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7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 11/20/18

Tue, Nov 20: completed by Adam

Week 1 - Day 1
3 Sets
30sec Ring Plank
30sec Glute Bridge Hold
30sec Wall Sit
rest as needed

A1) Kang Squat

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3131; 4-6reps; rest 60sec x 3

*light loads to learn movement patterns

45, 65, 75

A2) Single Arm Dumbbell Deadlift

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3010; 6/arm; rest 60sec x 3

45, 50, 50

B) Back Squat
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5551; 5,5,5 (add load with each set and finish at 90% effort - strict TEMPO is key here); rest

75, 75, 75

C1) Suitcase RNT Reverse Lunges

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20X1; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3

30, 30, 30

C2) Dual Dumbbell Prone Row

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2111; 6-8reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

55, 55, 55 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 11/20/18

C3) Dual Kettlebell Rack Carry

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30m Continuous; rest 60sec x 3 sets

Silver kbsx3 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 11/22/18

Thu, Nov 22: missed by Adam

Week 1 - Day 2
3 Sets
6-8 Half Kneeling Single Arm Landmine Press @ 2111 tempo
12 Banded Monster Walks (forward and backward)
20sec Star Side Plank/side
rest as needed

A1 Barbell Z Press
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8,7,6; rest 2mins

A2 Segmented Clean Deadlift

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3131; 5,5,5; rest 2mins

B1 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

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Semi Supinated Grip; 31X1; 6-8reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

B2 Strict Bar Dip

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21X1; 4-6reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

C EMOM x 10mins
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Odd - 12 Russian Kettlebell Swings

Even - 3 Seated Box Jump (go for height - step down) 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 11/22/18 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 11/24/18

Sat, Nov 24: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 1 - Day 3
3 Sets
30sec Forearm Plank
10 Side Plank Rotations/side
10 Jefferson Curls (very light with clients, even PVC is appropriate, just to learn the way you
move this pattern)
rest as needed

A Front Squat
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32X1; 6,6,6; rest 2-3mins (focus on great positions this week - maintain strict tempo)

65, 95, 115

B1 Suitcase RNT Split Squat

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2121; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets

30, 30, 30

B2 Single Arm Farmers Carry

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30m/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

40kg kb x 3

C1 Strict Ring Pull Up

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21X1; 4-6reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

*scale back to ring row as needed

6 reps, 4 reps, 5 reps

C2 Seated Dumbbell Press

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2112; 6-8reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

30 lb (7 reps) x 3 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 11/24/18

D 3 Sets - For Quality

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10 Dumbbell Suitcase Russian Step ups/leg (box height should be 2-3" below knee cap for
each athlete)
10 Ring Face Pull
*resting as needed between exercises 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 11/27/18

Tue, Nov 27: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 2 - Day 4
3 Sets
30sec RKC Plank (plate loaded on back)
30sec Bottom of Barbell Good Morning Hold (light bar or PVC)
rest as needed

A1 Kang Squat
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3111; 3-5reps; rest 60sec x 3

75 (5 reps), 95 (5 reps), 115 (3 reps)

A2 GHD Hip Extension

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2112; 8,8,6; rest 60sec x 3

8, 8, 8

B Back Squat
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4441; 4,4,4 (building from last week); rest 2-3mins - make these sets perfect tempo

115, 115, 120

C1 Suitcase RNT Reverse Lunges

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30X1; 6,6,6/leg; rest 60sec x 3

30, 35, 35

C2 3 Point Dumbbell Row

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31X1; 6/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

50, 60, 60

C3 Single Arm Kettlebell Rack Carry

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7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 11/27/18

30m/arm; stay nice and tall, don't lean to one side; rest 2mins x 3 sets

28kg, 28kg, 28kg 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 11/29/18

Thu, Nov 29: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 2 - Day 5
3 Sets
6/arm Half Kneeling Bottom Up KB Press
12 Lateral Banded Walks (Hold KB in Goblet Position)
30sec Side Plank/side
rest as needed

A1 Barbell Z Press
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7,6,5; rest 90sec (build from last weeks laods)

75, 95, 105 (3 reps)

A2 Segmented Clean Deadlift

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3131; 4,4,4; rest 90sec between sets (3sec concentric signifies 1sec pause at all 3 positions
off the floor)

135, 185, 185

B1 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

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Semi Supinated Grip; 40X1; 8,6,6; rest 60sec x 3 sets

40, 50, 50

B2 Strict Bar Dips

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3012; 3-5reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

5, 5, 5

C EMOM x 10mins
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Odd - 12 Dual Russian KBS

Even - 3 Broad Jumps (10sec rest between each rep) for max distance

16kg kbs 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/1/18

Sat, Dec 1: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 2 - Day 6
3 Sets
10 Rower Pike Ups
10 Landmine Oblique Twists
10 Jefferson Curls (slightly up from last week - stay light)
rest as needed

A Front Squat
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32X1; 5,5,5; rest 2-3mins (Build a little from week 1)

115 (switched to hands over bc hand hurt), 125 (switched to hands over for last rep),
135 (5 good reps hands under)

B1 Suitcase RNT Split Squat

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3111; 8,8,6 reps/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets

30, 35, 35

B2 Kettlebell Front Rack Carry

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40m (tough - stay tall and tight in torso); rest 60sec x 3 sets

2 20kg KBs x 3

C1 Lean Away Strict Ring Pull Up

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31X1; 3-5reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

*even if assistance is required in the form of a band for clients - ensure they lean back as
far as possilbe on the way down. keep them safe by spotting them.

5, 5, 4

C2 Dual Seated Arnold Press

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2121; 6-8reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

30 (8 reps), 30 (8 reps), 35 (6 reps) 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/1/18

D 3 Sets - For Quality

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12m KB Suitcase Walking Lunge

rest 30sec
10-12 Ring Face Pull
rest 60-90sec

20kg kbs for lunges, 12 reps for all face pulls 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/4/18

Tue, Dec 4: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 3 - Day 7
3 Sets
20-30sec Star Side Plank/side
30sec Goblet Wall Sit
rest as needed

A1 Kang Squat
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3131; 3,3,3; rest 45sec

95, 115, 120

A2 Weighted Superman Hold

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30sec HOLD; rest 90sec x 3

10 plate (15s), 5 plate (30s), 5 plate (30s)

B Back Squat
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3331; 3,3,3 (building from last week) - rest 2-3mins

125, 135, 155

C1 Suitcase RNT Reverse Lunges

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30X1; 4-6/leg; rest 60sec x 3

35, 35, 40

C2 Kettlebell See-Saw Row with Theraband on Knees

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3111; 4-6/arm alternating; rest 60sec x 3 sets

35lb kbs x 3

C3 Mixed KB Rack Overhead Carry

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7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/4/18

30m/arm; rest 2mins x 3 sets

35lb kbs x 3 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/6/18

Thu, Dec 6: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 3 - Day 8
3 Sets
6/arm Half Kneeling Arnold Press
12 Monster Walks (KB in Front Rack)/forward and backwards
12 Side Plank Rotations/arm
rest as needed

A1 Barbell Z Press
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6,5,4; rest 90sec (build from last weeks laods)

95 (6 reps), 100 (5 reps), 105 (4 reps, dropped from top of last rep)

A2 Segmented Clean Deadlift

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3030; 3,3,3 rest 90sec

*(this week the tempo is Touch and Go at the bottom but still make all pauses on the way
up - 3 pauses)

185, 205, 215

B1 Single Arm Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

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Semi Supinated Grip; 40X0; 6/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

40, 45, 50

B2 Ring Push Up
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2020; AMRAP at tempo strict; if the TEMPO breaks the set is over; rest 60sec x 3 sets

13, 11, 10

C EMOM x 10mins
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Odd - 15 Banded Russian KBS

Even - 5 Tall box Jumps (step down)

36in box, green band w 35lb kb 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/6/18 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/8/18

Sat, Dec 8: completed by Adam

Week 3 - Day 9
3 Sets
10 Ring Body Saw
20 Russian Twists
10 Barbell Good Mornings light 2010

A) Front Squat
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32X1; 4,4,4; rest 2-3mins (build from last week)

135, 155 (bar fell off at bottom of 3rd rep), 155 (good set of 4)

B1) Kettlebell Front Rack RNT Split Squat

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2020; 4-6/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets

35lbs kbs x 3

B2) Single Arm Farmers Carry

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30m/arm (tough - stay tall and avoid leaning to one side); rest 60sec x 3 sets

53, 62, 62

C1) Lean Away Strict Ring Pull Up

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3seconds Down on each rep; 2-3 reps (make these harder than last week - either
loaded or with less assistance); rest 60sec x 3 sets

20 (reps 3), 30(reps 3), 30(reps 3)

C2) Tall Kneeling Kettlebell Press

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3131; 6reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

26, 35, 35 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/8/18

D) 3 Sets - For Quality

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12m DB Suitcase Reverse Walking Lunge

rest 30sec
12 Dumbbell Curl and Press
rest 90sec

30lbs dbs 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/11/18

Tue, Dec 11: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 4 - Day 10
3 Sets
10 Side Plank Rotataions/side
30sec Single Leg Wall Sit/leg
rest as needed

A1 Barbell Good Morning

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3111; 6-8reps rest 60sec x 3 sets

45, 65, 65

A2 Single Leg Barbell Hip Thrust

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2 reps with 10sec hold at top/leg; rest 60sec x 3

65, 65, 65

B Back Squat
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2221; 2,2,2 (building from last week); rest 2-3mins

135, 155, 165 (couldve gone heavier)

C1 KB Front Rack RNT Reverse Lunges

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20x1; 4-6/leg; rest 60sec x 3

35 x 3

C2 Chainsaw Row
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30X0; 4-6/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

50 x 3

C3 Kettlebell Mixed Rack Suitcase Carry

View exercise history 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/11/18

20m/side TOUGH Weight; rest 2mins x 3 sets

44, 53, 62 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/13/18

Thu, Dec 13: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 4 - Day 11
3 Sets
10 Tall Kneeling KB Press
5m Tall Plank Lateral Theraband Walk/side
20sec Star Side Plank/side
rest as needed

A1 Barbell Z Press
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5,4,3 rest 90sec (build from last weeks laods)

95, 105, 110

A2 Segmented Clean Deadlift

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3030; 2,2,2 rest 90sec (last week before we change this movement slightly)

205, 225, 235

B1 Alternating Dumbbell Incline Bench Press Top Down

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40X0; 5/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

30 (easy), 40 (med), 50 (hard)

B2 feet elevated push up

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Feet On Box; 1010 tempo; AMRAP at tempo (no pauses); tempo breaks set is over; rest
60sec x 3 sets

15, 10, 10

C EMOM x 10mins
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Odd - 12 American KBS

Even - 5 Drop Jumps (practice great landing mechanics)

44 lb kb, 30in box 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/15/18

Sat, Dec 15: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 4 - Day 12
3 Sets
30sec Weighted Hollow Body hold (plate in hands)
10 Landmine Oblique Twists/side (1010 tempo)
15 Banded Good Mornings 2010

A Front Squat
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22X1; 3,3,3 rest 2-3mins (build from last week)

45x3 (unloaded bc of dct appt)

B1 Kettlebell Front Rack RNT Split Squat

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2020; 3-5/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets


B2 Single Arm Kettlebell Overhead Carry

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30m/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets


C1 Wide Grip Strict Pull Up

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31X1; 4-5 reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

5, 5, 4

C2 Half Kneeling Single Arm Arnold Press

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31X1; 4-6/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

35, 40, 40 (6 reps each set)

D 3 Sets - For Quality

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7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/15/18

30X0 - 10-12 Zottman Curls

rest 30sec
30sec Tuck L-Hang
rest 60-90sec

20lbs dbs 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/18/18

Tue, Dec 18: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 5 of 12
3 Sets
30 Seated Banded Hip Abductions
30sec KB Front Rack Wall Sit
rest as needed

A1 Barbell Good Morning

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4010; 5-7reps rest 60sec x 3 sets


A2 Single Leg Banded Glute Bridge

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10X2; 10/leg; rest 60sec x 3

2 rds green band, 1 rd black band

B 1-1/4 Back Squat

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(3sec lowering on first eccentric); 5,5,5; rest as needed

135 (5 reps), 145 (5 reps), 150 (5 reps)

C1 Kettlebell Front Rack Reverse Lunge

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1010 (no RNT this week); 12 reps alteranting; rest 45sec x 3

26, 35, 35

C2 Plank DB Row
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21X2; 4-6/arm alternating; rest 45sec x 3 sets

25, 35, 35 (6/arm all sets)

C3 Kettlebell Cross Body Carry

View exercise history 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/18/18

15m/arm; rest 2mins x 3 sets

44x3 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/20/18

Thu, Dec 20: completed by Adam Ellis

3 Sets
10 Tall Kneeling KB Push Press
10m Quadruped Crawl forward and backward
30sec KB Side Plank
rest as needed

A1 Seated Barbell Behind the Neck Press

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21X2; 6,6,6 rest 90sec

45, 65, 75

A2 Supinated Grip Deadlifts

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3131; 6,6,6 rest rest 90sec

110, 144, 144

B1 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press

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50X0; 4-6/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

*slow down is KEY on this one

40, 45, 50

B2 Ring Push-ups
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AMRAP in 30sec; rest 60sec x 3 sets

13, 14, 16

C EMOM x 10mins
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Odd - 4 Seated box Jumps Tall

Even - 8 Dual KB Clean

>30in box, 35lb rd 1 44lb rd2-5 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/22/18

Sat, Dec 22: completed by Adam Ellis

3 Sets
30sec Superman hold
10 Half Kneeling Landmine Twist/side
5 Split Stance Good Morning/leg

A Front Squat
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21X1; 2.2.2; (3 sets of 2 with 15sec break between each with bar on rack for total of 6); rest
2-3mins (build from last week) x 3 sets

135, 145, 150

B1 Kettlebell Front Rack Front Foot Elevated Split Squat

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3-6" step; 2121; 4-6/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets

16kg x 3 (6/leg each set)

B2 Single Arm Farmers Carry

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30m/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

40kg x 3

C1 Semi Supinated Strict Ring Pull Up

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21X2; 3-5reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

*use assistance from a partner that spots you from behind

5 x 3

C2 Single Arm Kettlebell Z Press

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21X2; 4-6/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

16kg (35lb) x 3 (6/arm) 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/22/18
D 3 Sets - For Quality
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15 Hammer Curls 1010

20sec L-Sit on Parallattes

20lbsx 3, 20 s all sets good form 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/25/18

Tue, Dec 25: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 6 of 12
3 Sets
10 Clamshell Side Planks/side (hit top position and down)
20sec Single Leg Wall Sit/side
rest as needed

A1 Barbell Good Morning

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3030; 4-6reps rest 60sec x 3 sets

Pvc, 35, 45

A2 Landmine Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

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2010; 8/leg; rest 60sec x 3


B 1-1/4 Back Squat

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(3sec lowering on first eccentric); 4,4,4; rest as needed

135, 135, 145

C1 Kettlebell Rack Drop Lunge

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1010 (stand on 2-4" step); 10 reps alteranting; rest 45sec x 3


C2 Single Arm Dumbbell Torso Row

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30X1; 6-8/arm; rest 45sec x 3 sets

40 (6 reps, not full rotation), 30 (8 reps, full rotation), 30

C3 Filly Carry
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7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/25/18

20m/arm Tough Weight; rest 2mins x 3 sets

53/88, 60/88, 60/88 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/27/18

Thu, Dec 27: completed by Adam Ellis

3 Sets
6 Tall Kneeling KB Press
6 Tall Kneeling KB Push Press
15m DB Bear crawl Slow and deliberate
20sec Side star plank/side
rest as needed

A1 Seated Barbell Behind the Neck Press

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21X2; 5,5,5 rest 90sec *building from last week

75, 85, 90

A2 Supinated Grip Deadlifts

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3131; 5,5,5 rest rest 90sec

145, 155, 165

B1 Alternating Kettlebell Push Press

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4sec down each rep; 3-5/arm x 3 sets; rest 60sec

44lb (5/arm), 53lb (3/arm), 53lb (3/arm)

B2 Weighted Push Ups

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8-10reps (stack plates on Back - or just scale to regular push ups if those challenge you
enouhg); rest 60sec x 3 sets

45lb (10 reps), 45lb (8 reps), 45lb (6 reps)

C EMOM x 10mins
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Odd - 3 Burpee Broad Jumps (must be for MAX distance every set)
Even - 8 Dual Kb Snatch

Every broad jump set further than last (avg 15 steps), 2x26lbsx8, 3x35lbsx8 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/27/18 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/29/18

Sat, Dec 29: completed by Adam Ellis

3 Sets
30sec Weighted Superman hold
20 Russian Twists (hold KB in hands)
10 Steps Death march (light loads)

A Front Squat
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20X1; 2.4.6; (drop set - 2 reps, strip some weight, 4 reps, strip some weight, 6 reps = 12
reps per set); rest 2mins x 3 sets

125.115.95, 135.125.95, 145.125.95

B1 Front Foot Elevated Back Rack Split Squat

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3-6" step; 2020; 4-6/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets

95x2 (6/leg), shoulder hurt so didnt do third set

B2 Dual Kettlebell Overhead Carry

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30m; rest 60sec x 3 sets

35lbx2, third set stopped since shoulder hurt

C1 Wide Grip Strict Pull Up

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21X0; AMRAP at Tempo; rest 60sec x 3 sets

7, 5, 5

C2 Single Arm Dumbbell Arnold Z Press

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4-6/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

35, 40, 40 (6 reps/arm for all sets, left shoulder weaker than right)

D 3 Sets - For Quality 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 12/29/18
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10 DB Singel Arm Reverse Curls

20sec L-Sit Fluter Kicks 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/1/19

Tue, Jan 1: completed by Adam Ellis

Week 7 of 12
3 Sets
20 Seated banded Hip Abduction
30sec Kettlebell Wall Sit
rest as needed

A1 Seated Good Morning

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3010; 8,8,6; rest 60sec x 3 sets

A2 Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

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3010; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3

B 1-1/4 Back Squat

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(3sec lowering on first eccentric); 3,3,3; rest as needed

135, 155, 165

C1 KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges + Front Squat

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1010 8reps alternating legs + 6 Front Squats; rest 45sec x 3

C2 See-Saw Row
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30X1; 6/arm; rest 45sec x 3 sets

C3 Dual Kettlebell Rack Carry

View exercise history 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/1/19

20m Heavy; rest 2mins x 3 sets 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/3/19

Thu, Jan 3: completed by Adam Ellis

3 Sets
8 Half Kneeling KB Press/arm
20m DB Bear Crawl
45sec Side Plank/side
rest as needed

A1 Seated Barbell Behind the Neck Press

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31X1; 4,4,4 rest 90sec *building from last week

95, 105, 105

A2 Supinated Grip Deadlifts

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3131; 4,4,4 rest rest 90sec *building from last week

135, 155, 155

B1 Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press

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3sec down each rep; 5/arm x 3 sets; rest 60sec

53, 60, 60

B2 Deficit Push Ups

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8-10reps (load with plates on your back if you can too); rest 60sec x 3 sets

0 lbs (10 reps) x 3

C EMOM x 10mins
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Odd - 4 Burpee High Jumps (explode out of burpee and JUMP for max height)
Even - 12 Dual Russian KBS

2 35lb kbs 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/3/19 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/5/19

Sat, Jan 5: missed by Adam

3 Sets
10 Barbell Hip Thrusts
20 Plank Army Crawlers
20 Single Leg Cone Touch Alternating

A Front Squat
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20X1; 2.3.4; (drop set - 2 reps, strip some weight, 3 reps, strip some weight, 4 reps = 9
reps per set); rest 2mins x 3 sets

B1 Front Foot Elevated Back Rack Split Squat

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6" step; 30X0; 3-5/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets

*up from last week

B2 Kettlebell Cross Body Carry

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20m/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

C1 Wide Grip Strict Pull Up

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AMRAP in 40sec; rest 60sec x 3 sets

C2 Dumbbell Z-Press
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See-Saw Style - alternating arms press; 6/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

D 3 Sets - For Quality 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/5/19
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20 Alternating DB Curl and Press

20-30sc L-Sit Fluter Kicks 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/8/19

Tue, Jan 8: missed by Adam

Week 8 of 12
3 Sets
Lateral band Walks x 20 reps (10/side)
Moster band Walks x 20 reps (10 for/10 back)
30sec - 2-arm KB Front Rack Squat Hold at 90 degrees
rest as needed

A1 Seated Good Morning

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3111; 6,6,4; rest 60sec x 3 sets

*ideally the feet are placed in a wide stance

A2 Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift

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3111; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3

B 1-1/4 Back Squat

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(3sec lowering on first eccentric); 2.2; rest 15sec/rest 2mins x 3 sets

*each set consists of 4 total reps with a 15sec break after rep 2 where you place the bar
back on the rack

C 3 Sets - move with purpose not speed

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KB Front Rack Walking Lunge x 10 steps

12 Ring Rows - feet elevated at 1010 tempo
15m Single Arm KB OH Carry
rest walk 2mins 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/8/19 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/10/19

Thu, Jan 10: missed by Adam

3 Sets
8 Half Kneeling Bottom Up KB Press/arm
3 Wall Walks Slow and Steady
30sec Star side Plank/side
rest as needed

A1 Seated Barbell Behind the Neck Press

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31X1; 3,3,2 rest 90sec

*final week building these two

A2 Supinated Grip Deadlifts

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3131; 3,3,2 rest rest 90sec

*final week building these two

B1 Single Arm DB Complex

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3 SA DB Press
5 SA DB Push Press
7 SA DB Push Jerk
rest 45sec x 3 sets

B2 Clapping Push Ups

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8-10reps; (add a deficit for advanced athletes and scale back to regular deficit push ups
for athletes that aren't confident to perform the plyo push ups) rest 90sec x 3 sets

C EMOM x 10mins
View exercise history 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/10/19

Odd - 3 Burpee Broad Jumps For Distance!

Even - 4 Dual KB Russian Swings + 4 Dual KB Cleans + 4 Dual KB Front Squats 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/12/19

Sat, Jan 12: missed by Adam

3 Sets
10 Barbell Glute Bridge
10 Barbell Ab Roll Outs
5 Low Band Single Leg RDL/side

A Front Squat
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20X1; 1.2.3; (drop set - 1 reps, strip some weight, 2 reps, strip some weight, 3 reps = 6 reps
per set); rest 2mins x 3 sets

B1 Front Rack Split Squat (rear foot on 6" plates)

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30X0; 4-6/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets


B2 Dual Kettlebell Overhead Carry

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30m; rest 60sec x 3 sets

C1 Supinated Pull-up
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AMRAP in 45sec; rest 60sec x 3 sets

C2 Tall Kneeling Kettlebell Press

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30X2; 6-8 reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

D 3 Sets - For Quality 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/12/19
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10 KB Reverse Curls
20 Banded Tricep Push Down
20-30sc L-Sit Wipers 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/15/19

Tue, Jan 15: missed by Adam

Week 9 of 12
3 Sets
Band Walking Squares x 2
10 Lateral R
10 Monster walk foward
10 Lateral L
10 Monster walk backwards
30sec Double KB Front Rack Wall Sit

A1 Split Stance Good Morning

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2020; 6-8/lg rest 60sec x 3 sets

*we are now focusing back on single leg hinging here - learn new pattern before going

A2 Banded Glute Bridges

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10X1; 20reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets

*really squeeze at the top - activate and fire the glutes

B 1-1/4 Back Squat

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(3sec lowering on first eccentric); 1.1.1 x 2 sets; 1.1 x 2 sets; rest 15sec/rest 2-3mins

C 3 Sets - increase tempo with each set

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10 KB Front Rack Step Up (5/leg)

8 Renegae Rows (HEAVY - 4 reps per arm)
20m KB Cross Body Carry/arm
rest walk 2mins 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/15/19 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/17/19

Thu, Jan 17: missed by Adam

3 Sets
10 Half Kneeling Dual KB Press (5 reps/knee)
8m Wheelbarrow Walk (partner holds feet)
30sec KB Side Plank
rest as needed

A1 Standing Behind the Neck Press

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20X0; 10,10,8 rest 90sec


A2 Deadlift - no hook grip double overhand

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TnG; 10,10,8 rest rest 90sec

B1 Single Arm DB Complex

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1 SA DB Press
3 SA DB Push Press
5 SA DB Push Jerk
rest 45sec x 3 sets

B2 Ring Push Up
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ARMAP in 30sec; rest 90sec x 3 sets

C EMOM x 10mins
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Odd - 3 BOX JUMP Tall 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/17/19

Even - 2 Dual KB Russian Swings + 3 Dual KB Cleans + 5 Dual KB Front Squats Build from
last week if you can) 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/19/19

Sat, Jan 19: missed by Adam

2-3 Sets
10 Banded Hip Thrust
10 Ring Body Saw
5 Cross Body Single Leg RDL/leg

A Front Squat
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22X1; 4 reps every 2:30 x 3 sets

B1 Front Rack Split Squat (rear foot on 6" plates)

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20X1 ; 3-5/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets

B2 Kettlebell Cross Body Carry

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20m/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

C1 Strict Ring Pull Up

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AMRAP in 45sec; rest 60sec x 3 sets

C2 Tall Kneeling Kettlebell Push Press

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8-10reps (hold 1sec OH each rep) rest 60sec x 3 sets

D 3 Sets - For Quality

View exercise history 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/19/19

15 DB Curl to Press
25 Banded Tricep Push Down
30sec Hollow Rocks 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/22/19

Tue, Jan 22: missed by Adam

Week 10 of 12
3 Sets
Skater Band Walk x 10m forward and 10m backwards
20sec Single Leg Wall Sit

A1 Split Stance Good Morning

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4010; 4-6/leg rest 60sec x 3 sets

*one more week of this coming up so really hone in on this movement pattern

A2 Single Leg Bodyweight Hip Thrust

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20X2; 8/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets

*really squeeze at the top - activate and fire the glutes - loading this can be as simple as
place a Dumbbell on the hips.

B Back Squat
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20X1; 6,5,4; rest 2-3misn increase load each set

C 3 Sets - TOUGH Sets

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30sec Wtd Plank March (weight plate on back)

10 Archer Ring Rows
10 KB Front Rack tall kneeling to Standing per leg
rest walk as needed 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/22/19 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/24/19

Thu, Jan 24: missed by Adam

3 Sets
10 Tall Kneeling Kettlebell Alternating Press
30-40sec Extended Plank Hold

A1 Standing Behind the Neck Press

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20X2; 8,8,6 rest 90sec

*building from last week

A2 Deadlift - no hook grip double overhand

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TnG; 8,8,6 rest rest 90sec

*building from last week

B1 Single Arm DB Complex

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3 SA DB Push Press
3 SA DB Push Jerk
3 SA DB Split Jerk
rest 45sec x 3 sets

B2 Weighted Ring Push UPs

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8-10reps (plate or DB on your back); rest 45sec x 3 sets

B3 Dumbbell Muscle Clean

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6-8 reps TnG (DB's in each hand); rest 90sec x 3 sets 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/24/19

C Every 2mins x 4 sets

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5 Dual KB Cleans + 4 Dual KB Front Squats + 3 Dual Kb Front Rack Reverse Lunge/leg
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/26/19

Sat, Jan 26: missed by Adam

3 Sets
20 Russian KBS Unbroken Warm Up Weights
10 Rower Pike Ups
5 Single Leg Good Morning/leg (PVC loading if needed to work balance)

A Front Squat
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22X1; 3 reps every 2:30 x 3 sets

B1 Front Rack Step Up

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3-5/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets

*low boxes (3" below the height of your knee cap or lower)

B2 Mixed Kettlebell Front Rack Overhead Carry

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20m/arm; rest 60sec x 3 sets

C1 Wtd Strict Pull Up

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5,5,5; rest 30sec

Scale back to strict pull ups or assisted if needed

C2 Single Arm Landmine Push Press

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8-10reps/arm; rest 9s0ec x 3 sets

D 3 Sets - For Quality 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/26/19
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16 Alternating DB Curls (8/arm)

10 Diamond Push ups
30sec Wtd Hollow Rock (light DB or plate in hands - scale back to no weight)) 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/29/19

Tue, Jan 29: missed by Adam

Week 11 of 12
3 Sets
20 Banded Resisted Glute Bridge
10m Duck Walks

A1 Split Stance Good Morning

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3010; 3-5/leg rest 60sec x 3 sets

*last week of this movement

A2 Barbell Hip Thrust

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20X2; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets

*really squeeze at the top

B Back Squat
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20X1; 4,3,2; rest 2-3misn increase load each set

C 3 Sets - TOUGH Sets

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45sec banded plank

5 Dual KB HPC
5 Dual KB Front Rack Squats
8 Alternating Dual KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge
30m Single arm Farmers Carry/arm 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/29/19 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/31/19

Thu, Jan 31: missed by Adam

3 Sets
10 Dual KB Half Kneeling KB Press (5/knee each set)
45sec Ring Plank

A1 Standing Behind the Neck Press

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20X2; 6,4,4 rest 90sec

*building from last week

A2 Deadlift - no hook grip double overhand

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TnG; 6,4,4 rest rest 90sec

*building from last week

B1 DB Complex
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8 DB See Saw Press

8 DB See Saw Push Press
8 DB See Saw Push Jerk
rest 45sec x 3

B2 Push Ups
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AMRAP in 30sec; rest 90sec x 3 sets

C Every 2mins x 4 sets

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8 Dual KB Deadlifts
6 Dual KB HPC 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 1/31/19

15m KB Front Rack carry

7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 2/2/19

Sat, Feb 2: missed by Adam

3 Sets
10 Singel Arm Russian KBS Unbroken Warm Up Weights
10 Tuck Ups + 10sec Hollow body hold on last rep
10 Light Barbell Good Mornings

A Front Squat
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22X1; 2 reps every 2:30 x 3 sets

B1 KB Front Rack Step Up

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10 reps alternating legs rest 60sec x 3 sets

*low boxes (only the heigh of your knee cap or lower)

B2 Dual Kettlebell Overhead Carry

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20m; rest 60sec x 3 sets

C1 Wtd Strict Pull Up

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3,3,3; rest 30sec

scale back to strict pull ups or assisted as tough as you can

C2 Single Arm Kettlebell Thruster

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20X1; 6/arm; rest 90sec x 3 sets

D 3 Sets - For Quality 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 2/2/19
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10 Barbell Reverse Curls

20 Banded Tricep Push Downs
30sec Tuck L-Hang 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 2/5/19

Tue, Feb 5: missed by Adam

Week 12 of 12 - Intensity Today
3 Sets for Warm Up
10 Banded Good Morning
30sec Wall Sit
10m Quadruped Crawl

A Back Squat
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with a strict tempo of 40X0 - build to a top set of 3 reps

B Single Arm KB Rack Step Up

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6reps/legs not alternating; rest as needed x 3 sets per leg (box height at knee cap or
below - NOTHING over knee height)

C EMOM x 20mins
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1st - 10 KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges

2nd - 8m Lateral Bande Walk/side
3rd - 10 Dual KB Russian Swings
4th - 40sec banded plank 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 2/5/19 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 2/7/19

Thu, Feb 7: missed by Adam

3 Sets
5 Single Arm Seated Arnold Press/arm
30sec forearm plank
1min Jump rope single unders

A Standing Press
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at a strict 20X2 Tempo find a tough set of

3 reps
2 reps
1 rep

B Conventional Deadlift
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Build to a tough single for the day

C Every 2mins x 4 sets

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6 DB Snatch (3/arm)
6 Clapping Push Ups (scale back to regular push ups or plyo push ups)
9 Russian KBS Tough 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 2/7/19 2/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 2/9/19

Sat, Feb 9: missed by Adam

3 Sets
Row 1min
20 Glute Bridge bodyweight
10 Ring Body Saw

A Front Squat
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22X1 - at Strict tempo build to a 1RM for the day

B Wtd Strict Pull Up

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build to a 1RM pull up

or perform a max set of bodyweight strict pull ups

C1 Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Row

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21X1; 6/arm; rest 60sec x 3

C2 Dumbbell Hammer Curl

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20X0; 6-8reps/arm; rest 60sec x 3

D 4mins AMRAP
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Prisoner Step Up (20"/16")

rest 2mins
5mins AMRAP
Turksih Get Up Alternating Arms every rep (53/35 max loads) 1/2
7/3/2019 Revival Strength | Workouts | 2/9/19 2/2

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