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Concept (Hunter: The Vigil)

Justin Achilli, Richard Thomas and Chuck Wendig

Jay Richard

None, which would explain a lot.

Jay Richard and Henry Vandyke Carter

This would not be possible without the fine products of White
Wolf Publishing, an organization of charming and brilliant
people that the author both respects and fears. The author
would also like to point out that, if White Wolf sues him, he
will be unable to afford to buy more of their aforementioned
fine products.

In Memoriam
Dedicated to the countless victims of the Slender Man and the
Runners still out there. Your Lovecraftian compulsion to
document unimaginable horrors even while your sanity slips
into oblivion is truly admirable.

White Wolf, Hunter: The Vigil and World of Darkness are reg-
istered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. Vampire:
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All rights reserved. The mention of or reference to any com-
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mark or copyright concerned.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and
themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction
and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book con-
tains mature content. Reader discretion is advised.
Please note that the author is aware how legally useless this
disclaimer is. He also apparently enjoys writing/typing in the
third person. This is probably not healthy and he should
really seek professional help.
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Introduction 4

Chapter One: Compacts 6

The Carvers 8
The Dirge 14
MI18, the Direct Response Units 20
DRU 1: Red Unit 26
DRU 2: Black Unit 27
DRU 3: Silver Unit 28
DRU 4: Blue Unit 29
DRU 5: Green Unit 30
DRU 6: Violet Unit 31
DRU 7: Yellow Unit 31
XA: External Affairs 32
The Silver Cross 34
The Wordsmiths 40

Chapter Two: Conspiracies 48

The Army of Light 50
Endowment: Lumina 56
Mirrors: The Infinite Macabre 61
Aves Minerva 62
Endowment: Devotion 68
Chosen of Kroll 72
Endowment: Abyssal Blessings 78
Regency of Thorns 82
Endowment: Tolerance 91
Section Nine 94
Endowment: Tolling 101

Appendixes 108
Appendix One: New Merits 108
Appendix Two: New Flaws 114
The hunter organizations introduced in this book
are either new or recently reinvented themselves.
Some struggle to grow and develop even after dec-
ades of existence. These late bloomers are only
now becoming feared by the darkness.
Others were born with mouths full of gleaming
fangs and empty bellies. Regardless of birth de-
fects, they are all fairly young and most are guilty
of naiveté or arrogance.
They are all fresh meat.
Welcome to the World of Darkness, little ones.

Chapter One introduces five new compacts:

The Carvers, a largely unorganized collection
of vigilantes that proudly describes itself as the
serial killers of serial killers;
The Dirge , pop-culture obsessed zombie hunters
training and hoarding in preparation for an
Skin and Bones:

“inevitable” undead apocalypse;

MI18, the government-sponsored hunters of
the UK that are more worried about inter-
department rivalries than the real monsters;
The Silver Cross, secret providers of much-
needed medical aid and support for their over-
whelmed hunter brethren;
And the Wordsmiths , idealists who try treat-
ing and redeeming vampires, ghouls and blood
dolls rather than kill indiscriminately.

Chapter Two describes new conspiracies and

their Endowments. These include:
The Army of Light, a secretive and globally
scattered alliance of civilians drafted by God that
draws its strength from the afterlife;
Aves Minerva, a neopagan religion secretly
fronting a society of witch-hunters blessed by the
Goddess of War and Wisdom;
The Chosen of Kroll , cultists driven mad by
an unknowable (but supposedly benevolent)
alien god that forces them into the Vigil;
The Regency of Thorns , a primarily South
American conspiracy dedicated to stopping the
unwitting pawns of fairy gods and goddess;
And Section Nine , the Russian equivalent of
Task Force: VALKYRIE that targets both mon-
sters and unauthorized hunters operating in the
Russian Federation.
The odds, they’re not good.
Oh, they should be. Humanity’s herd has all the
numbers it needs to take the war to the monsters.
Mortal beings could swarm them, casting light into
the shadows, illuminating the darkest corners with a
blanket of cleansing fire. If the herd were to
stampede, it would crush all the creatures beneath
its thundering feet.

Sadly, it doesn’t work like that.

Humans remain ignorant. Some do it by
choice (it’s the same ignorance that informs a

blindness to war, poverty, and all the pain of

the world). Others are kept in the dark by the
dominant monsters, those creatures
representing a distinct minority with control
over the blind, deaf and dumb majority.
Chapter One:

Hunters are different.

They can no longer abide the ignorance, even if
they’d like to. The scales have fallen from their eyes,
and the truth stands revealed. They can’t just turn it
off. They can’t pretend not to see what’s happening
to the neighbor girl or that poor homeless dude with
the one atrophied leg.

Hunters cannot be blind,

not to the pain, not to the power.
But standing alone against the night,
reaching into the dark to grab hold of justice or
revenge, that’s a sure way to lose a hand.

So, hunters gather.

Hunter: The Vigil

Core Rulebook, 101
Chapter Three:
Hunter Organizations
The Carvers (Compact)

The Days of GRID address was carved in the dead man’s chest along
with a simple “YOURE [sic] WELCOME.” The ad-
From 1982 to 1984, a serial killer prowled Los
dress was the man’s rundown, rat-infested house
Angeles County. Police from various jurisdictions
with walls covered in photos of the murders. The
initially refused to admit there even was a serial kil-
bookshelves contained dozens of notebooks filled
ler, partially because the victims were exclusively gay
with scribbled notes detailing potential “plague rats.”
or bisexual men. Sure, the victims all had their geni-
This is the earliest confirmed work of the Carv-
tals cut off and bodies burned, but that didn’t mean it
ers, the serial killers of serial killers. They learned not
was the same murderer. Besides, these were the first
to wait for the police and instead take justice into
days of GRID (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency),
their own hands. They do not pretend their actions
later renamed AIDS. Maybe the murders saved inno-
are legal but know they are justified. If the law can’t
cent lives by stopping the “gay plague” at the source.
or won’t save innocent lives, someone else has to.
The police admitted to the existence of a serial
killer after the first heterosexual victim was found.
The man was also the first to be hung upside down Killers of Killers
and drained of blood before being burned. From then Originally based out of Inglewood, California,
on, victims went from just gay men to anyone living the Carvers started as a neighborhood watch group
near homosexuals, the people close enough to get before evolving into a genuine hunter cell. Its mem-
second-hand GRID. bers became news junkies, searching for any informa-
In September 1984, a decapitated body was tion or clues to the start of a new serial killing spree
dropped off at the Los Angeles City Hall. A street or string of murders anywhere in the country. Some-

The Carvers (Compact)

times a single member would relocate for months in ing into his victim’s heads. It’s hardly surprising that
an attempt to stop a murderer several time zones he stored severed heads and genitals in his refrigera-
away. Innocent lives needed protecting, regardless of tor. How is this man any better than a supernatural
state or national borders. monster?
The Carvers’ first encounter with a supernatural The Carvers also frequently mention Ahmad Ju-
serial killer did not occur until 1988. It was an odd radji, an Indonesian cattle breeder who sought to kill
creature, appearing human at first glance before re- 70 women and drink their saliva in order to gain
vealing a maw of teeth and a snake-like tongue. It magical powers. He was stopped at 42 known kills,
literally fed on peoples’ fear but developed a taste for well short of acquiring magical abilities, and exe-
human flesh as well, regarding the meat as a fine des- cuted by firing squad in 2008.
sert for its victims’ earlier tears and screams. Two The examples are seemingly endless: Javed Iqbal
Carvers died attempting to slay the inhuman creature raped and murdered over a hundred Pakistani boys
before their comrades finally overpowered it. No one aged six to sixteen; Yang “Monster Killer” Xinhai
ever conclusively discovered what exactly it was. confessed to killing 65 strangers, mostly farmers and
The 1990s and 2000s were good to the Carvers. their sleeping families, in just four years; Pedro
Through the internet and assorted websites dedicated “Monster of the Andes” López murdered more than
to tracking and identifying serial killers, the Carvers 300 girls in South America, average three kills a week
became a global movement. They can be found most while in Ecuador….
anywhere, sometimes consisting of a single vigilante The Carvers insist there is no difference between
but usually operating in small groups. Their websites these “normal” serial killers and supposedly extra-
offer information on combat techniques and guides evil, extra-destructive, inhuman slashers. If anything,
on weapon and firearm laws around the world. Tips the highest body counts are always attributed to the
on covering one’s tracks and circumventing the law human killers.
are only sent to individuals deemed trustworthy. The Carvers know next-to-nothing about vam-
The Carvers are more of an ideology than an ac- pires, werewolves, witches or many other supernatu-
tual organization, a mindset of vigilante justice rather ral creatures. They have encountered about one of
than an anarchist movement. They are hated by most everything, with a slasher turning out to be some-
other hunters for targeting monsters and humans thing…else. Maybe it’s a bloodthirsty shape-shifter
alike, earning the Carvers the derisive nickname that completely gave into its bestial nature. Perhaps
“manhunters.” The Carvers do not distinguish be- it’s a witch needing virgin sacrifices for her demon
tween species and, quite frankly, don’t care what a master. A vampire may go too far and feed indis-
serial killer is. They will even bring down another criminately, losing his mind to bloodlust and attack-
hunter if he goes too far. ing in the open. The terminology doesn’t matter – the
thing needs to die.
The Enemy
The term “slasher” covers both human and inhu- Hunters
man serial killers. The label is occasionally used to You were smart enough to connect the dots and
describe particularly violent or sadistic murderers, realize the string of cannibalistic murders across the
even if they only kill a single person. A slasher could Midwest were the work of the truck driver living
be human but the word carries a connotation of inhu- down the street. It started as a hunch but a week of
manity, of a monster that slaughters innocent people research, stalking and spying forced you to admit the
for seemingly no reason. truth. Then the trucker caught you watching him
The Carvers cite Jeffrey Dahmer as a perfect ex- from your attic with a downward-pointing children’s
ample of how blurred the line between human and telescope. Oh shit. He literally bit the lock off your
monster can become. Dahmer killed 17 men and boys door and proceeded to bite a chunk of your arm off
in four years and was an admitted rapist, pedophile, in the ensuing scuffle. You made your escape after
necrophiliac and cannibal. During his trial, he even putting a steak knife in his eye to slow him down.
confessed to attempting to create “zombies” by drill- Even now, months later, you can’t stop thinking

I don’t care who or what you are.

Anyone who takes an innocent life
deserves to die.
The Carvers (Compact)
about what other freaks must still be running loose.
The church burnings came first, then the murders
Deputies would rather perform a citizen’s arrest
of priests and deacons. The hunt was personal from
than commit murder. They take the law into their
day one, with your church being among the earliest
own hands but want to do it in a way that is legal.
to burn. You were walking home when you saw a
Unlike most other Carvers, they openly question the
man breaking into your new church. Instead of call-
morality of their actions.
ing the police, you stupidly followed the man inside.
Guardians focus on watching after the survivors
You struck him from behind and overpowered him,
of slasher attacks and, all too often, victims’ families
struggling to pin him as he spewed nonsense about
and loved ones. Stopping the slasher is always the
conspiracies and the Church teaching dark magic. A
primary objective but there’s so much overlooked
few blows to the head shut him up. The police re-
work to be done afterwards.
spected your wishes and the media only knew that a
Vigilantes are the most direct, violent and thor-
“Good Samaritan” stopped the serial arsonist and
ough. They’re characterized as paranoid, even chas-
murderer. However, through a police contact, the
ing leads on slashers believed to be dead. Maybe the
Carvers knew exactly how and where to find you.
paranoia is justified: some slashers have returned
The woman sobbed uncontrollably in your
after decapitation or worse.
kitchen and insisted the demon would just find
someone else. The demon was at fault, not her; she
was as much of a victim as the people she butchered. Status
It spoke through her neighbor’s dog and she killed Slashers must be stopped as quickly and effi-
whoever it told her to so it would leave her alone. That ciently as possible. The key factor is how long it takes
was the only way to silence the demon. You added to accomplish this. Chasing after one slasher for
another bike chain to keep her on the chair before months without results may cause a loss of Status.
calling the police. You later found and shot the dog
• You’ve been taken in by the Carvers and offered
just to be safe. You are always this unnecessary thor-
lessons in how to better protect yourself and the
ough, even if it means capping an innocent pet.
slashers’ would-be victims. You gain a free Spe-
Your first kill was a slasher who kidnapped and
cialty in Brawl, Firearms or Weaponry applied to
raped young girls for over two decades. He killed the
your favored weapon or fighting style.
captive girls when they hit puberty and became too
old for his tastes. You arranged his death to look like ••• Friends are there when you need them; real
a simple gas explosion. You needed to find an outlet friends help botch police investigations and hide
for the guilt and disgusting pride you felt from the murderers’ bodies. You gain two dots of Allies
murder/arson and found it online at a Carver’s web- (Carvers) for free, to a maximum of five dots.
site. The internet also directed you towards your lat- ••••• Surviving this long and taking down that
est side project. When not at work or helping the many killers shows you’re not a fool. You gain the
Carvers, you prowl chat rooms as a naïve teenybop- Common Sense Merit specifically applied to mur-
per looking for an adult friend. Anyone who tries to ders, serial killing and slashers. If you already have
meet the imaginary girl in person is quickly dealt Common Sense, then it may be used up to twice
with. Sure, they haven’t killed anyone, but pedo- per chapter.
philes are hardly innocent.

The Promethean Brotherhood: I’ve heard that name a few times. They’re the ones who perform
satanic rituals to steal magic, right? That would be fine if they only killed witches practicing dark
magic. Hell, that’d be more than fine. Problem is, plenty of innocent people have died senselessly
so these Satanists can get high on magic.
Night Watch: Street gangs who use the vampire myths to justify their crimes. But sometimes
there is a serial killer on their turf and we need to work around them to actually get the job done.
Lucifuge: This might be before your time, but do you remember the “satanic child abuse panics”
back in the 1980s? Turns out there might be some truth behind those wild stories. I’m looking
into it right now.
Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit: Police are almost always useless but the Feds can be helpful. They
don’t appreciate what we do but are willing to work with us on occasion. Always remember that
morality is situational. We’re criminals and murderers until the government wants our assistance.

The Carvers (Compact)

the phonophobe real?

Storytelling Rabbit Hunt: All the locals know the story –
well, stories – about the Bunny Man. The
Protagonists crazed lunatic lives alone in the woods, skins
Carvers walk a fine line, perpetually risking and eats rabbits and has a penchant for wear-
becoming no better than the slashers they ing a bunny costume while killing trespassers.
hunt. They are the serial killers of serial kill- Some local teenagers discovered how much
ers: where exactly is that line? more fucked up reality is. It wasn’t just a cos-
Stories involving Carvers do not need to tume – he wears the flayed skins of rabbits to
play out like horror/spatter films. Some Carvers transform into an inhumanly quick, clawed
are passable detectives or investigators and bet- beast. He picked off the teens one-by-one as
ter suited for the World of Darkness equivalent they tried escaping his trap-filled woods. Only
of a crime drama or murder mystery. one girl survived. The police do not believe the
Carvers have and will work with other survivor’s story and she is the primary suspect
hunters, largely because there’s strength (and in her friends’ disappearances. Besides, even if
safety) in numbers. They work with the Union Bunny Man is real, he must be an insane hu-
more than any other compact and have a long- man and not some sort of “wererabbit.” That’s
running love-hate relationship with the Van- crazy talk. The Carvers know better. Your cell
guard Serial Crimes Unit. is closest to the woods and you are tasked with
The Lobotomized Lycanthrope: The boys at finding the bastard’s rabbit hole.
Null Mysteriis need your help. The eccentric
scientists captured a werewolf and tried per-
forming brain surgery in an attempt to “cure”
As already stated, some Carvers inadver-
him. Instead of making a breakthrough, they
tently become slashers themselves. Committing
destroyed most of his memory and sanity and
numerous murders, even if the victims are all
only negated his shapeshifting powers for a few
serial killers, is a good way of eroding Morality.
days. The largely amnesic werewolf took one
A deranged Carver-turned-slasher tries pre-
look at the next full moon and remembered
emptively killing murderers, so he stalks and
what he was. As a matter of fact, that’s all he
slays people who might kill in the future. This
remembers. The werewolf, in his shattered
occasionally includes other hunters or Carvers.
mental state, seems convinced that killing the
Another insane Carver believes a bloodline
people who scrambled his brain will restore his
is “cursed with evil” and hunts down the ex-
memories. The Null Mysteriis cell knows the
tended family. Maybe the family has ties with
Carvers deal with “cases such as this” and
the decadent Ashwood Abbey or the Lucifuge.
would greatly appreciate it if you cleaned up
It is also possible for a cell of PC hunters to
their mess.
have goals conflicting with the Carvers.’ For
The Phonophobe: The phonophobe’s origins example: the Cheiron Group is interested in a
vary wildly from story to story. Some say his slasher’s amazing regenerative abilities and
condition resulted from a flawed experiment to need this potential lab rat taken in alive. The
cure his childhood deafness. Others blame it on Carvers pursuing the slasher would rather see
a curse placed by his verbally abusive mother it killed.
as she lay dying, usually from injuries he in-
Under Surveillance: You’ve made great pro-
flicted. Less imaginative people claim the
gress with the captured monsters, both those
phonophobe was just born that way. Regard-
taken in alive and “semi-intact.” The things
less, the stories all say that the man cannot
these creatures can teach you are seemingly
stand the sound of human voices. This is more
endless. Most of the monsters had day jobs and
than simple hatred; it is a psychological pain
human forms, leading the police to investigate
that drives him to kill. More recent stories say
the disappearances. You’ve thrown the cops off
he even cut out his own tongue and sewed his
your trail but they’re no longer your primary
lips shut. Any unexplained murder becomes
concern. A white van so generic that it’s fright-
fuel for more inconsistent urban legends. In
ening has been sighted around the homes and
the last few days, however, several people have
workplaces of the hunters in your cell. This
been found dead with their tongues removed
can’t be good. One member of your cell sug-
post-mortem. Is someone emulating the ficti-
gested that it might be several vans, each more
tious murderer or, even more frightening, is
generic than the last....

John waited impatiently at the edge of the dead- which was either very good or very bad news. While
end alley. The lack of news from his teammates in- the creatures weren’t making a break for it, that
creasingly worried him. meant John’s teammates were probably facing all of
them in a confined area. John made a mental note of
This was completely avoidable. He repeatedly
the illegally-stored chemical barrels stacked along the
suggested buying wireless headsets instead of spend-
walls. What good was the EPA if violations this bla-
ing all of the cell’s funds on shotgun shells and spare
tant kept happening?
armor. They only lost one Kevlar vest, ever, to a par-
ticularly disgusting Type W, so was that really neces- John moved to the next room with his shotgun at
sary? How many extra vests did they need? Hell, if he eye-level and trigger finger itching angrily. Nothing
wasn’t barely making ends meet on a dock worker’s but more barrels containing God-only-knows-what.
salary, he’d buy the damn headsets out of pocket. Another series of blasts, closer and louder now.
Fifteen minutes of silence ticked by for what felt The cops might have been alerted by now. Tick
like an hour. John stifled a yawn around the time he tock, need to kill and get out before the ineffective
heard the first gunshot from inside the old, empty but licensed protectors of the city arrived on the
warehouse. John reflexively readily his own shotgun scene. Tick tock.
and took aim at a door down the alley, as if a
A glow in the corner caught his imme-
thousand undead horrors were about
diate attention. Beneath the gap
to pour into the dark street.
of a closed door was the red
Where’s the signal? This light characteristic of the
isn’t go-time. Someone team’s flares. There. He
screwed up. pulled the door open
John held his and jumped back,
ground for another quickly regaining a
minute as more noises two-handed hold on
clanged and echoed his gun.
inside the building. John’s heart sank at
the sight of a mangled
Hold your position, he
reminded himself. If something corpse on the floor. The
tries escaping, this is the only way man was dressed in green
out. If one of the brain-eating sons of overalls, meaning he was not
bitches makes it out, the whole city is fucked. one of John’s teammates. It was
It’ll spread like wildfire. Neighbors will eat neighbors, an unlucky worker who probably
parents will eat children and it’ll be because you failed to had no idea what his employers did.
hold your position. John moved forward cautiously and
kept his gun trained. While the corpse
Inside, a panicked voice rang out between shot- was missing an arm and a lot of blood, the head
gun blasts: “Rule five! Rule five!” was intact. The man’s remaining hand twitched.
Goddamn it. Everyone knew rule five. If someone As precaution and out of commonly decency,
had to shout it as a reminder, then — John asked: “Are you alive?” With a wet noise, the
Going with his gut and ignoring fairly explicit man rolled over and drooled blood onto the floor.
orders, John ran down the alley with his 12-gauge in His soulless, hungry eyes and John’s met in the red
one hand and crowbar in the other. Of course the light. “Thank God.” John sighed with relief before
door was locked. He did not waste a shotgun shell on blowing the zombie’s head away.
it; thanks to some unfortunate past experiences, John John heard the sound of another shotgun and at
knew how much the movies lied about the effective- first mistook it for an echo. The fight was moving
ness of shooting out locks. He put his shotgun down upwards and away from the street.
and sloppily worked with his crowbar. Adrenaline
and sweat confounded matters. The door broke Good. We can kill them before they can enter the city.
opened and he dropped the crowbar in his rush to Thank God. Oh, thank God.
aim his shotgun. His brief optimism was crushed by the distant
The first room was devoid of life and unlife alike, wail of a police siren.
The Dirge (Compact)

Born on the Bayou 2007. They shared resources to purchase surplus mili-
tary equipment in preparation for future supernatu-
While Hurricane Katrina battered New Orleans
ral threats to their hometown. Crowbars are good but
in 2005, a city noted for its long history of voodoo
shotguns are better.
and dark magic, a half-dozen undead monsters es-
Through online communication and videos circu-
caped from captivity amid the chaos and made a
lated by Network 0, the Dirge quickly gained infamy,
nightmarish situation even worse. The zombies’ ori-
allies, contacts and informants. People became will-
gin is debatable but most hunters assume these were
ing to join the fight against the undead as, clearly,
the escaped servants of a necromancing slave owner
this threat was bigger than anyone realized. Reports
of the undead.
of undead activity and twisted magic were too nu-
Through cunning and dumb luck, a small group
merous and widespread for one cell in New Orleans
of ordinary citizens (re)killed the zombies during the
to handle.
worst of the flooding. These total strangers relied on
By the end of 2008, the Dirge officially became a
each other to survive both the hurricane and brain-
much larger organization. They call their cells
eating beasts. The (living) humans had no weapons
“outposts,” small groups dedicated to finding the
except two revolvers and found objects that hap-
first signs of a zombie outbreak before it means the
pened to have sharp points or edges.
end of the world. Dirge safehouse have already
It wasn’t until the next day that black helicopters
sprung up in six cities, each preparing and waiting
arrived and the military deployed a squad to contain
for a zombie apocalypse they hope never occurs.
the potential outbreak. Better late than never, right?
Outbreak neutralized; mission accomplished.
When the helicopters left, as suddenly as they The Enemy
appeared, they did not bother picking up a single The Dirge considers itself a first response group,
hurricane survivor. not a standing army, against zombies. That being
This small group of civilians formed the Dirge, said, the Dirge does not sit idly until CNN reports
“the first line of defense against the living dead.” riotous cannibals. They actively look for trouble and
They began setting up a safehouse in New Orleans in find it in the strangest places.

The Dirge (Compact)
There are various ways to create a zombie. The balism has been reported. It is suspected that Type Xs
common, pop culture notion that zombies result from negatively impact the environment. Storms follow
a contagious virus is unfortunately accurate, but it is them, mysterious diseases appear, roads crack and
far from the only means of raising the dead. Some birds fall dead from the sky.
alchemic and pseudo-religious traditions recommend
Type W (Revenant):
(Revenant) Lone, intelligent and
a concoction made from, in part, human remains,
powerful zombies openly walk the streets. There is
frogs and puffer fish. Other methods are purely
no definitive theory as to what causes their resurrec-
magical in nature and come from within a necroman-
tion. When asked, and they will occasionally answer
cer’s twisted and corrupted soul. Then there’s sci-
questions, Type Ws tell of having been wronged in
ence, à la Frankenstein’s monster. Other times, the
life and needing to get revenge. Their anger fuels their
dead just rise.
short existence and, in most cases, they burn out
From equal parts research, combat experience
quickly. These zombies often last no more than a
and blind guesswork, the Dirge has learned enough
month before and crumbling to dust regardless of
about zombies to classify them into four categories:
how long they were dead or what injuries they sus-
Type Z (Shambler): The weakest zombie is also tained. Revenge can only drive them for so long and,
potentially the most dangerous. The virus animating even worse, they know it. Their bloodlust must be
them is communicable through blood and saliva; a satisfied now, not later.
simple bite is enough to infect a living victim. Type
Besides the living dead, the Dirge has unknow-
Zs make up for strength with numbers and can ap-
ingly butted heads with other hunters, namely the
pear in the hundreds at a single, unlucky location.
Cheiron Group and Task Force: VALKYRIE. They
They always pursue the nearest, easiest source of liv-
refer to Cheiron as “Umbrella,” a reference to the
ing human meat, meaning Type Zs more likely to go
Resident Evil franchise, and know just enough to dis-
after defenseless people than fight armed, profes-
trust the organization. The Dirge is not completely
sional zombie hunters.
sure what TFV is; some believe it is a government
Type Y (Bloodjacker): A more powerful type conspiracy and “containment division” while others
of zombie that are often found in small groups or theorize it is a paramilitary group backed by Um-
“packs.” This is partially because the virus reanimat- brella. Regardless, they call TFV the Men in Black
ing them is much less contagious. It has been theo- (MIB) for lack of a better term.
rized that it’s actually magic or a curse, not a virus,
but that is debatable. Regardless, these zombies are
physically comparable to normal human beings. Yes,
When the dead rose and besieged your campsite,
that means they can run. Yes, it also means they put
you did the only sane thing and ran like a coward.
up more of a fight. And, yes, some are capable of
They – them, it, the monsters – they hit the neighbor-
complex planning and may put up a good defense or
ing small town before attacking the camp, first strik-
counterattack. However, they are still driven by a
ing the side of town with the gun store. How could
cannibalistic hunger and this may blind them or
you have realistically helped when you had no
cloud their judgment.
means of fighting back? Could you have robbed an
Type X (Reanimated): These are the zombies antique store and hoped they had a sword in stock?
the Dirge first encountered in 2005. Their condition is All you could do was run away, right? You watched
not contagious, implying they were resurrected by from a distance as black helicopters arrived and
magic or mad science, and many bear more resem- bathed the town and campground in napalm. The
blance to Frankenstein’s Monster than George A. Ro- news reported it as a freak accident involving an ex-
mero’s living dead. These zombies are relatively in- ploding gas station and a massive forest fire. You
telligent and are stronger, more resistant to pain and know better and the shame of being such a yellow-
sometimes faster than normal humans. They do not bellied bastard still haunts you. Forget what you
even crave human flesh, although voluntary canni- could have done – what can you do now?

Never forget Rule Five:

Aim for the head.
IT can’t eat your brain if
IT has no goddamned jaw.

The Dirge (Compact)

The Carvers: These guys are a little too violent for my tastes but they’re great to have around
when a Type W is on the loose.
Network Zero: If anyone is going to prove a zombie infestation despite government censorship,
it’ll be these guys. Keep them on speed dial.
The Cheiron Group: We have evidence of a genuine Umbrella Corp operating right here in the
US. We’ve found two separate labs with undead and other … things inside. One was even under-
ground, all Hive-like.
Task Force: VALKYRIE: The government knows way more than they’re letting on. Look, in ‘05,
The black ops soldiers and their helicopters landed in Louisiana before FEMA, for Christ’s sake.

You fought zombies long before it was trendy.

Your first encounter with the brain-eating SOBs was
There are three main philosophical divisions
nearly two decades ago during a blizzard. Zombies
within the Dirge. No individual leaders have yet ap-
never feel cold and trudged through feet of snow to
peared, probably because the Dirge is currently too
the homes of people trapped inside. You still have
young and small for major schisms.
nightmares of the aftermath, seeing all the blood and
Shotguns want outposts in every major city in
the half-eaten children…. You readily believed the
preparation for a zombie plague. Given the evidence,
rumors about the New Orleans zombies and have
they believe widespread outbreaks are inevitable and
since set up a safehouse.
will most likely originate in a heavily populated city
Back in 2005, you were one of the “lucky” few
where transmission is easier. The Dirge must be there,
who saw the undead wandering through New Or-
in that city and every city, as the first line of defense.
leans during Katrina. You were there for the found-
Machetes realize that zombie outbreaks are rare
ing of the Dirge and like to point that out whenever
and don’t expend the world to end any day now. In-
possible. You moved out of the city and established
stead of panicking and stockpiling weapons, the best
an outpost with fresh recruits who never saw a zom-
course of action is to begin understanding how zom-
bie in person. You love relating stories of the one and
bies work. Most devote their Vigils to either discover-
only time you actually fought the living dead, expo-
ing a universal weakness or developing a vaccine.
nentially embellishing the details with each rendi-
Crowbars know the government is hiding some-
tion. Hopefully there’s never another zombie attack
thing and demand to know what. They cooperate
because you could never live up to your own hype.
with Network 0 and are determined to get to the
Everyone has seen the videos on YouTube, the
truth. The best they’ve gotten so far is a mountain of
series of five- to ten-minute clips showing supposed
blacked-out documents and grainy photos that prove
zombie attacks. Virtually all the comments mock the
nothing. There’s a long way to go and probably not
submitter and point out how fake it looks. So one
much time before a major outbreak.
night when you had nothing better to do, you posted
a few comments defending the videos’ authenticity. Of
course they’re all hoaxes, but you love trolling. Status
Maybe you took the joke too far by continually post- Status is earned by killing or learning about the
ing follow up comments, claiming to have seen the living dead. The Dirge must find and stop outbreaks
zombies for real and even knew one of the camera- before they explode into pandemics.
men. Someone managed to track you down and vis-
• You can’t ignore the truth about the living dead and
ited your house. The visitor claimed the videos are
are welcomed into a Dirge outpost. You gain one free
real and he’s convinced you’re a zombie hunter. Be-
dot of the Safehouse Merit.
fore you had a chance to nervously laugh and explain
this was all a big misunderstanding, he reached into ••• You’ve been in the area long enough to know
his backpack and pulled out a sealed jar with a mov- where to go and what to do when the shit inevitably
ing, severed hand inside. He said it was from one of hits the fan. You gain the Streetwise (Local Area) and
the zombies in the video and wants you to autograph Survival (Urban) Specialties for free.
the jar so he can show it off to his zombie-hunting ••••• You’re more than ready for the zombie apoca-
friends. Furthermore, he wants you to attend their lypse thanks to firsthand experience and a healthy
next meeting to verify it’s your signature. Um, how dose of paranoia. You gain the Favored Weapon Merit
does someone respond to that? and two more dots of the Safehouse Merit for free.

The Dirge (Compact)

Somewhere nearby, a hunter-turned-slasher is

Storytelling waiting to kill you and your outpost so the vi-
rus cannot spread further.
Protagonists The Victim: Numerous people recently re-
The Dirge is a young organization prone to ported seeing and talking with a dead woman
calling anything the least bit supernatural a and that definitely got the Dirge’s attention.
zombie or witch at first glance. They often de- The local news claims it is a case of mistaken
capitate all their fallen enemies and comrades identity, either of the woman sighted or of the
“ust to be sure.” They can easily make a bad original corpse. You managed to track her
situation worse by misidentifying an undead down and discovered she is a Type W, a lone
treat and interfering with another hunter cell’s zombie that is neither infectious nor cannibal-
activities … or arrive just in time to circum- istic, just a complete abomination of nature.
vent the zombie apocalypse by slaughtering the She should die (again), but things are compli-
infected. It really could go either way. cated. She suffered a violent and senseless
Outposts often take on militaristic over- death at the hands of complete strangers. She
tones and adopt an unofficial rank structure is now hunting down the bastards responsible
including a “general” in command and one or and has already killed two of the five men. How
two “lieutenants.” It is recommended that a PC do you proceed and, more importantly, will the
outpost is headed by a NPC general so that one rest of the outpost be okay with the decision?
player does not effectively control the entire
group. The Storyteller always has the freedom
to let a player be the outpost’s general, assum-
The Dirge has an uncanny knack for misun-
ing the character has high enough Status (3+).
derstanding and pissing off other hunter or-
Individual, isolated Dirge hunters do exist.
ganizations. The Cheiron Group and Task
They may be in the process of establishing a
Force: VALKYRIE are not the least bit thrilled
new outpost or recently “lost” their old one. If
with the zombie hunters. Cheiron needs to
the latter is true, the hunter is probably suffer-
keep the Dirge as far away from its labs as pos-
ing from survivor’s guilt and is either desper-
sible. A TF:V cell might find itself fighting the
ate to work with other hunters again or is
undead and the Dirge in an unexpected truel.
afraid to become attached. Seeing one’s friends
The Dirge knows nothing about Endow-
be eaten alive by zombies would traumatize
ments and cannot tell a hunter’s powers from
anyone. The lone hunter likely suffers from the
vile, potentially necromantic magic. Ascending
depression derangement.
Ones may need to fend off a Dirge outpost that
Friends of Frankenstein: The decaying city
believes they are preparing to raise the dead
reeks of a Type X’s presence. Your outpost
with magical embalming fluid. An agent of the
finds the epicenter and locates the Type X with
Malleus Maleficarum using the Boon of Lazarus
relative ease. This will not be a simple kill,
could be labeled a necromancer. A few Lucifuge
however. The Type X is guarded by a witch who
can actually make zombies, so the Dirge would
insists the monster is harmless. The witch is
be very interested in locating them.
safeguarded against the negative effects of be-
The Hunger: A member of your cell is
ing near the Type X through some sort of su-
plagued by nightmares about cannibalism and
pernatural protection and is trying to extend
feels the urge to feed on human flesh. His hair
this protection to everything in the area. That’s
is falling out and his rotting teeth are gradually
all fine and dandy, but the city is dying; can it
replaced by fangs. Jesus, he even started eating
wait for her to finish her little experiment?
a witch your cell killed last week. It doesn’t
The Survivor: Another outpost has not been
take a genius to figure out something is horri-
heard from in a while so you volunteer to in-
bly wrong and a cure is desperately needed be-
vestigate. Your outpost locates the others’ safe-
fore he degenerates any further. To complicate
house and discover everyone inside is a zombie.
matters, his apartment was attacked by a group
They apparently stopped an outbreak but be-
of shotgun- and crowbar-wielding madmen and
came “compromised” in the process. Even
he barely escaped with his life. You doubt these
worse, they’re Type Ys and have retained
people will stop after just one attack.
enough knowledge to use weapons. Still worse
is the one unaccounted, living hunter from
Details on the Hunger can be found in
their outpost. Apparently seeing his friends eat
WoD: Antagonists,
Antagonists 118-121.
each other alive drove him violently insane.

Harris shielded his eyes with his unbroken hand had succeeded. Maybe the nightmares, dizzy spells
as he stepped outside. A combination of blood loss and nausea would also end in time.
and spending months in darkness or behind painted- Harris could never go back into undercover
over windows had played havoc with his senses. The work, certainly not as a wannabe blood doll looking
man escorting him lent a free hand to help guide him for a vampire master. The risk of recognition was too
down the front stairs. His eyes did not noticeably great. He helped take out five high-profile vampires
begin adjusting until they reached the bottom of the and their cronies; the undead rarely forget such of-
stairs and entered the hedge-lined courtyard. fenses. Hell, from what he overheard, his master held
Outside were agents and other personnel from grudges for centuries.
assorted Direct Response Units within MI18. The No, wait, that’s not its title. It was never his mas-
joint operation went much smoother than normal – ter; it was his target. It was always the target. He
i.e. it worked at all. Rival units often fought each wasn’t played and manipulated — it was.
other as much as the actual enemy. Most agents, in- Harris suddenly realized how desperately he
cluding Harris’s escort, wore red-on-black “I” shoul- needed detoxing and therapy. He fell forward and
der badges. Two agents with white-on-blue “IV” felt someone catch him before he hit the ground. Har-
badges stood to the side as they examined a govern- ris closed his eyes and tried not to focus on the mo-
ment-issued rugged laptop. Meanwhile, a lone agent tion or on the unnerving feeling of his feet dragging
with a yellow-on-black “XA” shoulder badge was along the ground. Another pair of hands helped carry
busy talking to his superiors via satellite phone. him onto a metal surface.
Harris felt underdressed and unarmored with “He fed on me before the fight reached his safe-
only a pinstriped black suit and a deep red necktie room,” Harris weakly said to no one, anyone, in
loosely hanging from his neck. The blood stains at particular. “He, it needed a pick-me-up before
least gave the illusion he meaningfully contrib- confronting our men.”
uted to the battle. He spent most of it shaking Behind his closed eyes, a distant voice asked:
and vomiting in a vacant bedroom within the “Didn’t you notice his complexion?”
mansion behind him. An equally far-away voice replied: “I
The agent leading Harris stopped him thought it was part of his ‘corporate goth’
briefly, holding his shotgun in front of persona.”
them like a tollgate. Harris’s head spun “How could you mistake this for
as he looked down and tried to stand at corpse paint?”
the same time. A few feet away was a “Quiet. There’s no time for this.
severely burned corpse of what was Focus on your work.”
once a ghoul lying in a puddle of Harris mentally faded in and out
fire extinguisher foam. Harris was but picked up select pieces of jar-
directed away from the body as it gon: hypovolemia, tachycardia and
was loaded into a generic body bag. tachypnea stood out as sounding
Daytime raids are so beautiful in their simplicity. unnecessarily technical. He felt someone touching his
Attack the enemy when it’s most vulnerable, when forearm and realized an IV was about to be inserted.
only its human lackeys are up and about. Cut down Harris felt anxious beyond words and tried vo-
the first line of defense and hope the bloodsucker calizing it without sounding insane. There were so
doesn’t wake up in time to put up a counterattack. many things to be concerned about and so little time
This was just one of five identical raids across the to panic over each. “Is the rest of the detachment
county aimed at taking out the vampire’s closest un- okay? Give them blood before me. I’ve gotten used to
dead allies and their living minions. Harris hadn’t functioning after blood loss, had months of practice.”
heard about the other raids’ successes or failures – he He felt himself taking more frequent breaths as he
was sure there were both – but expected a full de- babbled. “Most of Red Unit has never been fed upon
briefing later that night. and there is no chance in hell that the boys in Blue or
His debriefing – when was the last time he had XA ever experienced it.”
one? How many months ago was that? Not hastily The first vice returned, a little less distant than
writing a field report or status update for his han- before. “B-negative, correct?”
dlers, receiving nothing in return but clichéd words “Yes,” Harris answered.
of encouragement.... “Plenty in stock; don’t worry.”
A debriefing meant Harris’s mission was over. Harris opened his eyes just before everything
His undercover work was finished, his infiltration went black. “Thank you.”
MI18, the Direct Response Units (Compact)

Secret Service
They know what landed at Berwyn and held off
the inter-dimensional invasion in Rendelsham Forest.
They continue pursuing Spring Heeled Jack, on
the lam since 1986.
They utterly dread Saint Mark’s Eve but report to
duty every April 24th nevertheless. Someone needs
to keep the restless dead at bay.
They have faced both the human and animal
forms of the gytrash and barghest, and don’t get
them started on the shug monkey. They know better
than to enter the moors unarmed.
They staked and incinerated the Highgate Vam-
pire in 1969, only to do it again in ‘70 and ‘71. The
third time was the charm.
They put down the Beast of Bodmin and count-
less litters of the Beast(s) of Exmoor. The accursed
things breed like child-eating rabbits.
They are the Direct Response Units of MI18. They
are the only government-sanctioned monster hunters
in the United Kingdom. If you haven’t head of them,
that’s okay – in fact, that’s more than okay.

Of Forks and Foxes

MI18 was officially, or at least as officially as such
things go, founded in 1940 with the goal of combat-
ing Nazi occultists. Like the American Task Force:
VALKYRIE and the Soviet Section Nine, the British
MI18 had the difficult task of capturing or neutraliz-
ing occultists, witches and monsters that both di-
rectly and indirectly supported the Nazi regime.
MI18 actually had more success capturing witches
loyal to Italian dictator Benito Mussolini in 1943 and
1944 when Britain invaded Italy. While MI18 did not
know it at the time, TF:V and Section Nine were al-
most always one step ahead of the British in captur-
ing the Nazis’ inhuman allies.
MI18’s first mission was during Operation Fork,
the 1940 British invasion of Iceland. British forces met
no resistance, quickly secured strategic locations and
arrested German citizens living in Iceland. MI18 re-
sponded to a frantic report that, when confronted by
Royal Marines, one German family turned into
wolves and fled. The report was somewhat inaccu-
rate: instead of werewolves, MI18 agents found and
killed pack of white werefoxes.
This is the story all MI18 agents hear upon re-

Chap with fangs!
Five rounds rapid!

MI18, the Direct Response Units (Compact)
cruitment. There’s even a statue in MI18 head- shapeshifters. Additional DRU (Blue, Green, Violet
quarters commemorating the successful werefox and the ultra-secretive Yellow) were added over time
hunt. But if one digs deep enough and gets the as new threats were discovered and categorized.
proper clearance, MI18’s records go back to the First The number of agents in a DRU range from five
World War. There are detailed reports of incidents to twenty. The exact numbers fluctuate from casual-
with malicious spirits and demons feeding on fear ties and crises but no modern DRU ever listed more
and blood in the trenches of the Western Front. than thirty agents on its roster at any one time. Small
Regardless of when its operations began, MI18 “detachments” of agents, typically three to six per-
realized supernatural threats extended beyond the sons, are sent to deal with an incident that falls
Germans and Italians. The danger was closer to within their jurisdiction. The larger DRU are often
home. It was close to every home. Each night when literally running in several different directions at
the sun set on the British Empire, monsters came out once as different detachments investigate completely
to feed. unrelated incidents across the United Kingdom.
The leader of each DRU, typically the most senior

Operations and agent, is required to deliver monthly reports about on

-going investigations and expenditures. Every bullet
Organization counts, at least as far as the paperwork is concerned.
These reports primarily serve to inform the higher-
MI18 is headquartered in the deep-level shelter
ups when/if agents need replacement equipment or
beneath St. Paul’s tube station. It was one of the origi-
supplies and ammunition.
nal ten planned deep-level shelters during World
War II but never officially completed. Construction Other divisions besides the seven DRU exist
within MI18. External Affairs (XA) investigates other
started in 1940 but stopped in 1941 due to concerns
hunter organizations and serial killers. The Foreign
about the foundation of the namesake St. Paul’s Ca-
Observation Units (FOU) stationed throughout the
thedral. The project secretly resumed in 1942 and was
former British Empire alert MI18 about any major
given to MI18 in 1943.
supernatural events happening outside of the United
MI18 is subservient to the Joint Intelligence Com-
Kingdom. The appropriate DRU is then alerted and
mittee (JIC) just like the Security Service (MI5) and
sent to investigate.
the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). In turn, the JIC
Agents may make their own discoveries and ef-
is beneath the Intelligence and Security Committee. It
is debatable how far knowledge of MI18 goes but fectively open cases. This is most common with the
werewolf-hunters in Silver Unit who deliberately
many agents believe the Prime Minister is at the very
look for monsters in the wild. Ghost-hunters in Black
top. After all, the Prime Minister appoints the mem-
Unit have been known to kill time with EMF readers
bers of the Intelligence and Security Committee, so he
in old buildings. More often than not, agents are as-
must know if they know. Right?
signed cases from the higher-ups in MI18. Reports or
MI18 restructured and renamed itself in 1946.
even rumors of supernatural activity may be enough
Like MI5 and MI6, it assumed a more innocuous
to justify sending a detachment of agents.
name – the Direct Response Units. The name MI18
MI18 is not foolproof and may misidentify a
stuck, however, and is still in use today.
MI18 stayed quiet during World War II to keep threat. This includes the notorious incident when
MI18 hampered the investigation into the 1960s
the public oblivious to the existence of Axis-aligned
Moors Murders because DRU agents assumed literal
occultists and monsters. The last thing the Allies
monsters, not human serial killers, were responsible.
needed was “proof” that the Axis was an unstoppa-
ble force of evil backed by the armies of Hell itself.
The post-War MI18 continues operating in complete The Enemy of my
secrecy for similar reasons: ignorance is bliss and
bliss is stability. Enemy is my Rival
Starting in 1946, MI18 introduced the first four When not fighting monsters, MI18 agents fight
Direct Response Units (DRU). MI18 previously relied each other over jurisdiction. Each DRU has its spe-
on spies and assassins but restructured itself into spe- cialty (vampires, werewolves, etc.) and wants a piece
cialized teams. Each DRU focused on combating a of the action, any action. Each DRU exploits all possi-
specific supernatural threat: Red Unit (DRU One) ble loopholes or excuses to become involved with a
fought vampires and their servants; Black Unit (DRU case or even outright hijack it from another DRU.
Two) located and destroyed dangerous ghosts; Silver For example, Silver Unit is generally antagonistic
Unit (DRU Three) hunted werewolves and other towards Blue Unit. The two DRU have an ongoing

MI18, the Direct Response Units (Compact)
feud that is best described as a cold civil war. If a Sil- away. MI18 then appoints a Silver Unit attaché to
ver Unit field report mentions that silver bullets have work with the Blue Unit detachment for the duration
no notable effect on a shapeshifter, Blue Unit will of the investigation.
likely use this as “proof” that the target is actually a
witch with shapeshifting abilities and thus under
their jurisdiction. Likewise, if a witch is reported to Across the Pond
change forms, Silver Unit will try taking control of MI18 did not discover Task Force: VALKYRIE
the case as the subject is clearly a shamanistic until 1944. The Directorate of Military Intelligence
shapeshifter. decided against contacting the American counter-
This highly-competitive and even aggressive in- occult unit. It was not inconceivable that the Ameri-
teraction between DRU has become the normal oper- can and British monster-hunters could someday be
ating procedure. While this makes agents more dedi- on opposing sides, so why spoil a perfectly good se-
cated to solving a case and hunting down monstrous cret? TF:V did not know about MI18 until 1955. MI18
prey, it also means agents will omit information or never definitively proved which agent(s) caused that
outright lie in field reports. MI18’s official database is particular security breach.
filled with holes that could easily be filled. Each DRU The first joint mission between TF:V and MI18
only knows about its particular field of interest and was an international vampire hunt in 1958. Agents
has virtually no reliable data on other supernatural for both TF:V and MI18 were killed by an ancient
threats. For instance, Red Unit knows nothing about vampire … and rose from the dead the next day. This
magic while Blue Unit still believes garlic and crosses went against virtually all the intelligence either
ward off vampires. agency had on vampires. The two organizations for-
Ironically, these turf wars force DRU to work mally contacted each other and pooled their collec-
together far more often than they would like. Because tive knowledge and resources. They tracked the “first
each DRU wants to be involved in virtually any case, generation” vampire to a seaside Greek village and
the higher-ups in MI18 commonly appoint an attaché finally killed it. All “second generation” vampires
from one DRU to assist another DRU in an investiga- that it sired, including the dead agents, immediately
tion. For example, a Blue Unit detachment is follow- turned to ash.
ing a witch that turns into a flock of crows and flies This led to the ongoing love-hate relationship

Foreign Observation Units

The British Empire shrank considerably during the 20th century but MI18’s reach remained
largely unchanged. Many countries formerly under British control still host one or more MI18
units, usually without the local government’s permission or knowledge. These Foreign Observa-
tion Units (FOU) are mostly found in regions the British lost control of after World War II. This is
not limited to small island nations; FOU are established in Australia, Hong Kong, India, Pakistan,
Israel and South Africa.
FOU are the foreign eyes and ears of MI18. They report supernatural activity back to headquar-
ters and wait for the appropriate DRU to respond. FOU are not intended to directly confront su-
pernatural threats unless (A) the appropriate DRU is unable to respond and (B) the higher-ups in
London give permission. In practice, however, FOU are forced to take a much more hands-on ap-
proach. FOU handle minor threats that the DRU back in the United Kingdom consider too unim-
portant for an overseas trip. Each FOU is largely self-reliant and many do no wait for permission
to engage the enemy. Some do not bother informing the higher-ups in the UK about many inci-
dents or confrontations with the supernatural.

Ashwood Abbey: If they weren’t technically human, I would gladly shoot the bloody lot of them.
Loyalists of Thule: External Affairs and several FOUs keep tabs on the descendants of Nazi sym-
pathizers. We know they’re up to something but there is contradicting evidence as to what.
The Knights of Saint George: I don’t trust them. There’s something hiding behind that charita-
ble, Christian façade. Their name comes up in a lot of Blue Unit chatter and reports even though
the Knights should fall under External Affairs’ jurisdiction.
Section Nine: I don’t care what the Americans say - Section Nine still exists and is active. We
don’t have all the details yet but something is definitely going on in Russia.

MI18, the Direct Response Units (Compact)
between MI18 and Task Force: VALKYRIE. Through You belonged to a specialized homicide squad in
its contact with TF:V, MI18 eventually learned about the London Metropolitan Police. A particularly brutal
the FBI’s Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit (VASCU) and rape-murder-rape (in that order) resulted in your
Zero Company. MI18 independently discovered Di- squad working with an attaché from VASCU. Your
vision Six and assumes it is controlled by the Depart- squad and the VASCU agent eventually cornered the
ment of Homeland Security (DHS). killer and learned that he committed his crimes as
part of a bizarre contest. He was competing for sev-
The Enemy eral different records in a twisted society of murder-
ers. There was absolutely no way you were going to
Unlike many hunter organizations, MI18 as- let this monster live to see a trial. Your squad was
sumes most “monsters” still are or were human. later transferred wholesale into MI18 and now trail
Shapeshifters and witches are humans with extra this madman’s friends in the Hunt Club.
abilities who often do not want said abilities. They are You worked in the economic intelligence section
only targeted if they risk exposing the supernatural of SIS, specifically dealing with international contra-
world or otherwise threaten mainstream human soci- band and smuggling. Tracking a stolen Egyptian arti-
ety. This is not a sign of mercy or compassion; it is fact to Wales resulted in an unexpected discovery
simply not worth the time and effort to kill every last and several near-death experiences. You later learned
monster and sapient nonhuman that MI18 agents that the thieves belonged to the Aegis Kai Doru, a
discover. MI18 lacks the resources or manpower to Greek terrorist-cult that is technically on the same
do much more. side as MI18. At the time, however, you only knew
BY MI18’s definition, anything that was dead but they had magical powers and were royally pissed
still moving is no longer human. Vampires, zombies when you stole their ill-gotten goods. The artifact
and similar creatures must die; there is no grey area. never went back to Egypt and now resides in a gov-
It is not murder if the victim is already dead. Besides, ernment-controlled safehouse beneath Manchester.
no one knows what cross-dimensional repercussions Like the artifact, MI18 considered you too valuable to
might arise from the dead continuing to elude the lose and quickly recruited you.
afterlife. It certainly cannot help the order of things, You never asked for this “gift,” but you’ve al-
assuming anything in this universe is orderly. ways had the ability to perceive and interact with the
MI18 is very much aware of otherworldly threats dead. You generally ignored the disembodied voices
and hostile aliens. MI18 believes all reports of aliens, until the ghost of a dead government agent contacted
at least from credible witnesses, are actually of non- you. He had important information that he needed to
human entities from another universe or universes. deliver, a matter of national security, and you were
Reports of fairy gods and other bizarre creatures are his best hope given the limited time remaining. The
generally explained as sightings of aliens from out- ghost led you straight to MI18 headquarters. MI18
side our known universe. MI18 agents have previ- has not let you out of its sight ever since. At least
ously held off not one, not two, but three separate someone finally takes you seriously.
inter-dimensional invasions since 1950.
More detailed information on supernatural enti-
ties and threats encountered by MI18 can be found in Factions & Status
the description for each DRU. While the Direct Response Units of MI18 all be-
long to the same umbrella organization, serve the

Agents same government and protect the same people, they

act independently of each as often as possible.
A mission to purge a mountainside of Islamic Agents’ allegiances are to the unit first and MI18 sec-
insurgents uncovered something much more disturb- ond. The following pages are general overviews of
ing. Half of your unit died during the confusing bat- each unit in MI18 and include unique Status Merits.
tle and the survivors, including you, cannot remem- All agents move up in their unit’s ranks by suc-
ber what happened. Nightmarish flashes of bloody cessfully completing assignments and cases. Agents
fangs and claws still haunt you. Data and radio tran- may gain a dot of Status for successfully wresting
scripts from the field confirm that you kept your cool control of a major case from another DRU or, con-
and got the most enemy kills, but listening to the versely, preventing a rival DRU doing the same to
screams and shouts is like hearing a radio drama. For your unit.. The inverse is also possible, with agents
the life of you, you can’t remember being there. Your potentially losing Status for thoroughly botching on-
amnesia does not matter to MI18; only your perform- going investigations or losing control to another unit.
ance counts.

MI18: Red Unit

DRU 1: Red Unit

are lead by self-declared royalty and clergymen but
the details are still missing. Rumors of a 700-year-old
vampire secretly running York have never been con-
Jurisdiction: Vampires, ghouls and blood dolls.
firmed. No one has ever actually sighted the so-called
Overview: Red Unit agents actively search for
Shadow Archbishop of Canterbury. The closest Red
vampires and routinely pose as potential ghouls or
Unit has gotten to actually identifying one of the
blood dolls looking for a master. They infiltrate both
vampires’ rulers is the Lady of London – and, even
the living and undead subcultures and, if that fails,
then, all they have is her title.
trail people legitimately in those subcultures. Ghouls
Rivalries: As ghouls gain limited supernatural
and blood dolls are considerably easier to shadow
powers from drinking vampire blood, it is possible
than the bloodsuckers.
for a ghoul to be mistakenly identified as a witch.
Agents masquerading as ghouls or blood dolls
This, of course, works both ways and a witch using
need to regularly change their appearance. Some
blood in her potions or rituals may be misidentified
maintain multiple identities and trail two or more
as a ghoul. This causes occasional problems with Blue
vampires simultaneously. No Red Unit agents have
Unit. This also means Blue Unit field reports rarely
ever officially become ghouls or blood dolls, at least
mention the use of blood in witches’ spellcasting.
not long enough to be bound to a vampire’s will.
Numerous vampires have been reported to com-
Again, that’s officially – unofficially is another story.
municate with or command animals and few have
Even the best-trained MI18 agent is susceptible to
even reportedly become animals. Like the fictional
blood addiction.
Dracula, some vampires actually can turn into
Vampires are social creatures. They all have allies
wolves or bats. In such cases, Silver Unit claims there
and minions, meaning Red Unit almost never con-
is a chance that the vampire is really a cannibalistic
fronts just one vampire at a time. Once a vampire has
shapeshifter and sends an attaché to “help” Red Unit.
been uncovered, agents must see how many other
Violet Unit also deals with the walking dead, al-
bloodsucking corpses are also potential targets. Why
beit more of a voodoo or zombie variety, and attaches
stake one vampire when an entire infestation could
from Red are often stuck with Violet Unit as a result.
be eliminated? After weeks or months of planning
There also persistent rumors about a “river of blood”
and baiting, Red Unit will bring in the big guns – and
in the Underworld that Violet refuses to comment on.
plenty of fire – for an all-out assault.
Blue Unit has sporadic trouble with Red Unit.
As well-connected vampires often have multiple
Various spirits are associated with blood or cannibal-
servants, slaves or devotees, Red Unit may need to go
ism and some possess corpses. Red Unit invariably
through several human minions before actually fight-
claims that these cases actually involve vampires and
ing their primary target. Red Unit generally kills such
Blue Unit misidentified the threat. Violet Unit usually
people as silencing the vampires’ slaves is the only
sides with Blue and tries deterring Red from impos-
practical option given MI18’s limited resources and
ing itself on such cases.
manpower. Rehabilitation is out of the question and
not within the budget. Status (MI18, Red Unit)
The Enemy: MI18 internal memos – never offi- • What you lack in experience you make up for
cial paperwork or handbooks – consistently describe with book-smarts. However, there’s only so much
vampires as the most dangerous supernatural faction Red Unit’s field guide can tell you. You gain the
in the United Kingdom. Intelligence gathered on for- Occult (Vampires) Specialty for free.
eign countries confirms that the UK has an abnor- ••• You have seen enough sick tricks and blood
mally large vampire population. While a worldwide magic to become somewhat resistant to vampires’
ratio is roughly one vampire per 100,000 humans, the dread powers. Note that you are far from immune,
more paranoid estimates place the UK’s ratio at one however. You gain either two dots of the Indomita-
vampire per 25,000 humans. ble Merit or the Unbondable Merit for free. This is
The blessing and curse about vampires, at least the only exception for Unbondable being available
for MI18, is that vampires are good at staying hidden. after character creation. All other prerequisites for
While this indirectly helps MI18 keep the public igno- either Merit apply as normal.
rant of the supernatural, it also makes Red Unit’s job
of finding and (re)killing vampires considerably ••••• You’ve been around enough bloodsuckers to
more difficult. know when one is lurking nearby. You gain Unseen
Red Unit only began piecing together meaningful Sense applied to Vampires for free. If using rules
information on vampiric social structure in the 1990s. from Vampire: The Requiem, you may instead ap-
It is now common knowledge that the damned dead ply the Merit to Vitae with Storyteller permission.

MI18: Black Unit

DRU 2: Black Unit other scenes of mass death. Black Unit agents catego-
rize these as “hotspots” in their field reports but do
Jurisdiction: Ghosts (a catch-all term that also not elaborate. This is largely to avoid arguing with
refers to spirits and demons) and possession victims. Green Unit agents who insist hotspots are actually
inter-dimensional gateways.
Overview: Black Unit deals with less tangible
enemies and the humans (living or otherwise) these Rivalries: Black Unit has repeatedly shot down
creatures possess. Black Unit cannot investigate every Green Unit’s idiotic theories proposing that ghosts
supposed haunted house in the United Kingdom; are actually from another universe. Instances of
attempting that would waste both time and resources physical manifestation may attract Green Unit’s un-
and increase the risk of exposing MI18 to the public. wanted attention, with even a temporary solid form
Instead, Black Unit is forced to take a reactive ap- “proving” that the ghost is a living alien entity.
proach and only targets locations where ghosts are Violet Unit deals with the Bound (Sin-Eaters),
causing trouble and harming the living. As a result, which in turn commonly work with ghosts. Incidents
Black Unit operatives fight the most restless of the of “possessed” corpses and other zombie-like activity
restless dead. are also likely to get Violet Unit’s unwanted atten-
Some Black Unit members do look for trouble tion. Violet is too understaffed to habitually send at-
and investigate rumored haunted places during their tachés to bother Black, however, but Black is more
downtime. Such encounters (assuming the place is than capable of sending attachés to bother Violet
haunted) are off-the-books and officially denied by Blue Unit may also try connecting witches to
the Unit. ghostly activity. This is particularly annoying if a
There is one glaring problem faced by Black Unit ghost uses a living person as an anchor. Blue Unit
whenever they fight ghosts: humans can’t physically will inevitably send an attaché to see if the living an-
interact with ghosts under normal circumstances. chor, who may not know they’re being followed or
Black Unit has a small number of items that actually even stalked by a ghost, is actually a witch.
harm ghosts but not every agent is issued one. Status (MI18, Black Unit)
Fortunately for ghost hunters everywhere, a well- • Black Unit’s knowledge or the restless dead is far
documented fact about the restless dead is that from complete, but its files are far more detailed
ghosts require a physical object, an “anchor,” to than what most compacts have access to. You gain
tether them to the mortal world. They elude the after- the Occult (Ghosts) Specialty for free.
life by “anchoring” to an object that had particular
importance to them while alive. Some ghosts have ••• Black Unit has a small stockpile of blessed
multiple anchors but most only have one. Given the items (WoD: Rulebook, 214), objects infused with
option, Black Unit would much rather find and de- faith that can inexplicably hurt ghosts. This stock-
stroy an anchor than combat a ghost. Actually find- pile is kept secret from the rest of MI18 because,
ing and destroying an anchor without forcing a ghost quite frankly, the other DRU are not to be trusted
to attack is often easier said than done. with such rare and irreplaceable tools of the trade.
The Enemy: Officially, ghosts, spirits and de- You gain a two-dot blessed object for free.
mons are all the souls of the restless dead. Some With Storyteller approval, you may instead gain a
ghosts take on aspects of their old lives and environ- two-dot Relic pertaining to ghostly or spiritual ac-
ments. Other ghosts lie about their nature and exploit tivity. This can be designed using the Endowment
stories about demons to scare the living. Some ghosts Equation as if making a Relic for the Aegis Kai Doru
are delusional and actually believe they are inhuman. or using rules from WoD: Reliquary.
Unofficially, many members of Black Unit think ••••• You’ve earned a reputation in the Spirit
spirits and demons are fallen angels and that hell is World and no one particularly trusts or likes you
quite real. Agents in Black Unit are stereotyped as the there. This is hardly surprising given your line of
more religious members of MI18. Religious devotion work. There is something decidedly not right about
is not a requirement, of course, but agents are forced you and all the spirits can sense it. You gain either
to reconcile their personal and religious beliefs with the Null (HtV: Spirit Slayers, 140) or Saintly (WoD:
the undeniable knowledge that souls and the afterlife Book of Spirits, 110) Merit for free.
are real. Faith is less of a prerequisite and more of a Alternatively, you may gain three total dots of Deep
side-effect of belonging to Black Unit. Report (Negative) applied to one or more ghosts,
Black Unit has encountered places of spiritual spirits or demons. For more information on Deep
activity and congregation, often old battlefields or Report, see HtV: Block by Bloody Block, 9.

MI18: Silver Unit

DRU 3: Silver Unit mostly true. Attacking the beasts with silver weapons
inflicts more damage than should be possible. Silver
Jurisdiction: Werewolves and shapeshifters. does not always work as efficiently against other
shapeshifting breeds. There are also exceptions, with
Overview: When the three original DRU were
established in 1946, Silver Unit was tasked with locat- some shapeshifters vulnerable to a different sub-
ing and eliminating shapeshifters. As MI18 matured stance instead of silver. This was most famously docu-
and discovered how diverse the supernatural world mented against a weregoat in Glasglow whose fur
was, however, it became harder to actually define and skin smoldered on contact with gold. Many
Silver Unit’s role. There are numerous cases of agents carry small collections of different metals just
witches, vampires, changelings and even some in case their silver bullets seem ineffective against the
Bound displaying shape-shifting abilities. Black Unit enemy.
even learned that prolonged spirit possession can Rivalries: Blue and Silver Units know that the
warp a human body. line between shapeshifters and witches is ill-defined.
Silver Unit gradually let its control slip away to To further confuse the situation, some witches can
other DRUs. By 1980, Silver Unit almost exclusively even turn other people into animals or monstrous hy-
focused on shapeshifters that alternated between hu- brids. Much to their chagrin, Silver Unit detachments
man and animal forms. By 1990, virtually all of Silver regularly work with Blue Unit attachés.
Unit’s cases involved werewolves. By 2000, Silver Some shapeshifters, particularly werewolves,
Unit exclusively hunted werewolves in the wild and show an affinity for spirits and the two are occasion-
did not bother following up reports about shape- ally found together. Silver Unit has unfortunately
shifters hiding within human society. had to seek Black Unit’s help during such cases. Curi-
Silver Unit abruptly reversed direction in the ously, werewolves generally seem antagonistic to-
past decade. A roster of naïve but enthusiastic agents wards spirits and have indirectly helped Black Unit
brought new life to the unit. Ever since, agents hunt on occasion.
anything that appears human but assumes one or Of all the DRU, Silver Unit is the likeliest to re-
more alternate forms with animalistic qualities. It spond to a problem reported by a Foreign Observa-
does matter if their prey lives in a London flat or a tion Unit. Silver agents have hunted all manner of
Scottish moor; it doesn’t matter if it becomes an ani- beasts in every imaginable climate and terrain, in-
mal or a twisted mix of fur and fangs on a human cluding weregoat along the Pakistan-Afghanistan
frame. If it is part man and part beast, Silver Unit will border, weremonkeys in India and iridescent were-
track and kill it. spiders in Hong Kong.
Newer agents largely follow leads on shape-
shifters living among humans. The agents have the
Status (MI18, Silver Unit)
upper hand as shapeshifters are less likely to trans- • Silver Unit knows more about werewolves than
form into clawed and fanged monsters when sur- any other shapeshifitng breed. Thanks to the unit’s
rounded by human onlookers. extensive knowledge and experience, you gain the
Agents usually need to be in Silver Unit for at Occult (Werewolves) Specialty for free.
least one year before being sent after shapeshifters in If you already have this Specialty, then you instead
the wild, hunting monsters in the forests and moors gain a free Specialty applied to one other type
where the enemy has the advantage. The more suc- (“breed”) of shapeshifters.
cessful an agent is, the more life-threatening his as- ••• Werewolves’s predatory auras (HtV: Spirit
signments become. Slayers, “Lunacy,” 163) don’t affect you as strongly
The Enemy: It’s not just wolves – shapeshifters due to your experience and training. When affected
can become practically anything. Shapeshifters usu- by Lunacy, your Willpower is considered one dot
ally turn into creatures native to the area, although higher than it actually is.
there are exceptions such as the infamous werelion of
••••• You always know when a werewolf is
around, even if it’s in its human form. You gain Un-
Besides flesh-ripping claws, teeth and horns,
seen Sense (Werewolves) for free.
shapeshifters also exhibit an unsettling ability to in-
If this level of Status in Silver Unit is acquired at
duce panic and amnesia in human onlookers. Sea-
character creation, you may instead gain the Kin
soned Silver Unit agents can shrug off these mind
Merit with Storyteller approval. If using rules and/
games but newer agents are just as vulnerable as any
or Merits from Werewolf: The Forsaken, this may
other human.
be substituted with the Wolf-Blooded Merit.
The myths about silver and werewolves are

MI18: Blue Unit

DRU 4: Blue Unit dence for the towers’ location can be found in the
controversial “Arcadian connection.”
Jurisdiction: Witches (Mages). A closely-guarded secret in Blue Unit is that
changelings and witches may be linked. Some, if not
Overview: When MI18 restructured itself after
World War II, there were officially only three DRUs: all, witches gain their powers from a tower in Arca-
Red, Black and Silver. A fourth, secretive unit called dia, a mystical realm inhabited by faeries. Thanks to
DRU Zero appeared in 1948 to handle miscellaneous Green Unit’s investigations, MI18 knows changelings
supernatural threats that did not fall under the other refer to their homeland as Arcadia. Agents are free to
DRUs’ jurisdictions. It found itself primarily dealing draw their own conclusions.
with cults, occultists, psychics and mutants. By the Rivalries: The witch-hunters work with Silver
1970s, DRU Zero uncovered mountains of informa- Unit far more often than either unit would like. Many
tion about occultists and secret societies of magic- witches have shapeshifting and/or animal-
users. These were not isolated threats: ancient socie- controlling abilities. Silver Unit attachés are often
ties of power-hungry witches hid in plain view. assigned to Blue detachments when a witch exhibits
DRU Zero was rechristened DRU Four, the Blue such powers.
Unit, in 1977 and treated as a new unit. Its stated goal Blue Unit agents also find themselves partnered
was to discover secret witch societies and forcibly with Black Unit. Many witches have familiars, spirits
disband them. It is currently unknown if a new DRU or animals that act as an extension of the witch’s will
Zero exists and there is no point asking. and power. Black Unit has the most experience com-
Blue Unit has made little, if any, progress in dis- bating enemies that cannot be touched and are quite
mantling witch societies. It has had numerous suc- useful when confronting ghostly familiars.
cesses and small victories, destroyed a coven here Violet Unit continually finds itself working with
and a cabal there, but the larger organizations live on. Blue Unit, with Blue arguing that most any Bound
Blue Unit wins battles but never the war. could be a witch. The two DRU absolutely hate each
Agents in Blue Unit spend more time investigating, other as a result.
trailing and stalking than they do actually fighting Blue Unit frequently argues with External Affairs
witches. They would rather locate a small group of and MI18 administrators about if other hunters are
witches instead of kill a lone magic-user. A single kill technically witches. The most controversial hunters
would only alert other witches that MI18 was on their are the Ascending Ones, Knights of Saint George and
trail. If Blue Unit finds a solitary witch with no con- Lucifuge. Blue Unit believes these organizations,
nections to other magic users, they usually monitor among others, are just witches fighting opposing
their subject and hope other witches recruit her later witches; this happens surprisingly often among con-
down the road. Blue Unit is patient and may wait firmed witches and cabals. MI18’s administration
years before striking if it means taking out more allows these suspected witches, particularly the
witches. Knights, to continue existing as they help keep the
The Enemy: Magic practitioners use innumerable other witches in check and make Blue Unit's job eas-
names and titles to describe themselves and other ier. Besides, External Affairs always watches and
occultists: mages, warlocks, sorcerers and will- monitores these organizations “just in case.”
workers are rather common. Blue Unit refers to all of
them as “witches” for simplicity’s sake.
Status (MI18, Blue Unit)
Old Medieval tales of witchcraft claim that witches • Blue Unit doesn’t know everything about witches
gain magical power in exchange for their souls; they but its agents are the closest MI18 has to experts.
literally sign their souls away in the devil’s book. Re- You gain the Occult (Witchcraft) Specialty for free.
ality is surprisingly similar. The more ancient witch
••• Continuing observations and studies have in-
societies actually do have their members sign their
creased your knowledge of the enemy. You gain two
names in alien books, ones locked away in towers
of the following Occult Skill Specialties for free: Al-
inaccessible by normal humans. It is debatable if
chemy, Cultural Beliefs, Paganism, Satanism or Su-
these towers are literal or simply metaphorical, but
most Blue Unit agents believe witches draw their
powers from actual, hidden towers. No one is certain ••••• Watching and waiting out the enemy is sec-
if these towers are on Earth and invisible to the un- ond nature to you. All Perception rolls benefit from
aided eye or if they are placed in other worlds/ the Rote Action quality. This is equivalent of the
universes/realms/dimensions. three-dot Trained Observer Merit (WoD: Dogs of
Well, that’s not entirely true. The strongest evi- War, 38).

MI18: Green Unit

DRU 5: Green Unit changelings are the same or separate races from one
or more alien universes. That being said, all change-
Jurisdiction: Changelings and other “inter- ling exhibit two key shared abilities: their universe-
dimensional entities” (IDEs). hopping powers and the supernatural “mask” that
makes them appear human while on Earth. There is
Overview: Green Unit is a three relatively young
and under-funded DRU with a lot to prove. It was currently no classification system to catalogue the
evolved from a task force established in 2004 to in- various changeling breeds but there is growing sup-
vestigate an inter-dimensional breach in Cheshire, port for one. Green Unit lacks both the time and man-
England that may or may not have been caused by power to spare for such an endeavor.
the Knights of Saint George. The details are still Changelings, for whatever reason, are vulnerable
sketchy and the case went cold in 2007. to cold iron. It is not quite like werewolves and silver:
Green Unit officially exists to deal with inter- instead of causing abnormal damage, cold iron seems
dimensional entities and investigate potential to hurt changelings more easily. It always finds a
breaches or fissures into our universe. In practice, way to draw blood, no matter how much armor or
however, it is the changeling-hunting unit of MI18. cover a changeling is protected by. Scattered reports
Investigations into pan-dimensional intrusions and involving the most powerful changelings go further
alien invaders inevitably lead to changelings and the and describe the enemy suffering horribly from even
Hedge, the thorny maze-like barrier between earth the slightest contact with cold iron. The stronger the
and somewhere else. enemy is, the more vulnerable it is.
That’s all the other DRUs know about the Hedge, Rivalries: Initially, Green Unit forced itself into
but Green Unit obviously has more information. numerous cases and had attachés assigned primarily
The Hedge leads to another universe that Green to cases headed by Black and Blue Units. During this
Unit has tentatively labeled Arcadia. This may or time, Green Unit did not really have any cases of its
may not be the actual name used by its denizens. own and was generally considered a parasite by the
Chatter from Blue Unit implies that some witches other DRU. Times have changed, as noted above.
draw their power from Arcadia, or at least a tower in Black Unit is often scrutinized. It is foolish to think
Arcadia, meaning witches and changelings might that spirits, ghosts and demons are the same thing.
actually be linked. Green Unit is currently develop- These creatures, or at least a fraction of them, are
ing a unifying theory connecting all supernatural alien beings in the most literal sense. Violet Unit is
phenomena to Arcadia but lacks enough evidence to distrusted for similar reasons. Green Unit is also in-
formally propose the idea to MI18’s administration. creasingly cautious around Silver Unit, as many bes-
MI18 strongly advises against pursuing or fighting tial changelings can be mistaken for shapeshifters.
changelings in the Hedge where the enemy has the Violet Unit absolutely hates Green Unit and the
home-field advantage. Green Unit does not always feeling is mutual. Violet deals with creatures entering
report incidents of its agents entering the Hedge, or leaving the Underworld, a realm that Green Unit
usually just the times when an agent goes missing. believes is just the subterranean counterpart to the
Green Unit gains most of its leads by following the Hedge. MI18’s administration doesn’t even humor
mysterious Markets, changeling-run bartering centers Green’s complaints and generally does not allow
that are always on the move. It is believed that Green attachés to bother Violet.
changelings feed on human emotions. Being sur- Status (MI18, Green Unit)
rounded by so much desperation, greed, envy and • Green Unit issues all new agents a weapon made
nostalgia makes a Market a virtual smorgasbord. from cold iron, a nondescript metal that is very ef-
While this may not be as disgusting as a vampire fective against changelings. You gain a cold iron
drinking human blood, changelings are secretly ma- weapon that deals either 2(L) or 3(B) and a free
nipulating and using innocent people. Weaponry Specialty applied to that weapon.
Green Unit may only head one investigation at a ••• In-field experience means you no longer rely on
time due to its small size. So while the Hedge and the unit’s incomplete handbook for everything. You
Arcadia are not Green Unit’s only concerns, the benefit from the 9-again rule on all Occult rolls per-
agents have little choice but to focus on changelings. taining to changelings and the Hedge.
The Unit’s size also means it cannot send attachés to ••••• You’ve dealt with so many changelings that
work with other Units, although this does not work their illusions no longer fully work on you. You
both ways. Green Unit can expect to be humoring at gain the Unseen Sense Merit applied to Changelings
least one attaché on each case. for free. If using rules from Changeling: The Lost,
The Enemy: Green Unit questions if the diverse your character is considered Ensorcelled.

MI18: Violet Unit and Yellow Unit

DRU 6: Violet Unit DRU 7: Yellow Unit

Jurisdiction The Bound (Sin-Eaters or Revenants) Jurisdiction: The Reanimated (Prometheans and
and anyone or anything using known entrances into Pandorans).
the Underworld. Overview: Yellow Unit is kept secret from the
Overview: A Green Unit investigation into a po- other six Direct Response Units. Unlike its sister
tential inter-dimensional breach inadvertently dis- DRU, Yellow Unit is less focused on investigating or
covered the Underworld. Subsequent investigations combating the supernatural as it is on replicating and
uncovered the existence of the Bound, which seem exploiting it.
strangely attracted to the Land of the Dead. Reports Red and Black Units both separately encountered
of these incidents were leaked to the other DRU beings later identified as the Reanimated. These are,
which, of course, tried stealing the case from Green as the name implies, reanimated corpses and occa-
Unit. The higher-ups in MI18 established a joint team sionally artificial constructs that use an unnatural
to handle it, which included two agents from Black, energy source to mimic mortality.
one from Red, one from Blue and one from Green. And that is what Yellow Unit is after - the Reani-
This team soon became a full-fledged, albeit small, mated’s energy, the “Divine Fire.” It could solve the
Direct Response Unit. world’s energy needs, be used for accelerated cloning
The Bound are humans who died but returned to and, perhaps as importantly, allow MI18 to become a
life after pledging their souls to … well, no one’s top-tier hunter organization. Depending on future
quite sure. The Bound are humans with something developments, MI18 could become the next Cheiron
inhuman hitching a ride and it is not entirely clear Group or Section Nine. Even if this does not happen,
who actually controls the body. it is not unimaginable for MI18 to use expendable
Violet Unit is the second-youngest DRU and cur- clones to do its dirty work.
rently focuses on observation and not combat. Its Yellow Unit has developed methods of storing Di-
enemies are the most mysterious and least- vine Fire comparable to nuclear fuel rods. Actually
understood of the various supernatural beings MI18 producing Divine Fire is a mystery, however, so it
has encountered. There is no evidence that the Bound must be harvested from the Reanimated (via the Har-
are inherently a threat to humanity or the United vesting Tactic). Complicating matters is that the Re-
Kingdom. Regardless, the Bound are a supernatural animated cannot be “stored” without negatively af-
subculture living in plain sight; they must be moni- fecting the surrounding area as they naturally cor-
tored and studied. rupt their environments. Yellow Unit is forced to
Rivalries: Green Unit opposed the very creation of track down Reanimated, capture the walking corpses
Violet Unit. Green Unit believes the Underworld is and drain the monsters dry of the precious Divine
another aspect of Arcadia and should thus absorb Fire. It’s a messy and emotionally-draining process
Violet Unit. but, well, it’s even worse for the Reanimated.
There are similar sentiments in Black Unit which Rivalries: None, as this Unit does not officially
believes the Bound are “just” host bodies for ghosts. exist. No other DRU are aware of its activities. Exter-
Violet Unit is almost always burdened with a Black nal Affairs once began accidentally tracking a Yellow
attaché. Black Unit, for its part, is primarily interested Unit operative but the investigation was quickly
in stealing as much information from Violet Unit as sabotaged from within.
humanly possible.
Status (MI18, Yellow Unit)
Status (MI18, Violet Unit) • Yellow Unit knows more about the Reanimated
• You gain one of the following Occult Specialties than anyone else in MI18, so you gain the Occult
for free: the Bound, Ghosts, the Underworld or Be- (The Reanimated) Specialty for free.
liefs About the Afterlife. ••• You are more resistant to the emotion-twisting
••• Your connection to the Underworld is deepen- powers of the Reanimated. This may be from sheer
ing. You gain Unseen Sense applied to the Avernian force of will or from possessing a weapon-grade
Gates, the Bound’s preferred term for entrances into security blanket. You gain either two dots of Indomi-
the Underworld table or the Favored Weapon Merit.
••••• Continued exposure to the dead has altered ••••• You gain the Unseen Sense Merit applied to
your very soul. You gain either the three-dot version the Divine Fire. This applies to both the energy itself
of At Death’s Door (see the New Merits Appendix) (stored or free-floating) and creatures storing and
or the Saintly Merit (WoD: Book of Spirits, 110). using it (usually the Reanimated).

MI18: External Affairs

XA: External Affairs to surveillance and spend long hours in unmarked

vans. More experienced agents are used to infiltrate
Jurisdiction: Rival hunters and slashers. rival organizations or, when needed, assassinate
wayward hunters. Some are tasked with eliminating
Overview: An embryonic form of External Affairs
existed during World War II to monitor Task Force: hunters that “went off the deep end” and became
VALKYRIE. XA did not exist in its current form until slashers. Then there’s the bloodthirsty Hunt Club, a
1948, two years after the original three DRU. twisted society of sociopaths that XA would just love
External Affairs investigates other hunter organiza- to forcibly disband.
tions and counter-occult programs. They keep tabs Rivalries: No one likes External Affairs. More ac-
on TF:V and desperately want to know what Section curately, no one trusts External Affairs. There is a per-
Nine is up to. They tolerate the local Ashwood Ab- sistent concern among the DRUs that XA also spies
bey, at least for now. They’re still not entirely sure on the rest of MI18. They are the ones watching the
about the Knights of Saint George but outright dis- watchmen. But that is absurd. It’s not as if unmarked
trust the Aegis Kai Doru and Ascending Ones. XA vans follow the other DRUs’ unmarked vans....
Unlike the six regular DRU, External Affairs fo- Status (MI18, External Affairs)
cuses almost exclusively on observation over vio- • This job requires more skills than being able to sit
lence. XA’s agents rely on spy cameras and sound in an unmarked van for hours. You gain one of the
amplifiers, not handguns and shotguns. Their un- following Skill Specialties for free: Investigation
marked vans feature cutting-edge surveillance equip- (Body Language), Larceny (Security Systems) or
ment, not anti-material rifles or pop-up machine gun Streetwise (Undercover).
turrets. These agents monitor and record, not maim ••• You’re always in the know, especially about
or kill, other hunters. rivals’ activities. You gain two dots of Contacts ap-
Well, most of the time. XA has the authorization to plied to other hunter organizations. One or both
“neutralize” hunters that do more harm than good. dots may be applied to a DRU within MI18.
Hunters that are unconcerned about collateral dam- ••••• Your skills are too vital to waste on observa-
age or innocent bystanders must be dealt with. While tion alone. Now you get to rely on other agents to
MI18 rarely issues an order to kill another hunter, it perform the more mundane and boring tasks on
is far from unprecedented. your behalf. You gain a greener XA agent as a free
Newer External Affairs agents are usually assigned three-dot Retainer.

MI18, the Direct Response Units (Compact)

are the same, what is their obsession with

Storytelling stealing magical objects?
Double Agent: There is a traitor in MI18.
Protagonists An agent in your DRU is apparently a double
By maintaining DRU and FOU across the agent and supplying information to a foreign
former British Empire, MI18 has a global reach government, likely America (TF:V or VASCU)
comparable to Task Force: VALKYRIE and Sec- or Russia (Section Nine). This cannot be toler-
tion Nine. This makes MI18 one of the most ated any longer but no one knows who the trai-
widespread compacts in existence. MI18 can tor is. You still need to continue ongoing inves-
enter most chronicles, regardless of setting, tigations and keep business going as usual –
with relative ease. Joint operations between the people and governments of the United
TF:V and MI18 occur periodically but both or- Kingdom depend on it – but this issue must be
ganizations prefer to work alone. resolved ASAP.
MI18 detachments operate much like Tier 1
Field Testing: MI18 has reversed-
cells, only with government sponsorship and
engineered a rifle-like device from TF:V’s vam-
firearms. Depending on the current leadership,
pire-draining “Bleeder” (HtV:HtV: Core,
Core 152). This
some DRU are more militaristic than others
device, codenamed the Leech, is being issued
but most emphasize research. They investigate
for limited field testing. The Leech is far from
rumors, legends and conspiracy theories in
perfect and most agents report it failing before
case even part of a wild story checks out. Then,
showing any signs of successful operation. Still,
if needed, they switch gears and eliminate the
when it does work, the Leech leaves even the
threat by any means necessary. Remember, in-
most powerful monsters at an agent’s mercy.
vestigate then annihilate.
You are part of a detachment sent on a spe-
Despite External Affairs’ best efforts, MI18
cial mission to evaluate the Leech’s perform-
agents are largely oblivious to the existence
ance in combat. There’s one catch – the mis-
and tactics of other hunters. They know about
sion is unusually suicidal. The administration
other government-sponsored hunters like TF:V,
appears more interested in remotely collecting
VASCU, Division Six and, to a lesser extent,
field data than in its agents’ safety. Besides,
Section Nine. They know of hunters based in
how can MI18 know how well the Leech per-
the UK such as the local Ashwood Abbey and
forms unless it is put through the most rigor-
Knights of Saint George.
ous testing imaginable? The specifics of the
MI18 agents generally work within their
mission will vary per DRU (and what super-
DRU and rarely seek assistance from other
natural energy their Leech is attuned to) but a
hunters. They are more likely to steer another
“total party kill” is a likely outcome.
group of hunters in a desired direction than
actually ask for help. Other hunters may be
surprised to realize that their mysterious infor- Antagonists
mant works for the British government. MI18 agents can easily assume another
The Cheshire Connection: A string of ru- hunter is the enemy, particularly when dealing
ined investigations have a central theme: a with members of conspiracies. Like TF:V and
group of thieves steals a supernaturally- Section Nine, MI18 wants the public to remain
empowered object and kills its owner(s), which ignorant of the supernatural world and this
MI18 just happened to be monitoring. Blue puts them at odds with groups like Network
Unit aloe has lost three potential leads (i.e. Zero who desire the exact opposite. With its
witches) this way. A task force is assembled spies everywhere, XA is another likely problem.
with representatives of the various DRU af- The Bug Infestation: One of your hunter
fected by these thieves and External Affairs is allies has become justifiably paranoid in recent
involved for good measure. days. He discovered bugs in his house - as in
The limited information you have connects electronic bugs, old-school spyware. He has be-
the thieves to the “Cheshire Incident” back in gun digitally recording himself at all times and
2004. An inter-dimensional drift formed and analyzes the tapes for evidence that someone is
the Knights of Saint George were somehow in- watching or following him. You half-expect him
volved. The thieves match descriptions of vari- to find the Slender Man but this is serious busi-
ous people wounded in the incident, people ness. If someone is watching him, whose to say
who were presumably innocent bystanders but that that same person isn’t going after his
now MI18 is not so sure. Even if these people hunter associates, including you or your cell?

Briefing Note

Attaché: Thomas (C. Medic)

Assignment: 23, 19 with org.
Organization: Division Six, Unit Five
Date: 5 / 21 / 2011

via nt” (w itc h) on 5/ 20 . Wi tch loc ated and killed.

lity de
RE: Raid against the “necromantic rea
bie s also destr oyed (el eve n out of eleven known).
s are as follows.
No friendly fatalities to report. Injurie LT ); ov ern igh t in RUMC.
tio n of he ad wou nd (N
1. Dan — rapid-infec
e — rap id inf ect ion of arm and leg wounds (NLT); in RUMC.
2. Jeannett 2nd stage (?); in RUMC.
pe cif ied sic kn ess ; not con ta giou s,
3. Paul A. – uns sta ge (?); in RUMC.
sic kn ess ; not con ta giou s, 3rd
4. Ron — unspecified n Six took boo k but allowed me to make
e”) and not es. Div isio
Obtained witch's spellbook (“grimoir kn own how mu ch of he r not es were day-
s wit h SC . Un
photocopies per contractual obligation
dreams or actual planning. ead cre atu res th at look surprisingly normal
mbi es” - und
Notes proposed creation of “plague zo me tho d of tra nsf er not discovered but
diseas es . Ex act
(passably alive) but carry contagious transit to spread infection.
ne . Wo uld hav e zo mb ies use ma ss
presumably airbor bie s. Fo und evi den ce of magically-
r ins ide th e zom
Believed to have living organic matte . All oth er organs functionally useless.
ma ch ins ide one zom bie
preserved, still-working sto e onl y foll ows orders from their leadership
te fu rth er. Un it Fiv
Request permission to investiga igat ion . Pos sib ly ask other SC partners for
foll ow- up inv est
(still no details) and will not assist in
Union may be wil ling — wit ch ’s hou se is near their territory.
help? The one -si ded , ha ndw rit ten); paperwork for
ook (4 2 pag es ,
ENCLOSED: Photocopies of spellb fur the r investigation.
5 AC P) ; for ma l re que st for
ammunition requests (.4
Silver Cross (Compact)

Modern Medicine eventually learned about their mentor’s deception

and turned on him. They captured him and, without
The Vigil is a dark, lonely war against creatures
truly understanding the consequences, cut him off
with superior numbers and power. The odds are al-
from vampire blood. After a month without his un-
ways against the hunter and only fools ever think
natural fix, the professor rapidly aged and died in a
otherwise. Fortunately, like every other war in mod-
matter of minutes.
ern times, the Vigil has its medics. On the frontlines
The students-turned-hunters realized just how
and hidden in plain sight, the Silver Cross keeps a
little they knew about the supernatural world. Their
watchful eye on its hunter brethren.
ignorance first enabled a ghoul’s addiction and then
The Silver Cross evolved from a cell of students
that same ignorance inadvertently killed him.
in the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medi-
The young cell soon established contact with
cine. One of the students’ professors was a rogue
Null Mysteriis and took an investigative approach to
ghoul attempting to make synthetic vampire blood.
the Vigil. The cellmates quickly grew dissatisfied
Until the synthetic blood was perfected, however,
with Null Mysteriis’s methodology. Where were the
only the real stuff would suffice. He manipulated the
results? How was any of this benefiting humanity?
students into staking vampires for him. The students
Instead of wasting time arguing about theories and

Silver Cross (Compact)
wild guesses, the hunters decided to take a more pro- necromancy and voodoo.
active approach. They pooled their resources, made As the clinics are all based in cities, the Silver
several risky investments, considered robbing a bank Cross mostly deals with monsters that require or ex-
but relented and eventually managed to create their ploit large human populations. They are more likely
secret weapon against the supernatural menace: to encounter a vampire or other creature that feds on
They opened an unassuming, perfectly legitimate humans than, say, a feral shapeshifter or Reanimated
outpatient clinic. hiding in the mountains. Witches, who are techni-
The Silver Cross is now comprised of scattered cally human anyway, are another common problem.
walk-in clinics throughout the United States and, Changelings and Sin-Eaters are also frequent adver-
with the recent opening of its Toronto clinic, is start- saries. Then there’s always the occasional slasher.
ing to go international. Silver Crosses operate as nor- The Silver Cross will not necessarily help any
mal outpatient clinics where some or all of the staff hunter, however. While rarely done, the Silver Cross
are aware of the Vigil. At the very least, the doctors has refused to help certain hunters based on their
and administrators are aware of the situation while choice of tactics or targets. A combat medic would
nurses are kept in the dark. Those in the know re- never assist a member of the serial-killing Prome-
ceive training to deal with the aftermath of super- thean Brotherhood, for instance. A newer clinic has
natural attacks and the unique injuries suffered by already had issues with an excessively violent Night
people stupid or fearless enough to fight monsters. Watch cell. Unless the hunters are doing more good
The Silver Cross seeks out other hunters and than harm, the Silver Cross won’t bother risking the
treats them "without questions.” Privacy is sacred at life of a combat medic.
the clinics. So far, they have had the most success
with the Union and the Long Night. Workers at the
Los Angeles clinic know the Keepers of the Source on
It started with a patient found by the side of the
a first name basis. Some clinics have received denota-
interstate with a bloody stump where his arm used to
tions from the nearest Ashwood Abbey chapterhouse
be. He ended up in your ER and barely survived the
or the Knights of Saint George. These donations are
night. You went to check on him the following day
often used to build and maintain “back rooms,” a
and found the patient jumping out his room’s fifth
euphemism for makeshift surgery suites set aside for
story window. And that wasn’t the weird part – as he
emergency operations beyond a mere walk-in clinic’s
ran through the parking lot unharmed, you realized
the man now had two arms. You needed to know
While the majority of Silver Cross employees
what this man really was. Months of research led you
take a supportive role in the Vigil, some do fight.
towards a specific, nondescript outpatient clinic. You
These brave souls, usually armed with only a hand-
went there to find out more information and instead
gun, travel with hunter cells and treat their com-
got an on-the-spot job offer. The pay is much worse
rades’ injuries in the field. Most clinics have one or
but there is something special about a job that not
two "combat medics" on the payroll. Other hunters
only saves lives but protects humanity.
generally consider combat medics synonymous with
You joined a preexistent cell of monster hunters
the Silver Cross.
while still in med school. The hunting group has
since dissolved from equal parts death and in-
The Enemy fighting. The contacts you acquired along the way
The Silver Cross’s combat medics have seen directed you towards a Silver Cross clinic that you
pretty much everything the supernatural world can joined right before graduation. Your family will
throw at a person. Depending on what hunters the never understand why you passed up so many other,
combat medic works with, she specializes in what- higher-paying job offers. The crippling student debt
ever monsters that group targets. For example, a might kill you before the monsters get a chance.
combat medic working with the Keepers of the You were your cell’s medical expert by default,
Source will almost exclusively find herself fighting having been a lifeguard and taken basic training
witches. Another combat medic is assigned to a Un- classes at the community college. While the others
ion cell dedicated to dismantling the Sin-Eater gangs practiced at the firing range, you felt a need to learn
in their part of town, so she’s seen her fair share of about what the hell you were doing. Your friends

Hold on. Stop squirming so much.

I’m trying to remove a bullet here.

Silver Cross (Compact)

The Union: This is the beginning of something truly amazing. Little neighbor-hood watches and
guardians springing up across the country ... it’s beautiful. We have an unofficial outreach pro-
gram where we’re trying to locate and contact as many Union cells as possible. Together, we could
be the future of the Vigil.
Wordsmiths: I don’t know what to think about them. I hope the Wordsmiths are right and that
even the undead can be proverbially healed but, honestly, I can’t bring myself to put too much
faith in their methodology.
Aegis Kai Doru: About three months ago, a man carried an injured female companion into the
clinic. She had deep claw marks in her chest and several broken ribs, but her main concern was
the amulet around her neck. She fought off any attempt to remove the amulet, even if it was in our
way and occasionally in a wound. Even after surgery, when we wanted follow-up x-rays, she re-
fused to remove it. Remarkable.
The Chosen of Kroll: We’ve had issues identifying, um, friend from foe. Some hunters take ex-
traordinary means to level the playing field and can become quite monstrous in the process. I once
had a patient come in reporting injuries to his tentacles. Just think about that for a minute.

depended on you for their survival and you refused this philosophy often carry more ammunition than
to fail them. The Silver Cross contacted your cell and medical supplies. They won’t need to patch up as
offered its services, saying they learned about the many injuries if the enemy goes down first. Cutters
cell’s existence through another hunter organization tend to start as hunters then acquire medical knowl-
you only recently met. Seeing as how the cell already edge to assist in their Vigils. A few have legitimate
had an unofficial medic (i.e. you), the clinic’s admin- medical backgrounds but become cynical, jaded or
istrator is willing to teach you a few tricks and ex- outright paranoid during the course of the Vigil.
pand your knowledge. With enough time and results, The Curious perform their normal duties at the
you might even eventually get on their payroll. clinic but also have “side projects.” This may involve
You spent most of your “medical career” as a running tests on samples of monstrous tissue or more
street medic, a self-taught, unlicensed political activ- sinister and dangerous experiments. A few have dual
ist with a first aid kit and several medical guides you membership in Null Mysteriis or the Cheiron Group.
pirated online. The earliest monsters you protected
people from were riot police and other pigs hired to
silence you and your fellow demonstrators. You were
Status in the Silver Cross is primarily gained by
more afraid of the World Trade Organization than
repeatedly keeping your fellow hunters alive and
the more literal demons lurking around every corner.
making the Vigil easier, or at least less excruciating.
A chance encounter with a Union hunter bleeding to
death in an alley from savage bite marks made you • Your involvement in the Vigil gives you extra drive
realize what the real threats were. You discovered the and focus. This goes beyond just saving lives – now
Silver Cross through the Union and they helped you you’re helping save humanity. If you successfully risk
put your unorthodox medical training to good use. Willpower on a Medicine-based roll pertaining to the
Vigil, you gain an additional Willpower point, even if
Factions this goes beyond your normal limit.
Personal philosophies differ from person to per- ••• Keeping someone alive after a one-sided scuffle
son but the clinics’ primary goal is to save lives. with a werewolf has forced you to learn a few tricks.
Caregivers focus on repairing as opposed to tear- You gain the 9-again ability on all rolls related to
ing down. Many are not violent people or lack the treating victims of monstrous and/or violent attacks.
skills needed to survive a scuffle with monsters. They This also applies to injuries from mundane sources
realize their time is best spent in the clinic and do not such as car crashes or drunken barroom brawls.
pretend to be superheroes. Most caregivers come ••••• You have a likely taken a more administrative
from more traditional medical backgrounds and pre- role at the clinic. By supporting the Vigil, both you
viously worked in hospitals or, at the very least, actu- and your clinic have earned the trust of local hunters
ally attended medical school. and their backers. You gain four free dots of Allies,
Cutters believe they need to “cut out” the mon- assigned to and distributed among other local hunters
strous cancer in society. Combat medics adhering to or hunter organizations.

Silver Cross (Compact)

Storytelling is about to go down.

The Deviant: A known hunter comes into
your clinic for treatment, complaining about
Protagonists perfectly mundane stomach pains. When he
The most obvious use of the Silver Cross is finally sees a nurse behind closed doors, he
as the hunters’ best friend. The nature of the states he has urgent news and needs to speak
organization makes it easy to incorporate a PC with an administrator now. He tells the admin-
or NPC combat medic into almost any story. istrator that he is a federal agent and a higher-
They are best suited for helping independent up routinely provides him with a list of “reality
cells or compacts as many conspiracies either deviants,” witches, for him to kill. One of your
have healing powers or are too secretive to clinic’s nurses is on his most recent hit list.
comfortably work with outsiders. The Knights
Quarantine: A patient is brought in with
of Saint George are an exception, with their
deep bite wounds that look disturbingly like
American cells regularly making use of the Sil-
human teeth marks. Before you even knew if
ver Cross’s services. The Ashwood Abbey, Bear
he was a hunter or the unluckiest SOB in the
Lodge, Keepers of the Source, Long Night and
world, he leapt at the closest nurse and ripped
the Union are all on friendly terms with their
her carotid artery open like a rabid pit bull.
local clinics.
Things spiraled out of control and the clinic is
It can be rather difficult to create a game
on lockdown. Unlike the movies, this “zombie
structured entirely around Silver Cross PCs.
plague” is slow-acting and there is only about a
They work best as supporting NPCs or as a lone
fifty percent chance of contamination even if
combat medic PC in a hunter cell. When consid-
blood is drawn. There’s no way to know who
ering the size and resources of the Silver Cross,
can be trusted and who will randomly decide to
is it highly unlikely for a hunter troupe to in-
eat your flesh. Then there are the other pa-
clude multiple combat medics.
tients, including those two paranoid hunters
If so desired, the Silver Cross could be
with itchy-looking trigger fingers….
treated as little more than a deus ex machina
that allows PCs to heal between chapters. It’s
entirely possible that there may never be a role Antagonists
-played conversation between a PC hunter and The Silver Cross is an unlikely enemy, see-
a NPC Silver Cross staffer. ing as their main goal is to help other hunters.
A Storyteller might allow the PCs to use a That being said, it is possible to use the good
Silver Cross clinic as a Safehouse. It will likely doctors as obstacles or the unwitting pawns of
have one or two dots of Cache and one or two a larger, lurking threat. An inhuman spy may
dots of trap. The Cache is intended for combat be gathering information on local hunters by
medics, meaning they may have weapons out- infiltrating the clinic. An item in the waiting
side of their normal resources. The clinic itself room is a magical monitoring device to keep
cannot have any dots of Secrecy, being a publi- track of everyone who enters and leaves.
cally known building, although a secret “back Not every patient has to be human. For ex-
room” or basement level may exist. The clinic ample, it is not unimaginable for crafty witches
may contain a Torture Suite; someone skilled to seek the Silver Cross’s help from time to
with medical tools can be efficient at getting time. Endowments and magic are often indis-
information. tinguishable and the Silver Cross doesn’t ask
Sanctuary: A hysterical man enters your unnecessary questions.
clinic and scares the patients in the waiting Outside Looking In: Your cell is gathering
room. Once taken aside, he explains that he is dirt on a monstrous cult. The cult’s leader even
being pursued by a monster and that the Silver has tentacles; this is getting a little too Love-
Cross is the only safe place he can hide. How craftian for your liking. The cell noticed that a
he knows this is beyond you but, more impor- large number of cultists go to the only Silver
tantly, he wants sanctuary and the monster Cross clinic in the city, even if some cultists
likely followed him there. His pursuer is unlike live closer to another medical center or a hospi-
anything your clinic has dealt with before, tal. The clinic is probably a front for the cult,
sounding more like Jason Voorhees or Michael but can you prove it? Even if it is a front, how
Myers than a “standard” monster. You have do you proceed? Storming the clinic is a sure-
every reason to fear that a real-life Halloween 2 fire way to be labeled domestic terrorists.

Anne was getting tired of the same conversation day after day, week after week. The short
meetings on the rooftop seemed to go nowhere. She crumpled the now-empty brown paper
bag and, for what felt like the ten thousandth time, said: “You’re a human being and deserve
to be treated as such. You’re not a lapdog, you’re not a doormat. You have rights.”
Geraldine took a long drag on her cigarette. She stood at the building’s ledge with her
back to Anne. “It’s not that simple.”
“Of course it’s that simple.” Anne accepted a cigarette from her more-or-less friend and
joined her at the ledge. The crime-infested city was almost beautiful from such a height.
“No, you don’t understand.” Geraldine flicked her cigarette butt and watched it fall to the
pavement. “First, I wouldn’t call myself human anymore. I have vampire blood in my
system. I haven’t aged in years – ”
Anne cut her off. “You’re still human. A monthly blood transfusion doesn’t change that.”
Geraldine smiled coldly and continued looking out over the noontime city. “Semantics.
That’s just semantics. And, Anne, secondly, by now you know I must obey. I need to fol-
low orders. I’m not a doormat but I don’t have free will.”
We’ve been over this so, so many times. “Are you following orders right now? How are you
being obedient by talking to me?” Vampires keep their servants on short leashes but the
slaves have several precious hours of sunlight to move unobserved and unmolested.
Geraldine finally looked at Anne. “If I disobey – if I disobey and he finds out – then
he’ll cut me off. He holds my life in his hands. My life is in his veins. I cannot live
without his blood.”
Again, the same old argument. “Yes you can. You don’t need it; you only crave it.”
“It’s not like nicotine, okay? His blood keeps me young. I’ve been in his thrall
for over a decade now. Don’t you get it? If he cuts me off, I’ll age thirteen years
overnight. I’ll be mortal again. I’ll age and die like everyone else.”
Anne already discussed every possible implication of Geraldine’s sudden aging. Nor-
mally, a person rapidly aging overnight would draw a lot of attention. The ghoul had no
friends except for Anne, however, so no one would really notice. Her employer was her vam-
pire master, meaning she would need to find a new job and source of income. If Geraldine
was worried about her landlord and other people in her apartment building, Anne already
covered several options. Hell, Anne would let her move in for a while if needed. Anne was
willing to do whatever it took to free this poor woman from addiction and enslavement.
Instead of mentioning any of that, Anne went with a new strategy: “So?”
“ ‘So?’ ” Geraldine repeated. “What do you mean, ‘so?’ ”
“Would you rather die of old age or be damned forever? How is this life any better than
one like mine? Yes, I have a boss, but he doesn’t spit on me or hit me. I don’t get burned with
cigarettes as I lay begging for a drink. He pays me to handle paperwork, not cover up mur-
ders and tax evasion. I’d rather be a clerk than a slave.”
“Stop it.”
“Stop what?”
“Just, just stop it.” Geraldine paused then threw her half-empty cigarette box over the
ledge with a growl. “I shouldn’t even be here. He’ll be awake in five hours and I still
need to finish my financial report. His taxes are done but he likes them, he likes
them presented in a binder with a nice cover page. He likes it professional looking. I
need to go.” She walked towards the stairs before stopping at the door. She stood motionless
for a full five seconds before asking: “Can I see you on Wednesday? Same time and place?”
“Of course.” Anne couldn’t help but smile. There’s always hope. “It’s not like I have any-
where else to be on my lunch break.”
“Thank you.”
Wordsmiths (Compact)

Pinpricks of Light
One. The photos keep appearing. You
killed and replaced two different ghouls
but someone continues violating the sanc-
tity of your lair. You never told either of
your two – wait, sorry, three ghouls about
the photos and merely complain about
The photos are of you. No, they’re not
blurry like normal. No, it’s not a breach of
the Masquerade. The photos are of you
while still alive. They show the friends and
family you left behind.
Mixed in are photos of your victims
while they still lived. Someone having that
much access to your old life is bad enough,
but this means they’re also monitoring
your unlife quite closely.
Tonight the photos take an even more
disturbing turn. They are printed on photo
paper and are clearly not original photo-
graphs. They are of your old life, as before,
but with your victims Photoshopped into
the pictures. Sometimes the victims digi-
tally replace people who were really there,
like your mother, brother or girlfriend.
You mask your fear with anger and
mentally prepare to find a fourth ghoul
when you notice a handheld mirror resting
on your mantle. Someone wrote on the
glass with blood-red lipstick:
How do you even
look at yourself? see it coming until it’s too late. It’s always something
Oh, that’s right, just vague enough to haunt your memory.
“Lovely weather for hunting. It’s a shame the prey
you don’t have to. won’t get too much time in the sun.” The sky was
I’m so sorry. overcast and gray. The sun did not break free all day.
Tears of blood well in your eyes. This has to stop. “How can you stand the heat? It’s hot enough to
boil blood.” It was unseasonably cold for June.
Two. While some ghouls are abused by their mas- “Did you hear about the rabid dog? The police
ters, yours lets you live in relative freedom. You run
found it with a mouth full of some poor child’s
a full-serve gas station and maintain your Master’s
blood. I can’t imagine how the family is taking the
nearby haven. He stalks and hunts like a predatory
loss.” There was no such dog but a child in your Mas-
animal and gives you plenty of free time. You main-
ter’s hunting grounds did go missing.
tain his lair and keep out trespassers while he lets
And, worst of all, a woman met your eyes and
you sip his blood and remain virtually immortal.
said this right before driving away: “It must be horri-
Then customers at the gas station started getting
ble to grow old alone. I’m so sorry.” You’re fifty-four
weird, making strange statements and asking ques-
but don’t even look thirty.
tions. It’s never the same person twice so you don’t
Who are they? What do they want from you?

Do you ever stop to think about

who the REAL monsters are?

Wordsmiths (Compact)
Three. You wait in your rat-hole apartment for a from an undetermined disease. The boy’s parents
phone call that never comes. Your Master, the vam- made a deal with a vampire to embrace him, turning
pire who feeds on you, has not called for days. He their child into one of the living dead instead of al-
said he needed you, that you tasted too delicious to lowing him to waste away. The boy officially died
eat in one sitting. His fangs puncturing your neck, but his parents kept him hidden in their house and
the feeling of his claws on your shoulders as he bit fed him animal blood. One night, three years after
down … it was dizzying and made you feel so alive. supposedly dying, he arranged a meeting with his
But now.... You can’t wait any longer and need old friend Wilfred and revealed the truth. The dead
release. You throw your phone across the room and boy had not aged a day.
begin crying as you enter the bathroom. You open Wilfred instantly became obsessed with the un-
the medicine cabinet and reach for the razor blades dead and began uncovering all he could about other
you continually use, wash and reuse after making supernatural creatures. By his twenties, he already
shallow cuts in your arms and legs. It won’t be the independently discovered the existence of witches
same, like masturbating instead of making love, but and werewolves. Still, vampires were his favorite.
you need to feel your blood flow. Instead of razors, The fact that so many unnecessarily fed on human
you find a handwritten note: blood bothered him. If vampires could drink pigs’ or
You need help. We’re always here. cows’ blood, well, why didn’t they?
Wilfred received an answer years later when his
A local phone number is written beneath it. You friend, still looking no older than eight, killed a man.
stop crying long enough to locate your phone and
All evidence pointed to the murder being in self de-
begin dialing before there’s time for second thoughts.
fense, with the man breaking into the house while the
boy’s parents were away. The intruder was quickly
Always Hope ripped apart and there was not a drop of blood to be
Wordsmiths don’t see the world in quite the same found. The boy, inebriated with human blood,
way as other hunters. In fact, Wordsmiths loathe the blindly attacked his parents when they returned
terms “hunter” and “monster” and consider these home. A day later, after coming down from his
words inherently derisive and insulting. They readily bloodlust, the boy left a note for Wilfred explaining
challenge the establish assumptions (such as the evil what happened then set himself on fire.
of “monsters”) and ways of acting (shoot first, ask These disturbing events led Wilfred to establish a
questions never) in search of new ideas. Even in the sort of rehabilitation program, finding vampires and
face of sheer inhuman horror, the Wordsmiths find trying to “cure” them of their savage urges. He con-
glimmers of hope. Yes, the world is dark and fright- tacted living relatives and friends of vampires, many
ening, but it does not need to stay that way. of whom were unaware that their dead loved ones
Wordsmiths respond to vampires with empathy stalked the night. Without really meaning to, Wilfred
instead of outrage. They offer an open hand to the founded a hunter cell that became unofficially known
living dead in defiance of fear, cynicism and hatred. as “Wordsmith’s Men.”
Vampires used to be human and Wordsmiths aim to Wilfred lost some followers but gained others
reunite these poor people with their lost humanity. when he became romantically involved with a female
Ghouls and blood dolls are still technically human, vampire who swore off human blood. The two later
just addicts, and should be shown sympathy instead married and shared a farm, with both husband and
of disgust and anger. The cycle of violence, of hunters wife relying on the livestock for food.
killing vampires and vampires killing hunters, must Upon Wilfred’s death forty years later, his widow,
end; nothing good or lasting ever comes from it. unaged and unchanged since their wedding day, pa-
Will there always be monsters preying on people? tiently waited outside with his corpse until sunrise.
Of course – humans have done that to their own kind By the time Wilfred Wordsmiths died, the cell had
for eons. But must it continue to be a perpetual secret evolved into a compact and expanded throughout
war with battle lines drawn by what species or race Ontario and into Quebec, New Brunswick, Manitoba,
someone belongs to? Of course not. the Great Lakes region and Maine. Wilfred became a
legend while alive but lost any real position of au-
Wordsmith the Man thority. Members of the compact referred to him in
the past tense as if he died years earlier. The organi-
The Wordsmiths grew from a 19th century cell in zation’s and hunters’ name, the Wordsmiths, re-
Toronto, Canada founded by Wilfred Wordsmith flected the mythical nature the real man adopted
One of Wilfred’s childhood friends was dying even before dying.

Wordsmiths (Compact)

Thinning the Blood base urges and animalistic instincts. Many vampires
are, at worse, no more evil than wild animals. Word-
The Wordsmiths soon discovered that not all vam-
smiths must take the time to observe the Other Side
pires could live (for lack of a better term) by feeding
and find glimpses of humanity beneath the surface.
on animal blood. The older and more powerful a
Hate Breeds Hate, Love Breeds Love: How can
vampire, the more refined its tastes become. The
humans expect anything but hostilities from mon-
Wordsmiths initially encountered and helped rela-
sters when interactions between the two are always,
tively young and weak vampires, ones that could
well, hostile? Furthermore, Wordsmiths never use
drink animal blood but had the option of drinking
derogatory terms like “bloodsucker” and “blood
from humans. Older vampires must drink human
slave,” especially when dealing with the people these
blood. Some ancient vampires may only drink the
words demean.
blood of their fellow vampires.
Optimism, Not Stupidity: Wordsmiths are nei-
It is possible for vampires to become weaker and
ther pacifists nor suicidal; they can and do carry
need simpler blood, however. A vampire may enter
weapons but are strongly discouraged from carrying
torpor, the undead equivalent of a coma. This is the
stakes to avoid potential misunderstandings.
state a vampire enters when sufficiently starved of
Loose Lips Stake Hearts: Wordsmiths are more
blood or impaled with a wooden stake. The vampire
likely to work with vampires, ghouls and fellow
appears to be a normal human corpse but is effec-
Wordsmiths than with other “hunters.” Past experi-
tively asleep and dreaming indefinitely. Pouring
ences with hunter compacts have generally not
blood into the vampire’s mouth awakens him.
ended well. The Wordsmiths are a rather poorly kept
Time spent in torpor practically turns back the
secret. Many hunters have heard of them but are ig-
clock. The vampire is effectively younger and thus
norant of the details or of the Wordsmiths’ current
weaker than he was before. This means a vampire
situation. Some doubt the Wordsmiths still exist or
who must drink human blood may spend a few
ever existed. In fact, more vampires than hunters be-
months or years in torpor and awaken to only need
lieve in the Wordsmiths’ continuing existence.
animal blood. Sure, the vampire will be ravenous and
Strength in Numbers: While they fear hunters
frightened, but letting him loose on a chicken should
more than monsters, Wordsmiths do understand that
calm him right down.
there is safety in numbers. Wordsmiths rarely work
Wordsmiths have established several “clinics” for
alone. Vampires are known to violently lash out
vampires to voluntarily enter torpor and rest peace-
(“frenzy”) when starving, startled or in withdrawal
fully. Some vampires deliberately starve until enter-
and are more than a match for a single human. In the
ing torpor but many allow themselves to be staked—
past, many lone Wordsmiths were injured or killed
the process is faster, albeit still traumatic. Word-
when vampires they considered friends went berserk.
smiths guard the slumbering vampires and awaken
Meetings with vampires are always conducted at
them at the prescheduled time, however many
neutral and (relatively) open locations with at least
months or years later that might be.
two Wordsmiths. Decades of experience has taught
These clinics are tempting for militant vampires
the Wordsmiths that this is best done in mixed-
hunters looking for “soft targets” so the Wordsmiths
gender pairs – one male and one female Wordsmith.
must be vigilant. More than one clinic has been lost to
This rule is relaxed with ghouls and blood dolls as
the Night Watch or Cainite Heresy.
they are do not frenzy. Many ghouls admit to prefer
repeatedly talking to the same, single human so they
The Rules don’t feel “crowded.” Vampires, who are considera-
The Rules summarize the Wordsmiths’ philoso- bly more powerful than humans, feel less intimidated
phy regarding the Vigil and the Other Side. Opti- by dealing with two Wordsmiths at once.
mism is essential; naivety is the enemy; teamwork
and friendship are the greatest assets.
There’s Always Hope: Wordsmiths are optimists
The Other Side
Due to their methodology and inhuman allies,
to the core. There is always a glimmer of hope in
Wordsmiths have an abnormally strong understand-
every situation. Even the most cynical and jaded
ing of the living dead. Vampire society is, to say the
Wordsmiths refuse to let go of at least a spark of
least, complicated. Numerous factions and families
faith. That spark is really all the Wordsmiths have or
exist with conflicting goals, religious beliefs and mor-
need to keep going.
als. Some vampires consider themselves servants of
Look, Don’t Judge: Do not assume a being is evil
God and think feeding on humans weeds out the
simply for being supernatural. Vampires act out of
weak. Others are obsessed with materialism and pri-

Wordsmiths (Compact)
marily exist to annoy the Barrett Commission. Un- They have made limited contact with magic-users
aligned vampires, the ones not indoctrinated into an and have no idea what fuels magic or how one ac-
organization’s philosophy, are more likely to ques- quires magical abilities in the first place. Wordsmiths
tion their nature and listen to the Wordsmiths. also know werewolves and other shapeshifters exist
Vampires are further divided into bloodlines and but let the Talbot Group handle these cases.
clans, typically organized around shared physical
traits and inherent abilities. While some vampires are
stunningly beautiful or regal, others are monstrous
So-Friendly Fire
Rather than monsters, a more mundane threat
and live in sewers or slums to avoid unwanted atten-
stalks Wordsmiths: vampire hunters. Many hunters
tion. These recluses are generally more be receptive
will readily assume Wordsmiths are ghouls or blood
to the Wordsmiths.
dolls and kill them in the crossfire.
Despite originally setting out to help vampires,
The worst offenders are as follows: the Ascending
Wordsmiths have had more success with ghouls. In-
Ones, alchemists with a long-standing hatred of vam-
stead of struggling against an inner beast, ghouls
pires; the Cainite Heresy, a group of hunters as mys-
“only” need to fight their addiction and are able to
terious and frightening as VII; the Maiden’s Blood
return to mainstream human society.
Sisterhood, a sorority that slaughters the undead in a
Wordsmiths also frequently encounter blood dolls
misguided attempt to protect their campuses; the
but not all Wordsmiths agree about how to handle
Malleus Maleficarum, who frequently capture vam-
them. Most Wordsmiths believe blood dolls are no
pires for some unknown purpose; and the Night
different than ghouls and need to stop their danger-
Watch, street gangs that consider all vampires to be a
ous behavior. A minority see blood dolls as an ac-
threat to their neighborhoods.
ceptable alternative to feeding on unwilling victims.
This is, of course, not limited to those organiza-
The latter Wordsmiths consider the blood dolls to be
tions. Practically all hunter compacts and conspira-
a sort of subculture and try not to judge its practices.
cies that know about vampires take similar stances.
Not all vampires are created equal. Some are truly
savage and reduced to mindless, hungry animals.
Such vampires have lost all touch with their human- Wordsmiths
ity and are consumed by bloodlust. Others are made A decade of your life was wasted enthralled to a
that way, either deliberately or by accident, and form vampire who treated you like utter garbage. You
packs with equally pathetic yet barbaric creatures to were one of the countless ghouls abused and made to
live like wild dogs. Then there are bloodjackers, vam- beg for blood from an uncaring master. It took nearly
pires possessed by something truly alien that ma- two years of contact with local Wordsmiths before
nipulates corpses for its own sick amusement. All of you finally broke free of the vampire’s influence and
these behave like vampires but, as much as the rejoined mainstream human society. Like an alco-
Wordsmiths hate to admit, cannot be reasoned with. holic, you’ll never be fully cured and the craving lies
Attempts to “domesticate” feral vampires have uni- buried within you, but you’ve risen above the urge
versally failed. and gained too much self respect to ever return to
There are also a few vampires that harm other your old life. You since joined the same Wordsmith
vampires. As previously mentioned, some vampires cell that helped you and use your experiences to help
feed on the blood of their fellow undead. Others sim- other ghouls break their self-destructive habit.
ply want to kill other vampires for esoteric reasons. You keep tabs on all the vampires your cell has
The most well-known example of this is VII, the bog- contacted and make frequent social visits to see how
eymen of the vampire world, who war with other they’re doing. How else can a vampire regain their
vampires for completely unknown reasons. The humanity unless people treat them like human be-
Wordsmiths have repeatedly tried and failed to con- ings? You’re always arranging events like movie
tact VII, largely because no one living or dead seems nights, catching a nighttime minor league baseball
to know what VII is. game and other remarkably mundane meetings to
Wordsmiths are only vaguely aware of other su- help reinforce the idea that they are no different than
pernatural creatures. Numerous Wordsmiths report you … they just lack pulses and burst into flame
encountering beings that look human at first glance when exposed to sunlight. That shouldn’t prevent
but, when seen out of the corner of the eye, or when them from having a “guys’ night out” now and then.
its reflection is cast, or its shadow seen … is some- You broke one of the Rules and began meeting
thing else. with a vampire by yourself. He is a rather monstrous
Wordsmiths know magic is real but that is all. and disfigured creature who spends most of his time

Wordsmiths (Compact)

Barrett Commission: You could do so much good with your considerable influence and re-
sources. But you squander it on selfish, personal interests instead of funding rehabilitation pro-
grams and detox clinics for the blood-addicted. How are you solving anything by protecting the
elite when the lowest of the low suffer the most?
Maiden’s Blood Sisterhood: You’re smart girls; you should realize your tactics aren’t working.
How much progress have you really made? The more of them you kill, the more of you they kill.
And the cycle goes on and on and on.
Ascending Ones: Good Lord, you’re selling heroin to fund your Vigils. That’s the only reason we
know you exist: a ghoul we rehabilitated was also addicted to drugs one of your hunters sold him.
You alchemists are no different or better than the vampires you so venomously hate.
Cainite Heresy: What gives you the right? Who do you think you are?

in the city’s sewers to avoid detection by the local with their subjects but maintain long distance and
Night Watch and Union cells. The only way to main- long term observation. Many lack the social skills of
tain contact was by your lonesome as he has largely other Wordsmiths but are crucial in identifying who
forgotten how to socially interact with humans. Too the Wordsmiths can help.
many people would just push him further away. The Outreach is not an official faction and exists
Then things got complicated. One night, the vampire within the others. Theses Wordsmiths want to con-
frenzied when he thought you were reaching for a tact and enlighten other hunter organizations. They
weapon (you were actually going for your cell phone typically use the same tactics of contacting vampires
to check the time) and attacked. He regained control – observing, leaving notes, dropping hints, asking
only after biting your arm and having begun to feed. questions – to reach out to hunters.
That wasn’t even the worst or weirdest part; you ac-
tually enjoyed the feeling. You’ve since gotten him to
stop attacking humans and instead feed on sewer rats
Wordsmiths gain Status by helping improve hu-
… and you.
man-vampire relations, curing ghouls and blood
You were with the Wordsmiths for only a matter
dolls and gaining new insights into the culture of
of weeks before witnessing a vampire slaughter one
blood addiction. Status can be lost by pushing
of your friends. After seeing that, how can you be
(potentially) friendly vampires away or by sharing
anything but uncertain and hesitant? Still, there’s that
too much with hostile vampires or hunters.
nagging spark of faith that refuses to die. You’re al-
ways looking for a sign of hope but refuse to admit it. • You are a Wordsmith, an unsung hero bringing
You sometimes hate yourself for not giving up en- hope to the damned. Secrecy is crucial and you
tirely. Any sane person knows the world is irrevoca- gain a free dot of Safehouse put towards your cell’s
bly screwed up, so what’s your problem? clinic or meeting place so it may help redeemable
vampires and/or their human servants without
discovery or outside interference.
Factions ••• Your continuing contact with vampires, both
Each Wordsmith has a specialty and serves the
intentional and unintentional, has made you in-
organization to the best of his or her ability.
creasingly used to their supernatural tricks. You
The Big Brothers and Big Sisters are the moral
support structure, guides and counselors vampires gain two free dots of Indomitable (HtV: Night
rely on to help control their bestial or inhuman urges. Stalkers, 134) to a maximum of five dots.
These Wordsmiths are also a combination of best ••••• You have made allies among the undead
friend and therapist to repentant or scared ghouls and some willingly serve as exemplars and role
and blood dolls. models for other vampires who have yet to swear
Messengers deliver the Wordsmiths’ cryptic hints off human blood. You gain a repentant vampire
and subtle nudges towards humanity. Like vampires with Potency 1 (HtV: Night Stalkers, 157) and five
disappearing into shadows and the night, Messen- dots of Dread Powers as a free Retainer.
gers fade away into daylight and leave photos, ques- This vampire is not your servant. (S)he is willing to
tions, confusion and remorse in their wake. risk life and limb for you, the cell and the Word-
Scouts locate redeemable or repentant vampires, smith cause but is under no obligation to actually
ghouls, blood dolls and the like. They rarely interact take orders from you or any other Wordsmith.

Wordsmiths (Compact)

best and only hope.

Storytelling Complicating the situation is the hunter-
turned-vampire’s old cell. These Ascending
Protagonists Ones do not like the idea of a vampire running
A story about Wordsmiths should focus on loose with intimate knowledge of their potions.
questioning, redemption, hope and under- The Ascending Ones’ secrets must stay secret,
standing. They will probably not encounter even if that means setting an old friend on fire.
scores of friendly vampires and ghouls seeking The Ultimate Sacrifice: Through luck, re-
therapy; always remember that this is the search and/or outright combat, your cell has
World of Darkness. The Wordsmiths’ challenge located and secured the holy grail of the Word-
is finding vampires and other beings that can smiths: a way of making vampires human. A
be saved from themselves, who have a chance stationary fissure of light, a crack in reality
at regaining their lost or forgotten souls. A itself, is under your cell’s control and is fortu-
vampire who is already sociable and coopera- nately out of public view.
tive is not interesting; a blood-drinking mon- There’s one major catch: a human life must
ster with a hint of humanity in its eyes is. be voluntarily sacrificed for the transformation
Make the players (and hunters) work for it. to occur. The human and vampire enter the
Wordsmiths are the likeliest of all hunters fissure and only the “cured” vampire returns.
to form “cancer cells,” cells that include both Also, as if that didn’t raise enough ethical
humans and inhumans. Most Wordsmith cells questions, the fissure is closing. Reality is cor-
that survive long enough acquire at least one recting itself and the fissure will be sealed for-
vampire ally, usually with no more than Po- ever within a matter of weeks, maybe days. If
tency 2. Cells are unlikely to have ghoul or it’s going to be put to use, it has to be soon.
blood members as Wordsmiths want them to,
quite frankly, stop being ghouls or blood dolls.

Missing: An alarmingly large number of

The largely nonviolent Wordsmiths may not
vampires have disappeared over the past few
make good villains but can become obstacles or
months. There is no evidence of murder; they
antagonists for other hunters. Less liberal
just vanished.
hunters might need to get through Wordsmiths
The Cheiron Group or Null Mysteriis are
to take out a monster or complete a mission.
the likeliest culprits, but neither takes that
Wordsmiths are still human and suffer
many supernatural creatures for research in
from the same frailties, vulnerabilities and
such a short period of time. It may be the Cain-
temptations. It’s not unheard of for a Word-
ites, who the Wordsmiths rarely encounter and
smith to voluntarily become a ghoul or even a
know virtually nothing about. The Maiden’s
vampire. Wordsmiths may be the victims of su-
Blood Sisterhood, Night Watch and the Ascend-
pernatural creatures other than vampires.
ing Ones are also potential suspects.
They’re innocent but innocence is also a weak-
The vampires and ghouls your cell works
ness that demons and spirits often exploit.
with have another theory: VII, a cult of vam-
pires dedicated to killing other vampires. VII Immortal Sinner: Your cell has located a
are the vampire equivalent of bogeymen and no vampire you’ve pursued for some time. The
one quite understands their motivations. monster escaped before but it won’t get an-
Regardless of who or what is behind the other chance. Unfortunately, he has friends …
abductions, it directly affects your cell when a naïve human friends that you can’t just kill.
vampire you rehabilitated goes missing. Like a death row inmate claiming he found Je-
sus, the vampire swears that he has seen the
Tears of Blood: Wordsmiths know enough
light and will never kill again. His human com-
about the Ascending Ones to distrust the alche-
panions have taught him to only drink animal
mists. However, a former Ascending One needs
blood from now on. How could anyone believe
your help. He used a potion that temporarily
this nonsense? Certainly you and your cell
gives humans the powers of a vampire … but
won’t fall for his ruse. Will you just try to kill
the powers never went away. Neither did the
the vampire or, better yet, prove he hasn’t
weaknesses and bloodlust. He desperately
changed so his new human friends will be on
wants to control his inner beast and no longer
your side? And what happens if the vampire
crave human blood. The Wordsmiths are his
actually is sincere? Does that even matter?

Particularly old compacts change, shift, often
grow. They fade deeper into the fog, becoming
true Conspiracies —
from beyond the prying eyes of both human
and monster they work at a ceaseless and
often deranged Vigil that has played

out over centuries, if not millennia….

Hunters are not supernatural creatures. They do

not command the unholy powers of the night
(although the case could be made for the
Lucifuge), nor do they possess inborn resistance to
injury or death.
Around the world, the vast majority of hunters
Chapter Two:

face the supernatural armed with little more

than their wits, willpower and whatever
supplies they can gather from the local
sporting goods store.

Some hunters, though, by dint of powerful

backers or stores of ancient relics or a
supposed fallen angel in the family tree,
have access to tools beyond those that
ordinary men and women can acquire.
Some would argue that these tools make
them every bit as unnatural as the
things they profess to hate….

Others counter that to destroy the monsters that

hide in the shadows with any chance of success, a
hunter needs every edge he can get.

Hunter: The Vigil

Core Rulebook, 101, 150
Chapter Three:
Hunter Organizations
Army of Light (Conspiracy)

Seeming Contradictions The Army of Light not only walks a fine line but
many fine lines. It is a global organization still in its
The Army of Light is not an army. It has no com-
infancy with the lofty goal of one day becoming the
mand structure, no ranks and only a small core lead-
publically recognized defenders of humanity. They
ership that is reluctant to give orders. It is a young
will become the first and last line of defense against
but growing organization of monster hunters.
the supernatural world. Just don’t ask for the details;
That is a gross oversimplification. The Army
they’re not willing to share, not yet.
does not hunt monsters; it categorizes them in order
to identify threats. Its members, the Soldiers of Light,
are just as likely to keep a protective eye on an inno- Power Source
cent supernatural creature as they are to gun down a The founders of the Army of Light became aware
dangerous monster. of their destiny in 1957. Five women, all Bahá’ís of
The Soldiers claim they receive divine protection varying ages and ethnic groups from across the
and bestowals. Yet the Army is not a religious organi- world, experienced the same dream and saw each
zation, even if the vast majority of Soldiers belong to other’s faces. The details of the dream were never
the Bahá’í Faith. Their supernatural powers are from divulged but most Soldiers of Light assume the
God but Soldiers do not need to believe He exists. women were given direct orders from God. The
The Soldiers are religiously forbidden to lie. The women soon gave up their old lives, moved to an
Army demands secrecy and the Soldiers cannot undisclosed location and kept moving until the day
safely say the name of their organization aloud. They they died. They never stayed in one spot for even a
can never reveal who they truly are but cannot lie month. Since then, every nineteen days before a
about themselves, either. member dies, another woman knows she is replacing

Army of Light (Conspiracy)
her and is aware of her role in God’s plan.
These five women and their successors are the THE BAHAwhatnow?
House of Five, the de facto leaders of the Army of
The Bahá’í Faith is a real, monotheistic
Light. They are not necessarily commanders although religion founded by the prophet Bahá’u’lláh
they sporadically give updates and universal orders in 19th-century Persia. Bahá’ís follow the
to the Soldiers. Their main purpose is to produce the same God as Jews, Christians and Muslims
source of the Soldier’s powers. and advocate democracy and universal gen-
At the center of it all are metal objects called Con- der and racial equality.
duits. The specific appearance of the Conduits vary
but most are arm’s length or smaller and all are en-
graved with a five-pointed star that has two elon-
gated bottom points. After being shaped and empow-
The New Covenant
ered by the House of Five through a secret process, Many Soldiers believe that the Army of
the Conduits are released into the world. Tossed in Light is the most recent in a series of di-
the ocean, mailed to a random address, placed in a vinely-appointed secret societies that protect
dumpster … no matter what happens, the Conduit humanity. According to this theory, each
will find its way. It always finds its way. major religion also produced its own breed
of monster hunters and the Army of Light
represents the Bahá’í Faith. The Malleus
Winning the Lottery Maleficarum’s Benedictions are often cited
as proof of a “Christian” Endowment.
You Never Entered This is not a universal belief, however.
While nine out of ten Soldiers are Bahá’ís, theo- Many Soldiers believe the Army of Light is
retically anyone could be drafted into the Army of unique and the first truly divinely-guided
Light. Until the person officially becomes a Soldier, hunter organization. All others were hunter
they are jokingly referred to as a “draftee.” organizations with religious overtones,
A Conduit somehow enters the draftee’s life, which is completely different than being on
maybe appearing in the mail, on an office desk or in an actual mission from God.
an otherwise empty dishwasher. The draftee cannot The House of Five has neither confirmed
ignore the Conduit or try to get rid of it. It will re- nor denied either theory. Given the House’s
turn. It always returns. Moving to another country past record, it is unlikely to comment on
will not prevent the Conduit from tracking its draftee this topic in the foreseeable future.
down – and, yes, that has happened before. Each
time the Conduit reenters the draftee’s life, the Soldiers of Light with a secure communications net-
method becomes increasingly more shocking and work informally called “the Conduitline.” Only Sol-
obvious. One draftee tried getting rid of his Conduit diers may access it; conversations and any related
a record fifteen times before it crashed through the imagery are entirely mental so no one can ease-drop.
roof of his apartment on the fifth story of a twelve story It is hypothetically possible for a mindreader to get a
building and gave him a concussion. basic idea of what is being “said,” however.
When the draftee gives in, hopefully early on, the The earliest Soldiers of Light were drafted in
Conduit will wait until he or she is alone to be April 1963, the centennial of the Bahá’í Faith’s foun-
opened. The draftee is engulfed in white light and der Bahá’u’lláh declaring Himself to be a Manifesta-
may faint. Upon awaking, new Soldiers just know tion (Prophet) of God. The few Soldiers who are not
they are different even before using any of their un- Bahá’ís usually convert a short time after learning
tested powers. From this point on, any supernatural this. This is clearly God’s work.
abilities they are granted are used instinctively. Even
the specific prayers and actions needed to trigger an
inexplicable power are somehow intuitive.
The Light
The Army of Light is named such because of the
The Conduit still serves a purpose after the
nature of its powers. The Light is the nexus between
draftee is “promoted.” The Conduits know the loca-
all worlds and realms; all roads lead to the Light. It is
tion of all other Conduits and can open multi-way
the white light reported during near-death experi-
communication channels to them. This provides the

Listen, all you need to know

is that we’re on the same side.

Army of Light (Conspiracy)
ences, the beckoning and welcoming embrace of the Some witches possess no offensive spells, so are they
other side. Anything with a soul (or something com- really dangerous? A middle-aged housewife using
parable) journeys through the Light after dying on its magic to keep her house protected and disease-free is
way to … wherever it is going. hardly endangering humanity. Now, a necromancer
The Soldiers can take things from the material or a probability-altering and power-grabbing card
world into the Light and bring properties of the Light shark is an entirely different matter.
into the material world. This is the source of their Likewise, not all shapeshifters are viewed as dan-
signature power, the ability to seemingly teleport. gerous beasts. While not entirely human, shape-
They step into the Light and use it as a shortcut be- shifters are not entirely inhuman. Individual Soldiers
tween their present location and where they wish to often compile lists of known shapeshifters and keep
be. This is not without its risks, for the Light is very an eye on them, waiting for a reason to attack. If no
inviting and often hard to leave behind. The Light reason is given, the creature is left alone.
literally tempts the Soldiers with death every time Vampires and other undead creatures are an ex-
they pass through. ception to the rule and are almost always dealt with
harshly. Vampires prey on humans and it is rather
Friends & Allies hard to overlook that. It also doesn’t help that so
many vampires are blatantly unrepentant and show
The Army of Light is a geographically diverse
no signs of remorse.
and dispersed group that lacks the traditional cells of
Like the mainstream Bahá’í community, the
other hunter organizations. As the Soldiers are in
Army of Light does not believe in the classic Judeo-
constant contact with each other through the Con-
Christian-Islamic afterlife. As they do not believe in
duits and many Soldiers can Shift (teleport), it is rela-
fallen angels damned to a literal Hell, they’re not en-
tively easy to assemble a group to deal with large
tirely sure what to make of demons. The common
threats. Many regions have alliances of several Sol-
theory is that demons are just another form of spirit
diers in the general area who operate independently
exploiting millennia-old myths to appear more dan-
until a member reports a problem that is too big to
gerous. It’s possible that demons started these myths
deal with by him- or herself. For example, the “New
and have lied to humans since antiquity.
Jersey Battalion of Light” (NJBL) is an alliance of
every Soldier in the state – and its membership is still
in the single digits. Hunters
Due to the organization’s size and explicit orders As a high school librarian with no fighting ex-
to maintain secrecy, only a handful of people know perience, you have absolutely no idea why the Con-
what the Army of Light is. Other hunters aware of duit chose you. You may be a devout Bahá’í but that
the Army's existence, but not its name, refer to it by doesn’t qualify you for a crusade against monsters.
nicknames such as "Bright Shiners" (the Union), What’s even more confusing is that your neighbor-
"Lanterns" (Malleus Maleficarum), or "Porters" (Task hood is remarkably free of monstrous activity. In the
Force: VALKYRIE). These hunters know that some- months since the Conduit appeared in your school
thing exists, just not who belongs to it, how large it is mailbox, you’ve dedicated yourself to learning every-
or what its goals are. When working with other hunt- thing about the dark, lurking evil that permeates
ers, Soldiers often lay down a simple ground rule: every part of the world — every part except your lit-
"I'll help you, just don't ask any personal questions." tle corner. Other more experienced Soldiers are al-
ready turning to you and your collection of occult
The Enemy information even though you’ve never seen a mon-
ster face-to-face.
The Army of Light, despite its militaristic name,
It was hard enough being the only Bahá’í in your
is one of the more lenient hunter organizations. They
Mormon town, now you’re the only Soldier of Light
are likely to spare a supernatural creature’s life sim-
in all of Utah. While your neighbors may not say it to
ply because it poses no threat. This is partially be-
your face, they never fully trusted you for being so
cause the Soldiers generally have a positive outlook
“different.” Now it will be even more impossible to
on the world in both its mundane and supernatural
avoid unwarranted mistrust and unwanted attention.
forms. Human beings are inherently good (although
Remember how much fun it was trying to explain
prone to rash decisions and stupidity); monsters are
those scarred-over werewolf claw marks on your leg
often part human or were human so they are given
to the overly-inquisitive elderly couple next door?
the benefit of a doubt.
You’ve never been a violent person, at least not
Magic-users are handled on a case-by-case basis.
until recently. While largely limited to verbal out-

Army of Light (Conspiracy)

The Bear Lodge: Just because it can shapeshift doesn’t mean it deserves to die. Hunting for sport
always disgusted me; hunting innocent sapient beings for sport is even more nauseating. How do
these hunters even know the shapeshifters change forms voluntarily?
The Dirge: It’s always frustrating working with hunters who believe the end is nigh. But the Dirge,
well, it’s hard not to laugh at them. I mean, come on, zombies? They love quoting that “when hell is
full” line and I can’t help but giggle.
Ascending Ones: If you once served God, what happened? When did making and selling drugs take
precedence over saving lives? You’re no more Muslim than the suicidal madmen in Al-Qaeda.
Malleus Maleficarum: We know the Vatican is aware of the supernatural and actively fights it.
How far this knowledge goes, like if the Pope is informed, is anyone’s guess. Regardless of who’s in
charge, this reinforces my belief that God has helped humans combat the darkness throughout his-
tory. He never abandoned His Creation.

bursts — first at the office and now increasingly at God has granted them?
home — you fear it’s only a matter of time before Protectors are less concerned with finding the
something worse happens. You founded local chap- good as with hunting down the bad. While not all
ters of Amnesty International in your high school and supernatural creatures are evil, the vast majority are
college, you’re in a Local Spiritual Assembly — this undeniably monsters. An innocent and ignorant hu-
isn’t you. You know you need a break from hunting manity must be protected. The Army lacks the man-
monsters but how can you sleep at night knowing power and resources to ask too many questions. The
those things walk the streets? Maybe it’s better to lose Army must act and act quickly.
sleep from self-hatred than from knowing innocent Sources research and collect field data about the
blood is on your lazy hands. supernatural. Many of them lack viable combat-
The dull metal canister with a pentagram-like related skills and are much better suited to mental
design came in a UPS box on your front doorstep tasks and reconnaissance. Most Sources are experts in
with no return address. You threw it out and thought a particular supernatural phenomena, such as vam-
nothing of it. A week later, you woke up to find it pires or witchcraft, but a few lack a specialty and in-
sitting on your Sunday newspaper. You then person- stead know a little about a lot.
ally placed it in the city dump and tried not to think Whisperers devoutly guard the secrecy of the
about it. Another week went by and it smashed Army of Light. The time is not right – no one must
through your living room window during Monday know the Army exists until it truly is an Army. Whis-
Night Football, almost exactly at the two minute perers cover other Soldiers’ tracks and destroy evi-
warning in the fourth quarter. Filled with anger and dence of the Army’s involvement and existence.
fear, some of it redirected from the lopsided football
score, you tried breaking the canister with a hammer
and accidentally opened it in the process. Now
Assisting other hunters to locate and eliminate a
you’re hearing voices from people on other conti-
dangerous threat, even if you never actually face it
nents claiming that God has chosen you to fight mon-
yourself, can earn you Status as you become known
sters. What the hell?
as a reliable source of information.
• Congratulations, you've been drafted into the Army
Factions of Light. Like it or not, you now have a Conduit and
The Soldiers of Light rarely receive orders and may purchase dots in the Lumina Endowment.
are generally left to devise strategies and assign pri-
••• .You have earned a positive reputation and your
orities on their own. Because of this, the Soldiers
name is frequently mentioned over the Conduitline.
greatly differ in their opinions on how to deal with
You gain two free dots of Allies (Army of Light), to a
the supernatural.
maximum of five dots. Other Soldiers are considera-
Judges believe their main goal is to find what
bly likelier to respond to any pleas for assistance.
supernatural creatures should be spared, not de-
stroyed. They realize the normal world is not black- ••••• The Light proverbially radiates from you at all
and-white and, by extension, neither is the super- times. You gain the Inspiring Merit for free, even if
natural world. After all, how can they pretend the you do not normally qualify for it. If you already have
Army of Light is “normal” considering the powers this Merit, you may use it up to twice per chapter.

Army of Light (Conspiracy)

Endowment: as cold, dark amorphous blobs. More importantly,

she is able to physically engage creatures in Twilight.
She may brawl or grapple otherwise intangible be-
ings. Instead of (Strength + Brawl), the dice pool is
The art of the Lumina (singular Lumen) involves
(Brawl + Lumina). Ignore Brawl-based damage bo-
breaching the barrier between the material world and
nuses from weapons such as brass knuckles. Any
the Light, the gateway to the afterlife. Individual Lu-
strikes that connect produce a visible flash of white
men have no associated dot cost; a Soldier gains a
light. Grappling a ghost or spirit actually helps illu-
new Lumen with each dot of the Lumina Merit. She
minate the immediate area.
may safely know a total of five Lumen.
This Lumen may be used outside of combat.
The key word is safely. A Soldier may gain addi-
Creative applications such as a high-five, handshake,
tional Lumina for 5 Experience Points apiece and by
permanently losing a Health level. Getting closer to fist-jab, noogie, wedgie or pat on the back with a Twi-
light creature are possible, even if it may be a waste
the Light means she grows closer to death.
of Willpower.
For example, a Soldier of Light has Stamina 2, is
The Soldier is still visible while in this state. She
Size 5 and has Lumina 5 but knows six different
does appear different, usually paler, but a few sol-
Lumina. She should have seven Health levels but,
diers actually become translucent.
because she has an extra Lumen, only has six.
Activation methods vary but the following modi- Exceptional Success: Same as the above, but
Brawl attacks against beings in Twilight receive a +1
fiers apply to all Lumen.
bonus. Her Defense is also +1 against beings not in
Modifier Location or Situation
Twilight for the duration.
+3 Graveyards, battlefields and
old hospitals
+2 Site of a mortal’s death Crepuscular Shift
(within an hour) Some Soldiers take the above Lumen and go one
+1 Site of a mortal’s death step further. They displace themselves further from
(within a day) the material world until it is like they’re not even
+1 Soldier’s Morality is 8+ there. While not true invisibility, it’s close.
-1 Soldier’s Morality is 4 or 5 Cost: 1Willpower.
-3 Soldier’s Morality is 2 or 3 Action: Instant.
-5 Soldier’s Morality is 0 or 1 Duration: Scene.
Dice Pool: Stamina + Lumina.

Crepuscular Reach Roll Results

Dramatic Failure: The reverse happens and the
Besides journeying through the Light, the Sol- Soldier becomes more noticeable. While no one can
diers can also interact with creatures in Twilight. By definitively explain what changes, she loses (Lumina)
entering a Twilight-like state, a Soldier can physically dice from Stealth dice pools for the rest of the scene.
interact with ghosts and spirits. Such interaction is Failure: Nothing changes about the Soldier and
usually combat related. she is still clearly visible.
The Soldier may not use this Lumen in conjunc- Success: Subtract (successes) from incoming
tion with Release the Sun (mentioned later). ranged attacks or sight-based attempts to detect the
Cost: 1Willpower. Soldier. Anyone (mortal or monster) not actively try-
Action: Reflexive. ing to find the hunter automatically fails to see her.
Duration: (Successes) turns. This also conceals her clothing and any objects she
Range: Self. holds that are up to Size (Lumina). This does not af-
Dice Pool: Resolve + Lumina. fect close combat or other senses such as hearing.
Crepuscular Shift affects surveillance equipment like
Roll Results
security cameras though she can still trip motion sen-
Dramatic Failure: The hunter enters a slightly
sors and similar devices.
different state of being, although not in any way that
Other Soldiers of Light are unaffected as their
benefits her. For the rest of the scene, she suffers a
own link to the Light negates the effects of this Lu-
(Lumina) penalty to her Strength and Presence.
men. They see a Soldier using this Lumen as paler
Failure: The Lumen does not activate.
and instinctively know this Lumen is in effect.
Success: The Soldier perceives beings in Twilight
Exceptional Success: The Soldier is practically

Army of Light (Conspiracy)
undetectable – what more does she want?
Where is the Light?
Distortion Readers familiar with Geist: the Sin-
Contorting and rending the barrier between are probably wondering how, or if, the Light
realms can have destructive implications. Soldiers is connected to the Underworld.
can twist this barrier, pulling it back like a rubber It is possible that the Light connects to the
band, before letting it snap free to damage objects in “proper” or “final” afterlife. It is difficult to
find ghosts in the Underworld who have
the material world. This is often accompanied by a
been there for over a century, implying the
pitching motion, as if the near-invisible attack was a
souls of the dead eventually move onto to
baseball, or by pulling an imaginary bowstring. something or somewhere else. Even the Sin-
Cost: None or 1 Willpower. Eaters do not know what happens to ghosts
Action: Instant. over time but they have theories.
Duration: Lasting. It is also possible that the Underworld is
Range: (Lumina x 10) yards. not even a real afterlife. One recent theory
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Lumina - target's Armor. gaining popularity in the Army of Light is
that the Underworld Sin-Eaters enter is ac-
Roll Results tually a “dumping ground” of sorts. As souls
Dramatic Failure: The hunter takes the full force enter the World to Come, only the good and
of the attack. She suffers (Lumina) points of bashing honorable parts pass on while the rest are
damage or (Lumina/2, rounded up) points of lethal shed into the bleak Underworld. It is the
damage, depending on what type of damage the at- garbage heap of sins and shortcomings.
tack was meant to inflict. Then again, the Light might not have any-
Failure: The distortion misses its mark but the thing to do with the Afterlife. Mage: The
hunter may try again later. Awakening describes the Aether, a realm of
Success: A small, controlled distortion akin to the angels and light that may be the true source
"ripple" that accompanies the Major Luminous Shift of the Army’s powers. Are the Soldiers of
(below) is launched from her hand. This inflicts Light some alternate form of Mages?
(successes) points of bashing damage to a single tar- It is unlikely that any (living) human will
get. The target's Defense does not apply. ever know the truth.
She may spend 1 Willpower to make the damage
lethal. The attack now produces a visible "ball of en-
ergy," a concentrated piece of the Light itself, and the Dying for Knowledge
target's Defense applies. This damage is aggravated
against vampires and beings vulnerable to sunlight. If using the Endowment Equation to de-
sign a new Lumina, there is one “easy” way
Exceptional Success: The extra damage inflicted
is its own reward. for a Soldier of Light to receive a discount:
she just needs to die. Upon returning to life,
the revived Soldier immediately knows a new
Divine Analgesic Lumen. She saw just enough of the other
The Light is a comfortably numbing place where side to acquire Heavenly knowledge.
eternal rest beckons anyone who passes through. Sol- There are various ways for hunters to die
diers of Light can experience that eerie calm anytime yet come back to life. Certain Endowments,
they want. This allows them to block out pain, sick- like those of the Malleus Maleficarum, grant
ness, poison and fatigue. It is also possible for Sol- the power to bring the dead back to life. This
diers to grant other people access to that tranquility. gives the soldier a full -5 cost reduction to
the Endowment Equation.
Cost: 1 Willpower. More mundane forms of resurrection could
Action: Instant. be through medical and scientific means.
Duration: Scene. Plenty of people technically die in a hospital
Range: Self or Touch. or ambulance only to be revived thanks to
Dice Pool: None. attentive and fast-responding doctors. This
grants a -3 reduction.
She is able to ignore all penalties imposed by in-
Then there are good old-fashioned near-
juries, fatigue, sickness, poison, starvation or dehy- death experiences. Almost dying grants a
dration up to her (Lumina) rating for the scene. mere -1 reduction.

Army of Light (Conspiracy)
However, all perception rolls and ranged attacks Duration: Lasting.
(including but not limited to firearms) suffer a –2 Range: Self or Touch.
penalty as everything appears slightly distant or too Dice Pool: Resolve + Lumina – (passengers).
brightly illuminated. Her Defense also suffers a –1
Roll Results
penalty (to a minimum of Defense 0).
Dramatic Failure: Instead of entering the Light,
She may touch another person and allow them to the Light enters her. The hunter suffers five points of
experience the effects described above. This costs 1 bashing damage.
Willpower per person affected. A Soldier may only
Failure: The hunter fails to enter the Light but
allow up to (Lumina) people, counting herself, to ex- may try again later.
perience the Divine Analgesic at a time.
Success: The hunter submerges herself in the
Light and is able to travel (Speed) miles/turn. If she
Luminous Push brings any passengers, then they all travel at the
Besides personally entering the Light, a Soldier same rate. A strange “ripple” briefly appears wher-
may forcibly shove someone through it. Merely ever the Soldier disappears from or appears at, like a
touching an object or person allows a Soldier to send pebble hitting water.
it on a short, one-way trip through the Light. She may bring up to (Lumina x 2) passengers
with her as long as they are all in physical contact.
Cost: 1 Willpower. This commonly involves holding hands in a circle.
Action: Instant. Any action including Dodges taken the turn after
Duration: Lasting. leaving the Light suffer a (5 - Wits) penalty.
Range: Touch. The target must be Size (Lumina +
Exceptional Success: Same as the above except
2) or smaller.
the rate of travel is doubled (Speed x 2 miles/turn).
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Lumina - target's Defense.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The attack backfires and the
Minor Luminous Shift
One of the most common Lumen, this allows Sol-
hunter is moved to the intended location instead.
Hopefully she wasn’t trying to teleport someone out diers to briefly enter the Light for quick trips. This is
often enough to escape danger, move across a large
the top story of a skyscraper….
area faster or provide access to places otherwise de-
Failure: The target feels a slight tug but that is all.
nied to her. This Lumen turns locked doors and bar-
Success: The target is instantly moved up to
(Successes x 10) yards in any direction. This may in- ricades into jokes.
clude trips that would otherwise involve passing Cost: None or 1 Willpower.
through solid objects but the target cannot be placed Action: Instant.
inside a solid object. It is possible to place the target Duration: Lasting.
underwater, for example, but not in a concrete wall. Range: Self.
The next action (including Dodges) taken by the Dice Pool: Wits + Lumina.
disorientated target suffers a -1 penalty.
Roll Results
Exceptional Success: Same as the above. The tar- Dramatic Failure: The hunter Shifts, just not in
get can be moved at least 50 yards in any direction. the way she wanted. She is moved (Lumina x 10)
yards in any direction of the Storyteller’s choosing.
Major Luminous Shift Failure: She stays put and is likely confused
The signature power of the Army of Light is the and/or annoyed.
ability to fully enter the Light and cover vast dis- Success: She enters the Light, able to instantly
tances. The Soldier may bring passengers with her, travel up to (Successes x 10) yards. This includes trips
even if they are not Soldiers themselves and have no that would otherwise involve passing through solid
link to the Light. objects such as walls or locked doors.
Any action taken the following turn suffers a -1
Cost: 1 Willpower plus 1 Willpower for every
penalty as the brief trip still involves exposure to the
(Resolve + Composure) turns spent in the Light. The
bright Light
disturbing peacefulness of the Light requires a force
She may spend 1 Willpower to make the Shift a
of will to leave. Any passengers the Soldier brings
reflexive action. This is most often done to escape
must also pay 1 Willpower every (their Resolve +
sudden and otherwise unavoidable threats.
Composure) turns.
Exceptional Success: Same as the above, except it
Action: Instant.

Army of Light (Conspiracy)
is now a reflexive action. If Willpower was originally Brawl attacks using this hand now inflict lethal
spent to make this reflexive, the hunter automatically damage. This holy fire affects vampires as usual and
regains the Willpower point spent. inflicts aggravated damage. If the Soldier rolls an ex-
ceptional success for an attack using that hand, her
Overwhelm victim’s clothes or hair catch fire. This will inflict one
point of lethal damage per turn until extinguished.
As mentioned later (“Sensory Projection,” below),
It should be noted that, at the time she creates the
Soldiers can look into the Light and see events many
sun orb, any items she holds in that hand suffer
miles away in the material world. However, if some-
(Lumina) points of lethal damage. The object will
one without a link to the Light is allowed to see the
continue taking one point of lethal damage per turn
world this way, his experience will be much differ-
until dropped or destroyed.
ent. A useful scouting and spying aid for the Soldiers
She may spend a point of Willpower when the
is pure torture to anyone else.
sun orb appears to make this light become sunlight.
Cost: 1 Willpower. This is extremely dangerous to vampires. Within the
Action: Instant. immediate area, this inflicts 3 points of aggravated
Duration: (10 – target’s Resolve) turns. damage per turn. Vampires within the outermost
Range: Touch. area suffer 1 point of aggravated damage per turn.
Dice Pool: Requires only a successful Dexterity + Vampires must check for frenzy when exposed to
Athletics roll to touch the target. The Soldier must either light. It is comparable to seeing a small fire
touch the target; clothing or armor does not count. (normal) or the sun itself (if the Soldier spent a point
The target's senses are displaced, as if suffering of Willpower).
from an uncontrollable Sensory Projection (below).
The target hallucinates as if in the middle of a drug Sensory Projection
trip. He suffers a (hunter’s Lumina) dice pool penalty By concentrating and mentally reciting a per-
on all rolls for the duration. His Defense and Speed sonal prayer, a Soldier may peer through the Light as
are also halved during this time. The victim may re- if looking through a telescope. She can witness events
flexively spend 1 Willpower point per turn to tempo- unfold in real-time from miles away.
rarily negate the effects.
Cost: 1 Willpower.
Action: Extended. She is able to see up to (total
Release the Sun successes) miles away within (Lumina x 10) miles.
The Soldier forms a literal ball of Light in her Duration: Lasting.
hands. Colloquially called a “sun orb,” this may be Range: Self.
used for simple illumination or to devastate vampires Dice Pool: Composure + Lumina.
and other creatures vulnerable to sunlight.
Roll Results
Cost: None or 1 Willpower. Dramatic Failure: Any accumulated successes
Action: Reflexive. are lost and she needs to start over again.
Duration: Scene. Failure: No progress is made.
Range: Self. Success: Progress is made towards projecting her
Dice Pool: None. senses to the desired location.
A blue-white sun orb appears floating near the Exceptional Success: Significant progress is
Soldier’s palm and illuminates the immediate area. made towards projecting her senses. If she acquires
The size of the affected area increases with the Sol- enough successes on her first roll and it is an excep-
dier’s Lumina rating: tional success, she regains the Willpower spent to
activate this Lumen.
Dots Immediate Area Outermost Area The Soldier may use other senses as well, but
(ignore sight penalties) (halves sight penalties)
each projected sense is lost to her current, physical
1 2 yard radius 4 yard radius location. For example, if she wishes to see and hear a
2 4 yard radius 8 yard radius distant spot, she cannot see or hear anything going
3 8 yard radius 16 yard radius on around her body. As she can still feel, she will be
aware of any incoming physical attacks. Returning
4 16 yard radius 32 yard radius
her senses to her body is a reflexive action.
5 32 yard radius 64 yard radius

Army of Light (Conspiracy)

she discovered vampires capable of walking in

Storytelling sunlight. Turns out these were the vampires’
slaves, humans addicted to vampire blood who
Protagonists gain some of the vampire’s powers. These
The Army of Light is primarily concerned slaves did the vampires’ bidding during the day
with protecting the innocent and ignorant from while their masters slept. Then, without warn-
supernatural threats. The Soldiers fight a se- ing, all communication with the Soldier
cret war against more numerous and powerful stopped. The alliance took a quick vote and eve-
inhuman enemies, all in the hope of one day ryone capable of it went to her last known loca-
being allowed to make this war public and tion. You must pick up where she left off and,
openly defend humanity. God willing, bring her back home alive.
As already mentioned, the Soldiers do not
operate in traditional cells. A chronicle involv-
ing multiple Soldiers of Light may involved
If a Soldier is thoroughly convinced that a
characters in an alliance spanning a state or
supernatural creature is harmless, she may
even country.
risk bodily harm to protect it with a determina-
Having a single Soldier of Light working
tion most hunters reserve for protecting hu-
with hunters belonging to different organiza-
man beings. Storytellers must provide a reason
tions can be problematic. A short term partner-
for a NPC Soldier of Light to defend what the
ship to deal with a common enemy is easier to
players and their characters believe is an evil
explain than a long term friendship. The Sol-
beast. The Soldiers are stubborn, not stupid,
diers cannot discuss the Army and this makes
although they are occasionally wrong.
many other hunters distrustful. Some hunters
The Whisperer faction can become a prob-
are just glad to have a new ally and don’t par-
lem for outsiders. Whisperers clean up traces of
ticularly care who her bosses are.
the Army’s existence, which may involve taking
The Hell House: Turns out the urban leg-
back stolen property or evidence. Even a secure
ends about the bloody murders in the 1950s
safehouse can be compromised as walls mean
are true — the spooky old house where the first
nothing to a teleporter. A Conduit taken by the
body was found really is haunted. Well, not ex-
Aegis Kai Doru and locked away in a ware-
actly haunted, more like possessed. The area
house? No problem. A Soldier being drugged
around the house reeks of demonic activity.
and interrogated by Division Six hunters who
Local property values declined as the murder
think she’s a reality deviant? Their safehouse’s
rate skyrocketed in the years since those first
locks and cameras are useless.
sudden and unprovoked murders. The police
Weregoat’s Keeper: Your cell has monitored
gave up on salvaging the neighborhood years
a satanic shapeshifting beast for weeks before
ago, but maybe you can bring it salvation. How-
deciding to make its move. The thing is a dis-
ever, there is no way you’re taking on a de-
gusting, shaggy-haired, hermaphroditic were-
monic entity with that much power by yourself.
goat with a surprisingly attractive human
Better call in the local alliance.
guise. Beneath its living room rug is a penta-
Protect the Herd: You’ve known about the
gram painted in blood and its private rituals
local weredeer for months. Weredeer are harm-
involve bones that you suspect come from hu-
less; they live and work like normal humans
mans. What should have been a standard raid,
and meet up once a month for religious cere-
a quick kill, was interrupted by a woman who
monies in the neighboring national park. Their
just appeared in the house. Great, now you
last ceremony was attacked by something else,
have to deal with a witch and her pet weregoat.
possibly a predatory shapeshifter but the de-
tails are scarce as the weredeer fled. They suf-
fered one fatality and two wounded, all for no Changing Breeds
apparent reason. Their high priestess has per-
sonally asked you (and any willing allies) to Information about the shapeshifters men-
tioned above can be found in WoD: Chang-
guard the next ceremony. You may be human,
yes, but you’re “one of the good ones.” ing Breeds.
Breeds Feel free to come up with your
Search and Rescue: A Soldier investigated a own stats, of course. Weredeer (Flidaisin)
“vampiric cult” for weeks and continuously up- are detailed from 185 to 186. An antagonis-
dated you and the other members of her alli- tic weredeer named Fawn Richards is men-
tioned and stated on 209 to 210.
ance over the Conduitline. At first she thought

Army of Light (Conspiracy)

Cost Variable. The standard cost is a point
WoD: Mirrors: of Willpower per dot of Spaceship Size (Infinite

The Infinite Macabre Macabre,

Macabre 7). It still requires a point of Will-
power to open a gateway into the Light large
enough for Size 0 spaceships, but the gate can
Of the various conspiracies presented here,
fit three such craft.
the Army of Light is probably the best suited
If multiple Soldiers of Light use this Lumen
for adaptation for The Infinite Macabre.
Macabre The
together, the total Willpower cost must be dis-
Infinite Macabre a PDF expansion to WoD: Mir-
tributed among them. No participating Soldier
rors that adapts the World of Darkness to a
may spend less than a point of Willpower and
space opera setting.
each must succeed on the activation roll or eve-
As the Army of Light is essentially a Bahá'í
ryone is considered to have suffered a failure
Conspiracy, it will eventually begin preparing
(see below). Likewise, rolling a dramatic failure
for what the Bahá'í believe is inevitable. The
means all involved dramatically failed.
next major religion will appear sometime after
Action Instant.
the 29th century and, furthermore, it will de-
Duration Lasting.
velop from the Bahá'í Faith like Christianity
Range One to three spaceships, determined
rose from Judaism. The Army of Light will in-
by the Willpower spent (see “Cost” above).
creasingly focus on preparing the way for this
Dice Pool:
Pool Intelligence + Lumina
religion (and its Prophet) by purging super-
natural creatures from the worlds of Man. Roll Results
The Army may lay claim to a region of space Dramatic Failure:
Failure The gate fails to open
that is believes the next Prophet of God will and the Soldier automatically gains the Sleep-
appear and has secured it of monsters. Now less Derangement (Infinite
Infinite Macabre,
Macabre 11) for
the Army wants some breathing room and is the next (Lumina) days. If she already has this
expanding outward. derangement, it becomes Insomnia instead.
Alternatively, the Army becomes public Attempting to use this Lumen while on the
knowledge with the rise of the religion-to-come. ground or in the atmosphere of the planet is
They are the new Prophet’s heralds and defend- automatically considered a dramatic failure
ers of His faithful. Other religious organiza- unless the Soldier also spends a dot of Will-
tions and hunters may feel an inherent hostil- power. It is still possible to roll a dramatic fail-
ity towards the Army for obvious reasons. ure, however, but this no longer automatic.
Imagine the Army going up against a futuristic Failure:
Failure The Soldier and her ship fail to en-
Malleus Maleficarum serving a corrupt theoc- ter the Light. She may try again by spending
racy à la Warhammer 40K.40K The Army may also additional Willpower.
suffer a schism as not every Soldier of Light Success:
Success The gateway into the Light opens
agrees with this Prophet’s claims. successfully. The ship may move up to (Lumina
In the more near-future, at least before the + Successes) parsecs in any given direction.
29th century, the Army may primarily dedicate This journey is not necessarily smooth sail-
itself to uniting the various hunter organiza- ing. The ship suffers (parsecs travelled - Space-
tions. The Army will want to be in charge, of ship Size) dice of damage by the end of the
course, but is willing to compromise. The Army journey, to a minimum of one die.
may evolve into the middleman for the other The Soldier must check for a temporary de-
hunters, with negotiations and treaties done rangement for every (Lumina) parsecs trav-
through the Army as a neutral intermediary. elled in this manner. The dice pool is equal to
her Morality. If she fails, she gains the Sleep-
less Derangement for the next 24 hours. If she
New Lumen: already has this derangement, it becomes In-
Supreme Luminous Shift somnia instead. If she fails additional rolls
Consider the Army of Light’s signature abil- (which is likely if travelling over vast dis-
ity: they teleport. The speed of light is already a tances), then the derangement persists for an
suggestion to these hunters. What if they de- additional 24 hours per failure. Five or more
velop a new Lumen that moves entire star- failures means the derangement is permanent.
ships? Forget a hyperdrive or Stygian Gate: all Exceptional Success:
Success Same as the above, but
a ship’s crew needs is a sufficiently-skilled Sol- the Soldier does not need to check for a de-
der of Light. rangement.

Aves Minerva (Conspiracy)

Public Face
On the surface, Aves Minerva appears
to be one of the many small neopagan re-
ligions worshiping ancient gods casually
dismissed by contemporary society. Aves
Minerva acknowledges the existence of
many deities but focuses on Minerva, the
Roman Goddess of War and Wisdom.
Aves Minerva is organized into covens
led by high priestesses. The covens have
no more than thirteen adult members and
gather weekly for devotions and rituals,
usually at a member’s house or secluded
spot where outsiders cannot intrude. A
few wealthier covens converted empty
churches into meeting places. They are
primarily based in New England and the
Midwestern United States with a single
coven in Texas.
Representatives for Aves Minerva host
events in numerous neopagan festivals
such as the Starwood Festival in New
York, Heartland Pagan Festival in Kansas
and local Pagan Pride Days. They hold an
annual national gathering in March called
the “Quinquatria” after the ancient Roman
holiday. The coven hosting the event
changes annually and prospective host-
covens are chosen by lottery.
Opinions on Aves Minerva are mixed.
Its members are often considered pushy
towards other neopagans in their attempts
to gain converts. Others question Aves
Minerva’s lexicon, particularly how its
members insist on being called “will-
workers,” not witches or pagans. Most
outsiders see Aves Minerva as no worse
and no weirder than any other neopagans.
Conservative Christians distrust all
witches and Aves Minerva in particular; covens dedi- In 1975, Glory’s covenmates become concerned
cated to Minerva seem to experience more trouble when she missed their annual Quinquatria celebra-
with fire-and-brimstone Christians than their witch tion and potluck dinner. They found her unconscious
peers. Aves Minerva has several restraining orders in her living room with all her furniture shoved
against extremist preachers and reverends that insist against the walls. She lay in the middle of seven con-
on “protesting” the little religion’s very existence. centric circles of Latin text written in her own blood
although she lacked any discernable injuries. Glory
Taking Flight regained consciousness before a hastily-called ambu-
lance arrived. She politely but sternly refused to go
Aves Minerva unofficially began in 1970 as a thir-
with the paramedics and did not allow them to enter
teen-woman coven named the Church of Minerva
her house. Because of this, no one outside the coven
Tritonia in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Its founder, who
ever saw the circles of blood.
insisted her real full name was Morning Glory, origi-
Once alone with her covenmates, Glory described
nally belonged to the Feraferia neopagan community
a harrowing full-sensory vision of owls and crows
in Nevada City before leaving for “personal reasons.”

Aves Minerva (Conspiracy)
circling around her as she stood in the storm’s eye. coven, a “farm” of other women to pick from in the
Women’s voices came from all sides and the birds event a current member died.
formed silhouetted shapes to tell a truly epic story. By the early 1980s, following Glory’s heroic death
The Gods once taught humans how to perform at the hands of a flesh- and bone-warping Source-
seemingly impossible feats such as fly and throw worker, the coven took a fresh approach and re-
spears of lightning. These powers were fueled “from named itself Aves Minerva after an ancient gang of
within,” requiring only devotion and force of will. Roman monster hunters. Numerous covens now exist
Mythical heroes like Bellerophon and Hercules were and actively fight Sourceworkers while vetting and
once living, breathing men who protected humans educating newcomers. Select members actively pur-
from literal monsters lurking in the darkness. sue Sourceworkers while the others are gradually
However, ancient humans embraced unnatural informed about the world’s current situation and the
powers and forsook their Gods-given abilities. An nature of willworking. They are only properly initi-
otherworldly energy called Source began seeping
through the cracks into our reality. The widespread
use of Source-fueled magic and worship of alien be-
ings with Source in their veins angered the Gods. Cabal: An organization or cult of Source-
workers (“witches”).
They broke off contact with the ungrateful masses.
Coven: The local branch of Aves Minerva,
The Gods abandoned humanity for having first aban-
consisting of no more than 13 members.
doned Them.
This is equivalent to a typical hunter cell.
One of the Gods, Minerva, had not fully given up Covenmate: A member of one’s coven, syn-
on humanity and decided to give mortals a final onymous with “teammate.”
chance at redemption. Source: Energy from outside of this uni-
Glory explained that, by purging Sourceworkers verse that fuels both ungodly magic and
from the world and using the Gods’ teachings, hu- powerful alien entities that offer humans
mans could show they still needed the Gods. By in- magical knowledge. Its cultivation and use is
voking their patron Minerva, they could usher in Pax offensive to the Gods.
Deorum (“the Peace of the Gods”) and the Gods Source Addict: Derogatory term for source-
would return to earth. The divine would once again workers (see below).
walk among mortals as They had in antiquity. Sourcework: The use of Source. Most com-
Glory guided and instructed her coven to medi- monly called “magic” or “witchcraft” by
tate on the words contained within the circles of other hunters.
blood. In time, each convenmate experienced a vision Sourceworker: Humans or other creatures
of her own and made a pact with Minerva. In ex- who use Source, more commonly called
change for their unwavering devotion, Minerva gave “witches.” Often misheard as “sorcerer.”
the women superhuman perception, wingless flight Willworker: Members of Aves Minerva or
or let them throw Her father Jupiter’s legendary any other human who uses power “from
within.” Most Tier 3 hunters are also techni-
cally willworkers.
The process of using these gifts is called will-
working as it uses a person’s inner reserves or force
of will. By performing rituals dedicated to Minerva
and meditating on Her various titles, the women Rara Avis?
unlocked mysteries forgotten for centuries. They took Aves Minerva is neither the first nor the
direct action and hunted Sourceworkers, making the last organization named after the Roman
witches forsake ungodly magic or face the conse- hunters (HtV:
HtV: Core,
Core 18). In fact, there are as
quences. many as three unrelated Aves Minervas in
The coven lost several members along the way, operation at any given moment. The conspir-
acy detailed here, however, is one of the few
often by gruesome and unspeakable means, and al-
with an actual connection to Minerva and
ways replaced them with fresh recruits to maintain a
ancient Roman religion.
total of thirteen women. They formed a satellite

Humans shall not live by Source alone

but by every word that proceeds
from the mouths of the Gods.

Aves Minerva (Conspiracy)
ated when needed or as deemed fit on a case-by-case may not be labeled a threat. Many do not use Source
basis. Some newer and more open-minded covens and some are even technically willworkers. These
even accept male members. people are handled case by case. Many of their fellow
Aves Minerva is gradually growing across the “monster hunters” fall into this grey area.
United States and hopes to expand into other coun- Information on ghosts, spirits and demons is
tries. Several seasoned willworkers plan to move to based completely on Sourceworkers’ familiars and
Great Britain and begin their first overseas coven. other inhuman servants. These creatures are never
The war between Source and Willpower is about to the primary target.
become global. Aves Minerva’s contact with shapeshifters has
mostly been with Sourceworkers, of course, but also
The Enemy the occasional “skinner.” Skinners are humans who
ritualistically kill animals and wear the flayed skins
Aves Minerva believes all supernatural evil can
to transform. These beings do not use Source but
be traced to Source and other as-yet-unnamed un-
their powers are clearly not from the Gods. While it is
natural energies. Sourceworkers are their primary
possible that some shapeshifters become beasts
targets. Most monsters originally resulted from
against their will, suffering from a curse and thus
Source-based magic and curses. If there are no more
being victims and not true monsters, Aves Minerva
Sourceworkers, there will be no new monsters and
has yet to find definitive proof of this. Aves Minerva
the existing monstrous population will decline from
keeps an open mind but, when faced with a snarling
natural causes and violent deaths at human hands.
man-animal hybrid with a mouth full of human en-
Aves Minerva has acquired various tomes and
trails, it’s not the time to question if the monster
spellbooks over the years and has a general idea how
wants to do this.
Sourcework is performed. Aves Minerva is aware
Other beasts are just that, beasts, and must be put
that many Sourceworkers call themselves “mages”
down like rabid animals. They were never human or
and trace their ancestry to Atlantis, as absurd as that
are far too gone for redemption. For example, one
sounds. Atlantis never existed – it was an allegory by
coven in Vermont found a Sourceworker’s cat feed-
a long-dead philosopher and nothing more.
ing on baby’s breath. Not the plant, but the actual
As little as Aves Minerva knows about mage so-
breath of children, with its defenseless victims appear-
ciety, the mages actually know less about Aves Mi-
ing to die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
nerva. Most mages assume they’re fighting Banish-
Aves Minerva rarely encounters the undead and
ers, a type of mage that hunts down other magic-
knows virtually nothing about them. Reanimated
users. The combat-focused mages of the Adamantine
servants were encountered once or twice before and
Arrow are closest to the truth but have not yet con-
some Sourceworkers create and utilize zombies. Con-
nected individual willworkers and covens to Aves
tact between Aves Minerva and vampires is presently
Minerva as a whole. Someone will eventually make
nonexistent. Many willworkers doubt the blood-
the connection, however, and it is anyone’s guess
suckers even exist.
how the resulting war will pan out.
Sourceworkers’ magical tools are also destroyed
whenever possible. Any supernatural object that Hunters
draws strength from Source must be located and The occult attracted you like a moth to fire. You
purged from the mortal world. Aves Minerva does became infatuated with Wicca while in high school
not know how these objects are made but assumes and were an obvious recruit for Aves Minerva. Even
Sourceworking artisans build them. Most of these after dedicating yourself to Minerva, you cannot help
objects are quite old, implying the knowledge or but want to know more about Sourceworking. You
skills required to make them was lost or intentionally would never dare use Source, of course not, but
destroyed in the intervening centuries. knowledge of how it works and what spells it could
Humans displaying innate magical gifts, i.e. fuel is so damn intriguing.
powers not fueled by Source, are acceptable to Aves Your mother was one of the original members of
Minerva as long as they keep their powers in check. the Church of Minerva Tritonia and you grew up
A person should not be killed because he can tele- knowing the gods left humans millennia ago. The
pathically blow up someone’s head; he should be problem is, even with this knowledge, you want
killed for deciding to use this power. Fortunately, nothing to do with Aves Minerva. You cannot stom-
most of these so-called “Gifted” people possess abili- ach combat and some of the first enemy magic you
ties much weaker than this. witnessed inflicted a fast-acting plague on its victims.
Other occultists and self-declared witches may or You are not cut out for this but, with your mother as

Aves Minerva (Conspiracy)

Keepers of the Source: Have you heard about the aging hippies out in California who think
Source is a good thing? They think it fuels Mother Earth or some nonsense. I don’t know the de-
tails, no one does on my coast, but how could anyone possibly believe that?
Silver Cross: The local Silver Cross has ... taken an interest in our coven. We turned down their
offer for medical assistance and they quickly learned about our healing invocations. I think
they’re spying on us to learn our secrets.
Aegis Kai Doru: None of the Gods favor the Shield and Spear so they rely on trinkets and curios
as crutches.
Army of Light: I’ve heard rumors that the Gods found another group of people worthy of Their
blessings. Well, one of the Gods. The rumors say it might be Vulcan or Mercury but your guess is
as good as mine.

the coven’s high priestess, what else can you do but life and the Vigil. The three most commonly invoked
fight by her side? titles are as follows.
You dated a member of Aves Minerva in college Aves Minerva Bellipotens (“Powerful in War”)
and didn’t think much of her religion. You were not emphasize Minerva as Warrior, Commander and the
particularly religious and didn’t see any harm in her Champion of Champions. These covens focus on the
frolicking with other witches in the woods off- need to remove Source Addicts from the world to
campus. At least you didn’t see any harm until you pave the way for the Gods’ return. We have been
found burns on her body that looked almost like claw alone for far too long; we need Them now.
marks. She passed it off as an accident during Chem- Aves Minerva Parthenos (“the Virgin”), also
istry but you saw through the lie. You suspected her known as Traditionalists, only allow female members
witch-friends had something to do with her injury so and are stereotyped as Amazonian sexists. Converts
you shadowed her to the coven’s next meeting. Turns from feminist neopagan groups such as Dianic Wicca
out most of their meetings weren’t for rituals but tend to dedicate themselves to the Virgin Minerva.
hunting shapeshifting sorcerers prowling the woods. Aves Minerva Salus (“of Health”) focus on Mi-
That was almost as surprising as when you witnessed nerva and Her teachings as humanity’s means of sal-
your girlfriend conjure up cackling electricity be- vation. There are few covens labeled Aves Minerva
tween her fingertips. Holy shit, what did she – and Salus, but many individuals are called such because
now you – get into? of their supportive role as “combat medics.”
You were raised to be a good Protestant and
never dabbled in witchcraft of any flavor. An encoun-
ter with a corrupt witch began a complicated chain of
Status is gained with age and experience. It usu-
events cumulating in you joining the Long Night.
ally takes at least a year of witch-hunting to gain a dot
Two years of trying to convert witches to Christianity
of Status. For example, all High Priestesses (Status 5)
went nowhere and doubt clouded your subconscious.
have been actively involved with Aves Minerva for
While fleeing from one particularly pissed off witch
over a decade. This does not mean simply belonging
with a fondness for throwing fireballs, another group
to the organization is enough; the willworker must be
of hunters appeared and performed ... well, there’s
actively involved in the Vigil during that time.
no other word for it, they performed miracles. They
actually beat the witch at her own game. They threw • Aves Minerva opened your eyes to how far human-
spears of lightning at the pyromancer until she went ity has fallen from the Gods’ favor. You may now pur-
down for good. These willworkers, as they like to be chase dots of the Devotion Endowment and make
called, want you to join their ranks and actually be of pacts with Minerva.
some use to humanity. But they’re pagan and adhere ••• Your visible devotion to Minerva and fight
to the book of a war-goddess. The Bible is the only against the Source Addicts has drawn both respect
book you’ll ever need, right? Right? and positive attention. You gain a free two-dot Men-
tor, likely your coven’s high priestess.
Factions ••••• You’ve either a coven’s high priestess or the
Aves Minerva’s group and private rituals focus right-hand (wo)man of one. You are entrusted with
on Minerva’s names and titles. Some covens, how- educating a newly-initiated member of Aves Minerva.
ever, invoke one tile more than others. This aspect of This is a free three-dot Retainer who has Status (Aves
Minerva embodies what the coven prioritizes in both Minerva) 1 and Devotion 1.

Aves Minerva (Conspiracy)

Endowment: arrested. After all, how can a dead or incarcerated

willworker be of any use? It is very likely that the
willworker will never understand the underlying
reason behind Minerva’s instructions. That hardly
The Devotion Merit represents how much a per-
matters; the willworker’s job is not to question but to
son has dedicated herself to Minerva, the only divin-
worship and obey.
ity with any faith left in humanity. It also indicates
All pacts also include one universal condition:
how well the person’s body channels what can best
the willworker must remain celibate for the pact’s
be described as “divine energy.”
duration. Furthermore, willworkers cannot enter
A willworker (hunter) must first enter a pact with
pacts while pregnant. There are two common theo-
Minerva before benefiting from any supernatural
ries explaining this: (1) Minerva is a virginal goddess
gifts. She begins by entering a meditative state (WoD:
and will not entrust a portion of her divine power to
Rulebook, 51) and focuses on one or more of Mi-
someone who is less than pure; (2) an unborn child’s
nerva’s names or titles. After about an hour of medi-
health would be jeopardized from the divine energy
tation, the hunter feels Minerva’s presence and ex-
humming in her mother’s veins and the vow of celi-
periences a vision of the Goddess or of Her birds the
bacy is a protective measure.
owl Nyctimene or the crow Cornix. These visions
Breaking a pact’s rules has dire consequences.
vary considerably from person to person but the end
The disobedient willworker feels an intense pain as if
result is always the same: the willworker agrees to
a piece of her soul was ripped away. Spontaneous
perform a certain task for Minerva in exchange for
injuries are common, typically appearing as burns or
temporary supernatural abilities.
The duration of the pact determines both how inexplicable claw (bird talon) wounds. Some will-
workers noticeably age and their hair turns grey or
long the willworker maintains these powers and the
even white.
difficulty of the action(s) Minerva requires. All ac-
A hunter may voluntarily enter a new pact at any
tions must be completed before the duration expires.
time. If she is already in a pact and wishes to negate
A one day pact requires simple acts that often
take less than an hour to perform, such as creating a it with a new one, she must first spend a dot of Will-
power to appease Minerva. Otherwise, a pact lasts for
piece of poetry that praises Minerva. Other one day
its specified duration – no more, no less.
pacts have the willworker protect a specific person,
occasionally a strange but usually a friend or loved
one, from an unspecified but eminent danger. An-
other common pact is to either avoid or guard a spe-
Breaking the Pact
The willworker immediately loses one half
cific building or room for the next day. of her remaining health (round up) from
One week pacts commonly require the will- spontaneous injuries that take the form of
worker to remain in or avoid a specified region for lethal damage. She also loses one dot of De-
the duration. Other times the willworker must set votion due to her transgressions. It is not
aside an entire day that week for prayer and devo- wise to anger a Goddess.
tions to Minerva; she may not even hunt on that day.
The willworker may be required to kill a specified
witch or monster before the week expires.
A one month pact is more demanding and incon-
MtA: Summoners
veniencing. The willworker may not be allowed to A book of potential interest is Summoners
indulge in her Vice for a full month or is asked to for Mage: The Awakening. It focuses on the
take a month-long vow of silence. She may need to art of summoning, binding and banishing
perform an animal sacrifice (a pig or another animal creatures from outside our world. This is not
of comparable size) once a week for the next four too different from what many “children of
weeks. Material sacrifices are also common, with the the seventh generation” in the Lucifuge do
willworker spending a notable portion of her income with their vaguely-defined demons.
on purchasing fruits, vegetables and grains to sym- You may wonder what this has to do with
bolically offer the Goddess. Aves Minerva and willworking. The rules for
Devotion and Invocations are loosely based
There is a reason for what Minerva requests re-
on the rules for making pacts with other-
gardless of how random a pact’s requirements ap-
worldly entities and powers.
pear. Perhaps the willworker is avoiding a building
You are free to draw your own conclusions
that will catch fire before the duration expires. Maybe from this.
indulging in sinful behavior would have gotten her

Aves Minerva (Conspiracy)

cost is reduced by two dots for the duration.
Anything that is otherwise unavailable for civil-
Once in a pact, the willpower invokes Minerva’s ian purchase, such as military-grade weaponry and
titles and names to display supernatural abilities. outright illegal equipment, somehow becomes avail-
These names may be said aloud, mentally recited or able to the character. This may still cost Resources 4
written down. The method does not matter as long as or 5, however, as the willworker is unlikely to find a
the willworker’s thoughts focus on the Goddess. cheap tank or used jet just lying around. But the fact
Each Invocation has a dot rating of one, three or she even has the option of acquiring such equipment
five dots. A willworker may have up to (Status + De- is a boon in itself.
votion) dots of Invocations at any time. The Invoca-
tions must be chosen at the time the pact is sealed Minerva Caesia
and she has access to these Invocations only for the Minerva’s gaze is turned towards the material
predetermined duration (one day, week or month). realm and She sees all that is corrupt with the world.
The willworker is suddenly aware that a nearby per-
Minerva Armipotens son or object is not normal, that something is decid-
Minerva has the power to throw Her father Jupi- edly wrong about it. This feeling manifests in differ-
ter’s legendary thunderbolts. Willworkers may chan- ent ways, often a cold shiver down the spine, prick-
nel this power through their fragile human bodies ling goose bumps, a sour taste in one’s mouth or an
and produce a similar, albeit weaker, attack. intense feeling of contempt.
One Dot: The willworker reflexively spends a One Dot: The willworker gains the Unseen Sight
point of Willpower and electricity briefly crackles Merit applied to Source. She must spend one Will-
between her fingertips. She then makes a touch attack power point to activate it for the scene as an Instant
(Dexterity + Brawl – target’s Defense) which inflicts action. Her eyes become grey for the rest of the scene
(successes) points of lethal damage. Like with all ver- regardless of their original color.
sions of this Invocation, the target’s Armor does not Three Dots: The willworker gains the Unseen
apply unless it offers electrical protection. Sight Merit applied to Source. It remains active at no
Three Dots: The hunter reflexively spends a cost for the duration of the current pact. Her eyes also
point of Willpower and a yellow-white evanescent turn grey for the duration.
spear appears in her hand. Throwing this
“thunderbolt” (which must be done the same turn as Minerva Ergatis
it is conjured) requires a roll of Dexterity + Athletics With wisdom comes creativity. Invoking Mi-
+ Devotion and inflicts (successes) lethal damage. nerva Ergatis temporarily makes the willworker bet-
The attack’s short range is ([Strength + Dexterity ter at inventing and building. Even willworkers who
+ Athletics] x 2). Medium range is double this and are all thumbs become proficient artisans and skilled
long range is quadruple this. engineers.
Five Dots: Same as three-dot variant above ex- One Dot: By spending a Willpower point as a
cept the thunderbolt inflicts aggravated damage. reflexive action, a single Crafts-based roll becomes a
Note: A willworker may have both the one dot rote action.
and three or five dot variants of the Invocation of Mi- Three Dots: By spending a Willpower point as
nerva Armipotens. She then has access to both the an instant action, all Crafts-based rolls are rote ac-
“taser touch” and thunderbolts. tions for the rest of the scene.
Five Dots: All crafts-based rolls are rote actions
Minerva Cabardiacensis for the duration of the current pact. There is no addi-
This unusual title (literally “the heron that con- tional cost.
veys wealth”) hints at Minerva’s generous and giv-
ing side. Willworkers dedicated to her suddenly dis- Minerva Medica
cover the best bargains and never need to haggle.. Minerva is the goddess of a thousand works,
Three Dots: Anything the willworker purchases most famously embodying war and wisdom but also
is considered to cost one dot less of Resources. If there medicine. By praying and touching an injured person
is an issue of upkeep or maintenance, such as renting or creature, a willworker may channel Minerva
a penthouse suite, the cost will revert back to normal Medica’s healing grace. She cannot invoke Minerva
when the pact ends. Medica to heal herself.
Five Dots: Same as the above but the Resource One Dot: The hunter touches her subject, reflex-

Aves Minerva (Conspiracy)

ively spends a point of Willpower and rolls Intelli- from the corrupting influence of Source and other
gence + Medicine + Devotion. She heals one point of unnatural energies infesting the mortal world.
bashing damage per success. Three Dots: The willworker spends a point of
Three Dots: Same as the above but she may heal Willpower as an instant action and gains an Armor
lethal damage as well. rating equal to her Devotion dots. This armor only
Five Dots: Same as the above but she may heal protects against magical (supernatural) attacks, usu-
aggravated damage as well. Healing one point of ag- ally meaning Gutter Magic but also applying to
gravated damage requires three successes. Dread Powers and Numina. It does not stack with
other mundane or supernatural armor the willworker
Minerva Panteuchia may be using at the time. This extra protection lasts
for the remainder of the scene.
This aspect of the Goddess invokes Her unsur-
Five Dots: Same as the above but the armor also
passed skill “with every weapon.” Willworkers dedi-
protects against conventional damage such as from
cating themselves to Minerva Panteuchia discover
punches and gunshots.
that quite literally anything is an effective close com-
bat weapon in their hands.
One Dot: The willworker may ignore the stan- Nyctimene and Cornix
dard penalty for using improvised weaponry. This This is the only invocation not directly naming
costs nothing to use and is considered “active” for the Minerva but, instead, her owl and crow servants.
duration of the pact. Calling the birds’ names shoves the laws of physics
Three Dots: In addition to the above, any attacks aside as the willworker leaps impossible distances or
the willworker makes with a melee weapon gains defies gravity by flying.
either a +1 Damage bonus or +1 Armor Piercing. The One Dot: By spending a point of Willpower, the
bonus must be chosen when the weapon is first willworker triples her successes on a single jump roll.
drawn (meaning once per weapon per scene). The Willpower must be spent before rolling.
Five Dots: Same as the above. The willworker Three Dots: The willworker spends a point of
may also spend a point of Willpower to gain the 9- Willpower and rolls Dexterity + Athletics + Devotion.
again quality on all Weaponry rolls for the scene. Success allows her to levitate and travel in any direc-
Weapons that already have the 9-again quality will tion up to her Speed rating. She must maintain con-
instead gain the 8-again quality. Weapons that some- centration so staying airborne is an Instant action.
how already benefit from both gain no further bonus. She is not particularly graceful and has Defense 0.
If she is successfully attacked or startled, the will-
Minerva Perspicax worker must reflexively roll Resolve + Composure to
maintain concentration. If the roll fails, she immedi-
Invoking Minerva Perspicax gives the willworker
ately begins falling (WoD: Rulebook, 179). She may
what is colloquially called “owl sight” or “owl eyes.”
spend another Willpower point to regain concentra-
She gains night vision and her pupils expanded to fill
tion on a subsequent turn, assuming she hasn’t al-
her eyes while she peers through the darkness.
ready reached the ground yet.
One Dot: The willworker spends a point of Will-
She is still susceptible to relevant environmental
power as an instant action and her vision improves to
factors while flying, such as extreme cold or losing
superhuman levels for the rest of the scene. She may
oxygen at higher elevations.
ignore all penalties for seeing in darkness and other
Five Dots: Same as the above except the hunter
adverse conditions such as dense fog, smoke and
does not need to maintain concentration to remain
heavy rain. This also grants a +1 Stealth bonus when
aloft. She may take other actions while flying includ-
relying on cover of darkness.
ing “running” (flying at a rate of Speed x 2). She does
Three Dots: Same as the above but this “owl
not lose her Defense against incoming attacks. She
sight” persists for the duration of the current pact.
does not beginning falling from taking damage but
Her eyes reflexively adapt to darkness and there is no
only from being rendered unconscious.
cost to activate it.
Note: A willworker may have both the one dot
and three or five dot variants of this Invocation. The
Minerva Praestes willworker has the option of leaping great distances
Minerva is traditionally depicted as armored at and either levitating or flying. It is sometimes better
all times or, at the very least, sporting a helmet. The to appear unusually athletic when fleeing a scene as
Goddess likewise protects her faithful willworkers opposed to outright flying away.

Aves Minerva (Conspiracy)

derful addition in the war against Source Ad-

Storytelling dicts. Then, out of the blue, she breaks off all
contact with you and her own coven. After
Protagonists weeks of trying to contact her, she finally talks
Stories about Aves Minerva will almost cer- to you and speaks of a shocking vision about
tainly involve combating Sourceworkers. The visiting a massive tower surrounded by rolling
hunters may encounter other supernatural green hills and sprite-like beings. She signed
creatures but their ability to sniff out Source her name in an oak book and the ink from the
like blood hounds means they will follow pen bloomed into flowers. The old spells she
witches first and foremost. performed with her coven seem so quaint com-
An attempt to find a single Sourceworker or pared to what she’s done recently.
a cabal may lead the willworkers to another Gods have mercy – they got to her first.
danger entirely. A necromancer might create
zombies for vampires, providing the bloodsuck-
ers with unquestioning servants that function
Misunderstandings and lack of communica-
during the day. Another Sourceworker is the
tion lead to most conflicts between Aves Mi-
“indebted servant” to a pack of werewolves who
nerva and other hunters. To ignorant hunters,
use her healing magic to patch themselves up
the pagan willworkers may be indistinguish-
after their bloody hunts. A witch’s demon fa-
able from witches or a dangerous cult. How do
miliar could really be her lord and master.
they know this “Minerva” isn’t a powerful de-
The Banisher: This is different. A Source-
moness in disguise? Actually, a better question
worker came to your coven for help. He says he
may be how the willworkers know Minerva is
never wanted magical powers and tells about a
really who She claims She is.
horrific, waking nightmare of being dragged
Religious hunters belonging to the Army of
through bloody briars to a tower with water-
Light, Long Night or Malleus Maleficarum
falls of lava where he was forced to sign his
might have trouble accepting the idea that the
name in the Devil’s book. He has since done his
willworkers receive powers from a pagan god-
best to fight witches who enjoy their powers
dess. If Aves Minerva is right, then Minerva is
and voluntarily became what they are. While a
real and the rest of the Roman Pantheon exists
little unstable, he sounds sincere and doesn’t
by proxy. That is quite challenging to a mono-
know if he can continue fighting a one-man
theistic religion and would disturb a hunter
war against dark magic. He needs help, prefera-
who thinks he serves “the One True God.”
bly yours.
There probably isn’t a conclusive way to prove
The man uses Source, the primary reason
which hunter (and religion) is right.
the Gods left humanity behind, and that is un-
Another hunter cell may have nothing
acceptable in Minerva’s eyes. But think of how
against “good” witches. It doesn’t matter if the
helpful he would be, proverbially and literally
witch is another cell’s ally or informant; Aves
fighting fire with fire….
Minerva considers all Sourceworkers danger-
Hunters Hounded: A local branch of the
ous. This also applies to witches in cancer cells.
Long Night discovered your coven and took an
The Artifact: Your cell located a mystical
interest in your activities. Instead of offering
object with unknown powers, largely unknown
help, they’re offering salvation. They don’t care
because you have no bloody idea how to turn it
if Minerva gives you divine assistance while
on. A group of what can only be described as
Jesus has done nothing for them; the Long
witches tracked the object down to your cell
Night wants you to pledge allegiance to the
and demands you hand it over. They claim it is
cross. Even worse, the damn fools won’t leave
fueled by Source, an evil energy you know
you alone, even while on the hunt for Source-
nothing about, and it must be destroyed.
workers. It’s a pity that you can’t just kill
The situation soon becomes even tenser af-
ter a mysterious group tries forcibly taking the
An Old Friend: A neopagan your coven is
artifact from your cell. Apparently these “bad
grooming to join Aves Minerva shows great
witches” want the artifact for their own twisted
promise. She currently belongs to a Hellenistic
purposes and the “good witches” only want to
coven dedicated to Artemis, virginal Goddess of
destroy it.
the Hunt, who has obvious parallels to your
Who can you trust? What exactly makes a
favorite Goddess of War. She relaxes by visiting
witch good or evil, anyway? And would uncov-
the local firing range and would make a won-
ering the artifact’s secrets really be that bad?

The Chosen of Kroll (Conspiracy)

All in Your Head told power. All other details are pure speculation.
The Chosen believe Kroll is a benevolent force
Do not listen to them. You are not crazy. You are
that turned His gaze upon our reality and felt pity.
sane. You are more than sane.
Poor, weak humans were preyed upon by blood-
Listen to it instead, the voice lurking in the back of
drinkers, skin-stealers and greedy reality-warpers.
your head, trying to be heard over your confusing little
Humans thought themselves as the masters of Earth
surface thoughts. It is your friend and it came to warn you
but that was so grossly untrue. Kroll decided to help
about terrible things.
humanity and lift them above their current state. He
No, do not listen to them. Listen to it.
would raise them above the status of talking cattle.
Monsters are real. The animal-men and walking
A being of Kroll’s power cannot communicate
corpses and the sins-made-flesh, they are real. They are
with humans without overwhelming their primitive
everywhere and some of them know it. Most do not but
some do so – minds and completely destroying their already frag-
Do not listen to them. ile sanity. For lack of a better term, Kroll spawned off-
Please, it is your friend and it will show you how to spring known as the Krolli (literally “From Kroll”),
fight back. You can end this, you can kill the monsters. vastly weaker copies of Himself capable of interact-
Please, for yourself and for the world, please listen to it. ing with humans. Even then, the Krolli could only
transmit words and flashes of images. It was still bet-
ter than nothing.
Kroll, the Dread Lord
The Chosen of Kroll are precisely that – chosen.
They are entrusted, out of billions of fleshy humans, Method in Madness
with the power to rid the world of monsters. There’s The first week or so after being contacted by a
one catch: the Chosen must first pledge allegiance to Krolli is a jarring and frightening experience that
and worship an incomprehensibly alien god. causes most Chosen to initially believe they are in-
No one definitely knows what Kroll is or where sane. Besides hearing a distant voice insisting mon-
He resides. The only thing anyone agrees on is that sters are real, the Chosen experience every imagin-
He is not from our universe and, for whatever rea- able type of hallucination. The smell and taste of
son, is unable to enter. He is a sentient being of un- blood in salt water, a glimpse of tentacles reaching

The Chosen of Kroll (Conspiracy)

out from the darkness, the sound of children being

devoured alive, the feeling of slime engulfing their
Why So Dreadful?
tired body as it lays in bed desperately trying to find If Kroll is going out of His way to protect
rest from all the noise and sounds and smells and — a species that is largely oblivious to His exis-
Those who accept their condition and ask the tence, why does He want to be called the
voice for more information gradually become used to Dread Lord? This alien god seems surpris-
these sensations. The Krolli adjusts to the person’s ingly generous and benevolent considering
mind and actual conversations between it and the this is His preferred epitaph.
Chosen take place. If the Chosen does not go insane Kroll is the scourge of monsters and de-
and commit suicide first, they grow to accept the mons, the nightmare of night-mares. “The
Krolli as their new best friend and greatest ally. The dread is not meant for us,” the Chosen ex-
Chosen’s eyes have been opened and they can thank plain with knowing smiles, “but for them.”
the Krolli and the Dread Lord. The horrors of the
world are laid bare and now this pitiful human can
do something about it. Of course the Chosen is in- The Call of Kroll
debted, of course she is willing to make the occasional
It is probably worth mentioning that Kroll
sacrificial offering. Of course, of course.
is not Cthulhu. No human knows what ex-
In return, the Dread Lord Kroll gladly shares se- actly Kroll is or what His goals are.
cret rituals to manipulate dreams, see through an- If anything, Kroll is probably more compa-
other’s eyes and become more than human. Many rable to Shub-Niggurath, another Love-
Chosen can produce knife-sized claws, mouths filled craftian being with the epitaph “the Black
with shark-like teeth, lashing tentacles and even reju- Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young.”
venating slime oozed from their pores. In Lovecraft’s story “Out of the Aeons,” the
character T’yog claims that “the gods
friendly to man could be arrayed against the
A Happy Family hostile gods.” T’yog specifically mentions
The first Chosen appeared six years ago. The first that Shub-Niggurath was “ready to take sides
true cults did not appear for another three years. with man.”
The Chosen are divided into local cults, each Lovecraft offers little additional informa-
headed by a high priest or priestess. The priest was tion on Shub-Niggurath and merely uses the
often Chosen first and leads his cult both spiritually name as part of incantations or exclama-
and in combat. Each cult operates like an independ- tions in several other stories. Other authors
ent church, adhering to a general story but with vary- provide contradictory information, such as
ing details and ritual nuances. Some priests empha- Ramsey Campbell (“The Moon Lens”) and
size the need for swift action while others focus on Gary Myers (“What Rough Beast”). Then, of
Kroll’s benevolence in helping humanity with noth- course, is Shub-Niggurath’s depiction in the
ing to personally gain. Call of Cthulhu RPG as an Outer God.
The cult’s meeting place, headquarters and But this is not Call of Cthulhu and
stronghold is usually in someone’s house or apart- Hunter: The Vigil does not necessarily have
ment. This does not need to be the priest’s home, just any connection to the Mythos. Storytellers
the most convenient space. Decorations vary wildly can make Kroll be anything they want.
from cult to cult but altars made of bone and drift-
wood became trendy in the past year. One cult’s altar
is a bathtub filled with ice water and live fish; they You think my
practice their rituals in their priest’s basement so no
one will see the ensuing mess of discarded fish guts
religion’s weird?
and blood. Another cult performs a parody of the It's no weirder than
Last Supper, unimaginatively named “the First Sup-
per,” symbolizing Kroll feeding them information your God fathering
and sustaining His Chosen. Yet another cult practices
guided meditation and trances, blocking out all dis-
Himself with a
tractions to gain further insights from their ever- fourteen-
whispering Krolli. Despite persistent rumors among
other hunters, no cult has ever hosted sacred orgies. Palestinian girl.

The Chosen of Kroll (Conspiracy)

The Enemy The Krolli

The Chosen emphasize hunting monsters that
directly or indirectly prey on humans. Typical exam- How the Krolli interact with the Chosen
ples of this include vampires and other blood- varies case-by-case. Some Krolli are a sub-
drinkers as well as spirits and stranger beings feast- conscious “voice” that subtly influences the
ing on emotions. As such, vampires, demons and hunter. Other Krolli scream orders and de-
mand fanatical loyalty to the Dread Lord.
changelings are the Chosen’s primary targets.
Most fall somewhere in between, offering
The Chosen are already aware of the existence of
advice while occasionally “strongly urging”
vampire and changeling societies. The details are
the hunter to take certain actions. Regard-
lacking but the Chosen realize these creatures are less, all Krolli compel their Chosen to pursue
more organized than many other hunters are willing monsters at any cost. Social lives and careers
to admit. The true nature of changelings, that these are meaningless compared to the Vigil.
beings were once human, is still a mystery. In game terms, certain Merits for a Chosen
The cancerous Reanimated (commonly called character may be reflected by the actions
“corpse-constructs” by the Chosen and their Krolli) and personality of her Krolli. For example,
are another common target. The Chosen have Danger Sense or an Unseen Sense might be
stopped just short of declaring a jihad against these the Krolli giving the hunter a heads-up to
monsters. Destroying a Reanimated is as much of a incoming danger.
mercy killing as a means of protecting everything in Other Merits made possible by a Krolli’s
the surrounding area. presence include: Common Sense, Direction
The Chosen generally do not bother with Sense, Eidetic Memory, Encyclopedic Knowl-
shapeshifters unless the beasts develop bad habits edge, Fresh Start, Good Time Management
like a taste for human flesh. Limited research into (WoD:
WoD: Asylum,
Asylum 50; WoD: Reliquary,
Reliquary 84),
werewolves has actually gained sympathy from sev- Meditative Mind and Tolerance for Biology
eral Chosen, noting the similarities between the were- (WoD:
WoD: Asylum,
Asylum 51).
wolves’ religious practices and their own. One were- cide attempt, you caved in and asked the voice to tell
wolf’s totem spirit is another person’s Krolli. you everything it knew. It refused to shut up and you
The Chosen emphasize killing monsters that are were too incompetent to slit your wrists in the right
harming or using humans. They will leave direction. You quietly listened as you bandaged your
“harmless” monsters alone and their Krolli actively arms and destroyed the suicide note. The more it ex-
direct them to more pressing matters. They actually plained, the more you wanted to take the bloody ra-
get along quite well with the Army of Light, even if zor that almost took your life and slice open a mon-
the Army is convinced Kroll is anything but a god. ster’s throat. Maybe that would silence the voice, get-
The Army just goes a step further and protects harm- ting something else’s blood on your blade and hands.
less or innocent monsters from persecution or annihi- There’s one way to find out.
lation. The Krolli insist this is a waste of time; humans You knew about Kroll before being Chosen. The
must be protected as the other creatures can fend for local cult told a select few normal people the news
themselves. about Kroll’s benevolent interest in humanity. One of
the Chosen, your older sister, believed you could
Hunters handle the revelation. Your initial skepticism disap-
It didn’t take long to realize the voice was not peared when the Chosen demonstrated the effective-
imaginary and certainly not internal. You ignored the ness of their rites. Months later, you heard the voice
increasing feeling that you were insane and listened for yourself and wept with joy. None of the other
to it. You zoned out at your cubicle one day, lost in “normal” cultists have been Chosen yet, but perhaps,
the voice’s words and warnings about monsters crav- Kroll willing, you’re the first of many.
ing human souls and precious bodily fluids. You The voice insisted the man living across the hall
snapped out of the reverie to realize your paperwork was inhuman. It just insisted and insisted. Something
was covered in diagrams of homemade melee weap- about his eyes, the flash of lime green in them, his
ons and torture devices. You laughed aloud when the slightly unusual smell, the stiffness in his expres-
voice said your engineering degree could provide sions…and it insisted. You finally broke his apart-
more than a paycheck below the industry standard; it ment’s door down and beat him to death with a
could save humanity. metal baseball bat. The voice was right – his blood
After a night of heavy drinking and a failed sui- was green. The voice didn’t stop even when the

The Chosen of Kroll (Conspiracy)

Null Mysteriis: Ever hear an outsider try rationalizing where your tentacles come from? Yeah,
it’s either hysterical or boring as hell. They’re never willing to accept the obvious - the Dread Lord
has blessed us. It’s that simple.
Talbot Group: No, please, I don’t need your help. I’m perfectly fine. No, seriously, I mean it. Get
away from me.
Les Mystères: I’m not sure we’re alone. Other people have been contacted by beings outside of
this universe. They seem focused on werewolves but there similarities can be striking. I mean,
we’re dealing with pan-dimensional beings driving hapless mortals to fight monsters. That can’t be
Regency of Thorns: The Chosen in Brazil are having problems with, well, I don’t know what to
call them. Fairy hunters, Well, these fairy-hunters think we’re working for an evil fairy god or
some nonsense. We get enough flack from the fundamentalist Christians but this is just ridiculous.
It’s not like our Krolli are pixies or leprechauns.

man/monster’s heart stopped beating and he dis- The Blessed see the Chosen as inherently better
solved into a syrupy puddle. You waited until the than the rest of humanity, having been selected for so
police arrived. They arrested you for breaking and great an honor. Many Blessed Chosen come off as
entering but not murder as there was no corpse. arrogant and condescending to those outside of their
Later, a group of complete strangers intercepted the cults, even toward other Chosen. The Blessed are
van transporting you to a mental institution. The completely against allowing non-Chosen to partake
fight was quick, messy and one-sided. The strangers in rituals or witness services. If the Chosen of Kroll
rushed you to safety, into a hidden room within their ever suffer a schism, it will be because the Blessed or
leader’s basement. They smiled as they explained the Evangelicals push the other too far.
that, no, you were not insane. You were Chosen.
Factions The Chosen gain respect and from their peers by
The independent cults generally adhere to one of successfully fighting monsters preying on humanity
three major philosophies. and by supporting their fellow cultists. Status can just
The Enlightened want to discover all they can as easily be lost because of a cowardly (in)action.
about the supernatural world as quickly as possible.
There are a lot of gaps in their collective knowledge ● You survived the nightmares, passed the initial
that need to be filled. Enlightened Chosen often tests and gain access to the Abyssal Blessings En-
spend more time researching the occult than fighting dowment. You also gain a derangement selected by
it. Some become intrigued by the similarities between the Storyteller, either a permanent mild derange-
the Chosen’s rituals and the ceremonies some of their ment or a severe one that lasts for a lunar month.
prey perform, not that they feel comfortable discuss- Either derangement may be treated or even cured
ing the details with their fellow Chosen. Krolli often with psychological help and/or medication with
try (re)directing these Chosen back to more pressing Storyteller approval.
issues like the Vigil itself. ●●● Other Chosen recognize you as truly one of
Evangelicals want to take the story of Kroll the Kroll’s. A more experienced Chosen, likely your
Dread Lord public. While few in number, non- cult’s priest or priestess, views you as his protégé.
Chosen are now actively participating in rituals and He or she is considered a free two-dot Mentor.
services dedicated to Kroll. These people, called the If you already have a fellow Chosen as a Mentor,
Devotees of Kroll, lack the powers of the Chosen but you may add one free dot to that Merit’s value.
are some of the most enthusiastic members of the Your Mentor has actually grown more useful and
cults. The Evangelical Chosen want to someday turn you indirectly benefit from this.
their underground faith into a mainstream religion, ●●●●● If you’re not a local priest, you should be.
even if it might take decades for the general populace You gain either a three-dot retainer (a fellow Chosen
to be ready for such a revelation. Then again, if Sci- with Status 1 and Abyssal Blessings 2) or a pair of
entology is considered a genuine religion, then two-dot retainers (Devotees of Kroll).

The Chosen of Kroll (Conspiracy)

Endowment: natural intervention, as long as more successes are

Abyssal Blessings
gained on the “curing” roll.
Only one mental block may be in effect per vic-
tim. The Chosen may choose to create another mental
The Dread Lord Kroll blesses His followers with
block later but the original block is instantly negated.
unnatural abilities from beyond this world. Perform-
ing any of the following rites requires an “offering,” a Exceptional Success: Same as the above, but the
block becomes permanent, even if the Chosen places
ritual to draw the Dread Lords’ attention.
another block later.
The number of dots in the Abyssal Blessings
Merit represents the character’s understanding of the Offering: The victim looks at his reflection while
Endowment. A Chosen of Kroll may hypothetically the Chosen says a curse in Kroll’s language. There is
learn all of the following rites over time, even if she no range limit as long as the victim can hear the
only has a single dot of Abyssal Blessings. Essen- curse. This can work via phone but, again, the victim
tially, she knows a little about a lot. At character crea- must see his own reflection at the time.
tion, the Chosen learn one rite per dot purchased of If the Chosen is successful, the reflective surface
the Abyssal Blessings Merit. (mirror, storefront window, etc.) shatters. If the Cho-
Individual rites cost 5 Experience Points apiece sen loses the contested roll, nothing happens. If the
and take about one week to master and become us- Chosen dramatically fails the roll, the reflective sur-
able. During that first week, all rolls made to use the face cracks but does not shatter.
blessing suffer a –5 dice pool penalty. Blessings that
do not require a dice roll temporarily require the
player to roll a chance die.
Chorus of Hoarse Voices
The Chosen of Kroll are the only humans who
can understand the alien language of the Krolli and
Catch a Flying Memory the Dread Lord. This ritual projects these inhuman
Sometimes a bystander sees or hears too much. thoughts into the mind of a victim who has no hope
Or perhaps an enemy has discovered the names and of comprehending them. The victim is unable to
home addresses of the cult’s members. speak or write in anything but babbling nonsense.
The Chosen can selectively block other peoples’ Even worse, the victim cannot stop talking.
memories, walling them off with intense, inexplicable Cost: 1 Willpower.
feelings of horror or shame. As long as the power is Action: Instant and contested.
unbroken, the victim cannot remember anything
Duration: Until next sunrise.
about the occluded event. The memory is not techni- Dice Pool: (Intelligence + Abyssal Blessings)
cally erased, however, but suppressed and buried by against the victim’s (Wits + Composure). Resistance
unnatural fear. The memory may be unearthed with is reflexive.
sufficient psychological help or magical intervention.
Roll Results
Cost: 1 Willpower. Dramatic Failure: Instead of babbling incoher-
Action: Instant and contested. ently, the target gains the ability to understand the
Duration: Lasting. Dread Lord’s language for the duration. Whenever a
Dice Pool: (Intelligence + Abyssal Blessings) Krolli speaks to a Chosen, the target will actually
against the victim’s (Wits + Composure). Resistance hear it. Even worse, the target knows who the Krolli
is reflexive. is speaking to. Hopefully the Chosen also knows
Roll Results “Catch a Flying Memory” (above) and can protect her
Dramatic Failure: The Chosen’s attempt com- secrecy.
pletely backfires. The target is instead able to remem- Failure: Nothing happens, although the target
ber the event with crystal clarity, even if they only does briefly feel like he is being watched.
vaguely recalled it before. Success: The victim compulsively speaks in
Failure: The mental block fails to form. The target tongues, suffering from the Vocalization Derange-
knows something just happened but is not necessarily ment. He also endures a –3 penalty on all Social rolls
aware the Chosen tried manipulating their mind. requiring spoken or written communication. His
Success: Blocks up to (successes) nights’ worth of physical presence and appearance are not affected,
memories from any point in the past lunar month. only his ability to convey ideas.
These nights do not need to be consecutive. The block What the victim says is technically correct; it is
may be removed through psychotherapy or super- what he means to say but is instead in another, com-

The Chosen of Kroll (Conspiracy)
pletely alien language. It is possible, albeit unlikely, addition to any derangements the victim acquires
to translate this “babble” through magical means. through his actions in the dream.
Exceptional Success: Same as the above, but the Offering: The Chosen spends one night sleeping
duration is doubled. on a bed (or other suitable surface) on which she has
Offering: An animal’s or person’s dried-out, sev- written the victim’s name with blood. She does not
ered tongue. The contested roll occurs while the Cho- need to be sleeping while the target is; this affects the
sen chants and carves the tongue into a crude hu- target’s next dream if he is currently awake.
manoid doll. If the Chosen is successful, the tongue
disintegrates in a matter of seconds. The Chosen
must know the target’s name.
Even Death May Die
The Chosen are notoriously hard to kill. Many
can produce a clear, green slime with remarkable re-
Dreams of Strange Cities generative properties. The slime either appears in
Krolli first begin manifesting themselves through open wounds or from pores around bruises. If the
dreams and hallucinations. A Chosen learns to har- slime is produced for another person’s use, it com-
ness this power and manipulate the dreams of others. monly oozes out of the pores in the Chosen’s hand or
She constructs the dream but does not control events pours from her mouth.
as they unfold; she merely sets the stage and chooses
Cost: 1 Willpower.
the actors. Chosen most often use this rite to induce
Action: Instant.
dreams customized to their target’s sins and personal
Duration: Lasting.
weaknesses, filling the dream with temptations of
Dice Pool: None.
violence or lust.
Effect: Applying the slime heals one point of ag-
Cost: 1 Willpower.
gravated damage, three points of lethal damage or
Action: Instant.
five points of bashing damage. If the slime is excreted
Duration: Lasting.
for another person’s use, it will only heal one point of
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Abyssal Blessings
lethal damage or three points of bashing damage.
Roll Results The slime cannot be stored for later use. Its heal-
Dramatic Failure: The Chosen completely fails to ing properties quickly disappear, meaning an imme-
influence the target’s dream. The target instead has a diate application is necessary.
remarkably restful night and gains an extra point of This power may only be used up to (Stamina)
Willpower upon waking, even if this goes above his times per week, regardless of who is healed.
normal Willpower limit.
Offering: The Chosen must ritualistically scar
Failure: The target experiences a normal night’s
herself before her first ever use of this power, inflict-
rest and his sleep is undisturbed.
ing a point of lethal damage in the process. This
Success: The victim is endangered even while
leaves a spiraling, looping scar down an arm or leg.
dreaming. The victim can act freely, after all, and any
This scar must be replaced if the limb is badly injured
violent or lustful actions he performs in the dream
(such as by burns or flaying) or severed from the
are treated as “real” sins. The Storyteller rolls
body. This new scar does not need to be on the same
(Resolve + Composure) – (Chosen’s initial successes)
limb. The damage inflicted by the scarring process
on the victim’s behalf in a reflexive action to see if he
must heal naturally.
is merely an observer or participant. If the roll fails,
he is an active participant and subject to any applica-
ble degeneration rolls if his Morality is 4 or higher. Far from Natural
Anyone aware of the details of the dream gains a The Chosen becomes more than human. Kroll
+3 Intimidation bonus against the victim for the fol- grants His supplicant the power to produce claws,
lowing week. For example, the Chosen may repeat fangs or tentacles, either as permanent features or on
memorable phrases from the dream to induce shame command. Most Chen prefer summoning these alien
or horror in the victim. body parts at will as permanently growing tentacles
A victim may only be subjected to this rite once draws much unwanted attention.
per lunar month.
Cost: None or 1 Willpower. If the weapon or
Exceptional Success: Same as the above except weapons are not permanent mutations, then it costs 1
the target automatically gains a derangement of the Willpower to manifest them for the scene. Hiding,
Storyteller’s choosing for the next week. This is in retracting or sheathing them costs nothing.

The Chosen of Kroll (Conspiracy)

Action: Permanent or reflexive. confuse (if she chose fear) or to persuade, seduce, dis-
Duration: Permanent or scene. tract or deceive (if she chose lust). She cannot per-
Dice Pool: None. form the ritual twice and gain both bonuses.
Effect: Upon learning this rite, the Chosen gains a Offering: A cleaned animal spine wrapped in the
pair of claws, a mouth filled with fangs or a tentacle animal’s dried skin is “offered” into a body of water.
that acts as an extra limb. These may be permanently This could be from any animal, mundane or super-
affixed to her body or reflexively appear and disap- natural, or even a human being. Humans are, after
pear on command. all, just animals.
Claws and fangs are 2(L) Brawl-based weapons.
Tentacles act as 1(B) Brawl-based weapons and gain
the 9-again quality when grappling. Each tentacle
Strange Visions
The Chosen is able to secretly see through the
past the first grants an additional +1 modifier to rele-
eyes of another person. The target has no clue if or
vant attack and grapple rolls.
when this privacy violation occurs.
This rite may be purchased multiple times. A
Chosen may only have one pair of claws and one set Cost: 1 Willpower.
of fangs, unless she somehow has more than two Action: Instant and resisted.
hands or one mouth. She may have up to (Abyssal Duration: (Successes) days.
Blessing) tentacles. Dice Pool: (Intelligence + Abyssal Blessings
against the victim’s (Wits + Composure). Resistance
Offering: When first gaining this blessing, she
is reflexive.
sacrifices and eats an animal with body parts similar
to the ones she wishes to acquire. The meat must be Roll Results
consumed raw. And, no, sushi does not count. Dramatic Failure: The target is unaffected but
knows exactly where the Chosen is. The target does
The Fleshy not know what happened but knows who did it.
Failure: The target is unaffected except for a cold
Minds of Mammals chill down his spine.
The Chosen channels the otherworldly nature of Success: The Chosen may see through the vic-
the Dread Lord and radiates with an unnatural aura. tim’s eyes at any time for (successes) days. This can
This helps elicit either a strong reaction of fear or lust be done for as long or as many times as she wants.
from anyone who sees her. Changing point-of-view is an instant action. The Cho-
Contrary to the Blessing’s name, this affects any sen cannot see from her natural body while doing
intelligent being even if it is not a mammal. This is this but has access to her other senses.
unlikely to be an issue but the Chosen may wish to Exceptional Success: Same as the above but the
manipulate the mental state of a lizard-man or a hu- Chosen is able to use other senses as well, allowing
manoid cockroach. her to hear, taste, smell or “touch” what the victim
does. She will temporarily lose the ability to use this
Cost: 1 Willpower. sense for her own environment.
Action: Instant.
Duration: Until next sunrise. Offering: The Chosen eats an uncooked eye from
Dice Pool: None. a sacrificed person or animal while looking at the
victim. There is no range limitation, only that she can
Effect: She gains the 9-again quality for all Pres-
see the victim at the time.
ence and Manipulation rolls to intimidate, distract or

Rites that Should Not Be

The Abyssal Blessings Endowment is derived from the rites of cults dedicated to Things that
Should Not Be, as described in WoD: Second Sight (Chapter Four, “Reality-Bending Horrors”). In-
formation on Rites begins on page 139. Storytellers may allow players to use other Rites in that
chapter as the basis for additional Abyssal Blessings.
It is also possible to retool the Abyssal Blessings Endowment so that it grants access to Rites in
Second Sight.
Sight Rites are ranked from levels one to five. Each dot of Abyssal Blessings gives the
character access to one Rite of that rating or lower. So the first dot gives access to a level one Rite.
The Second dot gives access to either a level one or two Rite, and so on.

The Chosen of Kroll (Conspiracy)

local cult. You thought he only had the Swiss

Storytelling Guard but that’s unfortunately not the case.
These priest-soldiers are mean motherfuckers.
Protagonists Mr. Sandman: Pursuing monsters that prey
Chosen cells are tight-knit cults led by a on people sometimes leads to the discovery of
priest or priestess. The Storyteller will likely previously unknown abominations. A creature
use the NPC priest and Krolli to give guidance your cult nicknamed the “Sandman” is literally
and plot-relevant hints to the PC Chosen. Iso- stealing people’s sleep. Its powers work both
lated Chosen exist but are rare as the cults are ways, as you unfortunately discovered, with it
always recruiting. able to put even fully-awake hunters into a
A hunter already involved with the Vigil brief but deep sleep during the middle of com-
may be contacted by a Krolli as long as she bat. You may never know what this thing is –
does not already have dots in any Endowment. likely either a freak of nature or a member of
Not all hunters will welcome being Chosen. A an undocumented species – but you know it
Null Mysteriis scientist might try different drug needs to die. Better stock up on caffeine pills
cocktails until something shuts the voice up. A and energy drinks for the next hunt.
Loyalist of Thule may undertake tireless occult
research for a “cure.” A good Christian in the
Long Night might beg for an exorcism and des-
Of all hunters, the Chosen most severely
perately cling to his faith in God.
blur the line between human and monster,
Infestation: You wish you had never heard
even more than the Cheiron Group or Lucifuge.
the word “wereroach.” If people think tentacles
By some groups’ definitions, the Chosen are
and slime are disgusting, they’ve obviously
monsters and fair game in the Vigil. Militant or
never witnessed a pack of human-sized cock-
violent organizations, including Task Force:
roach feasting on stray dogs and cats in an
VALKYRIE, will likely take this route.
abandoned warehouse. Their territory en-
Their cultish organization usually unnerves
croaches on your cult’s neighborhood. The sew-
hunters from mainstream religions. Not sur-
ers they scuttle through pass beneath your
prisingly, religious groups like the Long Night
priest’s apartment, the place you use for devo-
seek to convert the Chosen to a more respect-
tional gatherings. Roaches might survive a nu-
able faith. This is more likely to generate con-
clear holocaust but they cannot withstand the
flict than save souls.
Dread Lord’s wrath.
Then there are the “wild card” hunters like
There’s one slight complication. While
the Ashwood Abbey. The decadent Abbey mem-
werewolves and other shapeshifters seem to
bers will no doubt find alternative uses for ten-
change voluntarily, you believe wereroaches
tacles than as weapons. The Chosen may not
are forced to change and their condition is ac-
particularly like this sort of attention, although
tually a disease. Its symptoms and progression
a few might not mind.
appear similar to radiation poisoning.
It is also possible to use the Chosen of Kroll
Kroll wants you to destroy monsters that
and the Dread Lord as a story’s main villains.
prey on humans, so what if the human half of
What exactly is Kroll? What does He really
the wereroach is actually the victim in all of
want from His servants and humanity in gen-
this? What if it has no control over or even
memory of their actions while in their mon-
The End is Nigh: Cults have always made
strous form?
you nervous, even when the cult is comprised
Nobody Expects the Inquisition: You and
entirely of humans. So when your cell discov-
other local Chosen have recently suffered vio-
ered a cult of tentacle-waving monsters pre-
lent attacks by, of all things, Catholic priests.
tending to be human, you were not so much
Rumor has it that someone who just accepted a
nervous as scared shitless.
Krolli was wracked by Catholic guilt and went
Through your contacts and extensive re-
to a confessional. This freshly Chosen idiot
search, you’ve learned that the cult plans to
spilled everything the Krolli told him to the
summon their evil god, presumably to wreck
listening priest. The privacy of the confessional
havoc on or outright destroy the world. They
apparently doesn’t mean as much as it used to.
also plan to do this under the darkness of the
The Pope doesn’t approve and, more disturb-
next new moon – which happens to be tomor-
ingly, sent his personal militia to deal with the
row night.

The woman is certainly not the archetypical mon- She sees it twist and warp in the spray of blood and
ster hunter. She carries no wooden stakes, no holy blur of motion that ensues. Vines wrap around the
water, no religious texts. Nothing about her can be creature and thorns sprout from its pores. Her target
described as “dark” or “brooding.” She looks and is a rose in dandelion’s clothing.
dresses like a normal woman in her early thirties and No second chances, move into position, reacquire tar-
does not pretend to be anything different. Sure, she get, reacquire –
just broke into someone else’s empty home and plans She walks hunched and sideways, maintaining
to kill the owner, but she is otherwise normal. her gaze on the archway to make sure the creature
The hunter unfolds the bipod and holds her gun doesn’t try making a break for it. Any door or arch is
over the kitchen’s island. It was a custom M16A4 a potential escape route. The gun’s bipod is still ex-
assault rifle with collapsible stock, detachable folding tended and she doesn’t care. Stealth is now irrelevant
bipod, night vision scope, LED tactical illuminator and she turns her tactical illuminator – a lavish name
and both regular and infrared laser sights. She nor- for a flashlight attachment – on its brightest setting.
mally relied on lower-profile weapons but doesn’t A red-on-green vine lashes out of the shadows
want to take any chances. Not this time. Not with and the hunter barely dodges. A second follows, then
this target. a third, cutting her left cheek and tearing through the
This operation took months of planning and re- denim and flesh of her right thigh. She quickly uses
search, mostly because she refused to let the rest of the vines’ positions to triangulate their point of origin
her cell help. She stalked her target and found its re- and aims.
mote wilderness home. It lived off the grid, had nei- The tactical illuminator shows a hideous sight,
ther a phone nor a TV and relied on solar panels for the monstrous version of a wood nymph or nature
electricity. There wasn’t even a genuine mailing ad- spirit hunched on the floor as it clutches its bleeding
dress, just a post office box located half an hour away mid-section. The vines come from the creature’s
in the nearest town. The one mistake her target made head, where its hair should be, and a circle of red
was occasionally using its laptop at the town’s only thorns crowns her brow. Eyes of hypnotically swirl-
internet café. ing green hues glow brightly in the illuminator’s
The hunter did not want to take any chances. She blinding light.
placed microphones throughout the area, went to its The hunter does not hesitate and fires on full-
house while it was out and fired several blank rounds auto. The creature recoils with a screech and rolls
into the air. None of the mics near the neighbors’ dis- onto the ground. She drops the empty clip to the
tant homes picked up anything noteworthy or recog- ground and replaces it with a fresh forty rounds. The
nizable as an assault rifle on full auto. She collected switch is instinctive and nearly subconscious.
the mics and spent cartridges, of course. Be careful, For a fraction of a second, she wonders when she
be paranoid, be safe. went from being a nursing assistant to a soldier. Not
Then the hunter hears a noise and freezes. First a soldier in title or employment but in mentality.
came the click and thud of a lock being undone fol- When did she learn so much about weapons on the
lowed by the squeak of an old door opening. It was black and grey markets? When did she start spending
home early. more time at the firing range than with her children?
It was too early. The hunter hadn’t even set up Was it when the nightmares and mood swings
the motion sensors yet. started? Was that when this creature first stepped
No time, no time – foot on earth? Was that when her husband started
The hunter quietly prepares to fire at the first planning a divorce or was it around the time he took
sign of movement. There is no point in using her sole custody of the kids?
night vision scope; what if her target turns the lights None of that matters. All that matters is here,
on ? That would be a pathetic way to die, startled and now and the flower-woman staining the carpet with
blinding by simple in-door lighting. its pale green blood.
Her target appears briefly as it walks by the The dying creature sees the hunter clearly for the
kitchen’s archway, the only way in or out of the first time and the rage drains from its face. All that’s
room. It does not pause as it walks by and is proba- left is a curious sadness as it realizes they share the
bly headed to the bedroom or bathroom down the same features. The haircuts may be different but the
hall. It has no idea. It looks so calm, so tired and so flesh and bone are identical. “It’s not fair,” it says
disgustingly familiar. softly. “You’re not even real.”
The hunter opens fire and unloads half of her clip “Funny,” the hunter, the fetch, says as she aims
before the creature even knows what’s happening. It at the changeling’s head. “I was going to say the
dives into the adjacent dining room and out of sight. same thing about you.”
The Regency of Thorns (Conspiracy)

World of
Outside the visible world is a
beautiful and confusing realm
built of nightmares. It is ruled by
gods with endless power and
time to play, kill and mutilate.
This is Arcadia and its mad gods
play by alien rules. Their concept
of morality is incomprehensible to
inferior humans: virtue and vice
are inverted; manipulation and
lies are mores; bloodlust and be-
trayal are expected.
The barrier between Earth
and Arcadia is the semi-
permeable Hedge. Its exact ap-
pearance varies per locale (forest,
swamp, desert flora, subterranean
tunnels) but it manifests as nature
-gone-mad in all forms. Hobgob-
lins and monsters of all shapes
and sizes stalk its twisting briars
A favorite pastime of the Ar-
cadian gods is to kidnap unsus-
pecting humans and drag them
screaming through the Hedge.
The gods twist and warp their
captives into something … else,
into changelings. These slaves’
new forms suits whatever pur-
pose the Arcadian wants: a brut-
ish soldier to fight in pointless
eternal wars; a beautiful living statue or impossibly
the King of Dead Leaves. The King, like all Arcadi-
skilled musician existing only for the god’s amuse-
ans, was considerably weaker on Earth than in his
ment; a mix of animal and man kept on a short leash
native land. While still a force to be reckoned with,
as a pet or plaything.
his powers were infinitesimal compared to what he
Considering their rampant immorality, it may be
welded as a god.
surprising to learn that wayward Arcadian gods risk
Like changelings, the King appeared human ex-
permanent exile on Earth. They remain unaging and
cept to other beings from Arcadia or manipulated by
ageless but lose a significant amount of power once
Arcadian magic. His only telling sign was when
on humanity’s side of the Hedge. What would an
pieces of his shadow periodically blew away like au-
Arcadian need to do to offend his fellow immoral
tumn leaves. Even then, changelings had no reason to
and immortal sinners so greatly?
suspect the King was anything more than another,
albeit powerful, changeling.
The Dethroned God The King had many enemies in Arcadia and no
One particular banished Arcadian claimed his allies on Earth. That needed correcting immediately.
banishment was completely justified: he wanted to He began contacting changelings’ families, people
prevent an Arcadian invasion of Earth. who had no idea their relatives had been abducted
His true name was an unpronounceable rustling and experimented on by Arcadians. These humans
that roughly translated as El Rey de las Hojas Muertas, had the most reason to care about his story and des-

The Regency of Thorns (Conspiracy)
perately needed enlightenment. Once informed, they run by goblins and supernatural vegetation.
would be the only ones capable of helping the King Changelings unintentionally make this possible
halt the Arcadians’ invasion plans. more and more day by day. They frequently venture
into the Hedge for personal gain, easier transporta-

A Hundred tion or escape. Any door or archway on Earth could

become a gate into the Hedge at a changeling’s com-
Blind Cousins mand. Slowly but surely, the Hedge is breaking
down due to changelings’ ignorance and indiffer-
Changelings believe that doppelgangers called
ence. The best part is that the Arcadians don’t need to
“fetches” are left in their place so no one knows they
waste precious time on Earth in inferior forms; their
were abducted. The changelings are missing persons
unwitting slaves do all the work for them.
who never officially went missing. Their families live
with the fetch and have no reason to suspect foul Once the Hedge becomes unrecognizable, Arca-
dia will freely bleed into Earth. The limitations on
play, let alone supernatural intervention.
Arcadians venturing outside their realm will lessen
According to the King of Dead Leaves, that’s not
until such limitations completely cease to exist. Earth
entirely accurate. In fact, it’s remarkably wrong.
will become another playground for the uncaring
Arcadians do capture humans, that much is true,
and all-powerful Arcadian gods – and there’s noth-
but only to harvest part of the person’s soul and re-
ing humanity could possibly do to defend itself.
place it with “filler material.” The harvested part of
the soul, the “shard” as the King called it, is shaped
into a changeling. The human and three-fourths of First Contact
his soul are returned home with no memory of the The King knew the names of several hundred
event. The shard-turned-changeling remains in Arca- changelings and used this knowledge to begin build-
dia and is immediately put to work. ing an army. Through trickery, coercion and ar-
The fetches aren’t a lie; the changelings are. Any ranged meetings, the King made or forced dozens of
personality shifts in the fetch result from the human fetches to see their corresponding changelings. The
losing a quarter of his or her soul. King usually introduced himself to the fetch after it
And that’s not the worst part. saw its changeling but before it made contact. Faced
Changelings do not escape back to earth. No one with undeniable evidence that magical body doubles
escapes from gods. Changelings, once they serve were running loose, the fetches and their families
their purpose in Arcadia or when their masters get often believed anything else the King told them.
bored, are intentionally released on Earth. Why else Many chose to join the King’s personal hit squad.
are changelings’ memories of their escape hazy or The King never pretended to be a good person
completely nonexistent? There was no escape. and readily admitted as much. He was not trying to
So what does this have to do with a hyper- save humanity from an alien invasion. Earth did not
dimensional invasion? Arcadians don’t particularly need protecting from Arcadia; Arcadia needed pro-
like going to Earth. Except for banished Arcadians, tecting from Earth. The King feared his fellow Arcadi-
staying on Earth for several hours is physically pain- ans were wrong and that destroying the Hedge
ful and emotionally distressing. And, again, they’re would allow properties of the human world to enter
comparatively limited in power here. But Arcadians Arcadia. Instead of expanding the gods’ dominion, it
are fascinated by humans. They like human frailties, would annihilate Arcadian civilization and eliminate
emotions and malleability. It’s humanity’s native en- magic. While spiteful over his banishment, the King
vironment that’s the problem. did not want a civilization he spent millennia build-
The Hedge keeps both sides in check, with nei- ing to crumble without good reason.
ther Earth encroaching on Arcadia nor Arcadia in- The King’s exile began in São Paulo, Brazil but
truding on Earth. There is overlap here and there, his journeys brought him throughout Latin America
yes, some cross-pollination and mutations, but noth- and eventually into the southern United States. He
ing extreme. If the Hedge was ever weakened, the showed a remarkable proficiency in Portuguese,
overlapping would become more dramatic and no- Spanish and English that was never explained. He
ticeable. The very idea of the Hedge could eventually established cells in cities with known changeling
become obsolete as whole terrestrial forests are over- courts so his hunters had plenty of prey to pick form.

God is dead, God remains dead and

I set his corpse on fire just to be sure.

The Regency of Thorns (Conspiracy)
Even now, the modern Regency remains most active the hunters stopped attacking changelings belonging
in places the King personally visited. to these courts. Some courts were even willing to let
the hunters destroy several preexisting gateways as a
Forbidden Fruit sign of good faith.
The hunters and changelings arranged a meeting
Humans lack changeling’s fairy magic and are no on neutral territory in Guadalajara and planned a
match for Arcadians. After three years of raids and conference to hash out the deal’s details. The King of
assassination attempts using iron-tipped homemade Dead Leaves and two dozen hunters represented the
arrows, the King realized the compact needed teeth. King’s Court while three changeling representatives
The King still had access to the Hedge and estab- came from each court or freehold interested in nego-
lished several private safe spots, “Hollows,” within tiating a truce. Changelings are notoriously obsessive
its Thorns. He took native vegetation and earthly about deals and contracts and the hunters expected a
plants and began a complicated hybridization proc- drawn-out and overly-formal process. That is exactly
ess. Another five years passed and dozens of captive what they got.
changelings and hobgoblins were drained of blood No one knows exactly what happened or why,
and magic before the gardens were perfected. but no one left the conference alive. On the sixth and
The King called his creation manzanas espinosas, final day, a panicked voicemail left by a hunter in
loosely translated and colloquially called “thorn- attendance reported someone assassinated the King
apples.” The fruit resembles small apples that grow of Dead Leaves with an iron-tipped crossbow bolt to
inside thorn-covered shells before ripening and fal- the head. Two missed calls from other hunters were
ling to the ground. Thornapples come in nine differ- reported roughly two hours earlier. A bugged phone
ent colors and each provides a unique supernatural used by a changeling freehold also received a missed
bonus to whoever eats it. The hunters gradually built call at this time. Regardless of who shot first, every-
a tolerance for the thornapples and, once they one in attendance died in the crossfire.
stopped vomiting after each bite, their bodies Leaderless and infuriated, the hunters began a
adapted to the alien food. Thornapples provide extra new wave of violence against the changelings. They
protection against changelings’ magic, heal wounds renamed themselves La Regencia de las Espinhos, the
unnaturally fast or grant access to the Hedge. “Regency of Thorns.” The Regency vowed to show
The hunters quickly became genuine threats to no mercy, especially not towards the courts that mar-
changelings and even Arcadians. As the fairy body tyred the King of Dead Leaves.
count rose, so did the hunters’ pride and bloodlust. The King is dead. Long live the King.
Maybe the invasion could be stopped. Perhaps the
Arcadians would give up and decide Earth wasn’t
worth the trouble. Hidden Among
the Thorns
Regicide The secrets of cultivating and harvesting thorn-
It was around this time that the hunters were first apples did not die with the King. Knowing that death
referred to as La Corte del Rey, “the King’s Court.” was a real possibility considering his weakened state,
The changeling courts originally used this title as a the King had the foresight to teach select members of
derisive and sarcastic jab at the hunters’ level of the future Regency everything required to grow the
power and influence. Once news of this reached the alien fruit. There was one major problem the hunters
hunters, the name immediately caught on and stuck. needed to work around – thornapples can only be
Two years after the thornapples’ introduction, grown in the Hedge.
and about ten years before the present-day, the self- The Hedge is not all nightmares; it is possible to
declared leaders and nobility among the changelings find a thoroughly pleasant oasis or grotto within its
decided to take a new course of action. Combat was vast and increasingly unearthly vegetation. Unfortu-
not working; perhaps a truce would. A dozen nately, most of the “good spots” are either taken or
changeling courts and freeholds made contact with too well-documented for the hunters’ liking. Change-
the King’s Court in their cities, often losing a messen- lings often convert these safe patches into Hollows,
ger or two before finally getting the message deliv- occasionally going as far as living there despite the
ered. In short, the changelings were willing to make a obvious dangers.
deal. Each court would create a strictly enforced law Even Hollows are not safe; nowhere is safe in the
that declared any changeling who opened a new insidious and expansive Hedge. The Thorns claim
gateway into the Hedge would be put to death — if and reclaim whenever and wherever they can. A

The Regency of Thorns (Conspiracy)
stream-flanked, light-filled valley can become a mine- comes compromised. It would be better to lose an
field of briars and skewered corpses overnight. entire thornapple crop than let a single, precious fruit
The Hedge feeds on changelings and can be ap- fall into the enemy’s beautifully clawed hands.
peased by an offering of their magical energy.
Changelings routinely claim small spaces of the
Hedge as their Hollows by offering some of their The Enemy
power. The Thorns have their fill and are placated for Arcadians: They may be gods in Arcadia but are
a time. quite mortal on Earth. To the uneducated, Arcadians
Then there’s another, rarely used option: offering appear to be extremely powerful changelings. That is
a changeling’s life to keep the local Hedge happy and a gross understatement – they master the magical arts
content. The changeling does not need to be a willing changelings only dabble in.
participant and, if the Regency is involved, generally Arcadians embody their domains. The god of a
isn’t. The specifics of the sacrifice can make even a frozen wasteland wears a crown of icicles on a pale
member of the Promethean Brotherhood squeamish brow haloed by continuously falling snowflakes. The
and are best left to the imagination. The Thorns lap goddess of a wind-swept desert wears a gown of
up the flowing blood and slowly pull back and coil to swirling sands and evaporates the water and blood of
form a solid dome of stained vegetation. Drunk on her enemies with an angry glance. A god of the dark
blood, the Thorns will leave a hundred yard area forest stalks his prey with a pack of hobgoblin blood-
completely untouched. The walls begin slowly clos- hounds and a bow that fires arrows that always, al-
ing in again after at least one year, but they are slow ways, pierce the heart.
to awaken and uncharacteristically give plenty of The Regency occasionally runs afoul of the infa-
warning that reclamation is near. mous Wild Hunt, Arcadians and their pets that de-
Most Hollows feature at least two entrances: light in hunting down humans and changelings for
through the Hedge or through the mundane world. sport. These hunts increasingly focus on the Regency
The Regency’s groves are only accessible from the as these (human) hunters are potentially more inter-
mundane world. The only way in or out is a normal- esting prey than run-of-the-mill changelings. The
looking, albeit freestanding, doorway in the middle hunters literally become the hunted.
of the grove. Changelings: While Arcadians are the Regency’s
The Regency does not take chances. Each grove primary targets, they are nowhere near as numerous
has at least one hunter stationed there at all times. No as changelings. Changelings are loosely categorized
one expects a lone hunter to do much against change- into five groups based on loyalties and ideology as
lings or hobgoblins; the hunter is there largely to their powers and appearances vary so greatly.
detonate the explosives kept in the grove if it be- Bestias (Beasts): Arcadia births madness and

Inside the Hedge

The labyrinthine Hedge is more than a living maze: it confounds and traps visitors in many sub-
tle ways.
Radios, cell phones and the like cannot contact the outside world. Signals neither enter nor
leave the Hedge. This problem only gets worse over time as human technology becomes increas-
ingly less reliable the further one travels into the Hedge. Yes, this includes firearms. Penalties for
using human technology range from -1 to -5 depending on how deep into the Hedge one travels.
While in the Hedge, humans do not check for degeneration until after returning to Earth. The
Storyteller notes any actions characters take against their Morality while in the Hedge. Once back
on Earth, players make the appropriate roll or rolls starting with the most severe sin.
Changelings can no longer pretend to be human while inside the Hedge. Their illusions no
longer work and they appear as they really are. Even someone looking into the Hedge can see their
inhumanity. Monitoring a known gateway can provide remarkable amounts of information as
change-lings entering the gateway reveal their true forms and hint at their supernatural abilities.
The Hedge reacts to the emotions and alien auras of those inside of it. The more powerful the
creature, the more profound the environmental changes become. An ice-cold changeling is trailed
by sleet. An aquatic changeling subconsciously conjures up seaweed from within the thorns. It is
fairly easy to track a changeling as their proverbial footprints are often visible for an hour or more
after passing through an area. Trackers receive a +1 to +3 bonus when trailing, with the bonus
increasing with the overall power level of the prey.

The Regency of Thorns (Conspiracy)
many changelings are driven insane from years in soul makes the fetch feel hollow and incomplete.
captivity. Alternatively, their time in the human While some fetches get by with medication and/or
world may shatter their minds; Earth is now alien to support from the Regency, other fetches are no better
them. Bestias are mentally-imbalanced loners prone than Bestias. They are too mentally unhinged to be
to violence and bloodshed. helpful or trusted.
Incendiarios (Arsonists): These are the closest Miscellaneous Threats: Anything could be the
thing hunters have to changeling allies. Incendiarios enemy. The same magic that makes changelings and
want to cut off all entrances and exits into Arcadia Arcadians look human, the Mask, affects their ob-
and do not care about the repercussions. Many are jects, tools and pets. Anything touched and altered by
little more than antisocial terrorists. Do not be mis- the Arcadians looks no more unusual than it did be-
taken; they are still a threat. fore. The neighbor’s dog might be a hobgoblin. A
Nobleza (Nobility): This is the largest changeling Zippo lighter is really more powerful than a flame-
faction and the one hunters will most likely encoun- thrower. A dashboard hula girl statuette warps real-
ter. Members of the Nobleza want new lives on ity and bends probability with every swing of her
Earth, believing themselves to be escaped slaves plastic hips. Be careful, be paranoid, be safe.
whose old lives are gone forever. They try to avoid
recapture and are usually clueless about their true
nature and how greatly they endanger the world(s). Hunters
The Nobleza gather in season-themed courts You were hit by a car while crossing the street, on
based around common philosophies: spring a crosswalk in broad daylight nonetheless. The driver
(hedonism and pleasure), summer (wrath and venge- stepped out and your eyes met – the driver looked
ance), autumn (fear and theft) and winter (stealth and exactly like you did at seventeen years old. He
emotional detachment). jumped back in the car, backed up and tried running
Revolucionarios (Revolutionaries): Changeling you over. You got off the street in time and ran as
militias dedicated to conquering Arcadia exist and best as you could with a broken leg. Your doppel-
are, not surprisingly, comprised of violent idiots. ganger relentlessly pursued you and drove on the
Their delusions of turning their former prison into a curb to get a better hit. You ducked into a store to get
paradise make even Bestias question their sanity. away and begged the storeowner to call the police.
Revolucionarios will sacrifice anyone and anything You lived in fear for weeks and wasted all of your
for the greater cause. They will readily use hunters sick days and personal days before being contacted
and other changelings as bait for Arcadians and hon- by the Regency. The Regency killed your evil twin
estly do not care if their “friends” survive. and used his fingerprints to find out who you were.
Esclavos (Slaves): Spies, instigators and sabo- They explained what it was – a changeling – and
teurs that knowingly serve Arcadians harass change- what that made you – a fetch, a person missing part
lings and humans alike. This term is occasionally ap- of his soul. They also made it clear that you greatly
plied to the few humans serving, following or wor- owed them.
shiping the Arcadian gods. It didn’t take a genius to realize your hiking trip
Hobgoblins: Hobgoblins are the only truly in- had gone horribly off course. The foliage slowly be-
digenous creatures in the Hedge and are even more came less recognizable the further you and your
diverse than changelings. The Regency believes hob- friends entered the woods. Your GPS and satellite
goblins are warped and created by the Hedge itself, phone stopped working around the time you saw the
unlike changelings which are willfully and purpose- glowing red eyes of what could only be described as
fully shaped by the Arcadians. Hobgoblins range an ogre. You were taken aback when, instead of beat-
from bloodthirsty beasts stalking the Thorns to intel- ing you and gnashing your bones, the ogre asked for
ligent, bargain-hungry, deal-making capitalists orga- identification. Apparently the “market” was invita-
nizing “Goblin Markets” inside the Hedge. Regard- tion-only and he did not recognize you on the guest
less of their appearance or perceived intelligence, list. One of your friends stammered out a response,
hobgoblins are not to be trusted. They are still alien; you don’t remember the wording, but it was appar-
they are still the enemy. ently a wrong answer. The ogre sighed then noncha-
Fetches :While one of the Regency’s main goals is lantly ripped your friend in half and splashed the im-
contacting and recruiting fetches, that does not mean mediate area in blood. Thankfully, a team of camou-
all fetches are trustworthy or stable. All fetches are a flaged men with shotguns and improvised explosives
bit … off due to their broken souls. Mental illnesses intervened to save you and your comrades. They
and social problems abound. Losing part of one’s were apparently planning to ambush the market but

The Regency of Thorns (Conspiracy)
changed their plans to rescue you. While
they missed an opportunity to kill dozens Translation, Please.
of hobgoblins and changelings, they Most members of the Regency speak Spanish as their
gained you and your surviving friends as first or only language. Below is a partial list of common,
fresh recruits in the Regency. game-specific terms that Regency members in the Spanish-
You’ve been with the Regency since speaking world would use.
the beginning. Your sister was contacted
by the King of Dead Leaves and subse- English Spanish
Arcadia Arcadia
quently revealed to be a fetch. She died in
Arcadian (True Fae) Arcadiano (m)
combat but managed to kill her change-
Arcadiana (f)
ling a month earlier. Your family didn’t Changeling Feérico (m)
even get the option of burying her – her Feérica (f)
body collapsed into a pile of cogs and Fetch Incompleto (m)
wire. Years of active service, injuries and Incompleta (f)
nightmares has progressively caught up Goblin Fruit Fruta Feérica
with you. You officially retired from your Goblin Market Mercado Feérico
day job and spend more time tending a The Hedge El Seto
thorn-apple grove in the Hedge than you Hobgoblin Duende
do on Earth. It’s not like you’re missing King of Dead Leaves El Rey de las Hojas Muertas
anything – your parents are both dead
and most of your oldest friends in the Regency died entrances into the Hedge. The problem with closing a
or burnt out before you. gateway is that changelings could always make an-
The bug-eyed Greys? The shape-shifting Reptili- other one in the same general area. Condes must se-
ans? The all-too-Nazi-looking Nordics? Guess what – cure an area, actually drive out the local changelings,
they’re Arcadians. All of them. The alien invasion is and make sure it does not fall back into enemy hands.
not from another world but another universe. You The resulting conflicts often appear to be gang turf
know other hunters in the Regency don’t take your wars to outsiders like the police.
theories seriously but it’s impossible to deny the par- There is no single leader of the Condes but many
allels between the alien abduction phenomena and cities have a de facto leader who plans and coordi-
the Arcadians’ sick games. The abductees are part of nates the local Condes’ raids. A city dominated by
the Arcadians’ research and factor into their invasion Condes is called a Condado.
plans. They have to. So while the rest of the Regency Caballeros (Knights) patrol the Hedge and
tries locating and protecting fetches, you’re busy in- known gateways into it. Unlike the Condes who
filtrating and recruiting from support groups for ab- readily close gateways, Caballeros exploit these
ductees and contactees. openings as opportunities to lay traps. Sometimes
these take the form of ambushes; other times they are

Factions outright terrorist attacks. More than one goblin mar-

ket has been devastated by homemade bombs
The Regency is effectively leaderless and still wrapped in layers of hand-sharpened iron. Cabal-
struggles to find its identity even after years of leros get into frequent screaming matches with the
growth. Its members pull it in several different ideo- Condes. It is hard to monitor and booby-trap a gate-
logical directions at once. If not for a shared history, a way when someone else unexpectedly seals it.
vastly more powerful common enemy and the hunt- Caballero Matías Bustamante has produced the
ers’ need for thornapples, many would form their Regency’s equivalent of the Anarchist’s Cookbook. He
own distinct organizations and break contact with creates, stars in and distributes a series of digital
the Regency forever. video clips about how to most efficiently ambush
The various factions use titles of nobility to inten- changelings in or near the Hedge. Topics include
tionally mock the changeling courts and entitlements. properly filling shotgun shells with cold iron, making
Regency cells do not function like courts and lack the victim-detonated traps, operating without leaving
formality of genuine nobility. Hunters occasionally fingerprints or DNA samples and building reliable
use the factions’ names as titles before personal flamethrowers. While solely intended for the Re-
names (Condesa Gómez, Margrave Silva, etc.). gency, these videos have found their way onto Net-
Condes (Counts) are the largest faction and focus work Zero sites without Bustamante’s knowledge.
on closing all changeling- and Arcadian-controlled Hidalgos provide a mental and social support

The Regency of Thorns (Conspiracy)

Illuminated Brotherhood: I once found a guy tripping balls in the Hedge. At first, I assumed he
was under magical influence. How he could walk in a straight line, let alone navigate an alien di-
mension, is beyond me.
Long Night: I think we’re on the same side, as we’re both fighting to prevent the end of the
world. An Arcadian invasion is not much different than demonic armies marching forth from a
fiery abyss. Hell, I bet they’re the same thing.
Aves Minerva: This Minerva character sounds suspicious. The whole thing reeks of Arcadian
pledges and magic. These witches, or whatever they are, aren’t changelings or noticeably altered
by an Arcadian influence. Still, keep an eye on them.
The Lucifuge: They can supposedly summon Arcadians. Not intentionally, mind you, but they
can do it by mistake. Maybe they could help us lay traps and kidnap unsuspecting Arcadians ...
hmm, it’s worth looking into.

network for fellow fetches. While a handful of Hidal- only way they can meaningfully contribute to the
gos are human, they are almost exclusively fetches. Regency’s cause.
They work together to deal with their inherent iden- The largely hermetic Margraves have no recog-
tity crisis and cope with the knowledge that their nizable leadership. Each Margrave operates inde-
souls are no longer whole. Hidalgos focus on “the pendently and mentors one or more Margraves-in-
fetch as a person” and make sure other fetches, espe- training during their tenure. Thornapple groves vary
cially fellow Hidalgos, do not further lose their hu- per Margrave: some feature modern connivances and
manity through immoral actions and overly-violent electronics powered by portable generators; others
Vigils. Hidalgos discourage fetches from experiment- are little more than an apple orchid with a wooden
ing with or trying to discover any supernatural abili- shack in the middle.
ties granted by their partially Arcadian souls.
Their spiritual leader is Hidalga Vitória Jiménez,
a psychologist and fetch from Venezuela. She goes on Status
biannual tours to provide her fellow fetches with free Status is earned by supporting the ever-brewing
seminars and lectures about dealing with life as an war against Arcadia and/or embodying and embold-
“incomplete human.” Home-printed copies of her ening a faction’s virtues and objectives.
self-help book/autobiography Pensar en la Inmortali- • The Regency trusts you with its secrets. And, al-
dad del Cangrejo are available in five languages. most as importantly, your digestive system is start-
Infantes, like the Hidalgos, are fetches. That’s ing to trust thornapples. You may now buy dots in
where the similarities end. The small but growing the Tolerance Merit and purchase thornapples.
Infante community pushes its members to discover Please note that fetches cannot have more than two
their inner power, to fight Arcadian fire with Arca- dots of the Tolerance Merit. More information on
dian fire. So what if a fetch’s dread powers are fueled the Fetch Merit can be found on page 115.
by alien filler material shoved into a hole in its soul? ••• If you are not already in a faction, someone is
It provides strength; it helps level the playing field. bound to notice and steer you in a particular direc-
Some Infantes do not use thornapples and rely exclu- tion. If you belong to a faction, you’ve begun earn-
sively on “the power within.” ing a name for yourself and attracted positive atten-
Infanta Sofía Sepúlveda is a rising star in the Re- tion. You gain a more experienced or resourceful
gency and has become the Infantes’ leader in all but hunter in the Regency as a free two-dot Mentor. If
name. Sepúlveda wrote a series of pamphlets collec- you’re a fetch, this mentor is likely another fetch
tively named A Lo Divino. She advocates exploiting who understands what you are going through.
the fetches’ curse and turning it into a blessing. ••••• Your continuing exposure to Arcadian
Strength can be stolen from tragedy; power can be magic has made you immune to its tricks. You gain
drawn from pain. Unseen Sense (The Mask) for free. You always see
Finally, Margraves are the glue binding these Arcadians and their ilk for what they truly are.
groups together. Their primary goal is cultivating Changelings sometimes call people with this ability
and protecting the Regency’s thornapple groves “ensorcelled” and may grant this power at will.
within the Hedge. Many Margraves once belonged to If the hunter is a fetch, she instead gains a three-dot
other factions and are no longer in prime fighting Retainer. This is likely a fellow fetch looking for a
condition; they believe protecting the groves is the role model or mentor.

The Regency of Thorns (Conspiracy)

Endowment: on all rolls for the remainder of the scene.

Failure: The effects do not work and the thorn-
apple is wasted. The hunter’s stomach churns and
she knows that she, and the thornapple, failed.
The Tolerance Merit represents how well a
hunter’s body processes thornapples. Anyone with- Success: The effects work as described.
out this Merit who eats a thornapple will suffer what Exceptional Success: The effects work as de-
scribed. The hunter also gains relief from the tempo-
is best described as food poisoning (a Dramatic Fail-
rary derangement she acquired for getting the thorn-
ure). Even the hunters in the Regency go through this
apple. The derangement does not affect her for the
sickening phase as their bodies gradually build up a
rest of the scene.
tolerance for the alien fruit.
Tolerance is purchased like any other Merit. The
boons granted by thornapples last longer as a Black Thornapple
hunter’s Tolerance rating increases. The hunter eats a sour and watery black thorn-
But how do thornapples go from secret groves in apple while looking at a changeling or anything else
the Hedge to a hunter’s stomach? The hunter must empowered by Arcadian magic. A photo or video
contact a Margrave who, in turn, supplies the thorn- does not suffice; she must actually see her subject.
apples the hunter wants. This is surprisingly easy as She gains (Tolerance) dots of the subject’s Dread
most Regency cells have one or two Margraves they Powers for the rest of the scene. She must know her
exclusively rely on for thornapples. They might never subject has these abilities in order to use them.
even meet the Margrave face-to-face; it can be as sim- The cost of using these Dread Powers is doubled.
ple as placing “orders” by e-mail and finding thorn- For example, if the hunter gains the Dread Power
apples mysteriously in their fridge the next day. “Tendrils,” it will cost 4 points of Willpower to acti-
Acquiring thornapples is not without a price. The vate. If a power does not normally require the expen-
hunter must contribute to the thornapples’ further diture of Willpower, she must spend a point of Will-
growth and cultivation. As earthly plants need power the first time that power is used.
sunlight, thornapples bask in memories and dreams. The hunter may only mimic the Dread Powers of
Mechanically, buying thornapples costs 1 Experi- one subject at a time. She cannot take on another sub-
ence Point or Practical Experience apiece. The morn- ject’s Dread Powers until the duration expires.
ing after she acquires thornapples, the hunter awak-
ens with a mild derangement that persists for a num-
ber of days equal to how many thornapples she
Blue Thornapple
bought. If she acquires additional thornapples before For whatever reason, the blue thornapple is the
the derangement dissipates, the duration increases only thornapple that actually tastes like an apple.
proportionally and it is upgraded to a severe de- Eating a blue thornapple gives the hunter “armor”
rangement. The derangement varies depending on equal to her dots in Tolerance. This is not a physical,
what type of memory or dream was taken (as deter- tangible armor but provides protection nonetheless.
mined by the Storyteller). The hunter has no say in This Armor only works against Arcadian magic
what dream or memory is taken and will likely never in all its forms (contracts, pledges, etc.); it offers no
know what she bartered away. extra protection against mundane attacks. For exam-
Hunters for the Regency start play with (Status + ple, a changeling throwing a punch that is not mag-
Tolerance) number of thornapples and a mild de- ically enhanced would be unaffected by the invisible
rangement of the Storyteller’s choice. The derange- armor. Now, if the changeling was under the effects
ment persists for (Status + Tolerance) days. of Unholy Attribute (Strength) at the time, that’s an-
Eating a thornapple is considered either a reflex- other story.
ive actions over two turns or an instant action for a
single turn. This assumes the hunter is capable of eat- Gold Thornapple
ing at the time. Upon eating a thornapple, the hunter Gold thornapples are invaluable to the Regency
reflexively rolls her Stamina + Tolerance. The follow- and are central to its mission. Eating a gold thorn-
ing roll results apply to all thornapples: apple, a honey-flavored fruit with a metallic after-
Dramatic Failure: The effects do not work and taste, fills the hunter’s body with a warm tingling
the hunter immediately throws up. She takes feeling. This sensation does not last long, only half a
(Tolerance) points of bashing damage. If she does not minute (ten turns), but allows her to do one of the
have the Tolerance Merit, she instead takes (6 – Stam- following during that time:
ina) points of bashing damage and has a -1 penalty Open a preexisting gateway into the Hedge. She

The Regency of Thorns (Conspiracy)
knocks on the entrance (door, window, archway, etc.) If a changeling eats a silver thornapple, his De-
and it opens before her to reveal the Hedge on the fense is effectively 0 for the rest of the scene.
other side. The gateway remains open for (Tolerance) There are two different prices the hunter may
turns. This costs 1 point of Willpower. choose to pay:
Close a preexisting gateway into the Hedge. (1) Spend 2 points of Willpower after eating the
Gateways usually remain open for several turns (see thornapple. Its effects begin the same turn as the
above) and this is a good way to cover one’s tracks. second point is spent.
This costs nothing. (2) Take 1 point of bashing damage per turn from
Create a new gateway into the Hedge by touch- wracking coughs and suddenly chills for the next
ing the structure and demanding it opens. This may 5 turns after the duration expires.
seem counterproductive to the Regency’s cause, but it
sometimes must be done. This takes two turns and
costs 2 points of Willpower (one point per turn).
Violet Thornapple
By eating a violet thornapple, the hunter becomes
Permanently close a preexisting gateway into
temporarily immune to all sources of bashing dam-
the Hedge. By touching the gateway and demanding
it be sealed forever, the entrance can never be turned age. The duration is equal to (Tolerance x 5) turns.
into a gateway again. This requires 3 points of Will- The overly ripe taste of a violet thornapple lin-
power spent on three consecutive turns before the gers in the hunter’s mouth for the rest of the scene.
gateway is sealed. A new gateway can never be cre- She may either spend a point of Willpower to ignore
ated within a (Presence + Tolerance) x 10 yard radius. it or suffer a -1 dice pool penalty to all Mental and
speech-based Social rolls. This penalty begins the
turn after she eats the thornapple.
Green Thornapple
Anything altered by Arcadian magic appears
deceptively normal due to the so-called Mask. Eating
White Thornapple
a sickeningly sweet green thornapple allows the Unlike most thornapples, the white thornapple
hunter to peer past the Mask and see changelings for does not immediately grant a supernatural bonus.
what they really are. Any other objects or creatures The bland-tasting fruit remains in the hunter’s sys-
concealed using Arcadian magic are also revealed. tem for 15 seconds (5 turns) before any noticeable
The duration is a number of hours equal to the changes occur.
hunter’s dots in the Tolerance Merit. By spending a point of Willpower (and waiting
patiently), the hunter heals 5 bashing, 3 lethal or 1
aggravated point(s) of damage. The damage is healed
Red Thornapple at a rate of one point per turn.
Red thornapples provide an emergency escape The hunter may only safely eat white thornap-
route from the Hedge. By eating a juicy red thorn- ples (Tolerance) times per week. Further attempts
apple, which tastes disturbingly like raw meat, a induce vomiting and inflict 3 points of bashing dam-
hunter instantly reappears outside the Hedge in the age. No one is quite sure why this happens.
general vicinity of where she originally entered it.
The combination of an awful taste and the side-
effects of suddenly shifting position in time and
Yellow Thornapple
space produce a rather horrible, stomach-churning Yellow thornapples are a nap in every bite. Eat-
feeling within the hunter. She either spends one point ing one produces a relaxing feeling comparable to
of Willpower or suffers three points of bashing dam- waking up from a good night’s rest. While consid-
age from bloody vomiting. As a side note, samples of ered delicious and often compared to candy, the de-
the vomited blood shows it is not always the same scribed taste varies per person.
blood type as the person it came from. For the next (Tolerance) turns after eating a yel-
low thornapple, the hunter receives a +1 bonus to
Composure-based rolls but a -1 penalty to Wits-based
Silver Thornapple rolls. She is more relaxed but less alert.
A hunter’s skin and eyes pale after eating a sharp Eating a yellow thornapple also restores a point
flavored silver thornapple. For the next (Tolerance) of spent Willpower. This may only be done once in a
turns, the hunter’s touch has the same effects as cold 24 hour period. Furthermore, it can only be done
iron. This means Brawl-based attacks ignore change- (Tolerance) times per week. Any extra attempts, in 24
lings’ Defense and armor. Similar attacks against Ar- hours or a week, provide the dice pool bonuses men-
cadians inflict aggravated damage. tioned above but do not restore Willpower.

The Regency of Thorns (Conspiracy)

That won’t do. The fetch displays an uncanny

Storytelling ability at attracting Arcadians to his, and your,
location. Can your cell survive persistent at-
Protagonists tacks from vengeful Arcadian gods? Can you
It does not matter how sympatric or pitiful even confront the fetch without him summon-
a changeling acts; it cannot be permitted to ing a small Arcadian army to defend himself?
continue ripping holes in the barrier between The Overgrown: An invasive species of
worlds. The Regency is more than willing to vines with poisonous tomato-like fruit has be-
kill the changeling if that is the only way to gun overgrowing numerous thornapple groves.
stop it. One or more universes could die if the Whole groves have been lost to these invaders.
Regency falters. There can be no compromises. No one knows what or who caused this prob-
Even though the Regency has several lem or where the vines originally came from.
means of detecting changelings, the hunters That’s also not the biggest problem – the rival
are justifiably paranoid. The enemy can pop factions of the Regency are fighting for control
out of the Hedge at any natural or manmade of the few unspoiled thornapple groves.
entranceway. Arcadians have captured thou-
sands or millions of humans so what makes
the hunters immune to abduction?
The World of Darkness is not entirely black
The Briar Patch: You and your cell have
-and-white. Some hunters are on good terms
become lost in the Hedge. No one in your cell
with a changeling or even an entire court or
has a red or gold thornapple handy so you are
freehold. The Regency views all changelings as
forced to find a preexisting gateway in order to
threats and fair game regardless of who or
escape back to earth. Unfortunately, a pack of
what its friends are.
hobgoblin briarwolves patrols that patch of the
The Regency frequently destroys gateways
Hedge and uses the gateway as a trap. These
into the Hedge. Hunters dedicated to explora-
aren’t werewolves; briarwolves are perpetually
tion and discovery might consider a gateway to
half-man, half-beast monstrosities with dis-
be a vital resource or, worse, be inside the
turbing hints of intelligence glimmering in
Hedge when the Regency destroys their only
their yellow eyes. The only way to escape is to
known way back to Earth.
outwit or overpower the briarwolves on their
home turf. Apple Cores: Your cell is investigating a
The Loyal Fetch: Your cell has met an un- series of disappearances that you believe are
usual fetch; he already knows he’s a fetch and the work of a supernatural beast. The missing
bought into the lie, believing changelings are persons’ homes have all been thoroughly
the true humans and fetches are constructed trashed and show clear signs of struggle. Oth-
from sticks, straw and other garbage found erwise, the cases have nothing in common -
lying around. This fetch has now taken an in- the victims are from completely different back-
terest in your cell and the Regency as a whole. grounds and operate in unrelated social cir-
He sees no harm in the Regency killing cles. Clues are scarce and your only major lead
changelings but finds the hunters’ ultimate is the apple cores that keep popping up at the
goal of killing Arcadians to be quite unsettling. crime scenes.

Sample Briarwolf
Mental Attributes:
Attributes Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3
Physical Attributes:
Attributes Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Social Attributes:
Attributes Presence 1, Manipulation 1, Composure 2
Mental Skills:
Skills Investigation (Tracking) 4
Physical Skills:
Skills Athletics 2, Brawl (Claws) 5, Stealth 5, Survival 3
Social Skills:
Skills Animal Ken (Prey Reactions) 3, Intimidation 3
Merits Allies (Pack) 3, Danger Sense, Brawling Dodge, Direction Sense, Fast Reflexes 2, Fleet of
Foot 3, Fresh Start, Language (Wolf)
Morality 3 Virtue:
Virtue Fortitude Vice:
Vice Wrath
Initiative 8 Defense:
Defense 3 Speed:
Speed 15
Health 9 Willpower:
Willpower 5
Dread Powers:
Powers Clamber 2, Dread Attack (Fangs & Claws) 2, Lurker in Darkness 3, Terrify 2
Special Its thick hide grants Armor 1/1 and allows the briarwolf to ignore wound penalties.

Yegor [REDACTED]’s handler supplies him with more injections. They exchange manila folders
from bulletproof briefcases and discuss the members of Yegor’s cell. The purposes of this meet-
ing appear to be (1) supplying Yegor with more of the unknown drug and (2) discussing which
members of the cell are trustworthy. They quickly conclude Nikoloz [REDACTED] must be elimi-
nated. 1LT Claire (“Svetlana”) [REDACTED]’s infiltration has not been discovered by the Rus-
sian operative or the other members of the compromised cell.

[STATIC] [3 min, 18 sec]
[Rusted Hammer’s A/V bug experiences technical difficulties, presumably the result of sweeping and jamming attempts by
the handler (“H”). Bug adapts and begins recording partway into the conversation.[1] The handler is in the process of inject-
ing the first syringe into Yegor’s (“Y”) chest.]
Y: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] still burns. I get these shots three times a year and it still burns every single time.
H: The pain is imaginary. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] your bloodstream. Except for a pinprick upon injection, it never enters
[STATIC] [42 sec]
Y: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] to suspect. All I do is report back to you, so what could they notice? I am not the one running back-
ground checks and other inquiries. They have no reason to question anything about me.
H: You expressed prior concerns about the Georgian, about Nikoloz
Y: I expressed concerns that he was a wild card, not that he discovered my role. He is not a threat but he is ... Nikoloz is a
poor recruit. He continues making disparaging comments about the war in South Ossetia and considers it to be Russia-
occupied territory and not a legitimate country. He’s already going against Russian decree so how can we be assured
he’d take orders from the Russian government? [2]
H: Have you taken peer pressure into consideration? If the rest of his cell accepts our offer, would he be the odd man out?
Y: I’m more concerned that he may convince the others not to join. He is an unacceptable variable.
H: You do not have the authority to terminate him.
Y: I’m not suggesting that he needs to die, merely be removed from the equation.
H: The offer remains on the table. I’ll present it to the higher-ups as an addendum to your report.
Y: I’m not sure I could kill him. I have the skills, do not doubt me, but it is [UNINTELLIGIBLE].
H: Another operative will perform the deed. There cannot be any evidence of our involvement. An accident or chance en-
counter would work best. Your normal tactic of casually shooting [UNINTELLIGIBLE].
H: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] his friend Andrei?
Y: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] sense of humor. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] shelled Chechens in 2000.
H: Sounds promising. Very promising.
Y: Svetlana will follow Andrei. There is no question about that. [3]
H: But will her loyalty be with him or us?
Y: Does loyalty matter as much as unquestioningly following orders?
H: It certainly does not hurt.

[1] Transcriber [REDACTED] notes: “TAKOMA came through with this one.”
[2] While neither Yegor nor his handler have said their organization’s name, this is the first definitive proof they are employed by the Rus-
sian government. This supports the theory they serve the FSB.
[3] Transcriber [REDACTED] notes: “1LT Claire [REDACTED]’s field reports do not indicate romantic or sexual involvement with any
members of the cell. There is no reason to suspect otherwise. This is merely Yegor’s own opinions and speculation. The lieutenant’s
loyalties remain with TF:V and America.”

Page 01 of 09
Section Nine (Conspiracy)

Back in the USSR accident in 1956.

Task Force: VALKYRIE began reencountering
It is common knowledge among government- their Soviet counterparts in the 1970s. Field reports
sponsored counter-occult and counter-supernatural distressingly and consistently noted that the Soviets’
programs that Section Nine began as part of hunters were better equipped than TF:V. Stories fil-
SMERSH, the World War II era Soviet counter- tered in about Soviets with lightning guns powered
intelligence departments. Section Nine was the by cylindrical containers with unknown liquid con-
counter-occult department tasked with fighting and tents. The Soviets wore suits made of metal mesh that
capturing Nazi occultists and their inhuman allies. allowed them to physically interact with ghosts and
The contemporary Task Force: VALKYRIE generally spirits. The indignity of being behind the Soviets
dismissed Section Nine as inept and understaffed, drove Task Force: VALKYRIE to develop the Mjolnir
which was largely true during the 1940s. Cannon … thirty years later.
That would not be the case for long. The Loyalists and TF:V both reported incidents
In the mid-1950s, the Loyalists of Thule uncov- with Soviet “super-hunters” throughout the 1970s
ered incomplete documents from 1945 and 1946 de- and 1980s. Reports of a Soviet cell taking down an
scribing a metallic, bell-shaped device measuring 9 entire werewolf pack or witch cabal without suffer-
feet wide by 15 feet high. The device contained two ing a single casualty were not unheard of. The Sovi-
counter-rotating led-lined cylinders storing an un- ets also had little problem with hiding evidence as
known substance. The schematics are labeled entirely their infamous lightning guns completely eradicated
in Russian but the device is curiously named in Ger- the enemy and left no identifiable remains.
man: Die Glocke, “the Bell.” Other documents later The Ascending Ones first discovered Section
acquired by the Loyalists in the 1950s and 1960s inde- Nine during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in
pendently verify that the Bell was moved to an un- 1979. The Jagged Crescent faction was heavily in-
disclosed part of Siberia following an unexplained volved in the Afghani opium market and rightfully

Section Nine (Conspiracy)
feared the mujahedeen insurgency would negatively Other videos from Russia on Network Zero,
impact or even halt opium production. This led to the many filmed without the interviewees’ knowledge or
unorthodox and unprecedented alliance between the consent, feature Russian soldiers reporting sightings
Jagged Crescent and Section Nine in combating the of the undead in 1994 and 2002, almost as if the
insurgency. The eventual withdrawal of Soviet forces corpses were migrating through the Russian taiga.
spoiled what could have become a productive, long The longest such video is of a clearly inebriated sol-
term partnership between the two organizations. dier and this adds little credibility to the already wild
The glory days of Section Nine ended with the story. Nevertheless, the zombie-hunting Dirge has
Cold War. Task Force: VALKYRIE believes Section taken an interest in these videos but has yet mounted
Nine was absorbed by the Federal Security Service of an expedition to Siberia due to the finances required.
the Russian Federation following the Soviet Union’s In 2007, a hunter within the Promethean Brother-
collapse. Stories of indestructible Russian hunters hood writes a detailed report about a witch he sacri-
disappeared around that time, probably because ficed using the Rite of Hectate and forwards it as an
funding for super-weapons quickly dried up. encrypted PDF to his closest colleagues. While the
Rite has worked half-a-dozen times before, he reports
Missing Links that it inexplicably failed on this particular witch and
he offers several theories as to why. He claims he wit-
Contrary to what Task Force: VALKYRIE be- nessed the witch hurl lightning and burn symbols
lieved and still tells its agents, the story of Section with a mere touch. The hunter and his house are de-
Nine does not end there. The story just becomes in- stroyed by a gas explosion two days later.
creasingly fragmented and confusing. In 2010, an Ascending One in Kyrgyzstan alerted
The Silver Cross clinic in Chicago treats a man the rest of the Jagged Crescent about alchemists
for blood loss, presumably from a vampire attack, in working for the Russian military. A few cryptic and
1992. A nurse recognizes the man as a resident of paranoid e-mails and text messages are all the evi-
Highland Park, an area with a relatively large percent dence the Ascending One left behind. He died from
of Russian-Americans. This is the first of many visits undiagnosed cancer before making face-to-face con-
the man makes over the next four years. The man tact with more senior Ascending Ones.
makes a final visit in 1996 to thank the clinic’s staff
for all their help. He cryptically tells them that he no
longer needs their services and is never seen again. Party Lines
In 1997, Cheiron field operatives in the Ukraine No one inside Section Nine will ever know the
reported a Russian man with the ability to mutate his organization’s entire history. All active operatives in
and others’ bodies. Early observations suggested he Section Nine began serving after the USSR collapsed.
had thaumatechnology comparable to Cherion’s in- Operatives are told the organization has existed
novations. Extensive research confirms the man be- since World War II and once answered directly to
longed to the KGB and the Federal Security Service. Stalin. They are briefed about the supernatural world
A Carver cell in Turkmenistan disappeared with- and the threat it poses on modern civilization. The
out a trace in 2000. The cell was last reported tracking Russian Federation is vast and there are plenty of
down a serial killer with a Russian accent. There is no dark corners for blood-thirsty beasts to wait and
evidence that the hunters were killed, nor is there any watch. Section Nine is the protective, thankless big
evidence that they’re still alive. brother of the Russian people.
A video uploaded to Network Zero in 2002 There are no tales of stolen Nazi wonder-
shows a Russian sailor pursued by Russian soldiers technology, lightning guns or ghost-proof armor.
through the streets of Magaden in Kolyma. The sailor These are neither confirmed nor denied and it is best
hysterically warns anyone in hearing range about a to never discuss the topic with one’s superiors. Too
zombie invasion coming from the north. No such in- many questions annoy the higher-ups.
vasion occurred. The sailor was reportedly last seen The panic- and riot-prone public can never know
being forced onto an Ilyushin II-14 transport at the about the existence of monsters. There is no question
Magadan-13 airport. about that. Unlike Task Force: VALKYRIE with its

You get your orders and you follow them.

It’s that simple. Play by the rules and
no one but the enemy gets hurt.
Section Nine (Conspiracy)
memory-erasing drug cocktail, Section Nine takes a be a pacemaker upon casual examination. The proce-
much more low-tech approach and kills or recruits dure is preferably performed in a sterile setting but
any unauthorized person who learns too much. The has been conducted in basements and hotel bath-
threat of someone recalling the truth through dreams rooms before.
or therapy is too great. If possible, a subtle assassina- The implant dispenses Serum 525 into the sub-
tion is preferred; cancer is a wonderful weapon. ject’s system in controlled doses. The implant must
Another reason for secrecy is that Section Nine is be periodically refilled and Section Nine uses this as
not unique. Other governments know about the su- an excuse to send envoys with further instructions
pernatural and actively combat and conceal it. Opera- and syringes of the Serum.
tives for Section Nine know about TF:V, VASCU and The implant also contains monitoring and track-
MI18; they are briefed on the psychic-assassins of ing devices. Section Nine always knows where its
Mossad; they watch video evidence of Taoist magic operatives are, if they are alive or if their implant
buried beneath layers of Chinese pseudo-science; needs refilling. This is no secret: Section Nine makes
they receive a crash course on the henna-tattooed it very clear to its operatives that they will be termi-
sorceresses serving the Saudi royal family. No one nated for disobeying orders. Rumors about the im-
knows how these diverse organizations would react plants containing poisons to kill rogue operatives are
if Russia showed its hand and revealed the existence probably untrue.
of so many urban legends and nightmares. It is best A less obvious function for the implant is to pro-
to stay quiet, at least for now. tect the operative and everyone around him. It does
No, Section Nine is not unique: it’s just the best of not exist for the Serum’s protection; it shields people
its kind. No similar organization protects an area as from the Serum. Even while in transit, the Serum is
vast as the Russian Federation, nor has any other so stored in metal briefcases made of the same alloy as
successfully expanded outside of its borders and offi- the implants. Humans cannot be exposed to it for
cial jurisdiction. Section Nine’s influence extends well prolonged periods of time. Why? If the rumors are
beyond that of Task Force: VALKYRIE – and the best true, then Serum 525 exposure caused several Soviet
part is that no outsiders know. and ex-Nazi scientists to rip each other apart in an
underground lab in 1956.

Out-Patient Procedure But that’s just a rumor, same as the rumors that
Serum 525 is radioactive, carcinogenic and/or de-
Of course, to know this much, a person is already rived from the blood of aliens that crash-landed in
in too deep. They are either an operative for Section Tunguska. Never discuss these rumors with other
Nine or on a hit list signed by a nameless Russian members of Section Nine.
bureaucrat. Assuming the person is the former, then
he was or soon will be subjected to the Zamyatin-
Lagin Procedure and given access to the above- The Enemy
classified Serum 525. Section Nine has always described its missions as
The official story is that the purple liquid metal “counter-occult.” It neutralizes or eliminates any un-
cryptically named Serum 525 was invented in the authorized supernatural presence in the Russian Fed-
1950s and perfected in the early 1980s. It was issued eration. Because of this philosophy, Section Nine con-
to Spetsnaz (special forces) operatives during the siders virtually the entire supernatural world to be a
Cold War. Section Nine now has exclusive access to national security threat. The higher-ups occasionally
the Serum and any trace of its use in conventional allow a monster or witch to live if it pledges loyalty
military units was purged. to the Russian government and accepts a tracking
So what is Serum 525? Do not ask; you will get device implant.
no answers and repeated inquiries will result in disci- Magic cannot be trusted in the wrong hands.
plinary action. What it is does not matter; what it does Shapeshifters and other descendents of spirits are
matters. The Serum allows human subjects to, among prone to summoning otherworldly beings to Earth
other things, physically interact with intangible spir- through bizarre rituals. Worst, most witches and
its, cause cancer with a touch and play with electric- spirit-spawn inherit their powers; how could this
ity and radiation. ever be harnessed for proper and state-approved
The Zamyatin-Lagin Procedure is a deeply use? Sorcerers and their ilk are uncontrollable vari-
guarded secret and even people who undergo it do ables that must be removed.
not know the details. A canister and distribution sys- Spirits and “ghosts” are echoes from beyond the
tem is installed in the subject’s chest and appears to mortal world. These things should not be here; they

Section Nine (Conspiracy)
should not exist. Certain operatives specializing with to kill the witches on Section Nine’s behalf. Only you
counter-spirit activities and are almost exclusively survived and have since became part of a Section
deployed to deal these creatures. Nine unit specializing in “witch busting.”
It goes without saying that vampires must be You’re a spy who joined too late in the Cold War
destroyed. Anything that feeds on human beings can- to meaningfully serve the KGB and grew too old to
not and will not be tolerated. be useful in the FSB. You were unexpectedly trans-
Changelings and their courts are insufferable. ferred to Section Nine and never even got an implant
The last thing a country needs is a shadowy cabal of before being sent on a suicide mission to spy on a
half-fairy, half-human freaks waiting to overthrow werewolf pack in Belarus. To everyone’s surprise,
the rightful government. The best thing changelings you survived and successfully completed the assign-
can do is lay low and never bother mainstream hu- ment. You have since undergone the Zamyatin-Lagin
manity. Keep your heads down or lose them. Procedure and enjoy being of use to your homeland.
Section Nine actively redirects its operatives from You’re getting old but it’s better late than never.
confronting the living dead. Any operative reporting Life was boring but comfortable then you had to
evidence of undead activity that cannot be confirmed discover the goddamn vampire living in your apart-
as vampires must report it to his superiors. The op- ment building. You just had to play hero, you just had
erative is then ordered to disengage and not attempt to decapitate the bloodsucker while it slept. What the
further investigation. The higher-ups insist specialists hell were you thinking? An operative for the Russian
are sent to deal with these cases, although no opera- government contacted you later that night. More ac-
tive ever seems to see these specialists in action. curately, he appeared in your bedroom with a si-
Self-declared monster hunters are also fair game. lenced pistol. He informed you that his unit had
Section Nine tolerates a few cells’ existences for infor- monitored the vampire’s apartment for weeks. You
mation-gathering purposes. For example, while they ruined a long-term investigation that tried uncover-
destroyed the first Russian chapter of the Ashwood ing the location(s) of an entire vampire clan preying
Abbey in 1949, Section Nine allowed a new one to be on the city’s poor and destitute. The operative said
established in Saint Petersburg in 2000 just so it could you knew too much and had two options: (1) disap-
be infiltrated. Hunter cells that are not worth infiltrat- pear forever or (2) join him and his organization. You
ing or outgrow their usefulness are “forcibly dis- had already proven surprisingly efficient at monster-
banded.” Several homegrown hunter cells have been killing, especially for a draft-dodging college student
recruited wholesale by Section Nine after thorough with no combat experience, and Section Nine was
background searches and successful infiltration. willing to overlook one compromised investigation.

Hunters Divisions
The false conviction for sexual assault ruined Section Nine places its field operatives into three,
your life and career as a civilian police officer. The possibly four, major divisions.
social stigma of being kicked out of the notoriously Division E (Э) is organized in into OSNAZ
corrupt Militsiya is one thing, but everyone believing (special purpose) units. They are the descendants of
you’re a rapist is so much worse. Your time in the the Soviet “super-soldiers” Task Force: VALKYRIE
Russian prison system was nothing compared to and other foreign hunters encountered decades ago.
your mother refusing to speak with you again. So Division E operatives are fully armored soldiers with
when you were randomly offered a job in Yekaterin- assault rifles and the latest military equipment. Some
burg as a “security guard and night watchman,” you units are technically light motorized infantry. These
were shocked but smart enough to accept. The real OSNAZ may be deployed anywhere in the Russian
shock came later when you discovered what the job Federation but are occasionally deployed to “near
really was. abroad” nations such as Ukraine and Belarus. Most
You discovered a witch cabal in Gori while the members of Division E belong to the Internal Troops,
city was under Russian occupation during the South the paramilitary national guard-like force subservient
Ossetia War. Apparently including the word “witch” to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Division E units
in your report got someone’s attention. As the occu- are most often deployed when either Division Yu or
pation only lasted a week, the shadowy higher-ups Ya (see below) operatives uncover a threat that they
didn’t have time to dispatch a properly-trained cannot handle by themselves. As a result, Division E
counter-occult unit to neutralize the cabal. They in- has become synonymous with “backup.”
stead volunteered you and a handful of other soldiers Division Yu (Ю) units are stationed in set loca-

Section Nine (Conspiracy)
tions but may be ordered to temporarily relocate else-
STEREOTYPES where at a moment’s notice. Every Russian city has a
least one resident Division Yu unit monitoring the
Division Six: How do you fit into all of
area for supernatural threats. Unlike Division E, Divi-
this? Who is the Panopticon and who really
sion Yu operates much more covertly and most mem-
pulls your strings? And why can’t we find
evidence of Divisions One through Five? bers do not officially work in the Russian military.
MI18: Honestly, I expected more from the Instead, Division Yu operatives have day jobs and
British. We haven’t found any evidence of cover stories for their presence. A common cover is to
high-tech or pseudo-tech augmentation. How belong to the corrupt and feared Militsiya (police).
20th century of you, Britain. Division Ya (Я) consists of foreign-based opera-
Cheiron Group: You know the Cold War is tives, many serving alone and only in limited contact
over when corporations have more resources with Section Nine. Some have infiltrated foreign mili-
for counter-occult activity than national gov- taries and intelligence agencies. While Division Ya
ernments. Early reports confused Cheiron’s has not yet breached Task Force: VALKYRIE, they
field agents for French and German opera- have at least one operative in VASCU. Division Ya is
tives. Turns out Cheiron’s agents are actu- not just interested in government-sponsored hunter
ally better equipped and trained than the organizations: any cell, compact or conspiracy will
French and Germans combined. do. All sources of information must be tapped.
Task Force: VALKYRIE: Do you really There are rumors of a Division Yet (Ѣ), named
think we’re gone? What gave you that idea - after a letter dropped from the Russian Alphabet in
American incompetence or American arro-
1918. The symbol found its way onto various docu-
gance? The Soviet Union is dead but Section
ments but the field operatives in the three official Di-
Nine lives on.
visions do not know the details. Division Yet is com-
monly assumed to be the specialists sent to deal with
The Higher-
Higher-Ups undead activity.

Section Nine’s administration is continu-

ally referred to as the “higher-ups” and no Status
additional information is provided. Even op- Status is gained by successfully completing as-
eratives for Section Nine have no idea who signments and following the higher-ups regardless of
issues the orders. how suicidal their orders are. Particularly suicidal
The only major clue is that Section Nine’s orders often justify a dot of Status. Remember that
administrative center, at or least where Section Nine’s faceless administration always knows
many phone numbers and paper trails lead, where its operatives are and recognizes disobedience.
is in the Siberian city Novosibirsk.
Divisions E and Yu has many operatives in • You have joined Section Nine, hopefully willingly,
the Internal Troops and Militsiya, implying and are expected to unquestioningly follow orders
the Ministry of Internal Affairs is in charge. from the higher-ups. You gain an implant and may
However, Division Ya’s operations are cer- purchase dots in the Tolling Merit.
tainly not internal as many are based out- ••• The higher-ups are willing to pull some strings
side of Russia. for you as a reward for your continuing service. This
It is possible that Section Nine falls under
may involve some less-than-legal help from the Milit-
several different groups’ jurisdictions de-
siya. You gain a free dot of Resources and either a free
pending on where an operative or unit is
dot of Professional Training or Status in your line of
assignment. Section Nine may not be a true
organization and is simply an umbrella term work. None of these may exceed five dots.
for counter-occult operatives throughout the ••••• One of the higher-ups noticed your excep-
Russian military and police forces. tional work and has taken an interest in your activi-
Regardless, key members of the Ministry of ties. This does not mean you know who, or what, this
Defense are fully aware of Section Nine’s ex- person is nor do you gain any earth-shattering revela-
istence and activities. The Supreme Com- tions about Section Nine’s administration. He or she
mander of the Armed Forces is at least supplies information, weapons and other resources to
vaguely aware of what Section Nine does - assist you with your increasingly dangerous assign-
and the Supreme Commander is the Presi- ments. Your mysterious benefactor is considered a
dent of the Russian Federation. free four-dot Mentor.

Section Nine (Conspiracy)

Bell of Bone
Tolling The Tolls in the Bell of Bone make a person less
human to efficiently neutralize or eliminate her oppo-
The terms “Tolling” and “the Tolls” are used to
nents. Most of these Tolls lack the subtlety of the
describe the abilities Serum 525 grants. There is no
other Bells and are seen the least in the field.
official reason for these terms nor is there any point
in looking for an underlying meaning.
The only official terms for the Tolls are letter- ● Cestus
number combinations. The few official documents The operative’s hand warps and enlarges. Muscle
anyone but the higher-ups have seen designate the and skin stretch over expanding bones as her hand
Tolls K1, K2 and K3 which are further divided into appears more like a cancerous gauntlet or boxing
five subsections (K1.1 through K1.5, for example). glove. It as if she grew subdermal brass knuckles.
The only known way to gain access to Serum 525 Cost: 1 point of bashing damage per hand.
and the Tolls is to undergo the Zamyatin-Lagin Pro- Action: Instant.
cedure and receive an implant to store and process Duration: Scene.
Serum 525. Even after the Zamyatin-Lagin Procedure, Range: Self.
the Section Nine operative needs to routinely receive Dice Pool: None.
injections of Serum 525 to refill the implant. A man or
woman in either military battledress or business at- A bony gauntlet grows in the operative’s hand or
tire will arrive with a metal briefcase containing three hands. This adds (Tolling) points of automatic bash-
syringes of the Serum. There rarely seems to be a pat- ing damage to all successful Brawl-based attacks us-
tern to when this nameless figure makes his or her ing that hand. This also translates into a (Tolling)
rounds. Colloquially called a “handler,” this person penalty on all rolls involving that hand for more deli-
usually also brings instructions and material pertain- cate work. She can no longer properly use tools or
ing to the operative’s next assignment. The Serum is firearms with the enlarged hand.
injected directly into the implant through the opera- The hand’s size is increased enough that it can no
tive’s chest. longer fit into an average-sized pocket and, as a re-
While new abilities appear to manifest spontane- sult, is somewhat difficult to conceal.
ously, the process leading to their development takes
weeks, months or even years. The operative’s body ●● Natural Blade
gradually becomes better at processing Serum 525 A sharp blade of reinforced bone grows out of
and finds new uses (“Tolls”) for the drug cocktail. the operative’s wrist. The rest of her forearm swells
Similar to Teleinformatics and the Goetic Gos- and develops boney, almost armor-like growths. This
pels, the Tolling Merit is broken into three categories is one of the rarest Tolls displayed in the field. It is
or “Bells” – the Bells of Bone, Flesh and Soul. When generally reserved as a weapon of last resort.
purchasing a new dot of the Tolling Merit, the char-
Cost: 1 point of lethal damage per hand.
acter gains one power of that rating or below from
Action: Instant.
any Bell. A character purchasing a four-dot power
Duration: Scene.
must already have one power from the same Bell. A
Range: Self.
character purchasing a five-dot power must possess
Dice Pool: None.
at least two powers from the same Bell.
A machete-like sword of bone grows from the
Evolution operative’s forearm or forearms. Attacks made with
this natural sword are made by rolling Strength +
While the character has no control over
Weaponry + (Tolling/2, rounded up) and inflict le-
what its new abilities are or when they
thal damage. The sword gives the operative +1 De-
manifest, the player obviously does. Alterna-
fense against close combat attacks. Her forearm is
tively, the player could let the Storyteller de-
cide what the new ability is and be as sur- considered to have Armor 1/0. This only applies
prised as the character when the power first against attacks specifically target her hand or arm.
manifests. The Storyteller may grant a +1 or +2 bonus to
Regardless, Experience Points must be Crafts, Larceny and Survival rolls where using a
spent as normal. With Storyteller approval, knife or sword would help.
the power immediately manifests when the This cannot be used in conjunction with Exo-
XP is spent. skeleton (see below).

Section Nine (Conspiracy)

●●● Calcification Cost: 3 Willpower and 1 point of lethal damage.

Action: Instant.
The operative gains the ability to affect her entire
Duration: (Stamina + Tolling) turns.
skeleton and not just sections. This is a major step
Range: Self.
towards mastering a full-body metamorphosis.
Dice Pool: Stamina + Tolling.
Cost: Special.
Roll Results
Action: Reflexive.
Dramatic Failure: The operative fails to trans-
Duration: Scene. form and is weakened from her efforts. This reduces
Range: Self. her Defense by 1 and Speed by 2 for the rest of the
Dice Pool: None. scene.
The operative’s skeleton is strengthened and her Failure: The transformation fails.
body becomes more resistant to injury. She gains a Success: An exoskeleton appears on her body
temporary dot of Stamina for each point of Will- and likely destroys any clothes or armor she cur-
power spent, to a maximum of Stamina 7. This tem- rently wears. The exact appearance of the exoskeleton
porary Stamina does not offer any benefits to resist- varies per person but generally resembles some form
ing disease or poison. She also gains an additional of conventional armor such as riot gear or plate mail.
Health box for every two Willpower spent. The Story- The exoskeleton provides Armor 2/3 and negates
teller may rule that this does not offer extra protec- the armor-piercing quality on enemy weapons and
tion against certain attacks, such as a witch’s spell projectiles. She gains a +3 Intimidation bonus.
that only affects the operative’s skin or blood. She also grows the equivalent of a Cestus (see
This cannot be used in conjunction with Exo- above) on each hand and gains all the appropriate
skeleton (see below). benefits and drawbacks thereof.
The bulky bone plates reduce the operative’s De-
●●●● Osteokinesis fense by 1 and Speed by 2. She automatically fails all
Unlike the other Tolls in the Bell of Bone, Os- nonthreatening Social rolls.
teokinesis is a useful tool for assassinations and cov- Exceptional Success: Same as the above. The du-
ert operations. Targets of osteokinetic attacks shud- ration is increased to the rest of the current scene.
der as if undergoing a seizure.
Cost: 1 Willpower. Bell of Flesh
Action: Instant. The title of this Bell is a bit of a misnomer. There
Duration: Lasting. is evidence that most of the Tolls in the Bell of Flesh
Range: (Wits + Composure) yards. actually deal with radiation and not explicitly skin.
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Tolling – Tolls range from healing to inducing radiation sick-
target’s Stamina. The attack bypasses Defense and ness to creating undead minions.
Armor as it focuses on the target’s skeleton.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The operative suffers the at-
● Lesser Mending
The most basic manipulation of flesh is enough to
tack’s effects and takes a point of lethal damage.
repair contusions and other minor damage. These
Failure: The target is unaffected.
small injuries would heal on their own in time, usu-
Success: The target’s bones rattle within her
ally without medical attention.
body, causing internal bruising and bleeding. The
attack inflicts (successes) points of lethal damage. Cost: 1 Willpower.
Exceptional Success: The extra damage inflicted Action: Instant.
is its own reward. Duration: Lasting.
Range: Self or touch.
Dice Pool: Resolve + Medicine + Tolling
●●●●● Exoskeleton Roll Results
This is the rarest and one of the most blatantly
supernatural Tolls. The operative quite literally Dramatic Failure: Instead of remedying the
situation, the operative makes it worse. She inflicts
grows a bullet-resistant exoskeleton.
(Tolling) points of bashing damage on her subject.
There are persistent rumors about an elite Divi-
Failure: No damage is healed.
sion E unit comprised of soldiers with this Toll that
easily plow through any and all opposition. Success: The operative heals (successes) points of
bashing damage.

Section Nine (Conspiracy)
Exceptional Success: The extra damage healed is painful lesions and she suffers a –1 penalty to all rolls
its own reward. for the next 24 hours.
Failure: The intended victim is unaffected.
●● Sicken Success: The victim suffers from vomiting, nau-
sea and skin lesions.
This Toll leaves its victims nauseated and bleed-
If the operative spent 1 Willpower point, the vic-
ing. All the operative needs to do is touch her target
tim immediately takes (successes) points of bashing
and stand back before it begins spewing blood.
damage. The victim reflexively rolls (Stamina + Re-
Cost: 1 Willpower. solve) once a day until accumulating a total of 15 suc-
Action: Reflexive. cesses. Until then, she suffers the same amount of
Duration: Lasting. bashing damage each and every day.
Range: Touch. If the operative spent 3 Willpower, the victim
Dice Pool: None. The operative only needs to instead suffers from a virulent cancer. The victim im-
first touch her target as an instant action. mediately takes (successes) points of lethal damage.
The attack inflicts (Tolling) points of lethal dam- The victim rolls (Stamina + Resolve) once a month
age and the victim loses the 10-again quality on all until accumulating 30 successes. Until then, the vic-
rolls for (Tolling) turns. The damage manifests as tim suffers the same amount of damage once a
either bloody vomiting or spontaneous sores. month. This assumes the victim is also receiving ap-
Sicken has no effect on creatures without physi- propriate treatment to combat the cancer such as
cal bodies or who are mechanical/artificial like Un- chemo- or radiotherapy. Otherwise, the victim con-
fleshed Prometheans. tinues taking damage indefinitely.
This power, in either form, has no affect on vam-
●●● Greater Mending pires and other undead or dead creatures.
Exceptional Success: The damage inflicted on the
The operative can undo the effects of gunshots, victim by the first roll is upgraded to lethal (1 Will-
bites, stabs and other would-be fatal attacks. power) or aggravated (3 Willpower). All subsequent
Cost: 1 Willpower. damage is inflicted as normal.
Action: Instant.
Duration: Lasting.
Range: Self or touch.
●●●●● Necromancy
The Bell of Flesh cannot resurrect the dead but it
Dice Pool: Resolve + Medicine + Tolling
can revive the corpse. With this Toll, the operative
Roll Results can create zombie servants from fresh corpses.
Dramatic Failure: The wounds cut deeper and Operatives are known to use bodies of the re-
burn more fiercely. Up to (Tolling) points of lethal cently deceased, usually people they killed, as look-
damage are upgraded to aggravated damage. outs, spies and guards while on assignment. These
Failure: No damage is healed. are a wonderful asset to foreign-based operatives
Success: The operative heals (successes) points of with little or no chance of receiving back-up.
lethal damage. This does not heal bashing damage.
Exceptional Success: The extra damage healed is Cost: 3 Willpower.
its own reward. Action: Instant.
Duration: Lasting.
Range: Touch.
●●●● Malignancy Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine + Tolling –
The operative gains the ability to manipulate a number of days the target has been dead.
living target on a cellular level – she can literally give
Roll Results
her victim cancer.
Dramatic Failure: The corpse is engulfed in tu-
Cost: 1 or 3 Willpower. mors and becomes completely unusable. Further-
Action: Instant and contested. more, the operative is unable to create any additional
Duration: Special. zombies for the rest of the scene.
Range: Touch. Failure: The corpse stays just that, a corpse.
Dice Pool: Presence + Science + Tolling – target’s Success: Benign tumors appear on the corpse
Stamina. and restore it to some semblance of life. The zombie
Roll Results will obey its creators’ orders to the best of its ability.
Dramatic Failure: The operative’s body develops The soulless undead have no Willpower or Morality.

Section Nine (Conspiracy)
All zombies have the following Attributes This Toll’s duration increases with the opera-
Mental: Intelligence 0, Wits 1, Resolve 0. tive’s dots in the Tolling Merit:
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 1, Stamina 3
Social: Presence 1, Manipulation 1, Composure 0 Rating Duration
They have the following skills: 1 1 hour
Mental: None. 2 6 hours
Physical: Athletics 1, Brawl 2. 3 12 hours
Social: Intimidation 1. 4 24 hours
They also have the Dread Powers Drain (Flesh) 5 Permanent (no cost)
and Dread Attack (Bite) 1. They only heal by eating
the flesh of the living, repairing one point of damage
for each point inflicted on a living victim.
●● Twilight Touch
The next logical step after being able to sense
Fire and attacks directed at the head both inflict
ghosts is discovering how to combat them. The
aggravated damage. The zombie continues function-
higher-ups frown on using so-called “holy objects”
ing until its entire Health track is filled with aggra-
and “relics” and prefer Section Nine’s operatives
vated damage. Zombies feel no pain and do not suf-
fighting ghosts with nothing but their fists.
fer wound penalties.
The operative can have no more than (Resolve + Cost: 1 Willpower.
Composure) zombies under her control at any time. Action: Instant.
Exceptional Success: Same as the above. The Duration: Scene.
zombie is unusually strong and gains the 9-again Range: Self.
quality on all grapple and bite rolls. Dice Pool: None.
The operative is able to physically interact with

Bell of the Soul beings in Twilight. This does not extend to items she
is holding, meaning she cannot stab or shoot a ghost.
Section Nine’s most inexplicably esoteric abilities The operative gains a (Tolling/2, rounded up) bonus
involve manipulating ghosts. The higher-ups claim to Brawl-based attacks and grapples made against
that ghosts, spirits, demons and similar creatures are beings in Twilight for the duration.
all alien beings and most definitely not the souls of
the restless dead. These Tolls are based around ener-
gies and pan-dimensional frequencies, nothing more. ●●● Brand
Religious interpretations of these Tolls lead nowhere Just because one operative sees an enemy ghost
and merely waste time. does not mean the rest of her unit can. The original
application of this Toll involved placing a burning,
glowing mark on an otherwise invisible enemy. It
● Twilight Senses wasn’t until the late 1990s that operatives discovered
Before one can fight ghosts, one must actually be it also affected more tangible and mundane targets.
able to see ghosts. This common Toll allows the op-
Cost: 1 Willpower.
erative to see, hear, smell and (hypothetically) taste
Action: Instant.
beings in Twilight. Physical interaction is limited to
Duration: Special.
vague impressions such as feeling a chill when a
Range: Touch (close combat).
ghost is nearby.
Dice Pool: Brawl + Strength + Tolling – target’s
Cost: 1 Willpower. Defense. If used in conjunction with Twilight Touch,
Action: Reflexive. that Toll’s Brawl bonus does not apply.
Duration: Special.
Roll Results
Range: Self.
Dramatic Failure: The operative burns her own
Dice Pool: None.
hand and takes one point of lethal damage. She now
The operative gains the ability to sense creatures has the brand she intended to inflict on her palm. It
in Twilight. She also sees Loci and similar “fractures” will remain there for (6 - Tolling) hours.
in the barrier separating the mortal world and other Failure: The attack misses and inflicts no dam-
dimensions/planes/universes. Section Nine does not age. The operative may try again later by spending
bother offering its operatives theories as to what another point of Willpower.
these fractures are; all they need to know is that noth- Success: The attack inflicts (successes) points of
ing good comes from them. lethal damage. If the target is armored, subtract

Section Nine (Conspiracy)
(successes) from the armor’s Structure first; any re- half of the damage inflicted is lethal (rounded down).
maining damage affects the target itself.
The attack also places a palm-sized, lightly glow-
ing brand on the target. The brand is still completely
●●●●● Spark of Life
While Section Nine is a secular organization,
visible even if the target becomes invisible or enters
with some documents implying it is outright atheist,
Twilight. The mark’s appearance varies per person
one of the most potent Tolls can be mistaken for a
and per attack and may be as simple as a handprint
divine miracle. Like Frankenstein’s monster brought
or as complicated as calligraphic glyph. Many opera-
to life by lightning, an operative can resurrect a re-
tives place a word like “monster” or “destroy.”
cently deceased person with an electrifying touch.
The brand remains for (successes) hours and can-
not be removed. The part that is branded, however, Cost: Special. Spark of Life costs 1 Willpower
may be removed or covered up. Branding a person’s point per roll. If the character does not have enough
jacket is not a major disadvantage while marking his Willpower to continue, she may instead suffer one
face certainly is. point of aggravated damage for each additional roll.
Exceptional Success: Extra successes are their Action: Instant/Extended.
own reward. Duration: Lasting.
Range: Touch.
●●●● Arc Dice Pool: Resolve + Medicine + Tolling.

Section Nine has not yet duplicated the devastat- Roll Results
ing effects of its Soviet-era lightning guns by injecting Dramatic Failure: Instead of making progress,
the operative takes a step backwards. She loses one
Serum 525 into its operatives. It has, however, found
success from the total accumulated.
a surefire way to neutralize its rivals in Task Force:
VALKYRIE. Failure: No progress is made but the operative
may continue trying.
Cost: 1 Willpower or 1 Willpower and 1 point of Success: Progress is made towards bringing the
bashing damage. subject back to life.
Action: Instant. Exceptional Success: Significant progress is
Duration: Lasting. made.
Range: (Dexterity x 20) yards.
The operative maintains physical contact with a
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Athletics + Tolling – tar-
dead body until accumulating a number of successes
get’s Stamina. Most forms of armor do not protect
equal to subject’s Health x 2. Sparks visibly pass be-
against electrical damage. The target’s Defense only
tween her hands and the corpse.
applies if he is in close combat with his attacker.
The Spark of Life may only be used on subjects
Roll Results with relatively intact bodies. Reviving a decapitated
Dramatic Failure: The operative accidently corpse, for example, is impossible.
grounds the electrical charge to herself and suffers The process of reviving the dead is not perfect.
five points of bashing damage. Subjects of the Spark of Life lose one dot from all
Failure: The operative fails to produce a damag- Physical Attributes (to a minimum of one). For what-
ing charge. ever reason, anyone revived through the Spark of
Success: The electrical attack inflicts (successes) Life cannot remember the last six hours. This in-
points of bashing damage. This also short-circuits cludes any time they spent in the afterlife, assuming
any electronic equipment the victim was holding at there even is an afterlife to go to.
the time. Simple machines (tape recorders, cell
phones, video cameras) are permanently fried while Modifier Situation
more complicated objects (like most of TF:V’s Ad- Subject has previously died at
vanced Armory) are shorted out for the remainder of -5
least once.
the scene.
This attack may be used against creatures in Twi- Number of hours since the sub-
light if the operative also takes a point of bashing ject died, rounded down. It auto-
-1 to -5
damage. Section Nine generally advises against this matically fails if the subject has
as some spirits have been documented drawing been dead for 6+ hours.
power from electricity and are somehow strengthened
For each Toll the subject has
by this attack. +1 to +5
from the Bell of the Soul.
Exceptional Success: Same as the above except

Section Nine (Conspiracy)

of their nonexistent country since 2007, with a

Storytelling government-in-exile claiming it is a republic
while the local rulers insist that it is an emir-
Protagonists ate. Both sides venomously hate the Russian
Because of its priorities, Section will only Federation.
become involved if a situation threatens Russia One of the factions in Noxçiyn has resorted
or if there is a realistic chance of acquiring new to unconventional means of asserting legiti-
knowledge on the enemy or of other hunters’ macy and gaining power. Section Nine learned
tricks and tactics. that a small Chechen group has begun using
Divisions Yu and Ya work well in chroni- the occult as a weapon and plans to seize con-
cles involving characters from multiple organi- trol of the region. Russia would normally like
zations. Division E work in units that are de- to see the area suffer from in-fighting, as that
ployed as needed, meaning they are considera- keeps the locals from committing terrorist at-
bly less likely to form alliances with hunters tacks in Russia, but the idea of a magic-backed
from other compacts or conspiracies. Division separatist movement is unacceptable. The de-
E may be sent to assist a Division Ya operative tails are sketchy but their magic has distinctly
working with other hunters, however, forcing Islamic undertones, even though any sane
the unit into a short-term alliance. Also, re- Muslim would consider such witchcraft to be
member that Section Nine likes keeping a low heresy.
profile and does not want other hunters know- You and several other Section Nine opera-
ing who its operatives answer to. Hunters tives have been ordered to stop this group at
working with a Section Nine operative will any cost. A magic-backed coup d’état cannot
probably never know their friend’s true alle- and will not occur.
giances. The Traitor: There’s a traitor in Section
A chronicle focusing on Division E will be Nine. A Division Ya operative has made a deal
much different than one about either of the with foreign hunters to sell out Section Nine’s
other divisions. Division E is primarily made of secrets. There is evidence she killed her han-
soldiers from the Internal Troops. Inspiration dler and captured another operative. The for-
and appropriate Merits can be found in WoD: eigners now have three vials of Serum 525 and
Dogs of War.
War a captive with a working implant, so who
The Monastery: A Division Yu operative knows what they can reverse engineer from
employed by the Militsiya discovered that sev- this. You have received orders to terminate
eral of his fellow cops are getting a cut from a both her and the foreign cell, rescue the kid-
“high class” prostitution ring run out of an napped loyal operative and find out how much
abandoned Russian Orthodox monastery. No, the enemy organization already knows. Failure
that’s not the bad news – it’s pretty much ex- is not an option, not that it ever is.
pected that the Militsiya is involved with crimi- The foreign hunter organization is likely
nal activity. The ring has been compromised by MI18 or Task Force: VALKYRIE but this is not
vampires who are recruiting ghouls and blood necessarily the case. A Null Mysteriis cell may
dolls from the whores and their johns. It is just be interested in finding out what Serum
safe to assume the myths about vampires and 525 is. It is also possible that a compact want-
crosses are untrue considering the amount of ing to become a conspiracy plans to produce
religions iconography in the monastery-turned- Serum 525 to create their own Endowment.
brothel. There is also some concern that the It is also worth considering why the traitor,
vampires may be involved with the Militsiya; well, turned traitor. What does she have to gain
they’re already paying off the police, so why from this bargain?
stop there?
The Separatists: Not surprisingly, there’s Antagonists
trouble in the Noxçiyn province of the Cauca- Section Nine serves Russia first and hu-
sus Emirate, formerly the Chechen Republic of manity second. Even operatives working along-
Ichkeria. This region, under any name, has side other hunters are primarily after informa-
been a source of violence and annoyance for tion that benefits and safeguards the Russian
Russia since the 1990s. It continues claiming Federation. They must be willing to kill allies
independence while clearly remaining under and teammates if the order comes down.
Russian control. The Chechen people have been Any hunter cells working in Russia will in-
divided over who or what is the “rightful” ruler evitably draw Section Nine’s attention. It is

Section Nine (Conspiracy)

known that both Les Mystères (HtV: HtV: Spirit Where Are All
Slayers 110, 117) and the Aegis Kai Doru
HtV: Core,
Core 178) have cells active in Russia.
The Psychics?
Section Nine firmly believes that all domestic As someone will inevitably mention, HtV:
cells not under its control must be infiltrated Night Stalkers described rumors about the
Soviet Union training psychics in the 1970s.
and/or eliminated.
It would not be surprising if another,
All-Out War: Any hunter cell that takes vio-
lent actions against a Section Nine operative, VASCU-style conspiracy exists in Russia.
Perhaps operatives in Division Yet have ac-
even if the cell has no idea Section Nine exists,
cess to a previously undisclosed Endowment.
has effectively declared war on the Russian
Maybe such an organization did exist and
Federation. Depending on where the cell’s or-
ders came from, issuing from the cell’s leader folded with the Soviet Union. The Russian
military then cut its losses and focused on
or someone considerably higher in the chain of
the restructured Section Nine.
command, this may lead to an all-out war be-
Either way, the past or present existence
tween Section Nine and the offending compact
or conspiracy. of psychic Russian agents is not hard to be-
lieve, especially considering there are three
Section Nine would prefer keeping its at-
canonical monster-hunting groups in the
tacks under the radar at first and initially rely
on Divisions Yu and Ya. Infiltration of enemy American military and intelligence commu-
cells would begin or increase. Orders to assassi- nities: Task Force: VALKYRIE, VASCU and
nate by cancer or osteokinesis would be issued Zero Company (WoD:
WoD: Dogs of War).
as needed. Perhaps the rumors are just that, rumors,
If hostilities escalate or the enemy becomes and the Soviets never developed a successful
aware of Section Nine’s activities, all bets are psychic program. Division Yet is no more
off. Instead of analyzing and neutralizing the psychic than the other divisions.
enemy’s threat, Section Nine would move to If the Storyteller wants government-backed
eliminate it. psychics in Russia, these hunters could have
Division E units will receive orders to de- access to either the Teleinformatics Endow-
stroy entire enemy cells. They will launch si- ment or the Gifted Merit.
multaneous attacks on multiple cells to divide Alternatively, the Storyteller could let the
the enemy’s reserves and resources during the hunters use Dread Powers. Assume the
crisis. If successful, the enemy compact or con- hunters have an Endowment where each dot
spiracy would lose their hold in one or more purchased equals one dot to spend on Dread
cities overnight. Powers. The hunters have access to the fol-
If this war between hunters occurs on Rus- lowing Dread Powers:
sian soil, the attack might be more obvious and Absorb Knowledge (HtV:
HtV: Block by Bloody
devastating. The Russians would let interna- Block, 5)
tional media know about a military or police Agonize (HtV:
HtV: Core,
Core 276)
assault on suspected terrorists or a dangerous Alter Memory (HtV:
HtV: Night Stalkers,
Stalkers 169)
cult. It goes without saying that the enemy
Confuse (HtV: Core, 277)
HtV: Core
hunter organization is unlikely to win this
war. The targeted cell or cells should consider Control Emotion (HtV:
HtV: Night Stalkers,
escaping alive to be a victory. 171)
This is, of course, only a general overview Dement (HtV:
HtV: Core,
Core 278)
of how events may pan out. The specifics will Ecstasy (HtV: Core, 279)
HtV: Core
vary considerably depending on who or what
Section Nine is fighting. A Les Mystères cult Fury (HtV:
HtV: Core,
Core 279)
could be eliminated without necessarily inflam- Hypnotism (HtV:
HtV: Core,
Core 279)
ing the rest of the confederation. The Union or Impress (HtV:
HtV: Core,
Core 280)
Night Watch would not tolerate one of its cells
being killed, especially if they learn it was done Read Aura (HtV:
HtV: Block by Bloody Block,
Block 6)
by a foreign military on American soil. A simi- Sleep (HtV: Core, 281)
HtV: Core
lar attack on Task Force: VALKYRIE or MI18 Terrify (HtV:
HtV: Core,
Core 282)
risks becoming an international incident and
Unholy Attribute (any single Mental or
spiraling into an actual war.
Social Attribute) (HtV:
HtV: Core,
Core 283)

Mental Merits
Artistic Soul ( to )
Prerequisites Crafts 3 or Expression 3 and a rele-
vant Skill Specialty.
Description The character is a natural artist. She
may be proficient in one form of art or writing or
have several specialties. Either way, her talent is both
innate and undeniable.
Effect Each dot of this Merit is associated with
either a Crafts or Expression Specialty. Whenever us-
ing that Specialty, the roll gains the 8-again quality.
Drawback The Specialty must have some artistic
New Merits or literally connotations. For example, “Guitar” is ac-
ceptable for Expression but “Lectures” is not.

Skillful Surgeon ()

Prerequisites Medicine 3 or Medicine 2 with a
Surgery Specialty.
Appendix One:

Description The character can work medical
miracles as long as she is in a clinical setting.
Effect She gains a +2 bonus on all Intelligence +
Medicine rolls when treating injuries. This bonus not
apply to rolls about recalling medical information or
performing medical research. This bonus also does
not apply to Dexterity + Medicine rolls to heal
wounds. See WoD: Rulebook, 61 for more informa-
tion on healing wounds.

Surgical Improv ( to )

Prerequisites Wits 3 and Medicine 1
Description The character knows how to impro-
vise when lives are at stake. She works with whatever
is available when treating a patient. She’s likely be-
come accustomed to working in subpar conditions
with little or no proper equipment during her Vigil.
Effect While healing wounds, the character may
ignore up to –(Rating) penalties caused by having
poor (or no) equipment. See WoD: Rulebook, 61 for
more information on healing wounds.
Note This is essentially a specialized version the
Make Do Merit (MtA: The Free Council, 132).

Physical Merits
Acute Sense ()
Description One of the character’s senses is in-
credibly sharp. It is not necessarily supernatural but is
clearly superior to that of normal humans.

Appendix: New Merits

Effect Perception rolls based on this sense gain on a deeper level than any living person ever should.
the 8-again quality. This Merit may be purchased This is usually the result of a near-death experience
separately for multiple senses. but prolonged contact with the restless dead can
Drawback Anything negatively affecting that similarly stain a person’s soul.
sense, such as environmental factors or supernatural Effect:
Effect With the three-dot version of this Merit,
attacks, is particularly offensive. Rolls to harm that she gains a +1 bonus to all non-confrontational social
particular sense gain the 9-again quality. The Story- rolls when dealing with ghosts. The five-dot version
teller may also raise penalties caused by such attacks increases this bonus to +2.
(the deafening effects of a gun fired at close range, Members of the Army of Light gain an addi-
the flash from the stun grenade, etc.) by one point. tional +1 bonus to either version of this Merit (+2 at
three dots and +3 at five dots).
Emergency Care () Drawback:
Drawback Ghosts consider the character to be a
Prerequisites Medicine 3 or Medicine 2 with sort of kindred spirit (no pun intended) and will
an Emergency Care Specialty. likely seek her out. Other characters sensitive to
Description The character performs her best ghostly activity are bound to notice this. As a result,
medical work when her patients are either near the character may be mistaken for a Sin-Eater or nec-
death or being treated in the field. romancer because of their association with the dead.
Effect She gains a +2 bonus on all Dexterity +
Medicine rolls. This does not affect Intelligence + Burning Aura ()
Medicine rolls. See WoD: Rulebook, 61 for more Prerequisite:
Prerequisite The character must be living and
information. possess a soul. This Merit cannot be used by anyone
who has temporarily or permanently lost her soul
Fists of Fury () for any reason. That being the case, it is possible to
Prerequisites Dexterity 3, Brawl 2 and Fight- gain this Merit by acquiring another person’s soul
ing Style: Kung Fu. who had this Merit. This is much more likely to be
Description The character prefers a form of an issue in a Mage: The Awakening game than a
close combat that favors speed over brute force. Hunter: The Vigil game.
Effect When using her chosen marital art, the Description:
Description The character’s aura is unusually
character may roll Dexterity + Brawl instead of intense. Even people who cannot see auras will be
Strength + Brawl. This is essentially the Fighting Fi- inexplicably drawn to her.
nesse Merit applied to Kung Fu. Effects:
Effects The character gains a +2 bonus to all
Drawback This only applies to the Kung Fu Presence-based rolls.
Fighting Style. If using any other Fighting Styles, Drawbacks: She is rather hard to ignore, even
even for a single turn/maneuver, then that roll will when she wants to be. She suffers a –2 penalty to all
be Strength + Brawl as normal. Stealth rolls when avoiding supernatural creatures
or anyone with (artificially or magically) enhanced
senses. Supernatural creatures will also tend to at-
Strong Arm () tack her first. For example, vampires generally con-
Prerequisites Strength 3 and either Athletics 2 sider her to be a tastier meal even if easier prey is
or Athletics 1 with a Throwing Specialty.
nearby. The Storyteller may allow her to have fur-
Effect Throwing rolls are now based on ther bonuses when playing “bait” for a monster.
Strength instead of Dexterity. See WoD: Rulebook,
152 for more information on throwing.
The Eyes of a Child ()
Prerequisite Only available at character crea-
Social Merits tion or with Storyteller approval. The character can-
not have any Merits conferring a bonus to Intimida-
tion or her Size.
At Death’s Door ( or ) Descriptions:
Descriptions The character appears to have a
This is adapted from the Death-Touched Merit from childlike innocence about her. This may not be rep-
WoD: Book of the Dead, 93. resentative or her true personality, of course, but
Prerequisite Mortal or Sin-Eater. appearances can be deceiving.
Description The character connects with ghosts Effect:
Effect Social rolls where her perceived inno-

Appendix: New Merits

cence would help (such as relevant Subterfuge and Paradoxical Pain (••••):
( ): The damage inflicted
Persuasion rolls) gain the 8-again quality. upon a witch who fails the casting roll of a Vulgar
Drawback It may be difficult for others to take spell in the character’s presence is upgraded to lethal
the character seriously or treat her as an adult re- damage. Rolling a dramatic failure on a Vulgar spell
gardless of her age. Social rolls where innocence is inflicts aggravated damage. This is in addition to
not useful (such as practically any Intimidation roll) any other narrative effects that occur.
lose the 10-again quality. Inviting the Uninvited (•••••):
( ): The character
now has the option of turning any Paradox she wit-

Special Merits
nesses into a Manifestation. An otherworldly creature
is temporarily pulled into this world to vex the
witch. The character spends a point of Willpower
Abyssal Echoes ( to ) and reflexively rolls (Resolve + Presence + Abyssal
This is adapted from the Abyssal Resonance Merit Echoes) against the witch’s (Resolve + Stamina +
from MtA: Banishers, 39. It is intended to work with the Gnosis). Resistance is also reflexive. If the character
rules for Gutter Magic in HtV: Witch Finders. This achieves more successes than the witch, an Abyssal
Merit was originally envisioned as an Endowment and creature (often called an imp or demon) appears.
may be used as such with Storyteller approval. The character has no control over what the sum-
Description Magic performed in front of mun- moned creature does. The creature will not necessar-
dane witnesses (“sleepers,” as witches call them) ily be hostile towards the witch but a confrontation
tends to simply fail. Around some people, however, is all but inevitable. Witches generally attack the
magic goes horribly wrong. Characters with this manifested creature first, anyway. That being the
Merit represent the latter. Magic has a habit of back- case, the creature is still free to do as it pleases.
firing and harming the witch around such people. The creature’s overall strength and powers are
These living bad luck charms have little or no con- based on the witch’s Gnosis Rating:
trol over their abilities to vex witches. It is practically
or entirely subconscious. Gnosis Entity
Effect Increased exposure to witchcraft reveals Twilight creature comparable
more and more abilities. The following abilities are 1 to 2 to a Lesser Demon (HtV:
HtV: Core,
166). 3 dots of Dread Powers
gained sequentially.
Paradoxical View (•): ( ): The character does not Physical creature comparable
3 to a Lesser Demon (HtV:
HtV: Core,
sense magic, per se, but magic gone wrong. She re- 167). 4 dots of Dread Powers
flexively senses whenever a witch casts a Vulgar
Physical, human-like creature
spell within (Wits x 10) yards. She may reflexively comparable to a Greater Demon
roll (Wits + Abyssal Echoes) to determine the direc- 4 (HtV:
HtV: Core,
Core 284-286). 5 dots
tion of the witch. If the character can also see the of Dread Powers
spellcaster then she automatically knows who the Twilight creature comparable
offending witch is. to an Elder Demon (HtV: HtV: Core,
5 287-288). 10 dots of Dread
Protected Identity (••):( ): Any spell aimed to Powers.
gain information about the character is considered
Vulgar. This does not necessarily mean the attempt The powers and capabilities of the manifested
fails; it just brings the witch closer to accidentally creature are determined by the spell that acciden-
inviting Paradox. The Storyteller has final say over tally summoned it.
what spells are or are not affected by this. Spell
Tier Effect
Abyssal Contagion (•••): ( ): Simply being near
Lore No change
the character increases the risk of Paradox. When-
ever a witch casts a Vulgar spell within (Presence x 1 +1 dots of Dread powers
10) yards of her, all other witches in range will also 2 +2 dots of Dread powers
suffer a cumulative -1 penalty to their casting rolls as 3 +3 dots of Dread powers
if they themselves cast a Vulgar spell. For the rest of
the scene, any failed rolls are considered to have The duration of the manifestation is determined
been affected by Vulgarity and the witch who cast by the witch’s Morality. The creature will be pulled
the failed spell suffers a point of bashing damage. back into the Abyss after the duration expires, as-
Dramatically failed rolls also cause Paradox. suming it was not already destroyed or dispersed.

Appendix: New Merits

Morality Duration Wicked Dead and utilizes Dread Powers and other sys-
5+ One scene tems familiar to Hunter: The Vigil. As a minor template,
4 One day dampyrs would normally be banned from having Merits
3 Three days restricted to mortal character such as Professional Train-
2 One week ing. With Storyteller approval, a character with the
Dhampir Merit may purchase Merits from The Wicked
1 One month
Dead that are reserved for dampyrs.
0 Indefinite
Prerequisites: Character must be mortal (non-
Drawback These powers gradually erode the
character’s sanity. With each dot purchased after Description: Dhampirs are born from an un-
the first, she must check for a new derangement holy union between a human and vampire. Their
as if she failed a degeneration roll. conception is wholly unnatural and can only be
brought about by a curse or forbidden magic. Their
lives are whirlwinds of broken hearts and open
Blood Brother or Blood Sister wounds. Vampires are inexplicably drawn to them
( or , special ) and crave their deceptively sweet blood. A single
Prerequisite: Both characters must be mortal drop of dhampir blood is enough to send a vampire
(non-supernatural). The Storyteller may allow other in a downward spiral of madness and self-
characters to have this Merit as long as one of the destruction. Perhaps most tragically, dhampirs usu-
affected characters is mortal, such as a werewolf and ally have no idea about their heritage and curse; they
a wolf-blooded (Kin) human. The character may are damned from birth and may never know why
only have one version of this Merit at any time. their lives are full of so much sorrow and death.
Description The character shares an unusually All vampires are drawn to a dhampir but only
strong bond with another person. Their connection is vampires of its parent’s clan suffer the full effects of
genuinely psychic and arguably spiritual in nature. its curse. The curse is always ironically crippling and
Such bonds usually form between twins or close sib- destroys the vampire’s very essence and identity. A
lings but an actual blood relation is not required. vampire from a paranoid and secretive clan becomes
Effect Most Social rolls made between the char- blatantly open with its supernatural powers, even
acter and her “blood brother” or “sister” gain a +3 displaying them in front of living humans. A vam-
bonus. Intimidation- and Subterfuge-based rolls, pire from a savage clan loses touch with his inner
however, are reduced to a chance die. They know beast and may starve to death without realizing it. A
each other too well to be deceived or frightened. proud vampire from a noble clan is reduced to a pa-
The characters may reflexively roll Wits + Empa- thetic mess who becomes so withdrawn that he can-
thy to sense what the other is feeling at the time, re- not stir himself to feed.
gardless of distance. The other character knows Effects: Dhampirs all have two dots of Unholy
when their emotional state is being examined and Attribute, applied to any Social Attribute, which
may choose to block this attempt. This block, how- they subconsciously use. The player (and possibly
ever, will be obvious to her “brother” or “sister” so it the Storyteller) determines when the Unholy Attrib-
cannot be done discretely. ute is used but the character has no genuine control
If either character has the Gnosis or Gifted Merit, over it.
she effectively has a sympathetic connection to her All dhampirs inherently possess the Unseen
“brother” or “sister” for the purposes of spellcasting. Sense Merit applied to vampires and are oddly at-
Drawback The Merit is lost if the person it ap- tracted to the bloodsuckers. This works both ways,
plies toward either killed or turned undead. however, and vampires instinctively want to know
Special If this Merit is shared between two the dhampir better.
characters, it only costs two dots apiece. If one char- Vampires gain no nourishment from dhampir
acter uses this Merit to represent a strong link to a blood. In fact, they need to get it out of their systems
NPC, then the Merit’s rating is raised to three dots. as quickly as possible. Every point of Willpower the
Both versions cost a total of 12 Experience Points. vampire should have gotten by feeding on a dhampir
either destroys a point of Willpower or inflicts two
Dhampir () points of bashing from bloody vomiting.
Every so often, however, a vampire feeds on a
This is adapted from the dampyr (note the spelling
difference) minor template from Night Horrors: The dhampir and pays dearly for it. The punishment is

Appendix: New Merits

nothing short of a curse, usually an ironic one that really are and not in their human guises. Using
destroys the very nature of the vampire. For exam- Changeling: The Lost terminology, she is considered
ple, a secretive vampire becomes blatantly open and permanently Ensorcelled.
needs to spend Willpower to not publically flaunt its She may open and use doorways into the Hedge.
supernatural abilities. The exact nature of this This is effectively the same as Shakes’ Dread Power
“curse” is up to the Storyteller but should be fairly “Knock, Knock” in HtV: Core, 310. For no cost and as
consistent. For example, it only affects the more hor- an Instant action, she may peer through such door-
rific vampires (Nosferatu) while another curse only ways without technically opening them and have a
affects vampires with shapeshifting or animalistic general idea of what is on the other side.
tendencies (Gengrel). The timeless nature of Arcadia has boosted her
Dhampirs appear to be perfectly normal, mortal life expectancy by a full ten years. Furthermore, she
humans. Vampires simply cannot detect anything gains a +1 bonus to resist the effects of disease, illness
unusual about them even through supernatural or infirmity. This bonus does not apply to resisting
means. Dhampirs’ auras always appear as if they poisons or wound penalties.
were mundane humans. She may gain the benefits of eating the so-called
Drawbacks: It is worth repeating that vampires Goblin Fruit, the strange plants that grow within the
will want to drink her blood. This is a persistent Hedge, just like a changeling would.
problem and constant threat. Drawbacks: She suffers from the Amnesia Flaw
Dhampirs are half-vampire, half-human. They and has no knowledge of her time spent in Arcadia.
are not part anything else. Dhampir may not be Kin It is entirely possible she does not remember even
(Wolf-Blooded) or Children of the Seventh Genera- entering or exiting the Hedge. Even worse, there’s
tion, for example. Their blood does not work with the the issue of explaining where she was for several
Cainites’ Rites of Denial. The Storyteller is free to rule (Earth) days or weeks while in Arcadia. It is likely
what other Merits and Endowments are off-limits to that her disappearance was reported to the local po-
dhampir characters. lice and this will bring lots of unwanted attention.
Dhampirs have notoriously bad personal lives. Notes: Fae-touched characters are generally not
Relationships, particularly romantic ones, always in Arcadia long enough to have a fetch take their
seem doomed to fail. Dhampirs and their suitors are place on Earth. The Storyteller may decide otherwise,
known to fall in and out of love without warning. however. If the character does have to deal with a
Whatever mysterious force draws vampires to dham- fetch once, then she should have receive some com-
pirs also plays havoc with the emotions of the living. pensation. The character gains two dots of Dread
Powers and registers as “slightly wrong” to anyone
Fae-Touched () with an Unseen Sense applied to changelings.
This adapts rules for fae-touched mortals as men-
tioned in CtL: The Equinox Road. The Fae-Touched Fetch ()
Merit allows such characters to still be considered human The Fetch Merit is intended to make fetches from
and thus have access to Merits limited to mortals. It can Changeling: The Lost into playable characters in a
also be seen as a compromise for players who want a Hunter: The Vigil game. This does not mean characters
changeling character in a Hunter: The Vigil game. with this Merit must be hunters themselves. It is quite
Prerequisites: Character must be mortal (non- possible for a fetch (PC or NPC) to be the minion of the
supernatural). True Fae and dedicate its whole existence to antagonizing
Description: According to the changelings, they one particular changeling.
were once people abducted by the alien Gentry (also Prerequisites: Character must be mortal (non-
known as the True Fae, Arcadians and a million supernatural). This Merit must be purchased at Char-
other titles) that somehow managed to escape back to acter Creation unless given Storyteller approval.
earth. Their time spent in the Gentry’s realm, Arca- Description: A fetch, depending on who or
dia, warped them into fairytale monsters. Some peo- what is asked, is either a changeling’s evil doppel-
ple, however, aren’t in Arcadia long enough to fully ganger or a poor victim who lost part of her soul.
transform. Instead of being changelings, they are Regardless, changelings and fetches are inexplicably
merely “fae-touched.” They are still human but their linked. There is a corresponding fetch on Earth for
brief stay in Arcadia caused lasting changes. every changeling from or in Arcadia. Many change-
Effects: Fae-touched characters always see lings view killing their fetch as a rite of passage
changelings, hobgoblins and the like for what they Effects: Fetches have weaker but similar powers

Appendix: New Merits

to their changeling counterparts. Fetches have two a witch but spend her life living somewhere between
free dots of Dread Powers secretly assigned by the the mundane and arcane worlds.
Storyteller at character creation. Neither the player Effects: At one dot, she is what powerful
nor the character necessarily knows what these witches call a “Sleepwalker.” Her presence does not
Dread Powers are; these abilities must be discovered affect the Paradox modifiers of nearby witches cast-
in-game. Additional dots may be separately pur- ing spells. Witches commonly use Sleepwalkers as
chased (Rating x 6) XP but a fetch may not have more assistants for this very reason.
than five total dots of Dread Powers. At three dots, she also has inherent but weak
The fetch naturally see changelings for what they magical abilities. She gains access to a Tier 1 Mystery
really are. All fetches have Unseen Sense (The Mask) and its first two spells (the one- and two-dot spells).
for free. She immediately knows when a changeling, She may not purchase additional spells or Mysteries.
True Fae, fae-touched mortal or anything else af- She does not use Source nor can she gain it. Any
fected by their Dread Powers is around. Source she is supposed to gain in accordance to her
Drawbacks: Fetches know they are different and Mystery is instead left floating invisibly in the air for
this realization typically begins when a fetch’s the rest of the scene. Anyone with the Gnosis Merit
changeling returns to Earth. Fetches all have at least (or an Endowment that uses or exploits Source in any
one derangement related to their identity crisis. This way) may take this Source. First come, first served.
derangement can never be cured. At five dots, it is the same as the three-dot ver-
It is worth repeating that there is a changeling sion except she has access to a single Tier 2 Mystery
out there who probably wants to kill this character. and its first two spells. Her life expectancy is also
Worse, this changeling has inhuman friends and con- increased by about 25%.
nections that are willing to assist in its bloody quest. It is important to note that, with any version of
Fetches generally do not leave corpses. Their this Merit, the character is still considered to be a
bodies collapse into random objects before disinte- mortal human. She does not register as a witch to any
grating. This transitory material is usually related to relevant Unseen Senses or Endowments.
the nature of the fetch’s corresponding changeling. Drawbacks: Having the three- or five-dot ver-
For example, a stone-skinned changeling kills his sion of this Merit gives the character a Flaw, which is
fetch which then promptly turns into a pile of peb- likely a side effect from inbreeding. Common Flaws
bles and dust. include Deformity, Lame and Speech Impediment.
Fetches cannot have more than two dots of the Special: The character cannot have the Gifted or
Tolerance Merit, the Endowment for the Regency of Gnosis Merits. She cannot have any other Merits that
Thorns, under normal circumstances. The Storyteller confer psychic or magic abilities, including VASCU’s
may rule that other Endowments are off-limits to or Teleinformatics.
limited for fetches. She can, however, gain Gnosis 5 at any time by
“trading in” the Magical Lineage Merit. The Magical
Magical Lineage Lineage Merit is lost but its value is subtracted from
the cost of buying Gnosis 5.
(,  or )
This is based on the Proximus and Sleepwalker Merits
from MtA: Core, 334. It also adapts the optional rules for
Wild Eyes ()
This is based on the Lunatic Glare Merit from WtF:
the Silver Dynasties introduced in MtA: The Silver Lad-
Blood of the Wolf, 125.
der, 62. It is intended to work with the rules for Gutter
Prerequisites: Kin (HtV: Spirit Slayers, 139).
Magic as outlined in HtV: Witch Finders.
Effect: The character has more in common with
Prerequisites: Character must be mortal (non-
her werewolf cousins than she may realize. She can-
supernatural). This Merit is only available at charac-
not cause full-blown Lunacy but projects some of the
ter creation and cannot be upgraded later.
terrifying and mind-breaking horror of her inner
Description: The character has an innate, bio-
wolf. She gains one dot of either the Dement or Terrify
logical connection to the supernatural (or, more spe-
Dread Power. Additional dots may be purchased
cifically, the Supernal). She comes from a family that
separate for (Rating x 8) Experience Points apiece.
is known to produce witches even if her magical po-
This Merit cannot be purchased twice to gain access
tential has not fully manifested. Several generations
to both Dread Powers.
may have passed without producing a witch, how-
Drawback: This Merit is lost if the character ever
ever. It is entirely possible that she will never become
becomes a werewolf or another supernatural being.

Mental Flaws
The Flesh is Weak:
Weak You easily give into tempta-
tion and are prone to distraction. Resolve-based rolls
lose the 10-again quality and your Resolve cannot ex-
ceed two dots.
Incompetent: You can never, ever do something
right nor can you learn from your mistakes. That still
doesn’t prevent you from trying. This Flaw is tied to
one Skill that can never have any dots. Experience Points
are earned whenever a roll based on that Skill results
in a dramatic failure.
Illiterate You cannot read or write. With Story-
teller approval, this Flaw may be taken if the character
is illiterate in the native language(s) of the area the
New Flaws Chronicle is set. If this is the case, then she can still
read and write but not in any language she is likely to
Lazy Eye:
Eye You ‘re not particularly observant. Per-
ception rolls lose the 10-again quality, your Wits can-
not exceed two dots and you cannot have any Merits
Appendix Two:

that grant perception bonuses.

The Unobtainable:
Unobtainable One goal is the basis for all
your actions. Unfortunately, it is so complex or impos-
sible that it will probably never be achieved. You are
willing to do anything to achieve it, however, even at
the expense of more realistic goals.
Unpardonable Sin: You have committed a grave
offense (real or imagined) and cannot let yourself live
it down. This may be a secret from other characters but
this is not necessarily the case. In fact, it is possible for
other characters to know about your “sin” and think
nothing of it; the only one offended by it is you. What
this sin is/was can vary wildly from character to char-
acter, but it must be something you can never forgive
yourself for.

Physical Flaws
Albino Your hair, skin and eyes lack pigment.
You’re not exactly a vampire but you must be cautious
about prolonged exposure to the sun. Albinos com-
monly have other Physical Flaws like Hard of Hearing
or Poor Eyesight.
Clumsy You are all thumbs and have two left feet.
Dexterity-based rolls lose the 10-again quality and
your Dexterity cannot exceed two dots.
Color Blind:
Blind You may only see a portion of the
color spectrum or, in more severe cases, in varying
shades of grey. The specifics must be determined when
this Flaw is acquired. The Storyteller is free to impose
penalties on certain sight-based perception rolls or
relevant Crafts rolls.
Open Wound : One of your old injuries never

Appendix: New Flaws

healed. This is likely the result of a supernatural at- suffer for blindly following your hero’s instructions
tack but other explanations are possible with Story- or imitating him.
teller approval. It is effectively a permanent point of Hot Headed: You cannot keep cool in social
lethal damage. Any attempt to repair the damage situations. Composure-based rolls lose the 10-again
will, at best, only close the wound for twelve hours. quality and your Composure cannot exceed two dots.
Senseless: One of your senses no longer works. You cannot have the Meditative Mind Merit. Charac-
While hearing is covered by the Deaf Flaw and sight ters with this Flaw are likely to develop the Irration-
is covered by the Blind Flaw, this covers the other ality Derangement.
three senses. Lacking a sense of smell or taste is likely Stalker: Someone is following you or has a po-
the result of a freak accident or birth defect. Having tentially dangerous interest in your activities. The
no sense of touch is a bit more difficult to explain. person does not have to be inherently threatening but
Not surprisingly, you automatically fail all Percep- their actions have the potential to ruin your life. This
tion rolls dependent on that sense. Flaw may apply to another (NPC) hunter, such as an
Sterile: You are incapable of having children, obsessive and intrusive member of Network Zero.
even if you do not realize it. Note that this Flaw is Ward: Your are responsible for another person’s
unlikely to earn you a lot of Experience Points unless (NPC’s) wellbeing and they are likely ignorant of the
you’re expected to produce offspring. Some characters Vigil. This is essentially a one– or two-dot Retainer
might even consider this to be more of a Merit than a that you do not want and who does not really benefit
genuine Flaw. you. If anything, he or she is a liability and/or finan-
These Old Bones:
Bones Your glory days have come cial burden. This Flaw most often applies to children.
and gone. You do not necessarily look old but you
feel your age weighing heavily upon you. Stamina- Miscellaneous
based rolls lose the 10-again quality and your Stam- Allergic to the Macabre: You feel sickened by a
ina cannot exceed two dots. certain supernatural presence. This is effectively the
Weakling You’re no Atlas Man. Strength-based same as the Unseen Sense Merit except it imposes a –1
rolls lose the 10-again quality and your Strength can- penalty to all rolls as long as you are near the source
not exceed two dots. of your unnatural discomfort. Being in physical con-
tact with the source imposes a –3 penalty to all rolls.
Social Flaws This Flaw may be taken multiple times and ap-
Awkward You cannot project an image of plied to different supernatural creatures or phenom-
strength or confidence. If anything, the image you ena. The penalties for being near these stack, how-
project is rather gawky and pitiful. Presence-based ever, to a maximum of –5.
rolls lose the 10-again quality and your Presence can- Geas: Due to an oath, pledge, curse or other un-
not exceed two dots. This is often taken in conjunc- fortunate circumstances, you suffer from a Ban like a
tion with the Clumsy (above) and/or Aloof Flaws. spirit or demon. This can result from breaking a pact
Bad Blood:
Blood Another group amongst your kind (a with a demon or other supernatural creature like a
rival compact, conspiracy, Covenant, Court, etc.) sim- powerful mage or changeling. See HtV: Core, “The
ply does not like you. It will deny you access to any Demon’s Ban,” 284 for more information.
location under its control or influence and otherwise Haunted: A ghost (or spirit or incorporeal de-
give you hell. Non-confrontation Social rolls with mon) plagues your existence. You are not necessarily
members of this organization suffer a -5 penalty. the ghost’s anchor, although learning why an antago-
Big Mouth:
Mouth You are naturally talkative and a bit nistic ghost has latched onto you would be interest-
blunt. Then there are times when you are brutally ing for all the wrong reasons. This Flaw is lost if the
honest or a complete prick. Manipulation-based rolls ghost is permanently sent back to the Underworld
lose the 10-again quality and your Manipulation can- where it belongs.
not exceed two dots. Inhuman Acquaintance: Not all of your
Hero Worship: You idolize someone (likely rep- friends are human. You spend time with a super-
resented by the Mentor Merit) and disobeying him or natural being or group, either voluntarily or involun-
her is unthinkable. This does not necessarily need to tarily, that your hunter allies would not approve of.
a character you actually interact with, such as follow- This is likely a secret but that is not required.
ing the teachings of a long-dead philosopher or try- Tainted: Something is not quite right about you.
ing to imitate a legendary member of a hunter or- You suffer from a Fiendish Flaw (HtV: Core, 283) like
ganization. Experience points are earned when you a demon despite being a mortal.

Many hunters think of the Vigil as a
living, breathing entity.
That is not entirely accurate.
The Vigil is in a state of perpetual REBIRTH
While part of the vigil is always being BORN,
part of it is always DYING.
A cell falls in London
as another cell writes
its manifesto in
Addis Ababa.

An ancient order of
hunters suffers
irreplaceable loses in
Santiago while another
in Hong Kong
builds a machine
that consumes
magical energy.

The Vigil lies trapped

and never fully knows the joy of either.

This book includes:

• Ten hunter organizations
(five compacts and five
conspiracies) that were
recently born or reinvented.
• Five unique Endowments, one
for each new conspiracy.
• New Merits and Flaws for any
World of Darkness chronicle.

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