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Adobe 9A0-129

Flex 4 ACE Exam

Practice Test
Version: 4.0

Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam QUESTION NO: 1 Which of the following patterns is used in the [RemoteClass] metadata tag? A. Application Container B. Data Transfer Object C. Remote Procedure Call D. Model View Controller Answer: B Explanation:

Model components: It encapsulates data and behaviors related to the data processed by the application. View components: It defines the application's user interface, and the user's view of application data. Controller components: It handles data interconnectivity in the application and provides application management and the business logic of the application. Answer option A is incorrect. The Application container is the root of a Flex application, which holds all other containers and components. The Application container sets all its children vertically by default. There are three types of Application layouts: Vertical Layout: It sets each child component vertically from the top to the bottom of the application. Horizontal Layout: It sets each child component horizontally from the left to the right of the application. Absolute Layout: It has no automatic layout and it requires a user to explicitly define the location of the each child component. If the Application's layout is absolute, a user has to define x and y coordinates, otherwise, by default it will be displayed in the (0, 0) position. Answer option C is incorrect. RPC (Remote procedure call) is an inter-process communication "Pass Any Exam. Any Time." - 2





The Data Transfer Object is an object that is used to transfer data. It is also used to declare properties and helps to make the entire class bindable. The Data Transfer Object can be useful when a user is using Remoting to communicate with a server side technology. Answer option D is incorrect. Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that isolates business logic from input and presentation, Permitting independent development, testing and maintenance of each. It increases the reusability of the components and improves the maintainability of the overall system. There are three components in MVC, which are as follows:



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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam technology that allows a computer program to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute in another address space (commonly on another computer on a shared network) without the programmer explicitly coding the details for this remote interaction. That is, the programmer would write essentially the same code whether the subroutine is local to the executing program, or remote. When the software in question is written using object-oriented principles, RPC may be referred to as remote invocation or remote method invocation.

QUESTION NO: 2 Which mode manages instances that listen for changes made to any fill, getItem or create Item calls by other clients or uses the server push API at the remote destination? A. autoSyncEnabled B. autoMerge property C. autoCommit D. autoDisabled Answer: A Explanation:

autoSyncEnabled: This mode manages instances that listen for changes made to any fill, getItem or createItem calls by other clients or uses the server push API at the remote destination. autoMerge property: This mode controls whether changes received from a remote destination are applied immediately or queued up until there is a call made to DataManager.merge().

QUESTION NO: 3 Which properties of the NativeDragOptions class define constants for the names of drag-and-drop actions allowed in a drag-and-drop operation?

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autoCommit: When this mode is set to true, changes are immediately sent to the remote destination; otherwise, an explicit call to commit must be made. A user can use the bindable DataManager.commitRequired property to determine whether there are uncommitted changes.



DataManager supports the following data synchronization configuration modes:




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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. A. allowLink B. allowCopy C. alwaysInFront D. displayState E. allowMove Answer: A,B,E Explanation:

QUESTION NO: 4 Which adapter type can be used when a Flex client application is the only creator and consumer of transient data objects and there is no back-end data resource? A. Java B. XML C. JavaScript D. ActionScript Object "Pass Any Exam. Any Time." - 4


A new NativeDragOptions object has all properties initialized to true (all actions allowed). Properties of NativeDragOptions class allowCopy: It allows to copy the dragged data. allowLink: It allows to create a link to the dragged data. allowMove: It allows to move the dragged data. Method of NativeDragOptios class: toString(): It returns the string representation of the specified object. Answer options C and D are incorrect. alwaysInFront and displayState are the methods of the nativeWindow class. The alwaysInFront method is used to specify the location of the window that will always be in front of other windows. The display State method is used to display state of the window.






The NativeDragOptions class defines constants for the names of drag-and-drop actions allowed in a drag-and-drop operation. Drag actions are part of a feedback mechanism, which allow the initiating and target objects to cooperate in the drag-and-drop exchange. An initiating object should only allow the actions that it supports. For example, an initiating object should allow the move action only if that object's internal logic removes the source data when a target accepts a drop with a move action.

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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam Answer: D Explanation:


John has created an AIR application with the same user privileges as they were in native applications. Which of the following tasks can be performed by the AIR application? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. A. It can start applications. B. It can read and write files. C. It can communicate with the network. D. It can modify the security privileges in another network. Answer: A,B,C Explanation:

The AIR applications have the same privileges as a user in the native applications. With the help of these privileges AIR applications can access the operating system capabilities, which are as follows: It can read and write files. It can start applications. It can communicate with the network.

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There are two types of adapters that exist in database management: ActionScript Object Adapter: A user uses the ActionScript Object Adapter when a Flex client application is the only creator and consumer of transient data objects and there is no back-end data resource. The ActionScript Object Adapter is used by the Data Management Service to manage objects in the server's memory. Java Adapter: The Java Adapter allows a user to synchronize Java objects on the server with ActionScript objects on the client. This adapter is used to pass data changes to methods available in a Java class known as an assembler. Answer options B and C are incorrect. These are not valid adapter types.

Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam Answer option D is incorrect. It is not a valid privilege for AIR applications.

QUESTION NO: 6 Which of the following events is dispatched when a user releases the mouse over the drop target? A. dragExit B. dragDrop C. dragEnter D. dragOver Answer: B Explanation:


Which of the following are the different phases of the application displayed by thedownload progress bar? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. A. Initialization phase B. Download phase C. Installation phase D. Progress phase Answer: A,B Explanation:

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The dragDrop event is dispatched when a user releases the mouse over the drop target. Answer option C is incorrect. The dragEnter event is dispatched when a drag proxy moves over the drop target from outside the drop target. Answer option A is incorrect. The dragExit event is dispatched when the user moves the drag proxy off of the drop target. However, it does not drop the data onto the target. Answer option D is incorrect. The dragOver event is dispatched when the user moves the mouse over the target after the dragEnter event.




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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam The DownloadProgressBar class is used to display download progress. The Preloader control uses the DownloadProgressBar class for providing user feedback while downloading and loading the application. There are two different phases of the application displayed by the download progress bar. These phases are as follows: 1. Download phase 2. Initialization phase A custom download progress bar component can be implemented by creating a subclass of the DownloadProgressBar class. Answer options D and C are incorrect. These are not valid phases of the application displayed by the download progress bar.


Which characteristic is related to the ArrayCollection class?

The ArrayCollection class is a wrapper class. It treats an Array as a collection. This collection can be accessed and manipulated using the methods and properties of the ICollectionView or IList interfaces. Operations performed on an ArrayCollection instance modify the data source immediately. The ArrayCollection class interface can be used to get, add, and remove data at runtime. Following are the methods and properties of the ArrayCollection to access data at runtime:


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Answer: A Explanation:


A. The elements of the ArrayCollection class used in bindings will continue to be monitored. B. The ArrayCollection class does not need to be imported. C. The removeItemAt() method cannot be used in the ArrayCollection class. D. It can only implement the ICollectionView interface.




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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam Which of the following are the static properties of the File class, which allow a user to reference commonly used directory locations? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. A. File.applicationDirectory B. File.systemDirectory C. File.applicationStorageDirectory D. File.desktopDirectory Answer: A,C,D Explanation:

Following are the static properties of the File class, which allow a user to reference commonly used directory locations: File.applicationStorageDirectory: It is a storage directory that is unique to each installed AIR application. File.applicationDirectory: It is the read-only directory where the application is installed. File.desktopDirectory: It is the desktop directory of users. File.documentsDirectory: It is the documents directory of users. File.userDirectory: It is the user directory. Answer option B is incorrect. It is not a valid static property of the File class.


component during a drag and drop operation while working with Adobe AIR? A. dragOver B. dragEvent C. dragMove D. dragEnter Answer: D Explanation: There are two drag and drop events available:

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Which of the following events is triggered when a user moves the mouse pointer over any






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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam 1.dragEnter: The dragEnter event triggers once when a user moves the mouse pointer over any component during a drag and drop operation, while working with Adobe AIR. DragEvent.COPY is the default value of the DragEvent.action property. 2.dragOver: The dragOver event triggers many times when a user drags an item over any component. Answer options B and C are incorrect. These are not valid events.

QUESTION NO: 11 Which of the following controls is a single-line text field that controls text formatting, validation, and keyboard equivalents? A. TextInput B. RadioButton C. NumericStepper D. CheckBox Answer: A Explanation:

QUESTION NO: 12 You work as a flex developer for Gentech Inc. While working in a flex application, you want to configure your messaging services for LCDs. Which of the following files will you use? A. services-config.xml B. rpcservices-conf.xml C. rpc-conf.xml D. messaging-config.xml Answer: D

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The TextInput control is a single-line text field that controls text formatting, validation, and keyboard equivalents. It has many states such as filled, selected, disabled, and error. The TextInput control supports the HTML rendering capabilities of Flash Player and AIR. Answer option B is incorrect. RadioButton controls are used in groups of controls that represent mutually exclusive options. In radio buttons a user can select only one option at a time.





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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam Explanation:

The message-config.xml file is a service configuration file that exists in the WEB-INF/flex directory. In this configuration file, Adapter node is used to determine what type of clients can participate in the service. The important Adapters supported by the message-conf.xml file are as follows: The ActionScript Adapter is the default Adapter. It is used to support messaging between Flex/Flash clients. The JMS Adapter is used to accept messaging from both Flex and JMS-enabled clients. Answer option A is incorrect. The services-config.xml file is used to configure services in LCDs. By using this configuration file, developers can include individual service definitions from external files. The services-config file not only helps service-specific destinations, but also reduces the size of the main services configuration file. The services-config.xml file allows easy access to various settings, such as security, channels, and logging settings. Answer options C and B are incorrect. These are not valid configuration files.


Which of the following is a characteristic of the PopUpButton control? A. The pop-up property specifies the PopUpButton controls. B. The PopUpButton control is commonly declared in XML code. C. The open and close events do not dispatch when the pop-up control opens and closes. D. The open and close methods cannot open and close the pop-up window automatically. Answer: B Explanation:

The PopUpButton control is a subclass of the Button control. It inherits all the properties of the PopUpButton control, such as events, styles, and methods with the exception of the toggle property and the styles used for a selected button. It allows a user to create a Button with the help of two sub-buttons, a display button and a pop-up button. When a user clicks on the button, it presents a visual control as a pop-up window. It has the following characteristics: The popUp property is used to specify the pop-up controls.

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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam The open() and close() methods help a user to open and close the pop-up automatically. Both events, open and close, are dispatched when the pop-up control opens and closes. A user can use the popUpSkin and arrowButtonWidth style properties to define the PopUpButton control's appearance. Answer options D, A, and C are incorrect. The open() and close() methods help a user to open and close the pop-up automatically. The open and close events do not dispatch when the pop-up control opens and closes.

Which of the following public properties of the URLStream class is used to manage the version of Action Message Format (AMF) while writing or reading an object? A. connected B. endian C. objectEncoding D. bytesAvailable Answer: C Explanation:

bytesAvailable: It is used to return the number of bytes of data that is available to read the input buffer. connected: It is used to specify whether this URLStream object is currently connected or not. endian: It is used to specify the byte order for the data. objectEncoding: It is used to manage the version of Action Message Format (AMF) while writing or reading an object.

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The URLStream class is used to provide low-level access to download URLs. Unlike URLLoader, the data is instantly available to the application code as it is downloadable. It also allows a user to close a stream before it finishes downloadingprocess. The information of the downloaded file is available as raw binary data. Following are the public properties of the URLStream class:






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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam QUESTION NO: 15 Which of the following are the properties of the ItemRenderer class used by the host component to pass information to the renderer? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. A. data B. showCaret C. label D. index Answer: A,B,C Explanation:

owner: It is the component used to host the item renderer. dragging: The value of the dragging property is true if the item renderer is being dragged. itemIndex: It is the index of the item in the data provider of the host component. selected: The value of the selected property is true if the item renderer can show itself as selected.

showCaret: The value of the showCaret property is true if the item renderer can show itself as focused.

QUESTION NO: 16 Which of the following are the events of the ListBase class inherited by the Spark DropDownList control? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. "Pass Any Exam. Any Time." - 12





data: It is the original data item in its original representation.


Following are the properties of the ItemRenderer class: label: It is a string representation of the data item. The original data item can be either A String or the item renderer owner converts the data item to a String.


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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam A. open B. move C. add D. close Answer: A,D Explanation:

The following events of the ListBase class are inherited by the DropDownList control and added: close: It is dispatched while closing the drop-down list for any reason. open: It is dispatched while opening the drop-down list for any reason. Answer options C and B are incorrect. These are also inherited events. The add event is dispatched while adding a component to a container as a content child by using the addChild(), addChildAt(), addElement(), or addElementAt() method. The move event is dispatched while moving the object.


Which of the following statements is NOT true about Collections? A. It provides a specific view of the data that can be sorted, or filtered by a developer-supplied method. B. It provides a mechanism to handle paged data from remote data sources. C. It switches data sources for a component but not at runtime. D. It uses collection methods to access data in the primary data source. Answer: C Explanation:

Collections are objects that are used to access and represent the data contained in a data source object, such as an Array or an XMLList object. They provide various features to ensure that a component is updated when the primary data changes. There are various features of collection, which are as follows: It provides a mechanism to handle paged data from remote data sources. It provides a regular set of operations on data, apart from those provided by the raw data source. It provides a specific view of the data that can be sorted, or filtered by a given method.

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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam It can be used to switch data sources, and modify the content of data sources at run time. It uses collection methods to access data in the primary data source.

QUESTION NO: 18 Which of the following are the protected methods of the UIComponent class? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.

Following are the protected methods of the UIComponent class: commitProperties: It is used to change the properties of a component. createChildren: It is used to create any child components of the component. measure: It is used to set the default minimum size of the component. updateDisplayList: It is used to define size and position of the children of the component on the screen with the help of previously defined property and style settings, and draw any skins or graphic elements used by the component.

QUESTION NO: 19 Which item renderer is used to convert its data item to a single String for display in a Spark Label control? A. DefaultItemRenderer

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Answer: A,B,C Explanation:

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A. commitProperties B. createChildren C. updateDisplayList D. getCurrentSkinState

Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam B. getCurrentRendererState C. DefaultComplexItemRenderer D. autoDrawBackground Answer: A Explanation:


Which of the following statements are true about the constraint-based layout? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. A. It works only in containers that support absolute layout. B. It determines the size of the immediate children. C. It cannot use the ConstraintRow and ConstraintColumn classes. D. It works in VBox, HBox, and ControlBar containers. E. It determines the position. Answer: A,B,E Explanation:

The constraint-based layout allows users to place objects on the screen with the help of anchors instead of the top-left corner of the container. It can be easily implemented by the Flex Builder's Design and Property views or with a code-based approach. A user can fix the objects to the regions, instead of the borders of the container, if he is using the new ConstraintRow and "Pass Any Exam. Any Time." - 15






Following are the two item renderers shipped by Flex: DefaultItemRenderer: It is used to convert its data item to a single String for display in a Spark Label control. DefaultItemRenderer can be used while displaying a scalar data item. For example, a String or a Number that can be easily converted to a String. DefaultComplexItemRenderer: It is used to display a Flex component in a Group container. Each component is enclosed in its own Group container. Hence, it is useful when the children of the container are visual elements; for example, Flex components. Answer option B is incorrect. It is used to return the name of the state to be applied to the renderer. Answer option D is incorrect. It is used to indicate whether the item renderer draws the background of the data item during user interaction.


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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam ConstraintColumn classes. Answer options C and D are incorrect. In the constraint-based layout, ConstraintRow and ConstraintColumn are the new classes that are used to fix objects to regions other than the borders of the container. The constraint-based layout does not work in VBox, HBox, ControlBar, or other containers that do not support absolute layout.

QUESTION NO: 21 Which of the following classes is used as the data provider of the control to support data paging with Spark controls? A. ComponentDescriptor B. DataManager C. EventDispatcher D. AsyncListView Answer: D Explanation:

The AsyncListView class is used as the data provider of the control to support data paging with Spark controls. It implements the IList interface so it can be used as the data provider of a Spark control. The AsyncListView class is an implementation of the IList interface that is used to handle ItemPendingError errors thrown by the getItemAt(), removeItemAt(), and toArray() methods. User cannot reinsert the pending items. Therefore, if a failed or pending item is removed, its connection to a pending request for data is lost. Following are the properties of the AsyncListView class: createFailedItemFunction: It is a callback function that is used to create an alternate item when a request that had caused an ItemPendingError error to be thrown, subsequently fails. createPendingItemFunction: It is a callback function that is used to create a temporary item when the initial request causes an ItemPendingError error to be thrown. length: It specifies the number of items in this collection. list: It is the IList object wrapped by this collection. Answer option C is incorrect. The EventDispatcher class is the base class for all classes that are "Pass Any Exam. Any Time." - 16







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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam used to dispatch events. It implements the IEventDispatcher interface. The EventDispatcher class is the base class of the DisplayObject class. It allows any object on the display list to be an event target. The methods of the EventDispatcher class are as follows: Answer option B is incorrect. The DataManager class is an abstract class that provides synchronization functionality with objects on the server for all instances of a specific data type. It is used for various tasks, such as synchronization, replication, conflict detection, and change tracking. Answer option A is incorrect. ComponentDescriptor is the base class for the UIComponentDescriptor class. It is used to summarize the information that a user can specify in an MXML tag for an instance of a visual component. invalidateProperties() and toString() are the public methods of the ComponentDescriptor class. The invalidateProperties() method is used to invalidate the cached properties' property and toString() method is used to return the string "ComponentDescriptor" plus the value of the id property. The following are the properties of the ComponentDescriptor class: document: It is a reference to the document Object in which the component is to be created.

type: It is a class of the component, as specified in MXML.

QUESTION NO: 22 Which of the following are the public methods of the WebService class? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.

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propertiesFactory: It is a function that contains name/value combination for the properties of the component, as specified in MXML.


properties: It is an Object that contains name/value combination for the properties of the component, as specified in MXML.


id: It is an identifier for the component, as specified in MXML.


events: It is an Object that contains name/value combination for the event handlers of the component, as specified in MXML.



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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam A. toString B. getOperation C. canLoadWSDL D. getURL Answer: A,B,C Explanation:

The WebService class is used to provide access to SOAP-based web services on remote servers. Following are the public methods of the WebService class: WebService: It is used to create a new WebService. canLoadWSDL: It is used to return a Boolean value that indicates whether the WebService is ready to load a WSDL. getOperation: It is used to return an operation of the given name. loadWSDL: It is used to initiate the WebService to download the WSDL document. toString: It is used to represent an instance of WebService as a String describing important properties.


Which of the following are the view states defined for the item renderers?

A. normalAndShowCaret B. hovered C. draggingAndShowCaret D. normal Answer: A,B,D Explanation:

The following view states are defined for the item renderers: normal: The data item has no user interaction. "Pass Any Exam. Any Time." - 18


Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.




Answer option D is incorrect. It is not a correct public method of the WebService class.



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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam hovered: The mouse is over the data item. selected: The data item is selected. dragging: The data item is being dragged. normalAndShowCaret: The data item is in the normal state and focused in the item list. hoveredAndShowCaret: The data item is in the hovered state and focused in the item list.

Answer option C is incorrect. It is not a valid view state defined for the item renderers.


methods? A. B. C. D. SQLCollationMode Answer: C Explanation:

The package offers the following constants that can be used with the SQLConnection SQLColumnSchema classes: It is used to define a set of constants that represent the feasible values for the openMode constraint of the and SQLConnection.openAsync() methods. It is used to define a set of constants that represent the feasible values for the

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Which class of the package is used to define a set of constants that represent the feasible values for the openMode constraint of the and SQLConnection.openAsync()



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selectedAndShowCaret: The data item is in the selected state and focused in the item list.


Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam SQLConnection.columnNameStyle property. It used to define a set of constants that represent the feasible values for the option constraint of the SQLConnection.begin() method. It is used to define a set of constants that represent the feasible values for the SQLColumnSchema.defaultCollationType property and the defaultCollationType constraint of the SQLColumnSchema() constructor. Answer options B, D, and A are incorrect. These are not valid classes of the package.


Which of the following are the events of the NativeMenu class?

The NativeMenu class has two events, which are as follows: select: It is dispatched by the NativeMenu object when one of its menu items or the offspring submenus is selected. displaying: It is dispatched by the NativeMenu object instantly, before the menu is displayed. Answer option A is incorrect. It is a property of the NativeMenu class. When the user chooses a command item, the item will dispatch a select event to any registered listeners. A user cannot select submenu and separator items; therefore, it never dispatches a select event. Answer option D is incorrect. It is not a valid event.

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Answer: B,C Explanation:


A. items B. select C. displaying D. parent



Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose two.


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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam

QUESTION NO: 26 In which of the following places is bidirectional data binding not supported? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. A. The request property of the HttpService, RemoteObject, and WebService classes B. Effect properties C. Style properties D. The arguments property of the RemoteObject class Answer: A,B,C,D Explanation:


Which of the following keywords is used to specify that a variable, constant, or method belongs to the class, rather than to instances of the class? A. Private B. Public C. Static D. Internal Answer: C Explanation:

The static access modifier is used to specify that a variable, constant, or method belongs to the

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Following are the places where bidirectional data binding is not supported: Style properties Effect properties The request property of the HttpService, RemoteObject, and WebService classes The arguments property of the RemoteObject class



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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam class, rather than to instances of the class. Answer option B is incorrect. The public access modifiers are accessed by the external components or classes. They can be modified or invoked by the public members. Answer option A is incorrect. The private access modifiers are accessed, called, or modified only by the owner class or the private members. Answer option D is incorrect. An internal access modifier can be accessed by the current component or class, or any other component or class in the same package.

QUESTION NO: 28 Which of the following properties of the File class are used to provide information about a file or directory? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. A. creator B. root C. downloaded D. creationDate Answer: A,C,D Explanation:

QUESTION NO: 29 Which of the following are the requirements to use access modifiers? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. A. To access the objects of other classes B. To encapsulate the information C. To declare outside the function "Pass Any Exam. Any Time." - 22


Following are the properties of the File class are used to provide information about a file or directory: Answer option B is incorrect. It is not a valid property of the File class.






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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam D. To hide information and make it open and accessible as required Answer: B,C,D Explanation:

An access modifier is a keyword that defines the visibility of a class member and makes it available to the rest of the application. Its usage depends upon the following requirements: To encapsulate the information To hide information and make it open and accessible as required To declare outside the function

Answer option A is incorrect. It is not a valid requirement to use access modifiers.


Answer: D Explanation:

The CrossFade effect is used to implement a bitmap transition effect by running a CrossFade between the first bitmap and the second bitmap. Answer option B is incorrect. The Fade effect is used to animate the alpha property of a component. Answer option A is incorrect. The Resize effect is responsible for the width, height, both dimensions of a component over a specified time interval. Answer option C is incorrect. The Wipe effect is used to implement a bitmap transition effect by running a directional wipe between the first bitmap and the second bitmap.

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A. Resize B. Fade C. Wipe D. CrossFade


Which of the following effects is used to implement a bitmap transition effect by running a CrossFade between the first bitmap and the second bitmap?



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Adobe 9A0-129: Practice Exam QUESTION NO: 31 Which of the following are the events of the FlexNativeMenu class? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply. A. itemClick B. menuShow C. dataDescriptor D. automationDelegate Answer: A,B Explanation:

itemClick: It is dispatched while selecting a menu item.

menuShow: It is dispatched before displaying a menu or submenu. Answer options D and C are incorrect. These are the properties of the FlexNativeMenu class. automationDelegate: It is used to handle the automation-related functionality. dataDescriptor: It is an object that is used to access and manipulate data in the data provider. The FlexNativeMenu control is used to delegate to the data descriptor for information about its data.

QUESTION NO: 32 Which of the following tags contained by the WSDL document specifies a Web service endpoint and also a relationship between a binding and a network address? A. <binding> B. <service> C. <operation> D. <port> Answer: D

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The FlexNativeMenu component is used to provide a wrapper for the NativeMenu class of AIR. It helps to define native operating system menus by using MXML and data providers for specifying menu structure. These are rendered by the host operating system as part of an AIR application. Following are the events defined by FlexNativeMenu:

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