersonal conflicts between characters at the beginning, but those ended up being essential to the plot, so I can't even be mad about that. I
thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is definitely my favorite read of the year so far. I'm kind of upset that there's only one book left in the series, but
I'm curious to see what kind of resolution there is.
If you like post-apocalyptic tales with zombie-like creatures, I'd recommend checking out the Black Winter series. Still a very good book but just
thought it went on and on. This series is starting to feel really tired now, I hope something, anything happens to tell it apart from the rest of the
zombie-ajacent genre. Sep 25, Deborah Kerner rated it it was amazing. Excellent series I am hooked and cannot wait for the next chapter! Only a
few more days and I will have closure! Feb 17, Victoria rated it it was amazing. What a satisfying book I absolutely love the ending. I am trying to
avoid spoilers, but I just have to admit that Claire is by far one of the most annoying main characters I have read about.
She makes some of the dumbest choices in an apocalyptic setting. To the point where I question her ability to still be alive. But at the end of the
day I think her character, despite her consistent trauma is incredibly resilient. However, despite all these instances she experiences, What a
satisfying book However, despite all these instances she experiences, where humans are turning on each other, for some reason she still thinks the
best of people. I am not sure if that is just hopeful or unrealistic. I like the idea of still retaining decent humanity and empathy during an apocalypse,
still gives me a shred of hope for the crap the past few months and has brought the world as a whole.
I will admit, end of the world road trips seem to be my new favorite trope. I cannot wait to start Silence in the Shadows. I started reading this
book without knowing a whole lot about it and then realized that it is fourth in a series which made it a little difficult at times, but I was still able to
read it without losing out too much I think! So that was interesting!! It was super descriptive which was good but also super gore-y so beware if
you are easily queasy. If you liked The Walking Dead, Bird Box, and Stranger Things or any other sort of apocalyptic survival story, this would be
a great pick!! I received an advance copy of this book from Poisoned Pen Press in exchange for my honest review.
Jul 07, Erika DeVore rated it it was amazing. After almost tearing me to pieces with the end of Secrets in The Dark I was excited to see the story
start off at a high point and maintain that level of excitement throughout the entire book. Shifts in scenes and plot were well executed and flowed.
Darcy did an awesome job focusing on the two of them together as well as tackling the next step in how to save the human race. View 2
Jul 29, Amy rated it it was amazing. What a rush! I adore Darcy's stories. She has a way of weaving the story that gets under your skin and travels
to your soul. I am so excited to know there is another book coming out. I am not ready for the story to end! Hopefully, the father and his dad
make another appearance. We will have to see. She is an amazing and talented author who knows how to keep you on the edge of your seat! Mar
12, Erin Talamantes rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. The book starts out
exactly where the second one leaves off. Beth has rescued Dorran and Clare from Helexis Tower and the trouble they had been facing. Clare
notices how the stillness has affected Beth. She decides they need to take the usb they retrieved in book 2 and deliver it to the researchers in
Evandale. The only hope they have to help Dorran and the rest of the world is getting that code on the usb to them and hoping they can find a way
to fix everything.
Darcy Coates has done it again. I am obsessed with this series. I never thought I would love an apocalyptic series as much as I do, but here we
are. Darcy Coates knows how to write characters. I mean characters that you truly fall in love with and want to root for the entire time. The type
of characters who you never want to let go of and you just have such a connection to. I mean, she can even make me care about characters that
are barely there. I could meet them for 3 chapters and she has me emotionally invested in their well-being.
Dorran and Clare are just the best though. But I love their relationship. This book is just as intense as the other two. This book focuses A LOT on
the journey to Evandale, it reminds me almost exactly like the previous book, but with slightly different dangers and scenarios. Even though it feels
similar, I still got anxious and nervous for the group making the journey. I think these books are perfect for people not used to horror, or like their
horror to be a bit more tame and not super terrifying. I loved every second of this book and cannot wait to read the last one, I need to know how
everything will end.
Jun 06, Ami rated it really liked it Shelves: audio-book , creature-features , tbr-challenge , indie-small-press , horror , gothic. Originally posted on
the book blog Creature From the Book Lagoon. I have been in love with this series as soon as I found out about it a few years ago. I have been
eagerly devouring each book as soon as I could get my hands on them! I was so excited to see how the next part of the story turned out. Book
number 3 finally answers some questions for us. Whispers in the Mist does not disappoint. It was nice to finally meet said sister. There are plenty
of swerves and twists with the Beth story line. I was pleasantly surprised with what all went down.
We also finally reach the research station and the people who can help save the world. Once again, I did not see the action here coming. It
happens a little abruptly, and over all kind of on the short side of the plot, but it has a very nice creepy and nasty vibe. I would have loved to have
a little bit more time at the research center. Again, things just felt a little quick and short here.
The plot moves really fast, but at times it felt a little too crowded with sister stuff plus the research center stuff, and all the stops in between. This
book series is so beautiful and bleak. There is hope for our main characters as well as all of the surviving humans. This book is where we finally
begin to feel like the creatures can maybe be killed for good, and we actually begin to find more and more survivors which was pretty cool.
For the first time in the series it feels like there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. There are wonderfully creative descriptions of the hollows.
The plot has a quick pace and you never feel like you are dragging through the book. This third installment still managed to be quite a good read.
The story-line isn't convoluted or too simplistic, so it makes it easy to swallow but engaging. I wasn't expecting a lot of what happened, so I was
always eagerly awaiting the story's next move as our leads do their best. It was nice to see, at last, an expansion of side characters in the form of
Beth and the scientists, and I liked how nicely these elements were worked in. I found the direction taken with Beth to be unexpected and int This
third installment still managed to be quite a good read.
I found the direction taken with Beth to be unexpected and interesting because it really put Clare in a particular emotional space where she had to
do some growing and accepting. Some of the things Clare ends up thinking were worthwhile reflection and growth for her after things she'd done
earlier in the series--she starts to realize the weight of her single-mindedness and how her choices have consequences. As usual, I love the dynamic
between Dorran and Clare--they have some ups and downs, but ultimately are loyal and caring towards one another, able to bridge past whatever
issues may arise. Their relationship is such a sweet, tender thing amongst the end of the world that it really brings worthwhile hope and emotion into
what is quite a bleak existence. We're still keeping with the relatively small-scale in this dystopia; it's just a few people trying their best. Clare and
Dorran aren't special chosen ones--helping humanity with the coding in the USB was purely incidental and happenstance--and I appreciate the the
smaller scope allows for so much character focus and allows the struggles to remain relatable on a personal scale.
I'm excited to get into the finale After the events of book 2, I did skip ahead to the end of book 4 to confirm something, but the bulk remains a
mystery to me, so I'm eager to get into it. Oct 03, Susan Hampson rated it it was amazing Shelves: my-library. The story continues seamlessly as
the third book in this series begins. Clare has the two people she loves and cares about back in her life but things are anything but smooth.
When Clare discovers she has something that could play a vital role in bringing this nightmare to an end, decisions have to be made that will divide
the trio as loyalties are tested. Clare holds the deciding vote as to where the three of them should go. From woods to shopping malls, from
shopping malls to freeways the action never stops! I am loving this series and although for half the book there are only 3 main characters in the
story it is heart-pounding perfection with new obstacles to overcome every mile of the way.
The transport that Beth has acquired is pretty cool and perfect to get through any obstacle that is in its way. The new scenarios are riveting with
some of the apocalyptic abominations evolving into more than just mindless creatures. Every page brings new dangers so letting their guard down is
costly. There are shocking reveals, heart-breaking choices and fist in the air moments with even the smallest victory. The first half of this book is
awesome the second half inspiring. The second half of the book puts the main characters in new situations again, loved this part of the book. The
author has developed her main characters superbly, just how far they have come and the survival skills they have acquired show dramatically with
the comparison to others in the second half of the story.
A cracking end ready for book four to bring this amazing series to a closure. I wish to thank Midas pr for a copy of this book which I have
reviewed honestly. Jul 22, Montana Cefalu rated it really liked it. I have loved this series from the very beginning! I had the release date marked in
my calendar.

Whispers in the Mist (Black Winter) by Coates, Darcy: Good Paperback () | Half Price Books Inc.
From woods to shopping malls, from shopping malls to freeways the action never stops! I am loving this series and although for half the book there
are only 3 main characters in the story it is heart-pounding perfection with new obstacles to overcome every mile of the way. The transport that
Beth has acquired is pretty cool and perfect to get through any obstacle that is in its way. The new scenarios are riveting with some of the
apocalyptic abominations evolving into more than just mindless creatures. Every page brings new dangers so letting their guard down is costly.
There are shocking reveals, heart-breaking choices and fist in the air moments with even the smallest victory. The first half of this book is awesome
the second half inspiring. The second half of the book puts the main characters in new situations again, loved this part of the book. The author has
developed her main characters superbly, just how far they have come and the survival skills they have acquired show dramatically with the
comparison to others in the second half of the story.
A cracking end ready for book four to bring this amazing series to a closure. I wish to thank Midas pr for a copy of this book which I have
reviewed honestly. Jul 22, Montana Cefalu rated it really liked it. I have loved this series from the very beginning! I had the release date marked in
my calendar. Clare and Dorran are facing some of the same struggles but this book was very different from the others with the introduction of
Beth. That automatically gets you on my shit I have loved this series from the very beginning! That automatically gets you on my shit list. Also
thought the Research Institute was quite a good little episode for them. It was super satisfying to have Dorran get well and resume being a badass
and a handyman. I look forward to them returning to Winterbourne because I feel like they have basically leveled up. Oct 16, Cristy Bramhall
rated it it was amazing.
This terrible new world has Clare and Dorran may still be alive against all odds, but relief is only temporary. Jul 27, Katherine rated it really liked it
Shelves: series. The third book in this gripping series, and I was seriously getting really tired of Clare. I thought that I couldn't like a character any
less until Beth made her debut. Her demeanor and just way of being made much more sense as the story progressed but it didn't make me like her
any better. Most of this book, I was already planning a poor review of it.
Lots of traveling, lots of passive aggressive dialogue and not enough traction. Once I The third book in this gripping series, and I was seriously
getting really tired of Clare. Once I got to the last quarter of the story, my view completely changed. Clare changed. Thank goodness! I was on the
edge of my seat, hungrily reading word after word to see what would happen. It did not disappoint! Oh noooo I want the last book like right now
but still have to wait till October. This book picked up directly after the 2nd book ending. The story got a little slow in the middle as they are trying
to reach their destination but near the end it picked up pace and I just couldn't stop reading. It's gripping and it's so good. The story is so easy for
me to get into since the first book and I'm loving it more and more. I really really ship Clare and Dorran. They are the best together. Please pleas
Oh noooo I want the last book like right now but still have to wait till October.
Please please let them have a happy ending. If not I'm gonna be pissed LOL Nov 18, Josh Dorman rated it it was amazing. I would consider this
book 3 the best book of the Black Winter series so far, though I have yet to read the 4th and final one. I thoroughly enjoyed the new characters,
events and locations. There were some tense moments throughout and I definitely spent a few evenings unable to put this book down before bed.
Also, just like Darcy's other books, her descriptive writing ability to bring the scene to life for the reader, always amazes me. She makes it so easy
to visualize the picture she is tryi I would consider this book 3 the best book of the Black Winter series so far, though I have yet to read the 4th
and final one. She makes it so easy to visualize the picture she is trying to paint for you.
Cannot wait to start the next one! Best book in the series so far!!! Dorran and Clare set their sights on the research center after being saved. With
a third party helping them they should get there in no time. Destined to pass the USB drive and the cure they will stop at nothing. Dorran is sick,
Clare is struggling with the events of her sister and the two continue to bond as they head to the research center. Upon arrival they are welcomed
and helped until a breakout of Hallows occur. Dec 17, Ashleigh Drew rated it it was amazing. This is by far the best book in this series so far. The
story picks up right after the events of the last book and keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Darcy's writing style allows the reader
to really feel the emotions of these characters and you feel the weight of the decisions the characters must make in order to survive this harsh
world. I really loved how the synopsis of this book also hinted at a major key event that happens in this book, although I won't spoil it.
You'll just ha This is by far the best book in this series so far. You'll just have to read it for yourself. Aug 05, Julie Rein rated it it was amazing.
Absolutely riveting reading! Couldn't put it down! Clare and Dorran found her sister Beth or rather she found them only to discover Beth is turning
into a hollow. They travel together towards the only place that can help reverse this curse on mankind. Unfortunately Beth had other ideas. She
took them days away from the institute, then attacked Dorran! A heart wrenching goodbye follows for the sisters. They make it to the institute and
all hell breaks loose because of hollows. Jul 16, Always Booked Up rated it liked it. This was my least favorite in the series so far. I found Beth's
character to be insufferable. Also, the pacing wasn't as great as the previous two.
I wish more time had been spent there instead. Oh well. I still look forward to finishing the series because Darcy Coates is awesome. Of course
this a five star read , love this author , third book in this story. What dangers could they be facing? Is Beth a danger? The hollows orthe people
who are still alive? Enjoy I did. I love how this book series continues to surprise me!
Sep 28, sue burrows rated it it was amazing. Awesome Book This series is the best each book grabs you from the beginning and pulls you in. I
recommend if you want a good page tuner this series is it. You can see the characters and follow them along their journey. It's definitely a must
read i can't wait until November when book 4comes out. Awesome Job Darcy Awesome Book This series is the best each book grabs you from
the beginning and pulls you in. Awesome Job Darcy There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Be the first to start one ». This item is out of
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Clare and Dorran have set their sights on returning home to Winterbourne Hall. It's a daunting journey, but vital. Humanity needs more refuges -
safe areas where food can be grown without attracting the attention of the hollow ones - and the old gothic manor is their best bet.
But their home is no longer a sanctuary. By: Darcy Coates. Winterbourne Hall is not safe. Even as Clare and Dorran scramble to secure the
ancient building against ravenous hollow ones, they face something far worse: Clare's sister has made contact, but she's trapped, and her oxygen is
running out. Hundreds of miles separate Clare from Beth. The land between them is infested with monsters, and the roads are a maze of dead
ends. Clare has to choose between making a journey she knows she might not survive, or staying safe in Winterbourne and listening as her sister
slowly suffocates. Clare remembers the cold. And then He claims he saved her.
At least the stranger seems kind Homeless, hunted, and desperate to escape a bitter storm, Keira takes refuge in an abandoned groundskeeper's
cottage. Her new home is tucked away at the edge of a cemetery, surrounded on all sides by gravestones: Some recent, some hundreds of years
old, all suffering from neglect. And in the darkness, she can hear the unquiet dead whispering. The cemetery is alive with faint, spectral shapes, led
by a woman who died before her time Sisters Sarah and Chloe inherit a house they could never have previously dreamed of owning. It seems too
good to be true. Shortly after they move in, however, the siblings start to notice strange things: horrible smells, sudden drops in temperature as well
as unexplainable sounds and feelings of being watched.
All of that is compounded when they find a study upstairs, filled with occult items and a strange book written in Latin. By: Lee Mountford. I began
to suspect something was wrong with the gothic building when its family fled in the middle of the night, the children screaming, the mother crying.
They never came back to pack up their furniture. A new occupant, Anna, has just moved in. I paid her a visit to warn her about the building.
I didn't expect us to become friends, but we did. And now that Marwick House is waking up, she's asked me to stay with her. I never intended to
become involved with the building or its vengeful, dead inhabitant. But now I have to save Anna. Sam is excited to spend a week at her uncle's
remote lake cabin. It's a chance for her to focus on her art without distractions: no neighbors, no phone, and a small radio as her only contact with
the outside world. But there's something deeply unnatural lingering in the lake. The radio's news reports talk about disappearances on a nearby
hiking trail. The car won't start. And Sam starts to believe she's being stalked when she catches glimpses of a tall, strange man standing at the end
of her dock.

Whispers in the Mist (Black Winter, book 3) by Darcy Coates

With the windows covered, barely any light reached inside the vehicle, and Clare had to blink as her eyes adjusted. The minibus had probably
been used for tours at one point. Six rows of seats, made of mottled blue and grey fabric, ran either side of the aisle. Metal baskets suspended
above them were full of luggage. Dorran still stood in the aisle, one hand braced on a chair for support, shivering as his clothes dripped onto the
floor. His expression was unreadable, which Clare had learned was a defence mechanism when he felt uneasy. Beth, do you have towels by any
chance? Lights flickered to life above them and the door slid closed, muffling the rain. Clare found a black plastic bag full of towels in the storage
compartment Beth had indicated to. She pulled two out, checking they were clean, and passed one to Dorran.
More fresh, barely-sealed cuts marred her hands. They call it a safe haven. There are a few dozen havens just like it dotted around the country.
Survivors who have found a place to hole up, somewhere with resources and adequate protection. Shopping malls are popular. Especially the
more modern ones that have implemented anti-terrorist precautions. There are larger safe havens in the country. They advertise their presence; I
heard about them from a traveller on the road. They run the lights constantly to keep hollows away and welcome travellers… as long as you have
something to trade. Food, water, fuel. I traded four litres of fuel for as many clothes as I could carry. Fuel will be in short supply in the coming
months. She caught sight of movement near one of the loading docks. It was impossible to tell whether it was human or hollow. A lot of surviving
bands are. They set up their own rules, their own hierarchy, their own little kingdoms.
He ran the towel through his hair, tousling it, but kept his eyes on the floor. She was always over-protective like that. She needs some time to get
used to him. But the cautious part of her mind warned that this new Beth was different. The days of fretting over curious boys was over. This Beth
was focussed on survival. How did you get out of the bunker? Where have you been? Clare glanced between then, hopeful. Name a location.
Clare and I might be on the road for a while before we settle down. What do you say? His dark, deep-set eyes barely flickered, and Clare
wondered if Beth could pick up on the quiet panic that was setting into him.
His voice remained steady, though, even as he struggled to phrase himself diplomatically. But I would be grateful for the opportunity to accompany
you further. I hope I can continue to assist yourself and Clare. Listed in category:. Email to friends Share on Facebook - opens in a new window
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