1 - Influence of Voltage Positive Feedback Anti-Islanding Scheme On Inverter-Based Distributed Generator Stability - 04802015

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2, APRIL 2009

Influence of Voltage Positive Feedback Anti-Islanding Scheme on Inverter-Based

Distributed Generator Stability
Xiaoyu Wang, Member, IEEE, and Walmir Freitas, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This letter investigates the influence of the voltage

positive feedback anti-islanding scheme on the stability of in-
verter-based distributed generators (DGs). Modal analysis is used
to determine the relationship between the positive feedback gain
of the anti-islanding control and the stability limit. It was found
that strong positive feedback gain will destabilize the distribution
generator when the power transferred from the distribution
system to the DG local load is small.
Index Terms—Distributed generation, inverter-based generator,
positive feedback anti-islanding, voltage stability. Fig. 1. Single-line diagram of the test distribution system.


R ECENTLY, the positive feedback concept was intro-

duced to facility the islanding detection of inverter-based
distributed generators (DGs) [1]. Compared with the passive Fig. 2. Block diagram of the voltage positive feedback anti-islanding scheme.
schemes and the other active schemes, the positive feedback
anti-islanding scheme has a better performance on islanding unity power factor, as is typical in these cases. The system bus
protection of grid-connected DGs [2]. However, the positive voltage is , which is assumed as constant. The DG terminal
feedback control resident in the DGs could cause potential bus varies with the powers supplied by the system and
stability problems to the distributed generator since such the DG as well as with the power consumed by the load. CB is
techniques always introduce a destabilizing force into the DG the circuit breaker, which can be used to simulate an islanding
control system. our knowledge, little effort has been done situation (if desirable).
to investigate such potential impact of the positive feedback
Therefore, this letter studies the influence of the voltage pos- The voltage positive feedback anti-islanding scheme detects
itive feedback anti-islanding control on the stability of inverter- the variation of the DG terminal voltage magnitude to gen-
based DGs by using the modal analysis approach. The relation- erate a positive feedback signal [3]. The block diagram of the
ship between the positive feedback gain and the distribution scheme is shown in Fig. 2. From this figure, one can see that the
system power transfer limit is disclosed. voltage error signal is firstly obtained through a washout
filter with a time constant . After that, the voltage error signal
II. SYSTEM MODEL is amplified by the positive feedback gains to ob-
Consider an inverter-based DG connected to a distribution tain the power error signal . Then, the power error signal
system as shown in Fig. 1. In this, figure, the resistance and the is superimposed on the active power reference of the inverter
inductance of the distribution line are and , respectively. controller to perturb the output power of the DG. It can be seen
The power transferred from the distribution system to the DG from Fig. 1 that the DG terminal voltage will be affected by the
local load is . The DG delivers to the DG output power. As a result, a voltage positive feedback loop
local load, which is represented by a constant impedance is formed [3]. When the DG is connected to a strong grid, the
. Thus, the power consumed by the load is the DG terminal voltage will be determined by the grid and the ef-
sum of and . The three-phase inverter fect of the anti-islanding control on the voltage is small. On the
is constant power-controlled; consequently, the inverter control other hand, when the utility is absent the positive feedback con-
inputs are and . In addition, the DG is operated with trol will act to destabilize the islanded DG system by varying
and, consequently, the islanding detection is accelerated. This is
Manuscript received October 14, 2007; revised March 18, 2008. Current ver- the basis of the voltage positive feedback anti-islanding scheme.
sion published March 25, 2009. This work was supported by the Natural Re-
sources Canada through the Technology and Innovation Program as part of the
Climate Action Plan for Canada. Paper no. PESL-00114-2007.
X. Wang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua Univer- IV. DG STABILITY ANALYSIS
sity, Beijing, China 100084 (e-mail: xiaoyuw@tsinghua.edu.cn). Fig. 3 shows the P-V curves of the DG terminal bus of Fig. 1 for
W. Freitas is with the Department of Electrical Energy Systems, State Uni-
versity of Campinas, 13083-970 Campinas, Brazil (e-mail: walmir@ieee.org). different levels. These curves were obtained by solving the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2009.2013373 power flow equations of the system. Thus, at first, the dynamic
0885-8977/$25.00 © 2009 IEEE

Fig. 3. P-V curves of the DG terminal for different P .

Fig. 4. Simulation results of the DG terminal voltage.

characteristics of the inverter are not considered. For simplicity,

the local load was represented only by a resistance . Then, the
resistance was varied to increase the load power . Point is
the nose point when there is no DG installed. Point and point
arerelatedto thenose pointswhentheDGoutputpower is0.1
and 0.3 p.u., respectively. It can be observed that voltage stability
margin is increased when the DG penetration level increases.
However, the situation is different when the anti-islanding con-
trol is considered. According to the small-signal analysis of the
system in Fig. 1 including the anti-islanding protection, it was
found that the stable region is the segment between point and
point for the curve. Correspondingly, the seg-
ment between point and point is the stable region for the Fig. 5. Root loci of the DG system.
curve. In other words, the DG will lose its stability
when the load power is smaller than the power level at point or
in this case, the influence of the system power on the voltage
point . In this analysis, the anti-islanding gains are and
behavior is strengthened. Fig. 5 shows the root loci of the DG
, which are typical values. These results were obtained
system when is varied. From this figure, one can see that
by calculating the system eigenvalues for each operating point of
the DG becomes unstable when the system power is decreased.
the P-V curve.
Thus, there is a minimum transfer power requirement from the
This phenomenon is also demonstrated by electromagnetic
distribution system to the DG local load to support the stable
transient simulations of the interconnected DG system shown in
operation of the DG system in the presence of the voltage posi-
Fig. 1. Fig. 4 displays the responses of the DG terminal voltage
tive feedback anti-islanding scheme.
magnitude for two cases where In the first case,
the load power is 0.35 p.u., which is in the stable region of the P-V
curve. The voltage anti-islanding control is enabled at 0.5 s in the V. CONCLUSIONS
inverter controller and it can be seen that the voltage response is This letter presented a preliminary investigation about the im-
stable even after the anti-islanding protection activation. In the pact of the voltage positive feedback anti-islanding scheme on
second case, the load power is 0.1 p.u., which is in the unstable the voltage stability of inverter-based DGs. Small-signal anal-
region of the P-V curve. For this case the DG terminal voltage ysis and simulation results show that the strong positive feed-
becomes unstable after the anti-islanding control is enabled. The back control will cause instability when most of the local load
parameter settings of the simulation are the same with those in is supplied by the DG. This finding is important to DG owners
the small-signal analysis and the power flow analysis. and supply utilities.
The explanation of the observations is based on the fact that
the load power is composed by the sum of and .
When the DG output power is fixed, the increase or decrease
of the local load power is equivalent to the increase or decrease [1] M. E. Ropp, M. Begovic, and A. Rohatgi, “Analysis and performance
assessment of the active frequency drift method of islanding preven-
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For the case, if the load power is smaller 1999.
than 0.2 p.u. (point ) the strong voltage positive feedback [2] M. E. Ropp, M. Begovic, A. Rohatgi, G. A. Kern, R. H. Bonn, and
S. Gonzalez, “Determining the relative effectiveness of islanding de-
will destabilize the DG system because the distribution system tection methods using phase criteria and nondetection zones,” IEEE
contribution power is small, consequently, the DG output Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 290–296, Sep. 2000.
power has a large impact on the terminal voltage. This desta- [3] V. John, Z. Ye, and A. Kolwalkar, “Investigation of anti-islanding pro-
tection of power converter based distributed generators using frequency
bilizing force will be counteracted when more power is deliv- domain analysis,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 19, no. 5, pp.
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