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Front Page:

Title - What To Do; Before, During, and After a Volcanic Eruption

Name: Kyle Rhandel A. Cualbar
Section: 9 - Maguindanao
Teacher: Mrs. Jesselyn C. Tablizo

First Page:
- Close and lock all windows and outside doors.
- Turn off all heating and air conditioning systems and fans.
- Close the fireplace damper.
- Organize your emergency supplies and make sure household members know where the
supplies are.
- Stay tuned for future announcement by our government

- If outside at the time of eruption, seek shelter in a car or a building.
- If caught in volcanic ash falls, wear a dust mask or use a handkerchief or cloth over your nose
and mouth.
- Stay away from rivers and streams for possible lahar flow.

2nd Page:
(continuation lang ng during to)
- Stay indoors as volcanic ash is a health hazard, especially if you have respiratory difficulties
such as asthma or bronchitis.
- When notified, immediately evacuate to safer grounds/facilities recommended by the officials.

- Remain inside your home/evacuation area until officials declare it is safe to leave.
- When outside, avoid volcanic ash fall. Cover your skin, nose, eyes and mouth.
- Avoid making phone calls except in serious emergencies.
- When you arrive at your home. Check for damage to walls, the roof, the foundation, the
electrical system and water lines.
- Continue listening to a weather radio or TV for the latest information.

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