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Original Research

Volume Load Rather Than Resting Interval

Influences Muscle Hypertrophy During High-
Intensity Resistance Training
Ariel Roberth Longo,1 Carla Silva-Batista,2,3 Kelly Pedroso,1 Vitor de Salles Painelli,1 Thiago Lasevicius,2
Brad Jon Schoenfeld,4 André Yui Aihara,5 Bergson de Almeida Peres,1 Valmor Tricoli,2 and
Emerson Luiz Teixeira1,2
Paulista University, UNIP, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; 2School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP,
Brazil; 3School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil; 4Department of Health Sciences,
CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, New York; and 5America’s Diagnostics S/A, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

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Longo, AR, Silva-Batista, C, Pedroso, K, de Salles Painelli, V, Lasevicius, T, Schoenfeld, BJ, Aihara, AY, de Almeida Peres,
B, Tricoli, V, and Teixeira, EL. Volume load rather than resting interval influences muscle hypertrophy during high-intensity
resistance training. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2020—Interset rest interval has been proposed as an important
variable for inducing muscle mass and strength increases during resistance training. However, its influence remains unclear,
especially when protocols with differing intervals have equalized volume. We aimed to compare the effects of long (LI) vs.
short rest interval (SI) on muscle strength (one repetition maximum [1RM]) and quadriceps cross-sectional area (QCSA), with
or without equalized volume load (VL). Twenty-eight subjects trained twice a week for 10 weeks. Each subject’s leg was
allocated to 1 of 4 unilateral knee extension protocols: LI, SI, SI with VL -matched by LI (VLI-SI), and LI with VL-matched by SI
(VSI-LI). A 3-minute rest interval was afforded in LI and VSI-LI protocols, while SI and VLI-SI employed a 1-minute interval. All
subjects trained with a load corresponding to 80% 1RM. One repetition maximum and QCSA were measured before and
after training. All protocols significantly increased 1RM values in post-training (p , 0.0001; LI: 27.6%, effect size [ES] 5 0.90;
VLI-SI: 31.1%, ES 5 1.00; SI: 26.5%, ES 5 1.11; and VSI-LI: 31.2%, ES 5 1.28), with no significant differences between
protocols. Quadriceps cross-sectional area increased significantly for all protocols in post-training (p , 0.0001). However,
absolute changes in QCSA were significantly greater in LI and VLI-SI (13.1%, ES: 0.66 and 12.9%, ES: 0.63) than SI and VSI-
LI (6.8%, ES: 0.38 and 6.6%, ES: 0.37) (both comparisons, p , 0.05). These data suggest that maintenance of high loads is
more important for strength increases, while a greater VL plays a primary role for hypertrophy, regardless of interset rest
Key Words: recovery period, rest between sets, volume, strength, muscular adaptations

Introduction (2,4,8,16) and hypertrophy (2,13,18) between LI and SI. Such

discrepancies may be attributed to heterogeneity in the ex-
Resistance training (RT) has been widely applied as a primary
perimental designs. For example, Hill-Hass et al. (13) com-
strategy for increases in muscle strength and mass. These mus-
pared rest intervals of 20 and 80 seconds; Fink et al. (8)
cular adaptations are influenced by the correct manipulation of
compared 30 seconds vs. 3 minutes; Schoenfeld et al. (23)
main variables such as training frequency, intensity, volume, and
compared 60 seconds vs. 3 minutes, and Ahtiainen et al. (2)
interset rest interval (1). Regarding the rest interval, long rest
compared 2 minutes vs. 5 minutes. Moreover, various issues
intervals (LI, 2–3 minutes) for strength increases and short rest
may have confounded some of these studies. Specifically, Fink
intervals (SI, ,1 minute) for muscle hypertrophy have been
et al. (8) manipulated the intensity of the load in addition to the
commonly recommended (1,11,12,24,25). These recom-
rest intervals, whereby the shorter rest group trained with
mendations are based on the premise that LI would allow for an
lighter loads while the longer rest interval group trained with
optimal recovery to maintain high intensity and volume load
heavier loads. In addition, the study by Ahtiainen et al. (2) used
(VL), while SI would result in a higher systemic elevation of an-
a crossover design whereby subjects trained with short rest for
abolic hormones concentration (mainly growth hormone) related
3 months and long rest for 3 months without a washout period.
to muscle hypertrophy (1,10,24).
Other factors such as age and study duration also differed
However, results of longitudinal studies on the topic are
between many of the trials (2,8,13,23).
conflicting, with some studies showing advantage for LI on
Importantly, studies that observed better results in muscle
strength increases (13,23) and hypertrophy (4,8,23), while
hypertrophy for LI tended to be performed with repetitions until
others failing to demonstrate any difference for strength
muscle failure, which is likely to result in a higher VL (4,8,23).
Address correspondence to Emerson Luiz Teixeira, Indeed, increases in muscle hypertrophy resulting from RT have
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 00(00)/1–6 been shown to be closely related to VL (1,14,20,21). Thus, RT
ª 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association interventions that use similar intensities performed with higher

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Long vs. Short Resting Intervals (2020) 00:00

VL with LI could conceivably promote greater increases in hy- concurrently, which increases the study’s statistical power by
pertrophy. On the other hand, not all studies using LI, leading to reducing the degree of between-subject variability. The aver-
a higher VL, have shown additional effects on muscle strength age number of sets and repetitions performed per set
compared with SI (4,8). This could be related to a training-related throughout the training period was controlled, and the VL was
specificity, whereby higher RT intensities are known to promote calculated as the sum of the training volume (number of sets 3
greater muscle strength increases, regardless of the VL or interset number of repetitions 3 external load) performed throughout
rest interval (15–17,22,25). the training period.
Considering the influence of RT volume on muscle adap- Resistance training was performed for 10 weeks twice per
tations, especially muscle hypertrophy, it is essential that week. The 1RM was reassessed 72 hours after the tenth RT ses-
different interset rest intervals are compared with both sion to adjust training load in the following weeks (6–10 weeks).
equalized and nonequalized RT volumes to adequately assess The QCSA was also assessed 72 hours after completion of the last
the role of the interset rest interval on muscle adaptations. training session to ensure there were no confounding effects of
Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the effects of edema, with subsequent assessment of 1RM performed 48 hours
a LI (3 minutes) vs. a SI (1 minute) interset rest interval, with later. Subjects were requested to abstain from alcohol and un-
and without equalized VL, on muscle strength and hypertro- accustomed exercise in 48 hours before the testing sessions, as
phy in response to a 10-week RT program. We hypothesized well as caffeine in the 24 hours preceding the tests. In addition,
that (a) greater changes in muscle hypertrophy would be ob- they were required to maintain their diet pattern. Subjects arrived
served with LI due to the associated higher VL, and (b) muscle at the laboratory at least 2 hours after their last meal and im-
strength would not be influenced by the different interset rest mediately began their warm-up.

Methods Thirty-four healthy, young, and recreationally active indi-
Experimental Approach to the Problem viduals participated in the study (18–34 years old). Subjects
were not engaged in any kind of regular RT and/or aerobic
This was longitudinal design that compared the effects of 10 training for at least 6 months before the experimental period
weeks of RT with LI (3 minutes) vs. a SI (1 minute) with or and were free from cardiovascular and/or neuromuscular
without equalized VL, on strength and hypertrophy. After disorders. All subjects signed the free and informed consent
a period of familiarization, the unilateral inclined (45°) leg term before participation. Exclusion criteria included the us-
press maximum dynamic strength test (one repetition maxi- age of any dietary supplements for at least 2 months before the
mum [1RM]) was evaluated for both lower extremities. study, as well as any previous administration of anabolic
Seventy-two hours after this initial assessment, subjects re- steroids. Six subjects withdrew from the study due to personal
peated the 1RM test. One repetition maximum testing was reasons; therefore, data from 28 (18 men, 10 women) (mean 6
repeated every 72 hours until 1RM outcomes were within 5% SD, 22.5 6 5.7 years, 169.5 6 9.5 cm, and 65.6 6 13 kg) were
of the previous session for each lower limb. All subjects were included in the analysis. Informed consent was received from
able to complete 1RM testing within 4 attempts. At least 72 all individuals who met the inclusion criteria before partici-
hours after the final 1RM test, the quadriceps cross-sectional pation in the study. The study was conducted according to the
area (QCSA) was obtained by magnetic resonance imaging Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by research ethics
(MRI). Each subject’s lower limb was then allocated to 1 of the committee of the University of São Paulo.
4 unilateral training protocols in a randomized, counter-
balanced fashion according to 1RM and QCSA values as fol-
lows: (a) long rest interval (LI, using a 3-minute interval Procedures
between sets; N 5 14); (b) short rest interval (SI, using a 1-
minute interval between sets; N 5 14); (c) LI, but performing Maximum Dynamic Strength Test Procedures. The maximum
the same VL of the SI protocol (VSI-LI; N 5 14); and (d) SI, but dynamic strength was determined as the maximum weight lifted
performing the same VL of the LI protocol (VLI-SI; N 5 14). in a single and complete repetition of unilateral leg press 45°
Figure 1 describes the randomization process; Table 1 provides exercise according to the guidelines of the American Society of
baseline data for strength and hypertrophy. As documented Exercise Physiologists (3). The test was performed on an
with the use of the unilateral model (16), each limb of a subject
is randomized to 1 of 2 treatments that can be applied

Baseline data for strength and hypertrophy.*†
Groups 1RM (kg) p QCSA (cm2) p
LI (n 5 14) 168.6 6 44.7 .0.05 76.7 6 14.2 .0.05
VLI-SI (n 5 14) 168.2 6 45.2 .0.05 76.5 6 14.7 .0.05
SI (n 5 14) 171.1 6 35.9 .0.05 77.2 6 13.3 .0.05
VSI-LI (n 5 14) 170.4 6 35.6 .0.05 75.8 6 12.9 .0.05
*1RM 5 one repetition maximum; QCSA 5 quadriceps cross-sectional area.
†Long rest interval (LI, using a 3-minute interval between sets); short rest interval (SI, using a 1- Figure 1. Illustration of randomization process in the experi-
minute interval between sets); LI, but performing the same VL of the SI protocol (VSI-LI); SI, but mental protocols.
performing the same VL of the LI protocol (VLI-SI). Corresponding p-values between limbs.

Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Long vs. Short Resting Intervals (2020) 00:00 |

inclined leg press machine (45° leg press, G-001, Gervasport, protocols to concentric failure with 80% 1RM until the
Cotia, SP, Brazil) for both right and left legs. The knee joint same LI or SI VL was achieved. Repetition tempo was stan-
amplitude was set at 90° using a goniometer (the lateral femoral dardized to 2 seconds (1 second for the concentric and 1
condyle was used as the point of intersection, while the lateral second for the eccentric phase of the repetition) controlled by
malleolus and the greater trochanter were fixed as the extrem- a metronome.
ities). The subjects performed a general 5-minute warm-up
running on a treadmill at 9 km·h21, followed by 3 minutes of
light stretching of the lower limbs. A specific warm-up was Statistical Analyses
performed using 1RM outcomes measured during the initial Data are presented as mean 6 SD, relative changes, effect
assessment session. Subjects performed one set of 8 repetitions sizes (ES), and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Data normality
with approximately 50% 1RM and one set of 3 repetitions with was tested by the Shapiro-Wilk test and visual inspection to
approximately 70% 1RM. Warm-up sets were separated by a 2- observe the presence of outliers; however, no outliers were
minute rest interval. Three minutes after the specific warm-up, observed. After data normality had been confirmed, a mixed
subjects began 1RM testing by performing single repetitions of model for repeated measures was applied for 1RM and
progressively heavier loads until failure. The heaviest load lifted QCSA, with “Protocol” (LI, SI, VSI-LI, and VLI-SI) and
during the trials with proper technique was considered as the “Time” (pre-training and post-training) used as fixed factors,
1RM. Subjects rested 3 minutes between attempts, and all sub- and ’Participants’ as random factors. The absolute changes
jects reached their 1RM within 5 attempts. All tests were su- (i.e., POST-PRE) in 1RM and QCSA were compared between
pervised by two-experienced researchers (A.R.L. and K.P.) who the protocols using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
provided strong verbal encouragement during all attempts. The The total number of sets, repetitions, and VL were also
coefficient of variation between 1RM values performed 72 compared using a one-way ANOVA. In all analyses when
hours apart was 3.7%. a significant F value was found, the Tukey post hoc was used
for multiple comparisons. In addition, ESs were calculated
Quadriceps Cross-Sectional Area. The QCSA was obtained using Cohen’s d; qualitative descriptors for ES interpretation
through MRI (Signa LX 9.1; GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI). were assigned as follows: ,0.2, negligible effect; 0.2–0.39,
Subjects were positioned supine with straps used to restrain small effect; 0.40–0.75, moderate effect; and .0.75, large
lower limb movements during image acquisition. The position effect (6). The significance level set was p # 0.05. Analyses
of the straps were standardized and placed such that they did were conducted using the SAS software v. 9.3. (SAS Institute,
not influence the QCSA measures. An initial reference image Inc., Cary, NC).
was captured to determine the perpendicular distance from the
greater trochanter of the femur to the inferior border of the
lateral epicondyle of the femur, which was defined as the seg- Results
ment length. Quadriceps cross-sectional area was measured at
Maximum Dynamic Strength
50% of the segment length with 0.8-cm slices for 3 seconds. The
pulse sequence was performed with a field of view between 400 No significant differences between protocols were observed for leg
and 420 mm, time of repetition of 350 ms, eco time from 9 to 11 press 1RM before training (LI: 168.6 6 44.7 kg, VLI-SI: 168.2 6
ms, 2 signal acquisitions, and a matrix of reconstruction of 256 45.2 kg, SI: 171.1 6 35.0 kg, VSI-LI: 170.4 6 35.6 kg; p . 0.05).
3 256 mm. The images were then transferred to a computer After training, leg press 1RM significantly increased (Figure 2A) for
(Mac OS X, version 10.5.4; Apple, Cupertino, CA) and ana- LI (within-protocol effect: p , 0.0001; 27.6%; ES 5 0.90; 95% CI
lyzed using open-source software (OsiriX, version 3.2.1; 5 0.09–1.71), VLI-SI (within-protocol effect: p , 0.0001; 31.1%;
OsiriX Imaging Software, Geneva, Switzerland). The quadri- ES 5 1.00; 95% CI 5 0.19–1.82), SI (within-protocol effect: p ,
ceps images were traced in triplicates by a specialized in- 0.0001; 26.5%; ES 5 1.11; 95% CI 5 0.28–1.93), and VSI-LI
dependent researcher, and the mean values were used for (within-protocol effect: p , 0.0001; 31.2%; ES 5 1.28; 95% CI 5
further analysis. The segment slice was divided into skeletal 0.44–2.13). The absolute change analysis (Figure 2B) did not reveal
muscle, subcutaneous fat tissue, bone, and residual tissue. any significant differences between protocols for the 1RM increa-
Quadriceps cross-sectional area was calculated by subtracting ses (all comparisons, p . 0.05).
the bone and subcutaneous fat from the total area. The co-
efficient of variation between 2 QCSA measures performed 72
Quadriceps Cross-Sectional Area
hours apart was 0.95%.
No significant differences between protocols were observed for
Resistance Training Program. All subjects completed 2 training QCSA before training (LI: 76.7 6 14.2 cm2, VLI-SI: 76.5 6 14.7
sessions per week for 10 weeks. Each training session began cm2, SI: 77.2 6 13.3 cm2, VSI-LI: 75.8 6 12.9 cm2; p . 0.05).
with a general (treadmill running at 9 km·h 21 for 5 minutes) After training, QCSA significantly increased (Figure 3A) for LI
and specific (1 set of 5 repetitions of unilateral inclined leg (within-protocol effect: p , 0.0001; 13.1%; ES 5 0.66; 95%
press with 50% 1RM) warm-up. After a 1-minute rest, sub- CI 5 20.13 to 1.45), VLI-SI (within-protocol effect: p , 0.0001;
jects in the LI and SI groups performed 3 sets of unilateral 12.9%; ES 5 0.63; 95% CI 5 20.16 to 1.42), SI (within-protocol
inclined leg press to 90° knee flexion until concentric failure effect: p , 0.0001; 6.8%; ES 5 0.38; 95% CI 5 20.39 to 1.16),
(not able to perform another concentric repetition using and VSI-LI (within-protocol effect: p , 0.0001; 6.6%; ES 5 0.37;
correct technique) with 80% 1RM. Subjects in the LI group 95% CI 5 20.41 to 1.15). On the other hand, absolute change
rested 3 minutes between sets and subjects in the SI group analysis (Figure 3B) revealed that the LI and VLI-SI produced
rested 1 minute between sets. Depending on protocol allo- greater QCSA increases (9.8 6 3.7 and 9.5 6 4.0 cm2, re-
cation, subjects then performed the unilateral incline leg press spectively) than SI or VSI-LI (5.1 6 2.6 and 4.8 6 3.2 cm2, re-
with their other lower extremity using the VLI-SI or VSI-LI spectively) (p , 0.05).

Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Long vs. Short Resting Intervals (2020) 00:00

Figure 2. A) Maximum dynamic strength (1RM, in kg) before Figure 3. A) Quadriceps cross-sectional area (QCSA, in
(PRE) and after (POST) a 10-week unilateral resistance training cm2) before (PRE) and after (POST) a 10-week unilateral
program in the long resting interval (LI), volume-matched long resistance training program in the long resting interval (LI),
resting interval with a short interval (VLI-SI), short resting in- volume-matched long resting interval with a short interval
terval (SI), and volume-matched short resting interval with (VLI-SI), short resting interval (SI), and volume-matched
a long interval (VSI-LI) protocols. B) Absolute change in 1RM in short resting interval with a long interval (VSI-LI) protocols. B)
the LI, VLI-SI, SI, and VSI-LI protocols. *Significant within- Absolute change in CSA in the LI, VLI-SI, SI, and VSI-LI
protocol effect (p , 0.05). 1RM 5 one repetition maximum. protocols. *Significant within-protocol effect (at p , 0.05);
#significant between-protocol effect compared with SI and
VSI-LI (p , 0.05).
Number of Sets, Repetitions, and Volume Load
The average total number of sets and repetitions performed by LI,
VLI-SI, SI, and VSI-LI were 3.0 6 0 sets and 16.1 6 5.2 reps, 4.5 maximize increases in muscle strength (1,24). Longer intervals
6 1.5 sets and 11.6 6 5.1 reps, 3.0 6 0 sets and 9.8 6 2.9 reps, would allow for the individual to maintain a higher intensity,
and 2.3 6 0.6 sets and 13.4 6 5.5 reps, respectively. The LI and perform more repetitions per sets, and consequently obtain higher
VLI-SI performed a greater VL than SI and VSI-LI (133,614 6 VL, which in turn would result in greater strength increases
45,683 kg and 133,648 6 45,675 kg vs. 96,392 6 25,608 kg, (25,26). In fact, some authors have shown that greater strength
96,369 6 25,603 kg, respectively; p 5 0.049). increases were obtained by use of longer intervals (13,23).
However, these results are not unanimous because other studies
failed to replicate this finding, even when the longer intervals
allowed a higher VL (4,8,18). Recent evidence demonstrates that
regardless of VL, the highest intensity of the RT seems to de-
The present study investigated the effect of different interset rest termine the greatest increases in muscle strength (5,15–17,22).
intervals (1 minute vs. 3 minutes), with and without equalized VL, Specifically, higher intensities may promote greater recruitment
on muscle strength and hypertrophy after 10 weeks of RT. of motor units, higher firing rate of motor units, and greater
Consistent with our hypothesis, our findings demonstrate that changes in agonist-antagonist coactivation rate compared with
both muscle strength and hypertrophy are not directly influenced lower intensities (9,19). Our findings are consistent with recent
by the interset rest interval. Thus, we confirmed that greater literature, demonstrating that under intensity-equated conditions
increases in hypertrophy were observed when higher VL was (80% 1RM), the higher VL attained in LI and VLI-SI did not
performed, regardless of the interset rest interval used. translate into greater strength increases compared with SI and
The findings of this study partially call into question some VSI-LI (Figure 2A, B). Collectively, these findings indicate that the
recommendations from the literature on the use of longer inter- length of the rest interval does not significantly influence strength
vals for greater increases in muscle strength (1,11,12,24). It has increases, at least for durations as low as 1 minute, when training
been suggested that a $3-minute interset rest interval is needed to is performed at a high intensity of load. Moreover, our findings

Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Long vs. Short Resting Intervals (2020) 00:00 |

suggest that using shorter rest intervals can make RT sessions prioritized when selecting a rest interval to maximize increases in
more time efficient without compromising increases in strength. It muscle mass.
should be noted that these findings are specific to training at
a relatively moderate intensity of load (80% 1RM). General
guidelines recommend heavier loading (1RM–6RM) to maximize Practical Applications
strength increases (1), and our findings cannot necessarily be
extrapolated to the use of these higher loads. Future research is Based on our findings, we propose that if the individual’s goal is
warranted to better determine how manipulations of rest interval to maximize muscle strength increases, rest intervals should be
length affect long-term strength adaptations with the use of very “sufficient” to allow for the maintenance of high intensities of
heavy loads. load during each set. The “self-selected” rest interval hypothesis
Regarding muscle hypertrophy, a higher VL was found to proposed by De Salles et al. (7) might be a viable strategy be-
positively influence the accretion of muscle mass regardless of the cause this approach has been shown to be effective in main-
interval used in the RT protocol (1 or 3 minutes) (Figure 3B). Our taining high levels of training intensity by taking into account
findings are consistent with results from previous studies showing the self-reported perception of recovery. Alternatively, when
greater increases in muscle mass for protocols with longer inter- the goal is to achieve muscle hypertrophy, long intervals (3
vals when VL was higher for these protocols compared with short minutes) allow for a higher VL with fewer sets to be performed,
intervals (4,8,23). Further support for these findings can be found while short intervals (1 minute) require more sets to obtain
in studies showing similar increases in muscle hypertrophy when higher VL, both of which are efficacious for increasing muscle
VL was equated between protocols of long and short rest intervals mass. In other words, it could be possible to use both long and
(2,13,18). In addition, throughout the literature, there is strong short rest intervals as long as a high VL is performed.
evidence showing that higher VL favors greater increases in
muscle mass (1,14,20,21). Although the mechanisms are still
unclear, it is suggested that the cumulative effect of greater RT Acknowledgments
volumes elicits higher rates of protein synthesis and intracellular The authors are grateful to all the subjects for their volunteer
anabolic signaling thereby translating into greater hypertrophic efforts to take part in the study.
increases over time (20). Taken together with our findings, the The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest.
evidence suggests that rest intervals of 1 or 3 minutes produce The results of this study do not constitute endorsement by the
similar hypertrophic increases provided VL is equated between authors or the National Strength and Conditioning Association
conditions. (NSCA).
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Long vs. Short Resting Intervals (2020) 00:00

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