Tugas 1 Bahasa Inggris Niaga

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Tugas 1 Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Nama : krisnawati br ginting

Nim : 042348744

Nama Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Kode Mata Kuliah : ADBI4201

C. To be a First Mover in a business, you should do market analysis.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

I agree with this statement, because to be the first mover we must have a strong market analysis,
so that the success rate of our business is high and the profits we achieve increase.

Market analysis is an activity of analyzing or organizing to study various problems regarding

market conditions. With market analysis, we will be able to find out the strengths and
weaknesses of our business as a whole;

We must know that the quality of our products is the best among competitors.

We must know that our pricing strategy wins against competitors' pricing strategies.

Our place of business is located in the best possible way.

Our promotions generate sales and brand recognition.

In addition to market analysis to get the first movers, We must carry out continuous market
analysis in order to survive in the market, by making the following efforts:

The first is to create a technological advantage over competitors. By starting early, first
movers have more time than newcomers to be able to gather and master the technical know-how.
The second way is to preempt next-arrival access to a scarce asset—for example, a location on
a major city street, a talented employee, or a key supplier.

The third is to build an initial customer base who will find it inconvenient or expensive to
switch to a newcomer's offering. And please note that there are important benefits that can be
obtained after carrying out market measures analysis, here are the benefits:

A. Get consumers

By doing the right market analysis, we will find it easier to get consumers. Because the
products we sell are in accordance with what consumers need.

B. Check out the competition

When you open a business, you may already have a business competitor who opened the same
business as the first time. With market analysis, we can find out about the weaknesses and
strengths of competitors of our business, so that we can outperform existing businesses.

C. Take advantage of opportunities

One way to take advantage of existing business opportunities is to differentiate between them
from existing products on the market. By conducting market analysis, we can find out what
opportunities we are still rarely competitive and the prospects good future.

D. Reduce risk
Every business has its own risks. With market analysis, we can reduce risk that occur from
product failure to the risk of business failure. But by doing the market analysis, this risk will be
reduced, we can even avoid it.

e. Long-term plan

Conduct market analysis. we will know the long term step forward to run business. By
having a good business plan, we will not be confused in determine the steps to achieve success.

Reference sources ; BMP and my thoughts

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